State the names of two substances produced by photosynthesis.


Answer 1


During photosynthesis, plants produce glucose from simple inorganic molecules - carbon dioxide and water - using light.


Examples of photosynthetic organisms include:


Algae (Diatoms, Phytoplankton, Green Algae)


Bacteria (Cyanobacteria and Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria)

Related Questions

(c) Predict the growth rate pattern of the E. coli-M bacteria when they are initially added to the growth medium if the mutation does not interfere with glucose utilization.

(d) Provide reasoning to justify your prediction.


The question is incomplete. The complete question is :

Glucose is the preferred carbon source for  Escherichia coli bacteria. Researchers isolated  E. coli-M, a strain of  E. coli with a single mutation that inactivates a key enzyme in one of the three glycolytic pathways  E. coli bacteria use to break down glucose. In an initial experiment to study the effect of the mutation on glucose utilization and  ATP production by the bacteria, the researchers add  2×104  E. coli-M bacteria to 400  mL of a growth medium that contains glucose. To measure the rate of bacterial growth, they monitor the optical density of the culture as a measure of bacterial concentration over time.

(c) Predict the growth rate pattern of the E. coli-M bacteria when they are initially added to the growth medium if the mutation does not interfere with glucose utilization.

(d) Provide reasoning to justify your prediction.

Solution :

c). It is given that Glucose is preferred as the carbon source for the Escherichia coli bacteria or the E. coli-M bacteria. If the growth medium of the E. coli-M bacteria contains a higher concentration of the acetate, then the growth of the bacteria will inhibit without inhibiting the central metabolism.

d). This is predicted because as E. coli-M bacteria grows, it starts secreting acetate. This is known as overflow mechanism. The regulatory interactions mediated by the acetyl-phosphate that plays an important role in the inhibiting growth by the acetate.

The rate at which the concentration of a drug in the bloodstream decreases is proportional to the concentration at any time t. Initially, the concentration of the drug in the bloodstream is C0 g/mL. What is the concentration of the drug in the bloodstream any time t



[tex]C(t) = C_oe^{-kt}[/tex]


From the given information:

At any given time (t), let c(t) represent the concentration of the drug present in bloodstream.

Deriving the equation:

[tex]\dfrac{dC}{dt}[/tex] decrease proportionally to Concentration C


[tex]\dfrac{dc}{dt} \alpha - C[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{dc}{dt} = -k C[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{dc}{c} = -k dt[/tex]

[tex]\int \dfrac{dc}{c} = -k \int dt[/tex]

㏑(C) = -kt + λ


λ is the integration constant.

Integrating at t = 0, concentration of blood = Co g/mL

C(0) = Co

㏑(C₀) = 0 + λ

λ = ㏑(C₀)

From ㏑(C) = -kt + λ

㏑(C) = -kt + ㏑C₀

㏑(C)  - ㏑C₀ =  -kt

[tex]\dfrac{C}{C_o} = e^{-kt}[/tex]

[tex]C(t) = C_oe^{-kt}[/tex]

The concentration of drug in blood at any time t is:

[tex]C(t) = C_oe^{-kt}[/tex]

23. Which of the following muscles make up the rotator cuft?
A Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis
B. Supraspinatus, teres major, teres pectoralis minor, subscapularis
C. Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, levator scapulae





together they assist in stabilizing the shoulder joint as well in performing various arm movements

It’s a but my bad if it’s no

What is Bt Cotton. Explain its mode of action.



Bt cotton is a genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically modified pest resistant plant cotton variety, which produces an insecticide to combat bollworm.

Do you think landowners should be compensated for their loss by the federal government for habitat conservation of endangered species?





Unless they have a permit to inhabit endangered species. They shouldn't be caring for a endangered species, because they could be doing something to hurt it even if they don't mean to. By law they do confiscate them unless you have a permit.

During the drought of 1977 on the island of Daphne Major, which of the following answers correctly explains why birds with
larger beaks had a competitive advantage over other individuals?

A) These birds were able to fight off birds with smaller beaks more successfully

B) Birds with larger beaks were better able to utilize the large seeds.

C) These birds were able to smell and locate nesting sites with more accuracy

D) These birds were able to hold more water.



1. Birds with larger beaks were better able to utilize the large seeds.

2. DNA analysis shows that their DNA is almost identical...

3. The diversity in environments on each island provides...

4. The utilization of different resources requires different...

5. Scientists observe the frequency of the different forms...


100% hopefully this helps someone out ♡

Competitive Advantage Quick Check

Birds with larger beaks being better able to utilize the large seeds correctly

explains why birds with larger beaks had a competitive advantage over


During the drought, there was as scarcity of food and resources and the

birds which have larger beaks has an advantage over other types. This was

as a result of their ability to find food in more areas.

Birds with long beak were able to crack seeds which were large and stronger in size which give them the advantage over others.


Did the benedict test for reducing sugar net a positive or negative result for milk



I think it is a negative result.


1. Which of the following lists includes cellular structures found
in both plant and animal cells?
A. Chloroplasts, cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm
B. Vacuoles, cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondria
C. Cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, cell wall
D. Chloroplasts, vacuoles, cell wall, cytoplasm



C. Cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, cell wall

Explanation:The plant cell and the animal cell can be differentiated by the presence of organelles in them.although both are classified as eukaryotes, the presence of the cell wall, vacuoles, and chloroplasts are the most remarkable and distinguishing components of the plant cells which are absent in the animal cells.

Question 5 of 30 Which statement provides the best description of the relationship between primary consumers and producers? O A. Producers and primary consumers compete with each other for food sources. B. Primary consumers eat secondary consumers, which rely on producers for food. C. Producers provide primary consumers with the chemical energy they need. D. Primary consumers provide producers with the chemical energy they need.​


10% of the energy stored in the producer's tissues is used by herbivores. Option C. Producers provide primary consumers with the chemical energy they need.

What is a trophic web?

The trophic web is the interaction between different organisms involving the transference of energy when some of them feed on the other ones.

The ones placed at lower levels pass energy to the ones at the higher levels. Only 10% of the energy stored in each individual's tissues is transmitted to its predator. The remaining 90% of energy is released into the environment.

Organisms at each level feed on the preceding one and become food for the next one.

• The first link corresponds to a producer organism -autotroph-.

• The following links are the consumers -heterotrophs-: herbivores and carnivores.

• The last links are the decomposers that degrade organic matter from dead organisms.

Because it is a web, all organisms are in equilibrium until a change occurs. When a sudden change affects any of the involved links, there can be a cascade effect on the web.

Any change in a link population size (increasing or decreasing) will affect the superior links and the immediately anterior link.


A. Producers and primary consumers compete with each other for food sources ⇒ False. they do not compete. Producers take energy from the sun, while primary consumers take energy from producers.

B. Primary consumers eat secondary consumers, which rely on producers for food. ⇒ False. Secondary consumers feed on primary consumers.

C. Producers provide primary consumers with the chemical energy they need. ⇒ False. True. 10% of the energy stored in the producer's tissues is provided to primary consumers -herbivores-.

D. Primary consumers provide producers with the chemical energy they need.​⇒ False. Primary consumers use the energy from the producers.

The correct option is C. Producers provide primary consumers with the chemical energy they need.

You can learn more about energy transference in the trophic web at


Structure number 2 is the_______
and most like the______
in the human body because it________.



Structure number 2 is the nucleus  and most like the nervous  system  in the human body because it controls and regulates the cell much like the nervous system does


Hydrothermal vent ecosystems do not have sunlight available, and hence there are no kinetic energy. Instead, play the role of on which other organisms rely for energy. They compounds such as hydrogen sulfide to obtain energy for themselves. This energy is used to sugar molecules. create an additional energy transfer when they these sugars or eat each other. As in other ecosystems, organisms in hydrothermal vent communities also transform into other forms, such as (energy of motion).



- Hydrothermal vent ecosystems do not have sunlight available and hence there are no photoautotrophs.

- Instead, chemoautotrophs play the role of producers on which other organisms rely for energy. They oxidize compounds such as hydrogen sulfide to obtain energy for themselves. This energy is used to synthesize sugar molecules.

- Consumers create an additional energy transfer when they utilize these sugars or eat each other.

- As in other ecosystem organisms in hydrothermal vent communities also transforms chemical energy into other forms such as kinetic energy (energy of motion).


A hydrothermal vent is a geyser on the seafloor that is generated by underwater volcanoes or tectonic activity through which geothermally heated water erupts. Hydrothermal vent ecosystems contain hydrothermal microorganisms which are able to survive just outside the hottest waters. For example, Methanopyrus kandleri are hyperthermophile prokaryotic microorganisms that live in these ecosystems where they produce methane from reducing CO2. Chemosynthesizers are able to convert carbon molecules (e.g., CO2) and nutrients into organic matter by the oxidation of inorganic compounds such as hydrogen sulfide and/or ferrous ions. Moreover, hydrothermal vent ecosystems have the potential to support high biomass and productivity levels due to the establishment of symbiotic relationships between chemosynthesizers with respiring heterotrophs, which obtain energy from other organisms. Chemosynthesizers are eaten by other organisms (e.g., amphipods and copepods), whereas larger organisms (e.g., snails and crabs) form predator and prey relationships above these primary consumers.

Hydrothermal vent ecosystems do not have sunlight available and hence there are no photoautotrophs.

Instead, chemoautotrophs play the role of producers on which other organisms rely for energy. They oxidize compounds such as hydrogen sulfide to obtain energy for themselves. This energy is used to synthesize sugar molecules.

Consumers create an additional energy transfer when they utilize these sugars or eat each other.

As in other ecosystem organisms in hydrothermal vent communities also transforms chemical energy into other forms such as kinetic energy (energy of motion).

What is Hydrothermal ecosystem?

This is the type of ecosystem found on seafloor with geothermally heated water discharges. It lacks sunlight and there are no presence of photoautotrophs.

Organisms present mostly convert chemical energy into other available forms.

Read more about Hydrothermal ecosystem here

fungsionalisme adalah?​



Teori adalah suatu pendapat bagaimana dan kenapa sebuah fakta terjadi. (Macionis, 1997:15). Sedangkan Scupin dan De Corse (1995)mendefinisikan teori adalah kumpulan hipotesis yang tidak berhubungan yang menawarkan penjelasan secara umum untuk fenomena natural atau sosial. Salah satu teori Antropologi adalah fungsionalisme.

Teori fungsionalisme adalah teori dominan dalam antropologi. Teori ini memandang budaya sebagai satu kesatuan, dan mencoba untuk menjelaskan bagaimana hubungan antara bagian-bagian masyarakat yang tercipta dan bagaimana bagian ini fungsional (bermakan memiliki konsekuensi yang menguntungkan pada individu dan masyarakat) dan disfungsional (bermakna memiliki konsekuensi negatif). Teori ini memandang masyarakat sebagai sistem yang kompleks yang mana bagian tersebut bekerja bersama untuk mempromosikan solidaritas dan stabilitas; ini menandakan bahwa kehidupan sosia kita dituntun berdasar pada struktur sosial, yang pola perilaku sosialnya secara relatif stabil (Macionis, 1997)

Seluruh struktur sosial berkntribusi pada operasi masyarakat. Dua antropolog inggris terkemuka Radcliff Brown dan Bronslaw Malinowski, menggambarkan dua standar teori: Struktural fungsionalisme, yang menekankan pada keunggulan dari masyarakat dan menyusun para individu, dan bagaimana berbagai macam elemenfungsi struktur sosial untuk memelihara permintaan sosial dan keseimbangan. Dan Psikologi strukturalisme, yang mana menekankan pada kbutuhan individual untuk bertemu dengan masyarakat.

Kelemahan teori fungsional adalah gagalnya menjelaskan kenapa masyarakat itu berbeda atau justru memiliki kesamaan. Ontropolog fungsionalisme menganggap dunia tertib, memberi sedikit perhatian atau bahkan tidak memberi perhatian pada kompetisi dan konflik (Howard dan Dunaif-Hattis, 1992). Teori ini tidak berhubungan dengan sejarah, mengabaikan proses sejarah. (Scupin dan De Corse, 1995) teori ini juga tidak dapat menjelaskan perubahan sosial dan budaya, sebagaimana ia dulu memandang masyarakat sebagai sesuatu yang stabil dan tetap. meskipun memiliki kelemahan, teori fungsionalisme mempengaruhi perjanjian besar penelitian empirik dalam antropologi.


Help is this the correct answer



Yellow colour: 25%

Blue colour: 75%







It can power the car the whole time

TLE 6 4th Quarter 2nd Summative Test Precious Nicole Arabis G Grade: Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. are the basic necessities of people such as food, clothing, shelter and education. a. Needs b. Wants c. Demands d. Necessities​



a. Needs


Needs are those things that humans primarily depend upon. They are said to be the basic necessities of man. They include; food, clothing, shelter and education.

These basic necessities are a requirement for people in any nation to live a decent life and sometimes, even survive. These basic necessities, called NEEDS, is the poverty determinant of a nation.

Question 10 of 10
Some scientists think that Earth goes through natural cycles of warming and
.cooling. What is different about the current cycle of temperature change?
A. It is warming faster than previous natural cycles.
B. It warming more slowly than previous natural cycles.
C. It is cooling faster than previous natural cycles.
D. It is cooling more slowly than previous natural cycles.



A. It is warming faster than previous natural cycles.

Classify each description of genetic variation in haploid gametes as a result of random assortment or recombination.

a. Homologous chromosomes independently segregate into haploid cells during meiosis.
b. A diploid cell that is heterozygous for two genes (Aa and Bb) located on different chromosomes produces AB, Ab, aB, and ab gametes in equal proportion.
c. Each chromosome in a haploid gamete may contain some genes from that individual's father and some genes from the mother.
d. Homologous chromosomes exchange genetic information with each other.

1. Random assortment
2. Recombination


The answer is for
Me in my class was c

Biological concepts began with the Greeks,romans,Egyptians, or Americans?





The earliest of roots of science, which included medicine, can be traced to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia in around 3000 to 1200 BCE.[14][15] Their contributions later entered and shaped Greek natural philosophy of classical antiquity

Shania has a family history of a genetically inherited disease. Based on this information, which statement is true? O Shania has an increased risk of the disease. Shania will get the disease at some point in her lifetime. O If Shania makes unhealthy choices, she will get the disease. The disease will be expressed in all her offspring that have that gene.​



Shania will get the disease at some point in her life


this will happen because the sickness is genetically implanted in her family


The diesease will be apart of the genes in her offspring.


Often times mothers with the sickness gene will spread down the gene therefore starting the generational infection in the first place.

In the presence of lactose, how long does it take for the lac operon to be expressed?
(A) when glucose is more than lactose concentration
(B) when lactose equals glucose concentration
(C) as long as lactose is more than galactose concentration
(D) as long as lactose is more than glucose concentration



the lactose Expresses as long as it is present. when all lactose is converted into glucose and galactose, the reaction stops

Choose All that apply !!





The greatest probability must not exceed 1

[tex] { \boxed{ \sum(P) \leqslant 1}}[/tex]

es una fuente de energía no contaminante​


Respuesta: Energía eólica.

Explicación: La energía eólica o las cosas que utilizan energía eólica, como las turbinas eólicas, no liberan emisiones que puedan contaminar el aire o el agua. Por tanto, una fuente de energía no contaminante.

Espero que esto ayude, buena suerte! :)

15. The movement of molecules in a fluid or gas from a region of higher
concentration to a region of lower concentration is called:



in gases it is called diffusion:)

Ok so for hair type I need the percentage for the whole punnett square



It's probably 50%


Since Bb is repeated twice, it is 50%.

Hope this helps!

Where are the neutrons located in the atom? O In the nucleus O Around the nucleus​



in the nucleus


they are found in it

You have a novel virus that can kill mice when injected into them. This novel virus can transform a non-virulent virus, causing it to become virulent. You want to understand what the transforming factor is made of. You heat kill the novel virus and treat different samples of the heat killed sample with either an RNase, a DNase, or a Proteinase. Of the novel virus uses double-stranded RNA as its genetic material, which treated sample will no longer be capable of transforming the non-virulent strain



The sample treated with RNase


According to this question, a novel virus was found which was capable of killing mice when injected into them and capable of making a nonvirulent virus to be virulent by transforming them.

After heat killing the novel virus, different samples were treated with either an RNase, a DNase, or a Proteinase. If the novel virus uses double-stranded RNA as its genetic material, the sample treated with RNase will no longer be capable of transforming the non-virulent strain. This is because RNase is a catalytic enzyme that degrades RNA, hence, the RNA will no longer be present to transform.

What is an example of a symbiotic organism?



The symbiotic relationship between an anemone (Heteractis magnifica) and a clownfish (Amphiron ocellaris) is a classic example of two organisms benefiting the other; the anemone provides the clownfish with protection and shelter, while the clownfish provides the anemone nutrients in the form of waste while also scaring


I asked the same question

Succession continues until it reaches a ............... community.​



climax community


the answer is a climax community

Many scientists claim that the facts support the belief that climate change is really happening. By examining scientific research and evidence, you will better understand issues and cut through the myths. As you read in the unit, it is important to carefully consider evidence because there is a lot of information in the public sphere that looks like science but it is not based on the scientific method. For this activity, you are going to do your own research on global warming and sort out the facts for yourself. Do research online to find evidence about global warming. To find reliable information, be sure that you use reliable websites, such as those from government organizations (.gov) or universities (.edu). You can also look at publications that are reputable, such as Popular Science, Discover, or National Geographic. Find a minimum of three sources that provide evidence about global warming.


Climate change is strong evidence of global warming. The data maintained by the concerned departments shows that as the graph of global warming rose, adverse changes in the climate occurred.

Therefore, an increase in global warming and change in climate is directly related. The increase in the speed of the melting iceberg can be seen as the temperature or global warming has increased.

What are the effects of climate change?

Climate is a very important factor in the lives of all living organisms, because it is one of the major factors that determine if a living organism is going to survive or not.

Climate change is said to occur when there are changes in the earth's climate system, which result in the formation of new weather patterns that last for a long time.

Climate change affects living organisms in different ways; while climate change is beneficial to some organisms, it is detrimental to some. For instance, in Europe, climate change (increase in temperature) has been found to have positive effects on some bird populations.

Thus, this could be the answer.

To learn more about Climate change click here:


All vaccines are produced from dead or weakened:






because that is the virus and they put the virus in all vaccine but weakend

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