Sulfur trioxide dissolves in water, producing H2SO4. How much sulfuric acid can be produced from 10.1 mL of water (d= 1.00 g/mL) and 23.9 g of SO3? How much of the reagent in excess is left over?


Answer 1


29.2 g  of H₂SO₄  are produced

0.263 moles of water remain after the reaction goes complete.


We make the reaction in the first step:

Reactants are water and SO₃

H₂O  +  SO₃  →  H₂SO₄

Let's determine moles of reactants:

23.9 g . 1 mol / 80.06g = 0.298 moles

We apply density, to determine mass of water:

D = m/ V so m = D . V

1 g/mL . 10.1 mL = 10.1 g

moles of water are: 10.1 g . 1 mol/ 18g = 0.561 moles

As ratio is 1:1, for 0.298 moles of SO₃ we need the same amount of water, and we have 0.561 moles. Then, water is the excess reagent and sulfur trioxide is the limiting.

0.561 - 0.298 = 0.263 moles of water that remain after the reaction goes complete.

As ratio is 1:1, again, 0.298 moles of SO₃ can produce 0.298 moles of acid.

We determine the mass: 0.298 mol . 98.06 g /mol = 29.2 g

Related Questions

Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), which has glass transition (Tg) and crystalline melting (Tm) temperature of 69 and 267 °C, respectively, can exist in a number of different states depending upon temperature and thermal history. Thus, it is possible to prepare materials that are semicrystalline with amorphous regions that are either glassy or rubbery and amorphous materials that are glassy, rubbery or melts. Consider a sample of PET cooled rapidly from 300 °C (state A) to room temperature. The resulting material is rigid and perfectly transparent (state B). The sample is then heated to 100 °C and maintained at this temperature, during which time is gradually becomes translucent (state C). It is then cooled to room temperature, where it is again observed to be translucent (state D).



Following are the solution to the given points:


For point A:

The sample cooking (PET) is between 300°C and room temperature.Now in nature, the substance is exceedingly stiff.Samples of PET up to 100°C were heated and stayed on equal footing.Now it has cooled off the same sample below 100° C and we may see how it is again TRASNEPARENT in nature.

For point B:

In point 3, the mixture was added to 100°C, which implies that the granular material flows and deforms, enabling it to become elongated. This is termed solid-state crystalline such that grains are flexible, but this material contaminates numerous little crystalline that has spheres when we cool down in point  4 polymers. It forms therefore an unstructured solid, which then in point 4 is higher in particles and less pliable in orderly atoms.

For point C:

In point 2, the specimen gets forced at room temperature to organize a huge molecule in an ordinary and crystal fashion and therefore is transparent due to highly crystalline atoms in point 2 of the PET sample.

In point 4, however, we notice how amorphous, firm but not crystalline develops. It's why light tends to disperse over many cereal limits, since many microscopic crystallines, therefore dispersion, PET in point 4 is translucent.

cual es la masa atomica del hidrogeno


El hidrógeno es el elemento químico de número atómico 1, representado por el símbolo H. Con una masa atómica de 1.00784 u  ​ es el más ligero de la tabla periódica de los elementos. Por lo general, se presenta en su forma molecular, formando el gas diatómico H₂ en condiciones normales.

Base your answer(s) to the following question(s)
on the data table below and on your knowledge of
A group of students obtained the following
Data Table
Student Pulse Rate at Pulse Rate After
Tested Rest





because after exercises heart beat increases

How many electrons are shown in the following electron
configuration: 1s22s22p63s 23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s2 ?
Express your answer numerically as an integer.





Neon is an element in the periodic table and has an atomic number of 10, which means it has 10 protons in its nucleus and thus since the number of protons and electrons is the same then it has 10 electrons.

Therefore, it has 2 electrons in the first energy shell and 8 electrons in the second energy shell. To elaborate further, the first shell has a single s-sub shell that contains a single s-orbital that can hold two electrons. The second energy shell has a single s-sub-shell whose s-orbital will occupy 2 electrons, and also has a p-orbital which can hold 6 electrons, making the second shell to have 8 electrons.

Balance chemical equations



you first get the unbalanced equation to show the various products and reactants. then, you write down the atoms in each element(quantity). add the coefficients so it's equal on both sides, and get state of matter


The reversible reaction: 2SO2(g) O2(g) darrow-tn.gif 2SO3(g) has come to equilibrium in a vessel of specific volume at a given temperature. Before the reaction began, the concentrations of the reactants were 0.060 mol/L of SO2 and 0.050 mol/L of O2. After equilibrium is reached, the concentration of SO3 is 0.040 mol/L. What is the equilibrium concentration of O2





Hello there!

In this case, according to the given information, it turns out possible for us to solve this problem by firstly writing out the mathematical expression for the concentration of oxygen at equilibrium, given the initial one and the change due to the reaction extent:


Whereas [tex]x[/tex] can be found considering the equilibrium of SO3:


Which means:

[tex]x=\frac{0.040M}{2} =0.020M[/tex]

Thus, the equilibrium concentration of oxygen gas turns out:



Newly formed atoms, more neutrons, and kinetic energy are all:
A. necessary for nuclear fission reactions to occur.
B. sources of energy in a nuclear fission reaction.
C. products of nuclear fission reactions.
D. released when atoms decay.​



The correct answer is - C. products of nuclear fission reactions.


Nuclear fission is one of the nuclear reactions in which a heavy nucleus of the atom splits due to the impact of another particle or substance or it is on its own. In this reaction, there is a huge amount of kinetic energy released with more neutrons as the nucleus splits neutrons produced with energy.

The products of this reaction is newly formed atoms, kinetic energy and more neutrons and reactants is the heavy nucleus of the atom used.

A gas at 74°C is heated to 120°C so there is pressure reaches 1.79 ATM. What is its initial pressure?



here's the answer to your question

2, classify the following molecules as polar or non polar.
A,CH4 B,CHcl C,Co2 D,H2O2 E,BCl3 F,H2S​








What type of reaction?


Hydrogenetation Srry if wrong
Hydrogenation not sure if it’s correct tho

What does a positive AH tell about a reaction?
A. The reaction is exothermic.
B. The reaction has heat as a product.
C. The reaction is endothermic.
D. The reaction has no activation energy.





An endothermic reaction has a positive enthalpy change (∆H> 0).

An endothermic reaction is where the energy of the products is higher than that of the reactants.

∆H= energy of products -energy of reactants

Thus, ∆H is positive since the value of the energy of products is greater than that of the reactants.

Exothermic reactions have a negative ∆H.

In an endothermic reaction, heat is absorbed and thus if we were to include heat in teh chemical equation, it would be part of the reactants not products.

∆H does not indicate the amount of activation energy (Ea). All reactions have activation energy (exothermic and endothermic reactions). Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy required for the reaction to proceed.


[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf C. \ The \ reaction \ is \ endothermic}}[/tex]


There are two main types of reactions classified according to heat: exothermic and endothermic.

Exothermic: heat is released from the system Endothermic: heat is absorbed into the system

The ΔH is the change in enthalpy. It is the difference between the heat of the products and the reactants (ΔH = heat of products - heat of reactants). It helps us describe a system's change in heat and classify reactions as exothermic or endothermic.

Exothermic: the products have less energy because heat is released. The change in enthalpy or ΔH is negative.Endothermic: the products have more energy because heat is absorbed. The change in enthalpy or ΔH is positive.

In this problem, the change in enthalpy is positive. The change in enthalpy doesn't refer to heat as a product or activation energy. Therefore, the reaction must be endothermic.

Use the following key to classify each of the elements below in its elemental form:
A. Discrete atoms .. C. Metallic lattice
B. Molecules ... D. Extended, three-dimensional network
1. Magnesium
2. Nitrogen ...
3. Lithium
4. Potassium ...



Magnesium - Metallic lattice

Nitrogen - Molecules

Lithium - Metallic lattice

Potassium - Metallic lattice


Metals exist in metallic lattices. In this lattice, metal ions are held together with a sea of electrons by strong electrostatic forces.

All metals possess this metallic lattice, hence; potassium, lithium and magnesium all consist of metal lattices.

Nitrogen is a nonmetal and consists of molecules of N2.

Two substances (A and B) are placed at each end of a glass tube. The vapors of the substances form a solid that is closer to substance
A's end than to substance B's end.
Which conclusion will be made?
O Substance A has a greater molecular mass than substance B.
Substance B has a greater molecular mass than substance A.
The molecular masses of both substances are the same.



Substance A has a greater molecular mass than substance B


The greater the mass of a substance, the slower it will travel. If the solid formed closer to substance A, it means that substance A, travelled less and that it was slower, meaning it had a greater molecular mass.

Please mark it as brainliest if it helped you


thank you... I would say is the answer: Subtance A has a greater molecular mass than substance B.


thanks for posting all the comments all the time!

have a great week... stay warm from a snow storm

A rectangular piece of plastic has a width of 4.2 cm, a height of 1.9 cm and a length of 8.8 cm. If the mass of the plastic rectangle is 64.6 g, what is its density in g/mL?





Density of a substance is calculated as follows:

Density = mass (m) ÷ volume (V)

According to this question, a rectangular piece of plastic has a width of 4.2 cm, a height of 1.9 cm and a length of 8.8 cm. Using the formula; L × W × H, the volume of the plastic can be calculated

V = L × W × H

V = 8.8 × 4.2 × 1.9

V = 70.2cm³

The mass of the plastic is 64.6g, hence, its density is:

Density = 64.6g ÷ 70.2cm³

Density of the rectangular plastic = 0.92g/cm³ or 0.92g/mL

When a solution is saturated, more solute will typically dissolve if you: ___________. A. change the temperature B. stir the solution C. continue to add solute D. crush or grind the solute into a fine powder





More solute would typically dissolve in a saturated solution if the temperature of the solution is raised.

A saturated solution is a solution that contains the maximum amount of a particular solute the solvent can dissolve at a particular temperature.

Stirring may only increase the rate at which a solute dissolves in a solvent to make a solution but will not make more solute to dissolve in a saturated solution.

Crushing or grinding solutes into a fine powder may also increase the rate at which such solutes dissolve in a solvent to make a solution. However, it will not increase the capacity of a saturated solution to dissolve more of the solute.

Solubility is generally known to increase with an increase in temperature because the increase in the kinetic energy of the molecules of the solvent results in an increase in the efficiency with which they break apart or dissolve the solute molecules.  

The correct option is, therefore, A.

Which of these are characteristics of good experimental design


-Good experimental design plans how to record data so the data can be published. -Good experimental design involves only one trial in an experiment. -Good experimental design includes logging every step and data point of the experiment.

states two properties a solute need to satisfy to be responsible for the colligative properties?​



the properties are:

vapor pressure loweringosmotic pressurefreezing point depressionboiling point elevation

these are all the properties but I think the two a solute needs to satisfy are

boiling point elevationvapor pressure lowering

I hope this helps

What is true about the properties of liquids and gases?

Gas particles are much more densely packed than liquid particles.
The crystal lattice structure of liquids is more defined than in gases.
Liquids form amorphous crystals while gases do not.
There are strong intermolecular forces between particles that make up liquids, but not gases.



There are strong intermolecular forces between particles that make up liquids, but not gases.


Solids, liquids and gases are the three states of matter that exists. However, they possess varying properties that distinguishes them from one another. One of these properties is the strength of the intermolecular forces that hold their molecules together.

The intermolecular forces of each state of matter becomes weak in this order: solid>liquid>gas.

- Intermolecular forces in solid molecules are very strong, hence making them compact and well attached to each other.

- Intermolecular forces in liquid molecules are not too strong, hence, cannot exist in a fixed position but tend to flow.

- Intermolecular forces in gaseous molecules are very weak, hence, gases can move easily and rapidly in any given space.

I'm using plato



- Two black balls: they represent a diatomic molecule composed by two atoms of the same element.

- One black ball and two black balls: they represent a compound formed by two different elements.

- One gray ball and two black balls: they represent a compound formed by two different elements.

- Two black-dotted balls: they represent a diatomic molecule composed by two atoms of the same element.


Hey there!

In this case, according to the given information, we can firstly bear to mind the fact that each ball color represents a different element, for that reason we can tell the following:

- Two black balls: they represent a diatomic molecule composed by two atoms of the same element.

- One black ball and two black balls: they represent a compound formed by two different elements.

- One gray ball and two black balls: they represent a compound formed by two different elements.

- Two black-dotted balls: they represent a diatomic molecule composed by two atoms of the same element.


A container is filled to a volume of 55.2 L at 61 °C. While keeping the
temperature constant, the volume is reduced to 28.8 L and the pressure at
the end was recorded to be 8.53 atm. What was the initial pressure inside
the container, in units of atm?



4.45 atm



PV = P'V'............ Equation 1

Where P = Initial pressure of the container, V = Initial volume of the container, P' = Final pressure of the container, V' = Final volume of the container.

make P the subject of the equation

P = P'V'/V........... Equation 2

From the question,

Given: V = 55.2 L, P' = 8.53 atm, V' = 28.8 L

Substitute these values into equation 2

P = (8.53×28.8)/55.2

P = 4.45 atm


[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 4.45 \ atmospheres}}[/tex]


We are asked to find the pressure given a change in volume. The temperature remains constant, so we are only concerned with volume and pressure. We will use Boyle's Law, which states the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure. The formula for this law is:

[tex]P_1 V_1= P_2V_2[/tex]

The initial pressure is unknown, but the volume starts at 55.2 liters.

[tex]P_1 * 55.2 \ L = P_2V_2[/tex]

The volume is reduced to 28.8 liters and the pressure is 8.53 atmospheres.

[tex]P_1 * 55.2 \ L = 8.53 \ atm * 28.8 \ L[/tex]

We are solving for the initial pressure, so we must isolate the variable P₁. It is being multiplied by 55.2 liters. The inverse operation of multiplication is division, so we divide both sides of the equation by 55.2 L.

[tex]\frac {P_1 * 55.2 \ L }{55.2 \ L}= \frac{8.53 \ atm * 28.8 \ L}{55.2 \ L}[/tex]

[tex]P_1= \frac{8.53 \ atm * 28.8 \ L}{55.2 \ L}[/tex]

The units of liters (L) cancel.

[tex]P_1= \frac{8.53 \ atm * 28.8 }{55.2}[/tex]

[tex]P_1=\frac{245.664 }{55.2 } \ atm[/tex]

[tex]P_1 = 4.45043478261 \ atm[/tex]

The original measurements of volume and pressure have 3 significant figures, so our answer must have the same. For the number we calculated, that is the hundredths place. The 0 in the thousandths place tells us to leave the 5.

[tex]P_1 \approx 4.45 \ atm[/tex]

The initial pressure inside the container is approximately 4.45 atmospheres.

Classify each of the four compounds as a conjugated, isolated, or cumulated diene. Compound A: Two alkenes are joined by a sigma bond. Compound A is a: cumulated diene conjugated diene isolated diene Compound B: Two alkenes are joined by a C H 2 group. Compound B is : isolated diene conjugated diene cumulated diene Compound C: Two alkenes are joined by C H 2 C H 2. Compound C is a: conjugated diene isolated diene cumulated diene Compound D: A cyclohexene has a double bond between carbons 1 and 2. Carbon 3 is an s p 2 carbon that is bonded to another s p 2 carbon with an alkyl substituent. Compound D is a: isolated diene conjugated diene cumulated diene



Conjugated diene is the one that contains alternate double bonds in its structure. That means both the double bonds are separated by a single bond.

Cumulated diene is the one that contains two double bonds on a single atom. This means it has two double bonds continuously.

Isolated double-bonded compound has a single bond isolated by two to three single bonds.

Compound A: Two alkenes are joined by a sigma bond.

For example:


It is a conjugated diene.

Compound B: Two alkenes are joined by a C H 2 group.

It is a cumulative diene.

Compound C: Two alkenes are joined by C H 2 C H 2.

Then it is an isolated alkene.

Compound D:  A cyclohexene has a double bond between carbons 1 and 2. Carbon 3 is an sp 2 carbon that is bonded to another s p 2 carbon with an alkyl substituent.

Hence, compound D is a conjugated diene.

complete the following steps.
Remember to follow lower numbered rules first.
Na2CO3(aq) + Pb(OH)2(aq) → NaOH (?) + PbCO3(?)
a. Write a balanced chemical equation. (1 pt)
b. If a reaction occurs, write the balanced
chemical equation with the proper states of matter
(i.e. solid, liquid, aqueous) filled in. If no reaction
occurs, write “No reaction.” (1 pt)
c. If a reaction occurs, write the net ionic equation
for the reaction. If no reaction occurs, write "no
reaction.” (1 pt)



See explanation


a) The balanced reaction equation is;

Na2CO3(aq) + Pb(OH)2(aq) -----> 2 NaOH + PbCO3

b) When we include states of matter;

Na2CO3(aq) + Pb(OH)2(aq) -----> 2 NaOH(aq) + PbCO3 (s)

c) Complete ionic equation;

2Na^+(aq) + CO3^2-(aq) + Pb^2+(aq) + 2OH^-(aq) ----> 2Na^+(aq) + 2OH^-(aq) + PbCO3(s)

Net Ionic equation;

Pb^2+(aq) + CO3^2-(aq) ----> PbCO3(s)

In an experiment 25.0 mL of 0.100 M KI was diluted to 50.0 mL. Calculate the molarity of the diluted solution



The molarity is "0.050 M".


The given values are:

M1 = 0.100 M

M2 = ?

V1 = 25.0 mL

V2 = 50.0 mL

As we know,

⇒ [tex]M1\times V1=M2\times V2[/tex]


⇒ [tex]M2=\frac{M1\times V1}{V2}[/tex]

By putting the values, we get

          [tex]=\frac{0.100\times 25}{50}[/tex]


          [tex]=0.05 \ M[/tex]

2. How many joules of heat are released when 32g of water cools down from 71%
specific heat of water is 4.184 J/gºC)
How many kilojoules is this?


he says he doesnt know sorry

According to the kinetic theory, all matter is made of moving particles, which measurement of matter is directly proportional to the
average kinetic energy of the particles?


Answer: Kelvin temperature of a substance

Using a balanced chemical equation, and 2.50 g of sodium hydrogen carbonate as the reactant,
what is the expected (theoretical) yield of sodium carbonate (grams)? The Formula Weight (FW) of
sodium hydrogen carbonate is 84.01 g and sodium carbonate is 105.99 g.



1.58 g


Step 1: Write the balanced equation

2 NaHCO₃ ⇒ Na₂CO₃ + H₂O + CO₂

Step 2: Calculate the moles corresponding to 2.50 g of NaHCO₃

The molar mass of NaHCO₃ is 84.01 g/mol.

2.50 g × 1 mol/84.01 g = 0.0298 mol

Step 3: Calculate the moles of Na₂CO₃ produced

The molar ratio of NaHCO₃ to Na₂CO₃ is 2:1. The moles of Na₂CO₃ produced are 1/2 × 0.0298 mol = 0.0149 mol

Step 4: Calculate the mass corresponding to 0.0149 moles of Na₂CO₃

The molar mass of Na₂CO₃ is 105.99 g/mol.

0.0149 mol × 105.99 g/mol = 1.58 g

Solid potassium chlorate (KClO3)(KClO3) decomposes into potassium chloride and oxygen gas when heated. How many moles of oxygen form when 48.1 gg completely decomposes



0.59 mol O₂


The balanced chemical equation for the decomposition of potassium chlorate (KClO₃) to produce potassium chloride (KCl) and oxygen gas (O₂) is the following:

2 KClO₃ → 2 KCl + 3 O₂

According to the equation, 3 moles of O₂ are produced from 2 moles of KClO ⇒ conversion factor: 3 mol O₂/2 mol KClO₃

Now, we calculate the number of moles of KClO₃ there is in 48.1 g, by dividing the mass into the molecular weight (Mw) of O₂:

Mw(KClO₃) = 39.1 g/mol + 35.4 g/mol + (16 g/mol x 3) = 122.5 g/mol

moles KClO₃ = mass KClO₃/Mw(KClO₃) = 48.1 g/(122.5 g/mol) = 0.3926 mol KClO₃

Finally, we multiply the moles of KClO₃ by the conversion factor to calculate the moles of O₂ produced:

0.3926 mol KClO₃ x 3 mol O₂/2 mol KClO₃ = 0.59 mol O₂

Consider the reaction C4H10O + NaBr + H2SO4 → C4H9Br + NaHSO4 + H2O. If 45.0 g of C4H10O reacts with 67.1 g of NaBr and 97.0 g of H2SO4to yield 60.0 g of C4H9Br, calculate the percent yield of the reaction.



Percent yield  = 72.07 %


Our reaction is:

C₄H₁₀O + NaBr + H₂SO₄ → C₄H₉Br + NaHSO₄ + H₂O

It is correctly balanced.

Let's determine which is the limiting reagent:

45 g . 1 mol / 74 g = 0.608 moles of C₄H₁₀O

67.1 g . 1 mol / 102.9 g = 0.652 moles of NaBr

97 g . 1 mol / 98 g = 0.990 moles of sulfuric acid

Ratio is always 1:1, so for 1 mol of NaBr and 1 mol of sulfuric acid we need 1 mol of C₄H₁₀O. We have 0.652 moles of NaBr, we need the same amount of C₄H₁₀O and we have 0.990 moles of acid, we need the same amount of C₄H₁₀O; we only have 0.608 moles, that's why C₄H₁₀O is the limiting reactant, there's no enough C₄H₁₀O.

Ratio is also 1:1, between reactant and product.

1 mol of C₄H₁₀O produces 1 mol of C₄H₉Br

Then, 0.608 moles will produce 0.608 moles of C₄H₉Br

We convert moles to mass: 0.608 mol . 136.9 g/mol = 83.25 g

That's the 100 % yield reaction

Percent yield  = (Yield produced / Theoretical yield) . 100

Percent yield = (60 g / 83.25 g) . 100 = 72.07 %

Calculate the molarity of a 17.5% (by mass) aqueous solution of nitric acid. Select one: a. 2.74 m b. 4.33 m c. 0.274 m d. 3.04 m e. The density of the solution is needed to solve the problem.



Option e.


Molarity is the concentration that indicates moles of solute in 1 L of solution.

We have another concentration, percent by mass.

Percent by mass indicates mass of solute in 100 g of solution.

Our solute is HNO₃, our solvent is water.

17.5 g of nitric acid is the mass of solute. We can convert them to moles:

17.5 g . 1mol / 63g = 0.278 moles

We do not have volume of solution. We assume the mass is 100 g because the percent by mass but we need density to state the volume.

Density = Mass / Volume

Mass / Density = Volume

Once we have the volume, we need to be sure the units is in L, to determine molarity

M = mol /L

79.1,3-Butadiene molecule contains how many sigma and pi bond



3 sigma and 3 pieee

okok kkk

Other Questions
Male Color Blindness When conducting research on color blindness in males, a researcher forms random groups with five males in each group. The random variable x is the number of males in the group who have a form of color blindness (based on data from the National Institutes of Health).X Px0 0.6591 0.2872 0.0503 0.0044 0.0015 0+In determine whether a probability distribution is given. If a probability distribution is given, find its mean and standard deviation. If a probability distribution is not given, identify the requirements that are not satisfied. Determine the equilibrium constant, Keq, at 25C for the reaction 2Br- (aq) + I2(s) Br2(l) + 2I- (aq) Eocell = (0.0257/n) lnKeq, Calculate Eocell from Use this equation to calculate K value.Eo (I2/I-) = +0.53, Eo (Br2/Br-) = +1.07, Solve for the triangle: ABC A: 90 degreesB: 6 feetC: 10 feet What is the slope of a line that is perpendicular to the line: -4x + 6y = -1 ?A. -3/2B. -2/3C. 1/4D. 3/2 What is a status update?A. An automatic enhancement to a computer's performanceB. Any new software that can be downloaded for freeC. A short post in which users write what they are doingD. A news flash that announces new government posts 2 What are(i) free fall , (ii) acceleration due to gravity, (iii) escape velocity , (iv) centripetal force? Find the medien: 16,12,10,15,7,9,16 What tone is Wordsworth using with the word in bold? (5 points)They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;confusinglonelyjoyangry Change the following sentence into passive voice. The platform allows users to post on walls, update their status, upload photos & videos, and comment on these posts. Britany wants to read a book. In her room, she has 5 mysteries, 15 historical fictions, 12 modern fantasies, and 7 blographies.How many different choices are available?pleaseee What is a benefit of collaborative discussions? A: They provide positive reinforcement during the learning process. B: They help the group develop a shared understanding of a topic or problem. C: They give participants a way to practice persuasive techniques. D: They improve relationships within a group. Simplify: 3.5 x 10^-2 + 2.3 x 10^-2 What was the main reason for initiating national health care in countries such as Germany and England? what are the steps of earthworm farming? Be concise in your points What is the schedule for the California border patrol tomorrow what time they start and leave please help it would mean a lot my grandmother is sick and need to visit her with any of the mean men plz answer (d) explain Michael drove 210 miles in 3 1/2. Jordan drove 330 miles in 6 hours. Which is an accurate comparison of the rates at which the two people drove? Which candidate in the presidential election of 1912 around mostly though widen of the audience for socialist ideas There are 25 rows of seats in the high school auditorium with 20 seats in the first row, 21 seats in the secondrow, 22 seats in the third row, and so on. How many total seats are in the auditorium?OA) 800 seatsOB) 860 seats Find the payment that should be used for the annuity due whose future value is given. Assume that the compounding period is the same as the payment period. $120,000; monthly payments for 7 years; interest rate 7%. g