Suppose users share a 3 Mbps link. Also suppose each user requires 150 kbps when transmitting, but each user transmits only 10 percent of the time. (See the discussion of packet switching versus circuit switching in Section 1.3.)
a. When circuit switching is used, how many users can be supported?
b. For the remainder of this problem, suppose packet switching is used. Find the probability that a given user is transmitting.
c. Suppose there are 120 users. Find the probability that at any given time, exactly n users are transmitting simultaneously. (Hint: Use the binomial distribution.)
d. Find the probability that there are 21 or more users transmitting simultaneously.


Answer 1


a) 20 users

b) 0.1  or 1/10

c) P ( X = n )   =   [tex]^{120}C_{n} ( 0.10 )^n (0.9)^{120-n}[/tex]

d) 0.008


Given data:

Link shared by users = 3 Mbps

each user requires ; 150 kbps

percentage transmitted by each user = 10%

a) Determine the number of users can be supported

number of users = 3 Mbps / 150 kbps = 3000 / 150 = 20 users

b) P( user is transmitting )

given that percentage transmitted by each user = 10%

since packet switching is used ; P ( user is transmitting ) = 10% = 0.1

c) P ( n users are transmitting simultaneously )

let the number of users ( i.e. N ) = 120

number transmitting = n

P ( user is transmitting ) = 0.10

using Binomial distribution

P ( X = n ) = [tex]^{N}[/tex]Cₙ ( P )ⁿ ( 1 - P )^[tex]^{N-n}[/tex]

                = [tex]^{120}C_{n} ( 0.10 )^n (0.9)^{120-n}[/tex]

d) P( X ≥ 21 transmitting simultaneously )

P ( X = n ) = [tex]^{120}C_{n} ( 0.10 )^n (0.9)^{120-n}[/tex]

Therefore ; P( X ≥ 21 ) = 1 - P( X ≤ 20 )

                                   = 1 - BINOMDIST(20,120,0.1,1)  ( excel function )

∴ P( X ≥ 21 ) = 1 - 0.992059 ≈ 0.008

Related Questions

Telecommunications and software development are examples of information technology careers.





Information technology may be described as the use of systems to aid application designs capable of sending and receiving information and building a communication pathway for individuals and companies. It also involves retrieving, storing large chunks of information and organizational data usually in databases to fast track the seamless functioning of the organization's system. The information technology ecosystem is very broad from those charged with ensuring effective communication such as telecommunications platforms and those who build and develop technologies for effective communication and data storage. Hence, both Telecommunications and software development are examples of information technology careers.

A company manufactures televisions. The average weight of the televisions is 5 pounds with a standard deviation of 0.1 pound. Assuming that the weights are normally distributed, what is the weight that represents the 75th percentile?​





Given that :

Mean, μ = 5 pounds

Standard deviation, σ = 0.1

Given that weight are normally distributed ;

From the Z table, the Zscore or value for 75th percentile weight is :

P(Z < z) = 0.75

z = 0.674

Using the relation :

Zscore = (x - μ) / σ

x = weight

0.674 = (x - 5) / 0.1

0.674 * 0.1 = x - 5

0.0674 = x - 5

0.0674 + 5 = x - 5 + 5

5.0674 = x

The weight which corresponds to the 75th percentile is 5.0674

Can Algorithms Be Used Again?



Explanation:Algorithms are aimed at optimizing everything. They can save lives, make things easier and conquer chaos. Still, experts worry they can also put too much control in the hands of corporations and governments, perpetuate bias, create filter bubbles, cut choices, creativity and serendipity, and could result in greater unemploymen

Answer: The algorithm must have an infinite number of steps because there are an infinite number of integers greater than one. It will run forever trying to count to infinity. Every algorithm must reach some operation that tells it to stop.

Given two integers as user inputs that represent the number of drinks to buy and the number of bottles to restock, create a VendingMachine object that performs the following operations:

Purchases input number of drinks
Restocks input number of bottles
Reports inventory
The VendingMachine is found in A VendingMachine's initial inventory is 20 drinks.

Ex: If the input is:

5 2
the output is:

Inventory: 17 bottles

Need this answer in java! !!!!!!!!!!!!



import java.util.Scanner;

class Main {

 public static void main (String args[])


   Scanner input = new Scanner(;

   VendingMachine machine = new VendingMachine(20);

   System.out.print("Enter nr to purchase: ");

   int nrPurchased = input.nextInt();

   System.out.print("Enter nr to re-stock: ");

   int nrRestock = input.nextInt();

   machine.Transaction(nrPurchased, nrRestock);




class VendingMachine {

 private int inventory;

 public VendingMachine(int initialInventory) {

   inventory = initialInventory;


 public void Transaction(int nrToBuy, int nrToRestock) {

   inventory += nrToRestock - nrToBuy;

   System.out.printf("Inventory: %d bottles.\n", inventory);



The program is an illustration of a sequential program, and it does not require loops, iterations and branches.

The program in java, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

import java.util.Scanner;

class Main {

public static void main (String args[]){

   //This creates a scanner object

  Scanner input = new Scanner(;

  //This gets input for the number of purchases

  int Purchased = input.nextInt();

  //This gets input for the number of restocks

  int Restock = input.nextInt();

  //This calculates and prints the inventory

System.out.print("Inventory: "+(20 - Purchased + Restock)+" bottles");



At the end of the program, the net inventory is printed.

Read more about similar programs at:

The following program generates an error. Why? #include #include using namespace std; class Arcade { public: Arcade(); Arcade(string name, int r); void Print(); private: string arcName; int rating; }; Arcade:: Arcade() { arcName = "New"; rating = 1; } Arcade:: Arcade(string name, int r) { arcName = name; rating = r; } void Arcade:: Print() { cout << "Name is: " << arcName << endl; cout << "Rating is: " << rating << " stars" << endl; } int main() { Arcade myArc(Games Ablaze, 5); myArc.Print(); }



The object creation should be Arcade myArc("Games Ablaze",5);



Why does the program generate an error?

The class definition is correctly defined and implemented;

The methods in the class are also correctly defined and implemented.

The error in the program is from the main method i.e.

int main() {  

       Arcade myArc('ames Ablaze, 5);  



In the class definition;

Variable name was declared as string and variable rating was declared as integer

This means that, a string variable or value must be passed to name and an integer value or variable to rating.

Having said that:

Arcade myArc(Games Ablaze, 5); passes Games Ablaze as a variable to th function.

Game Ablaze is an incorrect string declaration in C++ because of the space in between Game and Ablaze

Also, no value has been assigned to the variable (assume the variable definition is correct).

This will definitely raise an error.

To correct the error, rewrite the object creation as:

Arcade myArc("Games Ablaze",5); where "Game Ablaze" is passed as string

Please answer




Please find the attached file for the complete solution:


Tạo thủ tục có tên _Pro04 để trả về số lượng tổng thời gian tham gia dự án Y của nhân viên có mã số X, với X là tham số đầu vào, Y là tham số đầu ra





Reverse Word Order: Write a program that reverses the order of the words in a given sentence. This program requires reversing the order of the words wherein the first and last words are swapped, followed by swapping the second word with the second to last word, followed by swapping the third word and the third to last words, and so on. Your program will ask the user for an input string and print out the resultant string where the order of the words is reversed. Please see the hints section for more details on an example algorithm. Assume a maximum C-string size of 1000 characters. Make sure your code works for any input number, not just the test cases. Your code will be tested on other test cases not listed here. Do Not Use Predefined Functions from the cstring Library. Please properly comment your code before submission.For this part of the assignment, name your source file as Reverse Word Order_WSUID.cpp. For example, if your user ID is A999B999 name your file as Reverse Word Order_A999B999.cpp. Sample Test Cases: Test Case 1: Input: London bridge has been abducted Output: abducted been has bridge London Test Case 2: Input: Hello World Output: World Hello Test Case 3: Input: Hello World, how are you? Output: you? Are how World, HelloTest Case 4: Input: I like toast Output: toast like l



The program in C++ is as follows:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

int main(){

string sentence,word="";

getline (cin, sentence);

vector<string> for_reverse;

for (int i = 0; i < sentence.length(); i++){

 if (sentence[i] == ' ')  {


  word = "";  }

 else{    word += sentence[i];}  }



for (int i = for_reverse.size() - 1; i > 0; i--){

 sentence+=for_reverse[i]+" ";}



return 0;



This declares sentence and word as strings; word is then initialized to an empty string

string sentence,word="";

This gets input for sentence

getline (cin, sentence);

This creates a string vector to reverse the input sentence

vector<string> for_reverse;

This iterates through the sentence

for (int i = 0; i < sentence.length(); i++){

This pushes each word of the sentence to the vector when space is encountered

 if (sentence[i] == ' ')  {


Initialize word to empty string

  word = "";  }

If the encountered character is not a blank space, the character is added to the current word

 else{    word += sentence[i];}  }

This pushes the last word to the vector


This initializes sentence to an empty string


This iterates through the vector

for (int i = for_reverse.size() - 1; i > 0; i--){

This generates the reversed sentence

 sentence+=for_reverse[i]+" ";}

This adds the first word to the end of the sentence


Print the sentence


how to add a fixed decimal value to an identifier using Delphi 10 coding?​


Answer:A declaration defines an identifier (such as the name of a function or variable) that ... This topic introduces the Delphi language character set, and describes the syntax for ... The Delphi language uses the Unicode character encoding for its character set, ... Integer and real constants can be represented in decimal notation as ...


3. State whether the given statements are true or false. a. The computer is called a data processor because it can store, process, and retrieve data whenever needed. b. Modern processors run so fast in term of megahertz (MHz). c. If millions of calculations are to be performed, a computer will perform every calculation with the same accuracy. d. It is very safe to store data and information on the computer independently. e. If some electrical or electronic damages occur, there are no any chances of data loss or damage f. The output devices of the computer like monitor, printer, speaker, etc. can store meaningful information, g. The input devices can display the output after processing. h. Students can also use computer as their learning tools.​



a,b,c,d,f,g are true only e is false

LAB: Winning team (classes)
Complete the Team class implementation. For the class method get_win_percentage(), the formula is:
team_wins / (team_wins + team_losses)
Note: Use floating-point division.
Ex: If the input is:
where Ravens is the team's name, 13 is the number of team wins, and 3 is the number of team losses, the output is:
Congratulations, Team Ravens has a winning average!
If the input is Angels 80 82, the output is:
Team Angels has a losing average.
We are given:
class Team:
def __init__(self):
self.team_name = 'none'
self.team_wins = 0
self.team_losses = 0
# TODO: Define get_win_percentage()
if __name__ == "__main__":
team = Team()
team_name = input()
team_wins = int(input())
team_losses = int(input())
if team.get_win_percentage() >= 0.5:
print('Congratulations, Team', team.team_name,'has a winning average!')
print('Team', team.team_name, 'has a losing average.')
Please help, in Python!



The function is as follows:

def get_win_percentage(self):

       return self.team_wins / (self.team_wins + self.team_losses)


This defines the function

def get_win_percentage(self):

This calculates the win percentage and returns it to main

       return self.team_wins / (self.team_wins + self.team_losses)

See attachment for complete (and modified) program.

Answer: def get_win_percentage(self):

Explanation: got it right on edgen

我对汉语的兴趣 làm đoạn văn theo đề trên​



which language is this


Chinese or Korea

Use ordinary pipes to implement an inter-process communication scheme for message passing between processes. Assume that there are two directories, d1 and d2, and there are different files in each one of them. Also, each file contains a short-length string of characters. You have to use a parent process that forks two children processes, and have each child process check one of the directories.





In a certain game, a player may have the opportunity to attempt a bonus round to earn extra points. In a typical game, a player is given 1 to 4 bonus round attempts. For each attempt, the player typically earns the extra points 70% of the time and does not earn the extra points 30% of the time. The following code segment can be used to simulate the bonus round.
success - 0
attempts - RANDOM 1, 4
IF (RANDOM 110 s 7
success - success + 1
DISPLAY "The player had"
DISPLAY attempts
DISPLAY "bonus round attempts and"
DISPLAY success
DISPLAY "of them earned extra points."
Which of the following is not a possible output of this simulation?
А. The player had 1 bonus round attempts and 1 of them earned extra points.
B The player had 2 bonus round attempts and of them earned extra points.
С The player had 3 bonus round attempts and 7 of them earned extra points.
D The player had 4 bonus round attempts and 3 of them earned extra points.



С The player had 3 bonus round attempts and 7 of them earned extra points.



See attachment for correct code segment


Which of the options is not possible?

From the question, we understand that:

[tex]attempts \to [1,4][/tex] --- attempt can only assume values 1, 2, 3 and 4

The following "if statement" is repeated three times

IF RANDOM[1,10] <= 7:

   success = success + 1

This implies that the maximum value of the success variable is 3

The first printed value is the attempt variable

The second printed value is the success variable.

From the list of given options, (a), (b) and (d) are within the correct range of the two variable.

While (c) is out of range because the value printed for variable success is 7 (and 7 is greater than the expected maximum of 3)

5. Name the special window that displays data, when you insert a chart.

a) Datasheet b) Database c) Sheet​





I hope it's helpful

What intangible benefits might an organization obtain from the development of an

information system?​



The immaterial benefits stem from the development of an information system and cannot easily be measured in dollars or with confidence. Potential intangible advantages include a competitive need, timely information, improved planning and increased flexibility in organisation.


Intangible advantages

Take faster decisionsCompetitive needMore information timelyNew, better or more information availability.

Lower productivity and the lack of 'think outside' employees and managers as well as greater sales include the intangible costs of such an operational environment. All these factors improve when employees spend less of their time in addressing current methods of operation and are concerned about whether they will have a job or an employer in six months or a year. The automation level envisaged in this new system should enhance the overall efficiency of management. The operative controls and design functions should be simplified by tight system integrations with accessible automated database sources. However, it is difficult to describe the exact form of these simplifications.

Tangible costs of the new system include costs of analysis, design and construction of the system, such as the recruitment of contractors or new employees, and the assignment of existing staff. Also consideration shall be given to hardware, software purchased and operating costs. Intangible costs include disturbances to the current activities caused by development and deployment and potential adverse effects on the morals of employees.

While the new system may feel good in the long term, short-term stress and other negative consequences will still be present. In the way that Reliable does virtually everything, the system is the focus of a major change. An organisation's monumental change has widespread negative effects on operations and employees.

Alex, a web designer, is assigned the task of creating a mobile device-friendly website for a leading fashion outlet called AllStyles. A desktop version of AllStyles's website already exists. Alex can refer to this desktop version of the website to create the mobile website design The desktop version of the website contains a long list of hyperlinks and this can obstruct the view of the main content when Viewed from a mobile device. Which of the following should Alex use to hide this long list of hypertext links so that it appears only in response to a tap of a major heading in the navigation list?
a. Navigator menus
b. Pulldown menus
c. Pop-up links
d. Header links


Answer: Pulldown menus


Pulldown menus refer to the graphical control element, that is identical to a list box, which enables user to be bake to select one value from a list.

They're regarded as the menu of options that will appear when an item is selected with a mouse. In this case, the item that the user selected will show at the top of the display screen, while the menu appears will show below it.

Therefore, Alex should use the pulldown menus to hide the long list of hypertext links so that it appears only in response to a tap of a major heading in the navigation list.

(Ramanujan's Taxi) Srinivasa Ramanujan indian mathematician who became famous for his intuition for numbers. When the English mathemematician G.H. Hardy came ot visit him in the hospital one day, Hardy remarked that the number if his taxi was 1729, a rather dull number. To which Ramanujan replied, "No, Hardy! It is a very interesting number. It is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways." Verify this claim by writing a program that takes a command-line argument N and prints out all integers less than or equal to N that can be expressed as the sum of two cubes in two different ways. In other words, find distinct positive integers a, b, c, and d such that а3 + b3 = c3 - d3. Hint: Use four nested for loops, with these bounds on the loop variables: 0 < a < 3√N, a < b < 3√N - a3, a < c < 3√N and c < d < 3√N - C3; do not explicitly compute cube roots, and instead use x . x *x < y in place of х < Math.cbrt (y).
$ javac
$ java Ramanujan 40000
1729 = 1"3 + 12^3 = 9^3 + 10"3
4104 = 2^3 + 16^3 = 9^3 + 15^3
13832 = 2^3 + 24^3 = 18^3 + 20^3
39312 = 2^3 + 34^3 = 15^3 + 33^3
32832 = 4^3 + 32^3 = 18^3 + 30^3
20683 = 10^3 + 27^3 = 19^3 + 24^3



Here the code is given as follows,



public class Ramanujan {  

   public static void main(String[] args) {  

       // check cmd argument

       int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);  

       // checking a^3 + b^3 = c^3 + d^3  

       // outer loop

       for (int a = 1; (a*a*a) <= n; a++) {  

           int a3 = a*a*a;  

           // no solution is possible, since upcoming a values are more

           if (a3 > n)  


           // avoid duplicate

           for (int b = a; (b * b * b) <= (n - a3); b++) {  

               int b3 = b*b*b;  

               if (a3 + b3 > n)


               // avoid duplicates

               for (int c = a + 1; (c*c*c) <= n; c++) {  

                   int c3 = c*c*c;  

                   if (c3 > a3 + b3)


                   // avoid duplicates

                   for (int d = c; (d * d * d) <= (n - c3); d++) {  

                       int d3 = d*d*d;  

                       if (c3 + d3 > a3 + b3)  


                       if (c3 + d3 == a3 + b3) {

                           System.out.print((a3+b3) + " = ");

                           System.out.print(a + "^3 + " + b + "^3 = ");  

                           System.out.print(c + "^3 + " + d + "^3");  









Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements.

1. The CPU is a piece of external hardware.

2. Keyboards can be connected to a computer using USB port.

3. Monitors are connected via the PS/2 port.

4. A computer can function without a CD drive.

5. Printer is an input device.

6. The read write data in magnetic disks.

7. Pen drives are connected to a computer via the USB interface.



6 T

Consider the following program in which the statements are in the incorrect order. Rearrange the statements so that the program prompts the user to input the height an the radius of the base of a cylinder and outputs the volume and surface area of the cylinder. Format the output to two decimal places.
int main()
double height;
cout << "Volume of the cylinder = "
<< PI * pow(radius, 2.0)* height << endl;
cout << "Enter the height of the cylinder: ";
cin >> radius;
cout << endl;
return 0;
double radius;
cout << "Surface area: "
<< 2 * radius * + 2 * PI * pow(radius, 2.0) << endl;
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
cout << "Enter the radius of the base of the cylinder: ";
cin >> height;
cout << endl;
const double PI = 3.14159;
using namespace std;



The arrange code is as follows:




using namespace std;

const double PI = 3.14159;

int main(){

double height;

double radius;

cout << "Enter the height of the cylinder: ";

cout << endl;

cin >> height;

cout << "Enter the radius of the base of the cylinder: ";

cout << endl;

cin >> radius;

cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

cout << "Volume of the cylinder = "<< PI * pow(radius, 2.0)* height << endl;

cout << "Surface area: "<< 2 * radius * + 2 * PI * pow(radius, 2.0) << endl;

return 0;




Rearrange the program

There are no one way to solve questions like this. However, a simple guide is as follows:

All header files must be called first (i.e #include....)

Followed by the namespaces (std)

if the program uses constant, the constant must be declared and initialized.

e.g. const double PI = 3.14159;

Next, all variables and must be declared (e.g. double radius)

Next, all inputs must be taken before the values of the variables can be used (e.g. cin >> height;)

If the inputs used prompts, the prompt must be before the inputs.

Next, perform all computations then output the results

In a relational database, the three basic operations used to develop useful sets of data are:_________.
a. select, project, and join.
b. select, project, and where.
c. select, from, and join.
d. select, join, and where.


In a relational database, the three basic operations used to develop useful sets of data are:

[tex]\sf\purple{a.\: Select, \:project,\: and\: join. }[/tex]

[tex]\large\mathfrak{{\pmb{\underline{\orange{Mystique35 }}{\orange{❦}}}}}[/tex]

The basic operations used to develop useful sets of data in relational database are Select, Project and Join.

The Select and Project are of important use in selecting columns or attributes which we want to display or include in a table.

The join function allows the merging of data tables to form a more complete and all round dataset useful for different purposes.

Hence, the basic operations are select, project, and join.

Learn more :

Write a short essay on the importance of information and communication technology (ICT) in the AFN industry. Add suitable examples to substantiate your answer.





is an ICT device that help and makes things or work easy

Design a class named Employee. The class should keep the following information in member variables:
Employee name
Employee number
Hire Date
Write one or more constructors and the appropriate accessor and mutator functions for the class.
Next, write a class named ProductionWorker that is derived from the Employee class. The ProductionWorker class should have member variables to hold the following information:
Shift (an integer)
Hourly pay rate (a double)
The workday is divided into two shifts: day and night. The shift variable will hold an integer value representing the shift that the employee works. The day shift is shift 1 and the night shift is shift 2. Write one or more constructors and the appropriate accessor and mutator functions for the class. Demonstrate the classes by writing a program that uses a ProductionWorker object."
Now I have written out the program, it compiles without errors. However, when I run it It asks the first question "Employees name" after input it errors and closes itself down. Can anyone find where in my code it is causing it to do this please? To be clear, I am not asking for someone to write the program, I have already done this, just need to know why it compiles but does not run all the way through. Thank You!
using namespace std;
class Employee
string employeeName;
int employeeNumber;
int hireDate;
void setemployeeName(string employeeName);
void setemployeeNumber(int);
void sethireDate(int);
string getemployeeName() const;
int getemployeeNumber() const;
int gethireDate() const;



Here is the code.


#include <iostream>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <string>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

class Employee



string employeeName;

int employeeNumber;

int hireDate;


void setemployeeName(string employeeName);

void setemployeeNumber(int);

void sethireDate(int);

string getemployeeName() const;

int getemployeeNumber() const;

int gethireDate() const;



void Employee::setemployeeName(string employeeName)


employeeName = employeeName;


void Employee::setemployeeNumber(int b)


employeeNumber = b;


void Employee::sethireDate(int d)


hireDate = d;


string Employee::getemployeeName() const


return employeeName;


int Employee::getemployeeNumber() const


return employeeNumber;


int Employee::gethireDate() const


return hireDate;




cout << "Please answer some questions about your employees, ";


class ProductionWorker :public Employee



int Shift;

double hourlyPay;


void setShift(int);

void sethourlyPay(double);

int getShift() const;

double gethourlyPay() const;



void ProductionWorker::setShift(int s)


Shift = s;


void ProductionWorker::sethourlyPay(double p)


hourlyPay = p;


int ProductionWorker::getShift() const


return Shift;


double ProductionWorker::gethourlyPay() const


return hourlyPay;




cout << "Your responses will be displayed after all data has been received. "<<endl;


int main()


ProductionWorker info;

string name;

int num;

int date;

int shift;

double pay;

cout << "Please enter employee name: ";

cin >> name;

cout << "Please enter employee number: ";

cin >> num;

cout << "Please enter employee hire date using the format \n";

cout << "2 digit month, 2 digit day, 4 digit year as one number: \n";

cout << "(Example August 12 1981 = 08121981)";

cin >> date;

cout << "Which shift does the employee work: \n";

cout << "Enter 1, 2, or 3";

cin >> shift;

cout << "Please enter the employee's rate of pay: ";

cin >> pay;






cout << "The data you entered for this employee is as follows: \n";

cout << "Name: " << info.getemployeeName() << endl;

cout << "Number: " << info.getemployeeNumber() << endl;

cout << "Hire Date: " << info.gethireDate() << endl;

cout << "Shift: " << info.getShift() << endl;

cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;

cout << "Pay Rate: " << info.gethourlyPay() << endl;


return 0;


discuss three ways in which the local government should promote safe and healthy living​



1. Secure drinkable water

2. Promote organic products through the provision of subsidiaries

3. Create a place for bioproducts to be sold


Whether drinking, domestic, food production, or for leisure purposes, safe and readily available water is important for public health. Better water supply and sanitation and improved water resource management can boost economic growth for countries and can make a significant contribution towards reduced poverty.some of the claimed benefits of organic food:

Without the use of pesticides and chemical products, organic farming does not toxic residues poison land, water, and air. Sustainable land and resource use in organic farming. Crop rotation promotes healthy and fertile soil.

In conventional farming, the use of pesticides contaminates runoff, which is a natural part of the water cycle. In groundwater, surface water, and rainfall, pesticide residues are found. This means that in food produced with pesticides, contamination may not be isolated, but also affect the environment.

Create a place for bioproducts to be sold

Biologics offer farmers, shippers, food processors, food retailers, and consumers a wide range of benefits. Biocontrols can also help protect the turf, ornamentals, and forests in addition to food use. They can also be used for disease and harm controls in public health, i.e., mosquitoes and the control of ticks.

The benefits of the use of biologicals in farming applications tend to be more direct, though they are indirect. The list includes benefits to crop quality and yield which help farmers supply consumer products worldwide with healthy and affordable fruit and vegetables. Biocontrols also allow farmers in their fields to maintain positive populations of insects (natural predators) through their highly-target modes of action, reducing their reliance on conventional chemical pesticides.

Develop an algorithm and write a C++ program that finds the number of occurrences of a specified character in the string; make sure you take CString as input and return number of occurrences using call by reference. For example, Write a test program that reads a string and a character and displays the number of occurrences of the character in the string. Here is a sample run of the program:______.



The algorithm is as follows:

1. Input sentence

2. Input character

3. Length = len(sentence)

4. count = 0

5. For i = 0 to Length-1

 5.1 If sentence[i] == character

    5.1.1 count++

6. Print count

7. Stop

The program in C++ is as follows:

#include <iostream>

#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

int main(){

char str[100];   char chr;

cin.getline(str, 100);


int count = 0;

for (int i=0;i<strlen(str);i++){

 if (str[i] == chr){

  count++;} }

cout << count;

return 0;}


I will provide explanation for the c++ program. The explanation can also be extended to the algorithm

This declares the string and the character

char str[100];   char chr;

This gets input for the string variable

cin.getline(str, 100);

This gets input for the character variable


This initializes count to 0

int count = 0;

This iterates through the characters of the string

for (int i=0;i<strlen(str);i++){

If the current character equals the search character, count is incremented by 1

 if (str[i] == chr){  count++;} }

This prints the count

cout << count;

What is the function of hard disk Which Computer was the first Computer to be developed​



The hard disk is a storage device designed to permanently store data, being secondary to the software in the computer. The ENIAC was the first modern computer to be developed and built, completing construction in 1946 and taking three years to build, but if ancient computers (people who computed by hand) are factored in, then the first computer would be way back in time, perhaps even extending to the B.C. years.


Hope this helped!

Several families are planning a shared car trip on scenic drives in New Hampshire's White Mountains. To minimize the possibility of any quarrels, they want to assign individuals to cars so that no two members of a family are in the same car. Explain how to formulate this problem as a network flow problem.



Following are the response to the given question:  


Build a spring, sink, vertices, and vertices for each car for a household. Every unit in the stream is a human. Attach the source from each vertical of a family with such a capacity line equivalent to the family size; this sets the number of members in each household. Attach every car vertices to the sink with the edge of the car's passenger belt; this assures the correct number of people for every vehicle. Connecting every vertex in your household to any vertex in your vehicle with a capacity 1 border guarantees that one family member joins a single car. The link between both the acceptable allocation of people to vehicles as well as the maximum flow inside the graph seems clear to notice.

what is the difference of expository and reflexive documentary


The reflexive documentary mode focuses on the relationship between the filmmaker and the audience. While expository documentaries set up a specific point of view or argument about a subject and a narrator often speaks directly to the viewer.

what is it when called when businesses produce goods and services that consumers do not want​


Unsought goods.

Nobody seeks them out, because no one wants them.

what are the functions of the windows button, Task View and Search Box? give me short answer



Windows button = You can see a Start Menu

Task view = You can view your Tasks

Search Box = You can search any app you want in an instance

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