Tetradic Solutions has been making purchases from Ribbon, Inc., for the last three years. Every three months, it makes the same order of 5,000 ml of Ribbon, Inc.'s, secret compound used in Tetradic's lotion line. Recently, Tetradic has seen a downturn in demand and needs to alter its usual order from 5,000 to 3,500 and hopefully reduce the price per ml. What BEST describes Tetradic's situation


Answer 1

Answer: modified rebuy


Tetradic's situation can be defined as the modified rebuy. Modified Rebuy refers to a purchasing situation whereby an individual or organization buys goods that they've bought before but then changes the supplier or some elements in the previous order.

Based on the question given, Tetradic Solutions alters his purchase as the order was modified. In modified rebuy, the specifications of the product, prices, and suppliers can be changed as well.

Related Questions

An organization has experienced significant turnover among its creative writers. During exit interviews, the writers have expressed dissatisfaction with rigid starting times, a lack of recognition for their work, and poor communication between managers and employees. How should the organization incorporate the social well-being aspect in its action plan to address the issue?



Establish a work/life program that allows flexibility.


In the case when there is the exit interviews so the writer would shows the dissatisfaction also there is less recognition towards the work and the poor communication between the managers and employees

So the organization should incorporate the social well being in a way where it created the work or life program that permits the flexibility

So as per the given situation, the above statement should be the answer

Years ago, the travel industry was controlled by a few large travel companies that booked holidays, air tickets, bus tickets, and hotels for their customers. However, with the emergence of the internet, smaller travel agencies started mushrooming in the industry and customers started making their own reservations. Which of the following can be inferred from this information?
A. The travel industry changed from a consolidated structure to a fragmented one.
B. The structure of the travel industry changed from monopolistic competition to an oligopolistic one.
C. The pricing power of the incumbent firms in the travel industry has increased.
D. The bargaining power of buyers in the travel industry has decreased.



A. The travel industry changed from a consolidated structure to a fragmented one.


In the given passage, the speaker talks of the change in the way travels are managed. Initially, few large travel agencies took control of the way travel is arranged, from booking tickets to managing hotel rooms.

But as the internet grew and many people are able to access it, travels, accommodations, etc. are being managed by the individuals themselves or even smaller travel agencies are able to do the work without the need for such large companies to be involved.

This shows that the travel industry changed from a consolidated, large companies structure to a fragmented one, that of smaller agencies and even individuals themselves.

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Amanda, a florist, is the owner of Flush Inc. She receives a mail from Pluto Corp., a manufacturer of foam products, offering a water-soluble foam brick frequently used for arranging fresh flowers. According to the offer, if Amanda places an order with Pluto, she would be automatically registered to win $10,000 in a customer appreciation contest. This is an example of combining direct marketing with



Sales promotion


From the question we are informed about Amanda, a florist, is the owner of Flush Inc. She receives a mail from Pluto Corp., a manufacturer of foam products, offering a water-soluble foam brick frequently used for arranging fresh flowers. According to the offer, if Amanda places an order with Pluto, she would be automatically registered to win $10,000 in a customer appreciation contest. This is an example of combining direct marketing with Sales promotion.

Direct marketing can be regarded as any marketing which is based on

direct communication as well as direct distribution of products to individual consumers, it's not carried it with help of third party like social media, texting campaigns or mass media.

Sales promotion can be regarded as a process involving persuasion of a potential customer so they can buy a product. Sales promotion is a technique suitable to be used in short-term tactic so that sales can be boosted, and usually target at consumers.

History of Stock Exchange in India



The first organised stock exchange in India was started in 1875 at Bombay and it is stated to be the oldest in Asia. In 1894 the Ahmedabad Stock Exchange was started to facilitate dealings in the shares of textile mills there. The Calcutta stock exchange was started in 1908 to provide a market for shares of plantations and jute mills.

Then the madras stock exchange was started in 1920. At present there are 24 stock exchanges in the country, 21 of them being regional ones with allotted areas. Two others set up in the reform era, viz., the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Over the Counter Exchange of India (OICEI), have mandate to have nation-wise trading.

They are located at Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Mumbai, Kolkata, Kochi, Coimbatore, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur’ Kanpur, Ludhiana, Chennai Mangalore, Meerut, Patna, Pune, Rajkot.

The Stock Exchanges are being administered by their governing boards and executive chiefs. Policies relating to their regulation and control are laid down by the Ministry of Finance. Government also Constituted Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in April 1988 for orderly development and regulation of securities industry and stock exchanges.

n a bicycle race with a $5,000 prize for the winner, a cyclist was leading by a significant margin. A spectator at the race was married to the second place rider. Sensing that her husband would not win unless she took action, the spectator drove to a point two miles ahead on the course, scattered several nails in the middle of the course, and then left the area. Soon thereafter, the cyclist approached the area and noticed the nails. He attempted to swerve around the obstruction but a nail punctured his tire. He fell off his bike, suffered significant physical injuries, and was unable to complete the race. If the cyclist sues the spectator, under what theory is the cyclist least likely to recover maximum punitive damages


Answer: intentional infliction of emotional distress.


In order for an individual to be able to make a claim of intentional infliction of emotional distress, it is required that the plaintiff must prove that the defendant intentionally acted recklessly or caused emotional distress to the person. In this case, there no evidence that an emotional distress was suffered.

Therefore, the theory that the cyclist is least likely to recover maximum punitive damages is intentional infliction of emotional distress.

If the public decides to hold more currency and fewer deposits in banks, bank reserves a. decrease and the money supply eventually decreases. b. decrease but the money supply does not change. c. increase and the money supply eventually increases. d. increase but the money supply does not chang


A. Decreases and the money supply eventually decreases

how does the exchange rate affect international trade


Answer: The correct answer is C. They determine how much can import for a certain amount of currency.


Sunshine Meals Inc. is a company that sells breakfast foods such as cereals and pancake mixes. The company conducts a study to segment its consumers. It finds the following segments: Segment A: Consists of a small group of individuals who purchase four boxes of the brand's cereal every week. In comparison, the average user consumes one box every week. Sunshine targets segment A by providing them with samples of other Sunshine products with the purchase of one box of cereal. Segment B: Consists of a large number of college students and individuals who have recently begun living on their own and require ready-made mixes as their breakfast solution. Sunshine targets these consumers by providing more variety with pancakes and waffle mixes. Segment C: Consists of consumers who are not consistently buyers. Targeting these consumers could prove a loss for the company.


Answer: Niche marketing


Your question isn't complete but the remainder has been added as the comment.

Niche marketing simply refers to the promotion and the sale of a product to a specialized segment in the market. Niche market is the segment of a larger market which has its own unique needs, and preferences.

If Sunshine Meals Inc. begins producing a range of sugar free marmalades to target a small segment of health conscious consumers who would be willing to pay a premium price for products appropriate for their diets, then it's refered to as niche marketing.

How does microfinance benefit an economy?​



it enables people to use money wisely


this is because a specific amount of money will be provided for a specific reason

Why is the market demand curve for public goods calculated as a vertical summation of individual demand​ curves?
A. because public goods require vertical summation to account for the higher level of fairness compared to private goods.
B. because public goods are finite in availability of​ consumption, so the vertical summation accounts for the limit.
C. because the public good is​ non-rival, so you and others can consume every unit of the good at the same time.
D. because public goods are the opposite of private​ goods, therefore the summing must be done similar to club goods.





A public good is a good that is non excludable and non rivalrous. Everyone has assess to the statue and because one person is enjoying the view of the statue does not means another person cannot enjoy the view of the statue. The demand curve for public goods is summed vertically because all individuals can consume every unit of the good at the same time.

A private good is a good that is excludable and rivalrous. They are usually exchanged in the market by private sector businesses. It is only you who purchased the ferrari and those you allow that can use the ferarri.

Did the demand curve shift during the coronavirus?



Yes, it is correct to say that the demand curve shifted during the coronavirus, as the pandemic was an unexpected event that caused a planned economic recession, with the main objective of reducing production levels and demand in order to contain the pandemic.

One of the examples was the legislation that forced the closing of stores and restaurants in order to reduce the circulation and agglomeration of people in order to reduce the contagion by the virus, which caused a drop in demand and jobs.

A university student database, which included social security numbers and other personal identifying information, is compromised by a computer hacker. The investigation revealed that the hacker subsequently sold the personal identification information to a third party, who then proceeds to submit falsified mortgage loan applications to numerous financial institutions which resulted in approximately $5 million in losses to the financial institutions. This is an example of:



Identity Theft


Identity Theft is defined as when someone steals and uses the identification or personal identifying details and information of another person such as their name, phone number, various financial card's number, etc. without their permission to do any fraud or commit other crimes.

In the context, a hacker steals the identity information and the database of a university student and sold them to some third party who proceeds to submit many falsified applications for mortgage loans to the financial institution that resulted a huge loss to the financial institution is an example of an identity theft, where the hacker steals some other person's personal information and uses them to commit frauds or crimes.

Thomas and stephani are married with four qualifying children. Their earned income is 28500. Calculate the eic using the eic formula





Following the eic formula, The eic of Thomas and Stephani filling as jointly married with over 3 children and an income < $55952  is = $6,557.

using the eic formula

= $6557

Your merchant fee is 3%. Your
customers paid you $2,200,000
through credit cards. What fee
must you pay the credit card
$ [?]





2,200,000*.03= 66,000

On January 2, 2013, Gant Co. purchased a franchise with a useful life of five years for $60,000 and an annual fee of 1% of franchise revenues. Franchise revenues were $20,000 during 2013. Gant projects future revenues of $40,000 in 2014 and $60,000 per year for the following three years. Gant uses the straight-line method of amortization. What amount should Gant report as intangible asset-franchise, net of related amortization in its December 31, 2013, balance sheet





The computation of the amount that should be reported as the intangible asset franchise is shown below

= Purchase value of franchise - amortization per year

= $60,000 - ($60,000 ÷ 5 years)

= $60,000 - $12,000

= $48,000

hence, the  amount that should be reported as the intangible asset franchise is $48,000

the alocholic beverages in a private club are



The alcohol beverages in a private club are owned by the members. Further explanation: A private club is referred to as a place to mingle and meet with individuals of similar interests. In a private club, anyone cannot just enter or join.


Plz mark me brainlyest

An audit of historical financial statements most commonly includes the Group of answer choices income statement, the statement of cash flows, and the statement of net working capital. balance sheet, statement of retained earnings, and the statement of cash flows. balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, and the statement of changes in stockholders' equity. statement of cash flows, balance sheet, and the statement of retained earnings.



balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, and the statement of changes in stockholders' equity.


Financial accounting is an accounting technique used for analyzing, summarizing and reporting of financial transactions like sales costs, purchase costs, payables and receivables of an organization using standard financial guidelines such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Examples of financial statements includes Balance sheet, cash-flow and income statement.

Financial statements can be defined as a document used for the formal communication or disclosure of financial information and statements to present and potential users such as investors and creditors. These includes balance sheet, statement of retained earnings and income statement.

An auditor refers to an authorized individual who review, examine and verify the authenticity and accuracy of business financial records or transactions.

Thus, an audit of historical financial statements most commonly includes the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, and the statement of changes in stockholders' equity.

On January 1, 2021, Nana Company paid $100,000 for 8,300 shares of Papa Company common stock. The ownership in Papa Company is 10%. Nana Company does not have significant influence over Papa Company. Papa reported net income of $55,000 for the year ended December 31, 2021. The fair value of the Papa stock on that date was $63 per share. What amount will be reported in the balance sheet of Nana Company for the investment in Papa at December 31, 2021



$522,900 will be reported in the balance sheet of Nana Company for the investment in Papa on December 31, 2021


The amount That will be reported in the balance sheet of Nana Company for the investment in Papa at December 31, 2021, can be calculated using the following formula

Amount of Investment =  Total Numbers of shares x  Fair value of Papa stock


Total Numbers of shares = 8,300 shares

Fair value of Papa stock = $63 per share

Placing values in the formula

Amount of Investment =  8,300 x  $63

Amount of Investment =  $522,900

Interim financial statements refer to financial reports: Multiple Choice That cover less than one year, usually spanning one, three, or six-month periods. That are prepared before any adjustments have been recorded. That show the assets above the liabilities and the liabilities above the equity. Where revenues are reported on the income statement when cash is received and expenses are reported when cash is paid. That show assets and liabilities, but not equity.



That cover less than one year, usually spanning one, three, or six-month periods.


Interim financial statements are the financial statements for a period covering less than a year.

they are used to convey the performance of a firm before the end of a full reporting cycle

Interim statements are not audited unlike the annual reports.

Components of an interim financial statement includes:

(a) condensed balance sheet

(b) condensed statement of profit and loss;

(c) condensed cash flow statement

(d) selected explanatory notes.

A CPA sole practitioner purchased stock in a client corporation and placed it in a trust as an educational fund for the CPA's minor child. The trust securities were not material to the CPA but were material to the child's personal net worth. Would the independence of the CPA be considered to be impaired with respect to the client? Group of answer choices No, because the CPA does not have a material indirect financial interest in the client. Yes, because the stock is a direct financial interest. No, because the CPA does not have a direct financial interest in the client. Yes, because the stock is an indirect financial interest that is material to the CPA's child.



Yes, because the stock is a direct financial interest.


The principals of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct contains the responsibilities which are to exercise sensitive professional and moral judgment, in terms of the Public Interest to always honor the public trust and perform responsibilities with the highest sense of integrity.

The 3 Parts of the AICPA code of conduct. This includes:

(1) Members in public practice

(2) Members in business

(3) Other members

In accounting, code of conduct is important as it makes individuals to accept a high degree of responsibility toward the public.

Thd independence of a covered member is impaired when:

A. The covered member has a direct financial interest in a client

B. The covered member has a material indirect financial interest in the client

Direct Financial Interest

This is simply known as the ownership interests that is directly held in a client. An example is stock ownership, even if owned in a blind trust etc.

When Deer Valley Resort Co. (DVRC) was developing its ski resort in the Wasatch Mountains near Park City, Utah, it sold parcels of land in the resort village to third parties. Each sales contract reserved the right of approval over the conduct of certain businesses on the property, including ski rentals. For fifteen years, DVRC permitted Christy Sports, LLC, to rent skis in competition with DVRC’s ski rental outlet. When DVRC opened a new midmountain ski rental outlet, it revoked Christy’s permission to rent skis. This meant that most skiers who flew into Salt Lake City and shuttled to Deer Valley had few choices: they could carry their ski equipment with them on their flights, take a shuttle into Park City and look for cheaper ski rentals there, or rent from DVRC. Christy filed a suit in a federal district court against DVRC. Was DVRC’s action an attempt to monopolize in violation of Section 2 of the Sherman Act? Why or why not? [Christy Sports, LLC v. Deer Valley Resort Co., 555 F.3d 1188 (10th Cir. 2009)] (See Monopolization.)



Yes, In this case DRVC acted alone so Sherman Act may apply.


Sherman acts states that every person who shall monopolize or attempts to monopolize or conspire with other person to monopolize any part of trade among the several states with foreign nations shall be deemed guilty of a felony. This act can be violated by one or more persons.

The Texas Department of Education has offices throughout the state covering more than 268,000 square miles. State
documents are stored on a large server in a central location, so that employees can access the data they need
regardless of their physical location. The type of network used by the organization is most likely a



Wide area network (WAN)


A local area network (LAN) refers to a group of personal computers (PCs) or terminals that are located within the same general area and connected by a common network cable (communication circuit), so that they can exchange information from one node of the network to another. A local area network (LAN) is typically used in small or limited areas such as a set of rooms, a single building, school, hospital, or a set of well-connected buildings. Some of the network devices or equipments used in a local area network (LAN) includes an access point, personal computers, a switch, a router, printer, etc.

On the other hand, a metropolitan area network (MAN) is formed by an aggregation of multiple local area network (LAN) that are interconnected using backbone provided by an internet service provider (ISP). A metropolitan area network (MAN) spans for about 5 kilometers to 50 kilometers in size.

Basically, a metropolitan area network (MAN) spans across a geographic area such as a city and it's larger than a local area network (LAN) but significantly smaller than a wide area network (WAN).

Wide area network (WAN) can be defined as a telecommunication network that covers a wide range of geographical locations such as countries or regions across the world for the purpose of communication and sharing information and data between different users.

Hence, a network that has locations in different countries is considered a wide area network (WAN).

Generally, wide area network (WAN) makes it possible for various organizations to interconnect with their branch offices, headquarters and other multiple locations across the globe. Wide area network (WAN) usually span over a distance of 50 kilometers.

Hence, the type of network used by the organization is most likely a Wide area network (WAN).

"The big white house on the hill clearly" was different from any of the other homes in the subdivision. It had more rooms, a double lot, and a large oversized garage and the house was bigger than the smaller homes on either side of it. The homeowner decided to sell the home and was very surprised when the appraiser did not give him the value that he had expected. In this case, the appraiser used the principle of:


Answer: Functional Obsolescence


Functional Obsolescence could be described as when a product is undervalued than what is expected due it's composed of outdated features.

Most very old homes are usually outdated. Innovation spring forth every day, especially in the area g homes, homes that are commercially rented are portable and have recent designs, but for homes that are not they may not be valued for what they should or what the seller expects. This is the scenario with homeowner.




a house that is built differently than the houses in the area actually may have a decrease in value.  

Your expenses that stay the same every month, like a car payment are called _______ expenses.
A. Tracked
B. Steady
C. Fixed
D. Variable





like a car payment are called fixed expences

Sam and Alice are married and together they own a house that has a market value of $250,000. The loan balance on the house is $175,000. Sam also owns a care valued at $15,000 and has no debt on it. Alice owns a SUV valued at $20,000 and it has a loan balance of $12,000. Sam has a IRA retirement account for $2,000 and Alice has jewelry worth $5,000. Finally, they have a joint bank account with a balance of $7,500. What is the net worth of Sam and Alice



The net worth of her is $486,500


I added all values listed.

Net worth of Sam and Alice 's net worth is $ 112,500.

What is net worth ?

Wealth is measured by net worth. A person's or a company's net worth is the total of all of their assets, less any liabilities or commitments. A person or institution's net worth is determined by deducting the value of all of its outstanding liabilities from the total value of all of its financial and non-financial assets.

Net worth can alternatively be succinctly represented as non-financial assets plus net financial assets because financial assets minus outstanding obligations equal net financial assets. It can be used by businesses, people, governments, entire nations, or even certain economic sectors like the financial industry.

Computation of Net worth

Assets and Liabilities of Sam and Alice are as listed below


House = $250,000

Sam's car = $15,000

Alice's SUV = $20,000

IRA retirement account = $2,000

Alice's Jewellery = $5,000

Joint Bank Account balance = $7,500

Total value of assets = $250,000 + $15,000 + $20,000 + $2,000 + $5,000 + $7,500 = $299,500


House Loan Balance = $175,000

Alice's SUV loan = $12,000

Total value of liabilities = $175,000 + $12,000 = $187,000

Net Worth = Assets - Liabilities = $299,500 - $187,000 = $112,500

Learn More about Net worth  here


# SPJ 2

Francis worked for GM for 39.9 years, but died 1 month short of retirement. Since he did not retire, his family normally receives nothing from the retirement funds. His widow petitions Mark, his manager, to make an exception and allow the retirement benefits. Mark wants to say no because if this were a regular policy, it would hurt stockholders and draw down retirement funds for the true retirees. But he is sympathetic to the family. What principles is Mark struggling between



Utilitarian principles.


Considering the case described in question where Mark wants to say no because if this were a regular policy, it would hurt stockholders and draw down retirement funds for the true retirees. But he is sympathetic to the family. Hence, Mark is struggling between UTILITARIAN PRINCIPLES which is specifically between "The greater good for all employees and the harm to this one family".

The Utilitarian principles are based on the tenets that considered action to be morally right if it causes satisfaction to people and opposes suffering to the people.

However, where the decision or action is between two groups, the utilitarian principle favors the activities that support the prosperity of a larger number of people in a society or a group. In this case the right answer is UTILITRIAN PRINCIPLES - The greater good for all employees and the harm to this one family.

As of the end of its accounting period, December 31, Year 1, Great Plains Company has assets of $910,000 and liabilities of $300,000. During Year 2, stockholders invested an additional $60,000 and received $35,000 in dividends from the business. What is the amount of net income during Year 2, assuming that as of December 31, Year 2, assets were $995,000 and liabilities were $290,000





From the accounting equation, stockholders' equity is asset minus liabilities, as a result, we would determine stockholders' equity at the end of years 1 and 2 as shown thus:

Year 1 stokcholders' equity=$910,000-$300,000=$610,000

Year 2 stockholders' equity=$995,000-$290,000=$705,000

The closing stockholders' equity is the beginning stockholders' equity plus net income and additional invested capital minus dividends

$705,000=$610,000+net income+$60,000-$35,000

net income=$705,000-$610,000-$60,000+$35000

net income=$70,000

Assume that the custodian of a $450 petty cash fund has $62 in coins and currency plus $383 in receipts at the end of the month. The entry to replenish the petty cash fund will include: A. A debit to Cash for $378. B. A debit to Cash Over and Short for $5. C. A debit to Petty Cash for $383. D. A credit to Cash for $383. E. A credit to Cash Over and Short for $5.



B. A debit to Cash Over and Short for $5.


Preparation to determine what The entry to replenish the petty cash fund will include:

Dr Expenses $383

Dr Cash Over and Short $5


Cr Cash $388


(To replenish petty cash fund)

Cash shortage=$450 - $62 - $383

Cash shortage= $5.00

Reimbursement and credit to cash=$383+$5.00 Reimbursement and credit to cash= $388

Therefore The entry to replenish the petty cash fund will include: A debit to Cash Over and Short for $5

Second National Bank is considering adding 5 new ATM machines. Each machine costs $25,000 and installation costs are $15,000 per machine. Second National Bank expects the new machines to save $0.33 per transaction on 250,000 transactions per year on the new machines. It also expects the new machines to last for 15 years. If the bank needs to earn 14 percent return on this investment, what is the net present value of this investment?
a. $506,729
b. $306,729
c. $272,269
d. $381,729
e. $424,228

Can you provide a step-by-step process and the functions for a financial calculator



The answer is "Option b".


When the typo-It should be the last for 15 years:

[tex]NPV=-5\times (25000+15000)+0.33\times \frac{250000}{14\%} \times (1-\frac{1}{1.14^{15}})[/tex]

After solving the equation we get

[tex]=306728.85878 \\\\=\$ 306729\\\\[/tex]

When it was the last 25 years

[tex]NPV=-5\times(25000+15000)+0.33\times \frac{250000}{14\%}\times(1-\frac{1}{1.14^{25}})=367016.51358[/tex]

Saving is:a) the difference between real GDP and disposable income while savings is the difference between disposable income and consumption spending.b) the amount one does not consume in a given period of time while savings is the accumulation of past periods of saving.c) the difference between disposable income and spending on goods and services while savings is the difference between real GDP and disposable income.d) the accumulation of past periods of savings while savings is the amount of disposable income that is not consumed in a given period of time.





Saving is the difference between disposable income and consumption

Saving = disposable income - consumption

for example, if disposable income is $1000 and consumption is $600. Saving is $400

the higher consumption is, the lower saving would be. the lower consumption is, the higher saving would be

Savings is the total amount of money saved over a period of time

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Umm.. Hi there! Can someone please help me out with this? (only for those who know the answer)Bcoz I really need this rn :(DUEEEE AFTERRR LUNCHH! :(:(:(:(If your answer is NONSENSE it will be deleted as soon as possible!But if your answer is CORRECT, HELPFUL, HAS AN EXPLANATION, I'll chose your answer as the BRAINLIEST ANSWER! i can do it. change into interrogative what is the difference between skilled manpower and unskilled manpower Simplify 3/4 + 5/8 over 3/4 - 1/2 1. Listen! I _________________ (think) someone _________________ (knock) at the door. I need help finding the answer to this question on edge. find c.round to the nearest tenth what is jin wangs external conflict in American Born Chinese . Mildred bought an oldnecklace and pair of earringswhile at an antique show. Ifthe cost of the jewelry is ]and tax is 7%, which of thefollowing equations could beused to find the total cost ofthe jewelry?a. .07 + ]b. J +.07 x)C. (.07x)) + ]d. 7) + ] CANNNN SOMEONEEEEE HELPPPP MEEE OUTTTTT !!!!! HELP ASAP I WILL GIVE BRAINLISTRead this sentence from Abraham Lincoln's letter to a citizen of Kentucky:...yet often a limb must be amputated to save a life, but a life is never wisely given to save a limbWhich of the following best describes the effect of this metaphor? (4 points)It suggests a difficult decision with a painful outcome.It suggests a life-saving treatment that comes too late.It suggests a loss of functioning parts of a whole.It suggests a process of curing that ultimately fails. Select the correct statement(s) regarding PONS. a. only MMF cables can be used, since MMF enables greater data capacities compared to SMF b. PONS systems require active amplifiers, since high frequency signals attenuate quickly over distance c. PONS systems use passive devices between OLT and ONT d. all are correct statements Determine whether or not the given procedure results in a binomial distribution. If not, identify which condition is not met. Surveying 26 people to determine which brand of ice cream is their favorite.A. Yes B. No There are more than two possible outcomes on each trial of the experiment. The experiment does not consist of n identical trials. The trials are dependent. Jane Smithson's 13-year-old son has an essay due in school tomorrow. Her son has been ill and unable to finish the essay. Jane felt it best to let her son go to sleep so that he could return to school tomorrow. Jane writes the essay for her son. Jane has concluded her writing the essay was justified and necessary. Into which school of ethical theories would Jane fall Mr. James asked his students that which of the following equations can be formed using the expression x = 5:a)2 x + 3 = 13b)3x + 2 = 13c)x 5 = 1d)4x 9 = 21 Is the relationship shown by the data linear? If so, model the data with an equation. x y 7 5 5 9 3 13 1 17 Which of the following steps is involved in solving 3 x plus 8 equals 14 ?A. 3 x plus 8 minus 8 equals 14B. 3 x plus 8 equals 14 minus 8C. 3 x plus 8 plus 8 equals 14 plus 8D. 3 x plus 8 minus 8 equals 14 minus 8 If ABCD is dilated by a factor of 2, thecoordinate of A' would be: Rita is experiencing a hard time remembering the items on her grocery list while she is at the store. She has to look at it several times to get all of the items on her list. However, when her daughter asks her about what she did last week, Rita can recite everything she did down to the last minute. Rita has trouble with _____ memory. Read these sentences from the passage.Those Embrence, or chief men, decided disputes and punishedcrimes; for which purpose they always assembled together. Theproceedings were generally short; and in most cases the law ofretaliation prevailed.What is the meaning of retaliation in the passage?O revengeO punishmento disagreementO regulation