[tex]\sqrt{x^2 +7x+1} =2x+1[/tex]


Answer 1
Its very messy but hope this helps
Answer 2
My working is the same as above:))but i got 2 ans 0 and 1

Related Questions

Nigel makes the claim that x=6 is the solution to the equation 4(5x−12)−7x=5x. His work to support his claim follows. Given: 4(5x−12)−7x=5x Step 1: 20x−48−7x=5x Step 2: 20x−7x−48=5x Step 3: 13x−48=5x Step 4: 13x−13x−48=5x−13x Step 5: 0−48=−8x Step 6: 6=x Which of the following justifications can be used to justify and support Nigel's work? Select all justifications that are correct.

Step 1 is justified by the Distributive Property. , Step 1 is justified by the Distributive Property. , ,

Step 4 is justified by the Symmetric Property. , Step 4 is justified by the Symmetric Property. , ,

Step 5 is justified by the Property of Additive Inverses. , Step 5 is justified by the Property of Additive Inverses. , ,

Step 2 is justified by the Commutative Property. , Step 2 is justified by the Commutative Property. , ,

Step 6 is justified by the Associative Property.



Step 1 is justified by the Distributive Property.

Step 4 is justified by the Symmetric Property

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the equation solved by Nigel expressed as


First, we need to expand the bracket using the distributive property


4(5x)-4(12) -7x = 5x

20x - 48 - 7x = 5x

Hence Step 1 is justified by the Distributive Property.

Next is to collect the like terms;

20x - 7x - 48 = 5x

Take the difference

13x - 48 = 5x

Next is to subtract 13x from both sides according to the symmetric property

13x - 48 - 13x = 5x - 13x

Hence Step 4 is justified by the Symmetric Property

The resulting equation will be

0-48 = -8x

Divide both sides by -8

-48/-8 = -8x/-8

6 = x

Hence the correct justifications are Step 1 is justified by the Distributive Property AND Step 4 is justified by the Symmetric Property

Find the gradient, picture below



[tex]\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{13}{8} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] y = 2x + 6 {x}^{ - \frac{1}{2} } \\ \frac{dy}{dx} = 2 + 6( - \frac{1}{2}) {x}^{ - \frac{1}{2} - 1 } \\ \frac{dy}{dx} = 2 - 3 {x}^{ - \frac{3}{2} } \\ \frac{dy}{dx} = 2 - \frac{3}{ \sqrt{ {x}^{3} } } [/tex]

When x = 4,

[tex]\frac{dy}{dx} = 2 - \frac{3}{ \sqrt{ {4}^{3} } } \\ = \frac{13}{8} [/tex]



Answer 13/8

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]y=2x+\dfrac{3}{\sqrt{x} } \\\\y'=2+6*\dfrac{-1}{2} x^{\frac{-3}{2} }\\\\y'=3-\frac{3}{\sqrt{x^3}} \\\\\\For x=4, \\\\y'(4)=2-\dfrac{3}{8} =\dfrac{13}{8}[/tex]

what is the square and square root of 9x⁸​



square: (9x^8)^2= 81x^16

square root: (9x^8)^1/2 = 3x^4

Step-by-step explanation:

the ^ mean that the following num should be like this ​⁸​

1. $25; 30% increase




Step-by-step explanation:

25, percentage increased by 30% (percent) of its value = 32.5

32.5 is the answer of this question

im bad at math and i need help ;^;​



[tex] \sqrt{ {x}^{10} } \div x \\ \frac{ \sqrt{ {x}^{9}x } }{x} \\ = \sqrt{ {x}^{9} } \\ = \sqrt{ {x}^{8}x } \\ = {x}^{4} \sqrt{x} \\ thank \: you[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

simplify x¹⁰ and x to √x⁹ then simplify the radical equation to x⁴√x

Reflex Angle B =




Step-by-step explanation:

B+A=360, B=360-75=285

An angle whose measure is greater than 180° but less than 360° is termed a reflex angle.

[tex]\large{\textrm{{{\color{navy}{∠A \: + \: ∠B \: = \: 360°}}}}}[/tex]

[tex] \bf \large \longrightarrow \: \:75 \degree \: + \: ∠ B \: = \: 360°[/tex]

[tex] \bf \large \longrightarrow \: \: \angle B \: = \: 360° \: - \: 75 \degree[/tex]

[tex] \bf \large \longrightarrow \: \: \angle B \: = \:285 \degree[/tex]

A car manufacturing company asked 1000 people to view their latest two-door coupe available in four colors (White, Black, Cherry, and Blue).The viewers were asked to list their color preferences in order form favorite. How many ways could the colors be ordered? Of the 1000 viewers, how many would you expect to choose the following preference order: White, Black, Cherry, and Blue?


The first choice can be aby one of the 4 colors.

    For each of these . . .

The 2nd choice can be any one of the 3 remaining colors.

    For each of these . . .

The 3rd choice can be either one of the 2 remaining colors.

So there are (4 · 3 · 2)  =  24 different ways to order the colors.

If everybody you ask thinks the same way, you'd expect all of the possible combinations to be chosen equal numbers of times . . . that is, every choice would be chosen once in every group of 24 people.

In 1,000 people, there are (1000/24) = (41 and 2/3) groups of 24 people.

So you'd expect any one possible preference order to be chosen by 41 or 42 viewers, if all of the viewers think the same way, and their preferences are perfectly random.

Ten people are sitting in a row, and each is thinking of a negative integer no smaller than $-15$. Each person subtracts, from his own number, the number of the person sitting to his right (the rightmost person does nothing). Because he has nothing else to do, the rightmost person observes that all the differences were positive. Let $x$ be the greatest integer owned by one of the 10 people at the beginning. What is the minimum possible value of $x$


Correct question is;

Ten people are sitting in a row, and each is thinking of a negative integer no smaller than −15. Each person subtracts, from his own number, the number of the person sitting to his right (the rightmost person does nothing). Because he has nothing else to do, the rightmost person observes that all the differences were positive. Let x be the greatest integer owned by one of the 10 people at the beginning. What is the minimum possible value of x?


Minimum possible value of x = -6

Step-by-step explanation:

Since there are 10 people and the rightmost person observes that all the differences from the subtraction or positive.

What this implies is that the person on the far left side of the row will have the largest number which from the quewis denoted as x.

Thus, we can say that the person sitting to the far right end on the row will have the smallest integer.

Since we want to minimize x, and for the fact that we are told that each is thinking of a negative integer no smaller than −15, then we will have to make the rightmost person have an integer of -15.

Since there are 9 people remaining on the row, thus, we add 9 to -15 to get the integer of the person for the leftmost person which will be the minimum he will have.


-15 + 9 = -6

Find of factor of 72


Answer:Factors of 72: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 72.

Negative Factors of 72: -1, -2, -3, -4, -6, -8, -9, -12, -18, -24, -36 and -72.

Prime Factors of 72: 2, 3.

Prime Factorization of 72: 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 23 × 32

Sum of Factors of 72: 195.

Step-by-step explanation:

Write equation of a line in slope intercept form with the given information p=(1,2) m=4




Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

Slope-intercept form: [tex]y=mx+b[/tex] where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept (the value of y when the line crosses the y-axis)

We're given that the slope is 4. Plug this into [tex]y=mx+b[/tex] as m:


Now, to determine the y-intercept, plug in the given point (1,2) and solve for b:


Therefore, the y-intercept is -2. Plug this back into [tex]y=4x+b[/tex] as b:


I hope this helps!

Someone plz explains this to me




Step-by-step explanation:

use cosine,

cos 19°=x/21

x=cos 19° * 21


solve the problem below


Answer:  207 degrees



Refer to the diagram below.

There's a lot of info given to us that we don't need (and won't use).

The only key piece of info we'll really use is the fact that angle XZY is 27 degrees.

Draw in segments RU and RT to form quadrilateral TRUZ

Focusing solely on this quadrilateral, we see that the angles T and U are 90 degrees each (since the tangents are perpendicular to the radii at the point of tangency). Furthermore, we see that angle Z is 27 while angle R is x

For any quadrilateral, the four angles always add to 360 degrees

T+R+U+Z = 360

90+x+90+27 = 360

x+207 = 360

x = 360-207

x = 153

That means angle R of quadrilateral TRUZ is 153 degrees.

Furthermore, it means angle TRU is 153 degrees.

By extension, it indicates that minor arc TU is 153 degrees.

That makes arc TSU = 360 - (minor arc TU) = 360 - 153 = 207 degrees

By Joining TR and UR we got 2 right angles and a Quadrilateral


In a Quadrilateral sum of angles=360°

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto x+90+90+27=360[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto x+180+27=360[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto x+207=360[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto x=360-207[/tex]

[tex]\\ \large\sf\longmapsto x=153°[/tex]

<TSU =360-153=207°

Plsss help asap plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss



The answer is the last one, (X^2-2)/3!

Step-by-step explanation:

To get the inverse of a function, you switch the variables and solve for y. Doing this produces the last choice.

Solve for q.
39 + 4 + 9 = -14
q= [?]


[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 39+4+q=-14[/tex]

Simplify left side

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto q+43=-14[/tex]

Change side.

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto q=-14-43[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto q=-57[/tex]

Can someone please assist me...thank you​



x=10, y=24


Step-by-step explanation:


x = 10 and y = 24

Step-by-step explanation:

Perimeter of triangle = sum of the 3 sides of the triangle

:. x + y + 26 = 60

x + y = 60 - 26

x + y = 34 ---- (1)

From Pythagoras theorem,

x² + y² = 26²

x² + y² = 676 ---- (2)

From equation (1): y = 34 - x

:. x² + (34 - x)² = 676

x² + 1,156 - 68x + x² = 676

x² + x² - 68x + 1,156 - 676 = 0

2x² - 68x + 480 = 0

x² - 34x + 240 = 0

(x² - 24x) - (10x + 240) = 0

x(x - 24) -10(x - 24) = 0

(x - 24)(x - 10) = 0

x = 24 or 10

y = 34 - x

y = 34 - 10 = 24

:. x = 10 and y = 24

what is the answer to
x^{2} + 2x + 15 = 0


From my knowledge:




The area of the shaded sector of circle H is 32.
What is the area of the unshaded sector?
O 2247
O 34571




Step-by-step explanation:

Area of shaded region + Area of unshaded region = Area of circle

Area of the unshaded sector=256*pi-32*pi=224*pi


radius Is 16

total area becomes pi r ^ 2 = 16^2 pi = 256pi

remaining area becomes

256 pi - 32 pi = 224 pi option b

brainliest pls

What’s the rate of change please help



Rate of change, is also another word for slope.

Slope --> y2 - y1 / (x2-x1)

Assuming the table is already in xy, the cords are in xy form too.

1) (8,8)

2) (11,10)

Plug points into slope eq

--> 10 - 8 = 2

----> 11 - 8 = 3

2/3 Is the slope/rate of change.

Write an expression for the area of the square below.
4x + 2
A. 8x2 + 16x + 4
B. 16x2 + 16x + 4
C. 8x + 4
D. 16x2 + 6x + 4


Area = Side^2

Area =( 4x + 2 )^2

Area = (4x)^2 + 2(4x)(2) + (2)^2

Area = 16x^2 + 16x + 4

Thus the correct answer is option B .

Narasimha, Madhu and Pavan started a business by investing Rs. 120,000, Rs. 135,000 and Rs. 150,000 respectively. Find the share of Pavan, out of an annual profit of Rs. 56,700. ​




= Here,

Narasimha invest = 120,000

Madhu 135,000

pavan =

-8a-5=-7a+3 help someone


Answer: a = -8

Step-by-step explanation:


-8a - 5 = -7a + 3

Subtract 3 on both sides

-8a - 5 - 3 = -7a + 3 - 3

-8a - 8 = -7a

Add 8a on both sides

-8a - 8 + 8a = -7a + 8a

a = -8

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions


a = -8

Step-by-step explanation:

-8a-5=-7a+3                    Add 5 to both sides.

- 8a = - 7a + 3 + 5           Combine

-8a = - 7a + 8                  Add 7a to both sides

-8a + 7a = 8                    Combine

-a = 8                              Multiply by - 1

a = - 8                          

When you get a weird number like this, you should check it.

LHS = -8(-8) - 5

LHS = 64 - 5

LHS = 59

RHS = -(7*-8) + 3

RHS = -(-56) + 3

RHS = 56 + 3

RHS = 59

So a = - 8 must be right.

Find the value of 4 tenths x hundreds.


the value of 4 tenths x hundreds.




Step-by-step explanation:

4/10 x 100 = 40

16x^2 - 49 when factored is ?



Step-by-step explanation:

16x^2 = (4x)^2

49 = 7^2

16x^2 - 49 = (4x)^2 - (7)^2

evaluate the function
f (x) = -x + 3 when x = 5
pls help :(



f(5) = -2

Step-by-step explanation:

f (x) = -x + 3

Let x = 5

f(5) = -5+3

f(5) = -2

[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{f(x) = -x + 3}\\\huge\boxed{\rightarrow}\huge\text{ f(x) = -5 + 3}\\\huge\boxed{\rightarrow}\huge\text{ y = -5 + 3}\\\huge\boxed{\rightarrow}\text{ y = -2}\\\\\\\boxed{\boxed{\huge\text{Answer: \bf f(x) = -2}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\textsf{Good luck on your \& enjoy your day!}[/tex]





Option B, $2020.00

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume of the pool,


= 1010 ft³

each cubit foot costs $2, so 1010 ft³ will cost,


= $2020

help me with this question​





w= -5

Step-by-step explanation:

We have that the two matrix are equal, so all corresponding elements are equal.


From the second row and second column, we have y=2

so x-2=3


From the third row and the first column, we have w= - 5

Please help me solve these problems guys I’m really struggling



Step-by-step explanation:

लेखकाला शाल देणारे जोडपे​


होय साहेब!!!!!!!!!!

Line AB is perpendicular to line BC. What is the justification for the following statement?
m ABC = 90°

Definition of angle bisector

Definition of complementary angles

Definition of perpendicular lines

Definition of supplementary angles



definition of perpendicular lines

Solve for 2. Round to the nearest tenth of a degree, if necessary.




Step-by-step explanation:

This is classic right triangle trig. If you're solving for x, which you are, you have to consider how the given sides relate to that angle. The side with a length of 50 is opposite the angle x, while the side of length 36 is adjacent to angle x. The trig ratio that utilizes the sides opposite and adjacent is tangent; HOWEVER, we are looking for a missing angle. Finding missing angles on your calculator requires the 2nd button. To find the missing angle x, you are looking for the angle that has a tangent ratio of 50 over 36 (opposite over adjacent...Toa in SohCahToa). Hit the 2nd button on your calculator and then the tangent button (in degree mode, not radian mode) and you will see this on your screen:


After the parenthesis, enter the fraction and then hit the enter button to get the angle measure in degrees:

[tex]tan^{-1}(\frac{50}{36})=54.2[/tex] degrees.

It's very important that you learn how to use your calculator to find the trig identities that give you the ratio in decimal form and how to find the missing angles. Missing angles always use the 2nd button along with whatever trig identity you are using.

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