The CEO of Skyco, a publicly-traded company that has been earning below-average returns, has been publicly criticized by shareholders for persuading the board of directors to give her interest-free loans, for having the company purchase and furnish a lavish apartment in Paris for her personal use on her twice-yearly trips there, and for excessive stock options. The CEO's behavior may be indication of
A) reasonably compensating a CEO.
B) a weak board of directors.
C) the laxity of institutional investors.
D) the difference in risk propensity between owners and managers.


Answer 1


B) a weak board of directors


The board of directors of a company are elected group of people that represents the interest of shareholders of a company.

They provide oversight by meeting at intervals to set policies that will govern the company.

In the given scenario the CEO got interest-free loans, for having the company purchase and furnish a lavish apartment in Paris for her personal use on her twice-yearly trips there, and for excessive stock options.

This is with the consent of the board of directors and despite the company earning below-average returns.

It is a sign that the board of directors is weak and are not adequately representating the wishes of the shareholders.

Related Questions

What is the first step in the standard purchasing process practiced by most
A. Solicit bids
B. Requisition
C. Invoicing
D. Purchase order



B. requisition


i have done this before, hope i helped

I think b
Hope its help for your questions

what is business ? please tell us​



Noun, a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.


Which school faculty member should you talk to about enrolling in an AP


Answer: The guidance counselor


Social worker is someone who helps people cope with the challenges tahtnthwy face in their lives. Social workers work with people who have addiction issues, people with disabilities, children etc.

A paraprofessional refers to someone who's specially trained to support students in school. Such oeeosn can be a teaching assistant, special education paraprofessional etc.

A registrar is the keeper of records in an educational institution whinis charged with the responsibility of registering students, and keeping their academic records.

The guidance counselor is a professional who provides career, academic, and social-emotional competencies to the students in a schoool through counseling. Such person is the faculty member smtaht you should talk to about enrolling in an AP.


Lets say you were a teacher. If parent approaches you to encourage you to give information about another child, what should you do.


first of all I will ask the parents what's the matter, if they explain me then also I will not going to give the child's information, I will contact to the principal about this matter and school management will look out at this matter.

I surely won't give.Privacy of children is my first priority .If some one acquires that Then it will hamper that students privacy .So I won't give.

The clerical and editorial employees in a publishing house need to be at their desks by 8:00 AM and follow a set of precise procedures dictated by management. The jobs of these clerical and editorial employees ________.


Answer: Formalization


Formalization could be defined as the length of an organization's policies, description and rules all spelt out for everyone to see. What makes up formalized structures or what we can know them for are their rules and regulations.

The jobs of these clerical and editorial employees are related to Formalization, they either form this rules out with the management or play the role of spelling it out(written) for all to see.

Toby has been working on collecting tidbits over the past year from a financial firm's trash in an effort to eventually break into their system. Even though the financial firm has strict restrictions on access to their trash, Toby has been able to bypass these restrictions. How has Toby most likely done this



By acting or posing as a waste management collector looking to fix the dumpster or collect the debris


The computer as an electronic machine has served as a tool or an object of the crime, subject of the crime and an instrument of the crime

Cyber crime

This is simply known as a criminal act. It is the process by which there is the stealing or destruction of information, resources, or funds utilizing computers, computer networks and the Internet.

Computer fraud

This is simply a type of fraud committed with the use of contemporary technology and it is regarded as a law crime. It includes theft of information and corporate espionage etc.

Most cyber crimes are usually well organized. The individual committing the crime usually puts a lot of efforts in achieving their goal. Toby could only have gained access to the company dumpster if he poses as the one or company sent to collect the trash.

Suppose the demand for cherries sold from roadside stands in Michigan is perfectly elastic. The owner of one roadside stand raises the price of cherries by 10%, as a result 1 point A. Zero cherries are sold at this stand. B. No change in the quantity demanded at this stand. C. A 10% decrease in the quantity demanded at this stand. D. A 10% increase in the quantity demanded at this stand. E. All available cherries will be sold.





Price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price of the good.

Price elasticity of demand = percentage change in quantity demanded / percentage change in price  

Infinitely elastic demand is perfectly elastic demand. Demand falls to zero when price increases

it is in perfectly competitive markets that demand is perfectly elastic

Providing incentives for customers to learn more about your service is known as
A. branding
(B. advertising Not the answer)
C. permission marketing.
D. search engine optimization.


For your answer it’s letter c Because Providing incentives for customers to learn more about your services is known as Permission marketing

. You have determined that Company A's shares have an intrinsic value of $20 per share but are trading at $22 per share, while Company B's shares are worth $25 per share but are trading at $22 per share. What would a rational investor (or an arbitrageur) do to take advantage of this price difference (no short-selling constraint and transaction fee)



a rational investor would short company A's shares and long company B's shares.


Company A's shares are overvalued.

A share is overvalued when its intrinsic value is less than its price

Company B's shares are undervalued.

A share is undervalued when its intrinsic value is greater than its price

It is expected that the price of company's A's share would fall. Investors that are holding this company's share would lose.

On the other hand, it is expected the the price of company B's shares would rise. Investors holding this company's share would gain from the increase in price.

Thus, a rational investor would short short company A's shares and long company B's shares.

Place the steps of the marketing research approach in the correct order. (Note: the first step should be the top item on your list and the last step should be at the bottom of your list) Instructions Choice 1 of 5. develop the research plan toggle button develop the research plan Choice 2 of 5. collect relevant information toggle button collect relevant information Choice 3 of 5. develop findings toggle button develop findings Choice 4 of 5. take marketing actions toggle button take marketing actions Choice 5 of 5. define the problem toggle button define the problem



Choice 5 of 5. Define the problem

Choice 1 of 5. Develop a research plan

Choice 2 of 5. Collect relevant information

Choice 3 of 5. Develop findings

Choice 4 of 5. Take marketing actions


The steps of the marketing research approach includes

Step 1: Defining the problem

Step 2: Construction of the ideologies from which the problem is approached

Step 3: Formulation of research designs through which data and information are collected

Step 4: The collection and analysis

Step 5: Presentation of report and take marketing action

Therefore, the correct order from the given options are;

Choice 5 of 5. Define the problem

At this stage, the problem that is the basis for the research is clearly defined, including the background information, the purpose of the research,  and the information that could be useful in decision making

Choice 1 of 5. Develop a research plan

The blueprint or outline of how the research is to be conducted

Choice 2 of 5. Collect relevant information

The fieldwork in collection of data from the listed sources in the research blueprint

Choice 3 of 5. Develop findings

The findings are analyzed to derive the actionable research results

Choice 4 of 5. Take marketing actions

The implementation of the made decision


1. Defining objectives and needs

2. Designing the research

3. Collecting the data

4. Analyzing data and developing insights

5. Developing and implementing an action plan

The top part of Mars, Inc.'s 2018 balance sheet is listed as follows (in millions of dollars). Current assets: Current liabilities: Cash and marketable securities $ 10 Accrued wages and taxes $ 20 Accounts receivable 40 Accounts payable 30 Inventory 160 Notes payable 40 Total $ 210 Total $ 90 What are Mars, Inc.'s current ratio, quick ratio, and cash ratio for 2018?


Answer and Explanation:

The calculation is given below:

Current ratio is

= Current assets ÷ current liabilities

= 210 ÷ 90

= 2.33 times

quick ratio is

= Quick assets ÷ current liabilities

= + ($210 - $160) ÷ 90

= 0.56  

And, the Cash ratio is

= cash ÷ Current liabilities

= 0.11

In this way it should be determined

Daniel wants to buy a laptop computer, and he has $300 in savings. He can purchase a new computer for $279 or a refurbished [repaired or renovated] computer for $100. What should Daniel do next?



He should buy a refurbished computer


This saves him 179  dollars

Do you think that interest and capacity play a great role to get success in a profession?Give your opinion.​



For many people, interest is a driving factor for motivation and happiness in their life. Interest is one of the important parts while choosing a career. When we love what we are doing, we will always put our best performance forward and strive to learn more. Consequently, that will enhance our self-confidence as well.


It is important to know yourself and your capacities. Your strengths are things you can leverage on, things you can use to push yourself further. On the other hand, your weaknesses are not your downfall. So,interest and capacity is important in our career.

Yes, I think interest and capacity play a great role to get success in a profession.

What is interest?

An interest is a desire or want to do/hear something or someone. interest can be stated as an emotion that a person possess regarding something. a person is said to be interested if that particular thing excites or gives a joyful feeling to person while doing that particular act. interest is very essential in a profession to be successful because if a person is not interested in particular subject and profession how can that person provide best services out of that profession.

What is capacity?

Capacity is an ability of a person to perform a particular job or to do a particular task. capacity here refers to the thinking capacity or mental capability that is required in a profession. this is another ingredient that is very important to be successful in any profession.

for example you cannot ask a 5 year old to be judge in a court because that person doesn't possess such professional skill along with it he is not capable to think and provide service for same profession.

What is profession?

A profession is a field of work that requires special knowledge and training over a period of time. a person doing profession is known as professionals. the profession is basically a way of knowing and learning skills and education for a particular subjects such as law, medical. the practitioners of professions are said to be expert of such profession.

Hence, to get successful in a profession, interest and capacity is very important and essential as interest creates curiosity and eagerness to learn that particular profession in every manner and explore every aspect of that profession to provide best service out of it along with it the capacity to grasp and learn such skills to be expert in such profession is also required.

Therefore, a successful professional is one that have interest in that particular field and also capable to learn and evolve in that particular profession according to need and requirement.

Supporting answer

To learn more about profession here


Suppose the town of Falls Valley has a mosquito problem. After a bad summer, the town accountants explain that the marginal cost of providing one more treatment for mosquito control is $100,000. The town should provide the additional mosquito control only if the marginal: Group of answer choices social cost of mosquito control is more than $100,000. benefit for any individual citizen is at least $100,000. social cost of mosquito control is less than $100,000. benefits for all individual citizens add up to at least $100,000.



The correct option is "benefits for all individual citizens add up to at least $100,000".


Marginal cost refers to the additional cost incurred in order to provide an additional unit of a commodity.

For a community, town, or country, benefit is maximized when the marginal cost of providing a good or service to the community, town, or country is equal to the sum of the marginal benefit for all individual citizens of the community, town, or country.

Based on the above explanation, the correct option is "benefits for all individual citizens add up to at least $100,000". That is, the town should provide the additional mosquito control only if the marginal benefits for all individual citizens add up to at least $100,000.

Sports and marketing have to compete on which angle if they want to be relevant to the 21st century market?

cheapest prices

scarcest supply

most appealing

quickest distribution



cheapest prices


Marketing can be defined as the process of developing promotional techniques and sales strategies by a business firm, so as to enhance the availability of goods and services to meet the unending requirements, needs or wants of the end users or consumers through advertising and market research. Thus, it comprises all the activities such as, identifying, anticipating set of medium and processes for creating, promoting, delivering, and exchanging goods and services that has value for customers.

In sales and marketing, pricing of products is considered to be an essential element of a business firm's marketing mix because place, promotion and product largely depends on it.

Price can be defined as the amount of money that is required to be paid by a buyer (customer) to a seller (producer) in order to acquire goods and services. Thus, it refers to the amount of money a customer or consumer buying goods and services are willing to pay for the goods and services being offered.

Hence, sports and marketing have to compete on the cheapest prices, if they want to be relevant to the 21st century market because it's the most important factor that influences the willingness of a consumer to buy a good or take a service.

What are the basic points to be considered while running the occupation? for each of them​







I need points 5),:6)6

Barclay Bikes manufactures and sells three distinct styles of bicycles: the Youth model sells for $420 and has a unit contribution margin of $165; the Adult model sells for $970 and has a unit contribution margin of $510; and the Recreational model sells for $1,120 and has a unit contribution margin of $560. The company's sales mix includes: 5 Youth models; 9 Adult models; and 6 Recreational models. If the firm's annual fixed costs total $6,620,000, calculate the firm's contribution margin per composite unit.



the  firm's contribution margin per composite unit is $8,775


The computation of the firm's contribution margin per composite unit is given below:

= $165 × 5 + $510 × 9 + $560 × 6

= $825 + $4,590 + $3,360

= $8,775

Hence, the  firm's contribution margin per composite unit is $8,775

Therefore the same is to be considered and relevant

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurance companies to adhere to the: Group of answer choices pure community rating approach for individuals and small businesses. adjusted community rating approach for individuals and small businesses. same standards used by the Social Security Administration. pure community rating approach for college communities. cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for individuals and small businesses.



adjusted community rating approach for individuals and small businesses.


The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurance companies to adhere to the adjusted community rating approach for individuals and small businesses.

The general term for the payments for the use of resources is ______?
A. wages
B. rent
C. interest
D. factor payments​


A. Wages is the general term for the payments for the use of resources

The umbrella word used to describe payments for the usage of resources is Factor payments. Hence, Option D is correct.

What is factor payment?

Factor payments in economics are the compensation that individuals receive for providing the factors of production—land, labor, capital, or entrepreneurialism. Payments made with limited resources or production inputs in exchange for useful services.


Rent, wages and salaries for work, interest and dividends are the factor payments received for land, labor, and capital, respectively. It describes one method for determining GDP using income.

The factor income technique, also referred to as the "income approach," calculates GDP by adding employee wages, rent, interest, and profit. Payments provided to production factors, such as rent, interest, profit, wages, etc., are referred to as factors payments.

Thus, Option D is correct.

Learn more about payment from here:


If Texia specializes in food, it can produce 1,000 units of food and 0 units of clothing this year. If it specializes in clothing, it can produce 500 units of clothing and 0 units of food. This year Urbania can produce either 500 units of food and 0 units of clothing or 200 units of clothing and 0 units of food. (assume linear production possibility frontiers) _______has the absolute advantage in the production of clothing and ________has the absolute advantage in the production of food. Texia; Texia Texia; Urbania Urbania; Texia Urbania; Urbania



Texia; Texia


A country has absolute advantage in the production of a good or service if it produces more quantity of a good when compared to other countries

Texia can produce 1000  units of food while Urbania can produce 500  units of food . Texia produces more food

Texia can produce 500 units of clothing while Urbania can produce 200 units of clothing. Texia produces more clothing

Texia has an absolute advantage in both activities

The WBS is best suited for design and construction projects that have tangible outcomes. When the final outcome of the project is less tangible or it is the result of a series of steps or phases, some project managers choose to utilize a(n) ___________. Multiple Choice Responsibility Matrix (RM) Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Modified Process Breakdown Structure (PBS) Project Priority Matrix (PPM)



Process Breakdown Structure (PBS)


Since in the question it is mentioned that WBS should be best suited for design & construction projects so there is tangible results

now if the final result should be lower tangible so here the project manager should select the project breakdown structure as the process of the project should be driven via requirement of the performance but not with the plans or the blueprints

Karl and Kara own a business that specializes in providing outdoor adventure experiences for tourists. They employ a staff of eight adventure guides who are responsible for providing each client with a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience. Recently, Karl and Kara received a number of complaints about the guides from clients. Karl believes that the problem can be resolved by providing the guides with additional customer service and communication training. But Kara suggests that before investing resources into training, they should conduct a needs assessment to see if training is the best solution, and if so, which type of training would be the most beneficial.


Answer: Needs assessment


Your question isn't well written as you've already given the answer to the question which is needs assessment.

A needs assessment is used for determining the needs as well as addressing the needs between the present conditions and the desired conditions.

The main purpose of needs assessment is in order to know the people whom are in need and the types of needs.

Which statement best describes the outlook for small businesses in international markets? Multiple Choice The world is a larger, and potentially a more lucrative market than the U.S. domestic market. Most foreign buyers prefer to deal with large, well-known corporations rather than small businesses. Higher business costs eliminate the profit opportunities in global markets. The threat of terrorist activities prevents small businesses from competing internationally.



The correct option is "The world is a larger, and potentially a more lucrative market than the U.S. domestic market."


An international market can be described as a market that exists outside of a company's home country's international borders. This is different from a domestic market that is located within company's own country.

The international market comprises of the whole world or all the countries in the world. As a result, the international market is larger and more profitable than the domestic market for small businesses.

Therefore, the correct option is "The world is a larger, and potentially a more lucrative market than the U.S. domestic market."

For example, the sticky-price theory asserts that the output prices of some goods and services adjust slowly to changes in the price level. Suppose firms announce the prices for their products in advance, based on an expected price level of 100 for the coming year. Many of the firms sell their goods through catalogs and face high costs of reprinting if they change prices. The actual price level turns out to be 90. Faced with high menu costs, the firms that rely on catalog sales choose not to adjust their prices. Sales from catalogs will _____________.





We know that when demand for goods and services are low, this can impact prices since there would be a fall in sales. This happened due to the fact that people would reduce their demand for the good given the increase in their price. From the question that we have here we have been told that the prices that were set by the catalogue when compared to the actual price level is on the high side.

given this explanation, the conclusion is that the sales from catalogues are going to fall

A firm has a demand function p=108-5q and the cost function c=-12q+q^2. find the price at which profit is maximum. find the maximum profit. also find the output for maximum cost.



[tex](a)\ q=3.5[/tex]

[tex](b)\ t_{max} = 120.25[/tex]

(c) No maximum



[tex]p = 108 - 5q[/tex]

[tex]c = -12q + q^2[/tex]

Solving (a): The price at maximum profit.

The profit (t) is calculated using the following function

[tex]t = p - c[/tex] --- price- cost

So, we have:

[tex]t = 108 - 5q - (-12q + q^2)[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]t = 108 - 5q +12q - q^2[/tex]

[tex]t = 108 +7q - q^2[/tex]

Rewrite as:

[tex]t = - q^2 + 7q + 108[/tex] --- this is the profit function

A quadratic function is represented as:

[tex]y = ax^2 + bx + c[/tex]

The maximum is:

[tex]x = -\frac{b}{2a}[/tex]

By comparison:

[tex]q = -\frac{7}{2*-1}[/tex]

[tex]q=3.5[/tex] ----- price at maximum profit

Solving (b): The maximum profit

The profit function is:

[tex]t = - q^2 + 7q + 108[/tex]

The maximum is:

[tex]t_{max} = -3.5^2 + 7 * 3.5 +108[/tex]

[tex]t_{max} = 120.25[/tex]

Solving (c): Maximum cost

We have:

[tex]c = -12q + q^2[/tex]

The maximum price of the above function is:

[tex]q = -\frac{-12}{2*1}[/tex] ---- from x = -b/2a

[tex]q = \frac{12}{2}[/tex]

[tex]q = 6[/tex]

So, the maximum cost is:

[tex]c_{max} = -12 * 6 + 6^2[/tex]

[tex]c_{max} = -36[/tex]

The cost function has no maximum; only minimum

Question 6 of 25
For which of the following housing situations is there a tenant and a landlord?
O A. Buying a home
B. Staying at a hotel
C. Renting a house
D. Selling a condominium
Could someone answer this pls?





This is because, in renting a house, the owner becomes your landlord and you become the tenant

Please I need help!!





State the type of skewness for a frequency distribution whose three quartiles are 21, 18 and 20.



Left skew


Given the quartiles of a distribution :

21, 18 and 20

Lower quartile, Q1 = 18

Median, Q2 = 20

Upper quartile, Q3 = 21

Representing the quartiles of the distribution as box plot, we can see that the median, Q2 is much closer to the third quartile, Q3, Than it is to the first quartile, Q1. Hence, we have a left skew or a negatively skewed distribution.

291. Much of the hope for continued improvement of the economy lies in the projection of increasing consumer spending this year. . A. projection of increasing consumer spending B. projection of consumers increasing spending for C. projected consumer spending increase 37 D. consumer spending that is projected to increase E. increase in consumer spending that is projected for



The correct answer is E:

Much of the hope for continued improvement of the economy lies in the increase in consumer spending that is projected for.


i. Much of the hope (this is the main Subject of the conversation)

ii. for continued improvement (this is the Prepositional phrase. It modifies the noun “hope”)

iii. of the economy (this is a Prepositional phrase – it modifies the noun “improvement”)

iv. lies in the projection (This is the main Verb – “lies”)

v. of increasing consumer spending this year. (This is the prepositional phrase. It modifies the noun “projection”)

At first glance, it would appear that the positive experience that is anticipated is the projection.

A projection (unqualified) in this case is an estimate of how a thing will be in the future.

Having stated this, we see that it is more logical to hope for a positive experience that will occur than to just hope. Hence the hope is really in the increase in consumer spending not in the projection as a separate word.

(E) therefore is the Correct option because in this option that in this option “that” modifies “increase”.


A construction company in a small town needs to hire workers to build a new community center. There are only 4 people in town who are qualified to work:
- Klara works full-time at the local gas station, earning $8.99 per hour
- Henry works full-time as an administrative assistant at the town hall, earning $19.99 per hour
- Alex works four hours a day mowing lawns, earning $11.99 per hour, and another four hours a day cleaning houses, earning $17.99 per hour
- Melody works full-time at a bank in the next town earning $22.99 per hour
What hourly wage must the construction company offer to get enough workers to fill 30 hours per day? Assume your answer is in dollars per hour and enter a numeric value only.





Other Questions
A savings and loan association needs information concerning the checking account balances of its local customers. A random sample of 14 accounts was checked and yielded a mean balance of $664.14 and a standard deviation of $279.29. Find a 99% confidence interval for the true mean checking account balance for local customers. InstructionsImagine that you're eating a 16-inch pepperoni pizza with your friends. It's so good that you've had four slices and washedthat down with a 16-ounce soda. Guess the nutritional value of your four-slice pizza and 16-ounce soda meal.Once you've made an educated guess, you're going to don your sleuthing hat and figure out the actual nutritional value.Go to your favorite pizza place's Web site or select a popular site that shows its nutritional values. Calculate how much ofyou ate and compare it to at least two similar meals, which you will also calculate. Your response must include: Dorsey Co. has expanded its operations by purchasing a parcel of land with a building on it from Bibb Co. for $89,000. The appraised value of the land is $26,000, and the appraised value of the building is $92,000.Required:a. Assuming that the building is to be used in Dorsey Co.s business activities, what cost should be recorded for the land?b. Indicate why, for income tax purposes, management of Dorsey Co. would want as little of the purchase price as possible allocated to land. (Select all that apply.) Land is a current asset. Land is not a depreciable asset. Land value will not reduce taxable income. Land is a depreciable asset. Land value reduces taxable income.c. Indicate why Dorsey Co. allocated the cost of assets acquired based on appraised values at the purchase date rather than on the original cost of the land and building to Bibb Co. Appraised values are to be used because they represent the historical asset value. Appraised values are to be used because they represent the book value. Appraised values are to be used because they represent the asset's current value.d. Assuming that the building is demolished at a cost of $11,000 so the land can be used for employee parking, what cost should Dorsey Co. record for the land? the numbers written in rectangles are the products of the numbers in connecting circle. Please solve it fast its urgent I have possess'd your grace of what I purpose:And by our holy Sabbath have I swornTo have the due and forfeit of my bond.If you deny it, let the danger lightUpon your charter and your city's freedom !You'll ask me, why I rather choose to haveA weight of carrion flesh than to receiveThree thousand ducats : I'll not answer that:But, say, it is my humour(1) Whom are these lines addressed to? What is the context in which theselines are spoken?(ii) What has Shylock sworn on oath ? Find the measure of 2 Asset cost $35,000Prepaid Insurance $5,000Maintenance costs $3,000Accumulated Depreciation $10,000Book Value $________Based on the information above, the book value of the tractor is __________.a) $33,000b) $43,000c) $25,000d) $28,000 I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST PLS HELP Translate the following 24. "I have a book for you."25. "What are you reading?"I26."We should go to the park."27. Imagine that your teacher has asked you for advice about how to make your class more fun and interesting. Use formal commands to compose a complete sentence telling your teacher to talk more, play more movies, and assign no homework.28. Translate the following sentence into Spanish."We are reading and watching TV tonight."29. Translate the following sentence into Spanish."I frequently work quickly."30. Translate the following sentence into Spanish."I wash my face every night."31. Compose a complete sentence in the present tense describing your mom's morning routine. Use the reflexive verbs levantarse, lavarse, and maquillarse.32. Translate the following sentence into Spanish."She needs my books."33. Answer the following question with a complete sentence beginning with s or no.Te quitas los zapatos cuando ests en casa?34. Translate the following sentences into Spanish.I know a student from Boston. He knows how to speak Spanish very well.35. Answer the following question with the phrase "Yes, I have it" In Spanish. Use the appropriate object pronoun.Tienes el libro?36. Translate the following sentence into Spanish."We visit our aunts on Saturdays."37. Translate the following sentence into Spanish."Teresa gives them a drink."38.Translate the following sentence into Spanish.I want to go to the beach with my friends, but my mom wants to go with the family.39. Tell a friend that this summer you are going to be very active. (Say this as though you are female). 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The slice for marketing majors would be two times as big as the finance slice. Which is an example of the executive branch imposing a check on the legislature's power to make laws? Please Help!!! Whoever helps first and gets it correct gets Brainliest! A company issues $17200000, 9.8%, 20-year bonds to yield 10% on January 1, 2020. Interest is paid on June 30 and December 31. The proceeds from the bonds are $16904864. What is interest expense for 2021, using straight-line amortization health ,population and environment education is for the enrichment of quality of life,justify the statement find the length of side x In a certain survey, 513 people chose to respond to this question: "Should passwords be replaced with biometric security (fingerprints, etc)?" Among the respondents, 53% said "yes." We want to test the claim that more than half of the population believes that passwords should be replaced with biometric security. Complete parts (a) through (d) below. a. Are any of the three requirements violated? Can a test about a population proportion using the normal approximation method be used? Coronado Industries uses job order costing for its brand new line of sewing machines. The cost incurred for production during 2019 totaled $18000 of materials, $13000 of direct labor costs, and $8000 of manufacturing overhead applied. The company ships all goods as soon as they are completed which results in no finished goods inventory on hand at the end of any year. Beginning work in process totaled $12000, and the ending balance is $9000. During the year, the company completed 25 machines. How much is the cost per machine which describe the complex carbohydrate cellulose A contingent liability can be classified as all of the following except for a.Certain b.Probable c.Remote d.Reasonably possible