The clouds gathering on the horizon were an inauspicious sign for the outdoor class, so rather than risk getting caught in a downpour, Dara decided to bring the class indoors.

Based on context clues in the sentence, what is the most likely meaning of inauspicious?



Answer 1


Unfavorable possibly


It seems to fit best when swapped with inauspicious

Answer 2




I took the test and got it right

Related Questions

What is the sentence structure that makes the object the focus of the sentence?



Passive Voice and Active Voice Structures

A passive sentence structure makes the object the focus of the sentence.

A passive sentence structure follows the following pattern: Object + “be” + Verb + (optional “by” phrase) + Subject.

Using this passive structure,  the object of the verb or the receiver of the action is moved to the front position while the doer of the action moves to the end of the sentence.  This grammatical arrangement is usually followed by a “by phrase”.  

The passive structure is mainly used when the doer is not important.  Therefore, the speaker or writer showcases the object and the action done to the object, thereby disregarding the doer.  It is the opposite of an active sentence structure, wherein the doer is the subject of the sentence, while the receiver of the action is the object.

Thus, the focus of a passive sentence structure is on the person or thing affected by the action of the doer and not on the doer.

Learn more about the difference between the passive and active sentence structures or voices here:

ways to improve games and sports​


the competitiveness. everyone around me is always so competitive and full of themselves thinking they are the best out of everyone.

please arrive early for us to start the meeting on time. (so that)


Please arrive early for us so that we can start meeting on time.

I’m so confused I was wondering if you could help me



i would say maybe 2, but it is confusing as none of them seem correct, I would reach out to your teacher.


The reason i would say the Second one is that if t started in 2008 and continued till 2011, mabey it occurend annually on the same day? Im not sure.

As always make sure to back through your lessons and readings so you dont miss anything and can get closer to the ansew your teacher might want/expect. Also please do not copy-cut- and paste the above answers, reword.

~Woofer Books, Happy Learning

How does the text structure help the author convey his central idea that a prince is judged by the quality of his servants
chapter 22 of The Prince


Answer: providing supporting evidence of a prince believed to be clever because he chose a good servant.


You didn't give the passage or the options to the question. I got the options online and the correct answer has been chosen.

The text structure helped the author convey his central idea that a prince is judged by the quality of his servants by providing supporting evidence of a prince believed to be clever because he chose a good servant.

According to the author, the intelligence of a prince can be judged based on the kind of servants that the prince chooses.

In a situation whereby the prince choose a faithful servant, then it's believed that the prince posseses a high level of intelligence. An example was given about the prince of Siena who chose a faithful and hardworking servant and therefore was seen to be intelligent.

Which point of view would be best if an author wants to develop several characters, each of whose thoughts and actions are a part of the story a.Third- person limited b. Third- person omniscient d.Second person d.First person



a. Third-person limited


Indeed, by means of the third-person limited point of view, an author is able to narrate the thoughts of his character(s), in a way that they become part of the story.

Using this point of view, the author is limited in that he makes fewer generalizations about the thoughts of his characters, rather the author often shares the observed feelings, thoughts, and actions of each individual character(s) as a part of the story.

How was the Prince able to frighten the Demon? (The Demon with the Matted Hair)​


Answer: His sword—it was three-and-thirty inches long—stuck in the Demon's hair! The Bodhisatta struck him with his spear—that stuck too! He struck him with his club—and that stuck too! When the Bodhisatta saw that this had stuck fast, he addressed the Demon.


Hope it helps you if not sorry


With is sword


his sword was very strorng and powerful

What does this simile help you imagine? Check all
that apply.
the dignity of the father
Baldwin's youthful innocence
the consequences of too much education
the father's effect on Baldwin



first and last option


right on edge


a & d


the dignity of the father

the father’s effect on Baldwin

Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb in Past Continuous Tense ____they not ______for the examination.(prepare)​


Have they not prepared for the examination.

In one paragraph, briefly explain the qualities of someone who exhibits professionalism.


Answer: See explanation


Professionalism refers to the behavior, conduct, and attitude of a person in a business or work environment. It should be noted that professionalism is necessary as it brings about success in the workplace and a high level of excellence.

The qualities of someone who exhibits professionalism include:

1. Conscientiousness: Someone who is high in conscientiousness works hard, reliable and dependable.

2. Good interpersonal skills.

3. Someone who exhibits professionalism is honest and can be trusted.

4. Competence: Such person is competent and knows what is expected of him or her and does it. They always put in their best to ensure organizational goals are achieved.

5. Such person possesses and emotional intelligence.

HExamine the painting Self-Portrait with Monkey and Parrot. What do the animals and the background suggest about the artist? her interest in nature her appreciation for beauty her interest in pleasing others her feelings about her conditio



her interest in nature


Presenting a Self-Portrait with Monkey and Parrot, the artist shows her interest in nature and wildlife, as a characteristic that expresses who she is. We can see this, because a self portrait is the way the artist wants to present herself to the world, showing elements that present her true self and what characterizes her. When the artist wants to present the self-portrait with elements of nature such as animals, she is showing that her interest in nature is a striking feature she has.

Answer: D

Explanation: did it myself

To make inferences or draw conclusions, you need to engage in what


To make inferences or draw conclusions, you need to engage in critical thinking.

what is the suitable adverb of the river flows​



Maybe stream


river and stream are pretty close so maybe try that

Plzzzz help 25 points!!!!
Select the correct answer. Which detail is emphasized in the text but not in the image? A. millions of years of erosion B. the deep, red landscape C. high winds in the valley D. steep canyon walls


Answer: C. High winds in the valley


The detail that is emphasized in the text but not in the image is the high winds in the valley. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is Valley?

Valley may be defined as a place that is generally peaceful and resting that is typically utilized by the person who is traveling to a destination. It is a lengthened depression of the earth's surface usually between ranges of hills or mountains.

The context of this question illustrates the picturization of details which are easily represented by the image given below. The given image only demonstrates the observable qualities but not the sensing ones. While winds of any geographical region is sensational.

The details that are easily emphasized in the text as well as in the picture are millions of years of erosion, the deep, red landscape, and steep canyon walls.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is C.

To learn more about Valleys, refer to the link:


the oth with the



Hellou hai ai dou nou sei english but i sou boa obrigada tenkiusou muchi baii


Helloiu neg lips for eye

List four things we learn about Nicole Renard in this extract


Nicole was:
Seemed nice to be around


Nicole Renard '17 became a dancer at age 2 and competed in her first pageant while in fifth grade.

Little did she know then that she'd dance across the Miss America stage as Miss Washington on Sept. 10.

Soon after she began her pageant career, Renard won National American Miss.


what is the figure of speech that gives objects and animals human characteristics is called?



Personification is a type of figure of speech that gives objects and animals human characteristics.




Read the passage and answer the question. "... Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.... And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." John F. Kennedy Select the correct answer. What is Kennedy implying in this excerpt from his inaugural address? Americans are not responsible for defending freedom. Americans have civil responsibility. The government has a responsibility to all Americans. The success of liberty is dependent upon America.


Answer:Americans have civil responsibility.


I got it correct

Pls help, i don't read
In literature, many characters struggle. A common theme is man vs. himself. Choose a character from a book or short story you have read and explain his or her internal struggle. To earn credit for this forum, state the name of the character, the title of the work, and the author. Your response should be 3-5 sentences long and show that you’ve thought about the topic/question at hand. Please be aware we are looking for YOUR PERSONAL OPINION and there is not a single “correct answer.”



"The Great Gatsby" is a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald in which the main character, Gatsby, develops the theme of man vs. self. This type of conflict takes place inside the character, so to speak, concerning his struggles with his feelings, decisions, and doubts. With Gatsby, the struggle lies in what he truly is and what he wishes to be. Gatsby lies to the world about his money and his business, but he cannot lie to himself. Thus, he is constantly wearing a metaphorical mask, constantly struggling with his own self-worth. In his desperation to be accepted, the mask falls. When accused by another character of being a criminal, Gatsby can no longer contain himself. If he did not care, perhaps the consequences wouldn't be so terrible. But he cares, a lot. Inside, Gatsby is still insecure - and that is what costs him everything he ever dreamed.


Take the answer above as an example. If you do not wish to write about "The Great Gatsby," feel free to choose a different character and literary work and use the answer as a template.

Conflicts, in literature, are the struggle between two opposing forces. There are external conflicts, such as character vs. character, or character vs. nature. There are also internal conflicts, such as character vs. self, which is the one we must develop in this answer.

why can self-esteem change quickly?


Society makes the change

Help me¡¡¡¡¡

I ask here because I don't know English, please help



1. "Dani does not eat spaghetti bolognaise every week."

2. "Can most Dutch people speak English and German?"

3. "My mum can't play the piano very well."

4.  "Do you work in the city centre?"

5. "I don't like walking in the countryside."


Hope this helps :)


1) Dani doesn't eat spaghetti bolognaise every week.

2) Can most Dutch people speak English and German?

3) My mum can't play the piano very well.

4) Do you work in the city center ?

5) I don't like walking in the countryside .

How time management could help real learning and to manage your daily timetable?

write your response..


I just woke up and woke on the highway and

I haven’t written to him for 3 weeks.
= The last time………………………………………………………………
It’s months since we decorated this room
=We haven’t…………………………………………...................….
I didn’t know how to swim until I was 17 years old.
=Not until..................................................................................



1. I wrote to him was 3 weeks ago.

2. decorated this room for months.

3. Not until I was 17 years old did I know how to swim.

Read the following excerpts:

Excerpt from My Antonia, by Willa Cather

Sometimes I went south to visit our German neighbors and to admire their catalpa grove, or to see the big elm tree that grew up out of a deep crack in the earth and had a hawk's nest in its branches.

Excerpt from Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain

North of the house, inside the ploughed fire-breaks, grew a thick-set strip of box-elder trees, low and bushy, their leaves already turning yellow…

What might be the shared theme of these excerpts?

the beauty of nature

the importance of neighbors

the values of farm life

the simplicity of animals



The beauty of nature. Neither excerpt focuses on meeting the neighbors, nor the animals that lived in that area, nor the value of farming.

How does drama reveal the characters?
A. narration
B. description
C. characters' internal thoughts
D. dialogue and action


I think this will be dialogue and action

pls give brainliest and ❤️

dialogue and action (d)

What the heck is this supposed to mean? I asked a question and this is what I got.


I think whoever deleted your question thought it was a bad question or maybe that it wasn't a question that needed to be asked? What was your question that was deleted>???


Bro It happens to everyone.


The same thing happened to me too, the thing is that u must have asked a question that was not somehow related to studies and DEAR, GOD it is soo da   m n annoying.

What is the theme The poem “ The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost​


The theme of Robert Frost’s famous poem, ‘The Toad Not Taken’ is choosing. The poem is about all the choices in life we make and how many paths we haven’t taken.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Hi! Does anyone have some SSAT essay examples? Also, what are some good strategies for writing the SSAT essay?



You can look online for SSAT essay samples

You need to be able to write something good in 25 minutes

In The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, how long has the Tin Woodman been unable to move?

A. A year
B. A week
C. Six months
D. Five years



I believe the answer is (a). The Tin man was walking through the forest during a rainstorm, chopping trees to pass time. The water rusted him completely leaving him frozen for a year.


In The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, the Tin Woodman has been unable to move for almost an year.

What is The Wonderful Wizard of Oz?

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a children’s book that was written in 1900 by L. Frank Baum. Described as a modern-day fairy tale with a distinctly American setting, a delightfully cool-headed and assertive heroine, and surprisingly engaging fantasy characters, the story became enormously popular and became a cult classic among children’s literature. However, by the late 20th century the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz which was an adaptation of the book had become more familiar than the book on which it was based.

Upon her arrival in Oz, she learns that she can't return home until and unless she has destroyed the Wicked Witch of the West.

The book was published in its country of origins i.e., United States in May 1900 by the George M. Hill Company.  a total of 10,000 copies, had quickly sold out following the ending of the publication  

Who is Tin Woodman?

The Tin Woodman can be described as a fictional character invented by L Frank Baum, who is the popularly known author and creator of the Oz legacy. In The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, he is introduced to us for the first time by the author , published in 1900."

Tin Woodman was born and raised in the magical Land of Oz and the name given to him at birth was Nicholas chopper, or simply "Nick" Chopper for short. However, His nickname 'Tin Woodman' is the one by which he is known by the most in popular media.

He is the one that joins the journey alongside Dorothy Gale, who finds him rusted solid in distress in the middle of a forest.

Hence, option A is the correct answer

To learn more about The Wonderful Wizard of Oz here,


Which quotation most effectively expresses the concept that
Black Hawk is brave and has done his duty to his nation?



The quotation that most effectively expresses the concept that Black Hawk is brave and has done his duty to his nation is:

B. "But he can stand torture, and is not afraid of death. He is no coward. Black Hawk is an Indian."


The quotes in the attachment belong to Black Hawk's Surrender Speech, which he gave in 1832. Black Hawk (1767-1838) was leader and war chief of the Sauk Native American tribe.

Among the options given, letter B is the one that most effectively expresses the concept that Black Hawk is brave and has done his duty to his nation. Not being afraid of torture and death is not something just anyone can say about themselves. It takes a lot of courage and a deep sense of honor to withstand torture and to face death. When he says he is an Indian, he shows his care for his nation, for his tribe.

The other options focus on the suffering brought by the white man's violence and cheating.

Other Questions
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When the group first met, they learned they had much in common, outside of work. Now, the majority of time each meeting was spent talking about spouses, children shopping, and hobbies. At the first meeting in March, one of the four said, "You know, we have to have a presentation ready in less than two month. That seems to set everyone in motion. The group quickly divided responsibilities and set to work. The presentation was a success. This scenario describes A. punctuated equilibrium B. parallel teamsC. the storming stage of team developmentD. sequential interdependenceE. similarity attraction approach Which of these was a goal of the unions?A. Government reformB. Government ownership of businessC. A shorter work weekD. Union ownership of business What is the equation of the line that passes through the point (-4, 2) and has aslope of -2? Diving Fiasco. Mike, who owns a dive shop in the United States, decides to take a group of his customers diving in U.S. waters. 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Wendy, another diver on the trip, also returns to the boat without doing anything to help the divers in distress. Sam, on the other hand, goes to rescue the divers who are in distress. He manages to do so but in the process he pulls his back and requires medical care. All divers are very unhappy with Mike. Which of the following is true regarding whether Wendy and Sam had a duty to come to the assistance of the divers in peril? A. Neither Wendy nor Sam had a duty to aid the divers in peril. B. Wendy and Sam had a duty to aid the divers in peril, but only if Mike refused to do so. C. Wendy and Sam did not have a duty to aid the divers in peril, unless they were the first to observe the problem. Wendy and Sam had a duty to aid the divers in peril, but only if they were acquainted with them before the dive. D. Wendy and Sam had no duty to help strangers. 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