The density of water is 1 gram per cubic centimeter. A more dense object will sink, and a less dense object will float. Will a marble with a radius of 1.4 cm and a mass of 9 grams sink or float in water? The marble will (float/sink) because the density of the marble is about (0.71, 0.78, 1.28, 1.40) grams per cubic centimeter.


Answer 1


sink at 1.28 g/cm^3

v = 4/3 [tex]\pi r^{3}[/tex]

v = 4/3 [tex]\pi 1.4^{3}[/tex]

v =11.49 /9 =1.28

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

What quadratic formula do I need to use to solve 3x(x+6)=-1



[tex]\Large \boxed{x_1=\frac{9+\sqrt{51} }{3} \ \ ; \ \ x_2=\frac{9-\sqrt{51} }{3} }[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle \Large \boldsymbol{} 3x(x+6)=-10 \\\\3x^2+18x=-10 \\\\3x^2+18x+10=0 \\\\D=324-120=204 \\\\ x_{1;2}=\frac{18\pm2\sqrt{51} }{6} =\frac{9\pm\sqrt{51} }{3}[/tex]


1. Compute -2 to the power of -3 × -3 to the power of -2.

2. Compute 2^10 x 2^8 x 2^6 x 2^4 x 2^2 x 2^-1 x 2^-3 x 2^-5 x 2^-7 x 2x-9.

3. Compute 2^16 x 4^-8 x 8^4 x 16^-2

TYSM for your help!!


1. (-(2^(-3)))*(-(3^(-2.)))=0.01388888888

2. -294912

3. 16

3x + 5 = x - 3

What is the solution to this equation? Show all the steps you used to solve this equation.



x = -4

Step-by-step explanation:

3x + 5 = x - 3

Subtract x from each side

3x+5-x = x-3-x

2x+5 = -3

Subtract 5 from each side

2x+5-5 = -3-5

2x = -8

Divide each side by 2

2x/2 = -8/2

x = -4

X=-4!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE HELP! Simplify 2x^2+4xy+2y^2




Step-by-step explanation:

=2x^2 + 2xy + 2xy + 2y^2

=2x(x+y) + 2y(x+y)


The circumference of a circle is 17pi ft. what is the area, in square feet?​



72.25 pi ft^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The circumference of a circle is

C = 2*pi*r

17 pi = 2*pi*r

Divide each side by 2pi

17 pi / 2pi = 2 pi r / 2pi

17/2 = r

We want to find the area

A = pi r^2

A = pi ( 17/2) ^2

A =289/4 pi  ft^2

A = 72.25 pi ft^2

Instructions: Find the missing side of the triangle.



x = 40

Step-by-step explanation:

Using Pythagoras' identity in the right triangle

x² + 30² = 50²

x² + 900 = 2500 ( subtract 900 from both sides )

x² = 1600 ( take the square root of both sides )

x = [tex]\sqrt{1600}[/tex] = 40

Find the standard deviation for the set of data.
{5,4, 18, 14, 22, 20, 6, 16, 12}


The Answer is 6.3245553203368.

Also if you can please answer my recent question.
That will Mean so much.

PLEASE HELP!!! The length, width, and height of a right rectangular prism are doubled. What will be the effect on the volume of the prism?


It will increase in the length, width, and height x2 because it’s doubled


The volume is multiplied by 8.

Step by step explanation:

Let the length equal l, the width equal w, and the height equal h for the original rectangular prism.

The volume of a right rectangular prism with length l, width w, and height h is V=lwh.

Therefore, the volume of the original prism is lwh.

The new rectangular prism has dimensions that are twice those of the original rectangular prism: the length equals 2l, the width equals 2w, and the height equals 2h.

To calculate the volume of the rectangular prism, substitute the doubled values into the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism.




The new volume is 8lwh.

If the length, width, and height of a right rectangular prism are doubled, the volume is multiplied by 8.

Therefore, the new volume is the original volume multiplied by 8.

Find the indicated side of the
right triangle.
y = [?] /



hello dear...

see first of all there's a thm type thing

'' sides opposite to equal angles are equal ''

so here 45 degrees in both sides are equal which leads us that opposite sides are equal as well

so x = 6

now we got value of 2 sides, both are 6 and now applying pythogarus as it is right angle

6^2 + 6^2 = y^2

36+36 = y^2

72 = y^2

y = √72

y = √36*2

y = 6√2

brainliest plssss <33

The area of a square field is 1 17/64 m2. What is the perimeter of the square field? Can some1 say this ans fast pls



5.41 m

Step-by-step explanation:

First, let's find a side length by taking the square root of the area.

117/64 ^ 1/2 = 1.352...

Next, we need to multiply by 4.

1.352... x 4 = 5.408...

= approximately 5.41

Consider the function below. 74 POINTS!!!!!!!!

Which of the following functions could be the inverse of function f?



x         -2     3     8     13

f^-1(x)  -1    0     1        2

Step-by-step explanation:

The inverse function has the input as the output and the output as the input

x         -2     3     8     13

f^-1(x)  -1    0     1        2

Answer: C

Step-by-step explanation: In this problem, we're given a function

in the form of a chart and we're asked to find the inverse of the function.

To find the inverse of a function, we simply switch

the x and y values in each point.

In other words, the point (-1, -2) becomes (-2, -1),

the point (0, 3) becomes (3, 0), the point (1, 8) becomes (8, 1),

and the point (2, 13) becomes (13, 2).

What is the value of r?



r = 11

Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

This scenario represents a linear relation, given the equation [tex]m=rp+k[/tex].

Linear equations are typically written in the form [tex]y=mx+b[/tex], where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. As you can see, [tex]y=mx+b[/tex] and the given equation [tex]m=rp+k[/tex] share the same form.

This makes r the slope. This is also stated in the question, as r is the amount of money ($) paid per page.

The ordered pairs in the table represents points on a graph, if we were to graph this. For example, (9, 308) and (12, 341) both fall on the graph of this relation.

To solve for r, we must solve for the slope using the slope equation:

[tex]r=\displaystyle \frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}[/tex] where two points are [tex](x_1,y_1)[/tex] and [tex](x_2,y_2)[/tex].

We can use any two points from the table in this equation. For example, (9, 308) and (12, 341):

[tex]r=\displaystyle \frac{341-308}{12-9}\\\\r=\displaystyle \frac{33}{3}\\\\r=11[/tex]

Therefore, the value of r is 11.

I hope this helps!

In January, the average temperature t hours after midnight in Mumbai, India, is given by:
What is the coldest time of day in Mumbai? give an exact answer


The coldest time of day in Mumbai is 5 hours after midnight.

Since the average temperature t hours after midnight in Mumbai, India, is given by:


We have that

T(t) = 24.5 - 5.5sin((2π(t+1))/24)

The coldest time of day is when T(t) is minimum.

T(t)  is minimum when 5.5sin((2π(t+1))/24) is minimum where t is the coldest time of day at minimum temperature, T(t).

Since for a sine function, -1 ≤ sinФ ≤ 1, the minimum value of sinФ = -1.

So, T(t) = 24.5 - 5.5sin((2π(t+1))/24) is minimum when

5.5sin((2π(t+1))/24) is minimum.

Also, -5.5sin((2π(t+1))/24) = 5.5 × -1 at minimum temperature T(t)

So, 5.5 × -1 = 5.5 × -sin((2π(t+1))/24)

So, -sin((2π(t+1))/24) = -1

sin((2π(t+1))/24) = 1

Taking inverse sine of both sides, we have

sin⁻¹sin((2π(t+1))/24) = sin⁻¹(1)

((2π(t+1))/24) = π/2

Multiplying both sides by 24, we have

(2π(t+1))/24 × 24 = π/2 × 24

(2π(t+1)) = 12π

Dividing both sides by 2π, we have

2π(t+1)/2π = 12π/2π

t + 1 = 6

t = 6 - 1

t = 5 hours

So, the coldest time of day in Mumbai is 5 hours after midnight.

Learn more about average temperature here:

plz plz solve this. ​


Step-by-step explanation:

Disclaimer: When writing this on the paper use the theta symbol, I'm using x since I'm on mobile.



[tex] \sin(x) \tan(x) \sec(x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

[tex] \sin(x) \sec(x) \tan(x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

[tex] \sin(x) \frac{1}{ \cos(x) } \tan(x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

[tex] \frac{ \sin(x) }{ \cos(x) } \tan(x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

[tex] \tan( x) ) \tan(x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

[tex] \tan {}^{2} (x) = \tan {}^{2} (x) [/tex]


[tex] \sec {}^{2} (x) (1 - \sin {}^{2} ( x ) ) = 1[/tex]

[tex] \sec {}^{2} (x) ( \cos {}^{2} (x) ) = 1[/tex]

[tex] \frac{1}{ \cos {}^{2} (x) } \cos {}^{2} (x) = 1[/tex]

[tex]1 = 1[/tex]


[tex] \cot {}^{2} (a) - \cos {}^{2} (a) = \cot {}^{2} (a) \cos {}^{2} (a) [/tex]

[tex] \frac{ \cos{}^{2} (x) }{ \sin {}^{2} (x) ) } - \cos {}^{2} (x) [/tex]

Factor out cosine

[tex] \cos {}^{2} (x) ( \frac{1}{ \sin {}^{2} (x) } - 1) [/tex]


[tex] \cos {}^{2} (x) ( \frac{1 - \sin {}^{2} (x) }{ \sin(x) } [/tex]

[tex] \cos {}^{2} (x( \frac{ \cos {}^{2} (x) }{ \sin {}^{2} (x) } ) = [/tex]

[tex]( \cos {}^{2} ( x ) ( \cot {}^{2} (x) )[/tex]

super easy question, will mark brainliest if the answer is correct
a water container is 1/8 full. 35 litres if water are now poured into the container. The container is now 3/4 full.
When the container is full, how much water does it hold?



56 litres

Step-by-step explanation:

let x be the amount when the container is full.

1/8x + 35 = 3/4x

-5/8x = -35

x = 56

In a right triangle ∠A = 32° with an adjacent side of 44 what is the length of the opposite side, x?


Answer: About 27.49

Step-by-step explanation:

You use the laws of tangent within a triangle to find x:

[tex]tan(32)=\frac{opposite}{adjacent}= \frac{x}{44}\\ \\x=44*tan(32)=27.49425...[/tex]

On a piece of paper, graph y= see pic




Step-by-step explanation:

assuming theyre asking you to graph y = (x-2)(x+3)  -cant see the signs in your photo

the x-intercepts would be 2 and -3 , so option a!

4x+1+8-x+5x-2=23 linear equations


Step-by-step explanation:

= 4x-x+5x+1+8-2



One angle of a rhombus measures 108°, and the shorter diagonal is 9 inches long. Approximately how long is the side of the rhombus?



8 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

A rhombus is a four sides quadrilateral with the four sides equal in length

A rhombus has 4 equal sides and the diagonal bisect at right angles

Adjacent sides = 9/2 = 4.5

we are to determine the value of the hypotenuse given the adjacent side and angle (108/2) = 54

Cos 54 = adjacent / hypotenuse

0.58778 = 4.5 / hypotenuse

hypotenuse = 4.5 / 0.58778


= 8 inches

The table below shows the estimated number of customers that are subscribed to a streaming service between 2013 and 2017. The equation y=95,000(1.2)x describes the curve of best fit for the subscribed customers (y). Let x represent the number of years since 2013.

Year Subscribed Customers
2013 95,000
2014 114,000
2015 136,800
2016 164,160
2017 196,992
Using this equation, what is the approximate predicted number of subscribed customers in the year 2025?








Step-by-step explanation:


2025 - 2013 = 12



Find the sum of all the numbers between 100 and 200 which are divisible by 7.​




Step-by-step explanation:

In this type of question we have to follow these steps

1) Find the biggest number in interval which is divisible by seven

For this question it is 196

2)Find the smallest number in interval which is divisible by seven

For this question it is 105

3) Then subtract 105 from 196


4) Divide 91 by seven


5)Lastly we have to add 1 to the 13


So we found that we have 14 different numbers that divisible by seven in this interval. So next steps will be about sum of them

To find them sum we have a formula:

  (biggest number + smaller number) x number of terms / 2

      (196+105) x 14 /2  = 2107

Which of the following points lies on the graph of the equation y = 2x +5.

(2, 7)

(4, 9)

(0, 2)

(2, 9)


(2, 9)

Step by step explanation: in order to graph the equation you can simply substitute for x and solve for y, or plug in the equation into your graphing calculator.




Step-by-step explanation:

At Tubman Middle School, there are 6 English teachers and 5 science teachers. If each
student takes one English class and one science class how many possible combinations of
teachers are there?


There are 30 possible combinations of teachers.

Given that at Tubman Middle School, there are 6 English teachers and 5 science teachers, to determine, if each student takes one English class and one science class, how many possible combinations of teachers are there, the following calculation must be performed:

To calculate possible combinations, the number of options A must be multiplied by the number of options B. Thus, the calculation would be as follows.

6 x 5 = X30 = X

Therefore, there are 30 possible combinations of teachers.

Learn more about combinations in

The area CA) of a Parallelogram is found by using this formula A = BH What is the area when b is 7cm and h is 3cm?​



Area of parallelogram = 21

Step-by-step explanation:

A = BH

Plug in

A = 7×3


A = 21

The answer will be 21.

Can somone help me pls



Step-by-step explanation:

Which value of x satisfies the equation



Does the answer help you?

solve the equation 3(17x-6.5)=108

a. x=-1.5
b. x=2
c. x=2.5
d. x=5.2




Step-by-step explanation:

3(17x-6.5) =108


=17x =36 +6.5

= 17x=42.4

=x =2.5


x= 2.5

Step-by-step explanation:


Divide each side by 3


17x - 6.5 = 36

Add 6.5 to each side


17x = 42.5

Divide by 17

17x/17 = 42.5/17

x= 2.5






Step-by-step explanation:

Recall the exponent property [tex]\frac{a^b}{a^c}=(a)^{b-c}[/tex].

Therefore, simplify:


Hi there!  

»»————- ★ ————-««

I believe your answer is:  


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Here’s why:  


[tex]\boxed{\text{Calculating the Answer...}}\\\\\frac{3^4}{3^2}\\------------\\\text{Keep in mind: } \frac{m^a}{m^b} = m ^{a-b}\\\\\rightarrow \frac{3^4}{3^2}\\\\\rightarrow 3^{4-2}\\\\\rightarrow 3^2\\\\\rightarrow 3 * 3\\\\\rightarrow \boxed{9}[/tex]


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Hope this helps you. I apologize if it’s incorrect.  

The graph of the invertible function g is shown on the grid below.
What is the value of g^-1(-8)


Answer:  7



The result of [tex]g^{-1}(-8)[/tex] is the same as trying to find x in [tex]g(x) = -8[/tex]

Draw a horizontal line through -8 on the y axis. This horizontal line intersects the curve at point P. From point P, move upward until you reach the x axis. You should get to 7 on the x axis. Therefore, the solution to [tex]g(x) = -8[/tex] is [tex]x = 7[/tex]. In other words, [tex]g(7) = -8[/tex]. This ultimately means [tex]g^{-1}(-8) = 7[/tex]

Refer to the diagram below.

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