The difference between big stick, mora, and dollar diplomacy venn


Answer 1


While President McKinley ushered in the era of the American empire through military strength and economic coercion, his successor, Theodore Roosevelt, established a new foreign policy approach, allegedly based on a favorite African proverb, “speak softly, and carry a big stick, and you will go far”. At the crux of his foreign policy was a thinly veiled threat. Roosevelt believed that in light of the country’s recent military successes, it was unnecessary to use force to achieve foreign policy goals, so long as the military could threaten force. This rationale also rested on the young president’s philosophy, which he termed the “strenuous life,” and that prized challenges overseas as opportunities to instill American men with the resolve and vigor they allegedly had once acquired in the Trans-Mississippi West.


LoL hope it helps u

Related Questions

All of the following statements about the Atakapans are true except:
They lived exclusively in Texas.
They lived along the Gulf of Mexico.
They had their own unique language.
They fished, hunted, and gathered plants for food.


B. They lived along the Gulf of Mexico

True or False: people congregate in lowland areas



Truer people congregate in lowland areas

Write a three- to four-paragraph essay in which you evaluate the growth of executive power. Consider the following in your essay:

How do the purpose and structure of the executive and legislative branches of governments affect the power of the executive branch?
How has the power of the executive branch shifted over time?
Why do you think those shifts in power have occurred?
What impact do you think historical events have had on the power of the president?
What are some ways Congress has reacted to the expansion of presidential power?


The question above is meant to assess your writing ability and for that reason, it is not right for me to write an essay for you, but I will show you how to write one.

First, you should search for articles and other essays that talk about the growth of executive power. These texts will serve as the basis for your essay, as well as be able to help you find the answers to the questions shown in your question.

After doing this research, you can write your essay as follows:

Introduction: Quickly present the subject that your essay will present.

Body: Write at least two paragraphs. In these paragraphs you will show the relevant information about the growth of executive power, the factors that led to this growth, the relevance of this growth, as well as discuss some of the questions shown above. You can write more paragraphs and find it necessary and you will have to verify all the information with the texts for which you searched.

Conclusion: Show how this growth impacts the citizen's city and how important it is from a political point of view.

More information:

This is History on the European Middle Ages, please help.
For double points.
Which of the following best describes the Magna Carta?
A. a democratic document ensuring liberty and justice for all England
B. a royal proclamation ensuring the king kept all the power in England
C. a friendly compromise between the king and nobles in England
D. a document limiting the power of the king in favor of the nobles in England


Most likely the Answer: B )


1. What was the original intent of the Roman Republic? Why did the Romans decide to have that form of government?
2. Why do you think eventually the Romans were not successful in their republic? Why is this important for all to know today? In other words, why do you think you were asked to do this specific project? Why are these ideas important?
3. Find examples in our world today where governments are meant to be a democracy or a republic and are not following those ideals. Who and why? (at least 2 examples here)
4. What is democracy and how is that different from a republic? (Please use your own words here – not just definitions.) Why is this difference important to know?
Part III:: Each question is worth 10 points and is a full paragraph that uses FADE.
Consider where democracy is going right now and when there have been problems in the past with democracies.


Answer:1. What was the original intent of the Roman Republic? Why did the Romans decide to have that form of government? The Roman Republic began in 509 B.C. when the Romans expelled the Etruscan kings and set up their own government. Having witnessed the problems of the monarchy on their own land, and aristocracy and democracy among the Greeks, they opted for a mixed form of government, with three branches.

2. Why do you think eventually the Romans were not successful in their republic? Why is this important for all to know today? In other words, why do you think you were asked to do this specific project? Why are these ideas important? Economic problems, government corruption, crime and private armies, and the rise of Julius Caesar as emperor all led to its eventual fall in 27 BCE. Rome's continued expansion resulted in money and revenue for the Republic.

3. Find examples in our world today where governments are meant to be a democracy or a republic and are not following those ideals. Who and why? (at least 2 examples here). The United States and Nigeria are examples of presidential democracies. The executive branch includes the president and his cabinet. Along with the judicial and legislative branch, the three branches of government work to keep checks and balances, but the president has final say.

4. What is democracy and how is that different from a republic? (Please use your own words here – not just definitions.) Why is this difference important to know? The major difference between a democracy and a republic is that a republic is a form of government whereas a democracy is an ideology that helps shape how a government is run. Put another way: a republic is the system of government that allows a country to be democratic!


sorry if this dont help

What landforms bordered Egypt on the east and west,and how did these contribute to the development of ancient Egyptian civilization



With its natural borders - the Sahara Desert to the west, the mountainous Eastern Desert and the Red Sea to the east, the Mediterranean Sea edging the marshy Delta to the north and the Cataracts to the south, ancient Egyptians were reasonably free from invaders.


plz answer my question I am doing ixl​



What level, subject and what is your question?


A cheerful teen willing to help,

stay positive,

stay salty...

please help me right now
what is the summary for ending the slave trade in the slave trade


Answer:Two hundred years ago this month, the United States abolished the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Eric Foner, a historian at Columbia University, takes listeners inside the historical moment tied to one of America's darkest eras.

The struggle to end the transatlantic slave trade and slavery was achieved by African resistance and economic factors as well as through humanitarian campaigns. The most prominent abolitionists in Britain, notably Thomas Clarkson and William Wilberforce, were great publicists.


Guys Please hellpppppppppp



The motivations for the first wave of colonial expansion can be summed up as God, Gold, and Glory: God, because missionaries felt it was their moral duty to spread Christianity, and they believed a higher power would reward them for saving the souls of colonial subjects; gold, because colonizers would exploit resources


there ya go :)

What does the image suggest about the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court ruling?

A. Jim Crow laws are not discriminatory.

B. Segregation spread to the northern states.

C. Segregation was not required in the South.

D. Separate accommodations are not acceptable.



1. A) black codes

2. D) separate accommodations are not acceptable

3. B) grandfather clause

The Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court ruling held that separate but equal accommodations based solely on race did not violate the Constitution of the United States.

This ruling allowed for the spread of Jim Crow laws through the southern states and eventually to some northern states, which instituted segregation in education, transportation, and other public services. The result of the ruling entrenched segregation and made it legally acceptable across much of the United States.

This image suggests that the ruling ensured the continuation and perpetuation of the substandard conditions of segregation, as African-American individuals were forced to use separate accommodations that were inherently unequal. Thus, the image shows that the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court ruling did not promote equality, but instead allowed separate accommodations that were not acceptable.

To know more about Supreme Court, click here:


Imagine that you are a campaign manager who wants to increase voter turnout. Based on what you just learned, what are some of the things you should do?

Write a response in the form of at least three to four complete sentences.


As campaign manager, I have a lot of ideas about how we can get more people to vote on Election Day.

Firstly, I would promote early voting in my area so that as many people as possible can vote. I would also like to see same-day registration implemented so that eligible citizens can vote.Not only in general elections, but also in primary elections, I will encourage citizens to vote.Finally, I would make an effort to reach out to young voters in order to increase the number of young people who vote.

To know more about voter turnout, refer to the link

What type of source is the Code of
Hammurabi? Primary or Secondary?





The Code of Hammurabi TOP: The Code of Hammurabi, king of Babylon (1792-1750 B.C.), in cuneiform, Wikimedia Commons. MIDDLE: Stone inscribed with Hammurabi's laws, Louvre Museum, Paris. BOTTOM: Head of Hammurabi, artifact from Susa or Shush, Iran.

Guys Please help 50 points



Imperialism has increased peace and stability for various areas of the world through limiting slavery, improving land distribution and promoting different political systems.


here is another one :)

Please help! (please don't copy from the internet and i will give you brainliest)

What is significant about the supreme court’s decision in McCulloch v. Maryland?
A. it was the first time the supreme court struck down a state law as unconstitutional
B. it was the first time the supreme court ruled on the meaning of the "commerce clause"
C. it was the first time the supreme court ruled in favor of congress against state laws
D. it was the first time the supreme court recognized an implied power of congress



McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. (4 Wheat.) 316 (1819), was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that defined the scope of the U.S. Congress's legislative power and how it relates to the powers of American state legislatures. The dispute in McCulloch involved the legality of the national bank and a tax that the state of Maryland imposed on it. In its ruling, the Supreme Court established firstly that the "Necessary and Proper" Clause of the U.S. Constitution gives the U.S. federal government certain implied powers that are not explicitly enumerated in the Constitution, and secondly that the American federal government is supreme over the states, and so states' ability to interfere with the federal government is limited.hope this helps

The major cause for the decline in the worldwide catch of fish since 1990 is:



Shrinking industrial landings

Why did people in the United States want to travel on the railroad in the 1800s



Beginning in the early 1870s, railroad construction in the United States increased dramatically. Prior to 1871, approximately 45,000 miles of track had been laid. Between 1871 and 1900, another 170,000 miles were added to the nation's growing railroad system. Much of the growth can be attributed to the building of the transcontinental railroads. In 1862, Congress passed the Pacific Railway Act, which authorized the construction of a transcontinental railroad. The first such railroad was completed on May 10, 1869. By 1900, four additional transcontinental railroads connected the eastern states with the Pacific Coast.

The first railroad was completed in 1869, that connected the Eastern states with Pacific coast.

Why did people wanted to use the railroad for travel in 1800s?                                                                                  

The development in railroad network was much easier, enjoyable and faster to travel anywhere in the world as compare to other transport.

It was less expensive and easy to transfer the goods and crops from one place to another.

Railroad also increased the connections between the people of different regions.

Learn more about the railroad in 1800s here:-


Which three statements show how members of the Socialist Party in Oklahoma were different from the national Socialist Party?
A. They allowed farmers to join the party.
B. They did not allow Immigrants to join the party.
C. They took on social causes in addition to economic issues.
D. They supported unlon strikes and demands for higher wages.
E. They used the teachings and images of Jesus Christ to argue for equality.



A. they allowed farmers to join the party

C.They took on social causes in addition to economic issues.

E. They used the teachings and images of Jesus Christ to argue for equality.


I believe its right

Members of the Socialist Party in Oklahoma were quite different from the national Socialist Party on many levels.

Firstly, they allowed farmers to become members of the party, unlike the national Socialist Party which had a more urban focus. Secondly, they did not allow immigrants to join the Party, which was against the national Party ideology of open borders. Thirdly, members of the Oklahoma Party took on social causes, such as supporting union strikes and demands for higher wages, in addition to focusing on economic reform, which was not the focus of the national party.

Finally, the Oklahoma Party used the teachings and images of Jesus Christ to argue for social and economic equality, rather than relying strictly on academic socialist theories which was the focus of the national party.

To know more about Socialist Party, click here:


why did Theodore Roosevelt build the panama canal and why in panama?



President Theodore Roosevelt oversaw the realization of a long-term United States goal—a trans-isthmian canal. Throughout the 1800s, American and British leaders and businessmen wanted to ship goods quickly and cheaply between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.



The initial purpose for building the canal was to shorten the distance ships had to travel between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It enabled shippers to cheaply transport different types of goods in a shorter period of time. ... But after the canal was complete, the ship only traveled for 4,000 miles.


Which event in the late 1680s helped further define the doctrine of classical republicanism?





Answer: An early theory of democracy that holds that the best kind of government is one that promotes the "common good" and the welfare of an entire society.

Explanation: please add more detail to this question like add the answers that can chosen :)

in your opinion, who should have the greatest responsibility for fighting climate changge


I think that the scientists should make decisions about how land is used, particularly those who study demography. They devote their live to finding a way to provide resources to everyone on the planet. If there was a particular group of these people who oversee the growth and distribution of resources, then humans might have a better chance of avoiding these "end of the world" scenarios.But also governments,because they have control over almost everything.

Hope this helps :)

Drag each tile to the correct location.
Identify the system of government for each country.
United States
North Korea


Zimbabwe - Republic
United States - Democracy And constitutional republic
Canada - constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy
North Korea- Dictatorship

Answer: autocracy: zimbabwe and North Korea

democracy : America and canada


Guys please help 50 Points





To which office in the federal government would the National Rifle Association submit its brief in support of super PACs in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission?



b. the Supreme Court

Explanation: is corect


the Supreme Court is right :)


1. How did Cuban Americans help Cubans during the Spanish-American War?
2. How did the city of Tampa and Henry Plant contribute to America's success in preparing for the Spanish-American War?
3. Why were the Port of Tampa and the Tampa Bay Hotel great places to train and prepare for the Spanish-American War?


Answer:In 1898 Cuba was a geopolitical aberration. Lying only 90 miles from the Florida keys, astride the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico, it was separated from Spain by the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. Yet Cuba remained one of Spain's two colonies in the New World. (The other was Puerto Rico.) It was governed from Madrid much as it had been governed since it was first occupied and settled by the Spaniards in 1511.

Not that Cubans were as compliant in 1898 as they had been during most of the colonial period, especially when the other Spanish Americans severed their ties with the mother country in the 1820s. At that time Cuba was evolving from a slowly growing colony into the world's leading sugar producer, a development that required the importation of steadily increasing numbers of African slaves. As a result, by 1840 there were in the island approximately 430,000 slaves, approximately 60 percent of the population was black or mulatto. Fearing a repetition of the upheaval that wiped out Haiti's white planter class in 1791, Cuban creoles (native born Cubans of European descent) refrained from imitating their mainland counterparts and risk all in a bloody and ruinous confrontation with the metropolis' military might.


they helped get rid of the spanish

What was the highest paying job during the industrial revolution


Answer: Architect or being a building designer for the vast construction. thats your answer.


How do we meet other cultures?



by going to each others countries and explore it


What are five "Big Questions" that a person must attempt to answer in order to be wise--that is, in order to live and die well?

List each question. For each question, then explain in 1-2 sentences why the question is important.



jnina re vai


What was the Union
Army in the Civil War?


Answer: a.k.a the Federal Army or Northern Army who fought for the Union (or North)


The Union Army (aka the Federal Army, or Northern Army) was the army that fought for the Union (or North) during the the American Civil War. Actually, it was comprised of several armies, to cover the many departments (geographic regions) in which the war was fought.

Please help! (i will give you the brainliest if you don't copy from the internet)

Which belief was central to both the First Great Awakening and the Second Great Awakening?
A. Churches should be run by religious scholars who lived isolated lives.
B. Religion should be an emotional and highly personal experience.
C. People's lives and personal choices need not reflect their devotion to God.
D. Religious tolerance was an unfortunate aspect of the country's founding.





I Think B is the Answer Cause it Seems alike

the New Testament includes

a. four accounts of Jesus' life
b. only the writings of Paul
c. a dozen Gospels
d. wise proverbs ​



a. Four accounts of Jesus's life.


The four accounts are the 4 books, which include:

The Gospel of Matthew

The Gospel of Mark

The Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of John


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