The distance from Clinton to Greenville is 124 miles. To find the speed of a car, use the expression d divided t, where d represents the distance and t represents time. Find the speed of a car that travels from Clinton to Greenville in 2 hours


Answer 1

Step-by-step explanation:

time = 2 hours

distance travelled(d) = 124 miles


speed = d/t

=  124/2

= 62 miles per hour

Therefore, the speed of car is 62 miles per hour.

Related Questions

2x - y - 4 = 0

3x + y - 9 = 0

What is the solution set of the given system?

A. {(6, 5)}
B. {(5, 6)}
C. {(13/5, 6/5)}
D. {(6/5, 13/5)}


Step-by-step explanation:

+ Both equations

You will get : 5x=13 ; x=13/5

and put x to the first equation




Answer is C

I don't understand this one



9/8 = n

Step-by-step explanation:

9 = 8n

Divide each side by 8

9/8 = 8n/8

9/8 = n

which of the following is equal to square root ^3 square root 2



[tex]2^{\frac{1}{6} }[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

(2^1/3)^1/2 = 2^(1/3 x 1/2) =2^1/6

A scientist started with a sample of 8 cells. The sample increased as shown in the table.

Assume that the pattern in the table continues. Which equation can be solved for t, the time in hours when the number of cells will reach 100,000?







100000 = 8 (4) ^t

Step-by-step explanation:

We are multiplying by 4 each time

y = a (4)^t

The initial amount is 8

y = 8 (4)^t

We want to get to 100000

100000 = 8 (4) ^t



8 ⋅ 4^t  = 100,000

Step-by-step explanation:

Can i please get this answered



0 is the answer . The explanation is in the attachment .

The sum of two numbers is 83 if one of the number is 7 more than the other find the two numbers?​



48.5 and 34.5

Step-by-step explanation:

83 divided by 2 and then subtract 7


45 and 38 equal 83 and 45 is 7 more than 38

A storeowner orders 25 calculators that cost ​$38 each. The storeowner can sell each calculator for ​$42. The storeowner sold 22 calculators to customers. He had to return 3 calculators that were never sold and pay a ​$2 charge for each returned calculator​ (although the initial cost is​ refunded). What is the​ storeowner's profit?



Step-by-step explanation:

25*-30= -$750

Second: He sells 22 of those calculators for $35 each, so he is making money.

22*35= $770

Third: With the remaining three calculators, he must pay $2 each for returned calculators, so he is losing money again.

3*-2= -6

Add all the costs and sales together, and you get 770-750-6= $14 profit

However, the problem does not say if he gets his money back for the 3 returned calculators. In that case if he did, you would add the cost of each of those calculators to his profit. 30*3= 90

$90+$14= $104 profit

here u go

1)a³b⁴/ ab³
2)2 (x³ )²
3)3x*2x³ y²



1) a³b⁴/ ab³ = a²b

2)2 (x³ )² = 2x^6

3)3x*2x³ y² = 6x⁴y²

The Vertices of a quadrilateral are A(4,-3),B(7,10),C(-8,2)and D(-1,-5).Find the length of each diagonal.Show me with the steps Please!​



13 and 17 units

Step-by-step explanation:

explaination is in pic.

The length of the diagonals of the quadrilateral AC and BD are 13 units and 17 units respectively, as per length between two points.

What is the length between two points in a plane?

The length between two given points (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂) will be:

√[(x₂ - x₁)² + (y₂ - y₁)²] units

Given, the vertices of a quadrilateral are A(4,-3),B(7,10),C(-8,2)and D(-1,-5).

Therefore, the diagonals of the quadrilateral will be AC and BD.

The coordinates of the diagonal AC are (4, - 3) and (- 8, 2).

Now, the length of the diagonal AC will be:

= √[(-8 - 4)² + (2 - (- 3))²] units

= √[(- 12)² + (5)²] units

= √[144 + 25] units

= √(169) units

= 13 units                                  (length can't be negative)

Similarly, the coordinates of the diagonal BD are (7, 10) and (- 1, - 5).

Now, the length of the diagonal BD will be:

= √[(-1 - 7)² + (- 5 - 10)²] units

= √[(- 8)² + (- 15)²] units

= √[64 + 225] units

= √(289) units

= 17 units                                  (length can't be negative)

Learn more about the length between two points on a plane here:


Warren is on vacation and needs to arrange transportation. A rental car costs 40 dollars per day plus a one-time cost of 14 dollars for insurance. Construct a function C(x) that gives the total cost of renting a car for x days. C(x)=________.
If Warren has budgeted 254 dollars for the rental, how many days can he afford?



C(x)=40x+14, 6 days

Step-by-step explanation:

C(x)= payment per day*x + initial payment. the payment per day is $40 while the initial payment is $14. so C(x)=40x+14.

C(x)=254=40x+14, 40x=240, x=6

ABCD is a rectangle. AB = 3x+5, AC = 7x-9, BC = 2y+5, BD = 2x+62. Solve for x. (Round your answer to one decimal place, if necessary.)




Step-by-step explanation:


The diagonals of a rectangle are equal

7x-9 =  2x+62

Subtract 2x from each side

7x-9-2x = 2x+62-2x

5x-9 = 62

Add 9 to each side

5x-9+9 = 62+9

5x= 71

Divide by 5

5x/5 = 71/5


Which rule describes the transformation?
Parallelogram ABCD is rotated to create image
0 (x, y) - (y, -x)
O (x, y) + (-y, x)
O (x, y) + (-X, -y)
(x, y) - (x,-y)



(x, y) → (y, -x)

Step-by-step explanation:

The coordinates of the vertices of parallelogram ABCD are; A(2, 5), B(5, 4), C(5, 2), and D(2, 3)

The coordinates of the vertices of parallelogram A'B'C'D' are; A'(5, -2), B'(4, -5), C'(2, -5), and D'(3, -2)

The rule that escribes the transformation of the rotation of parallelogram ABCD to create the image A'B'C'D' is presented, by observation, is therefore;

(x, y) → (y, -x)

The resulting transformation used will be (x, y) -> (y, -x)

Transformation of coordinates

Transformation are rules applied to an object to change its orientation

For the given parallelogram, in order to know the rule used, we need the coordinate of the image and preimage

The coordinate of A is (2, 5) while that of A' is (5, -2).

From both coordinates, you can see that the coordinate was switched and the resulting y coordinate negated.

Hence the resulting transformation used will be (x, y) -> (y, -x)

Learn more on transformation here:

find the surface area of the cylinder and round to the nearest tenth​


Answer: A = 833.66 in^2

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of the base = (7^2)(pi) = 49 pi = 153.9 in^2

Height of the cylinder = 12 in

Circumference of the base = (2)(pi)(r) = 44in

Surface area = (2)(pi)(7)(12) + (2)(pi)(7) = 833.66 in^2

of (3, -2) reflected across the line x = 1 is?


Answer:  (-1, -2)



Plot (3,-2) on the xy grid. Then draw a vertical line through 1 on the x axis.

Note that the horizontal distance from the point to the line is exactly 2 units. We move 2 units to the left to go from (3,-2) to (1,-2). Then we move another 2 units to the left to arrive at the final destination of (-1, -2)

In short, (3,-2) reflects over the vertical line x = 1 to get to (-1, -2)

See the diagram below.

A furniture store is having a sale on sofas and you're going to buy one. The advertisers know that buyers get to the store and that 1 out of 5 buyers change to a more expensive sofa than the one in the sale advertisement. Let X be the cost of the sofa. What is the average cost of a sofa if the advertised sofa is $250 and the more expensive sofa is $450




Step-by-step explanation:

We are told that 1 out of 5 buyers change to a more expensive sofa than the one in the sale advertisement.

Now we are told that the advertised sofa is $250 and the more expensive sofa is $450.


P(x) for expensive sofa = 1/5

P(x) for sofa in sale advertisement = 4/5

Thus, expected value is;

E(X) = (1/5)450 + (4/5)250

E(x) = 90 + 200

E(x) = $290


The average cost of a sofa = [tex]\$290[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Cost of advertised sofa = [tex]\$250[/tex]

Cost of more expensive sofa = [tex]\$450[/tex]

So, the average cost of sofa,

[tex]E(x) = (450*\frac{1}{5})+ (250*\frac{4}{5})\\\\E(x) = 90 + 200\\\\E(x) = 290[/tex]


The average cost of a sofa = [tex]\$290[/tex]

For more information, visit

What is the Answer to: 120 Times 2/3




Step-by-step explanation:

You could multiply by 2 and then divide by 3

120*2 = 240

240/3 = 80

Or you could divide by 3 and then multiply by 2

120/3 = 40

40*2 = 80



Step-by-step explanation:

120 × 2/3= 120/1 × 2/3= 240/3= 80

[tex]\tt{ \green{P} \orange{s} \red{y} \blue{x} \pink{c} \purple{h} \green{i} e}[/tex]

Mahmoud earns $450 per week plus a 20% commission as a car salesman. He wants his
hourly salary to be at least $35.


The inequality that relates the number of hours to the weekly sales is:

[tex]450 + 0.20x \ge 35y[/tex]

The complete question implies that we define an inequality that represents the relationship between the number of hours worked in a week and the weekly sales

We make use of the following representation:

[tex]x \to[/tex] weekly sales from cars.

[tex]y \to[/tex] hours worked in a week

His weekly salary is then calculated as:

Salary (S) = Earnings per week + Commission * Sales from car

So, we have:

[tex]S = 450 + 20\% * x[/tex]

Express percentage as decimal

[tex]S = 450 + 0.20* x[/tex]

[tex]S = 450 + 0.20x[/tex]

Assume he works for y hours in a week.

His hourly rate is:

[tex]Hourly = \frac{S}{y}[/tex] --- i.e. weekly salary divided by number of hours

[tex]Hourly = \frac{450 + 0.20x}{y}[/tex]

For this rate to be at least [tex]\$35[/tex], the following condition must be true

[tex]Hourly \ge 35[/tex] --- i.e. is hourly rate must be greater than or equal 35

So, we have:

[tex]\frac{450 + 0.20x}{y} \ge 35[/tex]

Multiply both sides by y

[tex]450 + 0.20x \ge 35y[/tex]

Learn more about inequality:

3x + ky = 8
X – 2ky = 5
are simultaneous equations where k is a constant.
b) Given that y = 1/2 determine the value of k.



(a): x is 3 and ky is -1

(b): k is -2

Step-by-step explanation:

Let: 3x + ky = 8 be equation (a)

x - 2 ky = 5 be equation (b)

Then multiply equation (a) by 2:

→ 6x + 2ky = 16, let it be equation (c)

Then equation (c) + equation (b):

[tex] { \sf{(6 + 1)x + (2 - 2)ky = (16 + 5)}} \\ { \sf{7x = 21}} \\ { \sf{x = 3}}[/tex]

Then ky :

[tex]{ \sf{2ky = 3 - 5}} \\ { \sf{ky = - 1}}[/tex]

[tex]{ \bf{y = \frac{1}{2} }} \\ { \sf{ky = - 1}} \\ { \sf{k = - 2}}[/tex]

Simultaneous equations are used to represent a system of related equations.

The value of k when [tex]y = \frac 12[/tex] is -2

Given that:

[tex]3x + ky = 8[/tex]

[tex]x - 2ky = 5[/tex]

[tex]y = \frac 12[/tex]

Substitute [tex]y = \frac 12[/tex] in both equations

[tex]3x + ky = 8[/tex]

[tex]3x + k \times \frac 12 = 8[/tex]

[tex]3x + \frac k2 = 8[/tex]

[tex]x - 2ky = 5[/tex]

[tex]x - 2k \times \frac 12 = 5[/tex]

[tex]x - k = 5[/tex]

Make x the subject in [tex]x - k = 5[/tex]

[tex]x = 5 + k[/tex]

Substitute [tex]x = 5 + k[/tex] in [tex]3x + \frac k2 = 8[/tex]

[tex]3(5 + k) + \frac k2 = 8[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]15 + 3k + \frac k2 = 8[/tex]

Multiply through by 2

[tex]30 + 6k + k = 16[/tex]

[tex]30 + 7k = 16[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]7k = 16 - 30[/tex]

[tex]7k = - 14[/tex]

Divide both sides by 7

[tex]k = -2[/tex]

Hence, the value of constant k is -2.

Read more about simultaneous equations at:

After getting RM24 from his mother, Samuel had 3 times as much as he had previously. How much did he have previously?​



Samuel had RM8 previously

Step-by-step explanation:


Please help me with this I need it


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

Let x represent the fraction of Cheryl's income she spent in September. Then 1-x is the fraction she saved.

In October, her spending increased by 0.2x, and her savings decreased by 0.4(1 -x). Since Cheryl spends or saves all of her income, these two change amounts must be equal:

  0.2x = 0.4(1 -x)

  x = 2(1 -x) . . . . . . multiply by 5 to clear fractions

  x = 2 -2x . . . . . . eliminate parentheses

  3x = 2 . . . . . . . . add 2x

  x = 2/3 . . . . . . divide by 3

Cheryl spent 2/3 of her income in September.

(b) Work out the probability Jennifer hits the Bullseye at least once.

Can someone work this out for me ?




Step-by-step explanation:

Filling out the tree diagram,

On the first throw, there is a 4/4 = 100%* chance Jennifer hits or misses. Therefore, the chance she misses is equal to the difference between

(chance she hits or misses) - (chance she hits) = 4/4 - 1/4 = 3/4

For the second throw, the chance she hits is independent of whether she hits or misses on the first throw. This means that it does not matter whether she hits or misses on the first throw; her chance to hit the second throw will always be 1/3. Therefore, 1/3 can go into the hit category on each hit line on the second throw, and in the miss category, we can put

100% - 1/3 = 1 - 1/3 = 3/3 - 1/3 = 2/3

For Jennifer to hit the bullseye at least once, she must either:

- Hit and then hit

- Hit and then miss

- Miss and then hit

From this, we can determine that if Jennifer hits the first bullseye, she will have hit it at least once, no matter what. Therefore, Jennifer must either:

- Hit the first one

- Miss and then hit

In probability, OR /either means that we add the probabilties. The probability that she hits the first one is 1/4, and the probability that she misses and then hits is

(probability she misses the 1st one) * (probability she hits the second one). We know to multiply here because both scenarios must happen, and for AND probabilities, we multiply. We thus have

(3/4) * (1/3) = 3/12 = 1/4 as the probabilty that she misses then hits, and 1/4 as the probability that she hits the first one. We add these up to get 1/4 + 1/4 = 2/4 = 1/2 as our probability that she hits the bullseye at least once

* we know 4/4 = 100% because 100% = 1, and anything divided by itself is equal to 1.

Joylin is writing an equation to model the proportional relationship between y, the total cost in dollars of downloading videos from a website, and x, the number of videos downloaded. She knows that the total cost to download 3 videos was $12. Her work to find the equation is shown below.

Joylin’s Work

Step 1
k = StartFraction 3 over 12 EndFraction = 0.25
Step 2
y = 0.25 x

Where did Joylin make her first error?



Step-by-step explanation:

Jocelyn was attempting to find out how much she will be charged per download. She has the fraction upside down. To find the amount of money per download, the fraction should be $12/3downloads to get $4/1download. That is the slope of the equation, the rate of change or, for us, the fact that your cost will go up $4 for every single video you download. The equation would then be

y = 4x

The way she has it, we are paying only a quarter for a download. If that be the case, for 3 downloads we would only be paying .75, but it says we pay $12, so we know something is wrong right there.


The answer is A

Step-by-step explanation:

The lengths of the diameters of two concentric circles are 6 and 8. What is the distance between the circles?


Answer:  1 unit


The diameters are 6 and 8, which cut in half to 3 and 4 respectively.

The difference in these radii values is 4-3 = 1.

This is the distance from one circle's edge to the other circle's edge, such that we're on the same line that goes through the center of the circles. This is the gap width or ring width so to speak.

I need help please slope



Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for slope is y2-y1/x2-x1 where y2 and x2 are the x and y coordinates from a coordinate pair and y1 and x1 are the coordinates from another coordinate pair. In this case, 2 coordinate pairs are given: (30,75) and (10, 35)  75-35/30-10 would be your slope, or, 40/20, or simplified, 2.

Your slope is 2

(a/b)^x-1 = (b/a)^x-3​



x = 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Need help on #7 , #8 Asap


b and b,

first one 100-51= 49 so b

second one think of a big angle with a line through it, so it would be AB would be a combination of AC and BC




Find the area of the regular polygon. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.



Step-by-step explanation:

The central angle of a hexagon is 60 degrees. Drop a line from the center to the middle of the side marked 7.

Use the  tan of the angle so formed (which is 30 degrees)

Tan(30)= opposite / height (which is the line you just drew).

Tan(30) = 3.5 / h

Tan(30) = 0.5774

Tan(30) = 3.5 / h                multiply both sides by h

h*Tan(30) = 3.5                  Divide by tan30

h = 3.5 / Tan(30)

h = 3.5 / 0.5774

h = 6.062

Now from both ends of the given side, draw 2 lines to the center. Find the area of that triangle.

Area of 1 triangle = 1/2 * b * h

area of 1 triangle = 1/2 * 7 * 6.062

Area of 1 triangle = 21.2176

There are 6 such triangles so multiply that number by 6

Answer:  6 * 21.2176

Answer:  127.31

Ivana wants to give books from her store to the local library. She needs to place 8 books in each box. If she has 1,125 books to give away, how many boxes will she need




Step-by-step explanation:

1125 books, placed into 8 per boxes, 1125/8=140.625

please answer this!!​




Step-by-step explanation:

if angle c is 45 then angle A is 45 also

Hence AB is equal to BC

Does this set of ordered Paris represent a function? Why or why not



Me = no it doesn't....

you = why tho

me = becoz function not given .....

so lame joke ik...

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