The doorman wont allow you to enter ______ you provide identification.


Answer 1


The doorman won't allow you to enter UNLESS you provide identification.

Related Questions

#3: Directions: Read the paragraph and answer the question. (1) Female astronauts, lawyers, and legislators are examples of the increasing number of women in leadership roles today. (2) Margaret Thatcher, Maya Angelou, Janet Reno, and Rita Moreno achieved great success in their fields. (3) In developing nations, women are particularly needed because much work must be done. (4) The contributions of women are essential in the process of finding solutions to the world’s problems. Select the correct answer. Which numbered sentence is the topic sentence? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4





it is the topic sentence because it summarizes the main idea in the paragraph that is paragraph 4

Read the following sentence.
Industrialized nations are taking strict measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Which word could be substituted for taking, if the speaker wanted to express a negative viewpoint


The correct answer is “Imposing”

The definition of imposing is “to force or inflict something on someone else”

Which detail from the passage best supports the
Reading Passage
Should You Work During the School Year?
article's main idea that working during the school
by Staff Writer Maryam Khan
year is beneficial?
1 Every Tuesday and Thursday, high school junior Kayla Morrison goes to a
local café--not to eat, but to work. For the last four months, she's been working
Getting a job as a teen tells potential future
at the café those two afternoons a week and every Saturday morning.
O employers that you have initiative, that is, the
2 Kayla is one of the many American high school students who work. In fact,
energy that's needed to do something.
around eighty percent of all high school students will have had some kind of job
by the time they graduate. But is working during the school year a good thing?
Let's find out
According to the U.S. Department of Education, Benefits
in 2007, 24.8% of 16-and 17-year-olds worked. 3 Kayla's friend Sergio Morales is a senior who works fifteen to twenty hours a
A slightly larger number worked 15
week bagging groceries. He says, "Per hour, the money doesn't sound like
much, but it adds up. I like being able to spend it on things I want to buy. And I
more per week than those worki
an am also saving a little to go to a community college next year."
15 hours
4 Sergio has named an obvious benefit of working-getting money in return for



He says, "Per hour, the money doesn't sound like much, but it adds up. I like being able to spend it on things I want to buy. And I am also saving a little to go to a community college next year."


This is the detail from the passage that best supports the article's main idea that working during the school year is beneficial. In this passage, the author presents several examples of high school students who work during the school year. The author tells us that in 2007, 24.8% of 16-and 17-year-olds worked. An example of a benefit that the passage mentions is that of being able to spend money on the things that the teenagers want, as well as being able to save money to pay for college.

Question 9 Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)
Where is the introduction of an informational text usually found?
O Summary
O Transition
O Conclusion


The answer is thesis I’m pretty sure


a thesis is where the introduction of an informal text usually found

Read the excerpt from "The Royal House of Thebes."
Antigone and Ismene heard with horror what Creon had
decided. To Ismene, shocking as it was, overwhelming
her with anguish for the pitiful dead body and the
lonely, homeless soul, it seemed, nevertheless, that
nothing could be done except to acquiesce [to accept
without protest]. She and Antigone were utterly alone.
All Thebes was exulting that the man who had brought
war upon them should be thus terribly punished. "We
are women," she told her sister. "We must obey. We
have no strength to defy the State." "Choose your own
part," Antigone said. "I go to bury the brother I love."
"You are not strong enough," Ismene cried. "Why, then
when my strength fails, " Antigone answered, "I will give
up." She left her sister, Ismene dared not follow her.
How does Antigone's action as a rebel reveal the
universal theme?
It shows that she is tired of being alone, revealing
that loneliness is difficult for people to handle.
It shows that she can break the rules for her
principles, revealing that women are as capable as
It shows that she does not side with her sister,
revealing that families should stick together.
It shows that she pities Ismene, revealing that
understanding leads to right action.


The correct answer is B. It shows that she can break the rules for her principles, revealing that women are as capable as men.


In the excerpt presented, it is described how Antigone opposes the actions of Creon as he wants to stop Antigone and her sister from burying his brother. Indeed, even if Ismene (Antigone's sister) expresses they must obey "We are women...We must obey", Antigone decides to break the rules and disobey "I go to bury the brother I love" inspired by love and own principles. These actions indirectly show the reader women can break the rules and be as strong as men. According to this, the universal theme (underlying idea understood in cultures around the word) expressed when Antigone breaks the rules is i"women are as capable as men" (Option B).

Question #3: Choose the answer that makes the sentence most effective. The crane lifted the huge and gigantic steel beams to the top of the structure. A.enormous B.tremendous, large C. Eliminate this part.


A. enormous


hope this helps


your anwer is enormous


The movement of the progress bar may be uneven becouse questions con be worth more or less including zero) depending on your answer
The following sentence contains faulty parallel structure:
Potatoes are my favorite vegetable because they can be eaten in so many delicious ways such as fries, mashed with butter, and baked
with cheese and bacon.
Which revision corrects the structure?

Potatoes are my favorite vegetable because they can be eaten in so many delicious ways such as fried, then mashed with butter, and
finally baked with cheese and bacon.
Potatoes are my favorite vegetable because they can be eaten in so many delicious ways such as fries, mashes with butter, and bakes
with cheese and bacon.

Potatoes are my favorite vegetable because they can be eaten in so many delicious ways including fries, or mashed with butter, or
baked with cheese and bacon.
Potatoes are my favorite vegetable because they can be eaten in so many delicious ways such as fried, mashed with butter, and baked
with cheese and bacon.



the last option: Potatoes are my favorite vegetable because they can be eaten in so many delicious ways such as fried, mashed with butter, and baked with cheese and bacon.

eaten is past tense, so you want the rest of the sentence to be written in past tense: fried, mashed, and baked

Which statement about the meaning of words is correct?


Answer: A way to determine a word meaning is to study what surrounds it. D



its d


Which statement about the meaning of words is correct?

Context clues help only with words that have one meaning.

A dictionary is the only way to determine the meaning of a word.

Context clues are never helpful for determining a word’s meaning.

A way to determine a word’s meaning is to study what surrounds it.

Dr jasmine Carr told Maria and her parents that she would have to get braces . Chocolate the correct word that would help clarify the unclear pronoun reference that is boloded


Answer and Explanation:

Even though you didn't highlight any parts of the sentence, I believe it is still possible to answer it. This type of sentence commonly has an unclear pronoun in its second part, in this case "that she would have to get braces." Who is the "she" that would have to get braces? Two people were mentioned in the previous part of this sentence that could be referred to by "she": Dr. Jasmine Carr and Maria. Since Jasmine Carr is the doctor, we can safely assume that she is the one communicating the fact that Maria needs braces. In that case, to eliminate the ambiguity in the sentence, we simply substitute "she" for "Maria":

Dr. Jasmine Carr told Maria and her parents that Maria would have to get braces.

_____ is defined as demanding attention or notice.





Mark the sentence that is written in PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS correctly: I teach English since five years ago. I'm teaching English for many years. I've taught English since some years. I had taught English since some years. I have been teaching English for five years



I have been teaching English for five years.


You should have already read the excerpt from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Write a description of the characters and the settings in the two tables below. You may need to do additional research online or in other resources to adequately fill in the descriptions.



Characters Description

Sir Gawain He is considered the ideal knight who upholds every tenet of the code of chivalry. Sir Gawain is the nephew of King Arthur and a favorite among all the Knights of the Round Table. He accepts the potentially fatal challenge of the Green Knight to save his King from humiliation. Sir Gawain survives all trials in this adventure, but his folly of accepting the green girdle to save his life in case of mortal combat brings out his human weakness. Yet he is accepted back at the Round Table, and all the knights show solidarity by deciding to wear a green girdle as a reminder of this event.

Green Knight The Green Knight crashes in unannounced at the Christmas celebration at Camelot. He brings the much awaited element of magic into Arthur’s party. He offers a deal to the Knights that no one volunteers to take. The Green Knight displays displeasure and mocks the chivalry of Arthur and his Knights. The beheading game he suggests sets the plot of the poem in motion. He displays supernatural powers as he rides away with his severed head. The Green Knight’s appearance is so terrible that it inspires fear in even the most courageous of men in Arthur’s court.

Bertilak of Hautdesert Bertilak is the archetypal hospitable host, and he treats Gawain with utmost civility at his castle. He goes hunting for three days while Gawain is at his castle and offers to exchange the spoils of the sport with whatever Gawain has gained on these days. Bertilak’s hunting scenes in the forest are juxtaposed with the scenes in which Sir Gawain is tempted by Bertilak’s wife.

Bertilak’s wife She plays the role of the beautiful temptress when Gawain is at Bertilak’s castle. Gawain’s chastity and loyalty are put to test by her attempts to tempt him. She partially succeeds in influencing him when she makes him accept the green girdle that has powers to save him in the face of mortal attacks. She is an important character in the poem because she is the one who brings out weakness in Gawain.

Morgan Le Faye Morgan Le Faye is the one who masterminds the events in the poem. She is Arthur’s half-sister and wants to disrupt the proceedings at Arthur’s court. She is an evil sorceress who disguises herself as an old and ugly lady who serves Lady Bertilak. Her ugliness helps highlight the beauty of Lady Bertilak.

King Arthur King Arthur is renowned for being the most courteous among the Knights of the Round Table. He is portrayed as courageous and one who honors the code of chivalry. He is ready to take on the Green Knight’s challenge when no other knight steps up to accept it. He presides over feasts at Camelot and values his knights for their bravery and high morals. King Arthur is portrayed as the worthy liege lord whose knights are fiercely loyal.

Queen Guenevere Queen Guenevere does not have any major role to play in the poem. She is seen in the first part of the poem participating in the Christmas celebrations at Camelot. She is the epitome of beauty and courtesy.

Setting Description

Camelot King Arthur’s castle and court is the setting for the opening lines of the poem. The Christmas celebration at Camelot is in full swing when the Green Knight enters and offers a strange challenge to all at Arthur’s court.

Bertilak’s Castle The castle is the place where Gawain’s adherence to the code of chivalry is put to test. Gawain reaches this castle when he is out in search of the Green Chapel. Bertilak, under the influence of Morgan Le Faye, manipulates the game to test Gawain’s moral values.

The Green Chapel The Green Chapel is the place where Gawain meets the Green Knight a year after the beheading at Arthur’s court. Gawain's fault is revealed and he is shamed by the Green Knight at the Green Chapel.


Sir Gawain is the story of a astrologist and is one of the most knights. He is reputed for being a great knight and a gestate lover. The main thing he lives in his own life. He due to which cuts of the green night head.

The green knight is a mysterious visitor of the Camelot and is killed by Sir Gawain. He picks up his head and leaves author court.

Learn more bout read the excerpt from Sir Gawain.

Summarize the central ideas of the article Freud's theory of the id, egi, and superego common lit?


the if is fun as the superego is to GUILTY

The old man " Santiago" is physically weak but he is strong in ……… *

نقطة واحدة






In Heart.


so hand is a physical part and experiment has another meaning ... so the answer would be Heart.

Write a letter to your father, who has been on a long course abroad, telling him how the family has been faring in his absence



                                                                                27 Mission Avenue,

                                                                                New Delhi,


                                                                                18th August 2020.

14 Aeroloft Park,


United States of America.

Dear dad, how are you faring in India? I hope you settled in well. We all miss you at home and can't wait to see you at home.

I started a karate class last month and so far it has been challenging for me because I have to do all these stretching exercises and practice various stances. I'm sure I'll get used to it pretty soon.

Mary is dating one senior in her school. I don't like him but I tolerate him because of her. She is part of the cheerleaders in school too.

Mom has been working pretty hard lately, but I suspect she is doing it so she won't miss you so much. Last week was her birthday, I wrote her a poem that she really liked.

Dad, we really miss you, and we are counting the days you'll come back. We expect a lot of pictures from you though. Do visit the Taj Mahal if you are able to.

                                                                                       Lots of love,

                                                                                       Your son, Jason.

How can we effectively bring about change when faced with injustice in sedit Use a
personal example. How did the charactersin Esperanza Rising bring about change
when faced with injustices? Use textual evidence tpage numbers and direct quotes
from the book).



Okey..let me try my best..sorry if it's wrong...


We have a great example from not too long ago...George Floyd's death rocked the nation with confusion and pandemonium. Many people,black and white alike, were faced with injustice. In confusing times like these, it is up to leaders--celebrities, governors, club leaders, etc.--to rally their supporters together and fight. We must fight for what is right!!!

what does the sheriff think of his wifes fear? (jury of her peers)


Answer:  When are the women in the story "A Jury of Her Peers" (including Mrs. Wright) silent? ... investigating Mr. John Wright's murder, doesn't seem to think much of Minnie ... Sheriff... 1 Educator Answer. A Jury of Her Peers. What is the central idea in "A ... The murder of John Wright was committed by his wife, Minnie Foster Wright.


The sheriff thinks his wife is silly for being scared.

"A Jury of her Peers" is a short story adapted from the short play "Trifles", by Susan Glaspell. The plot revolves around the murder of John Wright. The main suspect is his wife, Minnie.

Throughout the story, the men act in a sexist and condescending way toward the women. They laugh at the things women worry about, and clearly see them as being intellectually inferior. Right at the beginning, the sheriff finds it funny that his wife is asking for the presence of another woman, Mrs. Hale. Mrs. Peters, the sheriff's wife, does not want to be alone in the house where the murder happened. Instead of respecting her feelings, the sheriff seems to find it silly of her. Below is the passage of the story that serves as evidence to this conclusion:

". . . and then the sheriff came running in to say his wife wished Mrs. Hale would come too -- adding, with a grin, the he guessed she was getting scary and wanted another woman along."

Although the sheriff and the other men in the story treat women as silly, frightened creatures, it is the women who find what the men are looking for. They are the ones who find the motive behind the murder as they look around the house, paying attention to the little things men usually ignore.

In conclusion, from the sheriff's behavior and words, we can state he thinks is wife is silly for being afraid.

Learn more about "A Jury of her Peers" here:

I need help with an essay about “How It Feels to Be Colored Me” by Zora Neale Hurston. I need three paragraphs with 4-6 sentences. Essays are not my expertise. Any help will be greatly appreciated!



give me my points i got u


How do you avoid common errors in capitalization punctuation and spelling in writing?



Study grammar or use grammar tools like gammarly.


Subjects and verbs must agree in which of the following categories? 1 singular 2 phrase 3 number 4 plural





When there is more than 1  subject and more  than one verb

According to language rules, subjects and verbs must agree in of the option C: number categories.

What do you mean by Subjects and Verbs?

A subject is refer to as the noun in a particular sentence and verb is defined as the action word.

The Subject-Verb agreement has to do with Concord in grammar which says that subject and verb MUST agree with each other in number which is singular or plural.

What this means is, if the subject of a sentence is singular, then the verb must be in the singular. If the subject is in the plural, then the verb must be in the plural.

For example, The dog chases the cats. Here, the verb 'chases' is in the singular, so the subject 'dog' must be in the singular.

Therefore, correct option is C.

Learn more about Subjects and verbs, refer to the link:


According to Aristotle, poetry is a form of _____





that's what Aristotle said

5. Why is a local government needed? Write two reasons.



Hey, there!!

Local government is defined as a small administrative body of a conutry which runs the local activities. It controls local activities.

some reasons are:

Local government controls the administration of a particular districts or a particular place.Maintain law and order inside the area.Provides the services to the people locally.

Hope it helps..


the following reason are

1 they are responsible for vital services for people

2 they provide water, run public school organize police and fire service

mehhhh  i just memorize it sorry if it didn't found helpful


Read the excerpt below and answer the question. Want is our companion from birth to death, familiar as the seasons or the earth, varying only in degrees. Which theme is represented in this excerpt from Nectar in a Sieve?



I think that the theme that best represents the given excerpt is suffering as a way of life. The excerpt hints that everyone always seeks to want more, starting from birth until one's death bed. And with their continuous search for their wants, they suffer since they are never satisfied with what they have. Thus, suffering becomes a way of life.


I was told to write "at least 3 pages long." does the 3rd page need to be full?



yes it does 3 pages mean all 3 full at least then you could do more if you want

In order to fulfill the criteria of  "at least 3 pages long" the third page should be complete.

What is a Context clue?

Context clues are any form of indication or notion that emerges from the statements and aids the reader in comprehending the precise context in which the word is used. The reader can discover the proper interpretation with the aid of this hint.

In the given case, the context is used in reference to assignment writing or article writing where the minimum limit of writing is defined as "at least 3 pages long" which states that there should be three pages long contain in order to fulfill the criteria.

If the phrase "at least" which is used as the minimum limit is not utilized then there is no foundation or restriction to write the third page completely,  one can write two and a half pages also.

Learn more about context clues, here:


Match the items. The task is to match the lettered items with the correct numbered items. Appearing below is a list of lettered items. Following that is a list of numbered items. Each numbered item is followed by a drop-down. Select the letter in the drop down that best matches the numbered item with the lettered alternatives. a. An article of trade or commerce, especially a product as distinguished from a service. b. The strict discipline and enforced uniformity characteristic. c. Unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others. d. A plan, design, or program of action to be followed. e. Involving an extremely important decision or result. f. The maximum rate of production or the maximum rate at which something can be processed. g. To continue to hold or have. h. To place in a position of minimal for requirements; almost insufficient. i. To bring to or make of an established standard size, weight, quality,strength, or the like. 1. Altruistic a 2. Throughput a 3. Crucial a 4. Scheme a 5. Commodities a 6. Regimentation a 7. Standardized a 8. Retain a 9. Marginalized a



A. 5

B. 6

C. 1

D. 4

E. 3

F. 2

G. 8

H. 9

I. 7


There are resume templates available on the internet to help you get started ? True or false


It is true you can search up resume templates and many links and examples will show up

Answer: true


Which is a characteristic of the young narrator in the memoir "A Cub Pilot"?

incompetent decisions

frantic activity

discouraged thoughts

pious beliefs



Took the test and it was not discouraged thoughts so it must be Frantic Activity.

Frantic Activity was correct.

i took the k12 test~

Read the excerpt from “Tools of the Spymaster."

The numbers that Major Tallmadge assigned to members of the Culper Ring were from a secret writing system he invented. He substituted digits for words that would be used in messages. "Long Island," for example, was 728, "arms" was 7, and "city" was 88. There was a number for each month, such as 341 for "January." He made four copies of his codes. He kept one and gave the others to Woodhull, Townsend, and General Washington. For words that did not have a number code, Tallmadge gave his agents a cipher. In a cipher, each letter in a message is replaced by another letter or a number.

Which statement is best supported by text evidence from the excerpt?

All members of the Culper Ring received a copy of Tallmadge’s code.
A cipher was a common instrument used during the American Revolution.
Words that did not have a number code could not be used in secret messages.
General Washington could read messages written in Tallmadge’s code.



General Washington could read messages written in Tallmadge’s code.


From this excerpt of Tools of the Spymaster, it is narrated that members of Culper Ring were making use of secret writing given to them by Major Tallmadge. He substituted digits for words and made special allowances for special numbers for each month of the year.

He made four copies of the code gave three to Woodhull, Townsend, and General Washington.

Therefore, the statement that is best supported by the text evidence from the excerpt is General Washington could read messages written in Tallmadge’s code.


General Washington could read messages written in Tallmadge’s code.


brainlist plz :(

Read the excerpt from barrio boy by Ernesto Galarza

After reading the excerpt , readers can infer that​


Read the excerpt from Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza.

We stayed only one day at the hotel, long enough for me to become acquainted with the bathtub, located in another closet next to the toilet. A rope of water twisted and whirled from a brass faucet, filling the tub. I sat in the cold water up to my neck and discovered that I could slide down the back of the tub and hit the bottom with a great splash. When my water party was interrupted, both the bathroom and I got a scrubbing.

After reading this excerpt, readers can infer that .....

A) Ernesto gets in trouble for his messy splashing

B) Ernesto has sour muscles and needs to soak in cold water

C) The hotel is very expensive because it has a modern bathroom

D) the bathroom is dangerous for a young and inexperience child


A) Ernesto gets in trouble for his messy splashing


From the excerpt of Barrio Boy by Ernesto Galarza, the narrator notes his experience when he stayed in a hotel with his parents and he began playing in the bathtub, filling the tub, splashing water, and sliding down.

He notes that he had a lot of fun but he got into trouble for his messy splashing after his party was interrupted.

The reader can infer from this narration that Ernesto gets in trouble for his messy splashing  because when he was discovered, "both the bathroom and I got a scrubbing."




Which root in this excerpt from Horseshoes by Ring Lardner means “strong”? They was one out when Barry hit one through the box for a base. Schang walked, and it was Bush's turn. Connie told him to bunt, but he whiffed in the attempt. Then Murphy comes up and walks—and the bases are choked. Young Joyce had been pie for Tesreau all day or else McGraw might of changed pitchers right there. Anyway he left Big Jeff in and he beaned Joyce with a fast one. It sounded like a tire blowin' out. Joyce falls over in a heap and we chase out there, thinkin' he's dead; but he ain't, and pretty soon he gets up and walks down to first base. Tesreau had forced in a run and again we begun to count the winner's end. Matty comes in to prevent further damage and Collins flies the side out.



Explanation: I think choked us the answer because it represents a strong word for something powerful.

Answer: forced


Among the words presented above, it is forced that is synonymous to the word strong as mentioned in Horsehoes by Ring Lardner. The word forced means something that is subjected to force or strength which means forced is related to the word strong.

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How does the heading help the reader understand the central idea of this passage? It convinces the reader that other universities are inferior. It informs the reader that the text will focus on a specific school. It reveals how this section of text is related to sugar. It implies that the passage will describe types of universities. The functions of the oral cavity include all of the following except Select one: A. mechanical processing of food. B. absorption of monosaccharides. C. digestion of carbohydrates. D. lubrication. E. sensory analysis of material before swallowing. Considere que a empresa vale dos lirios Ltda, recebeu por meio de caixa, o valor registrado an conta de clientes referente a venda efetuada no ms de marco/2020- no valor de $3.400,00. Qual a alternativa que corresponde o mtodo das partidas dobradas? Which of these is true about electrons? posses a positive electrical charge of one (+1) have a negative electrical charge of one (-1) indicates the number of protons in each atom equals the sum of protons plus neutrons in each atom What is the method called on #3 Sixteen-year-old Geneva believes that the death penalty is wrong because her parents, friends, and church say so. She has never really thought about the issue, but has accepted this view as her own. This pattern of following what her parents and peers say and do is pervasive throughout most of her beliefs and behaviors. Which identity state do you think Geneva is in? A. achievement B. foreclosure C. diffusion D. moratorium Discuss the most distinctive landmarks of the peoples and civilizations of the Americas. Which of these survived the so-called "Columbian Exchange Monochromatic light of wavelength 649 nm is incident on a narrow slit. On a screen 2.25 m away, the distance between the second diffraction minimum and the central maximum is 1.99 cm. (a) Calculate the angle of diffraction of the second minimum. (b) Find the width of the slit. The graph of y=x^2 - 2x- 3 is shown above. What are the zeros and factors of y=x^2 - 2x -3A. X=1 and x = -3;(x-1)(x+3)B. X=-1 and x = -3;(x+1)(x+3)C. X=1 and x = -3;(x-1)(x-3)D. X=-1 and x = -3;(x+1)(x-3) Robert: Hola. El ao pasado estuve en Nicaragua. Pepa: _________ Robert: En la Isla de Ometepe. A quin viste? Cunto compraste? Dnde estuviste? Qu hiciste? At a computer manufacturing company, the actual size of computer chips is normally distributed with a mean of 1 centimeter and a standard deviation of 0.1 centimeter. A random sample of 16 computer chips is taken. What is the probability of thesample mean Let E and F be two events of an experiment with sample space S. Suppose P(E) = 0.6, P(F) = 0.3, and P(E F) = 0.1. Compute the values below.(a) P(E F) = (b) P(Ec) = (c) P(Fc ) = (d) P(Ec F) = Which of the following graphs accurately displays a parabola with its directrix and focus? Inhabitants of the prehistoric are not considered ancestors of humans true or false Find all values of $x$ such that $3x^2 + 16x + 5=0$. If you find more than one value, then list your solutions, separated by commas. The admission fee at a carnival fair is $4.50 for childrenand $8.00 for adults. One day, 2200 people attended the fairand $5050 was collected. How many children and how manyadults attended?Lets say:c= number of childrena= number of adults A political candidate has asked his/her assistant to conduct a poll to determine the percentage of people in the community that supports him/her. If the candidate wants a 10% margin of error at a 95% confidence level, what size of sample is needed Which of the following describes a situation in which the total distance a ball travels is zero meters from its starting point? (5 points)abThe ball first bounces up to a height of 4 meters, and then falls 2 meters towards the ground.The ball first bounces up to a height of 2 meters, and then falls 2 meters towards the ground.The ball first bounces up to a height of 2 meters, and then falls 4 meters towards the ground.The ball first bounces up to a height of 4 meters, and then falls 0 meters towards the ground.d i. What is the author's purpose in writing the second paragraph? The British Agricultural Revolution resulted in many farmers losing their jobs. Which sentence best explains the change that farmers experienced?