The endocrine system regulates physiological processes through the binding of hormones to ______ on target cells. Receptors.


Answer 1

The correct answer is Receptors.The endocrine system regulates physiological processes through the binding of hormones.

Hormones are used by the endocrine system to regulate bodily processes. Hormones control a variety of internal processes, including metabolism, growth, sexual development, and labour induction. They go through the circulation, attach to certain cells, and modify the way that various tissues and organs operate. Hypothalamus: Your brain has a gland that regulates your endocrine system. It makes decisions about when to signal other glands, such as the pituitary gland, to release hormones based on input from your brain system. The hormones are released from the carrier protein at the target cell and diffuse through the lipid bilayer of the cell's plasma membrane. The target cell's plasma membrane allows steroid hormones to enter and stick to intracellular receptors in the cytoplasm or nucleus.

To learn more about Receptors click the link below:


Related Questions

I Review According to the biogeochemical cycle shown below, which of the following processos can move carbon from the abiotic reservoir to the biotic reservoir? Geological processes contribute to the abicceservous. For example, erosion may transfermiers from rock to sol Abiotic reservers are non living components of an ecosystem where chemicals accumulate. For example, carbon cumulates in the atmosphere as Col while wygen accumulates when it is dissolved in seawater Preducers incorporate inorganic chemicals from an abiotic reservoir Into organic compounds For example, a plant uses Co, from the air to make glucose via photosynthesis When consumers feed, they incorporate the chemicals of food into their own bodies. For example, a deer munching on grass incorporates some of the nutrients from that grass into sing tissue. BIOTIC COMPONENTS Decomposers break down the organic molecules in wastes and dead organism. The sample compounds they release become part of the abiotic reservoir.


The abiotic elements of the ecosystem are the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

Biogeochemical Cycle Types. Essentially, there are two categories of biogeochemical cycles: Carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and the water cycle are among the gaseous cycles. Cycles of sedimentation: Sulfur, phosphorus, rock cycle, etc. A biogeochemical cycle is a slow-moving pool of nutrients that includes both biotic and abiotic elements. It takes the constituents of the ecosystem's abiotic component that are naturally occurring and infuses them into live cells. It is a constant, quick interchange that could involve both gaseous particles and silt.

To learn more about ecosystem please click on below link


are hermit crab affected by changes in water level (if it even is affected)​



Hermit crabs are intertidal organisms, hermit crabs already possess strong adaptions to large fluctuactions in temperature, and are largely unaffected by it because they experience the changing conditions daily.


In the shotgun approach to whole-genome sequencing (shotgun sequencing), random DNA fragments of a chromosome are sequenced. The fragment sequences are then assembled into a continuous sequence that represents the DNA of the entire chromosome.
What are the steps in the shotgun approach to whole-genome sequencing?
Drag the labels to their appropriate locations on the flowchart. Only some labels will be used.


Nucleotides are the chemicals that make up DNA fragments. A sugar group, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen base make up each nucleotide.

WGS typically comprises six steps: library building, paired-end sequencing (PE sequencing), random fragmentation of the genomic DNA, size selection using electrophoresis, and genome assembly. The whole-genome shotgun (WGS) approach involves the parallel sequencing of a huge number of overlapping DNA fragments, which are subsequently stitched together by a computer to form bigger contigs and, eventually, chromosomes (Figure 1). Shotgun sequencing involves randomly slicing the genome into small, sequencing-ready pieces (1 to 2 kbp in length). After being ligated into an appropriate vector, the fragments are partly sequenced. In a single sequencing run, each fragment can provide 400–500 bp of sequence.

To learn more about DNA fragments click the link below:


Bandura believes that self-reinforcement and self-punishment can work for people who are likely to feel ____ if they violate standards that they have set for themselves.


Bandura believes that self-reinforcement and self-punishment are effective for people who are more likely to feel guilty for going against the standards they set for themselves.

Self-reinforcement and self-punishment are two strategies for managing and controlling our behavior. Self-reinforcement is the process of rewarding oneself for engaging in desired behaviors. This can include rewarding yourself with a special treat for a job well done, or it could be as simple as feeling a sense of pride or accomplishment for completing a task. Self-punishment, on the other hand, is the process of punishing oneself for engaging in undesired behaviors. This can be done by denying oneself a reward or pleasure, or by actually inflicting physical or psychological pain in response to one’s own behavior.

To know more about Self-reinforcement visit:


Place the biochemical name and enzymatic activity corresponding to each complex within the respiratory chain. Complex 1 Complex II Complex III Complex IV Answer Bank cytochrome bo, complex facilitates electron transfer from ubiquinol to cytochromec facilitates electron transfer from cytochrome o to 0, facilitates electron transfer from spyinate to ubiquinone succinate dehydrogeonse complex facilitates electron transfer from NADH to ubiquinone cytochrome oxidase NADH dehydrogenase complex


The series of electron flow in the respiratory chain in the mitochondria membrane is-

NADH -------> Q --------> Cyt b ------> Cyt c1 --------> Cyt c -------> Cyt (a + a3) -------> O2

Complex I ; NADH dehydrogenase Complex Facilitated the electron transfer NADH to ubiquinone

Complex II; Succinate dehydrogenase Complex Facilitated the electron transfer succinate to ubiquinone

Complex III; Cytochrome bc1 complex or Ubiquinone: cytochrome c oxidoreductase Facilitated the electron transfer from ubiquinol to cytochrome c.

Complex VI; Cytochrome oxidase Facilitated the electron transfer from cytochrome c to O2​​​​​​.

In the electron transport chain, four protein complexes (designated complex I-IV) are involved in transporting electrons from NADH and FADH2 to molecular oxygen.

Complex I creates the hydrogen ion gradient by pumping four hydrogen ions from the matrix into the intermembranous region across the membrane.

Learn more about to respiratory visit here;


a researcher claims that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels cause increased growth rates in plants. which of the following statements best supports the resarchers claim


The best statement to support the researcher's claim that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels cause increased growth rates in plants is (D) Atmospheric carbon dioxide is the raw material for photosynthesis, which plants rely on for producing sugars and other organic compounds.

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use the energy from sunlight to convert atmospheric carbon dioxide into sugars and other organic compounds. Increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide provide plants with more of the raw material they need to produce sugars and other organic compounds. These compounds, in turn, fuel the growth of plants and other living organisms. Therefore, increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide can lead to increased growth rates in plants.

Learn more about Photosynthesis at :


(A) Atmospheric carbon dioxide is produced by the burning of fossil fuels, which are formed from the remains of living organisms such as plants. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is a byproduct of cellular respiration, which is a metabolic process that occurs in

(B) plants and other living organisms.

(C) Atmospheric carbon dioxide typically enters plant leaves through stomata, which plants rely on for regulating gas exchange with the atmosphere. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is the raw material for photosynthesis, which plants rely on for producing sugars

(D) and other organic compounds.

What is the difference between atomic composition and chemical structure?


Atomic comp is the number of each type of atom, and Chemical Structure is the way that those atoms are bonded together

If a patient is having a hard time digesting a certain lipid known as triacylglycerol. What organ(s)
effect the digestion of this lipid? Why could this be happening?


Triacylglycerol, also known as a fat molecule, is primarily digested by enzymes produced by the pancreas, called lipases. These enzymes break down the fat molecules into fatty acids and glycerol, which are then absorbed by the small intestine. The process of fat digestion also requires the presence of bile, which is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. In some cases, a person may have difficulty digesting fats due to a lack of these enzymes or bile, which can be caused by conditions such as pancreatitis or gallbladder disease. Other factors that can affect fat digestion include certain medications, food intolerances, and diseases that affect the small intestine, such as Crohn's disease or celiac disease.

when stomata is closed what happen to plants


stomach pain is caused by Connor he’s

 The closure of stomata, and tiny pores on the surface of leaves, stems, and other plant organs can have a variety of impacts on plants.

Stomata closure minimizes the interchange of gases between the plant and the environment, which is one of its key consequences. Stomata are in charge of controlling the flow of gases into and out of the plant, including oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. The interchange of these gases is impeded when stomata are closed, which may have an effect on the metabolism and general wellness of the plant.

Reduced water loss from the plant is another benefit of closing stomata. The process of transpiration, or the loss of water vapor from the plant through the stomata, also involves stomata. In times of drought or other situations where the availability of water is limited, the plant can preserve water by slowing its transpiration rate when its stomata are closed.

Overall, depending on the exact situation, closing stomata can have an impact on plants that is both favorable and unfavorable. Stomata closure can have positive and bad effects on a plant's metabolism and general health. In some situations, it can help plants preserve resources and defend themselves from environmental stressors.

To learn more about Stomata,

please select all of the locations where coccidioidomycosis is endemic.check all that apply semi-arid desert areas semi-arid desert areas the western hemisphere the western hemisphere the south atlantic states of the united states the south atlantic states of the united states the mississippi and ohio river drainage areas of the united statesthe mississippi and ohio river drainage areas of the united states


The locations where coccidioidomycosis is endemic are a) Semi-arid deserts and b) The western hemisphere

Coccidioidomycosis is most common in the southwestern United States' semi-arid desert climate. Acute disease is brought on by the organisms being breathed in as spores, resulting in fever, chills, chest pain, hemoptysis, and dyspnea. The study of chest imaging reveals both condolidation and caitation, as well as widespread hilar lymphadenopathy. Patients with a previous infection are susceptible to reactivation and dissemination, regardless of their immunocompromised status. The semiarid regions of the United States have long been identified as the Coccidioidomycosi epidemic region, which is also located in the Western hemisphere. The activities that allow the fungus to enter the air and be inhaled by the susceptible host are the cause of the infection.

know  more about Coccidioidomycosis here:


in the brachial plexus, the posterior cord contains portions of ____ nerves. median; musculocutaneous; radial; ulnar.


In the brachial plexus, the posterior cord contains portions of the radial and ulnar nerves.

The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that originate in the spinal cord and innervate the upper limb. It is made up of five roots (C5-T1), three trunks (superior, middle, and inferior), and five cords (lateral, posterior, and three anterior cords).

The posterior cord is one of the five cords of the brachial plexus and is formed by the posterior branches of the upper and middle trunks. It contains fibers from the C8 and T1 spinal nerves and gives rise to the radial and ulnar nerves. The radial nerve innervates the muscles of the posterior arm, posterior forearm, and posterior hand, and the ulnar nerve innervates the muscles of the medial arm, medial forearm, and hand.

The median, musculocutaneous, and radial nerves are not present in the posterior cord of the brachial plexus. The median nerve is a branch of the anterior cord, and the musculocutaneous and radial nerves are branches of the lateral cord.

Learn more about brachial plexus here:


neurons are collectively grouped and wrapped by an endoneurium. these are then held in bundles collectively referred to as


Neurons are collectively grouped and wrapped by an endoneurium. These are then held in bundles collectively referred to as nerves.

A nerve bundle is wrapped in a layer of connective tissue called the perineurium. The nerve bundles are surrounded by the epineurium, the outer layer of connective tissue.

The endoneurium is a thin layer of connective tissue that surrounds individual nerve fibers within the nerve bundles. Provides structural support for nerve fibers and helps maintain nerve fascicle tissue.

The perineurium is a layer of connective tissue that surrounds the nerve bundles. It protects the nerve bundles and provides structural support to the nerves.

The epineurium is the outermost layer of connective tissue that surrounds nerves. It provides additional structural support to nerves and helps protect them from external damage.

Together, these layers of connective tissue help protect and support the nerve fibers within the nerve, allowing them to function properly.

Read more about nerves at:


A 21-year-old woman delivered a normal term infant a week ago and is now nursing the infant. She now notes a lump in her right axilla that has increased in size over the past week. On physical examination there is a rubbery, mobile, 1.5-cm mass beneath the skin at the right anterior axillary line. The mass is excised and the microscopic appearance is shown in the figure. Which of the following hormones most likely pro- duced the greatest effect upon this tissue?
A Cortisol
B Growth hormone
C Oxytocin
D Prolactin
E Testosterone


On physical examination there is a rubbery, mobile, 1.5-cm mass beneath the skin at the right anterior axillary line.


The peptide hormone and neuropeptide oxytocin (Oxt or OT) is typically made in the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary. It contributes to social interaction, reproduction, childbirth, and the time following childbirth. During labor and in response to sexual activity, the hormone oxytocin is released into the bloodstream. Additionally, it is accessible in pharmaceutical form. Oxytocin induces uterine contractions in both forms, hastening the labor process. In its natural state, it also contributes to the formation of the mother-baby relationship and milk production. A positive feedback loop governs the creation and release of oxytocin, with the first release of the hormone stimulating subsequent production and release. For instance, when oxytocin is released throughout a uterine contraction

Learn more about Oxytocin here:


cyclopropyl chloride has been prepared by the free radical chlorination of cyclopropane write a stepwise mechanism for this reaciton


In the photo you've got got the mechanism and system of this response. Remember that this type of reactions are given in three steps:

Step 1: Initiation.

The response starts offevolved with the separation of the chlorine (CI2) into radicals (atoms with a single unpaired electron) through the addition of uv light.

Step 2: Propagation.

The formation of the chlorine radicals, is right now accompanied through the propogation steps--steps immediately worried withinside the formation of the product. The first step is the abstraction of the hydrogen atom from the carbon, to shape the unconventional CH2, with a lone ion, and H-CI. Step three: termination

The termination contain the destruction of the free-radical intermediates, usually through of them coming together.

Read more about chloride:


avidin is a protein that binds extremely tightly to biotin. therefore, it is a potent inhibitor of biotin-requiring enzymatic reactions. consider glucose biosynthesis from each of the following substrates and predict which of these pathways would be inhibited by avidin. a. lactate b. oxaloacetate c. malate d. fructose-6-phosphate e. phosphoenolpyruvate


The pathway that would be inhabited by avidin is lactate. Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

Biotin is the cofactor that's involved in the conversion of pyruvate to oxaloacetate with the help of the enzyme pyruvate carboxylase.

Lactate is formed when the rate of glycolysis is higher than the rate of oxidation. When that happens, the lactate is converted to form pyruvate with the help of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase.

  Lactate + NAD+ -----> pyruvate + NADH + H+

The pyruvate is then converted to form oxaloacetate in the presence of biotin.

  Pyruvate + CO₂ + ATP + H₂O ----> Oxaloacetate + ADP + Pi + 2H+

Avidin binds tightly to the biotin. Thus avidin can inhibit the biosynthesis of glucose from lactate and its pathway.

Learn more about biotin at


graph 1. comparison of european flycatcher hatching and fledging dates and caterpillar biomass based on the data, scientists claim that the reproductive behavior of european flycatchers is influenced by the availability of energy sources. which of the following statements best justifies this claim?


The statement that best justifies this claim is that the energy requirements for hatching European flycatchers and caterpillars are proportional to each other. So the correct option is D.

Why is this option correct?

The requirements will be the same between the European flycatcher and the caterpillars because the entire feeding system that is generated between them will include organisms that are photosynthetic, this then makes them dependent on the sun.

Then when their haitchlings feed on the caterpillars, there will need to be a high demand for these so that the young grow and can leave the nest. If not, the system will not be fruitful and there will be less demand for new European flycatchers.

Therefore, we can confirm that the correct option is D. The energy requirements for hatching European flycatchers and caterpillars are proportional to each other.

To learn more about caterpillars visit:


Graph 1. Comparison of European flycatcher hatching and fledging dates and caterpillar biomass Based on the data, scientists claim that the reproductive behavior of European flycatchers is influenced by the availability of energy sources. Which of the following statements best justifies this claim?

A. Young European flycatchers hatch from eggs when caterpillar biomass is available for the young birds to consume and convert into energy for growth.

B. European flycatcher hatchlings begin to need energy to leave the nest only after the caterpillars have turned into pupae.

C. Female European flycatchers require energy to lay eggs, so they lay their eggs when the caterpillar biomass is maximal.

D. The energy requirements for hatching European flycatchers and caterpillars are proportional to each other.

the products of mitosis are 1. one nucleus containing twice as much dna as the parent nucleus. 2. two genetically identical cells. 3. four nuclei containing half as much dna as the parent nucleus 4. four genetically identical nuclei. 5. two genetically identical nuclei


the products of mitosis are  

Two genetically identical nuclei cells.

A kind of cell division known as mitosis occurs when a single cell (the mother) divides into two genetically identical daughter cells. Mitosis, when referring to the cell cycle, is the stage of cell division during which the DNA in the cell's nucleus is divided into two identical sets of chromosomes.What is a brief explanation of mitosis?

(my-TOH-sis) a single parent cell's process of dividing into two new daughter cells. A full set of chromosomes from the parent cell are transferred to each daughter cell. What are mitosis' four stages?

Prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase are these stages.

Learn more about mitosis  here:


homologous pairs of chromosomes align opposite to each other at the equator of a cell during . metaphase of mitosis telophase ii of meiosis metaphase ii of meiosis metaphase i of meiosis


The homologous pairs of chromosomes align opposite to each other at the equator of a cell during are meiosis metaphase i.

During meiosis I, metaphase I occurs and chromosome pairs line up in the center of the cell. During meiosis II, metaphase II occurs and chromosomes are arranged in the center of the cell. The main difference is that chromosomes are paired in metaphase I and unpaired in metaphase II.

In metaphase I, homologous pairs of chromosomes align on either side of the equatorial plate. Then, in anaphase I, the spindle contracts and the two homologous chromatid pairs are pulled apart from each other and towards the poles of the cell. During telophase I, chromosomes are surrounded by the nucleus.

Read more about Chromosome:


axol is an anticancer drug extracted from the pacific yew tree that disrupts microtubule formation in animal cells. when taxol is added to animal cells, cell division stops. specifically, taxol must affect . the structure of the mitotic spindle chromatid assembly formation of the centrioles anaphase the s phase of the cell cycle


The correct answer is option a,b, and e. When taxol is added to animal cells, cell division stops. specifically, taxol must affect the fibers of the mitotic spindle, anaphase, and the S phase of the cell cycle.

Taxol is an anticancer drug that disrupts microtubule formation in animal cells. It does this by binding to microtubules and accelerating their assembly from the protein precursor, tubulin. This ultimately leads to cell cycle arrest at the metaphase stage of mitosis and prevents the cells from dividing further.

a. the fibers of the mitotic spindle (microtubules) - Taxol stabilizes microtubules and prevents them from disassembling, disrupting the process of chromosome separation during metaphase.

b. metaphase - Taxol causes cell cycle arrest at the metaphase stage of mitosis.

e. the S phase of the cell cycle - Taxol does not directly affect the S phase (synthesis phase) of the cell cycle, which is the stage during which DNA is replicated. Instead, it causes cell cycle arrest at the later stage of metaphase during mitosis.

Learn more about Taxol here:


Complete Question:

Taxol is an anticancer drug extracted from the Pacific yew tree. In animal cells, Taxol disrupts microtubule formation by binding to microtubules and accelerating their assembly from the protein precursor, tubulin. Surprisingly, this tops mitosis.

Specifically, Taxol must affect:

a. the fibers of the mitotic spindle.

b. anaphase.

c. formation of the centrioles.

d. chromatid assembly.

e. the S phase of the cell cycle.

The first detailed and quantitative studies on inheritance were carried out by an Austrian monk named _____. A. Mendel B. Darwin C. Mendeleev D. Benedict


The first detailed and quantitative studies on inheritance were carried out by an Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel.

Mendel is known as the "father of genetics" for his pioneering work on the inheritance of traits in pea plants, which laid the foundation for the field of genetics. His work, published in the mid-1800s, showed that traits are inherited through the transmission of discrete units of information, now known as genes, from parents to offspring.

Mendel's work was largely ignored at the time, but it was rediscovered in the early 20th century and has had a profound impact on the understanding of how traits are passed down from generation to generation.

Learn more about Inheritance here:


describe the terms chromosomes, genes, alleles, and dna in relation to heredity and to each other. use complete sentences and correct grammar.


Who you are depends on your chromosomes, genes, and DNA. Cells may transfer DNA thanks to chromosomes.

Your human anatomy is created and maintained by your DNA. Your unique physical characteristics are a result of your genes, which are parts of your DNA. DNA segments known as genes carry instructions for constructing proteins that influence physiology and support the development of particular traits or behaviors. Gene variations known as alleles vary according to the nucleotide base that is present at a specific chromosomal position. The genotype of a person consists of a set of alleles. Chromosomes, which resemble thread-like structures and house the molecule, are found in the nucleus of every cell. The DNA of each chromosome is tightly wrapped.

Learn more about chromosomes and genes at


The left and right cervical plexuses are located deep on each side of the neck, immediately lateral to cervical vertebrae ______.


The left and right cervical plexuses are located deep on each side of the neck, immediately lateral to cervical vertebrae C1-C4.

The most severe spinal cord damage. Paralysis can affect the hands, arms, legs, or trunk of a person. The patient might not be able to manage their bowel or urine habits, independently cough, or control their breathing. Sometimes the capacity to speak may decrease or worsen.

One of the nerves that control your diaphragm is cervical nerve 4, which also regulates the mobility of your upper shoulder (muscle at the bottom of your rib cage that helps you breathe). Your neck, shoulders, and upper arms may experience some of the feeling that C4 causes.

The ventral rami of the cervical spine, which extend from C1 to C4, are where the nerves that make up the cervical plexus get their beginnings. 

Learn more about spinal cord at


Is this statement true or false? The cause and effect is the relationship between two events in a story. O true false​


true, the event that caused the cause as well as the event that is the effect of the cause



DNA is referred to as a complimentary molecule because the base A always goes with T, and C always goes with G and is therefore denoted as option A.

What is DNA?

This is referred to as deoxyribonucleic acid and it is the genetic material of most living organisms. It ensures that traits are passed from the parent to the offspring during the process of reproduction in the body system.

It is regarded or known as a complimentary molecule because it has base pairs which are complimentary to each other such that adenine binds with thymine and cytosine binds with guanine thereby making it the correct choice.

Read more about DNA here


characteristics of ig classes match the correct statement with the antibody type to test your understanding of structure and functions of antibodies.


The Correct matches of IG classes are :


IgM is the most prevalent antibody in circulation and is a pentameric structure. IgA is a dimer that is a significant component of mucus and secretions. IgD is a monomeric antibody found on the B-cell surface and its main function is to serve as an antigen receptor. IgE is a monomeric antibody that mediates allergic responses. IgG is the most abundant antibody in circulation and is a monomeric structure. IgM, IgA, IgD and IgE are all produced in the body to help fight against antigens, while IgG is a long-lasting antibody that is produced after a primary immune response and helps provide immunity against future infections.

Learn more about Antibody here:


Complete Question :

Match the correct statement with the antibody type to test your understanding of structure and functions of antibodies

A.) Most prevalent antibody in circulation

B.) Dimer that is a significant component of mucus and secretions

C.) Pentameric in circulation

D.) Main function is to serve as antigen receptor on B-cell surface

E.) Mediates allergic responses

1.) IgM

2.) IgA

3.) IgE

4.) IgD

5.) IgG

the study of fresh water ecosystems is called O limnology.O EthologyO SynezologyO AutecologyAnswer: limnology.


The study of freshwater ecosystems is called limnology.

Lakes, rivers, ponds, springs, and streams are examples of freshwater. The study of these freshwater bodies is the focus of this subfield of biology. The functional connections between growth, adaptation, nutrient cycles, and biological productivity are all incorporated into this field of study.

Limnology is the scientific study of the ecosystem of freshwater. The Greek words "limne," which means lake, and "logos," which means "study," both come from the same word. It is the study of aquatic ecosystems in the interior. Inland freshwater bodies incorporate lakes, waterways, streams, supplies, lakes, springs, and so on. Additionally, it encompasses both standing and moving water bodies. It is the study of the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of lakes and other freshwater bodies.

Know more about Limnology here:


The biological and biosocial theories seem to have the most immediate promise in dealing with problems of _____


The biological and biosocial theories seem to have the most immediate promise in dealing with problems of postpartum depression.

People of both sexes may have postpartum depression (PPD), also known as postnatal depression, which is a type of mood disorder connected to childbirth. Extreme melancholy, low energy, concern, weeping spells, irritability, and changes in eating or sleeping habits are just a few symptoms. Between one week and one month is the typical postpartum onset period. PPD can be harmful to a newborn infant as well.

Although the precise origin of PPD is unknown, a confluence of biological, psychological, genetic, and social variables is probably to blame. These could include things like hormone adjustments and lack of sleep.

To learn more about postpartum depression click on the given link:


FILL IN THE BLANK. if both parents are heterozygous for a gene, 1/2 of the time they will contribute a dominant allele to their offspring and 1/2 of the time they will contribute a recessive allele to their offspring. the phenotypes of the resulting offspring will be blank dominant and____recessive.


If both parents are heterozygous for a gene, 1/2 of the time they will contribute a dominant allele to their offspring and 1/2 of the time they will contribute a recessive allele to their offspring. The phenotypes of the resulting offspring will be 50% dominant and 50% recessive.

In genetics, the term "heterozygous" refers to an individual who has two different alleles for a particular gene. For example, if one parent is heterozygous for a gene that determines eye color and has one dominant allele for brown eyes and one recessive allele for blue eyes, and the other parent is also heterozygous for the same gene with one dominant allele for brown eyes and one recessive allele for blue eyes, then each parent has a 50% chance of contributing either the dominant or recessive allele to their offspring.

Learn more about heterozygous here:


parts of a human brain anwers



Cerebrum: is the largest part of the brain and is composed of right and left hemispheres. It performs higher functions like interpreting touch, vision and hearing, as well as speech, reasoning, emotions, learning, and fine control of movement.

Cerebellum: is located under the cerebrum. Its function is to coordinate muscle movements, maintain posture, and balance.

Brainstem: acts as a relay center connecting the cerebrum and cerebellum to the spinal cord. It performs many automatic functions such as breathing, heart rate, body temperature, wake and sleep cycles, digestion, sneezing, coughing, vomiting, and swallowing.

Right brain – left brain

The cerebrum is divided into two halves: the right and left hemispheres (Fig. 2) They are joined by a bundle of fibers called the corpus callosum that transmits messages from one side to the other. Each hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body. If a stroke occurs on the right side of the brain, your left arm or leg may be weak or paralyzed.

Not all functions of the hemispheres are shared. In general, the left hemisphere controls speech, comprehension, arithmetic, and writing. The right hemisphere controls creativity, spatial ability, artistic, and musical skills. The left hemisphere is dominant in hand use and language in about 92% of people.


i think this ananswer is right


One process that absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is ______

Select one:
O transpiration
Ocellular respiration
O photosynthesis
O evaporation



C. photosynthesis


plants absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis

What is Photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants use sunlight to synthesize there foods from [tex]CO^{2}[/tex] and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally can involve the green pigment chlorophylland generates oxygen to a byproduct.

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