the federalist writer argues for a government that can :
govern effectively while giving most control to the states.
exert strong control over its citizens.
govern effectively but control itself.
give groups of citizens control over and over


Answer 1


The federalist writer argues for a government that can :

a. govern effectively while giving most control to the states.

b. exert strong control over its citizens.

c. govern effectively but control itself.

d. give groups of citizens control over and over


Answer a describes the anti-federalist (and later democratic-republican) perspective.

Answer b describes a totalitarian/authoritarian type of government.

Answer c is correct because federalists believed in a strong central democracy with checks and balances.

Answer d is straight, unchecked democracy (also known as eventual mob rule).

Related Questions

The earliest humans, _____, or "handy man," adapted to the environment by making and using tools. Two more recent groups, the _____ in Europe, and their close relatives from Asia, the _____, lived at the same time as the first modern humans. But those groups were less capable of adapting to the environment, so they vanished about 28,000 years ago. The scientific name for modern humans is _____, or "wise people."


The answer to each blank is as follows:

1. h-o-mo habilis

2. h-o-mo neanderthalensis

3. h-o-mo er-ect-us

4. h-o-mo sapiens

The archaic humans known as h-o-mo habilis, or "able man", lived in East and South Africa. They were given that name because they were believed to have been the first to make and use tools from stones, although we now know that the production of stone tools began earlier. H-o-mo habilis lived between 2.3 and 1.65 million years ago.

The h-o-mo neanderthalensis could be found in Europe and West Asia while the h-o-mo er-ectus was found in East Asia. They too belong to the h-o-mo genus, which means they were also human. Neanderthals were sturdier than we are, well adapted to cold weather. The h-o-mo er-ect-us was the human species that lived the longest - 1.5 million years, a record unlikely to be broken even by our species.

We belong to the h-o-mo sapiens species - the "wise people". Our species first appeared in East Africa, around 350 thousand years ago. We call ourselves "wise", "sapiens", due to our well-developed brains and our ability to think abstractly, use language, and solve problems.

Learn more about the subject here:

NOTE: I had to spell h-o-mo and er-ect-us this way because, otherwise, I cannot post the answer. The words have possible bad meanings, which is why this issue happens.

I cannot be the only one who is satiated when others are hungry"" who said this?​


these are the words of mother teresa


Because she was tge first person who took care or looked for poor people

I cannot be the only one who is satisfied when others are hungry and this was said by Mother Teresa.

Who is Mother Teresa?

Mother Teresa was an Indian-Albanian Catholic nun who, in 1950, founded the Missionaries of Charity. Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu was born in Skopje at the time, part of the Ottoman Empire. After eighteen years, she moved to Ireland and then to India, where she lived most of her life. Saint Teresa of Calcutta was canonised on 4 September 2016. The anniversary of her death is her feast day.

After Mother Teresa founded her religious congregation, it grew to have over 4,500 nuns and was active in 133 countries as of 2012. The congregation manages homes for people who are dying of HIV/AIDS, leprosy, and tuberculosis. The congregation also runs soup kitchens, dispensaries, mobile clinics, children's and family counselling programmes, as well as orphanages and schools.

Members take vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience and also profess a fourth vow: to give wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor.

Learn more about Mother Teresa, here:


Answer the following questions. (Short answer type questions) 1. What difficulties do we face if there is no means of transport? Mention any six difficulties. 2. What are the problems of transport in your district? Write some measures to solve them. the roads arenor black topped 3. Make a list of important highways of Nepal and name the places they lin stranim animals, causes several acara Explain about railways and rope ways in Nepal. ​



Lack of drainage and water course croossing damage to health and detriment to farming productivity from dust. Damage to road users and equipment from rough roads

What happens if cocoon is not boiled?



Boiling the cocoon helps to dissolve the adhesive that sticks the fibres together. If cocoon is not boiled, the fibres obtained will be brittle, and we will get fragments of the thread instead of a long continuous silk thread.


If cocoon is not boiled, the fibres obtained will be brittle, and we will get fragments of the thread instead of a long continuous silk thread.

could anybody answer me the facts on why "there should be an age limit for owning a gun"



An age limit to use a powerful weapon such as a gun should be constituted. Out of many reasons for this, one reason is that it would be an appropriate choice because people who are mature would know how to safely handle guns. Maturity is an important factor in this case because a gun-user needs to be responsible and reasonable, especially in times of chaos.

The children in our community and country should be safe and protected from terrible accidents like accidentally pulling the gun trigger out of curiosity, innocence, or lack of awareness. Changing the gun age limit would allow the holder of the gun to have more education on how and when to use it.

Mary Ellen is the director of an early childhood education program in the downtown area of a major city. It is a convenient site for many parents who either live or work in the local area. The center is very near to a city park and an inner-city high school. She is concerned about the safety of the neighborhood surrounding her early childhood education environment. What steps might she and her teachers take to maximize the safety of the children in care



Following are the steps to the given solution:


To increase the protection of students in care, Mary Ellen and her staff can take the metric as follows:

Memorize vital names and information for the children. Tell them not to go with strangers. Help them reconsider the classroom is their refuge. To teach children to correctly observe their environment. Learning self-defense techniques to them. Monitor child's use of Net. Ensure robust police departments.

1. A qualified dietitian or other clinically qualified nutrition specialist:
Holds a bachelor's or higher degree in nutrition or dietetics
Has completed 900+ hours of supervised dietetics practice
Is licensed or certified as a dietitian or nutrition professional by the state in which he/she performs services
All of the above


C) Is licensed or certified as a dietitian or nutrition professional…

in the process of rotation of the earth the longitude and the keep of changing able to write​



Latitude and Longitude do NOT change they are set. They form a grid system which enables us to locate ANY position on the planet. Time is always on the move 24 hrs being one rotation of the planet. Every hour the earth will rotate 15 degrees of Longitude. Days begin and end on the International dateline which for the most part follows the 180 deg line of Longitude. If you are moving from west longitude heading into East Longitude (traveling West) You will move into tomorrow. If you are in the eastern hemisphere and travel into the western hemisphere (traveling East) then you will move into yesterday.

Which of the following statements is most accurate about human brain modularity? System 1 uses heuristics, while system 2 is more calculating; most decisions are made by system 1. System 1 uses heuristics, while system 2 is more calculating; system 2 regularly overcomes system 1's heuristics to make decisions. Both systems regularly use both heuristics and conscious calculations; both are equally important in decision making. System 1 uses heuristics, while system 2 is more calculating; both are equally important in decision making.



System 1 uses heuristics, while system 2 is more calculating; most decisions are made by system 1.


Behavioral economists stated that the human brain is very  efficient but it is usually susceptible or prone to errors.  They believed that the human brain  uses evolutionary-developed heuristics to make most decisions.  The human brain often uses and employs heuristics as they  save energy and time in decision making.


This is often refered to as short passway or shortcuts that save time and energy in decision making.


This is simply known as particular organ or subsystem of the brain which is said to be genetically specified to perform a some special functions.

Modular brain function

This is known as a separate or different localized regions of the brain that are mostly specialized to perform specific functions.

.Increased knowledge, which enables teachers to be more effective with each child.


Although there are many different ways to teach effectively, good instructors have several qualities in common. ... They are prepared, set clear and fair expectations, have a positive attitude, are patient with students, and assess their teaching on a regular basis.

Cheating on one’s spouse is widely rejected in most societies. How might an egoist complete this statement? Cheating on your spouse is permissible if __________. a.) your spouse has also cheated on you b.) nothing bad happens to you as a result c.) you do it only one time and are sorry d.) you tell your spouse



b.) nothing bad happens to you as a result


Egoistic people are selfish, self-centered people who care about no one but themselves. Option a can't be the answer since an egoist person wouldn't want you cheating on them since they believe only they are capable of doing this. Option c goes against all the things an egoist believes in, and they would never feel sorry for what they did, let alone apologize. Lastly, option d can't be the answer because egoist would never tell their spouse that they're cheating because they don't think their spouse deserves to know because as mentioned before, they are selfish! The only care about their well-being so option B seems to be the most plausible here.

please help. it's urgent. Do you think it is accurate to see race and gender as social constructs?​





bcz race is not a very good determinaction for social constructs it is not fair for the black people

What are the reason behind the positive seen in the development ? ​




A group of progressives that worked to correct problems in American life were called
A. Owners
C. Muckrakers
D. Government



They were called Muckrakers.

what is the moral you learn from the story of Kalidas ​



teaches us that we should never give up and never trust to anyone, and if you give up, you can not get any toxins in your life


Period. Several ancient and medieval books state that Kālidāsa was a court poet of a king named Vikramāditya. A legendary king named Vikramāditya is said to have ruled from Ujjain around the 1st century BCE.

Telitha notices that a coworker always undercharges her friends when they make purchases at the shop. Telitha is worried that if she reports this coworker, everyone will think she's a snitch. This is an example of __________.


This question is incomplete because the options are missing. Here are the options.

A. Bullying

B. Workplace Harassment

C. The MUM effect

D. A hostile work environment

Telitha notices that a coworker always undercharges her friends when they make purchases at the shop. Telitha is worried that if she reports this coworker, everyone will think she's a snitch. This is an example of the MUM effect.

The MUM Effect (Minimizing Unpleasant Message) is a term to refer to the human tendency to avoid or hide the communication of negative information or unpleasant news. This trend is because people believe that communicating negative information will affect their public image. In addition, they are emotionally affected.

Therefore, Telitha is concerned about reporting to her partner because this can affect her social image, and she can be seen as a snitch. So the answer is C.

Also, this is not an example of hostility, bullying or harassment because this worker is not being attacked by others.

Learn more in:

Is someone who is xenophobic considered racist?


What does this mean please explain or more context

ý nghĩa của công nghiệp hóa trong thời kỳ đổi mới



the meaning of industrialization in the doi moi period

If a giraffe has 18 chromosomes in an egg cell, how many chromosomes are in each somatic cell? *





When Henry's little brother accidentally locked himself inside his mother's car, Henry used his mother's car key to unlock the door. Henry's action could best be described as a



Henry's action could best be described as a(n):operant behavior


According to the American psychologist Frederic Skinner, operant conditioning occurs when an organism interacts with a system that provides rewards in response to a type of behavior. That is why we can say that operant conditioning is the learning process that is based on the fact that the probability of a given response depends on the expected consequences. In operant conditioning, behavior is controlled by discriminative stimuli present in the learning situation that convey information about the likely consequences of the response.

Uber’s recruitment guidelines and highly performance-focused management were very coherent with its fast growth but not with a sustainable long term strategy. Uber’s executive team lacked the awareness of the medium to long term effects of such a corporate culture: bad employer brand, loss of talents (employee burn out and harassment), lack of market-reflecting diversity, and no trust and collaboration. As we have seen, it worked for a while and allowed the fantastic growth that Uber showed, but now the internal workings start to show and are damaging the brand and its future. Drastic changes are necessary: a tough job for Frances Frei from Harvard Business


This question is incomplete, but I was able to get the complete question.

Distinguish between culture and society then identify three factors that influence cultural change.

The most common definition of culture is that it is a way of life. It is a way of life of a particular group of persons that is passed down from one generation to another generation.

we can also define the word society as group of persons that live together in an ordered community. The people in a society could share same beliefs as well as have common interests. A society is also a combination of different persons that are of different cultures.

The main difference between society and culture is that while the society comprises just of the people who share same beliefs and practices, culture is the beliefs and the practices of this people.

Several factors are responsible for cultural changes in a society. three of these influences are:

contact: When two societies come in contact with each other, there is likely to be a change in culture of both societies. This is known as cultural diffusion (the spread of cultural belief from one society to another society). Evolutionary changes in technology:  Any form of advancements or evolutions in technology could bring about changes in culture. Technological evolution in production technology or changes in means of transportation and communication could influence cultural changes.Geological and ecological influences: These are factors that influences cultural changes. An example is rainfall, altitude, proximity to sea.

These factors are all capable of deciding the culture as well as the lifestyle of dwellers.

Read more about cultural change at

what are the central problems of an economy?​



what to produce

how to produce and for whom to produce


Who was most likely to support the emergence of absolute rulers due to the increased economic stability that emerged?
A. The nobility
B. The clergy
C. The middle class
D. The peasants



A. The nobility


The nobility supported the emergence of absolute rulers. Absolute monarchs sought to hold higher power over their countries without restriction from any laws and church. Absolute monarchs introduce the theory of divine rights of the king. Some of the countries to exercise absolute monarchs were France, Spain and Russia.

El estado de California usa un sistema
de tránsito.
para rehabilitar a los infractores crónicos de leyes


The Negligent Operator Treatment System (NOTS) is that system rehabilitate chronic violators of the law.

The state of California uses a Traffic system to rehabilitate chronic violators of the law is called a Negligent Operator Treatment System (NOTS). This system comprises computer generated warning letters and penalties against the person who violates traffic laws and rules. It mainly affects those drivers whose age is 18 years and over in California, so we can conclude that this system is more efficient and effective in controlling lawbreakers.s concluir que este sistema es más eficiente y afectivo en el control de los infractores de la ley.

how does financial status impacts marital stability.


Financial status impacts marital stability in many different ways. If a married couple struggles with financial worries there would be be blaming, worrying and shame in the family that can lead to many arguments. ... The couple may feel tense and the tension may even contribute to the break up of the marriage.

Financial matters affect not only financial satisfaction, but also marital satisfaction and quality of life. With the potential to influence so many aspects of everyday life, continued research in understanding the processes involved in this fundamental area of family studies is vital. Satisfaction with one's financial status can enhance marital satisfaction, and more broadly, life satisfaction. Conversely, financial difficulties and dissatisfaction with one's financial status can lead to marital conflict and divorce.

Question in picture, Thank You!



Judicial Activism:  

Courts play active role in shaping social policy

Considers how social conditions and values have changed over time

Involves active interpretation of Constitution  

Judicial restraint:

Involves strike interpretation of the Constitution  

Limits power to strike down laws

Relies heavily on precedent


I wasn't entirely sure where to put 'Relies heavily on precedent', but I eventually decided on Judicial restraint because Judicial activism is about making decisions based on what is happening now, not what happened in the past, so it couldn't go there.

It's been a few years sense I studied this, and I found this website to be very helpful reviewing:

Hopefully it and this answer will be helpful :)

Critically analyse the basic assumptions and critiques of major theories of international relations specifically on assumptions of each theory on the nature of anarchy,



Answer is in the Question

Name three types of rainfall experience in Ghana


Heavy light and medium

3. Compare the tools used by the earliest people with those of modern times?​




the tools used by earlier people was made of stone but now metals are used.

the work done by ancient tools was slow while modern tools are fast.




: )

describe the pit houses of burzahom​



"Burzahom in Srinagar, Kashmir is a site where many pit-houses have been found. Stone tools were used to dig circular pits in the ground, which were then plastered on the sides using mud.… Pit-houses were made to enable the early humans to withstand the cold."



The resource I used

Hope it helped.

btw bold is the "Describe the pit houses of Burzahom" (:

Other Questions
What is the value of the expression below when z=10z=10 and w=4w=4? 2z-3w 2z3w HELP ASAP NEED HELPPPPP Enter the location of the point as an ordered pair.5-5-6 Identify three features of the caste system.A. People were born into their castes.B. Some castes were more important than others.C. A caste of "untouchables" developed as the lowest group of people.D. Members of higher castes could marry anyone from a lower caste.E. People could change their caste by changing their job. Which statement best evaluates the effectiveness of the conclusionparagraph?Thesis Statement: My future job must include human interaction, anontraditional workspace, and teamwork.Main Points:1. Work with people2. Work in a nontraditional workspace3. Work in a place where coworkers share ideasConclusion: In the end, my future job will be one that allows me tocollaborate with my coworkers in dynamic and nontraditionalworkspaces. If I am forced to sit behind a desk I will be extremely bored. Furthermore, I will be less productive if I am forced to work alone without the chance to discuss ideas with my coworkers. So the next time an adult asks me what I want to do whenI grow up, I will tell them a job without a desk, in an office full ofpeople. That's my dream job!A. The conclusion is effective because it presents interesting information not addressed in the body paragraphs.B. The conclusion is ineffective because it does not restate the thesis in a new way.C. The conclusion is effective because it restates the thesis, summarizes the main points, and includes a satisfying close.D. The conclusion is ineffective because it fails to leave the reader with a thought-provoking question. a student walks 50m on a bearing 0.25 degrees and then 200m due east how far is she from her starting point. We are given a jar full of thousands of red and blue marbles. We want to estimate the unknown proportion pof red marbles in the jar. To do this, we randomly draw 100 marbles and count reds: it so happens we drew 45 reds. Enter values in decimal form, rounded to four decimal places (or more). We estimate the proportion of reds in the jar to be Attach a give-or-take value to this estimate. (That is, estimate the standard error.) For a 96% confidence interval, about how many standard errors should be added to and subtracted from the estimate? Set up an approximate 96% confidence interval for the unknown proportion of reds in the jar. How does a balanced chemical equation represent the conservation ofmatter in a chemical reaction?1. There are more atoms in the reactants than in the products.2. The type of matter in the products is different from the type of matter inthe reactants.3. The number of atoms of each element in the reactants equals the numberof atoms of each element in the products.4. There are fewer atoms in the reactants than in the products I NEED HELP PLEASE! Can someone help me with the last two red boxes please? The rest of the question is for reference. Thank you for your time! In the circle below, if arc AC = 66, and arc BD = 146, find the measure of Select one:a. 146b. 212C. 66d. 106 HURRY PLEASE!!!!! All of the following expressions are equal except ____. 1/4^3 4^2/4^5 4^5/4^2 4^-3 How does modulus of elasticity change with the rise of temperature explain how supply side economics has led to lower relative taxes on higher earning citizens in America. Probability of tourism in karnali province Can someone answer this pls Answer the following questions 1 What is the difference between mass and weight of an object. Will the mass and weight of an object on the earth be same as their values on Mars ? Why? state the advantages and disadvantages of alkaline battery over a lead acid accumulator write the following numbers using Roman numerals 20 8 I hate shopping _____ clothes. A to B by C for 9 My brother borrowed $10 _____ me last month. A from B by C to 10 It isn't a good idea to get _____ debt. A for B into C on 11 He paid for dinner _____ cash. A in B for C by 12 The hotel charged me $25 _____ a two-minute phone call! A for B of C from 13 Tina still hasn't paid me _____ the money I lent her! A with B back C up Q: What was Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction?