The Federalists faced persecution because of their religious beliefs.


Answer 1


ffalse answer brcause you know it

Answer 2

The Federalists faced persecution because of their religious beliefs. "False"

What were the view of Federalists?

Federalists, who believed that the power to legislate on religion, if it existed at all, lay within the domain of the state, not the national, governments;  They also believed that it would be a tactical mistake to introduce such a politically controversial issue as religion into the Constitution.

What is federalism?

Federalism is a mixed or compound mode of government that combines a general government with regional governments in a single political system, dividing the powers between the two. Federalism in the modern era was first adopted in the unions of states during the Old Swiss Confederacy.

To learn more about federalists, here


Related Questions

Philosophical ideas of the Enlightenment, such as a social contract between people and their government, contributed to the development of a :

a. belief in the efficiency and impartiality of governments centered on hereditary privilege
b. colonial confidence in the effectiveness of republican self-government
c. sense of obligation among the majority of colonists to remain loyal to Britain
d. strengthened bond between colonial inhabitants and traditional monarchs



I believe the answer is A

Philosophical ideas of the Enlightenment, such as a social contract between people and their government, contributed to the development of a belief in the efficiency and impartiality of governments centred on hereditary privilege. Thus, option A is correct.

What is the Philosophical idea?

The Philosophical ideas are the outcomes of thought. Ideas can also be mental representational images of some object in philosophy. Many philosophers regard ideas as the most fundamental ontological category of being.

The study of philosophy improves one's problem-solving abilities. It assists us in the analysis of concepts, definitions, arguments, and problems.

It improves our ability to organize ideas and issues, deal with value questions, and extract what is essential from large amounts of information.

Therefore, option A is correct, that Enlightenment philosophical ideas, such as a social system between people and their government, led to the formation of an assumption in the efficiency of government.

To learn more about the Philosophical ideas, refer to:


la reproduccion es un conjunto de procesos de las que surge un individuo nuevo


English please brother?

Explain any 3 oppressive policies formed by the British to suppress Indians.​



this helpful to you


this is really right answer

Here is the answer

Untouchability and child marriage.

The British masters allowed imports in India tax-free. They ruined Indian cottage industries.

The farmers were taxed heavily and the thumbs of skilled workers were cut.

Santhals who lost their land became desperate and they revolted.

Please mark me as the brainliest

The questions of economics address which of the following? Choose three answers.


U didn’t show the answers

Answer: who, what, how


edg 2023

How did Buddhism spread across Asia and into China?



Buddhism Spread From Central Asia, they spread into China in the 2nd century CE. These forms of Hinayana were later combined with Mahayana aspects that came through this same route from India, with the Mahayana eventually becoming the dominant form of Buddhism in China and most of Central Asia. The Chinese form of Mahayana later spread to Korea, Japan and Vietnam.

Hope this helps,


What does law and justice mean to y’all ?



According to Salmond, laws are the bodies of principles that tribunals recognize and apply while administering justice. Even Roscoe Pound defines laws to mean principles that public tribunals recognize and enforce. Therefore, justice generally means the recognition, application and enforcement of laws by courts.

world war 1 resulted in which of the following medical advancements


Nurses if that’s an answer choice

Rovolution of China from 1956 to 1960






Use the word Renaissance in a sentence.



The theme of the conference is renaissance Europe.

who is the prime minister of nepal​



Sher Bahadur Deuba is the prime minister of Nepal since 13 July 2021.


sher bahadur deuba

he is the current president of Nepal .

how each of the major religions began​



The 5 major religions of the world all began in the Eastern Hemisphere. Each grew in its hearth before diffusing to other areas. The Abrahamic faiths, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, all began around the same vicinity, in the Middle East, while Hinduism and Buddhism both began in India.


A novel has been written by her. (PASSIVE OR ACTIVE)​


Answer: passive


An effort of the steamboats popularity was that :

A . Fewer your people travel by rail

B . Steam locomotives became less popular

C . People began to build canals in the U.S & Europe

D . More people began to travel between the U.S and Europe


The answer is C.

People began building canals in the United States and Europe to find another way to transport good across the country.

Why was joseph Stalin’s first five year plan considered a success



Becasue the economy still made sizable gains.


President Polk was willing to go to war with Mexico to



Polk wanted to lay claim to California, New Mexico, and land near the disputed southern border of Texas


Name the French philosophers of the Enlightenment



Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Buffon and Denis Diderot.


Which is NOT a reason to target Japan as a new market?



Japan was not officially colonized by Western powers but was itself a colonizer. It is an island country and has a strategically important position in the pacific ocean. It is a vital access point to other Asian countries. Western colonial ambitions had always kept an eye for it but never got its full control. Nevertheless, it has undergone formal semi-colonial circumstances, and Western colonialism has deeply affected modern Japan in several respects.


PLS HELPQ: How did imperialists use Darwinism to justify expansion? Select one: O a. imperialists argued that stronger countries should naturally dominate weaker countries. O b. imperialists believed that weaker countries should try to expand to show their dominance. O c. they argued that every country should exploit other countries O d. They argued that stronger countries should leave weaker countries alone to govern themselves.​



a. Imperialists argued that stronger countries should naturally dominate weaker countries.


Social Darwinism was the belief that certain people became powerful in society merely because they are naturally superior. Many imperialists believed that it was their duty to "purify" the inferior population.

A consumer must decide between purchasing a new television or a new computer.
What limited resource is responsible for this trade-off decision?

A. The consumer has a different benefit from each possible product.

B. The profit the producers receive from each possible purchase.

C. The producers have a limited number of televisions and computers.

D. The consumer has a limited amount of money available for purchases.



A. The consumer has a different benefit from each possible product.

The limited resource which is responsible for this trade-off decision is: A. The consumer has a different benefit from each possible product.

A limited resource can be defined as the resources such as land, labor, capital, time and entrepreneurship which are typically required for the production goods and services are finite and scarce in nature. Thus, these resources can be depleted (exhausted) if not properly allocated and utilized by manufacturers.

In this scenario, a consumer must decide between purchasing a new television or a new computer. This is simply because he is going to use the products to derive different satisfactions (benefits).

A computer would be used to perform different tasks such as;

Text formatting.Graphics designingSoftware development.

On the other hand, a television would be used to watch;

Television programs. Shows. Movies.News.

Hence, the difference in benefits that would be generated or obtained from using each product would create a trade-off such as weighing the benefits from each products.

In conclusion, limited resource which is responsible for this trade-off decision is that the consumer has a different benefit derived from using each possible product.

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What was Italy's largest and most powerful nation-state in the mid 1800's?




not really sure how to explain this other than the fact that the whole city is basically a port to anywhere in the world through sea travel

Write a three-paragraph essay with the title "The Tension Between Traditional Culture and
Modernization in the Contemporary World." Be sure to address these questions: (10 points)


To write a three-paragraph essay with the title "The Tension Between Traditional Culture and  Modernization in the Contemporary World," you should follow these steps:

1.  Define the keywords: Traditional Culture and  Modernization, in one sentence each making a paragraph

2.  State the similarity and differences between Traditional Culture and  Modernization in the Contemporary world in a paragraph

3. Explain the conflict between Traditional Culture and  Modernization in the  contemporary world in the last paragraph

Learn more about this question:

Alao check here:

helped to explore the interior of Canada except



I don't understand this question

how did Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Women, and Dissenters react to the way they were treated in World War 1​



con miedo potter


What about other ethnicities? They were worried because there was lots of discrimination

what is height of mount Everest?​


Mount Everest is 8848 meter tall.

nhà nước đầu tiên ở việt nam?



Văn Lang



Nhà nước Văn Lang


Please help me with this ;c​



Roosevelt sent American troops to put down Cuba

What were most new immigrants
vulnerable to when they arrived in New
York City?


Almost all of us have relatives who came from someplace other than the United States. People who came to America to live are called immigrants.

From the 1850s through the early 1900s, thousands of immigrants arrived in the United States and lived in New York City. They first came from Ireland and Germany and later from Italy, Eastern Europe, and China, among other places. Because most immigrants were poor when they arrived, they often lived on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, where rents for the crowded apartment buildings, called tenements, were low.

The Lower East Side Tenement Museum is in a building that used to be a tenement and it tells the story of immigrants in the City. It was built in the 1860s and could house 20 families, four on each floor. Each apartment had only three rooms: a living or "front" room, a kitchen, and a tiny bedroom. Often seven or more people lived in each apartment. Not only was the tenement crowded, but also, until 1905, there were no bathrooms inside the building. Residents also did not have electric power until after 1918.

The Museum has re-created the apartments to look like they did when families lived there. This photograph shows what the Rogarshevksy family's kitchen looked like in 1918. Abraham and Fannie Rogarshevsky arrived with their four children from Russia in 1901. Later, they had two more children in the United States. While they lived in this tenement, a boarder (someone who pays for food and lodging in another person's home) lived with the family. That would have made nine people living in a three-room apartment!

The correct answer is: scams and crime.

cuando y donde nacio anganamon





Vì sao nhà quản lý luôn phải xây dựng các kế hoạch đảo ngược tình huống khi ra quyết định quản lý?


can u translate it pls


I dont know this language

why is folk dance called cultural symbol of a particular community..

plz help me....
And plz write long answer...
plz help me..​



folk dance is a dance developed by people that reflect the life of the people of a certain country or region. ... The terms "ethnic" and "traditional" are used when it is required to emphasize the cultural roots of the dance. In this sense, nearly all folk dances are ethnic ones.

Folk dance enhances the ability of a culture or tradition to pass on from generation to generation. It is never ending. In this world, approximately, 98% of the people move on in their lives according to their traditions given by their ancestors.

There are many uses of folk dance. When we participate in folk dance, we are commemorating the lives and beliefs of our ancestors. We also develop cultural and social skills by ourselves automatically and that will be the main reason for society will be respecting you. We also co-operate with our cousins or friends or with whom we have folk dance.

Nowadays, many people don't believe or realize the beauty of folk dance. Due to the emergence of new styles in dances, many people and even young candidates think that "folk dance is a disastrous thing", but NO. Due to this folk dance, people began to realize that it's not better, therefore they invented new styles of dance.

If there wasn't folk dance, people won't be cooperating with each other and won't have understood that a change was needed in its improvement.

Thank You

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