The fields of antebellum (pre-Civil War) political history and women’s history use separate sources and focus on separate issues. Political historians, examining sources such as voting records, newspapers, and politicians’ writings, focus on the emergence in the 1840’s of a new "American political nation," and since women were neither voters nor politicians, they receive little discussion. Women’s historians, meanwhile, have shown little interest in the subject of party politics, instead drawing on personal papers, legal records such as wills, and records of female associations to illuminate women’s domestic lives, their moral reform activities, and the emergence of the woman’s rights movement.

However, most historians have underestimated the extent and significance of women’s political allegiance in the antebellum period. For example, in the presidential election campaigns of the 1840’s, the Virginia Whig party strove to win the allegiance of Virginia’s women by inviting them to rallies and speeches. According to Whig propaganda, women who turned out at the party’s rallies gathered information that enabled them to mold party-loyal families, reminded men of moral values that transcended party loyalty, and conferred moral standing on the party. Virginia Democrats, in response, began to make similar appeals to women as well. By the mid-1850’s the inclusion of women in the rituals of party politics had become commonplace and the ideology that justified such inclusion had been assimilated by the Democrats.
The primary purpose of the passage as a whole is to

A. examine the tactics of antebellum political parties with regard to women
B. trace the effect of politics on the emergence of the woman’s rights movement
C. point out a deficiency in the study of a particular historical period
D. discuss the ideologies of opposing antebellum political parties
E. contrast the methodologies in two differing fields of historical inquiry


Answer 1
It’s definitely e I think

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What is Soviet Union. when and why was it formed?
plz help​



The Soviet Union had its origins in the Russian Revolution of 1917. Radical leftist revolutionaries overthrew Russia's Czar Nicholas II, ending centuries of Romanov rule. The Bolsheviks established a socialist state in the territory that was once the Russian Empire. A long and bloody civil war followed.


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In response to Japan’s aggressive actions in the Pacific in the 1930s, the United States



Bataan Death March took place in the Philippines.

In response to Japan's aggressive actions in the Pacific in the 1930s, the United States imposed an embargo on shipping war goods and petroleum products to Japan.

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a monk who traveled to Asia as a missionary
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Who was Ignatius Loyola Answer


Ans) a

Nobleman Who Joined The Church And Founded The Jesuits In Order In 1534 Was Born 1491....

Which statement best explains the existence of resistance movements in Eastern Europe?

People were generally satisfied with their way of life.
People wanted to break free from the Soviet Union and communist rule.
The command economy created prosperity.



2. People wanted to break free from the Soviet Union and communist rule.


People wanted to break free from the Soviet Union and the communist rule is the statement best explains the existence of resistance movements in Eastern Europe, as the population was suffering because of the regime, and so they began to build a network that would lead them to resistance toward the communist governments.





nyatakan tiga peristiwa penting Zaman air batu akhir​


saya bagi fakta. awak cari huraian sendiri, okay? ☺

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which of the following union territories is located along the West Coast of India​






Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli are located on the western coast.

HI YALL. I was wondering for my homework what was the purpose of Ancient Egyptian beards.
plwwws help



the purpose of the beards of the Ancient

Egyptians was to make clothing and blankets. The old poor women were the once to do this to get a living .

what did people want added to the constitution before they would approve it?



the Anti-federalist wanted a bill of right so the constitution didn't oppressed the people.

The Federalists wanted to ratify the Constitution, the Anti-Federalists did not. ... The Anti- Federalists claimed the Constitution gave the central government too much power, and without a Bill of Rights the people would be at risk of oppression.

Lee la siguiente frase: “La libertad no consiste en tener un buen amo, sino en no tenerlo” (Cicerón). Reflexiona sobre la importancia de los derechos de libertad.

a) ¿Qué personas a lo largo de la historia no tuvieron libertad para comunicar sus ideas?

b) ¿Cuáles fueron las dificultades que tuvieron?


La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

“La libertad no consiste en tener un buen amo, sino en no tenerlo” (Cicerón).

La importancia de los derechos de libertad es que cada persona tiene el derecho de ejercer su voluntad y hacer lo que considere bueno para él, siempre y cuando también respete la libertad de los demás.

Dice por ahí otro dicho que "Mi libertad termina donde comienza la tuya." Y esta idea también hay que tenerla presente.

Como afirmaba el gran abogado, politólogo y estadista Romano Marco Tulio Cicerón, la libertad implica no tener dueños, sino ser capaces de decidir por nosotros mismos bajo un marco legislativo.

Algunas personas a lo largo de la historia no tuvieron libertad para comunicar sus ideas. Esas personas lucharon por expresar sus ideas peo muchas veces fueron atacadas y sometidas.

Como ejemplo, está el caso de Nelson Mandela, líder afro que fue encarcelado muchos años por defender los derechos de otros africanos de color, en Sudáfrica.

Mandela se opuso al Apartheid, que fue la segregación y discriminación de personas de color en Sudáfrica. Fue encarcelado mucho tiempo, pero siguió en pie de lucha en la cárcel. Cuando al fin recuperó su libertad, salió y se convirtió en el primero Presidente de color, de Sudáfrica.

What was Joseph Stalin's role in the Russian Revolution


Stalin helped Lenin to evade capture by authorities

The Third of May is one of the greatest testaments to the
ever painted.
A emotional use of tenebrism
B) horrors of war
© glory of war
civic duty



B) horrors of war


The Third of May is one of the greatest testaments to the HORRORS OF WAR

ever painted.

The Third of May 1808 is an artwork painting that was done in 1814 by the Spanish painter Francisco Goya. The artwork painting depicts the horrors of war that involved Napoleon's armies against the protesters in the Peninsula war in 1808. The artwork showed the brutality of war in its cruel manner

What responses were triggered by the Wilmington Ten case? Check all that apply.

People believed they had been wrongly accused.
The governor sent the National Guard to escort the students to school.
The case sparked an outcry and gained international attention.
North Carolina created busing programs to speed up school integration.
Thousands marched in Washington to demand their release.



A. People believed they had been wrongly accused.

C. The case sparked an outcry and gained international attention.


They were unjustly accused of arson and conspiracy in 1971 in Wilmington, North Carolina. Most of the ten were sentenced to 29 years in jail, and they were all released following an appeal. Many local and state opponents referred to the campaigners as political prisoners.

Which of these was a goal of the unions?

A. Government reform
B. Government ownership of business
C. A shorter work week
D. Union ownership of business


Answer: A shorter work week


The main purpose of labor unions is to give workers the power to negotiate for more favorable working conditions and other benefits through collective bargaining

what was the flaw in sending 1500 soldiers to Cuba?



The error was in sending 1500 soldiers to Cuba.

A brigade of 1,500 CIA-trained troops assaulted the beach in Cuba's Bay of Pigs. Kennedy planned a secret expedition to overthrow Fidel Castro in order to stem the spread of communism across the globe. But the subsequent five days saw one of the worst military disasters in U.S. history.

Under the codename Operation Zapata, President Kennedy was given the go-ahead just days after his inauguration. The main force would head into Matanzas, establishing a defensive position. United Front representatives would be sent from South Florida to create a provisional administration. The plan's success relied on Cubans' ties to the invaders.

Following these orders, some 20,000 soldiers advanced towards the shore, thus Castro's air force continued to control the skies. However, six Cuban aircraft were left intact after the initial strike. During the operation, plans for a tactical maneuver backfired, and the Cuban air force was not wiped out. The Bay of Pigs incident had a lasting impact on the Kennedy administration. The administration began Operation Mongoose, a plot to disrupt and destabilize the Cuban government and economy, including the prospect of assassinating Fidel Castro.


What was Clarence Gideon forced to do during his burglary trial?
A) represent himself
B) flee the state
C) remain silent
D) declare his guilt


A Represent himself he wanted to do that so its A

Hope this helps :))

How does the image of buddah tend to vary from statue to statue



people believe in so many gods which is Not smart when there only one..Dont worry about the buddah statues its all full of non sense


Which letter on the map marks the area settled by French colonists?
A. C
B. A
C. D
D. B



[tex] \huge\pink{b}[/tex]


[tex] \huge\ \: hope \: that \: this \: \\ \huge\ \: may \: helps \: u[/tex]

Letter on the map which marks the area settled by French colonists is "B"

What is the area marked by French Colonist?

New France was the area colonized by France in North America during a period initiating with the exploration of Gulf of Saint Lawrence by Jacques Cartier in 1534 and finishing with the cession of New France to Grate Britain and Spain in 1763.

Who was Jacques Cartier?

French colonist and navigator Jacques Cartier was sent by King Francis I to the New World in search of riches and a new route to Asia in 1534. His exploration of the St. Lawrence River allowed France to lay claim to lands that would become Canada. He died in Saint-Malo in 1557.

Hence, option D is correct.

To learn more about French Colonies, here


Read the statement below which of the following accurately explains which leader during the middle age of



I don't know


There is not enough information for me to answer this question.

"Neanderthals were much more like man than thought", if today we meet a Neanderthal face to face: (choose the correct option) *

A. I would recognize it because they were taller and stronger than human beings.
B. They could only live in Europe and no one would notice.
C. I couldn't recognize it because they were so much like us.

Choose the correct option. The Stone Age is divided into Neolithic and Paleolithic, then..

A. Neanderthals worked stone and some metals.
B. Neanderthals lived until the Neolithic because they discovered agriculture.
C. Neanderthals had great knowledge of stoneworking techniques.

Choose the correct option

A. Neanderthals and humans are the same
B. Between Neanderthals and humans there is a minimal difference.
C. Humans were the only ones who made paintings.


The first one is A i do not know the second one the third is C

¿En la sociedad actual existen sublevaciones similares a las acontecidas en 1781?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

¿En la sociedad actual existen sublevaciones similares a las acontecidas en 1781?

No de ese grado o de esa magnitud. Sin embargo, al día de hoy todavía existen muchas protestas de personas, no sólo en Bolivia o Argentina, sino en varios países de Latinoamérica y el mundo. Y la razón es que sigue existiendo pobreza, injusticas, y una gran desigualdad entre diferentes sectores sociales.

La llamada Rebelión de Oruro comenzó en la localidad de Oruro, Bolivia, el 10 de febrero de 1781. Esta zona era considerada como una región del Virreinato del Río de la Plata. Los campesinos y la gente humilde se levantó en contra de la opresión española. La gente -mestizos y criollos- ya estaba cansada del control que ejercía la monarquía de España.

Algunos historiadores y académicos consideran que esta rebelión fue una de los primeros movimientos semi organizados en contra de la corona española.

What does the existence of large mounds, like the ones shown in
the image, indicate about the Midwest Native Americans?




In the Midwest region, there were many tribes that lived there. The Blackfeet, Sioux, and Chippewa were the three largest tribes in this region. These tribes never settled in one place because the tribes were well know for their religious ceremonies, hunting skills, and war customs.

Which is a corrupt political machine of the late 1800s?

A: The Rough Riders

B: Tammany Hall

C: The Jungle

D: Tweed's Boys





When the Depression began, the federal government had a system of direct relief for giving food or money to those in need.





The Statement is False.

What is Economic Depression?

An Economics depression is known to be as the period of long term downturn in overall economic activity in the economies or known to be as the slowdown in economy.

There is no system of direct relief for giving money or the food to those who need actually at the period of depression there is no availability there as economic is in downface.

Therefore Option False is correct.

Learn more about Economic Depression here:


Eli Whitney's cotton gin was important to industrialization in the United States because it demonstrated that?



Americans did not have to rely on the British for industrial innovations

Eli whitney's cotton gin was important to industrialization in the United States because it demonstrated that Americans did not have to rely on British for industrial innovations.

Question 1
1 pts
What did Johnson do to move the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through Congress?
O He made Senator Barry Goldwater look like a radical for not supporting the Act.
O He urged Congress to pass the Act in honor of President Kennedy.
O He threatened to go around the House Rules Committee with a special petition.
O He went to men with power and worked with them to approve the Act.


Answer: He urged congress to pass the act in honor of president kennedy

What text evidence supports Machiavelli’s primary purpose to persuade readers that a conquering prince must destroy a former republic if he hopes to hold it? Select three options. the list of cities Rome and Sparta conquered the portrayal of Greece as being held by Sparta the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics



the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia

the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics

the example of the Florentines losing control over Pisa


"The Prince" is a political treatise written by Niccolo Machiavelli during the sixteenth century. It is considered more of political philosophy. Machiavelli criticized the moralistic view of authority. He escalated the thought that judgment of legitimate and illegitimate power should not be practiced on the basis of morality. Machiavelli proposed the thought that acquisition and maintenance of power is the real and only concern of the political ruler. The primary purpose of the text is to persuade the readers and the secondary purpose is to inform the readers.

The text evidence supports Machiavelli’s primary purpose are: the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia; the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics; and the example of the Florentines losing control over Pisa. The correct options are C, D and E..

Machiavelli discusses historical examples of Rome's conquests and explains how they maintained control over these conquered territories. : He emphasizes the danger of leaving any remnants of liberty or republican sentiment intact in conquered territories.

Machiavelli references the historical event of the Florentines losing control over the city of Pisa. He attributes this loss to the Florentines' failure to destroy the former republic and its institutions completely.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C, D and E.

Learn more about Machiavelli here:


The complete question might be:

What text evidence supports Machiavelli’s primary purpose to persuade readers that a conquering prince must destroy a former republic if he hopes to hold it? Select three options.

A. the list of cities Rome and Sparta conquered

B. the portrayal of Greece as being held by Sparta

C. the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia

D. the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics

E. the example of the Florentines losing control over Pisa

Which identifies Matteo Ricci?

the founder of the Society of Jesus
the Chinese emperor who persecuted Christians
a successful Italian Jesuit missionary in China
a Japanese warlord who accepted Christianity


The answer to this fantastic question is C

which part of this map is the subregion central america?


Subregion 1 is Europe because it s located North of Africa, on the West of Asia. Subregion 2 is Asia because it is located on the North-West of Australia

The diagram is an example of



Dont know if you still need an answer 3 days later but there is no diagram. If you still need help with this just comment on my post and edit your question and I would be more than happy to help you out.


Other Questions
You are in charge of installing a remote access solution for your network. You decide you need a total of fourremote access servers to service all remote clients. Because remote clients might connect to any of the fourservers, you decide that each remote access server must enforce the exact same policies. You anticipate thatthe policies will change frequently.What should you do? (Select two. Each choice is a required part of the solution.)A. Configure network policies on the RADIUS server.B. Make each remote access server a member of the RemoteServers group.C. Configure the exact same network policies on each server.D. Configure one of the remote access servers as a RADIUS server, and all other servers as RADIUS clients.E. Use Group Policy to configure network policies in the default Domain Controllers GPO.F. Configure each remote access server as a domain controller. Explique por qu un vaso de vidrio comn probablemente se romper se si se le llena parcialmente con agua hirviendo. if f(x) = 2x+2x-1, g(x) = x+5x+2 f(x)=g(x), find the value of x Final goods or services used to compute GDP refer to: the value of outstanding shares of stock of manufacturing firms. the value of outstanding shares of stock of manufacturing firms. the factors of production used to produce output. the factors of production used to produce output. goods and services at the final stage of production they have reached during the year. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense1 He talked about Denmark as though he had been. .. 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Separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavityColumn B:a. alveolusb. bronchiolec. conchaed. epiglottise. esophagusf. hilumg. larynxh. palatei. pharyngotympanic tubej. parietal pleurak. tracheal. visceral pleura