the following will decrease net capital outflows: group of answer choices a decrease in real interest rates paid on foreign assets. an increase in real interest rates paid on foreign assets. a decrease in real interest rates paid on domestic assets. none of the above. both b and c.


Answer 1

Net capital outflows will decline when the real interest rate in the United States rises.

What will stop net capital flight?

A government budget deficit, for example, limits the availability of loanable money and raises interest rates since it diminishes national saving. The lower net capital outflow caused by the higher interest rate lowers the amount of dollars available. Net exports decrease when the value of the dollar rises.

What impacts the net outflow of capital?

Factors Affecting Net Capital Outflow •The real interest rates paid on international assets. a measure of the actual interest rates paid on domestic assets. the alleged political and economic risks associated with owning assets abroad. the laws of the land that govern foreign ownership of domestic property.

To learn more about net capital outflow here:


Related Questions

Which one of the following statements is NOT true?
A) Interest rate changes and bond prices are inversely related.
B) Interest rate risk is the risk that bond prices will change as interest rates change.
C) As interest rates increase, bond prices increase.
D) Long-term bonds are more price volatile than short-term bonds of similar risk.


One of the following statements is FALSE: Long-term bonds have more price volatility than short-term bonds with comparable risk. because the prices of bonds and interest rates are inversely correlated.

The danger of interest rates is greater for long-term bonds than for Long-term  bonds. Additionally, these investments can be made by investors who are ok with the market's shifting interest rates. For investors wanting security and a fixed rate of interest paid semi-annually until the bond's maturity date, Treasury bonds can be an excellent investment. Bonds play a significant role in the asset allocation of an investment portfolio since their interest rate return serves to balance out the volatility of equities prices.

To learn more about interest rates, click here.


10. public policy toward monopolies suppose that a computer software company controls the operating system market. although the government knows that the price is higher than it would be in the presence of competition, it believes that such profits are crucial to incentivizing innovation in the high-tech industry, a policy goal of the government.
Which of the following policy options might most effectively enable the government to achieve its objectives in this situation?
a. Do nothing at all.
b. Regulate the pricing behaviour.
c. Turn the company into a public enterprise.
d. Use the law to increase competition.


The following policy alternatives might best help the government achieve its goals: turn the business into a public enterprise.

What do you mean by policy?

An collection of people, a commercial organisation, an government, or perhaps a political party that has publicly agreed to a plan of action for dealing with certain circumstances.


Any natural monopoly, like an electric utility, will go from a private to a public company when it is obliged must sell to a public organisation. The government that considers energy to be a public good might decide for such a programme, which is typically how utilities are provided in Europe.

To know more about policy visit:


Bonds that have an option exercisable by the issuer to retire them at a stated dollar amount prior to maturity are known as: Callable bonds.


Callable bonds are those that feature an option that can be exercised by the issuer to retire them at a certain dollar amount before maturity.

What aspect of a bond has a callable feature?

Bonds that the issuer may call or redeem earlier than the bonds' maturity date are known as callable or redeemable bonds. When an issuer calls its bonds, it pays investors the call price—typically the face value of the bonds—along with any interest that has already accumulated, and then stops paying interest.

When should the call option on a bond be used?

When rates are lowering, the corporation that issues callable bonds can use the call option to call the bond, pay off the obligation, and refinance it at a reduced rate. The business can save on interest expenses in this situation.

Learn more about Callable bonds:


Yiannis is the CEO of a company that has cornered the market on products for both amateur and professional golfers and is the primary seller for the majority of
these products in the marketplace. What BEST describes the competitive structure that Yiannis's business participates in?

A. Monopoly
B. Perfect competition
C. Monopsony
D. Monopolistic competition


Monopolistic competition describes the competitive structure that Yiannis's business participates in.

What does  Monopolistic competition mean?

Monopolistic competition is an economic model in which multiple sellers offer similar but slightly differentiated products. This type of competition allows a large number of firms to exist in the same market, each with some degree of pricing control. Firms can gain a competitive advantage by differentiating their products by adding features, improving customer service, or pursuing other strategies.

What does Services Mean?

Services are activities that benefit either an individual or an organization. Services can include a variety of tasks, ranging from financial advice and legal assistance to maintenance and repair work. Intangible activities such as emotional support, education, and entertainment can also be included.

To know more about Monopolistic competition ,


imagine you own a lawn-mowing business. identify the main function of money exhibited in each situation below.


Ima-gine you own a lawn-mowing busi-ness. The main func-tion of money exhib-ited Situations are - a. You swipe your de-bit card to purchase gas-oline for your lawn mower : Medium of excha-nge.

b. You stuff your earn-ings from mowing lawns into a pig-gy bank : Store of value.

c. You pay your fri-end Cornelius $5 to help you mow law-ns : Medium of exchange .

d. You calcu-late your net earn-ings for the year on your tax return : Unit of acc-ount .

e. You deter-mine how much value your new la-wn mower has add-ed to your busi-ness : Unit of account.

To know more about func-tion of money click below:


changes in the discount rate or the required internal rate of return used to complete net present value analysis can have a significant impact on the estimated value of the investment


To consider the IRR as a trustworthy approach of project evaluation, a comparison between it and a discount rate is required. when the discount rate is greater than the IRR.

What is the formula for the discount rate?

how to determine the discount rate The weighted average capital cost (WACC) or adjusted present value are the two main formulae for calculating the discount rate (APV). The APV discounting equation seems to be: APV Equals NPV + PV of the effect of financing, while the WACC discount equation seems to be: WACC = E/V x Ci + M s x Cd x (1-T).

What does 3% off mean?

Using a 3% discount rate, we then assert that $1 is worth $1 today, which equals the current value of $1.03 paid in a year. If $1 is kept in a bank for further than a year, compound interest will be earned on the investment

To know more about discount rate visit:


The purpose of marketing communication is to let people in the target audience know how a company's product or service solves their particular problems better than the competition. In short, it communicates the company's ______________________.
Select one:
a. Mission
b. Purpose
c. Goals
d. Positioning


D. Positioning

The purpose of marketing communication is to let people in the target audience know how a company's product or service solves their particular problems better than the competition. In short, it communicates the company's Positioning.

One of the benefits of positioning is that it can clarify the target market that a particular company has. This is caused by the analysis process carried out by the company regarding the position of competitors in the market. When conducting this research, the company also looks at its position in the market. If the company has found its own position and the position of competitors in the market, the company is better able to position itself in that market; whether the company will become a rival competitor or can provide options that have never been offered before by the company.

You can learn more about Positioning here


Tuition at a community college cost $2,000 per semester in 2015 and $2,100 in 2018. If the consumer price index (CPI) was 237.0 in 2015 and 251.1 in 2018, then we could say tuition has remained constant increased at exactly the same rate as inflation. increased more slowly than inflation. decreased increased much more rapidly than inflation.


We could say that when the consumer price index was 237.0 in 2015 and 251.1 in 2018 tuition at a community college has remained constant and increased at exactly the same rate as inflation. The correct option is a.

What is the consumer price index?

Consumer price index refers to a price index, the price of a weighted average market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households. Changes in measured consumer price index track changes in prices over time. It is a statistical estimate constructed using the prices of a sample of representative items whose prices are collected periodically.

The consumer price index is also known as CPI.

Learn more about price, here:


Income from continuing operations, excluding special or nonrecurring items, is generally regarded as:Multiple Choicea) value-irrelevant earnings.b) transitory earnings.c) abnormal earnings.d) permanent earnings.


Income from continuing operations, excluding special or nonrecurring items, is generally regarded permanent earnings and transitory earning.

What exactly is meant by "income from continuous activities"?

A company's continued operations are recorded in the net income category known as "income from continuing operations" on the income statement. Money from ongoing activities is sometimes referred to as operating income. The bulk of successful firms rely mostly on ongoing operations for their income.

The revenue a company makes from its main business operations less the costs it has to pay to make that revenue is the income from ongoing operations. The after-tax profits the company makes from its ongoing activities are noted in this line item on the income statement.

To know more about Income visit:-


In its macroeconomic equilibrium, the economy can be producing at i. below full employment. ii. full employment. iii. above full employment.


In its macroeconomic equilibrium, the economy can be produced at below full employment and above full employment.

When the amount of real GDP required and supplied are equal at the intersection of the AD and AS curves, macroeconomic equilibrium has occurred. Inventory builds up as a result of enterprises cutting production and prices when the amount of real GDP supplied exceeds the amount required.

When aggregate demand and short run aggregate supply (SRAS) are equal, there is a short-run macroeconomic equilibrium. Real GDP and the overall price level are determined by this equilibrium. An alteration in the equilibrium will result from changes (shifts) in the SRAS and/or AD.

To learn more about Macroeconomic equilibrium visit:


In an open-market purchase the Federal Reserve ________ government bonds from the public and the supply of bank reserves ________.


In an open-market purchase the Federal Reserve buys government bonds from the public and the supply of bank reserves increases.

The open-market refers  generally to an economic condition close to free trade. It is also defined as an unrestricted market with free access and competition of buyers and sellers.

The open-market are of four types: main refinancing operations, longer-term refinancing operations, fine-tuning operations and structural operations.

The government bonds are those bonds which is issued by the government to repay borrowed money. The company gets less investor due to the government bonds because company gives low yields.

To know more about open-market here,


a patent is the legal right granted to a firm that allows it to: group of answer choices sell its new product exclusively for a set number of years make copies of other firm's products be the sole buyer of a particular product or resource be the exclusive distributor of a particular imported product


C is the best choice. Sell its new product exclusively for a predetermined period of time.

Intellectual property rights are the privileges accorded to the original thinkers of novel concepts. These legal protections can shield the developers from accusations of copying. Copyright, trademarks, geographical markers, and patents are a few examples of these rights.

An inventor of a fresh concept or invention is given a patent. An innovation is granted an exclusive privilege known as a patent. In other terms, a patent is an exclusive right to a product or a method that typically gives a fresh approach to a task or a novel technical solution to a challenge.

Know more about patent here:


where the average total cost curve for a natural monopoly crosses the demand curve, the average total cost curve is rising. the marginal revenue curve also crosses the demand curve. the marginal cost curve is below the average total cost curve. the marginal revenue curve is rising. the marginal cost curve also crosses the demand curve.


The marginal cost curve is lower than the average total cost curve where the average total cost curve for a natural monopoly crosses the demand curve.

The total cost divided by the quantity produced represents the average overall cost of a firm's output. For the majority of businesses, a U-shaped graph results from graphing the average total cost (ATC) on the y-axis and the amount of production on the x-axis.

The little rectangle on top of the overall revenue rectangle represents the company's profit. It's a TR-TC. The company would experience a loss if the monopolist's average cost was higher than the price of its goods. The corporation is losing money in the right-hand graph since its average cost curve is higher than its pricing.

To learn more about the marginal cost curve


How will you distribute and sell your products to your target market?



The way you distribute and sell your products to your target market will depend on several factors, including the type of product, the target market itself, and your overall business strategy. There are several potential approaches to consider, including direct sales, wholesale, online marketplaces, distributors, and retail partnerships. The best approach will depend on the specific needs and goals of your business.

Direct selling is the practice of selling products directly to consumers through channels such as a company's website, brick-and-mortar stores, or direct mail. This approach can be advantageous because it allows companies to avoid the costs associated with third-party intermediaries such as distributors or wholesalers. By selling directly to customers, companies can potentially save money and have more control over the distribution and sale of their products.

In the wholesale model, a business sells its products to other businesses, which then resell them to their own customers. This is a common approach for companies that produce large quantities of a single product, as it allows them to reach a wider audience without having to deal directly with individual consumers. By working with other businesses, companies can gain access to new distribution channels and potentially increase their sales. This approach is often used by manufacturers who want to focus on production and leave the distribution and sales to others.

Selling products through online marketplaces can be a cost-effective way to reach a large audience. By selling on websites like Amazon or eBay, companies can potentially reach millions of potential customers without having to invest in their own distribution and sales infrastructure. Additionally, online marketing on social media sites can help to spread the word about a company's products and attract new customers. However, there is always a risk that a product may not have enough demand to be successful, especially on online platforms that may not favor marketing-type videos. It is important for businesses to carefully research their target market and consider the potential risks and rewards of selling through online marketplaces.

Partnering with retailers to sell products in their stores can be a good way for companies to reach a large number of customers. This can involve a variety of arrangements, such as consignment (where the retailer only pays for products that are sold) or an outright sale. By working together, companies and retailers can potentially benefit from each other's expertise and resources, and gain access to new customers and distribution channels. It is important to carefully consider the terms of any partnerships and ensure that they are mutually beneficial to both parties.

Horizontal conflict causes problem between different types of marketing intermediaries that handle similar products. The biggest advantage of a physical distribution system is that its components are independent and hence, a decision in one area is unlikely to affect the functioning of the other components. T/F


False. Horizontal conflict can cause issues between different types of marketing intermediaries because they can be competing for the same products or services. This can lead to inefficient decision making and inefficiencies in the system.

What does Horizontal conflict means?

Horizontal conflict occurs in the workplace when two or more people or groups with an equal level of power, such as peers, colleagues, or teams, disagree. Different personalities, working styles, goals, and values can all contribute to these conflicts. If left unresolved, horizontal conflicts can be detrimental to a workplace, resulting in decreased job satisfaction, increased stress, and decreased productivity.

What does Services mean?

Services are activities or benefits that are provided by someone or something to meet the needs of another. Services can range from basic needs such as food and shelter to specialized services such as medical care and entertainment.Services are usually provided in exchange for some form of payment, such as money, goods, or services. They can also be provided freely, as in public services, or as a charitable act.

To know more about Horizontal conflict,


for a retail website, the revenue per session kpi determines whether new traffic driven through additional advertising is profitable focuses on enticing shoppers to purchase higher-priced items during each sales transaction looks to increase the number of new sessions identifies the percentage of completed transactions


For a retail website, the revenue per session KPI helps to determines whether new traffic driven through additional advertising is profitable. The Option A is correct.

What is revenue per session?

Also known as average revenue per session, refers to the average amount of money generated by every unique session or visit to your website. Retailers calculate the ARPS by dividing the total revenue in a particular time frame by the total number of unique website visits.

The session helps retailers to determine the health and performance of their brand and can provide insights into the effectiveness of existing strategies, identifying which efforts are generating result.

Read more about revenue per session


True or False: To enhance integration and control of related product market activities, the functional structure increases centralization compared to a divisional structure


The answer is true. Expertise centred on certain clients, goods, and areas. In contrast to job obligations, the divisional structure makes it simpler to detect consumer demands.

Function, product, region, and customer divisional structures are the four basic categories. It may lead to variations in quality of picture between divisions. Due to the duplication of staff, operations, and investment, it may be quite expensive. It might result in unhealthy divisional competition. The market-based structure is great for a company that offers consumer or services that are exclusive to certain market niches, and it works especially well if the company has in-depth understanding of such niches.

To learn more about consumer, click here.


latisha invested $1,000 in xyz stock. two years later she sold the stock for $1,200. during the time she owned the stock, she received a total of $80 in cash dividends. what was her total return on this investment? enter your answer to two decimal places. do not include the % symbol. example: if your answer is 10.22% enter 10.22


Latisha made a $1,000 investment in XYZ stock. She sold the stock for $1,200 two years later. She earned a total of $80 in dividends while she owned the shares. Her overall return on investment was 28%.

Why is compound interest 1 point better than simple interest?

Your wealth grows quicker thanks to compound interest. Because you will receive returns on your investment as well as returns at the conclusion of each compounding period, it allows an amount of money to increase quicker than with simple interest. This implies that saving more money isn't necessary for you to achieve your objectives.

Quiz: What are the advantages of a well-diversified portfolio?

Reducing the overall risk of the portfolio is the main advantage of diversification. The beta of a stock gauges how sensitive its returns are to those of the market portfolio.

To Know more about market portfolio.


TRUE/FALSE. you need to write an email to employees explain the business just lost a big sales contract. the email should have a professional, but negative tone.


The statement "you need to write an email to employees explain the business just lost a big sales contract, the email should have a professional, but negative tone", is false.

What is a professional email?

A professional email refers to an email which is used for business communications, that is based on the custom domain. In other words, a professional email address has a business name in it, in the form of a domain name. To maintain consistency while creating the email accounts, and to ensure that every employee has a professional email address we need to plan and determine the format in which we want the email addresses of users.

Professional email is more authentic and believable.

Learn more about email, here:


T/F according to psychologist lawrence kohlberg, people at the preconventional level of moral development use internalized ethical principles to solve ethical dilemmas


According to psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, people at the pre-conventional level of moral development use internalized ethical principles to solve ethical dilemmas: false

The essential concepts of Ethics principles. Beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice represent the four principles of ethics. the primary 2 can be traced back to the time of Hippocrates “to help and do no damage,” whilst the latter 2 developed later.

The 5 standards, autonomy, justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and constancy are absolute truths in and of themselves. through exploring the dilemma with regard to these ideas one may additionally come to a better understanding of the conflicting problems.

Learn more about Ethics principles here:


The balance of payments on the financial account are transactions that comprise the buying or selling of "LOAN ABLE FUNDS", that create "NATIONAL DEBT".


The balance of payments summarizes an economy's economic transactions with the rest of the world, So the given statement is true.

What is balance of payments?The Balance of Payments (BOP) is an accounting statement that summarizes (measures) all economic transactions between residents of one's home country and the rest of the world over a given time period.The balance of payments summarizes an economy's economic transactions with the rest of the world. Exports and imports of goods, services, and financial assets, as well as transfer payments, are examples of these transactions (like foreign aid).The balance of payments accounts can be shown in two columns in a ledger. Credit entries are recorded in one column. The second column is where debit entries are recorded.The BOP is divided into three accounts: the current account, the capital account, and the financial account.

The complete question :

" The balance of payments on the financial account are transactions that comprise the buying or selling of "LOAN ABLE FUNDS", that create "NATIONAL DEBT". State true or false."

To learn more about balance of payments refer to :


Physical fitness is one of the basic military skills required for soldiers to perform their tasks effectively. Regular physical training is therefore included in soldiers' obligatory educational programs around the world. According to the _____, the soldiers involved in international peacekeeping missions could be highly motivated by the attractiveness or the desirability of the rewards for staying physically fit.
goal-setting theory
theory of need satisfaction
expectancy theory
reinforcement theory
equity theory


Army Physical Fitness Training Program's objective is to create Soldiers who are physically prepared and able to carry out their duties.

Why is maintaining a healthy body vital for military personnel?

The ability to complete all aspects of your work without becoming hurt or losing your deployability depends on your physical fitness. A quick recovery is desired if you are injured or ill, as well as prevention of both.

What is meant by being physically prepared?

Physical Readiness is the capacity to complete the task, meet the physical requirements of any combat or duty position, and go on to fight and prevail.

To know more about Fitness  visit:


Which of the following is true in the long run, following a deliberate expansion of the money supply?


Real GDP reaches its starting point.

GDP definition.

overall economic output

The most often used metric for determining an economy's size is its gross domestic product (GDP). The GDP of a nation, a region (like Tuscany in Italy or Burgundy in France), or a group of nations (like the European Union) may all be calculated (EU).

How is GDP determined and what does it mean?

GDP is the total of private consumption, gross domestic product, government investment, government spending, and any other items (exports – imports). The GDP is normally calculated using the international standard by the country's official statistical office.

To know more about GDP visit:


toffel manufacturing has been requested by its employees' union to bargain with it. union representatives express interest in negotiating wages and working hours for its workers. management at the company declines to bargain with the union because any renegotiation would increase the company's operating costs. toffel manufacturing's refusal to bargain:


Toffel manufacturing's refusal to bargain is not permitted because employers and unions have a duty to bargain in good faith, and bargaining is mandatory for subjects relating to wages or working hours.

Refusal to bargain is a determination made by the administrative body that either the employer or the union did not negotiate "in good faith" in accordance with the statute's criteria.

Refusal to bargain is the result of the administrative body concluding that neither the employer nor the union engaged in "good faith" negotiations in line with the requirements of the statute.

The three primary categories of negotiation subjects are obligatory, permissible, and unlawful. The required category includes wages, health and safety, management rights, working conditions, and benefits. Topics that are permitted during the process are ones that are not required but may be discussed.

Learn more about refusal to bargain here


Olena Mirrors records bad debt using the allowance, income statement method. 3 They recorded $343,160 in accounts receivable for the year and $577,930 in credit sales. The 4 uncollectible percentage is 4.4%. On May 10, Olena Mirrors identifies one uncollectible account 5 from Elsa Sweeney in the amount of $2,870. On August 12, Elsa Sweeney unexpectedly pays 5 $1,441 toward her account. Record journal entries for the followingA. Year-end adjusting entry for 2017 bad debtB. May 10, 2018 identification entryC. Entry for payment on August 12, 2018


A. Year-end adjusting entry for 2017 bad debt

In this case, the amount of estimated bad debt would be $343,160 * 4.4% = $15,039.60. The journal entry would be:

Debit Bad Debt Expense: $15,039.60

Credit Allowance for Doubtful Accounts: $15,039.60

The adjusting entry for 2017 bad debt at year-end would include a debit to Bad Debt Expense for the amount of the estimated bad debt, and a credit to Allowance for Doubtful Accounts, the contra asset account.

B. May 10, 2018 identification entry

The identification entry for the uncollectible account from Elsa Sweeney on May 10, 2018 would include a debit to Allowance for Doubtful Accounts for the amount of the uncollectible account, and a credit to Accounts Receivable. The journal entry would be:

Debit Allowance for Doubtful Accounts: $2,870

Credit Accounts Receivable: $2,870

C. Entry for payment on August 12, 2018

Debit: Accounts Receivable $1,441

Credit: Cash $1,441

To know more about Journal entry click here


an effective performance management system helps the organization achieve its business goals and accomplish its objectives. this is the ____ purpose of performance management.a. Strategic
b. administrative
c. developmental.


An powerful overall performance control device facilitates the agency acquire its commercial enterprise desires and achieve its objectives. This is the  Strategic motive of overall performance control.

The required details for Strategic performance management in given paragraph

Strategic overall performance control is described because the method to enhance overall performance measurement, monitoring, and development to acquire average organizational objectives. Strategic overall performance control is regularly practiced the usage of the balanced scorecard framework, which fits worker overall performance to economic success, patron satisfaction, inner manner efficiency, and organizational ability optimization. Mercer’s latest survey Opens a brand new window of 1,154 HR leaders discovered that best 2% of businesses presently acquire “top notch value” from their overall performance control systems. This can be because of an inordinate recognition on man or woman worker desires with out ok alignment with organizational targets.

Mercer discovered that 83% of businesses comply with man or woman aim setting, however those are tied to commercial enterprise unit desires in 56% of cases.

To know about Strategic performance management click here


which of the following is not a development cost associated with an information system? group of answer choices training employees hardware and software all of the options are development costs. maintenance costs


This is not a development cost associated with an information system : Purchasing hardware and software up front is frequently.

An information system is a mixture of software program, hardware, and telecommunication networks to accumulate beneficial data, especially in an enterprise. Many businesses use information era to finish and manipulate their operations, engage with their clients, and stay beforehand of their competition.

An information machine is a proper, sociotechnical, organizational system designed to accumulate, procedure, store, and distribute data. From a sociotechnical angle, information structures are composed by means of four components: task, people, shape, and generation.

Statistics systems are collections of multiple records assets (e.g., software program, hardware, laptop machine connections, the machine housing, machine users, and pc machine facts) to gather, manner, keep, and disseminate statistics.

Learn more about information system here :


magnira corp., a food products manufacturer, practices sustainability and social responsibility in all its operations. it obtains its raw materials only from suppliers that meet economic, environmental, and social standards. in this case, magnira corp. is involved in .


Magnira corp,  practices sustainability and social responsibility in all its operations. In this case, magnira corp. is involved in ethical sourcing.

What is ethical sourcing?

Ethical Sourcing is our approach to sourcing and supply his chain. Ethical sourcing means that when companies purchase products from their suppliers, they consider the impact those products have on the people and communities that make them. Ethical sourcing is the process of ensuring that the products manufactured are obtained in a responsible and sustainable manner.

Why is ethical sourcing important?

Ethical sourcing is essential to ensure that workers around the world are protected from unsanitary, unacceptable, unsafe or exploitative working conditions. In other words, workers should be paid a fair wage for their services and should not be exposed to a culture of fear and violence in the workplace.

Learn more about Ethical sourcing:


juliet company accumulated the following account information for the year: using this information, total factory overhead costs would be


The correct answer to the question about Factory Overhead costs is option e) $13,000

The expenses incurred in the factory, excluding the costs of direct labor and direct materials, are those related to the manufacturing process. Typically, cost pools of factory overhead are created and distributed to the units produced throughout the time period. When the created units are eventually sold as finished items or written off, the cost is tacked onto the expense. In contrast to absorption costing, which requires it, direct costing avoids allocating production overhead to the number of units produced. According to the requirements of the main accounting frameworks, the allocation of manufacturing overhead is necessary for creating financial statements.


Juliet company accumulated the following account information for the year: using this information, total factory overhead costs would be

Beginning raw materials inventory        $6,000

Indirect materials cost                            $2,000

Indirect labor cost                                   $5,000

Maintenance of factory equipment       $2,800

Direct labor cost                                     $7,000



To learn more about factory overhead click here


*Alternative strategies (giving advantages and disadvantages for each). There should be at least two alternative strategies identified and discussed.
*Projected Financial Statements (Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Statement of Cash Flows) for 3 years into the future. This must be broken down by year into two (2) columns: 1 column without your strategy and 1 column with your strategy. The without column should serve as the basis for your with strategy column and only those financial statement accounts that will be changed, based on your strategy, should be impacted.
*Include Projected ratios for the without and with strategy by year. Discuss how these ratios compare and contrast with the historical findings.
*Cost Analysis completed on an Excel tab that outlines the cost that will be incurred to implement the strategy. This information should correspond with the With Strategy on the Projected Financial Statements, linking of cells to the financial statements is encouraged.
*Net Present Value analysis of proposed strategy’s new cash flow – you may also use Excel to solve for this. From the income statement the change in operating income between your with and without strategy should serve as your cash inflow for each year.


Projected financial statements incorporate current trends and expectations to arrive at a financial picture that management believes it can attain as of a future date.

What is projected financial statement?Obtain an unbiased assessment of the financial situation of your firm and the direction it is likely to follow. A balance sheet and income statement at the summary level are the absolute least that should be included in anticipated financial statements. The use of financial predictions enables you to determine what additional resources are required to sustain rising revenue as well as their possible effects on your balance sheet. The predicted financial plan shows how much more debt or equity you'll need to raise in order to maintain financial stability and health, which has an impact on your cash flow. Due to their potential to reveal data about a company's earnings, costs, profitability, and debt, financial statements are crucial. Financial statement line item review for competitive and historical comparisons requires the use of financial ratio analysis.

To learn more about financial statement  refer to:


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mississippi barbeque makes a special barbeque sauce that it sells to restaurants and retail stores. this is an example of marketing. A cylindrical dog feeder is 18 inches tall and has a diameter of 8 inches if the feeder is currently half full, how much more food can be poured into the feeder? Use 22/7 for pie and round to the nearest cubic inch. Romans, unlike the greeks, usually drank their wine unmixed, which resulted in a stronger alcoholic content.a. Trueb. False (a) Find the amplitude, frequency, and period of motion for an object vibrating at the end of a horizontal spring if the equation for its position as a function of time is the following. x = (0.225 m) cos ???? 8.00 t A = m f = Hz T = s (b) Find the maximum magnitude of the velocity and acceleration. vmax = m/s amax = m/s2 (c) What are the position, velocity, and acceleration of the object after 1.45 s has elapsed? x = m v = m/s a = m/s2 Steven is a waiter. He earns $3.45 an hour plus 20% tips. One day he worked 7 hours and served meals costing $497 what were his earring? Round you answer to the nearest cent. describe the transformation of f(x) = sin x to g(x) = sin (x - pi/3) Which best describes the graph off(x) = log(x + 3) + 2 as a transformation of thegraph of g(x) = logx? What is the scale factor from the drawing to the actual billboard?The scale factor is ? 7. Olivia purchases gifts for her mom andgrandmafor Mother's Day. The first is a pair ofsunglasses for $16.35 and the second is abracelet. Her total is $39.75. How much did shespend on the bracelet? Write a paragraph that explains how you solved the equation 4(t + 25) = 4(t + 50) - 4(0.15t). You may include equations as part of your explanation, but be sure to use correct math terminology and write in complete sentences. what has the greatest value interpersonal communication includes which of the following? (choose every correct answer.) multiple select question. a.listening to a recording of ocean b.waves interpreting the meaning of messages c.exchanging verbal messages sending and receiving d.nonverbal messages A hierarchical arrangement of party workers, often organized in an urban area to help integrate immigrants and minority groups into the political system. Most active in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Please help! I have no idea how to do this 50 POINTS!!! Which graph represents this system? y = 3. x + y = 4. Which graph represents this system? y = 3. x + y = 4. On a coordinate plane, a vertical line is at x = 3 and another line goes through (0, 4) and (3, 7). On a coordinate plane, a horizontal line is at y = 3 and another line goes through (0, 4) and (2, 6). On a coordinate plane, a vertical line is at x = 3 and another line goes through (0, 4) and (4, 0). On a coordinate plane, a horizontal line is at y = 3 and another line goes through (0, 4) and (4, 0). Which of the following is a valid combustion reaction?O CH4 + O2 2C + 2HOO Mg + HO MgO + HO N + 2022NOOS+0 S + HO In the diagram below of triangle ABC, D is a midpoint of AB and E is a midpoint of BC. If DE =9x-20, and AC =5x+12, what is the measure of AC? using published financial statements for a publicly traded company and the excel template provided, you build a balance sheet and income statement The U.S. Constitution establishes distinct roles for each of the three branchesof the federal government. This is an example of which American foundingideal?A. Checks and balances B. Representative democracyC. Separation of powersOD. Federalism at pottery barn, a thick $24 bath towel is icon of the company's aspiration--- design, quality, and price. this is an example of: