The graph below shows the solution to which system of inequalities



Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

Type the correct answer in the box. Use numerals instead of words.
Consider this expression.




Step-by-step explanation:

We are here given a modulus expression and we need to find out the value when m = -5 and n = 3 .

Modulus :- It always gives positive value . For example ,

[tex]\rm\implies |-a| = a [/tex]

[tex]\rm\implies |a| = a [/tex]

The given modulus expression is :-

[tex]\rm\implies |m^2+ n^2| [/tex]

As the number inside the modulus operator are already squared therefore they will always give positive value for real numbers . Here we can omit the modulus .

[tex]\rm\implies m^2 + n^2 [/tex]

Plug in the given values ,

[tex]\rm\implies (-5)^2 + 3^2 [/tex]

Solve 5² and 3² and add them ,

[tex]\rm\implies 25 + 9 [/tex]

On adding ,

[tex]\rm\implies 34 [/tex]

Therefore ,

[tex]\rm\implies \boxed{\blue{\rm |m^2+n^2| = 34 }}[/tex]

Hence the required answer is 34 .

The sides of a triangle are 3x+ 2, 6x, and 5x. Find the expression to represent the perimeter. To find the perimeter, we ADD the three sides​




Step-by-step explanation:

perimeter of triangle = side 1 + side 2 + side 3

expression of the perimeter of triangle 3x+2+6x+5x

perimeter of traingle = 14x + 6

The expression 14x + 2 represents the perimeter of the triangle in terms of "x."

To find an expression that represents the perimeter of a triangle.

The perimeter is the sum of all three sides of the triangle. We have three sides with different lengths given by the expressions 3x + 2, 6x, and 5x. To find the expression representing the perimeter, we just need to add these three sides together.

Let's represent the sides as follows:

- The first side of the triangle is denoted as "a," which has a length of 3x + 2.

- The second side is denoted as "b," with a length of 6x.

- The third side is denoted as "c," having a length of 5x.

Now, let's find the expression for the perimeter, which we'll call "P." To do that, we add the three sides together:

P = a + b + c

Substitute the given expressions for the sides into the equation:

P = (3x + 2) + (6x) + (5x)

Now, let's simplify the expression by combining like terms (terms with the same variable "x"):

P = 3x + 2 + 6x + 5x

To further simplify, add the coefficients of the "x" terms:

P = (3 + 6 + 5)x + 2

Now, add the coefficients: 3 + 6 + 5 = 14, so the expression for the perimeter becomes:

P = 14x + 2

The expression 14x + 2 represents the perimeter of the triangle in terms of "x."

To know more about Perimeter here


Please answer correctly and I will give brainliest and crown plus an extra 20 points



30.28 yd²

Step-by-step explanation:

Area enclosed = area of trapezoid + area of semicircle

= ½(a + b)*h + ½(πr²)


a = 5 yd

b = 2 + 5 = 7 yd

h = 4 yd

r = ½(4) = 2 yd

Plug in the known values

Area enclosed = ½(5 + 7)*4 + ½(π*2²)

Area enclosed = ½(12)*4 + ½(π*4)

= 6*4 + π*2

= 24 + 2π

= 30.2831853

≈ 30.28 yd² (2 decimal places)

Solve for x.
x - 42 = 98 – 9x
x = [?]




Step-by-step explanation:

x - 42 = 98 – 9x





[tex]x - 42 = 98 - 9x \\ x + 9x = 98 + 42 \\ 10x = 140 \\ x = 14 \\ thank \: you[/tex]

the product of two consecutive terms of the Arithmetic sequence 5,8, 598.find the position of the term?



Step-by-step explanation:

Common difference is 3.

Let x be a term in the sequence. The next term in the sequence is x+3.

x(x+3) = 598

x² + 3x - 598 = 0

x = [-3 ± √(3²-4⋅1(-598))]/[2⋅1] = [-3 ± 49]/2 = 23, -26

-26 is an extraneous solution, so x = 23.

The two terms are 23 and 26.

a)out of 300 students In a class 60% of the students took physics and 35 students took chemistry and 20% of the students did not take any of this subject. how many students take both the subject​



25 students take both subjects.

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve for 60% of 300 students:

60/100 = x/300

Cross multiply:

60 × 300 = 100 × x

18000 = 100x

Divide both sides by 100:

180 = x

Solve for 20% of 300 students:

20/100 = x/300

20 × 300 = 100 × x

6000 = 100x

60 = x

Solve for the percentage of students in chemistry:

x/100 = 35/300

x × 300 = 100 × 35

300x = 3500

x = 11.66666...7

x = about 11.7%

Find the difference in percentages:

100 - 60 - 20 - 11.7


8.3% take both subjects

Solve for 8.3% of students:

8.3/100 = x/300

8.3 × 300 = 100 × x

2490 = 100x


About 25 students

Check your work by adding all the students together (to get to 300):

25 + 60 + 180 + 35

300 students total

This is correct!

This ellipse is centered at the
origin. Find its equation.
Vertices: (0,-6) and (0,6)
Foci: (0,-2) and (0,2)
X^2/[?] + y^2/[?] =1



Equation of Ellipse is [tex]\frac{x^{2} }{32} +\frac{y^{2} }{36} =1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's find the value for [tex]a^{2}[/tex] and [tex]b^{2}[/tex] to write the equation for vertical ellipse.

Here 'a'  is the distance from center to one of the vertices.

"b" is the distance from center to one of the Co-vertices. We need to find this using formula [tex]a^{2} -b^{2} =c^{2}[/tex]

'c' is the distance between center to one of the Foci.

In this problem center is origin.

So, a =6(because distance between(0,0) and (0,6) is 6)

c= 2 (because distance between (0,0) and (0,2) is 2)

Plug in the known values into the formula [tex]a^{2} -b^{2} =c^{2}[/tex]

36-[tex]b^{2}[/tex]= 4

Subtract both sides 36

[tex]-b^{2}[/tex] = -32

Divide both sides by -1

[tex]b^{2}[/tex] =32

So, equation would be

[tex]\frac{x^{2} }{32} +\frac{y^{2} }{36} =1[/tex]

the diameter of a bicycle wheel is 71 cm. calculate the circumference of the wheel​




Step-by-step explanation:

take the diameter and divide it by 2, that will give you the radius. Take the radius and multiply it by 2 then by pi. That will give you the circumference. So for the this question it would be:

71 divided by 2 = 35.5cm

35.5 x 2 x pi = 233.05

I don’t get number 5 someone help




Step-by-step explanation:

We do 20 percent of 2500 which comes to 1500 and then you do plus 325 which gives you 2625

The local tennis club needed new tennis balls. To pay for all the new balls, each person in the club donated $12.45. The bill for the new balls came to a total of $510. The club had $50.25 left over and decided to put it towards their end of year Christmas party. How many people are members at the tennis club?



45 people are members at the tennis club

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the number of people in the tennis club be denoted as "x".

Since each of them donated $12.45, then total donated = 12.45x

Since they had $50.25 left over after paying the cost of $510 for the ball, then;

12.45x - 510 = 50.25

12.45x = 510 + 50.25

12.45x = 560.25

x = 560.25/12.45

x = 45

does this table represent a function? Why or why not?

X: 2 2 3 4 5
Y: 1 4 4 2 5

Please answer it ASAP


No, certain points on the plot line the share the same output

F(x)=-x^2+2mx+2m-3 with x<0



m<√-3 OR m<√3i

Step-by-step explanation:


with x<0







m<√-3 OR m<√3i

solve/ Find the area….



D. 195 cm^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The given is a trapezoid and to calculate the are of it we use the following formula :

(a+b)/2*h (a: base, b: base, h: height)

(9+21) / 2 * 13 = 195

If the scale on the map is 1cm :112 km. If two places are 197 miles apart. How far apart are they on a map



22.4 cm

100% 2021 on edge!

Step-by-step explanation:

i need help on this please SHOW WORK


[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\blue{ANSWER~:) }}}}[/tex]

See this attachment

Miss. Christina deposits her monthly salary $9000 in a bank which pays 7% interest compounded half yearly. How much will she get after 10 years?


The answer is B 18,014
18,122 is how much she will get after 10 years

This trapezium is drawn on a centimetre grid.
Find the area of the trapezium.



A = 18 units²

Step-by-step explanation:

The area (A) of a trapezium is calculated as

A = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] h ( b₁ + b₂ )

where h is the perpendicular height and b₁, b₂ the parallel bases

By counting squares

h = 3, b₁ = 3, b₂ = 9 , then

A = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] × 3 × (3 + 9) = 1.5 × 12 = 18 units²

Which represents the polynomial below written in standard form?
1 - 3х + 4х2 + ()



represents the polynomial below written in standard form

Which of the following represents the solution to the inequality



the question?

Step-by-step explanation:

Analia wants to know which school has the lower SAT range relative to the resources invested per student (lower, as SAT range is a measure of inequality, which we want to minimize as much as possible).


Hi, you've asked an incomplete question. Attached is the full question.


1. c and b

2. No. The definitions have opposite results.

Step-by-step explanation:

1. Two different ways Analia could define this quantity is:

SAT range divided by budget per studentSAT range divided by teachers per student.

2. Indeed, whatever the definition selected, they both have opposite results.


1.C and B

2. Yes. According to both definitions, School B has the lower SAT range relative to the resources invested per student.

Step-by-step explanation:

Got it wrong  on khan and used a hint these are the answers



Angle 4 and Angle 2 are vertical angles, meaning that they are congruent. Therefore, the measure of angle 2 is 127 degrees.

Angle 4 and Angle 3 are a linear pair, meaning that they are supplementary and add up to 180 degrees. Therefore, the measure of angle 3 is 53 degrees.

Angle 3 and Angle 1 are vertical angles, meaning that they are congruent. Therefore, the measure of angle 1 is 53 degrees.

Hope this helps!


<1 = 53

<2 =127

<3 = 53

Step-by-step explanation:

Angles 2 and 4 are vertical angles and vertical angles are equal

<2 = <4 = 127

<1 + <2 =180 since they form a straight line

<1 + 127 = 180

< 1 = 53

<1 and <3 are vertical angles so they are equal

<1 = <3 = 53

in a survey 50% like cold drinks 30% like hot drinks and 40% like juice. Likewise 20% of them like cold and hot drinks 18% like cold drinks and juice, 12% like hot drinks and juice and 5% like all three drinks. represent the above information in a venn diagram and find the percent of people who like:

i) at least one of the drinks
ii) exactly two types of drinks
iii) exactly one type of drink
iv) none of the drinks



Step-by-step explanation:

C -> Percentage of people who take cold drinks

H -> Percentage of people who take hot drinks

J - > Percentage of people who take Juice

i) At least one of drinks = 17 + 3 +15 +18 +7 + 15 + 5 = 75%

ii)  Exactly two types of drinks = Percentage of people who take cold  and hot drinks + Percentage of people who take cold and Juice + Percentage of people who take hot drinks and Juices

= 15 + 13 + 7

= 35%

iii) Exactly one type of drink =  Percentage of people who take only cold drinks + Percentage of people who take only hot drinks + Percentage of people who take only juices

= 17 + 3 + 15

= 35%

iv) None of the drinks = Total percentage - at least one of the drinks

                                    = 100 - 75

                                    = 25%

Which multiplication expression can be used to check this division problem:
2/5 ÷ 4/15 = 3/2
° 2/5 × 4/15
° 3/2 × 4/15
° 3/2 × 15/4
° 5/2 × 15/4



° 3/2 × 4/15

Step-by-step explanation:

for checking a division problem use the product and one of the fractions to multiply. if the answer matches the other fraction then your division is correct.

2/5 x 4/15 = 8/75 or 0.106
3/2 x 4/15 = 2/5 or 0.4
3/2 x 15/4 = 45/8 or 5 5/8, 5.625
5/2 x 15/4 = 75/8 or 9 3/8, 9.375

PLease help fast I need assistance



x<_-3 or 2_<x<7 or A

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps

What is the midpoint of the segment shown below?
O A. (-3,-11)
O B. (-9,-)
(-12, -3)
O C. (-9.-11)
OD. (-:-)


O C. (-9.-11) is THE ANSWER

Jimmy's cedar trunk is in the shape of a rectangular prism and has a volume of 3/4 cubic yard. How many cubic blocks with a side length of 1/2 yard would Jimmy need to measure the volume of his trunk?


Answer: 6 blocks

Step-by-step explanation:


Volume of the rectangular prism is [tex]V=\dfrac{3}{4}\ yd^3[/tex]

Length of the cubic block is [tex]a=\dfrac{1}{2}\ yd[/tex]

Volume of each cubic block is

[tex]\Rightarrow V_o=\left (\dfrac{1}{2}\right)^3\\\\\Rightarrow V_o=\dfrac{1}{8}\ yd^3[/tex]

Suppose, n blocks are required to measure the volume of Prism

[tex]\Rightarrow V=nV_o\\\\\Rightarrow \dfrac{3}{4}=n\cdot \dfrac{1}{8}\\\\\Rightarrow n=\dfrac{3\times 8}{4}\\\\\Rightarrow n=6\ \text{blocks}[/tex]

Thus, 6 blocks are required to measure the volume of prism.

Yes that person is correct

the dual bar chart below shows how a group of 190 students travel to school. given that 50 students, said they travel to school by car complete the table below


The image of the bar chart is missing and so i have attached it.


Bus = 75

Cycle = 20

Walk = 45

Step-by-step explanation:

We are told that 50 students said they travel to school by car.

However, in the bar chart, we see that we have a portion for boys and girls

Under car, when we count along the y-axis, we will see that, there are 6 units for boys and 4 units for girls.

Thus, to find the value of a unit since number of people that took cars is 50, we have;

(6x + 4x)/2 = 50

Where x is the value of one unit. Thus;

10x/2 = 50

5x = 50

x = 50/5

x = 10

Thus, a unit is 10

Under bus;

Boys have 7 units while girls have 8 units.


Frequency by bus = ((7 × 10) + (8 × 10))/2 = 150/2 = 75

Under cycle;

Boys have 1 unit while girls have 3 units.


Frequency by cycle = ((1 × 10) + (3 × 10))/2 = 20

Under walk;

Boys have 5 units while girls have 4 units.


Frequency by cycle = ((5 × 10) + (4 × 10))/2 = 45


A car manufacturer collects data on the number of gallons of gasoline left in the gas tank after driving for different numbers of miles. The manufacturer creates a scatter plot of the data and determines that the correlation coefficient is −0.92.

Select each true statement based on this correlation coefficient.

A.) There is a weak correlation between the number of miles driven and the gallons of gasoline left in the tank.
B.) There is a negative correlation between the number of miles driven and the gallons of gasoline left in the tank.
C.) There is no correlation between the number of miles driven and the gallons of gasoline left in the tank.
D.) There is a linear correlation between the number of miles driven and the gallons of gasoline left in the tank.
E.) There is a strong correlation between the number of miles driven and the gallons of gasoline left in the tank.


The statement that is true about the variables analyzed is that there is a negative correlation between the number of miles driven and the gallons of gasoline left in the tank.

What is correlation?

This refers to the relation or connection between two or more variables. In this case:

Amount of gasolineNumber of miles

What does -0.92 mean?

This has the sign -, which shows the correlation is negative. This implies that as the number of miles increase the amount of gasoline decreases.

Learn more about gasoline in:


What type of line is PQ?

A. side bisector
B. altitude
C. angle bisector
D. median


Step-by-step explanation:

C. angle bisector

hope this helps you

have a nice day:)

A line PQ is the median of triangle PRS.

What is median of a triangle?

A median of a triangle is a line segment that join a vertex to the mid-point of the side that is opposite to the vertex.

According to the given question.

We have a triangle PRS in which a line segment PQ dividing the side RS in two equal parts means point Q is acting as a mid point for RS.

Since, RS is the side which is opposite to the vertex P, and PQ is dividing RS in two equal parts therefore, PQ is the median of the triangle PRS.

Thus, option D is correct.

Find out more information about median of a triangle here:


H E L P !
Given that the Universal set is numbers 1 through 20, write the complement of the set A.

Set A : {1, 3, 7, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20}



A' : {2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18}

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