The image shows a bar graph.

A bar graph shows a series of 4 vertical bars along an x and y axis.

In which scenarios would using this graph be best for a presentation? Select three options.

showing energy produced by nuclear power plants in a country each year
comparing the percentages of the types of pets owned in a community
comparing the amount of rainfall recorded over the last four years in a state
comparing the number of men and women who earned engineering degrees in a decade
showing the percentages of the various religions practiced in Indonesia


Answer 1

The information that is best suited for the presentation would be:

Showing energy produced by nuclear power plants in a country each year

Comparing the amount of rainfall recorded over the last four years in a state

Showing the percentages of the various religions practiced in Indonesia

A bar graph is a type of illustrative graph in which data can be compared through the relationship of the X-axis and the Y-axis. According to the above, it can be inferred that the graphs that conform to the function of the graph of bars are:

The energy produced by nuclear power plants because can show the quantity of energy produced in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Amount of rainfall in a state over the last four years in a state during the last four years because it specifies the temporality of the graph (last four years)

Showing the percentages of the various religions practices in Indonesia because it can show the percentage of each religion, for example:86% Islam7% Protestantism3% Catholicism4% Other religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism)

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Answer 2

its a,c,d

thank me later :)

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