The local pizza restaurant offers free delivery if you live within a 6-mile radius of the restaurant. The restaurant is located at the origin. Ada’s house is 4 miles west and 5 miles north of the restaurant at point (–4, 5). Does Ada’s house lie on or within the circle representing the area that gets free delivery?

No, the distance from the restaurant to Ada’s house is miles, which is greater than the 6-mile maximum radius.
Yes, the distance from the restaurant to Ada’s house is exactly 6 miles.
No, the distance from the restaurant to Ada’s house is 7 miles, which is greater than the 6-mile maximum radius.
Yes, the distance from the restaurant to Ada’s house is miles, which is less than the needed 6-mile radius.


Answer 1


No adda doesnt get free delivery

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 2

Answer: A) No, the distance from the restaurant to Ada’s house is Square Root of 41 miles, which is greater than the 6-mile maximum radius.

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

Triangle SKY with vertices S(-7, 2), K(-1,8), and Y(-2,1) undegoes a reflection with new corrdinates S'(-7,-2), K'(-1, -8), and Y'(-2,-1). Name the line of reflection.


Step-by-step explanation:

reflection under


hope this will help you

The line of reflection is given as  x-axis.

How to transform a graph of the function?

The graph of a function can be transformed by either shifting it in the right, left, up or down.

When the transformation is rightwards, the function becomes as f(x - a).

For left shifting it is f(x + a).

The coordinates of the triangle SKY before and after reflection are given as below,

S(-7, 2) → S'(-7, -2)

K(-1, 8) → K'(-1, -8)

Y(-2, 1) → Y'(-2, -1)

It is clear from the transformed coordinates that the x coordinates are the same but y-coordinate changes.

Thus, the reflection is about x-axis.

Hence, the line of reflection is x-axis.

To know more about transformation of graph click on,


Can someone help me with this math homework please!







or y+4=x


3rd option

y + 4 = x

Step-by-step explanation:


point A (0, -4) forms the y intercept

(remember the condition for y intercept? the coordinates for which value of x is 0)

so in the equation

[tex]\boxed{ y= mx+c}[/tex]

c being the y intercept is equal to (-4)

finding the slope :-

[tex]m = \frac{ 2 + 4 }{6 - 0} \\ = \frac{6}{6} = 1[/tex]

plugging all these values into the equation

y = 1x - 4

y= x - 4

taking 4 to the other side

y+ 4 = x

Solve for b. Round your answer to the nearest whole degree.




b =44

Step-by-step explanation:

We need to use the law of sines to determine b

sin b                     sin 100

----------------  = ----------------

3.6                          5.1

Using cross products

5.1 sin b = 3.6 sin 100

sin b = 3.6 sin 100 / 5.1

Taking the inverse sin of each side

b = arcsin (  3.6 sin 100 / 5.1)

b = 44.03984209

To the nearest degree

n = 44

Find the width of a rectangular strip of land with length 25 m and area 12 square meters?




Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a rectangle is given by

A = l*w

1/2 = 2/5 * w

Multiply each side by 5/2

5/2 * 1/2 = 2/5 *w * 5/2

5/4 = w

Formula we use,

→ A = l × w

Then the width of the rectangle,

→ A = I × w

→ 1/2 = 2/5 × w

Now multiply each side by 5/2,

→ 1/2 × 5/2 = 2/5 × w × 5/2

→ w = 5/4

Hence, the width is 5/4.

PLs help T^T im to dum.b to understand this equation


The answer is this ekkekekeekekkekeke

equivalent to 192 ounces?
How many pounds
192 ounces is equivalent to



12 lbs

Step-by-step explanation:

There are 16 ounces in a pound

192 ounces * 1 pound / 16 ounces = 12 pounds

Step-by-step explanation:

1 pound = 16 ounces

24 pound = 16 x 24 ounces = 384 ounces

1 ounce = 1/16 pounds

192 ounces = 192/16 pounds = 12 pounds

Daniel and Saquon are each saving money. Daniel starts with $50 in his savings account and adds $8 per week. Saquon starts with $65 in his savings account and adds $5 each week.

After four weeks, who has more money in their savings account? Explain how you know.
After how many weeks will Daniel and Saquon have the same amount of money in their savings accounts?



Sequon has more money after 4 weeks. It would take 5 weeks for their savings accounts to be equal.

Step-by-step explanation:


Daniel starts with $50 and each week he adds $8. To find out the amount he has in any given week, the following formula would work:

= 50 + 8x

The x is the number of weeks and is multiplied by 8 because the amount of money he has increase by 8 every week.

After 4 weeks he would have:

= 50 + (8 * 4)

= 50 + 32

= $82


Applying the same formula:

= 65 + 5x

After 4 weeks:

= 65 + (5 * 4)

= 65 + 20

= $85

Saquon has more money after 4 weeks.

Number of weeks it would take for both of them to have the same amount.

To find this out, equate both formulas and solve for x.

50 + 8x = 65 + 5x

8x - 5x = 65 - 50

3x = 15

x = 15/3

x = 5 weeks

At 5 weeks they will both have:

50 + 8 * 5 = $90

65 + 5 * 5 = $90

Ferrero Rocher chocolates are manufactured in the shape of spherical balls, which are
wrapped in foil. The Ferrero Rocher Company introduced the Ferrero collection, which
is a package of 15 chocolates, one layer deep in a 3 chocolate x 5 chocolate orientation.
A single chocolate has a diameter of 3.2 cm.




Step-by-step explanation:

What's the question to the question?

If {3,4,5} is the domain of function f:x --> 2x-1, find the range. ​



Range = {5, 7, 9}

Step-by-step explanation:

Range is the set of values that are the results of respective values of x when placed in the function f(x).

[tex] \mathfrak{\blue {\underline{\implies If\: x = 3 }}} [/tex]

f(3) = 2 × 3 - 1

f(3) = 6 - 1

f(3) = 5

[tex] \mathfrak{\blue{\underline{\implies If \:x = 4 }}} [/tex]

f(4) = 2 × 4- 1

f(4) = 8 - 1

f(4) = 7

[tex] \mathfrak{\blue{\underline{\implies If\: x = 5 }}} [/tex]

f(5) = 2× 5 - 1

f(5) = 10 - 1

f(5) = 9

Therefore, the range is the set of all these values :-

Range = {5, 7, 9}

Need help on this!!!




Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

The key to solving this equation is knowing how to "undo" a natural log. Just like square roots are "undone" by squaring, and cubing "undoes" a cubed root, raising a natural log to the base of e, Euler's number, undoes a natural log. Because this is an equation you have to raise both sides of it to the base of e:


That leaves us on the left with simply

x + 3

On the right we have a constant. e is not a variable, it is a number. You can find its value on your calculator. Solving for x:

[tex]x=e^5-3[/tex] and

[tex]e^5=148.4131591[/tex], so

x = 148.4131591 - 3 and

x = 145.4132, the first choice listed.

is this righ or not please say me​



Step-by-step explanation:

It's right


someone please help me with mineee!!!!

Two numbers have a difference of 28. If the sum of the squares of the numbers is
392, what are the two numbers?



The two numbers are 182 and 210. I hope this will help you.

The snack bar at your school has added sushi to its menu. The ingredients for one roll include sushi​ rice, seaweed​ sheets, cucumbers, cream​ cheese, and 2 oz of smoked salmon. One roll can be cut into 9 servings. Write an expression for the amount of salmon needed to make s servings of sushi. How much salmon is needed to make 18 ​servings? 36 ​servings? 90 ​servings? 100 ​servings?



The answer si:  

- 16 servings - 6 oz of salmon

- 24 servings - 9 oz of salmon

- 80 servings - 30 oz of salmon

- 100 servings - 37.5 oz of salmon

1 roll is 8 servings and it is also made of 3oz of smoked salmon. That means that 3oz of smoked salmon is needed fo 8 servings.

Now, let's made some proportions:

16 servings:

3 oz is for 8 servings, how much oz is for 16 servings:

3 : 8 = x : 16

x = 3 · 16 ÷ 8 = 6 oz

24 servings:

3 oz is for 8 servings, how much oz is for 24 servings:

3 : 8 = x : 24

x = 3 · 24 ÷ 8 = 9 oz

80 servings:

3 oz is for 8 servings, how much oz is for 80 servings:

3 : 8 = x : 80

x = 3 · 80 ÷ 8 = 30 oz

100 servings:

3 oz is for 8 servings, how much oz is for 100 servings:

3 : 8 = x : 100

x = 3 · 100 ÷ 8 = 37.5 oz

how u do the sum pls



[tex]{ \tt{x + 36 \degree + 48 \degree = 360 \degree}} \\ { \tt{x = (360 - 48 - 36) \degree}} \\ { \tt{x = 276 \degree}}[/tex]

(05.01 LC)
A square is shown below. Which expression can be used to find the area, in square units, of the shaded triangle in the square?

A square with a side length of 4 units is shown. A diagonal is drawn with one section shaded inside the figure.
(5 points)

fraction 1 over 4 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 4

fraction 1 over 2 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 4

fraction 1 over 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2

fraction 1 over 4 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2



If a square has a side length of 4, then the area is 16.

A = [tex]s^{2}[/tex]    where s = side length.

If a diagonal is drawn to create 2 halves, then the area of each half is 8.

So most likely the answer you are seeking is:  [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] ( 4 · 4 )

Without actual division prove that x4 +2x3 -2x2 +2x -3 is exactly divisible by
x2 +2x-3



Step-by-step explanation:                

[tex]\displaystyle\Large\boldsymbol{} x^4+2x^3-2x^2+2x-3= \\\\\\x^4+2x^2(x-1)+2x-\underbrace{2-1}_{-3}= \\\\\\x^4-1+2x^2(x-1)+2x-2 = \\\\\\(x^2-1)(x^2+1)+2x^2(x-1)+2(x-1) = \\\\\\\underline{(x-1)}(x+1)(x^2+1)+2x^2\underline{(x-1)} +2\underline{(x-1)} =\\\\\\(x-1)((x+1)(x^2+1)+2x^2+2)=\\\\\\(x-1)(x^3+x^2+2x^2+x+2+1)=\\\\\\(x-1)(x^3+3x^2+x+3) =\\\\\\(x-1)( \underline{(x+3)}x^2+\underline{(x+3)})=(x^2+1)\underbrace{(x-1)(x+3)}_{x^2+2x-3}= \\\\\\(x^2+1)(x^2+2x-3) : (x^2+2x-3)=x^2+1[/tex]

The product of two algebraic expression is 4x²-9.If one of the expression is (2x+3),find the other expression​



Solution given:

we have formula





using formula


other expression is 2x-3.


( 2x - 3 )

Step-by-step explanation:

4x² - 9 is a perfect square meaning it can be factored into 2 expressions,

( 2x + 3 ) ( 2x - 3 )

Which of the following functions is graphed below?
(picture included)




Step-by-step explanation:

the graph has been shifted 4 units to left, and 2 units down.


Graph shifted down by 2 ... -2

graph slid  4 to the left ... + 4

B is the answer y = |x+4| -2

Step-by-step explanation:

at the school festival , raffle tickets were sold at $1 each, or 3 for $2. At the end of the day, 15 books of tickets, each containing 20 tickets, were sold. the money collected from the sale was $236. How many tickets were sold at 3 for $2?​



you have to take away you word they said how many

A pie chart is to be drawn for Cathy’s spending.
Cathy spent a total of $800 last month.
She spent $120on entertainment last month.

Calculate the size of the angle for entertainment in the pie chart.




Step-by-step explanation:

$800 is 360° of a pie chart

$120 is ?° of the pie chart

?° = (360*120)/800 = 54°

*if you need the answer to be in radiants

(54*π) /180 = 0.942478 rad

Step-by-step explanation

Help me ASAP with this problem




Step-by-step explanation:




Helpp it’s simplifying



[tex]{ \tt{ = 28a - {4a}^{2} }} \\ = 4a(7 - a)[/tex]

Solve the systent of equations algebraically . 5x - 3y = 6; 6x - 5y = 10


Step-by-step explanation:

x will be 0

y will be -2

thats the answer babe

Solve :2x/5 - 3x/4 = 3/10​


Answer: -6/7

Step-by-step explanation:


We have to find,

The required value of x.

Given that,

→ 2x/5 - 3x/4 = 3/10

Then let's solve for the value of x,

→ 2x/5 - 3x/4 = 3/10

→ (8x - 15x)/20 = 3/10

→ -7x/20 = 3/10

→ -7x = (3/10) × 20

→ -7x = 3 × 2

→ -7x = 6

→ [x = -6/7]

Hence, the value of x is -6/7.

The house Trevor's family lives in has 666 people (including Trevor) and 333 bathrooms. In the past month, each person showered for an average of 480480480 minutes and used an average 727272 liters of shower water (over the entire month). Water costs 0.200.200, point, 20 dollars per liter.
How much money did Trevor's family spend, in total, on shower water in the past month?




Step-by-step explanation:

The house Trevor's family lives in has 6 people (including Trevor) and 3 bathrooms. In the past month, each person showered for an average of 480 minutes and used an average 72 liters of shower water (over the entire month). Water costs 0.20 dollars per liter.

How much money did Trevor's family spend, in total, on shower water in the past month?

Total people in Trevor's family = 6

Number of bathrooms = 3

Time each person spent to shower = 480 minutes

Quantity of water each person use per month = 72 liters

Cost of water per liter = $0.20

Total amount spent on shower water = Total people in Trevor's family × Quantity of water each person use per month × Cost of water per liter

= 6 × 72 × 0.20

= $86.40

Total amount spent on shower water = $86.40

Simplify 8(x + 1) - 12x (PLS HELP)



[tex]\tt8(x + 1) - 12x \\ = \tt8x + 8 \times 1 - 12x \\ = \tt8x + 8 - 12x \\ = \large\boxed{\tt{\color{pink}{ - 4x + 8}}}[/tex]



[tex] \sf \: 8(x + 1) - 12x \\ = \sf8x + 8 - 12x \\ \sf = 8x - 12x + 8 \\ = \underline{\bf - 4x + 8}[/tex]

Solve the simultaneous equation x + 2y =2 and 2x + 5y = 4​




Step-by-step explanation:

   2 (x + 2y) = (2)


      2x + 4y = 4

-    2x + 5y = 4

-1y = 0

y = 0

2x + 5(0) = 4

2x = 4

x = 2


x=2 y=0

Step-by-step explanation:

solve for y







plug into equation






The length of a string in yards is a function f(n) of the length n in inches. Write a function rule for this situation. f(n) = 12n f(n) = 36n



The length of a string in yards is a function f(n) of the length n in inches

To find:

The function rule for the given situation.


We know that,

12 inches = 1 yard

1 inch = [tex]\dfrac{1}{12}[/tex] yard

n inches = [tex]\dfrac{n}{12}[/tex] yards

It is given that the length of a string in yards is a function f(n) of the length n in inches. So,


Therefore, the required function for the given situation is [tex]f(n)=\dfrac{n}{12}[/tex].

2x^3x8x^8= ?
Help plzz




Step-by-step explanation:

2x^3 x 8x^8

= 2 x 8 ( x^8 x x^3 )

= 16 ( x ^8 + 3 )

= 16x^11

[tex]\huge\textsf{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{2x^3\times8x^8}\\\textsf{There arent any like terms so we \underline{do not} have to compare them together}\\\mathsf{= \mathsf{2\times8 \rightarrow \bf 16}}\\\mathsf{= 3+8\rightarrow\bf 11}\\\mathsf{= 16\times x^{11}}\\\mathsf{= \bf 16x^{11}}\\\\\\\\\boxed{\boxed{\large\textsf{Answer: \bf 16x}\mathsf{\bf ^{11}}}}\huge\checkmark\\\\\\\large\textsf{Good luck on your assignment and your day!}\\\\\\\\\frak{Amphitrite1040:)}[/tex]

given that the value of circumference of a circle is 2/3 of its area. determine the length of the radius of the circle!​




Step-by-step explanation:

circumference = 2.π.rarea = π.r²


⅔ × π.r² = 2.π.r

3 = πr²/πr

3 = r

r = 3


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