The major cause for the decline in the worldwide catch of fish since 1990 is:


Answer 1


Shrinking industrial landings

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Did the Supreme Court rule in favor of Plessy?



Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine.





With seven votes for Ferguson and one vote against, the Supreme Court ruled that mandatory racial segregation was not in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment

Which of these statements is true about making changes to the Constitution

1. It’s a slow progress but changes are rarely rejected

2. It’s fast and easy

3. It’s possible but difficult

4. Changes were never made to happen

Which one ?





constitution is difficult

Which state opposed a united Germany?

all of them








what restriction did the 1824 mexican colonization law place of colonization within texas



On August 18, 1824, the Mexican government passed a new national colonization law.


This law allowed foreigners to settle on any vacant public land in Mexico, but restricted foreigners from settling within twenty leagues of the border with another country and within ten leagues of the coast.

Is power divided equally in the government?





In government,there is something called Separation of Power. This means that power is not to be vested in one person but is to be divided among the three arms of government. We also have the doctrine of Checks and Balances which ensures the ability of each of the arms of government(Executive, Judiciary,Legislative) to check and put in place the activities of the other arms,ensuring the avoidance of misuse of power.

‘Generals were the key reason for parliaments success’. How far do you agree with this statement? Write 1 paragraph to agree and 1 paragraph to disagree with the statement


Answer:English Civil Wars, also called Great Rebellion, (1642–51), fighting that took place in the British Isles between supporters of the monarchy of Charles I (and his son and successor, Charles II) and opposing groups in each of Charles’s kingdoms, including Parliamentarians in England, Covenanters in Scotland, and Confederates in Ireland. The English Civil Wars are traditionally considered to have begun in England in August 1642, when Charles I raised an army against the wishes of Parliament, ostensibly to deal with a rebellion in Ireland. But the period of conflict actually began earlier in Scotland, with the Bishops’ Wars of 1639–40, and in Ireland, with the Ulster rebellion of 1641. Throughout the 1640s, war between king and Parliament ravaged England, but it also struck all of the kingdoms held by the house of Stuart—and, in addition to war between the various British and Irish dominions, there was civil war within each of the Stuart states. For this reason the English Civil Wars might more properly be called the British Civil Wars or the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. The wars finally ended in 1651 with the flight of Charles II to France and, with him, the hopes of the British monarchy.



Read the document and answer the following question



1. Hawaii agreed to the annexation this is show in paragraph one where it states "To give up absolutely and without reserve to the United States of America."

2. Hawaii's debt was transferred to the national debt of the United States of America.

2a. (This is heavily reliant on the context of this assignment.) This would be useful to know as a reason for Hawaii's willingness to be annexed by the United States of America.

3. Chinese people were no longer allowed to immigrate to or from Hawaii.

3a. Chinese people were most likely immigrating in mass to Hawaii and cause economic problems within the island.


I read the document and in each different paragraph it answers one of these questions in almost exact words. I recommend reading the document over once then look at the questions and read it again looking for the answers.

In Mesoamerican several groups thrived with the discovery of what? What were some of there other advances overtime? (100 points)









Which sentence from Barrio Boy gives the word mother a negative connotationWhich sentence uses the denotation of the word heart?


Answer:Well I need a picture of the answer it could be to help you, please.


Which term best describes the Progressive Era?
Socialist party
political party
grass-roots movement



B. political party


Helped develop the political parties into their modern interpretation.

what is the link between Shah Walk Allah and the Pakistan movement​




use this website


Shah Wali Ullah directed his teachings towards reorienting the Muslim society with the concepts of basic social justice, removing social inequalities, and balancing the iniquitous distribution of wealth. He established several branches of his school at Delhi for effective dissemination of his ideas

4-What was the Wade- Davis Bill? Why did Lincoln veto it?




The Wade-Davis Bill of 1864 was the Radical Republican answer to Lincoln's 10% Plan. It stated that at least 50% of eligible voters of the southern Confederate states had to vote and take oath of allegiance to the Union in order to be readmitted. Lincoln refused to sign this bill thinking it was too harsh.

The agreement between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan was called what?



The Connecticut Compromise blended the Virginia (large-state) and New Jersey (small-state) proposals. Its main contribution was in determining the method for apportionment of the Senate and retaining a federal character in the constitution.


The Virginia Plan wanted a legislature in which states received representation in proportion to the size of their population, while the New Jersey plan wanted a legislature that gave each state equal representation, regardless of the size of its population. The Great Compromise brought together the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan to create the Constitution 's legislative system. The Three-Fifths Compromise appeased Southern representatives by allowing them to count slaves for representation and taxation purposes.

en que año se hizo la tribu wayuu? (colombia)



150 AD


In general, what were the European motivations for exploration?



God, Gold & Glory.

¿Cuáles eran las creencias anabautistas sobre el gobierno, la guerra y las posesiones?




Los anabaptistas fueron una corriente dentro del protestantismo que niega todo valor al sacramento del bautismo conferido a los niños, siendo partidarios de un bautismo cuando la persona ya es mayor, para poder proceder al verdadero acto de Fe que le corresponde.

En 1521, bajo la dirección del teólogo anabaptista Thomas Müntzer, estalló una rebelión de labriegos en Zwickau, la cual terminó por convertirse en una guerra abierta entre la nobleza y el campesinado.

En Münster (Westfalia) en 1532, los anabaptistas dirigidos por Juan de Leiden, se adueñaron de la ciudad, permaneciendo en su poder hasta 1535 y en donde instauraron la comunidad de bienes.

Sin embargo, el reino de Sión, como ellos mismos denominaban su territorio, fue completamente aplastado por la nobleza.

 1.  To what extent do you agree with the assertion that the dropping of
atom bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were necessary to end the
Second World War? 
2. Compare and contrast the economic or diplomatic effects of the
Second World War on two countries in the Americas.



How many pages do you want

Elected officials often hold
official, scheduled press
conferences. They also meet
with the press at other public
events. Do you believe elected
officials have an obligation to
meet regularly with the press?


Only 45% of graduated high school students have a fair amount of trust in the media.
We should have the freedom to criticize the government. An essential concept in the history of freedom of the press and freedom of speech, predating the First Amendment, has been much debated: the freedom to criticize the government.

The Court sets a very high bar for public officials, extended to public figures, and to be able to recover damages from the news media for false and libelous statements. This puts an immense amount of stress on these individuals.

I personally think that there should be regulation on the amount elected officials subject themselves to press conferences.

how should we respond to an attack from our enemy at the border?​


The major fallacy that is evident in this sentence is the false dilemma. Choosing to attack your enemies by surprise or getting attacked are not logically related in this sense.

Which event in the late 1680s helped further define the doctrine of classical republicanism?





Answer: An early theory of democracy that holds that the best kind of government is one that promotes the "common good" and the welfare of an entire society.

Explanation: please add more detail to this question like add the answers that can chosen :)

what is the primary essence of the recorded war for fighting the freedom and peace of our nation against the terrorist and invaders during this present time?



The freedom and peace we are enjoying today are the fruits of the heroism of our soldiers in fighting the terrorist and invaders of our country.


The bravery of our soldiers in the struggle against terrorists and foreign invaders has resulted in the freedom and tranquility we enjoy today.

What do peace and freedom believe in?

It is a strong advocate of socialism, government-funded healthcare, women's access to abortion, open enrolment in public schools, accessible housing, and environmentalism. Additionally, it is in favor of gay rights, environmental protection, and Native American rights.

The Peace and Freedom Party is a working class group in a country run by and for the wealthy and their corporations.

The democratic peace theory holds that democracies are reluctant to initiate violent confrontations with other reputable democracies. According to the democratic peace theory, a variety of factors promote harmony between democratic governments.

Thus, The bravery of our soldiers in the struggle against terrorists and foreign invaders.

For more details about peace and freedom believe in, click here:


how the brochures helped to attract more tourists? I need 3-5 sentence



The popularity of tourism increases with references to the emergence of different ways to spend holidays effectively. The opportunities of tourism become more available for the public because of the increased competition within the industry. Today, a customer has an opportunity to choose the ways to spend holidays according to their interests and possibilities, and the main task of a tourism operator is to attract more customers.


My explanation.

brochures can contain a lot of information and are interesting to look at. it grabs attention of the reader and inspires them to take action. it spread positive words about your company and brand. it also costs less compared to online ads.

Which statement best describes the impact of the election of 1912?

A. Woodrow Wilson lost the election to William Howard Taft

B. The Democrats won the presidency due to the split in the Republican Party

C. William Howard Taft lost the republican nomination to Theodore Roosevelt.

D. The Republicans lost the office after Theodore Roosevelt won as the progressive candidate.


Answer:B is correct becuase many republicans split and made the progressive party in 1912.


Match the names to the description Luke gives from a physician's perspective. Refer to your assigned Bible reading as necessary.

1. person whose father was healed of fever and a bloody flux
2. young man who fell out a window and was raised from the dead
3. man whose handkerchiefs or aprons brought healing
4. sorcerer who was blinded by the hand of the Lord
Judas Iscariot
5. maker of clothes who was raised from the dead
6. man sick of the palsy eight years who was healed
7. woman who died for lying to Peter and was buried beside her husband
8. man who died for lying to Peter and whose body was wrapped and buried
9. sick people hoped his shadow would fall on them
10. man who hanged himself, fell headlong, and burst open


Answer:1. person whose father was healed of fever and a bloody flux


2. young man who fell out a window and was raised from the dead


3. man whose handkerchiefs or aprons brought healing


4. sorcerer who was blinded by the hand of the Lord


5. maker of clothes who was raised from the dead


6. man sick of the palsy eight years who was healed


7. woman who died for lying to Peter and was buried beside her husband


8. man who died for lying to Peter and whose body was wrapped and buried


9. sick people hoped his shadow would fall on them


10. man who hanged himself, fell headlong, and burst open

Judas Iscariot


A person whose father was healed of fever and a bloody flux- Publius

The young man who fell out a window and was raised from the dead- Eutychus

The man whose handkerchiefs or aprons brought healing- Paul

The sorcerer who was blinded by the hand of the Lord- Elymas

The maker of clothes who was raised from the dead- Dorcas

The man sick of palsy for eight years who was healed- Aeneas

The woman who died for lying to Peter and was buried beside her husband- Sapphira

The man who died for lying to Peter and whose body was wrapped and buried- Ananias

The sick people hoped his shadow would fall on them- Peter

The man who hanged himself fell headlong and burst open-Judas Iscariot

All these were referred to in the Bible.

What is a Bible?

Bible is one of the most important religious texts which are present in the religious faiths of the Christians and also the Judaists the most important thing is that the Christian faith had imbibed in mind the sacred principles of the understanding of the laws or morality which has been written in the Bible.

Moses is said to be the writer of the Bible. Bible is being used by Christians and also many other people of several religious orders.

Learn more about the Bible here:


explain what led to the collapse of the democratic-republican party



Lacking an effective opposition, the Democratic-Republicans split into groups after the 1824 presidential election; one faction supported President John Quincy Adams, while the other faction backed General Andrew Jackson.

The Federalists collapsed after 1815, beginning a period known as the Era of Good Feelings. Lacking an effective opposition, the Democratic-Republicans split into groups after the 1824 presidential election; one faction supported President John Quincy Adams, while the other faction backed General Andrew Jackson.

explain how slavery was used so often in the production of sugarcane and tobacco. what was causing these items to be in such high demand?



The conditions required for cultivating different cash crops largely shaped regional labor experiences and population demographics for enslaved Africans in the New World. European settlers experimented with a range of crops and export goods, often with significant influences from American Indians and Africans, but eventually market competition and environmental constraints determined which major cash crop different plantation regions primarily exported. The most lucrative cash crops to emerge from the Americas in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were sugar, tobacco, and rice. Cotton agriculture did not become a major feature of the U.S. southern economy until the early nineteenth century.


Why was the Scientific Revolution important to us today?
O All of the options are correct
Studies in Astronomy created a new view of the universe and corrected beliefs that were
previously thought as true.
Many scientific theories and inventions were created during this period
Scientist discovered and learned about many aspects of the human body during this period



a significant era of discovery


Which Amendment has been violated?
List the name and number of the amendment each scenario violates
State if there is no amendment that has been violated

The attorney that you were assigned has not officially graduated from law school.


6th amendment, which guarantees a lawyer


In January 1973, the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision ruling that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides a "right to privacy" that protects a pregnant woman's right to choose whether or not to have an abortion.


the power of judicial review, established by the supreme court by 1820, was significant to the development of the young nation because it


Answer: determined that the judiciary was as powerful as congress or the president.

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