the managers might chose the shop over the holidays . active to passive voice​


Answer 1


I think it's active? I don't really know though.


Related Questions

You should always put aside some emergency money __________ you need it.


In case you need it but only for emergencies


What is the ellipsis doing in this sentence?

"I'm not sure . . ." I said. "Does that seem right to you?"

Choose 1 answer:

(Choice A)


showing that a portion of a quote has been removed

(Choice B)


showing a pause in speech



showing a pause in speech


yes that is the answer for sure




showing a pause in speech

48. Choose which of the underlined words
are spelled correctly:
A. Summer is to short!
B. Summer is two short!
C. Summer is too short!


The answer is C. Too is used to describe something
Z vfbgh b. B v the answer is c

There was only one priority left for me that night to complete a course.

Where is the best place to put a colon


The answer would be: There was only one priority left for me, that night to complete a course.

plz help ASAP its do today






2. I don’t want anything ________ because I’m on a diet.
A. grilled B. boiled C. fried D. steamed
3. Rome is a beautiful old city. There are not many _________ buildings.
A. big B. modern C. small D. nice
4. I am ________ a project at the moment.
A. working on B. organizing C. installing D. training
5. I love the ________ here. It’s so warm and dry.
A. countryside B. coast C. environment D. climate
6. My family _______ a chain of 20 clothes shops in the UK?
A. belongs B. runs C. launch D. does
7. I have a bad _________. I have to be careful when I stretch it.
A. back B. headache C. upset stomach D. cough
8. You won’t like the town – it’s very industrial and has a lot of ______.
A. museums B. bars C. factories D. restaurants
9. We saw a horror film at _______
A. the theater B. the library C. the bakery D. the museum
10. The technician ___________ our new computer system yesterday.
A. attended B. negotiated C. installed D. repaired



1) Fried

2)modern (not sure)

3) working

4) climate



7) factories

8)the theatre

9) installed

2: A. grilled

3: A. big

4: A. working on

5: D. climate

6: C. runs

7: A. back

8: C. factories

9: A. the theater

10: C. installed



(x+3)=(x²-3x+9)= (x+3)(x²-3x+9)= x(x²-3x+9)+3(x²-3x+9)= x³-3x²+9x+3x²-9x+27 her +and- get cancel or like terms = x³+27 x³= 27 x= ³√27 x= 3

please mark this answer as brainlist

which phrase best describes Douglass's purpose for including this particular experience in the narrative of his life



The best phrase that describes Douglass's purpose for including this particular experience in the narrative of his life is the second option: “to show the importance of education in changing his life”.

Hope it helps you.


C."abuse," "Barbarity," and "shameless"


Which of the following can improve the tone of a presentation by making it sound more professional?

A. Changing the structure

B. Moving the placement of multimedia

C. Addressing an opposing view

D. Using precise words





i think it is c

The tone of a presentation by making it sounds more professional and is improved by Using precise words. Thus the correct option is D.

What is tone?

The tone of any literature text defines the attitude of the author while writing. This shows the emotions and feelings of the writer while choosing the words for expressing thoughts.

In order to make a presentation more professional one should need to use precise words and follow the tagline as less is more. Using precise words with excellent vocabulary will help the presenter to clearly reflects the objectives.

When precise words are used the speaker of the presentation need not make much effort in order to deliver it to the audience. This will lead to developing better understanding and engagement.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Tone, here:


STAYING CONNECTED IN THESE TOUGH TIMES As it weren't tough enough to stay connected before Cavid 19, It is now way more difficult. We make friends through shared experiences, coffee dates and braais but what happens when we don't have that anymore? Ww've been told to practise social distancing, so now we're keeping our distance and meeling) fewer people, and therefore we're making fewer new connections. For some it has been hard to make connections through a mask and a computer screen. And there's what happens when you mest someone and the two of you just click Jeanie Cave, a clinical psychologist refers to the term dual attunement frame, a kind of synchronicity with someone where you share similar patterns of brain waves - which is much more difficult to achieve when you connect on a virtual platform On the other hand, those of us who have had to rely on strangers such as neighboom ar aoquaintances during the early days of the pandemic now have a whole new support network Only time will tell whether any real friendships have come out of this time, Kattego, a Me coach, says, but I am will to bet that they have. Tough times tend to galvanise people. Jeania and Katlego have a few tips to help find meaningful connections.. Most people are expenencing that same fear of rejection and longing for connection as you an Jeanie says We're all just waiting to make the first move. Remember that you are not alone. life. Katego believes knowing yourself is the first step towards knowing what you want in your life Understand and accept what you like or dislike, the values and standards you expect from a cherished friendship, and why, You don't have to share your whole life story upfront, Jeanie says. But you do need to make yourselt vable and communicate your needs and capacity. Connections are made in give-and take interactions you can't just take Conquer your shame and make yourself visible. Make time for hobbies and interests. It's not just good for your brain-new hobbies and interest are also a fantastic way to reach out over shared excitement or an adventure. A good way to make new friends is to start with your old friends. Reconnect with them. Start off by going through your contacts and start researching there. Look for people with whom you had a connection but never followed through. Drop them a message. There are so many younger people who would thrive given this kind of alliance. The secret is it has to work both ways Younger friends offer a fresh perspective, as does anyone who is different from you. Be open to people who are different in age, race, gender and educational levels. All they need to have in common with you is that they are kind and considerate, like you. When we're in a meaningful relationship, we take turns to show interest Be interested, not interesting. Many people think of making friends as a performance. I have to have something interesting to say. I've got to be impressive in some way. The truth is that people want people in their ves who take an interest in them.




no one can read it all lol

Has your sister travelled to Nha Trang?
- Your sister ___________________________________________?


This makes no sense .

please help me ❤️❤️❤️














Adjectives or adverbs? Fill in the blanks with the right ones.

1. Look! Florence's bag is ___ ( wide / widely ) open.​


Look!Florence's bag is widely open.

Look! Florence’s bag is widely open.

Hope it helps

6) People kill turtles for their shell.
Passive tense


Turtles are killed for their shell.

our National hero. I want you to describe in 3 sentences what type of leader he is.



He has the feeling of patriotism.He is always ready for helping needy any poor citizens.He always raise voice against social and civil crime.

Please hurry I don’t have a lot of time


I believe the answer should be “sit in the back of the room”, because that is the only statement included in the paragraph.

Hope this helps! <3

Your school is organising election for a new student . Write a campaign speech​



what is my role the senior or a new student ?

A type of geography that deals with people, culture, and the ways that people interact.

Question 9 options:







it's not physical

what is the connection between crime and enequal access to basic services? Explain ,at least ,Four connecting factors.​






Help me please………………….



You were in an exam your mom is the teacher what would you do?



Treat her like a normal teacher


he said " i feel happy change reported speech​


If the reporting verb is in the past tense, then usually we change the tenses in the reported speech.

So the sentence will be:

He said that he is feeling happy.

“The Gift of the Magi:” What can the reader infer from the following passage?
"So now Della's beautiful hair fell about her rippling and shining like a cascade of
brown waters. It reached below her knee and made itself almost a garment for her.
And then she did it up again nervously and quickly. Once she faltered for a minute
and stood still while a tear or two splashed on the worn red carpet.
On went her old brown jacket; on went her old brown hat. With a whirl of skirts and
with the brilliant sparkle still in her eyes, she fluttered out the door and down the
stairs to the street."
a) Della is upset that her clothes are worn.
b) Della is upset because her hair is wet.
c) Della is bothered that she has to find a gift for Jim.
Della decides to sell her hair, and briefly mourns the loss of her favorite



pls mark me brainliest pls



True or false birds can ty



Birds are government officials/ spies for the government.


Birds are fake.

Unscramble the following words and use the first letter of each answer to get the code!





I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and mark brainliest pls!




1. Cabin

2. Animal

3. Map

4. Park

5. Extra

6. Rope

Eriene gazed across the field, noticing how peaceful Creature's Cove seemed now. The only evidence of the battle were the scorched patches of earth dotting the landscape like a sunburn. Eriene clasped the jade pendant that dangled heavily under her robe. Her great-aunt's words echoed in her head. "This necklace has always belonged to the protector of what is good and just in the kingdom. Now, it belongs to you."

Eriene had passed her first test, the dragon no longer a threat to the kingdom's way of life. Wisps of smoke drifted up from the land that its poisonous breath had burned. Soon, new grass would poke through, and memories of the battle would recede into the past. But Eriene knew this was not the end. This dragon lay slain in the Yonderland. But its spirit would return again and again in different forms.

What is a THEME of this passage?

Question 5 options:

Evil will go away forever once it is defeated.

Good and evil always exist together in the world.

Nice people are hard to find.

People often forget things they don't want to remember.




Good and evil always exist together in the world.

Details from the passage, such as the description of Eriene's necklace, suggest that Eriene is protector of goodness and justice in the kingdom. She has slayed the evil dragon, but she knows the spirit of evil will return in different forms. This provides evidence that a theme is "good and evil always exist together in the world."

If you _____ good grades, we will buy you a car.


Get or have.
If u get/have good grades, we will buy you a car


If you get good grades, we will buy you a car.


Get is supposed to go into the blank, because it is the adverb that is used in the sentence that makes it grammatically correct.

where do you buy clothes? why?,what is you buy?, how is quality?​



You buy clothes at a mall/store/clothes store!


Why? Beause, We need clothes to dress up. Its called an outfit, shirt or pants or Skirt! i don't know about the quality tho...hoped this helped uh..☺


The FIX, T-shirts and biker shorts


They long last

How can I listen to English understand?​



just listen to it by using ears.


have a good day

Answer: (I assume your asking how you can listen and understand English better.)

Explanation: Here are 5 ways to understand English better:

1. Avoid learning word by word.  

2. Use what you've learned immediately.  

3. Listen to others as much as you speak.  

4. Listen to yourself and get feedback from native speakers.  

5. Become visual.  

1.6.1 Suggest practical solutions on how any FIVE of the youth risk behaviours in


1.) engage or incorporate healthy coping mechanisms such as exercising, journalling etc
2.) seek professional help if needed
3.) reassure the youth that it is valid and a 100% okay to seek out for help
4.) listen, validate and make no judgements when being vulnerable
5.) use baby steps for long term positive changes
Other Questions
1. What were the primary motivations of the colonists when they declared theirindependence from Great Britain in 1776? Please help will give brainliest The cube of a whole number is 48 morethan the square of the same number.What is the number? In a three-person tug-of-war, three ropes are tied at a point. Gary is pulling due East with a force of 650 Newtons, June is pulling due North with a force of 450 Newtons, and Levi is pulling the third rope. The knot in the middle is not moving. What is the magnitude of Levi's effort? A) 34.7 Newtons B) 55.3 Newtons C) 550 Newtons D) 790.6 Newtons Mon week endNormalement, mon week-end commence le vendredi. Mon ami,Komla, me rend visiteChaque week end il arrive le vendredi soir. Quand il arrive nousnous lavons et nous prenons le dner. Ensuite nous regardons la tlvision.Le samedi, cinq heures du matin nous nous levons et nous faisonsla vaisselle.Ensuite nous balayous les chambers coucher, le salon et la cour.Puis nous nous lavous et nous prenons le petit djeuner Quelques platsque nous mangeons sont du caf', du th, de la bouillie, du riz au gras, duriz avec de la sauce au tomate, de la pate avec de la soupe d'arachidesAprs le petit djeuner nous lisons des romans et nous faisons nos devoirs.Ensuite nous faisons de la promenade en ville. Quelques fois nousvisitons le zoo, le muse, les bibliothques et les librairies. What is the answer to this question Why did the English colonies have a difficult time seeing themselves as one nation? How does earthquake bring about change in the topography of the earth HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLPPPPPPP Where is Rome located? Revision has a atoMic number of 37 and a mass number of 85. HIW many protons, neutrons and electrons does an ion of rubidium with a 1+ charge have What is the mass of six of these marbles? What is the volume? What is thedensity? b. 4a(a? b?) and 9a(a? b) LCM of this expression what does it mean compliance?????? How to say I need to go to the hospital in german How much sodium chloride powder is needed to prepare 100ml of a 0.9% NaCl solution Instructions: Underline the nouns in the following passages. Use one underline forcommon nouns, and two lines for proper nouns. Do not underlinepronouns.Example: Jack read the article59.) Travel can be very exciting: a plane, a train, a ship, can carry you around the world.60.) In Chicago, we went to the Loop in search of deep-dish pizza.61.) We went to Florence, Italy to see Michelangelo's Pieta.62.) In Denmark we traveled in to Copenhagen to visit Tivoli, and to see the statue of TheLittle Mermaid63.) I wanted to run with the bulls in Spain, but I was too nervous.64.) In New Orleans, we headed down to Bourbon Street to listen to jazz, and to visit St.Louis Cathedral65.) I went to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and then hopped a trolley cardown to the pier.66.) My daughter, Zoe, flew to Guatemala, and spent a week at Lake Atitlan.67.) Maryann took a busload of students to the market in Morocco. please any help it's urgent for me.......ok.... 1 What is accounting? Find an equation of the line that passes through the given point and has the indicated slope m. Point Slope (- 5, - 7); m = 1/3