The quote, "Only the dead have seen the end of war," was used widely after WWI.
Many felt the destruction of WWI would last long after the war's end
Because so many soldiers were blinded during WWI
Many felt the League of Nations would end all future wars
Many were thankful that WWI had finally ended

What one is correct please help


Answer 1

I think the first one is the correct answer

Related Questions

help please I dont understand how to answer this


I think they want you to take those events and ideas given and explain if they were a main or secondary cause of the war

Hey there! Here are some immediate causes:

- Slavery:

In general, slavery angered people. The issue of slavery split the Democratic Party in two in 1860.

- First Shots at Fort Sumter:

Lincoln informs South Carolina that he is going to send ships there to supply the fort. The Confederacy attacked the fort because the ships could arrive, and the Union surrendered.

- Southern States Secede:

Before Lincoln took office, seven states seceded or withdrew, from the Union. The Confederate States of America chose Jefferson Davis as their president. Slavery and states' rights were protected in their Confederate Constitution.

- Election of 1860:

Because the North had more people, Lincoln won the election. When he took office, Lincoln tried to save the Union without war. (Failed)

Here are some secondary causes:

- Efforts at Compromise Fail:

When he took office, Lincoln tried to save the Union without war.

- Dred Scott Case:

In 1857, Dred Scott lost his case proving that he should be free because he had been held as a slave while living in a free state. The Court ruled that his petition could not be seen because he did not hold any property. But it went further, to state that even though he had been taken by his 'owner' into a free state, he was still a slave because slaves were to be considered property of their owners. This decision furthered the cause of abolitionists as they increased their efforts to fight against slavery.

I hope this helps you out a little bit. I know I am late but I still hope you've learned something today :)

Name one innovation from the golden age and explain its impact



the invention of the sugar mill/ plantation changed the world trade and eventually led to the end of slavery




-They produce goods at an exceptionally fast pace. -They helped build a sense of community among workers. -They often employed low wage earners. -They employed women and children at disgracefully low wages.

How old is the earth

A: 1 million
B:50 billion
C:none of the above ​


c is the answer i believe


None of the above


Earth is approximately 4.6 Billion years old.

Why was the bill of rights added to the constitution ?



Bill of Rights was added to Constitution to ensure ratification. ... To ensure ratification of the document, the Federalists offered concessions, and the First Congress proposed a Bill of Rights as protection for those fearful of a strong national government.


hope this helps

Bill of Rights was added to Constitution to ensure ratification.
When the Convention reported the Constitution to the states for ratification, the nation split between Federalist supporters of the new document and Anti-Federalist opponents, who were especially concerned that it did not, like most state counterparts, have a bill of rights (of the 11 state constitutions in place in the years after independence, 7 had bills of rights). To ensure ratification of the document, the Federalists offered concessions, and the First Congress proposed a Bill of Rights as protection for those fearful of a strong national government. The Bill of Rights came into effect in December 1791, after ratification by three-fourths of the state legislatures.

If you lived in the midivil times what would you be like?





how did hongwu come to power?



Born a peasant with the name Zhu Yuanzhang, the future emperor led a rebel group called the Red Turbans and seized the Yuan capital of Nanjing. Having defeated his rivals, Yuanzhang declared himself emperor with the reign name Hongwu in 1368 CE.Feb 13, 2019

Little hope that it helps you

Which type of local government controls cities and provides services
like trash collection?
Special district





Municipal government are responsible for providing clean water as well as savage and garbage disposal. They maintain city facility such as parks, streetlights and stadiums

What role did women fill in Roman society?

Women participated in politics and government.
Women were responsible for household matters.
Women were responsible for managing family property.
Women participated in the running of family businesses.


Answer: C

Explanation: Women were responsible for managing family property.


B ) women were responsible for household matters


Please add brainliest :)

how did black people get into America



by slave's boat's


Pretend you are a poor person living on the east coast of the U.S. post Civil War, during Reconstruction and Westward Expansion. You hear of a law that the government has passed called the Homestead Act where you can go out west and get cheap land. Given the fact that there is not a lot of upward mobility where you live (your grandpa was poor, your dad was poor, and your children will most likely be poor), would you be a settler and go out west? (Even though you now know in 2021 what happens to several Native American tribes).





No, I will not be a settler and go out west because there is no opportunity there for changing social status. There is very less job opportunities in the west so I prefer to stay in the old place and find a job to better by social status. There are more opportunities in the old place due to higher mobility as compared to the west. So that's why I choose to stay at the old place instead to be settler and go to west.

Because Japan felt disrespected by the provisions of the Treaty of Portsmouth, it would most likely lead Japan to

A. an increase in aggressive imperialism.

B. a desire to reclaim Manchuria from China.

C. eventual revenge against the country of Russia.

D.lack of trust in the US and future negotiations with it.

Could someone help me with this question?

I’m kinda stuck with it



the answer is d


i already took the quiz


D. lack of trust in the US and future negotiations with it.


i'm always right

Religion : Judaism
What is the best title for the chart below?

A. Teachings of the talmud,
B. the ten commandments,
C. holidays and holy days,
D. hammurabis code



B. the ten commandments


Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religion in the world. Judaism is a result of the connection between Abraham and God. The best title for the chart is related to the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are vital as they are the basis for moral behaviour. Some laws are judgements from God, like Do not commit murder, Do not steal.

¿Por qué la sociedad que surgió después de la revolución era más igualitaria, pero seguía siendo profundamente desigual en otros aspectos?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, no especificas a qué país te estás refiriendo.

Hubo muchas revoluciones en el mundo y en Latinoamérica. La Revolución Francesa, la Revolución Rusa, la Revolución Mexicana. ¿A cuál te refieres?

Como no especificas a qué país te refieres, vamos a responder tu pregunta en términos generales.

¿Por qué la sociedad que surgió después de la revolución era más igualitaria, pero seguía siendo profundamente desigual en otros aspectos?

La sociedad que surgió después de la revolución era más igualitaria, pero seguía siendo profundamente desigual en otros aspectos, debido a que el movimiento revolucionario hizo posible la destitución de los dictadores que sólo favorecían la burguesía y a la aristocracia(los hombres del dinero), pero oprimían a la clase baja, que cada día se volvía más pobre.

Sin embargo, el hecho de que sacaran del poder a esos dictadores y autoritarios gobernantes, no significó un verdadero cambio en la calidad de vida de los indígenas revolucionarios o de los miembros de clase baja.

Lo que siguió a los movimientos revolucionarios fue una lucha interna por el poder, en la que los caudillos se pelearon entre sí por llegar al poder, olvidándose de las causas justas y nobles que en un principio los habían llevado a tomar las armas para derrocar a los gobiernos autoritarios.

Tristemente, la justicia, el empleo y la ayuda al campo, nunca llegó a los indígenas ni a la clase baja.

why was thailand not colonized by britian or france during the british empire



In the 19th and early 20th centuries, only Thailand survived European colonial threat in Southeast Asia due to centralising reforms enacted by King Chulalongkorn and because the French and the British decided it would be a neutral territory to avoid conflicts between their colonies

How did the Silk Road affect the spread of trade and the exchange of culture across the Eurasian Continent?


Answer: The trade routes known collectively as the Silk Road not only allowed merchants throughout Asia and Europe to exchange goods — such as Chinese silk, Byzantine gold, and Indian spices – but they also introduced people in disparate parts of the continent to new beliefs, systems of government, literary genres, musical

What can be learned about the ancient Greeks from this excerpt? Choose two answers.

They established the first democratic government.
They contributed to art, science, and philosophy.
They valued perseverance, bravery, and strength.
They believed the gods were active in people’s lives.
They emphasized the importance of physical fitness.



C and D


bc it is right trust

We can learn more about the ancient Greeks from this passage about how they respected tenacity, bravery, and strength and how they believed that the gods were actively involved in people's lives. Thus, choices (C) and (D) are appropriate.

What do you know about Ancient Greece?

Greek urban poleis started to emerge around the eighth century BC, ushering in the Archaic period and the colonization of the Mediterranean Basin, some three centuries after the collapse of Mycenaean Greece in the Late Bronze Age.

The period known as Classical Greece, which included the Greco-Persian Wars and the Golden Age of Athens in the 5th and 4th centuries BC, came next. Hellenistic civilization was brought to Central Asia by Alexander the Great of Macedon's conquests of the western Mediterranean.

The Roman Republic's conquest of the eastern Mediterranean region and its subsequent annexation of the Roman province of Macedonia in Roman Greece, and later the province of Achaea during the Roman Empire, marked the end of the Hellenistic period.

Learn more about Ancient Greece, from :


What brought about the civil war in



"Immediate causes of the war in 1966 included ethno-religious violence and anti-Igbo pogroms in Northern Nigeria, a military coup, a counter-coup and persecution of Igbo living in Northern Nigeria. Control over the lucrative oil production in the Niger Delta also played a vital strategic role."

1.what was the real name of mother teresa​



Mother Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu,

Hope this helps!

If a General Electric January 20 call option with a strike price of $45 were about to expire and the market price of the underlying GE stock was $51.17, the price of the call option would have to be __________ to eliminate arbitrage opportunities.


Answer: $51.17


A call option gives the holder the right but not the obligation to buy a stock. They are usually exercised when the underlying stock has a higher price than the price that the call option allows them to buy the underlying stock for. This is called the strike price.

As the option is about to expire here, it should be trading at the same price as the underlying stock or else an arbitrageur could take advantage of it by buying the call option which would enable them to get the stock at $45 when the option expires. They can then sell the stock for $51.17 and make a profit of:

= 51.17 - 45 = $6.17

At the turn of the 20th century , what impact did dietary changes have on immigrants ? A. There was no difference in their diet in America . B. Most immigrants already knew how to make American dishes . C. Lamb became their primary source of meat in America . D. There were many new foods to which immigrants had to get used to .


Well during the early twentieth century, food became a major cultural battleground. The influx of large numbers of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe Progressive Era brought new foods to the United States. Settlement house workers, and food nutritionists, and domestic scientists tried to "Americanize" immigrant diets and teach immigrant wives and mothers "American" ways of cooking and shopping. So I think the answer would be D. There were many new foods to which immigrants had to get used to.

Did Tetteh Quashie swallowed cocoa beans​




In 1878, Tetteh Quarshie, a Ghanaian blacksmith, brought cocoa beans to Ghana from the Fernando Po Islands (now called Isla de Bioko). It is believed that he smuggled the beans to Ghana by swallowing them. In 1879, he successfully planted the first cocoa trees on a farm in Mampong-Akwapem.

Tetrech Quashie didn’t but I agree what that dude said

The purpose of Winston Churchill's excerpt was to warn the United State that Europe was threatened by?



The purpose of Winston Churchill's excerpt was to warn the United State that Europe was threatened by the USSR.


The "Iron Curtain Speech" was delivered by Winston Churchill to emphasize the need for the US and Britain to act as peacekeepers for the threat imposed by the USSR. He implored on the two nations to spearhead the need to maintain peace against the power of the communist USSR.

In his now-famous speech, former British Prime Minister Churchill stated "From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent." He also went on to express his belief that the Soviet Union's communist stance and desire to expand will "cause new serious difficulties in the British and American zones." He then appealed for "[T]he safety of the world [that] requires a new unity in Europe, from which no nation should be permanently outcast."

Why was the Patriot Act created after the 9/11 attacks?



The Patriot Act was started following the September 11 attacks with the stated goal of dramatically tightening U.S. national security, particularly as it related to foreign terrorism, increased penalties for terrorism crimes and an expanded list of activities which would qualify someone to be charged with terrorism.


“Explain why many barbarian tribes converted to Christianity during the fourth century”

Respond for 15 Points + Brainliest!



The Germanic peoples underwent gradual Christianization in the course of late antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. By AD 700, England and Francia were officially Christian, and by 1100 Germanic paganism had also ceased to have political influence in Scandinavia.

Pls help me with this


"The snow outside was falling faster."

"Mrs. Hall agreed with him, and then noticed he had his bag with him."

Hope this helps!

Use this chart to list details about the daily lives of people under slavery. Describe at least three details for each category.

Topics Details
General 1. 2.5 million enslaved in 1840, 4 mission by 1860



Family Life









Day-to-Day Resistance
1. Some enslaved people learned to read and
write, though against law.





Italian immigrants helped provide the labor for American factories and mines and helped build roads, dams, tunnels, and other infrastructure. Their work provided them a small economic foothold in American society and allowed them to provide for their families, which stood at the core of Italian-American life.


will give brainliest to correct answer​



The answer is C


After WW1 most countries wanted to avoid fighting as much as possible

No século XVII, primeiro século da colonização da América do Norte, a Inglaterra quase não interferiu nos assuntos internos das Treze Colônias. No século seguinte, porém, a Inglaterra mudou sua política colonial e passou a oprimir suas colônias na América. Assinale a única opção que não diz respeito aos verdadeiros motivos que levaram a essa mudança.
A. A questão de disputa comercial, uma vez que as mercadorias norte-americanas começaram a concorrer com as inglesas no mercado externo.
B. Os desdobramentos da Guerra Franco-Índia, iniciada em 1754, quando os colonos norte-americanos invadiram as terras indígenas situadas além dos Montes Apalaches, provocando a reação dos franceses que lá viviam e dos indígenas aliados a eles.
C. A Guerra dos Sete Anos (1756-1763), motivada pela disputa entre a Espanha e a Inglaterra por terras situadas na África, na Ásia e na América do Norte.
D. Uma série de conflitos, principalmente a Guerra dos Sete Anos uma vez que a Inglaterra entrou em dívida profunda no século XVIII entrando em uma enorme crise financeira.



i cant understand your talking but please give a star to this comment thank u

Which president is known for promoting health care, protecting women's rights, and balancing the federal budget?




Clinton, first term. Certainly he tried to balance the budget. He tried to amend the cumbersome health care act (or Hillary did). Women's rights is another issue. I'm not sure. I do know this much: there is no one that tried to balance the budget more than Clinton did. He stayed out of conflicts to try and do it.

I don't know who else I could nominate.

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