The ratio of cats to dogs is 2:3. Five more cats enter the room, and then the ratio is 9:11. How many cats and dogs were in the room to begin with?


Answer 1


"The ratio of the number of cats to dogs is 3:5. How many dogs would there be if there were 12 cats?"

Reworded, this says that "for every 3 cats there are 5 dogs."  Or else you could say, "for every 5 dogs there are 3 cats."

You are given the number of cats=12.  For every 3 cats there are 5 dogs."  That means 50 dogs.

 (3 cats) / (5 dogs) = (12 cats) / (x dogs)

  3 / 5 = 12 / x

   3x = 5*12

    3x = 60

      x = 20 dogs

Or you could write:

  (5 dogs) / (3 cats) = (x dogs) / (12 cats)

    x = 20 dogs.

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 2

An ordered pair of numbers a and b, written as a / b, is a ratio if b is not equal to 0.To start the room contained 20 dogs.

Explain about the Ratio?

Mathematicians use the term "ratio" to compare two or more numbers. It serves as a comparison tool to show how big or tiny an amount is in relation to another. Two quantities are compared using division in a ratio. In this case, the dividend is referred to as the "antecedent" and the divisor as the "consequent."

According to a revised version, "there are 5 dogs for every 3 cats." Alternatively, you may say, "There are 3 cats for every 5 dogs."

You are informed that there are 12 cats. There are 5 dogs for every 3 cats. That's fifty dogs.

3 cats divided by 5 dogs equals 12 cats (x dogs)

3 / 5 = 12 / x

3x = 5*12

3x = 60

x = 20 dogs

To learn more about  Ratio refer to:


Related Questions

What type of correlation does the data set display?
5 11
7 10
A. Negative
O B. No correlation
C. Positive




What is the value of x? Midsegments of triangles


Hi how u doin ?

[tex] \frac{16}{x + 4} = \frac{1}{2} \\ [/tex]

inverse both sides

[tex] \frac{x + 4}{16} = \frac{2}{1} \\ [/tex]

Multiply both sides by 16

[tex]16 \times \frac{x + 4}{16} = 16 \times 2 \\ [/tex]

[tex]x + 4 = 32[/tex]

Subtract both sides 4

[tex]x + 4 - 4 = 32 - 4[/tex]

[tex]x = 28[/tex]

There u go..... Have a great day ❤

this is just and addition to the great posting below, just supplementing.

keeping in mind that the midsegment of a triangle is half the length of the parallel base/side, Check the picture below.

A ladybug crawls around the outside of a rectangle that measures 7.5 cm by 8.5 cm. The ladybug stays exactly 3.9 cm from the rectangle at all times to form a larger figure. What is the area of the new rectangle bound by the path of the bug?



185.64 [tex]cm^{2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Width =7.5+3.9*2 = 15.3 cm

Length = 8.5+3.9*2=16.3 cm

Big Area = 15.3*16.3 = 249.39 [tex]cm^{2}[/tex]

Small Area = 7.5*8.5 = 63.75 1 [tex]cm^{2}[/tex]

area bounded by the path of the bug = 249.39-63.75 = 185.64 [tex]cm^{2}[/tex]

Bradley is 27 years older than Madison seven years go, the sum of their ages was 59?



how old is Madison right then I can't really help u solve it with that little info

The perimeter of a rectangular pool is 740 yd. If the length is 30 yd less than four times the width, find the length and width.

The length of the rectangular pool is __ yd.


The length of the rectangle is 12 yd

First round 0.69 to the nearest tenth.



0.69 rounded to the nearest tenth is 0.7

0.7 is the answer because you round the 69 round to 70.

4 lbs of tomato’s cost $14 complete the double number line so that it shows how much it will cost for up to 8 lbs of tomato’s



the answer is 28$ because since the lbs get doubled so ypu also have to double the cost

Help me poeaseeeeeeeeeeee



C. Hope It's Help :)))))



Step-by-step explanation:

∛100 = ?

100 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 5


= ∛ ( 2 x 2 x 5 x 5 )

= 4.642

4.642 ~ 4.5

The approximation 4.642 can also be written as 4.5


∛100 = 4.5

If a total of 1100 square centimeters of material is to be used to make a box with a square base and an open top, find the largest possible volume of such a box.



Step-by-step explanation:

Let x = base side length

y = side height

volume V = x²y

y = V/x²

surface area

A = x² + 4xy

A = x² + 4x(V/x²)

A = x² + 4V/x

Solving for volume

V = (A - x²)(x/4)

V = ¼(Ax - x³)

a maximum will occur when the derivative equals zero

V' = ¼(A - 3x²)

0 = ¼(A - 3x²)

0 = A - 3x²

3x² = A

3x² = 1100

x² = (1100 / 3)

x = √(1100/3)

V = (A - x²)(x/4)

V = (1100 - √(1100/3))²(√(1100/3)/4)

V = 3,510.56606...

V = 3510.6 cm³

The box height will be half of the base side length.

y = ½√(1100/3)

thanks ill mark brainliest​


If I'm watching Gossip Girl, then it is Monday.

Hope this helps you!


if i am watching Gossip   Girl then it is monday

Step-by-step explanation:

that is the common sense that everyone should know

hope this helps everyone and have a great summer!

estimate the quotient 368/4​


Im pretty sure the quotient is 92

Use point-slope form to write the equation of a line that passes through the point (19,-17) with slop -5/3



  y +17 = -5/3(x -19)

Step-by-step explanation:

The point-slope form of the equation for a line is ...

  y -k = m(x -h) . . . . . . . line with slope m through point (h, k)

You want a line with slope -5/3 through point (19, -17). Its equation is ...

  y -(-17) = -5/3(x -19) . . . . . substitute the given values

  y +17 = -5/3(x -19) . . . . . simplify

The labor cost for a certain dish is $40 per hour. If it takes 45 minutes to make the dish, what is the labor cost for this particular dish?


30 dollars …………………………….

Mr. Levy has a budget of $18,000. Uniforms for the marching band cost $315 each, and he needs 62 uniforms. He says, "Since 60x$300=$18,000, I can stay within the budget." Do you agree? Explain.​



No. See explanation  below.

Step-by-step explanation:


Since 60 × $300 = $18,000, he would be exactly at budget if he needed 60 uniforms and if each uniform cost $300, but he needs more than 60 uniforms, and each uniform costs more than $315, so the total cost is definitely more than $18,000.

No, Mr. Levy would not be staying within budget.

Sure, 60 · $300 is $18,00, but he didn't take in the other $15 or the 2 extra uniforms.

If he were to do the math correctly, he should have done 62 · $315, which would be $19,530.

If Mr. Levy were to buy all the uniforms and not worry about it because "60 · $300 is $18,000," he would go over the budget by $1,530.

Have a luvely day!

Luisa buys a plane ticket that has an original price of $\$240$ . She uses a coupon code to get a $30\%$ discount off of the original price. She is then charged a $7\%$ tax on the discounted price.

What is the final cost for Luisa's plane ticket?




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

If there are 240 dollars then minus 30%240-30%=168.00Then, plus the 7% 168+7%= 179.76I hope this helps!

NO LINKS..... There are 39 people on a city bus. The ratio of adults to children is 10:3. At the next stop, 3 adults get off the bus. What is the new ratio of adults to children on the bus? A. 3:1 B. 9:2 C. 7:3 D. 12:1


Since the ratio is 10:3 we can find the total number of children and adults by finding how many times 13 (10+3) goes into 39. 39 / 13 = 3 so we can take the original 10:3 ratio and just scale it up to fit the whole group 10:3 * 3 -> 30:9:

From here it gets a little easier we know three adults of the 30 get off at the next stop bringing us to 27. So now our ratio is 27:9 we can simplify that down to 3:1 to get our final answer. Hope that helps!

Identify the kind of sample that is described
The student government association at a certain college chooses three classes, at random, being taught during a given semester
and samples all students in those classes to ask about a new grading policy.



Cluster sampling

Step-by-step explanation:

Choosing groups and sampling whole group.

Investing $10,000 in a savings account at 3% annual interest compounded monthly will result in approximately how much money after
10 years?
formula: A = P(1 + r/m)^mt

O $10, 564.68
O $13, 439.16
O $13, 493.54
O $13,000.00




Step-by-step explanation:

We are gonna use the provided formula: A = P(1 + r/m)^mt

A = Final amount (?)

P = Starting amount (10,000)

r = rate (0.03)

m = times applied (12 since it is compounded monthly)

t = years (10)

A = 10,000(1 + 0.03/12)^12·10

I would suggest using a calculator, but let's try to get a little far with this

A = 10,000(1 + 0.0025)^12·10

A = 10,000(1.0025)^120

A = 13,493.535471908333

What is the z-score of x, when x = 1 and X ~ N (12,3)? Must Show Working




Step-by-step explanation:

The z-score of x = 1, when x ~ N(12, 3), is approximately -3.6667.

To find the z-score of x when x = 1, we'll use the formula for z-score:

z = (x - μ) / σ


x = 1

μ (mean) = 12

σ (standard deviation) = 3

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

z = (1 - 12) / 3

Calculating the numerator:

1 - 12 = -11

Dividing the numerator by the denominator:

-11 / 3 ≈ -3.6667

Therefore, the z-score of x = 1, when x follows a normal distribution with a mean of 12 and a standard deviation of 3, is approximately -3.6667.

To know more about z-score, refer here:


The current / in an electric circuit varies inversely with the resistance R. If a current of 60 amperes is produced by a resistance of 9 ohms, what current will be produced by a resistance of 6 ohms?

A resistance of 6 ohms will produce a current of



Step-by-step explanation:

E = IR

E = 60(9)

E = 540 V

540 = I(6)

I = 540/6

I = 90 Amperes

Use the ALEKS calculator to write
as a decimal rounded to the nearest tenth.
Enter your search term





Step-by-step explanation:

please mark as brainlist




Step-by-step explanation:

A bucket holds 4 liters of water. If a ladle can scoop out 1/4 of a liter, how many scoops will it take to empty the bucket?



3 scoops will take to empty the bucket because 1 scoop has been taken out of the bucket


The answer is 4 scoops.

Step-by-step explanation:

The question states that a ladle can scoop 1/4 of a liter at a time from the bucket, which is taking out a quarter of water from the bucket. Taking 2/4 liters of water from the bucket would be taking half of the water away. Taking another scoop of water out of it would be 3/4, and 4/4 would be taking all of the water out. Therefore, your answer is 4.

What is (- 2g-6)-(g-10)



-3g + 4

Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation



Realtor Elaine Snyderman took a random sample of 12 homes in a prestigious suburb of
Chicago and found the average appraised market value to be $780,000, and the standard
deviation was $49,000. Test the hypothesis that for all homes in the area, the mean appraised
value is $825,000 against the alternative that it is less than $825,000. Use the 0.05 level of


Using the t-distribution, it is found that since the p-value of the test is of 0.0044 < 0.05, it can be concluded that found the average appraised market value is less than $825,000.

The null hypothesis is:

[tex]H_0: \mu = 825000[/tex]

The alternative hypothesis is:

[tex]H_1: \mu < 825000[/tex]

We have the standard deviation for the sample, thus, the t-distribution is used. The test statistic is given by:

[tex]t = \frac{\overline{x} - \mu}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}}[/tex]

The parameters are:

[tex]\overline{x}[/tex] is the sample mean.

[tex]\mu[/tex] is the value tested at the null hypothesis.

s is the standard deviation of the sample.

n is the sample size.

For this problem, the values of the parameters are: [tex]\overline{x} = 780000, \mu = 825000, s = 49000, n = 12[/tex].

The value of the test statistic is:

[tex]t = \frac{\overline{x} - \mu}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}}[/tex]

[tex]t = \frac{780000 - 825000}{\frac{49000}{\sqrt{12}}}[/tex]

[tex]t = -3.18[/tex]

The p-value of the test is found using a left-tailed test, as we are testing if the mean is less than a value, with t = -3.18 and 12 - 1 = 11 df.

Using a t-distribution calculator, it is of 0.0044.

Since the p-value of the test is of 0.0044 < 0.05, it can be concluded that found the average appraised market value is less than $825,000.

A similar problem is given at

1. A football team charges $30 per ticket and averages 20,000 people per game. Each
person spends an average of $8 on concessions. For every drop of $1 in price, the
attendance rises by 800 people. What ticket price should the team charge to
maximize total revenue? Calculate the TR max.

2. Find the extrema of f(x)=x^3 - 27x - 6


Question: A Football Team Charges $30 Per Ticket And Averages 20,000 People Per Game. Each Person Spends An Average Of $8 On Concessions. For Every Drop Of $1 In Price, The Attendance Rises By 800 People. What Ticket Price Should The Team Charge To Maximize Total Revenue? Calculate The TR Max.

This problem has been solved!

See the answer

A football team charges $30 per ticket and averages 20,000 people per game. Each person spends an average of $8 on concessions. For every drop of $1 in price, the attendance rises by 800 people. What ticket price should the team charge to maximize total revenue? Calculate the TR max.



lim2 +lim3 +4+4




Step-by-step explanation:

can someone please explain



y = x-7

Step-by-step explanation:

because its y = x + c

not y = kx

kx means k times x

so x PLUS c is not k TIMES x

Step by step explanation:
Because it’s y=x+c
Not y=kx
Kx means x times k
So x plus c is not k times x

A cylinder has a base radius of 7m and a height of 14m. What is its volume in cubic m, to the nearest tenths place?



2155.1 m^3

Step-by-step explanation:

area= pi* r ^2 * h =pi * 7^2 *14 = 2155.1 m^3



make all of the fractions have the same denominator, although what you do to the bottom you have to do to the top

for example 1:
3/5 - 1/7 the closest denominator that they both are able to multiply up to is 35 (7x5 and 5x7) so change them both and then multiply the top (1x5 and 3x7) then subtract giving you your answer

(not 100% sure i have not done these for years but that’s all i remember if you have notes check those fs!!!!)

Write an expression that shows how to multiply 4x362 using place value




This equals 1448

Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:

because we're using place value we need to line up the numbers, 4 below the 2 and so on.

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