The robotics team purchased 3 androids for the purpose of programming. Each of the robots was $398, which included tax. If the tax rate is 8%, what is the TOTAL TAX to be paid?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Number of robots = 3

Cost of each robots = $398

Tax rate = 8%

Amount of tax of each robots = 8% of $398

= 8/100 × $398

= 0.08 × $398

= $31.84

TOTAL TAX to be paid = Amount of tax of each robots × Number of robots

= $31.84 × 3

= $95.52

TOTAL TAX to be paid = $95.52

Related Questions

Graph the system of inequalities. Then state whether the situation is infeasible, has alternate optimal solutions, or is unbounded. (Assume that x>0 y>0




[tex]x \leqslant - y + 1[/tex]

Steps are show in the picture above.

If YWZ=17, what is WXY?





Step-by-step explanation:





what is the factorization of the polynomial below -x^2-2x+48



What is the difference between-5and2




Step-by-step explanation:

Consider the absolute value of the difference , that is

| - 5 - 2 | = | - 7 | = 7


| 2 - (- 5) | = | 2 + 5 | = | 7 | = 7



Step-by-step explanation:

Difference is - sign so the equation is: 2- -5 which is 7. Or

think a number line, -5 is 5 spots to 0, then two more spots to 2 so 5+2=7

Find m/ELM if m/ELM = 15x - 1, m/KLE = 20°, and m/KLM = 17x - 1.​



∠ ELM = 149°

Step-by-step explanation:

∠ KLM = ∠ KLE + ∠ ELM  , substitute values

17x - 1 = 20 + 15x - 1

17x - 1 = 15x + 19 ( subtract 15x from both sides )

2x - 1 = 19 ( add 1 to both sides  )

2x = 20 ( divide both sides by 2 )

x = 10


∠ ELM = 15x - 1 = 15(10) - 1 = 150 - 1 = 149°

What is the surface area of the right prism?
92 ft2
46 ft2
48 ft2
70 ft2

(will mark brainliest <3)


Answer:  70 ft^2   ( choice D )


Work Shown:

L = 8 ft = lengthW = 3 ft = widthH = 1 ft = height

SA = surface area of the rectangular prism (aka block or box)

SA = 2*(LW + LH + WH)

SA = 2*(8*3 + 8*1 + 3*1)

SA = 2*(24 + 8 + 3)

SA = 2*(35)

SA = 70 square feet

This is the amount of wrapping paper you would need to cover all six sides of the box. This assumes that there are no gaps or overlaps.

which statement is true


3) an $8 delivery fee and $1.50 per litre of water

This is because the $8 is a constant baseline, then adding $1.50 times the amount of litres purchased.

Select the two values of x that are roots of this equatio 2x - 5 = - 3x ^ 2


alright I can help!

so to find the two values of x that are roots of the equation we need to put the variables all on one side so that we can set up the quadratic formula.

3x^2+2x-5=0 (the -3x^2 becomes positive when moved across the equal sign)

now we can set up the quadratic formula. the equation is x= (-b+-(sqrt of b^2 -4ac))/ 2a

so now we just plug in our variables.

x= (-2+-(sqrt of 2^2 -4×3×-5))/ 2×3

x= (-2+-8)/6

now we just seperate the equations so that we have the two roots. and then just solve!

x= (-2-8)/6 -> x= -5/3

x= (-2+8)/6 -> x=1

hope this helps! best wishes and best of luck!!

What is the volume?
9 ft
4 ft
2 ft




Step-by-step explanation:

V=whl=4 x 2 x9=72


72 cubic feet

Step-by-step explanation:

*this formula doesn’t work for all shapes*

Volume = length x width x height

Volume = 4 x 2 x 9

Volume = 72 cubic feet

Pls help me ! L need help here



H. 40 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

On Wednesday, he is 40 inches taller. ... That would make 5 days of growth, for 100 inches. But this is only 3 days therefore he would grow 40 inches taller

What is (0,6] n (6,8]?



(6) the letter n : intersection which means the number you will find at the first bracket and has the same number at the other bracket

A game involves correctly choosing the 5 correct numbers from 1 through 18 that are randomly drawn. What is the probability that a person wins the game, if they enter a) once? b) 7 times with a different choice each time?



[tex]=\frac{1}{8568}\ = .00011\\\ =\frac{7}{8568} = .00081[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]5/18\cdot \:4/17\cdot \:3/16\cdot \:2/15\cdot \:1/14=\frac{1}{8568}[/tex]

Help anyone can help me do the question,I will mark brainlest.​



a) 30


Step-by-step explanation:

For the first questions, since the arc is 240°, the area of the sector and circumference will be 240/360 or 2/3 of the total of the circles'. Therefore 125.6 x 3/2 is the circumference, which is 188.4. When we divide this by 6.28, we get 30

Now, since the area is pi r^2 where we know that r=30, we get 900pi as the area of the whole thing, however since the sector is 2/3 of the whole circle, 2/3 x 900pi = 600pi

A person walks away from a pulley pulling a rope slung over it. The rope is being held at a height 10 feet below the pulley. Suppose that the weight at the opposite end of the rope is rising at 4 feet per second. At what rate is the person walking when s/he is 20 feet from being directly under the pulley


The image of this question is missing and so i have attached it.


dd/dt = 4.47 ft/s

Step-by-step explanation:

From the image attached, let's denote the following;

d = horizontal distance beneath pulley

h = height of pulley

l = diagonal from the pulley to the head of the person

v = velocity of rope rising

Using pythagoras theorem;

l² = d² + h²

Differentiating with respect to time and considering h = c^(te) gives;

2l(dl/dt) = 2d(dd/dt)

We are given;

d = 20 ft

h = 10 ft

v = 4 ft/s

We know that velocity in this case is change in diagonal distance with time. Thus;

v = dl/dt = 4 ft/s

From earlier, we saw that;

2l(dl/dt) = 2d(dd/dt)

Thus, reducing it gives

(dl/dt)(l/d) = dd/dt

Now, l² = d² + h²

l = √(d² + h²)

Also, v = dl/dt = 4


4(√(d² + h²))/d = dd/dt

4(√(20² + 10²))/20 = dd/dt

dd/dt = 4.47 ft/s

20) solve:
[tex] {8}^{2} + 2 = [/tex]
21) solve:
[tex]4(2x + 5y = [/tex]
22) simplify the expression
[tex]4( {2}^{2} + 30) - 4 = [/tex]


Ques20. 66
Ques21. 8x+20y
Ques22. 132

Match the answers……………..


9 in 8956 = 900

9 in 95675 = 90000

9 = 9 in 124569

9 in 68795 = 90

90000 = 9 in 2549652.........

hope it helps...

#What is the value of the discriminant for the quadratic equation –3 = –x2 + 2x?

Discriminant = b2 – 4ac





Step-by-step explanation:

the quadratic equation –3 = –x2 + 2x can be changed into :

x²-2x-3= 0

a=1, b= -2 , and c = -3

so, the discriminant = (-2)²-4(1)(-3)

= 4 + 12 = 16

You order CDs for $14.25 each and the website charges $4.50 for each shipment.
The expression $14.25p + $4.50 represents the cost of p CDs. Find the total cost for
ordering 4 CDs.




Step-by-step explanation:

14.25(4) + 4.50

= 57.00 + 4.50

= 61.50

A box contains a yellow ball, an orange ball, a green ball, and a blue ball. Billy randomly selects 4 balls from the box (with replacement). What is the expected value for the number of distinct colored balls Billy will select?



[tex]Expected = 0.09375[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]Balls = 4[/tex]

[tex]n = 4[/tex] --- selection


The expected distinct colored balls

The probability of selecting one of the 4 balls is:

[tex]P = \frac{1}{4}[/tex]

The probability of selecting different balls in each selection is:

[tex]Pr = (\frac{1}{4})^n[/tex]

Substitute 4 for n

[tex]Pr = (\frac{1}{4})^4[/tex]

[tex]Pr = \frac{1}{256}[/tex]

The number of arrangement of the 4 balls is:

[tex]Arrangement = 4![/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]Arrangement = 4*3*2*1[/tex]

[tex]Arrangement = 24[/tex]

The expected number of distinct color is:

[tex]Expected = Arrangement * Pr[/tex]

[tex]Expected = 24 * \frac{1}{256}[/tex]

[tex]Expected = \frac{3}{32}[/tex]

[tex]Expected = 0.09375[/tex]

The 12th term of the arithmetic sequence is 10.5. The 18th term of this sequence is 13.5. Find the common difference and the first term.


1st way:

let the n'th term be called x, and the value of the term y,

then there is a function y=a*x + b

that will give us all term we want.

this formula is also used for straight lines.

we just need a and b. we already got two data points. we can just plug the known x/y pairs into the formula

10.5 = a*12 + b

13.5 = a*18 + b

now lets manipulate these lines.

multiply the first line by 3 and the second line by 2

31.5 = a*36 + 3b

27 = a*36 + 2b

subtract the second line from the first line

4.5 = b

yey, we now know b, let's plus b into either line from above, I'll go with the first one, looks easier.

10.5 = a*12 + 4.5

6 = a*12

0.5 = a

now y=a*x + b can be filled with a and b

y = 0.5 * x + 4.5

for x=1 (the first term) it's f(1)=5

each step is 0.5, hence the common difference.

2and way:


= 3 / 6

= 0.5

we got the comment difference by looking at the full difference over 6 steps and divined by these 6 steps.

from step 12 to step one it's 11 steps down

10.5 - 0.5*11

= 10.5 - 5.5

= 5

okay I admit... 2and way to do it might be faster and more intuitive... :D

Find a 2-digit number smaller than 50, the sum of whose digits does not change after being multiplied by a number greater than 1


The only 2-digit number that is lesser than 50 and the sum of its digits remain unaffected despite being multiplied by a number < 1 would be '18.'

To prove, we will look at some situations:

If we add up the two digits of 18. We get,

[tex]1 + 8 = 9[/tex]

And we multiply 18 by 2 which is greater than 1. We get,

[tex]18[/tex] × [tex]2 = 36[/tex]

The sum remains the same i.e. [tex]3 + 6 = 9[/tex]


If 18 is multiplied to 3(greater than 1), the sum of the two digits comprising the number still remains the same;

[tex]18[/tex] × [tex]3 = 54[/tex]

where (5 + 4 = 9)

Once more,

Even if 18 is multiplied to 4 or 5(greater than 1), the sum of its digits will still be 9.

 [tex]18[/tex] × [tex]4 = 72[/tex]

[tex](7 + 2 = 9)[/tex]

[tex]18[/tex] × [tex]5 = 90[/tex]

[tex](9 + 0 = 9)[/tex]

Thus, 18 is the answer.

Learn more about 'numbers' here:

In the PQRS triangle PQ=QR, QR side extended to S Show that PQ+RS=QS. -S Q R

pls explain too



Step-by-step explanation:

from the picture:





PQ + RS = QS

indentify the explicit function for the sequence in the table ​



Option B

a(n) = 8 + (n-1) • 6

Answered by GAUTHMATH

working alone, aliyah can dig a 10ft by 10 ft hole is 6 hours. one day her friend eugene helped her and it only took 3.75 hours. how long would it take eugene to do it alone? disclaimer: the answer is 11.95 hours, but i keep getting 10. please use the 1/x+1/y=1/z strategy



I think the answer is 10 hours

the 11.95 seems wrong

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{1}{6} + \frac{1}{y} = \frac{1}{3.75}[/tex]

multiply by 22.5 y

3.75 y + 22.5 = 6y

y = 10

given m||n, find the value of x



x = 155º

Step-by-step explanation:

y = 25°    {Vertically opposite angles}

x + y = 180    {Co-interior angles are supplementary}

x + 25 = 180

Subtract 25 from both sides

x = 180 - 25

x = 155°

Write down at least five number pairs to solve the equation vw = 50



1, 50

2, 25

5, 10

10, 5

25, 2


Step-by-step explanation:

V  W  

1 x 50     = 50

1.5 x 33 1/3 = 50

2 x 25     = 50

2.5 x 20     = 50

3 x 16 2/3 = 50

3.5 x 14 2/7 = 50

4 x 12 1/2 = 50

4.5 x 11 1/9 = 50

5 x 10     = 50

5.5 x 9     = 50

6 x 8 1/3 = 50

6.5 x 7 2/3 = 50

7 x 7 1/7 = 50

7.5 x 6 2/3 = 50

8 x 6 1/4 = 50

8.5 x 5 8/9 = 50

9 x 5 5/9 = 50

9.5 x 5 1/4 = 50

10 x 5     = 50

10.5 x 4 3/4 = 50

11 x 4 5/9 = 50

11.5 x 4 1/3 = 50

12 x 4 1/6 = 50

12.5 x 4     = 50

13 x 3 6/7 = 50

13.5 x 3 5/7 = 50

14 x 3 4/7 = 50

The bar graph shows the median income for families in the United States from 1993 through 2000.
Which two consecutive years saw the largest increase in median income?

A. 1994–1995

B. 1997–1998

C. 1998–1999

D. 1999–2000


The two consecutive years in which there is the largest increase in the median income is option B i.e. 1997-1998.

Given that

In 1994-1995, the median income is 37,500 and 38,500.In 1997-1998, the median income is 39,700 and 41,000.In 1998-1999, the median income is 41,000 and 42,200.In 1999-2000, the median income is 42,500 and its less.

So after analysis, we can conclude that The two consecutive years in which there is the largest increase in the median income is option B i.e. 1997-1998.

Learn more about the bar graph here:

help me please !! find the domain and range of the function represented by the graph. determine wether the domain is discrete or continuous.



Domain is the whole R and the range is R+. The domain is continuous

Please help i do not understand this question!



Distributive property

Step-by-step explanation:

The rule being shown here is the distributive property, because the first binomial is taken apart and separately multiplied with the other binomial.

if f(x) = 2x²+2x-1, g(x) = x²+5x+2 f(x)=g(x), find the value of x​



Possible Answers: –5. –21. 7. –1


just put the values and simpilyfy it untill you get the value of X

hence, the value of X is either 3 or, -1

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