The Safavid Empire was able to become one of the world's most powerful
Muslim states partly because of:
O A. the development of advanced navigation and sailing technologies.
B. its policies of religious tolerance toward Sunnis, Shias, and
C. its close political relationship with China's Yuan and Ming
D. the decline of the Ottoman Empire following Süleyman the
Magnificent's reign.


Answer 1


No. option A is the right answer

Related Questions

Unit 4
Which of the following issues was faced by a character in The Sun Also Rises?





Ernest Hemingway wrote The Sun Also Rises. The writing style of this novel uses profanity in language and its central focus on sex, lechery and the overall decline of its characters. The Sun Also Rises narrates a group of British and American war veterans who travels from Paris to Pamplona to see the bullfights and the running of the bulls.

served as US president during the War of 1812



Andrew Jackson


I think it's right

¿a qué criterio responde esta forma de pensar las etapas del Antiguo Egipto?



Thanks for the points too much

Which of the following best describes who
the Apostles were in the Christian faith?
A. The Apostles were people who tried to prosecute Jesus.
B. The Apostles opposed Jesus.
C. The Apostles were the main leaders in the Christian religion.
D. The Apostles were the 12 closest followers of Jesus.


Answer: D

Explanation: D is true. If we are talking about Jesus, the apostles were the best friends of Jesus Christ. Of course, my answer could be wrong and it might be C due to the fact that many religions consider that in Christian faith the apostles were the 12 pillars of Christianity and helped form Christianity. But, the fact of the matter is that after their deaths the Christian congregation kept going. Until, the great apostasy came and destroyed the original beliefs of Christianity. Then, false beliefs immersed themselves into Christianity such as the belief that someone will go to heaven or hell. Pagan beliefs immersed itself into Christian beliefs.  

Which of the following was a common impact of industrialization in all societies?
A. Population moved from rural areas into cities.
B. Ancient traditions were given a greater strength.
C. More rights were given to women and children.
Greater areas of land were used for agriculture.



Ancient tradition were given a greater strength .B

The answer is A.population moved from rural areas into cities
It was hard for people to get good homes because everyone were going into the cities and most people ended up homeless

How did advances in military technology after the Industrial Revolution affect
European empires?
O A. They encouraged Europeans to form spheres of influence in Asian
and Africa instead of creating colonies.
O B. They led Europeans to commit atrocities that convinced people
around the world to oppose colonialism.
O C. They allowed small European armies to defeat larger African and
Asian forces when invading territory.
O D. They helped conquered peoples discourage too many colonists



C. They allowed small European armies to defeat larger African and Asian forces when invading territory.


The rise of industrial economies throughout European empires allowed the appearance of new technologies that increased mobility, logistics and destruction power of European armies, which contributed the transformation of such organisations into more compact and professional structures, capable of destroying larger forces, though less modern, in Asia and Africa, making possible the occupation of vast territories for colonisation purposes.

Some millitary inventions are described below:

1) Gatling machine gun (1.861).

2) Steamboats (1.820s).

3) Chemical weapons (1.880s).

4) Repeating rifles (1.870s).

5) Trench warfare (1.860s).

Hence, correct answer is C.

The Anti-Federalists were against



Hey there!

The Anti-Federalists were against expansion of national power.


In the ratification debate, the Anti-Federalists opposed to the Constitution. They complained that the new system threatened liberties, and failed to protect individual rights. The Anti-Federalists argued against the expansion of national power. One faction opposed the Constitution because they thought stronger government threatened the sovereignty of the states.

Which sentence contains an example of hyperbole?
Inaugural Address
by John F. Kennedy, January 20, 1961 (excerpt)

Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

This much we pledge—and more.

To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided there is little we can do—for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.



Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.


It is an over-exaggeration

According to Lenin’s Call to Power, how can Russia’s problems be solved (li. 4-7)?


Answer: Confronting them exclusively by the people, masses, and the struggle of the armed people.



Confronting them exclusively by the people, masses, and the struggle of the armed people.


how did ending of the war help the westward movement of the colonies?

(French and Indian war)


Answer: The ending of the war helped the westward movement of the colonies by removing their European rivals to the north and south and opening the Mississippi Valley to westward expansion.

Describe how the Supreme Court used Marbury v Madison to define and increase its power and role in our government.



The Supreme Court used Marbury v. Madison to establish the power of judicial review, where federal courts could declare legislation and administrative/executive actions "unconstitutional" (not consistent with  the United State's Constitution) and "therefore null and void."

Difficulties faced by people as they expanded their countries prior to the advent of modern technology.



that was the question or where the example


Some ideas were data security big data cloud computing open source software and mobile payments.

importance of learning history and government.​



Studying history is always remarkably popular. It’s one of the “traditional” disciplines in the humanities, and it’s earned a longstanding reputation as a cornerstone of the Bachelor of Arts. Today, studying history remains as popular as ever. Indeed, year after year, history ranks among the most popular disciplines for Bachelor of Arts graduates. It’s also tremendously popular as an elective option among students from across the entire university.


It creates awareness in learners on how conflicting interests arising in the society are regulated in order to maintain law and order. Enables learners to apply their understanding when voting, petitioning and speaking publicly. To prepare for a career that requires a strong knowledge of government.

Which was a conservative view of government in Europe during the early nineteenth century?

The government should protect the freedoms of individuals.
The government must act according to the will of the people.
The government must preserve the power of the monarchy.
The government should provide equal opportunities to citizens.


Answer: C

Explanation: Easy


what ever the person said on top of me is right



The father in an ancient Roman family was legally allowed to



They had absolute rule over his household and children. If they angered him, he had the legal right to disown his children, sell them into slavery or even kill them.


Si las mujeres no podían ir al campo de batalla ¿De qué se encargaron durante la


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, se te olvidó especificar a qué país te estás refiriendo.

Sin embargo, podemos ayudarte con este comentario en términos generales.

Si las mujeres no podían ir al campo de batalla ¿De qué se encargaron durante la Independencia?

Pongamos el ejemplo de la Independencia de México.

Mientras los hombres morían en el campo de batalla luchando por la independencia, las mujeres jugaron un papel muy importante desde el grito de Independencia promulgado por el cura Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla el 16 de septiembre de 1810.

Las mujeres asumieron papeles clave como agentes que llevaban información secreta para conspirar contra la corono española. Ahí tenemos el valeroso ejemplo de Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, la Corregidora, en Querétaro.

Otras mujeres fueron mecenas del movimiento de independencia, aportando considerables sumas de dinero. Otras, la mayoría, se sumaron al movimiento enfermeras, cocineras y ayudantes de las tropas.

Constitutional and absolute monarchies are similar because both have
O a democratic form of government that allows electorate control
O a Parliament
O monarchs with supreme unquestionable power over government
a monarch



A monarch.


A monarchy is originally a form of government in which power rests with one person, the monarch. Monarchies are divided into absolute monarchies and constitutional monarchies. In an absolute monarchy, the monarch's power is "absolute", that is, he has unlimited ruling power. Today there are seven absolute monarchies: Brunei, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Swaziland, Vatican City, United Arab Emirates and Qatar. In a constitutional monarchy, the role of the monarch is defined in the constitution, which generally means that legislative power rests with parliament and the monarch only has executive power. Sometimes the monarch still has an important role, in other cases, for example in Sweden, he has only a ceremonial role.

Is data are reliable method for predicting the future why or why not?


Yes, data is reliable for predicting the future because if you think about weather forecasts they use a huge chart of data to help foresee what the weather will be for the day after, the week after, and etc. This is only one of the examples for data being reliable. Especially if it's fastdata, actionable data, and so on.

Use the drop-down menu to complete each statement. This political cartoon shows Cecil Rhodes standing over the continent of . Rhodes, shown as a colossus, demonstrates the European feelings of . Rhodes believed that Europeans were responsible for civilizing by teaching them about Western culture.



You included no options so I shall only be able to try to answer based on context and the history of Cecil Rhodes.

This political cartoon shows Cecil Rhodes standing over the continent of Africa. Rhodes, shown as a colossus, demonstrates the European feelings of ethnocentrism. Rhodes believed that Europeans were responsible for civilizing Africans by teaching them about Western culture.

Cecil Rhodes was a British man who was the founder of the British South Africa Company which was to aid the British empire is acquiring more colonies in Africa especially in the south of the Continent.

Cecil Rhodes looked down on Africans and believed them to be uncivilized and in need of guidance from Europeans who he believed were more superior to Africans. This showed ethnocentrism because he believed that Africans were uncivilized based on Europeans standards of civilization not that of Africans.


Africa, ethnocentrism, Africans

edge 2022

h e l p :')

Which of the following was not in the upper room praying before Pentecost?







it is JUdas


it is not jude

Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions
Online Content: Site 1
Explain how European Union countries can retain their cultural identities. Include two examples of European products,
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Hope it helps though I didn't properly understand your question

In July 1863, Lee again invaded the North and clashed with federal forces at the Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. Instead of defeating the federals on their own territory, Lee himself was defeated. Identify the statements that accurately describe the Battle of Gettysburg.



With more than 165,000 men engaged in the battle, Gettysburg is the largest battle ever to have taken place in North America. Gettysburg was unusual for Lee in that he was on the strategic offensive in the northern territory as opposed to being on the strategic defensive on the southern ground. Gettysburg was a crushing defeat for Lee, and his army would never again return to northern soil.


PLS HELP!!‼️‼️
What role did the Mandate of Heaven play during the Zhou dynasty?
O A. It helped divide China into many different states.
O B. It explained why leaders rose and fell.
C. It forced all Chinese people to use a single language.
O D. It allowed China to connect with other civilizations.



I belive B


If wrong then correct me, but if right, give brainliest

Based on the image above, the foundation of the Assyrian Empire was:

A. the invention of writing.

B. tolerance of different cultures.

C. its military.

D. All of the choices are correct.

I personally think it’s C, but I just wanna make sure


Answer: I too also think that the answer is C so i say go with ur gut


it seems like the best answer, sorry if i wasn't much help

WHC-1 Summer School
Big Questions
1. How did World War I end?



Germany surrendered and the Allies as well as the Germans signed a peace treaty on June 28, 1919


I believe it ended with the Armistice and the Treaty of Versailles. (Hope this helps you!!)


how did americans react to the declaration of war against spain by president mckinley


across the Atlantic Ocean, explore, and colonize the Amerindian nations of the Western Hemisphere. At its greatest extent, the empire that resulted from this exploration extended from Virginia on the eastern coast of the United States south to Tierra del Fuego at the tip of South America excluding Brazil and westward to California and Alaska. Across the Pacific, it included the Philippines and other island groups. By 1825 much of this empire had fallen into other hands and in that year, Spain acknowledged the independence of its possessions in the present-day United States (then under Mexican control) and south to the tip of South America. The only remnants that remained in the empire in the Western Hemisphere were Cuba and Puerto Rico and across the Pacific in Philippines Islands, and the Carolina, Marshall, and Mariana Islands (including Guam) in Micronesia.

Which of the following was an idea from the Enlightenment?


Answer: The Enlightenment, a philosophical movement that dominated in Europe during the 18th century, was centered around the idea that reason is the primary source of authority and legitimacy, and advocated such ideals as liberty, progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state.

Adham lives in Dhaka. After his annual exam, he went to his village with his father. He observed that the life style, food habit and clothes of the village people are different from urban people. His family got invitation for Nobanno festival from a farmer's family. Adham became very excited and wanted to see how they celebrate this festival. a) What is abstract culture? 1 b) Which parts of culture is changeable? Explain 2 c) Which culture is mentioned in the above stem? Explain. 3 d) Justify the observation of Adham that people of different cultures are living together in our country in light of your text.


Answer and Explanation:

What is Abstract culture: Abstract culture is at the heart of culture. Abstract culture defines most human communication as it works from the background. Example- a basic understanding of implicit cultural embeddings that surround a certain texts and form of languages.

Which parts of culture is changeable?

Every part of culture is changeable. Languages, practices change. Culture is always changing and many factors contribute to these changes- economic development, civilization, education/enlightenment etc.

What culture is described?

Bengali culture in Bangladesh

Justify Adahm's observation that people of different cultures live together in a country

Multicultural countries are common occurrences. In fact a study has shown there is more cultural variability within countries than between countries. Cultural awareness is understanding and accepting that cultural differences and similarities exist everywhere, and being open minded to it helps one appreciate these differences.

Which conclusion about f(x) and g(x) can be drawn from the table?

The functions f(x) and g(x) are reflections over the x-axis.
The functions f(x) and g(x) are reflections over the y-axis.
The function f(x) is a decreasing function, and g(x) is an increasing function.
The function f(x) has a greater initial value than g(x).



its D


got it right


The function f(x) has a greater initial value than g(x).



What is one major problem that has resulted from globalization in the 20th
and 21st centuries?



One major problem that has resulted from globalization in the 20th and 21st century is that the diseases are able to spread around the world more quickly. Globalization has reached a point that the problems of one country are likely to affect the whole world since the world is nowadays like a global village



climate change

lower salaries due to cheap labor overseas

Other Questions
Which of the following is NOT a type of biological weathering?A. Carbon dioxide dissolving into clouds and forming acid rain.B. Animals digging burrows.C. Lichen absorbing minerals from stone.D. Plants growing roots into concrete.Hurry!! .- Qu diferencias encuentran entre bailar siguiendo el ritmo de la msica y bailar reproduciendo una secuencia de movimientos? Let America be America again Which statement best expresses how the author develops thesecond speaker's point of view?A The second speaker agrees with the first speaker but wantseveryone in America to be happy and free.B The second speaker questions the first speaker and explainsthat there are lots of people who are treated unfairly inAmerica.C The second speaker builds on what the first speakerdescribes as America becoming a place again whereeveryone is happy and free.D The second speaker disagrees with the first speaker andexplains the history of those people who have been treatedunfairly in America. The most common Class II variant is the F508del variant, which is missing the 508th amino acid in the protein but has an otherwise normal sequence. Loss of this amino acid leads to misfolding of the protein, and the misfolded protein is not properly transported to the membrane. Based on this information, how many nucleotides are deleted in the CFTR allele encoding this variant? how did militarism in europe threaten peace on the continent A gas is put into a cosed container.The container and the gas inside it are heated.What will happen to the pressure inside the container? The wavelike muscular squeezing of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine that pushes their contents along is called _____. chewing Solve by factorisation.3x + 10x - 8 = 0 Managerial implications for the SDT theory include: Group of answer choices to motivate high performance for uninteresting jobs make performance contingent on extrinsic rewards. All of these. to motivate high performance for uninteresting jobs make performance contingent on intrinsic rewards. focus on the hygiene factors in order to reduce dissatisfaction and increase intrinsic motivation to enhance intrinsic motivation for interesting jobs be sure individuals receive large pay bonuses for high achievement GIVING BRAINLIEST!! Which of the following ordered pairs lies on the graph of y = tanx?(5 pi, 0)(-9pi/4, 1) WILL GIVE BRAINLIST!Directions: Answer each of the questions below. Answer each question in paragraph form using complete sentences, proper capitalization, and punctuation.A. Evaluate the presidency of Andrew Jackson. Do you think that his actions were considered normal during his time?B. Analyze racism towards Native Americans during this period.C. Identify and describe at least two (2) positive events during this period. Tell why you believe these events were positive and whether these events were influenced by Jackson's presidency. if you subtract 1/2 from a number and multiply the result by 1/2 you get 1/8. What is the no. simplify (x^a.x^b)^a-b*(x^b.x^c)^b-c*(x^c.x^a)^c-astep by step.. O EXPONENTAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONSFinding the initial or final amount in a word problem on...An initial amount of money is placed in an account at an interest rate of 2% per year, compounded continuously. After two years, there is $1269.79 in theaccount. Find the initial amount placed in the account. Round your answer to the nearest cent. translate They will know into spanish by filling in the missing letters You have to find the value of k A ball is dropped from a roof of a building and strikes the ground in 3 seconds. If a second ball is thrown horizontally from the roof, it will hit the ground in: An example of fast tracking a project schedule would be to overlap the design and production phases for a design-to-production project, where the conventional approach would be to move on to construction only after completing the design phase.a. Trueb. False How do I answer 3 and 4