The science community has taken the following stance on Global Climate change. "Climate change is the single biggest environmental and humanitarian crisis of our time. The Earth's atmosphere is overloaded with heat-trapping carbon dioxide, which threatens large-scale disruptions in a climate with disastrous consequences. We must act now to spur the adoption of cleaner energy sources at home and abroad."

What position do you take with this statement?
Explain your reasoning for your position.
Provide evidence to support your position.


Answer 1




I will take the position of helper that work for the betterment of environment by reducing such activities that can increase the carbondioxide concentration in the atmosphere. The main reason for this position is the destruction and damages that occurs in the environment and to organisms that are present all around the world. This global warming leads to the extinction of these species so in order to protect them I choose this position.

Related Questions

5. The major functions of carbohydrates irſclude
A. Structure framework. B. Storage C. Both Aan B
D . None of these​





used to provide energy to the body

The skin is protected by the action of cells that arise from bone marrow and migrate to the epidermis. Which cells serve this function?



Langerhan's cells


The Langerhan's cells arise from the bone marrow and migrate to the epidermis. The Langerhan's cells are the body's first line of defense and play a significant role in antigen presentation. They need special stains to be visualized and are primarily found in the stratum spinosum. These are the mesenchymal origin obtained from CD34 positive stem cells of bone marrow and are part of the mononuclear phagocytic system.

In the aerobic metabolism of proteins by chemoheterotrophs (e.g., E. coli and you):____.
A. Proteins are broken down into smaller peptides and eventually into amino acids by proteases (peptidases).
B. Certain amino acids may be converted to pyruvate.
C. Certain amino acids may be converted to intermediates (e.g. oxaloacetate) of the Krebs cycle.
D. Certain amino acids may be converted to acetyl-CoA.
E. All of the above are true.


The answer is A because
A) proteins are broken down into smaller peptides and eventually into amino acids by proteases

If all 15 presynaptic neurons stimulate the post-synaptic neuron at the same time, will an action potential be produced?





If all 15 presynaptic neurons stimulate the post-synaptic neuron at the same time, the action potential will be produced. In a chemical synapse, an action potential in the presynaptic neuron is responsible for the release of a chemical messenger known as neurotransmitter. After this, the neurotransmitter diffuses across the synapse and binds to the postsynaptic cell so we can say that potential can be produced.

Below is a mature eukaryotic mRNA transcript. Translate this mRNA into a protein, also showing the tRNA anticodons involved. Make sure you start and end translation in the right place! Label the ends of the polypeptide chain as N and C terminus.
amino acids:




tRNA ⇒                           UAC  GCC  GAG  UCA  ACU

protein ⇒ N - MET   ARG   LEU   SER   Stop - C


In protein synthesis, the ribosome reads mRNA in the 5´ to 3´ direction, and, according to the codons that are being readen, tRNA transfers the correct amino acids to build the polypeptide chain. A codon is a short sequence of three nucleotides that store the genetic information for the aminoacids´ assembly. Each tRNA has two important sites. One of them that couples with the codon of the mRNA molecule, named anticodon. The other site couples with an amino acid. tRNA allows amino acids to align according to the nucleotidic sequence in the mRNA molecule.  

Once the new amino acid links to the growing peptidic chain, the binding between the amino acid and the tRNA molecule breaks. The tRNA is now free to join another amino acid and repeat the cycle.  

The protein is synthesized from the amino terminus to the carboxy terminus, while the added amino acids to the chain are coded by a codon formed by three bases in the mRNA. mARNs also have a start and end codon that are the signals of the synthesis initiation and finish. When the ribosome reaches the end codon, protein synthesis is over.    

Each of the codons represents one of the 20 amino acids used to build the protein. Each amino acid can be codified by more than one codon. From the total 64 codons, 61 codify amino acids, and one of them is a start codon. The left three codons are stopping translation points.

The codons indicating the initiation or stop points during the translation process are:

• The start codon AUG is the most common sequence used by eukaryotic cells and places near the 5´extreme of the molecule.  

• The end codons are UAA, UAG, UGA.

Protein synthesis initiates in the AUG start codon -Metionin-, and ends when reaching either of the stop codons UAA, UAG, UGA.

In the exposed example we have the following mRNA.


Codons are separated by a space left between them. AUG is the start codon placed near the 5´ extreme. UGA is the end codon near the 3´ extreme. tRNA will add amino acids from the start codon, not before.


Anticodons are separated by a space left between them.

protein ⇒ N - MET   ARG   LEU   SER   Stop - C

Each mRNA codon codifies for an amino acid. The start codon codifies for methionine. AUG = Met, CGG = Arg, CUC = Leu, AGU = Ser, UGA = Stop codon. The amino terminus is represented as an N and the carboxy terminus is a C. The first extreme to be translated carries the amino-terminal group, while the other extreme carries the carboxy-terminus group.

1. ¿Cuáles son las células que contiene la retina?​



Células fotorreceptoras: Son los conos y los bastones. Transforman los impulsos luminosos en señales eléctricas.

Células bipolares de la retina. Conectan las células fotorreceptoras con las células ganglionares.

Células amacrinas. ...

Células horizontales. ...

Células ganglionares de la retina.

In a certain population, the allele causing sickle cell anemia has a frequency of 0.2. If the population is in genetic equilibrium for this allele, what fraction of the population would be heterozygous for this gene



32% population would be heterozygous for this gene.


Due to technical problems, you will find the complete explanation in the attached files

Unlike other plants, trees are plants living for several years thus they are

A. Annual



D. Fence


c. perennial

hope this helps!

Discuss the sensory neurons for vision. What are the two
types of sensory neurons for vision? Where are they located?
What are their functions in the eye? What path does visual
input take AFTER reaching the sensory neurons (be specific,
outlining the entire path to the destination point of the brain)?



Olfactory sensory neurons (OSN).


Olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) are the sensory neurons that is responsible for vision. Photoreceptors and olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) are the two types of sensory neurons for vision. Both olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) and photoreceptors is responsible for the receiving of photons and enable us to see things. The right half of the visual field will travel in the left optic tract, while on the other hand, the stimuli from the left half of the visual field will pass through the right optic tract.

Answer: The two types of sensory neurones are the CONES and RODS. Their functions are better outlined below


The CONES and RODS are the sensory neurones ( photoreceptors) of the eye which are located in the retina.

The RODS: They are extremely sensitive and can detect light of very low intensity. They also perceive light in black and white. They, therefore, play an important role in dim light.

The CONES: They function in bright light and are responsible for colour vision.

The path visual input take AFTER reaching the sensory neurons is as follows:

--> the rods and cones are stimulated

--> A pattern of electrical impulses is sent to the brain through the optic nerve which interprets it, drawing on past experience.

The brain tells us that the object is upright and gives us it's real size and distance from the eye. We, therefore, see the object as it actually is, and not as the image formed on the retina.

define cell and atom​



Cell is made of molecules whereas atoms make up molecules. Cells are the smallest functioning unit in a living organism.

Atom is the smallest unit of matter. Usually, a cell is on the micrometer scale while an atom is in the angstrom scale.


what's the target cells of melatonin?​



The suprachiasmatic nucleus appears as a target of melatonin in mammals.The pineal hormone may thus be involved in a feedback loop of the mammalian photoneuroendocrine system.

Afferont neurons
a.transmit sensory input to the CNS
b.are multipolar neurons
c.have many dendrites and a single long axon
d.are found only within the brain and spinal cord



a.transmit sensory input to the CNS


Afferent neurons will take input from your muscles, skin etc. and send it to your CNS (usually via spinal nerves).

which property has not been observed for membrane proteins being degraded for energy during biological pathways



energy storage


Membrane proteins are proteins that are either form part of or interact with cell membranes. Based on their interactions, membrane proteins can be categorized into integral proteins, which are a permanent part of a cell membrane, and peripheral proteins, which adhere temporarily to the cell membrane. Membrane proteins play many critical functions, for example, 1-they are involved in the passive and active transport of substances across cell membranes, 2-act as enzymes that catalyze chemical reactions, 3-act as receptors that bind specific molecules (such as hormones or neurotransmitters) in order to activate signaling cascades, 4-mediate communication between cells, 5-provide a mechanical link between the extracellular matrix and the cytoskeleton, etc.

A dead zone refers to Group of answer choices a) terrestrial areas in which excessive nitrogen fertilizer has essentially burned the soil, preventing plants and microorganisms from living there. b) oligotrophic areas in water bodies that cannot support life due to lack of nutrients. c) an ecosystem that was cleared of all vegetation for slash and burn agriculture. d) hypoxic areas in water bodies that limit marine and aquatic life.



The correct answer is d) hypoxic areas in water bodies that limit marine and aquatic life.


A dead zone are oxygen-deprived regions, that is, they are large bodies of water that contain little or no oxygen, both in the depths and near the coasts in the oceans. Aquatic and marine dead zones can be caused by climate change, a product of human activity. When the temperature is high, the water does not have the same density and there is less exchange between the depths of the hydrogen peroxide and the surface water, and these no longer receive oxygen. Marine fauna, not finding the oxygen necessary for their survival, end up suffocating due to the lack of oxygen. They may also have reproductive problems and diseases, making it difficult for them to survive.

The membrane potential that occurs when neurotransmitters bind to their receptors is called _______.



action potential


Transmission of a signal within a neuron (from dendrite to axon terminal) is carried by a brief reversal of the resting membrane potential called an action potential. When neurotransmitter molecules bind to receptors located on a neuron's dendrites, ion channels open.


I guess action potential is the correct one

Innate talents or gifts enhanced through study and practice are:
B-Holland's occupational types.



D) Abilities


If you have a talent or a gift that is enhanced through study then you have the abilities to do so to be able to practice

Innate talents or gifts enhanced through study and practice are abilities. The correct option is D.

What are innate talents?

Innate talents are those talents that are present in the organism from birth, They are not learned or observed from outside. These abilities are only enhanced as we grow up. They are already present in the body.

They are the natural, talents that with we grow up. Innate talents are also called natural skills. They are genetically present in our bodies. Some people are born with natural potential and skills. But without hard work and practice, these skills would not work.

Abilities are the things that are used by the organism to perform activities. Every organism has some abilities.

Thus, the correct option is D. abilities.

To learn more about innate talents, refer to the link:


Which of the following explains why the Midwest is not suffering as severe damage from acid rain as are the northeastern states?
a. Midwest has few sources of acid rain-forming pollutants.
b. pH of rainfall in Midwest is significantly higher than that in the Northeast.
c. soils in the Midwest have a higher buffering capacity than do those in the Northeast.
d. soils in the Midwest have a lower buffering capacity than do those in the Northeast.
e. Midwestern soils have lower concentrations of toxic metals to be leached into watersheds.



a. Midwest has few sources of acid rain-forming pollutants.


Midwest has few sources of acid rain-forming pollutants because Midwest has  less number of factories which produces less pollution. Farming, mining, and manufacturing of different products are the major industries Midwest. Other industries like transportation, finance, and machinery are also important for the economy of Midwest. Due to less number of factories less amount of pollutants goes to the atmosphere and will not cause acid rain.

define cell and atom​



hope it is helpful to you

The genetic code is defined degenerate or even redundant because:
A. the same codon codes for different amino acids
B. an amino acid can be encoded by several codons
C is different in all organisms, except in monozygotic twins
D. the sequence of codons is not separated by intervals, but is continuous
E. the structure of the genes is constantly mutating



B. an amino acid can be encoded by several codons


The genetic code refers to the set of rules that govern how the four nitrogenous bases (A,U,G,C) is arranged to form amino acids. The genetic code is a collection of all the CODONS formed. There are different characteristics of the genetic code and one of them is its REDUNDANCY.

Since there are 4 nitrogenous bases combined in three's to form a codon i.e. 4³, there are 64 possible codons that could form 20 maximum amino acids. This means that there are more codons in relation to amino acids. Hence, more than one codon can encode an amino acid, and this is referred to as REDUNDANCY of the genetic code.

For example, LEUCINE amino acid is encoded by 6 codons as follows: UUA, UUG, CUU, CUC, CUA, CUG.

The importance of water properties on plants and animals​



The importance of water properties on plants and animals.


The importance of water in plants is that it helps plants to make their own food, because water plays a very important role in Photosynthesis, and as well it helps them to grow.

The important of water in animals is that it is main need for animals to survive as well as humans. Without water even a single organism won't exist in this Earth.

Hope it helps you


The human body is made up of more than three-fourths of water, and all animals and plants require water to thrive.

Why water is essential for plants and animals​?

Water is used by all living things to transport nutrients throughout the body and remove waste. Among its many crucial functions, water aids in the digestion of food and the preservation of organisms' heat.

The term "universal solvent" refers to water's enormous capacity to dissolve a wide range of molecules, and it is this capacity that makes water such a priceless life-sustaining agent.

Water's function as a solvent aids cells in the transfer and utilization of molecules like oxygen or nutrients on a biological level.

Therefore, to do all the cellular processes by plants and animals there is need of water.

Learn more about water, here:


What is a group of microscopic unicellular organisms


Protists are a diverse collection of organisms. While exceptions exist, they are primarily microscopic and unicellular, or made up of a single cell. The cells of protists are highly organized with a nucleus and specialized cellular machinery called organelles.

define cell and atom.....​


Cell: A cell is the structural and fundamental unit of life. The study of cells from its basic structure to the functions of every cell organelle is called Cell Biology.

Atom:  atom is the smallest component of an element, characterized by a sharing of the chemical properties of the element and a nucleus with neutrons, protons and electrons. The protons and the neutrons reside in the nucleus.

whats the difference between atom and cell?

function wise atoms take part in every chemical reaction while cells are responsible for the development and growth of living existences. Atoms do not have life. They do not need food, water, and they do not reproduce. Cells are alive. Cells consume food and water and can reproduce. Atoms construct molecules and Cells make tissues for organs.

Place the steps for providing first aid for bleeding in the correct order.
Raise the wounded area above
Place a sterile bandage.
Clean the wound
Apply pressure
the heart


The steps of first aid during bleeding is as follows:

Raise the wounded area above the heartapply pressureclean the wound apply pressure.

What is first aid?

First aid is the immediate help or assistance given to Ana accident victim before the arrival of a medical doctor ofbthe person is taken to the hospital.

The steps of first aid during bleeding is as follows:

Raise the wounded area above the heartapply pressureclean the wound apply pressure.

In conclusion, the proper steps taken for first aid will prevent bleeding.

Learn more about first aid at:



clean the wound

Place a sterile bandage

Apply pressure

Raise the wounded area above the heart


this is the correct answer on Edge

an ion is formed when an atom


the basic unit of a chemical element.


The basic unit of the chemical elements

Describe how table salt dissolves in water in 300 words.​



salt disloves in 300 words


Salt (sodium chloride) is made from positive sodium ions bonded to negative chloride ions. Water can dissolve salt because the positive part of water molecules attracts the negative chloride ions and the negative part of water molecules attracts the positive sodium ions.


When sodium chloride is dissolved in water, the polar water molecules are able to work their way in between the individual ions in the lattice. The water molecules surround the negative chloride ions and positive sodium ions and pull them away into the solution. This process is called dissociation.

Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly? Carol was the last person out of the house wasn't, she? Carol was the last person, out of the house wasn't she? Carol was the last person out of the house, wasn't she? Carol, was the last person out of the house wasn't she?



The third sentence......................


The correct sentence is Carol was the last person out of the house, wasn't she?

Why is a comma important?

Commas help your reader figure out which words go together in a sentence and which parts of your sentences are most important. Using commas incorrectly may confuse the reader, signal ignorance of writing rules, or indicate carelessness.

What are the Rules of commas?

Comma Rules

Use a comma after an introductory phrase or clause. Use commas before and after a parenthetical phrase or clause. Use a comma to separate two independent clauses linked by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, nor or, so, yet) Use a comma to separate items in a series.

Learn more about the use of commas here


Write an experiment to show that sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis.



Explanationwe have two or three plants, they both get the same water every day they both get the same amount of soil and fertilizer, one is without sunlight and one is with, after a 2 weeks our results will be found

hope this helps

explain water cycle with the help of diagram​



The water cycle is defined as a natural process of constantly recycling the water in the atmosphere. It is also known as the hydrological cycle or the hydrologic cycle. During the process of the water cycle between the earth and the atmosphere, water changes into three states of matter – solid, liquid and gas.

hope it helps.stay safe healthy and happy...

Activity 3: Direction: Study the picture. Write the phases of the moon 1 new moon O first quarter O MOON PHASES last quarter waning crescent woving crescent Waning gibbous working globos​



1.full moon

2.waxing gibbous

3.first quarter

4.waning gibbous moon

6.wabing cresent

7.last quarter

8.waxing cresent

3. A bacterial isolate from a urine specimen was grown in culture, Gram stained, and then tested for its ability to ferment sugars and hydrolyze various subtrates. What approach to bacterial identification is this an example of



Phenotypic approach for bacterial identification


Bacterial identification can be done by conventional methods, which are based on phenotypical characteristics. These methods are much affordable and reasonable.

Phenotypical identification is based on bacteria´s observable characteristics, such as their morphology, development, and biochemical/metabolic properties.

It is important to consider that these methods do not provide absolute certainty. They can only indicate the genera or species to which the bacteria under study may belong.

Some primary evidence is usually used for fast bacteria identification:

Gram staining, morphology, growth at different media or different incubation atmospheres, glucose fermentation, spores production, motion, aerobiosis/anaerobiosis, among others.  

Knowing that the bacteria in the exposed example was isolated and grown in culture, then Gram-stained and tested for biochemical reaction, we can assume that the approach for its identification is phenotypic.  

Other Questions
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