The sequence shown below is defined using a recursion formula. Write the first four terms of the sequence.
a1=10 and an-1+3 for n is greater than and equal to 2


Answer 1
Answer:  10, 13, 16, 19


The notation [tex]a_1 = 10[/tex] says that the first term is 10.

The notation [tex]a_n = a_{n-1}+3[/tex] is the recursive rule that says "to find the nth term, we add 3 to the previous term". So we add 3 to each term to get the next one.

first = 10second = first+3 = 10+3 = 13third = second+3 = 13+3 = 16fourth = third + 3 = 16+3 = 19

This sequence is arithmetic due to the common difference d = 3.

Answer 2


Step-by-step explanation:





Related Questions

what is the value of the smallest of five consecutive integers if the least minus twice the greates equals -3

A. -9
B. -5
C. -3
D. 5


Answer: (b)

Step-by-step explanation:


There are five consecutive integers and the least minus twice the greatest equals to -3

Suppose [tex]x,x+1,x+2,x+3,x+4[/tex] are the five consecutive integers

According to the question

[tex]\Rightarrow x-2(x+4)=-3\\\Rightarrow x-2x-8=-3\\\Rightarrow -x=8-3\\\Rightarrow x=-5[/tex]

option (b) is correct.

Find the area of the triangle.​




Step-by-step explanation:

area=1/2×32×6.1=16×6.1=97.6 yd²


Choice B. 97.6 yd^2

Step-by-step explanation:

B×W×.5= A

BRAINLIEST Which equation could be solved using this application of the quadratic formula?

x2 + 1 = 2x − 3
x2 – 2x − 1 = 3
x2 + 2x − 1 = 3
x2 + 2x − 1 = -3


The quadratic equation that could be solved using the given application of the quadratic formula is x² + 2x - 1 = 3, which in standard form is x² + 2x - 4 = 0. Hence, option C is the right choice.

What is the quadratic formula?

A standard quadratic equation of the form ax² + bx + c = 0, can be solved using the quadratic formula, which is given as:

[tex]x = \frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac} }{2a}[/tex]

How to solve the question?

In the question, we are asked for the quadratic equation, which could be solved using this application of the quadratic formula:

[tex]x = \frac{-2\pm\sqrt{2^2-4(1)(-4)} }{2(1)}[/tex]

To find the quadratic equation for which we use the quadratic formula

[tex]x = \frac{-2\pm\sqrt{2^2-4(1)(-4)} }{2(1)}[/tex]

we compare this equation with the standard quadratic formula,

[tex]x = \frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac} }{2a}[/tex]

to get a = 1, b = 2, and c = -4, to get the standard quadratic equation, ax² + bx + c = 0, as (1)x² + (2)x + (-4) = 0, or x² + 2x - 4 = 0.

Now, we convert the given options in the standard form to check for the correct choice:

A. x² + 1 = 2x - 3 ⇒ x² - 2x + 4 = 0, which is not the correct choice.B . x² - 2x - 1 = 3 ⇒ x² - 2x - 4 = 0, which is not the correct choice.C. x² + 2x - 1 = 3 ⇒ x² + 2x - 4 = 0, which is the correct choice.D. x² + 2x - 1 = -3 ⇒ x² + 2x + 2 = 0, which is not the correct choice.

Thus, the quadratic equation that could be solved using the given application of the quadratic formula is x² + 2x - 1 = 3, which in standard form is x² + 2x - 4 = 0. Hence, option C is the right choice.

Learn more about the quadratic formula at


The temperature on a winter was -23 °F. The temerature rise by 5 °F when the sun came up. When the sun set again, the temperature dropped by. 7°F. Write and evaluate an exspression to find the temperature after the sun set.




Step-by-step explanation:

First, add 5 to -23 since the temperature is getting hotter.

so -23 +5= -18

Second, minus the answer by 7 since the temperature is now falling down after the sunset.

so -18 -7 = -25


this step can be simplified as:

-23 +5 -7 =. -25

Use the points slope formula..



y = -5/14 -13/7

Step-by-step explanation:

First find the slope

m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

m = (1 - -4)/(-8 - 6)

    = (1+4)/(-8-6)

   = 5/-14


Point slope form is

y-y1 = m(x-x1)

y - -4 = -5/14(x-6)

y+4 = -5/14(x-6)

We want the equation in slope intercept form y = mx+b


y+4 = -5/14x + 15/7

Subtract 4 from each side

y+4 -4= -5/14x + 15/7-4

y = -5/14x +15/7 - 28/7

y = -5/14 -13/7

The length, breadth and thickness of a brick is 18 cm, 8 cm, and 5 cm respectively. Find the area of the widest part of the brick. Also find the volume of the brick.​



area = 8 × 18 = 144 cm^2

volume 8×18×5 = 720cm^3

For what values of k does the equation (2k + 1)x^2 + 2x = 10x – 6 have two
real and equal roots?


The equation has two real and equal roots for [tex]k = \frac{5}{6}[/tex]

In this question, we use the concept of the solution of a quadratic equation to solve it, considering that a quadratic equation in the format:

[tex]ax^2 + bx + c = 0[/tex]

has two equal solutions if [tex]\Delta = b^2 - 4ac[/tex] is 0.


In this question:

The equation is:

[tex](2k+1)x^2 + 2x = 10x - 6[/tex]

Placing in the correct format:

[tex](2k+1)x^2 + 2x - 10x + 6 = 0[/tex]

[tex](2k+1)x^2 - 8x + 6 = 0[/tex]

Thus, the coefficients are: [tex]a = 2k + 1, b = -8, c = 6[/tex]



We want it to be positive, so:

[tex]\Delta = b^2 - 4ac[/tex]

[tex]\Delta = 0[/tex]

[tex]b^2 - 4ac = 0[/tex]

[tex](-8)^2 - 4(2k+1)(6) = 0[/tex]

[tex]64 - 48k - 24 = 0[/tex]

[tex]-48k + 40 = 0[/tex]

[tex]-48k = -40[/tex]

[tex]48k = 40[/tex]

[tex]k = \frac{40}{48}[/tex]

[tex]k = \frac{5}{6}[/tex]

The equation has two real and equal roots for [tex]k = \frac{5}{6}[/tex]

A similar question is found at

Find the volume of each figure. Round your answers to the nearest tenth, if necessary​




hopefully this answer can help you to answer the next question.

Rectangle ABCD is similar to rectangle JKLM. AB = 12, BC = 8, CD = 12, DA = 8, and JK = 15. What is the scale factor from JKLM to ABCD? Reduce all answers.



4/5 or 0.8

Step-by-step explanation:

this problem description is not very precise. it leaves out the definition what corners or sides of JKLM correspond to corners and sides of ABCD.

I assume J and K correlate to A and B, and JK is a long side of JKLM.

so, we are going from JKLM to ABCD.

that means we are going from larger to smaller (as JK = 15 and therefore larger than AB = 12).

what is the scale factor to go from 15 to 12 ?

15 × x = 12

x = 12/15 = 4/5 or 0.8

find the distance of gap d



[tex]\displaystyle d \approx 15.8768[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

We want to find the distance of d or AB.

From the right triangle with a 35° angle, we know that:

[tex]\displaystyle \tan 35^\circ = \frac{50}{PB}[/tex]

And from the right triangle with a 42° angle, we know that:

[tex]\displaystyle \tan 42^\circ = \frac{50}{PA}[/tex]

AB is PA subtracted from PB. Thus:

[tex]\displaystyle d = AB = PB - PA[/tex]

From the first two equations, solve for PB and PA:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{\tan 35^\circ } = \frac{PB}{50} \Rightarrow PB = \frac{50}{\tan 35^\circ}[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{\tan 42^\circ } = \frac{PA}{50} \Rightarrow PA = \frac{50}{\tan 42^\circ}[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle d = AB = \frac{50}{\tan 35^\circ} - \frac{50}{\tan 42^\circ}[/tex]

Using a calculator:

[tex]\displaystyle d= AB \approx 15.8768[/tex]

Please help me
A person starts walking from home and walks: 6 miles East 6 miles Southeast 3 miles South 5 miles Southwest 2 miles East This person has walked a total of 22Correct miles Find the total displacement vector for this walk: If this person walked straight home, they'd have to walk miles



1) The total displacement vector is ((16 + √2)/2, -(6+11·√2)/2)

2) The number of miles they'd have to walk is approximately 13.856 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

1) The distance, direction, and location of the path of the walk the person takes,  are listed as follows;

Start location, (0, 0)

6 miles East walk to location, (6, 0)

6 miles Southeast to location, (6 + 3·√2, -3·√2)

3 miles South to location, (6 + 3·√2, -3·√2 - 3)

5 miles Southwest to location, (6 + 3·√2 - 2.5·√2, -3·√2 - 3 - 2.5·√2)

2 miles East to location, (6 + 3·√2 - 2.5·√2 + 2, -3·√2 - 3 - 2.5·√2)

(6 + 3·√2 - 2.5·√2 + 2, -3·√2 - 3 - 2.5·√2) = ((16 + √2)/2, -(6+11·√2)/2)

Therefore the destination coordinates is ((16 + √2)/2, -(6+11·√2)/2)

The total displacement vector, [tex]\underset{d}{\rightarrow}[/tex] = ((16 + √2)/2, -(6+11·√2)/2)

d =  (16 + √2)/2)·i - (6+11·√2)/2)·j

2) If the person walked straight home, the number of miles they'd have to walk, [tex]\left | \underset{d}{\rightarrow} \right |[/tex], is given as follows;

[tex]\left | \underset{d}{\rightarrow} \right | = \sqrt{\left(\dfrac{16 +\sqrt{2} }{2} \right)^2 + \left(-\dfrac{6 + 11 \cdot \sqrt{2} }{2} \right)^2 } = \sqrt{134 + 41 \cdot \sqrt{2} }[/tex]


If the person walked straight home, the number of miles they'd have to walk [tex]\left | \underset{d}{\rightarrow} \right | \approx 13.856 \ miles[/tex]

If a translation of (x,y) (x+6,y-10) is applied to figure ABCD, what are the coordinates of D?


Image of figure ABCD is missing and so i have attached it.


D_new = (-1, - 12)

Step-by-step explanation:

From the figure attached, the current coordinates of D are; (-5, -2)

Now, we are told the figure undergoes a translation of (x,y) (x+6,y-10)

Thus, this means we add 6 to the x value and subtract 10 from the y-value.

Thus, new coordinate of D is;

> (-5 + 6, -2 - 10)

> (-1, - 12)


1, -12

Step-by-step explanation:

D = -5, -2


-5 + 6 = 1


-10 and -2 is -12

1, -12

did it on edge, got it right.

The question is "find the lowest common multiple of 4 and 6"
with step by step explaination




Step-by-step explanation:

4s multiples:


6s multiples:


lowest number that is a common multiple between both 4 and 6:


Answer: 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Which pair of polygons is congruent?




Step-by-step explanation:

Polygon 3 and 5 are congruent cause they have the same length of side

Last year, Mary opened an investment account with $5400. At the end of the year, the amount in the account
had decreased by 6%.


5076 final answer

here is another question i need help


the one you have selected is correct

Writing equations in standard form:

(1,-6) and (-7,2)

How would I write this in standard form? I already tried but I keep getting x+y=7 and it says it’s wrong so could someone help?



[tex]x + y = - 5[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

hopefully it is clear and makes sense


Find the missing length the triangles are similar.



Step-by-step explanation:

The missing length is 13 because,

Lets say the top triangle is A and the bottom triangle is B.

Triangle A gives us the side GF, and Triangle B gives us the sides TU and ST. Since the triangles are similar(as stated in the problem), we can pair 2 sides GF(A) and TU(B) which is 11:22.(one way I usually figure which sides are similar is by first- matching the hypotenuse, then checking which of the remaining two is longer.. if that made any sense). You can see that their relationship is x2 or /2 (In another word, from A to B is multiplication- ex: 11 * 2 is 22, and from B to A is division- ex 22/2 is 11.) Since the missing number is the hypotenuse of triangle A and you know the Hypotenuse of triangle B all you have to do is divide side TS by 2 to get side SF. So the missing side is 13.

Answer: 13

Plz help me out with this ;)


I have the same problem with you

The population of a large U.S. city is 2,707,210. Which of the following best expresses this population?
A 2.7 × 106 C 2.707 × 106
B 2.7 × 107 D 27.07 × 106



2.707 * 10^6

i think it is the best expression

[tex]\sqrt{\\\frac{9+\sqrt{17} }{2}[/tex]



Hello and sorry but it's a Gatheted Question Can you fix it Can you?

Sorry for answering a nonsense


Write an equation of the graph (shown below) in slope intercept form.



Step-by-step explanation:

Okay! so first, let's specify the components of a slope intercept form equation.

We got y=mx+b as a general formula, where m is slope and b is the y intercept.

The graph gives us two points on the line at (0, 5) and (-6, 7)

To find slope, we can use this slope equation. I suggest you memorize it-it helps a lot with future problems!

[tex]\frac{y_{2}-y_{1}}{x_{2}-x_{1} }[/tex]

Plugging in the points into the equation, we get 2/-6, or -1/3

we really don't need to do much work anymore, since the choices are given. There is only one choice left with -1/3 as slope m, which is D.

The y intercept can be found at wherever the line intersects the y axis. In this line, it crosses 5, which means b=5.



Evelyn earned a score of 86 on Exam A that had a mean of 71 and a standard deviation of 20. She is about to take Exam B that has a mean of 550 and a standard deviation of 40. How well must Evelyn score on Exam B in order to do equivalently well as she did on Exam A? Assume that scores on each exam are normally distributed.




Step-by-step explanation:

Assuming that the answer should be in terms of z scores, we can calculate the z score as

z = (observed value - mean)/(standard deviation)

For the first exam, the observed value is 86, the mean is 71, and the standard deviation is 20. The z score fot that exam is

z = (86-71)/20 = 0.75

Then, for the second exam, Evelyn has to do equivalently well, so the z score must be the same. Therefore, we have

0.75 = (observed score - 550)/40

multiply both sides by 40 to remove a denominator

0.75 * 40 = observed score - 550

add 550 to both sides to isolate the observed score

0.75 * 40 + 550 = observed score = 580

Find g(x), where g(x) is the translation 2 units right and 13 units down of f(x) = -2x + 5.​




Step-by-step explanation:

When translating a graph, adding the number of units shifts the graph to the left and subtracting the number of units shifts it to the right. Since you need the graph translated 9 units to the left, you will need to add that many units to x

therefore, g(x)=x+9



Step-by-step explanation:

-2+2 = 0, so g(x) = x

5-13 = -8

A rectangular box contain 782 apples. If there are 23 rows in a box, how many columns are there?




Step-by-step explanation:

This is because you will have to simply divide 782 by 23.

782 / 23 =

34 :D

What is 3x^2-5x-13=0



D. 58

Step-by-step explanation:

Given, 3x+8x+4x=6x+63




Then 5x+23=5(7)+23



The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula P=2w+2l,where w is the width and l is the length.Rearrange the formula for the length ( ).



l = (p - 2w)/2

Step-by-step explanation:

Two sides of a right triangle measure 5 inches and 6 nches, and the third side measures 61 inches.
The length of the third side is about
inches _ . The perimeter of the triangle is about
inches. __



The length of the third side is 7.81 inches and the perimeter of the triangle is about 18.81 inches

Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:







Data should be analyzed using each of the following except:
A. measures of central tendency
B. shape
C. population size
D. spread


The answer seems to be d
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