The slope and intercept pair you found in Question 1.15 should be very similar to the values that you found in Question 1.7. Why were we able to minimize RMSE to find the same slope and intercept from the previous formulas? Write your answer here, replacing this text.


Answer 1
I don’t get the question

Related Questions

Danielle is analyzing logs and baselines of the systems and services that she is responsible for in her organization. She wants to begin taking advantage of a technology that can analyze some of the information for her and learn from that data analysis to make decisions rather than relying on explicit programming for the analysis. Which of the following describes this technique?

a. Systematic processing
b. Machine learning
c. Cumulative wisdom
d. S.M.A.R.T.



b. Machine learning


The technique that is being described in this situation is known as Machine Learning. This is a fairly new technology that has become popular over the last decade. Machine learning uses artificial intelligence to analyze data and learn from it. Every time the system analyzes the data it learns something new, saves it, and implements it to its processes. Therefore, the more times it repeats the more it learns. These systems are continuously getting better and learning more, which makes them incredibly efficient.

The function of an audio mixer is to _____. layer audio tracks at their ideal volume combine, control, and route audio signals from inputs to outputs process and edit pre-recorded audio signals automatically adjust volume for audio channe


Answer: combine, control, and route audio signals from inputs to outputs


A audio mixer is refered to as the sound mixer or the mixing console and it's an electronic device that's used for mixing, and combining several audio signals and sounds.

The input to the console is the microphone. The audio mixer can also be used in controlling digital or analog signals. These are then summed up in producing output signals.

Therefore, the function of the audio mixer is to combine, control, and route audio signals from inputs to outputs.

A backbone network is Group of answer choices a high speed central network that connects other networks in a distance spanning up to several miles. a group of personal computers or terminals located in the same general area and connected by a common cable (communication circuit) so they can exchange information. a network spanning a geographical area that usually encompasses a city or county area (3 to 30 miles). a network spanning a large geographical area (up to thousands of miles). a network spanning exactly 200 miles with common carrier circuits.



a high speed central network that connects other networks in a distance spanning up to several miles.


A backbone network functions just like the human backbone providing support for network systems by offering a network infrastructure that allows small, high speed internet connectivity. It is a principal data route between large interconnected networks which offers connection services spanning several miles. Most local area networks are able to connect to the backbone network as it is the largest data connection on the internet. This backbone networks are mainly utilized by large organizations requiring high bandwidth connection.


a. can boost server utilization rates to 70% or higher.
b. has enabled microprocessor manufacturers to reduce the size of transistors to the width of an atom.
c. uses the principles of quantum physics to represent data.
d. allows smartphones to run full-fledged operating systems.
e. allows one operating system to manage several physical machines.


The answer: A

If you would like to understand more on this, I have found an excellent quizlet.
Search this up: Using IS for Bus. Problems chp.5 practice quiz

Your organization network diagram is shown in the figure below. Your company has the class C address range of You need to subnet the address into three subnets and make the best use of the available address space. Which of the following represents the addressing scheme you would apply to the New York office and Toronto Office?





Prepare an algorithm and draw a corresponding flowchart to compute the sum
and product of all prime numbers between 1 and 50.





Gimme Shelter Roofers maintains a file of past customers, including a customer number, name, address, date of job, and price of job. It also maintains a file of estimates given for jobs not yet performed; this file contains a customer number, name, address, proposed date of job, and proposed price. Each file is in customer number order.

Design the logic that merges the two files to produce one combined file of all customers whether past or proposed with no duplicates; when a customer who has been given an estimate is also a past customer.



Hence the complete implementation of python code that reads two files and merges them together.

def merge_file(past_file_path,proposed_file_path, merged_file_path):



   proposed_customer_name = []

   for row in proposed_file_contents:


   with open(merged_file_path,'w') as outputf:

       outputf.write("Customer Number, Customer Name, Address\r\n")

       for row in proposed_file_contents:

           line = str(row[0]) +", " + str(row[1]) + ", " + str(row[2]) +"\r\n"


       for row in past_file_contents:

           if row[1] in proposed_customer_name:



               line = str(row[0]) + ", " + str(row[1]) + ", " + str(row[2]) + "\r\n"


       print("Files merged successfully!")

# reads the file and returns the content as 2D lists

def load_file(path):

   file_contents = []

   with open(path, 'r') as pastf:

       for line in pastf:

           cells = line.split(",")

           row = []

           for cell in cells:

               if(cell.lower().strip()=="customer number"):




           if  len(row)>0:


   return file_contents

past_file_path="F:\\Past Customer.txt"

proposed_file_path="F:\\Proposed Customer.txt"

merged_file_path="F:\\Merged File.txt"


Predictive Algorithms Identify one use/application in which tprediction might cause significant ethical harms.

a. True
b. False


I do believe this would be true.

Select the correct answer.
Oliver is working for a team that uses object-oriented concepts to design software. Which language would they use to develop this software?








is the correct answer

Suppose a company A decides to set up a cloud to deliver Software as a Service to its clients through a remote location. Answer the following [3] a) What are the security risks for which a customer needs to be careful about? b) What kind of infrastructural set up will be required to set up a cloud? c) What sort of billing model will such customers have?





What happens when a dataset includes records with missing data?



However, if the dataset is relatively small, every data point counts. In these situations, a missing data point means loss of valuable information. In any case, generally missing data creates imbalanced observations, cause biased estimates, and in extreme cases, can even lead to invalid conclusions.

It makes data analysis to be more ambiguous and more difficult.

Missing data is simply the same as saying that there are values and information that are unavailable. This could be due to missing files or unavailable information.

A dataset set with missing data means more work for the analyst. There needs to be a transformation in those fields before the dataset can be used.

Generally speaking missing data could lead to bias in the estimation of data.

A data scientist is a data expert who is in charge of data. He performs the job of data extraction, data analysis, data transformation.


Briefly describe the fundamental differences between project-based and product-based Software Engineering.



Product-based companies make a specific product and try to market it as a solution. But project-based companies create a solution based on many products and sell it as a packaged solution to a particular need or problem.


hope this helps

Product firms make and try to market a certain product as a solution. But projects are creating a solution based on many product lines as well as selling them for specific needs or issues as such is.

Project-Based Software Engineering:

Software developers based on projects follow a service-oriented strategy. At one time, not only software but multiple projects are being developed, operated, and delivered. It accomplishes a software development process from requirement collection to testing and maintenance. It is carried out in compliance with implementation methods or specified period for achieving the software package meant for use.

Product-Based Software Engineering:

A product-based business is a venture that produces a product that may or might not have software connections. Even before resulted in a demand, it will create or design its goods or applications ahead of time. Once the product is produced or applied, it is opened up for market use and only works if a client meets specific requirements and needs. It is used to start creating some goods including Oracle, Adobe, Samsung, etc.

Learn more:

How can using Prezi software for a presentation allow the presenter to better respond to audience needs?



The description of the given question is summarized in the explanation section below.


Prezi makes things simpler to move around freely from one location to another even though you may pass through slides conventional standard edition presenting. If users spend nearly the audience's listening that would be very useful.Unless the organization's crowd looks puzzled or makes a statement, you may backtrack to that same topic without navigating several slides expediently.

Discuss at least five ways of practicing good device care and placement



The points according to the given question are provided below.


Batteries are quite a highly crucial part of EVs and should be handled accordingly.Whenever a part becomes obsolete, it should have been substituted every year using an innovative version.Before using an electric car, it should have been fully charged and ready to go.Within a certain duration of time, the gadget needs to be serviced again.Be sure to keep your mobile device or another gadget in such a secure location.

1) Design a class named Axolotl that holds attributes for an axolotl's name, weight, and color. Include methods to set and get each of these attributes

2)Create a small program that declares two Axolotl objects (using the class above) and sets each axolotl's name, weight, and color attributes. The program must also output each axolotl's name, weight, and color after they are set


what subject is this exactly?

Write code that prints: Ready! numVal ... 2 1 Go! Your code should contain a for loop. Print a newline after each number and after each line of text Ex: numVal = 3 outputs: Ready!
public class ForLoops {
public static void main (String [] args) {
int countNum;
int i;
countNum = 3;
/* Your solution goes here */



public class ForLoops {

   public static void main (String [] args) {

       int countNum;

       int i;  

       countNum = 3;  


       for(i = countNum;i>0;i--) {







Will mark Brainliest, need help ASAP!

Sherman needs to set up machines to send out updates about routing information using a multicast address. What does he need to configure?

RIPv1 class D of 224
RIPv1 class D of 240
RIPv2 class D of 224
RIPv2 class D of 240



What Sherman needs to configure is:

RIPv2 class D of 240.


Multicast messages are usually dispatched to a select group of hosts on a network and require acknowledgement of the recipients. RIPv2 is a router-based internet protocol for exchanging routing information to the IP address 224.0. 0.9 on a network. It determine the most efficient way to route data on a network and to prevent routing loops.


C. RIPv2 class D of 224


Brandon has configured one of the applications hosted on his cloud service provider to increase the number of resources as needed. Which of the following describes this capability?

a. Continuity
b. Adaptability
c. Vertical scaling
d. Horizontal scaling



The description of this capability is:

d. Horizontal scaling


The capability that Brandon has achieved is horizontal scaling, which involves the increasing of the resources of cloud applications to meet his increasing demand for cloud services.  Vertical scaling involves the addition or subtraction of power to a cloud server, which practically upgrades the memory, storage, or processing power.  But to scale horizontally, more resources are added or subtracted.  The purpose of horizontal scaling is to spread out or in the workload of existing resources and either increase or decrease overall performance and capacity.

Write a demo test to verify the above Rectangle object accessible from demo test main program and can execute display() method to output.




The Rectangle class was not provided in this question but after a quick online search I was able to find the class code. Due to this I was able to create a test code in the main Method of my program to create a Rectangle object and call it's display() method. The Test code and the output can be seen in the attached image below. While the code below is simply the Main Test Program as requested.

class Brainly {  

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(20, 8);




A or an is a simple chip with two or more processor core


a multi-core processor, i’m pretty sure

In our discussion of Computer Hardware, we talked about three essential hardware components that are there inside every computer. Name them and explain the significance of each in the working of the computer. Why is a 64 bit processor better than a 32 bit processor



CPU, RAM, and Storage


The three hardware components that are inside every computer and are essential for it to function are CPU, RAM, and Storage (HDD, SSD). CPU is basically the brain of the computer where everything is calculated. The RAM is the memory that stores temporary information. Lastly, the Storage device is where the entire operating system and persistent data will be saved and accessed from. 64-bit processors are better simply because they can access more memory at any given time and therefore allows it to manipulate more data at the same time.

CC stand the email platform?


CC stands for Carbon Copy in emails.

Along with the "To" field of an email, you will usually have a place to enter email addresses in a CC field. CC stands for "carbon copy."

Hope this helps! Please mark me as brainliest!

Have a wodnerful day!

Write a line of code to create a constant called MAX that will hold the size of an array that can store up to 25 decimal values. Separate each item with 1 space, and end the line with a semi-colon.



A line of code to create a constant called MAX that will hold the size of an array that can store up to 25 decimal values. Separate each item with 1 space, and end the line with a semi-colon.


const int MAX = 25;

Leo is planning the new backup strategy for a subsidiary his company is purchasing that does not currently have a backup strategy in place. He decides that a full backup should be run once per week. Once per day, everything that has changed since the last full backup will be archived. Once per hour everything that has changed since the last backup of any type will be backed up. Which of the following describes the backups that will be run every hour?

a. Differential
b. Variable
c. Incremental
d. Flexible



C. Incremental backup


An incremental backup is a type of backup where the succeeding copies of the data is made up of only those positions that have changed since the previous or prior copies were made. Such backups are desired since they limit the usage of space for storage and these types of back ups are faster to do that the differential backup.

When we bring this explanation to this question, we can easily see that the backup that is being carried out is done on everything that has changed since the last backup (previous backup). Therefore this is an incremental backup.

List the components of a typical operating system and summarize the role of each in a single phrase.



The answer is below


There are several components of operating systems, this may be based on the specific types of Operating systems. However, here are some of the major components.

1. Kernel: it delivers the primary level of control on all the computer peripherals.

2. Process Execution: it serves as a connection between the hardware and application program

3. Interrupt: it provides a dependable technique for the OS to transmit & respond to their surroundings.

4. Memory Management: it regulates main memory and then moves processes between disk & main memory during implementation.

5. Multitasking: it interprets the activities of many independent computer programs on a similar computer system.

6. Networking: it defines the interaction of processor through communication lines

7. Security: it protects the activities of other processes going in the system

8. User Interface: it provides permission for a computer operator to get the information.

In MS_Excel , assume you have data base of employees with their ages,How you could checked the employee is continuous in work or not depending on his age? A) By using AND function. B) By using IF function. C) By using OR function. D) By using IF and AND functions



C) By using OR function



Employees database


Check for employees that are continuous in work or not depending on age

The solution to this question lies in the question itself.

From the question, we are to check for

....employees that are continuous in work or not depending on age

Notice that the question does not imply the usage of an if-function but, the usage of an or function as indicated by the text in bold.


If an employee is continuous in work, the function will return true

If an employee does not depend on age limit, the function will return true

The function will return false, if both conditions are not true

A technician is setting up a VM for use in testing software deployments. The VM is offline, but the hypervisor is not. Which of the following settings should the technician change to resolve this issue



The answer might be C.


Virtualization software (hyper-v, vm ware, virtual box) has a power button to power on the virtual machine, so in the real world you would press the power button. But the virtual CPU is the closet thing to a power button.

the right answer might be c

The enhanced for loop _____ Group of answer choices reduces the number of iterations necessary to visit all elements of an array prevents incorrectly accessing elements outside of an array's range can be used to replace any regular for loop while yielding less code creates a copy of an existing array and iterates through the copy's elements



prevents incorrectly accessing elements outside of an array's range.


The enhanced for loop prevents incorrectly accessing elements outside of an array's range. This type of loop is also called a For Each Loop. This is because this loop automatically loops through each element in the given array and grabs that element, then it performs whatever instructions are inside of the loop's body to that element before moving on to the next available element. This way there is no numbered indexing that needs to be provided and therefore prevents the loop from accidentally trying to access an index that does not exist in the array.

A year in the modern Gregorian Calendar consists of 365 days. In reality, the earth takes longer to rotate around the sun. To account for the difference in time, every 4 years, a leap year takes place. A leap year is when a year has 366 days: An extra day, February 29th. The requirements for a given year to be a leap year are:
1) If the year is evenly divisible by 4, go to step 2. Otherwise, go to step 5.
2) If the year is evenly divisible by 100, go to step 3. Otherwise, go to step 4.
3) If the year is evenly divisible by 400, go to step 4. Otherwise, go to step 5.
4) The year is a leap year (it has 366 days).
5) The year is not a leap year (it has 365 days).
Some example leap years are 1600, 1712, and 2016.
Write a program that takes in a year and determines whether that year is a leap year.



The program in Python is as follows:

year = int(input("Year: "))

print(year,end=" ")

if (year % 4) == 0:

  if (year % 100) == 0:

      if (year % 400) == 0:

          print("is a leap year")


          print("is not a leap year")


      print("is a leap year")


  print("is not a leap year")


This gets input for year

year = int(input("Year: "))

This prints the year, input by the user

print(year,end=" ")

Check if year is divisible by 4 --- step 1

if (year % 4) == 0:

If step 1 is true, check if year is divisible by 100 -- step 2

  if (year % 100) == 0:

If step 2 is true, check if year is divisible by 400 -- step 3

      if (year % 400) == 0:

If yes, print leap year --- step 4

          print("is a leap year")


If otherwise, print not leap year --- step 5

          print("is not a leap year")

If step 3 is not true, print leap year


      print("is a leap year")

If step 1 is not true, print not leap year


  print("is not a leap year")

1. You purchase a new desktop computer that does not have wireless capability, and then you decide thar you want to use a wireless connection to the internet. Give two solutions to upgrade your system to wireless.
2. You are replacing a processor on an older motherboard and see that the board has the LGA1155 socket. You have three processors on hand: Intel Core i3-2100, Intel Core i5-8400, and Intel Core i5-6500. Which of these three processors will most likely fit the board? Why?a. 4.b. 5.c. 6.d. 7.


Answer:   1.)  You can use a USB WiFi adapter, install a dedicated PCIe WiFi card, or upgrade to a new motherboard with built-in WiFi. (That's three solutions but just want to give you flexibility with your problem.)

Answer:    2.)  None of the processors would fit because they all have different series sockets. (The i5 processors have LGA1151 sockets and the i3 has an LGA1156 socket.)

Explanation: 1.)  Usb WiFi adapter, dedicated PCIe WiFi card, OR a new motherboard with built-in WiFi

                     2.)  None of the processors work

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The second row is labeled Probability with entries one-sixth, one-sixth, one-sixth, one-sixth, one-sixth, one-sixth. The third row is labeled Point(s) with entries negative 1, 1, negative 1, 1, negative 1, 1.Which statements are true regarding this scenario? Check all that apply.The sample space is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.The expected value for the game is 0.The expected value for the game is One-half.The game is fair because the expected value is equal to 0.The game is unfair because the expected value does not equal 0. Bi 7: Khoanh trn p n ng.1.My mother told me to (put/ get) on warm clothes before I went out2. Jim really (got/ put) me down when he forgot my birthday.3. My father never (tells/ drops) me off but my mother is always shouting at me.4. I couldnt believe she (turned/ got) down my invitation for the second time.5. My mother often lets me (look/ take) after my younger brother.6. Why did she (break/ stay) up with you?She said I didnt care much about her.7. 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(2 points)Part D: Consider the events "A student takes Algebra II and "A student is a 10th-grader. Are these events independent? Justify your answer. (4 points) ASAPWhen you become too cold, your hypothalamus will signal what parts of your body to raise the temperature?A. Muscles and kidneysB. Skin and pancreasC. Muscles and skinD. Kidneys and lungs Total planned expenditure (equals total output) is 14,000 when autonomous consumption expenditure is 450. When autonomous consumption expenditure falls to 400, total planned expenditure (equals total output) is 13,800. The marginal propensity to consume is _______. A) 0.89 B) 0.75 C) 0.99 D) 0.44 What occurred during the Battle of Britain?A. Germany forced Great Britain to surrender.B. Germany occupied the city of London.C. Great Britain held on through air attacks.D. Great Britain turned back a land invasion. Use the substitution method to find the solution for the system of equations. Write the answer as an ordered pair. 3x+2y=23 (1/2)-y=4 Draw a relative energy diagram showing a conformational analysis of 2,2-dichloropropane along C1-C2 bond. Clearly label all staggered conformations and all eclipsed conformations with the corresponding Newman projections.