the smell spreads immediately after you burn agarbatti in this example what is your condition about intermolecular force


Answer 1
Intermolecular force for solids is high. Whereas low in gases. The smell of agarbatti spreads immediately because the molecules of air diffuses very fastly.
Answer 2


The aroma of agarbatti spreads quickly once you burn it because the particles in the agarbatti move endlessly in all directions. Both, the air and aroma, have large intermolecular forces which is why the molecules of air scatter immediately once agarbatti is burned.

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it is a simple chemistry question
i thought F has 9 electrons, so why does this structure show 8 electrons.



The IUPAC structure only shows bond pairs and lone pairs. In the flouromethane structure above, there is only one bond pair and three lone pairs of electrons. Therefore there is one electron remaining, but since it doesn't not make up a pair, it is ignored in the structure but theoretically it is present.



therefore there is one electron remaining , but since it doesn't make up a pair . It is ignored in the structure but theoretically it is present .

What is known about a reaction with a negative enthalpy?
A. The reaction is endothermic,
B. The reaction is spontaneous,
C. The reaction is exothermic,
D. The reverse reaction is favored,


Considering the definition of enthalpy of reaction, the correct answer is option C. a reaction with a negative enthalpy indicates that the reaction is exothermic.

Definition of enthalpy of reaction

The enthalpy of a chemical reaction as the heat absorbed or released when chemicals are transformed into a chemical reaction and it occurs at constant pressure.

The enthalpy is an extensive property, that is, it depends on the amount of matter present.

Finally, it must be taken into account that:

A reaction is called exothermic if its enthalpy of reaction is negative (that is, if the system gives up heat).A reaction is called endothermic if its enthalpy of reaction is positive (that is, if the system absorbs heat).


In summary, a reaction with a negative enthalpy indicates that the reaction is exothermic.

Learn more about enthalpy of reaction:


Energy in the amount of 420 J is added to a 35 g sample of water at a temperature of 10°C. What is the final temperature of the water?


The final temperature of the water, T2 = 38.57°C

Temperature can be defined as a measure of the degree of hotness or coldness of a physical object (body). Thus, it is measured with a thermometer and its units are degree Celsius (°C), Fahrenheit (°F) and Kelvin (°K).

A calorie refers to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a gram of water by one (1) degree Celsius (1°C).

Given the following data:

Quantity of energy = 420JMass = 35 gramsInitial temperature, T1 = 10°C

The specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 J/g°C.

To find the final temperature of the water (T2):

Mathematically, the quantity of energy (heat capacity) is given by the formula;

[tex]Q = mcdt[/tex]


Q represents the heat capacity or quantity of heat.M represents the mass of an object.C represents the specific heat capacity of water.dt represents the change in temperature.

Substituting the values into the formula, we have;

[tex]420 = 3.5 \; * \; 4.2 \; * \; dt[/tex]

[tex]420 = 14.7 \; * \; dt\\\\dt = \frac{420}{14.7}[/tex]

Change in temperature, dt = 28.57°C

Next, we would solve for the final temperature by using this formula;

[tex]dt = T2 - T1[/tex]

[tex]28.57 = T_{2} - 10\\\\T_{2} = 28.57 \; + \; 10\\\\T_{2} = 38.57[/tex]

Final temperature, T2 = 38.57°C

Therefore, the final temperature of the water, T2 is equal to 38.57°C

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what is the requirements to obtain citizenship?

please answer it correctly​



Age. ...

Residency. ...

Residence and Physical Presence.

Good Moral Character.

Attachment to the Constitution.


U.S. Government and History Knowledge.

Oath of Allegiance.

These are some requirements for obtaining citizenship .


precautive measures taken when using pooter​


I guess ensuring that you don't suck the insects or specimen collected by ensuring there is a net in the pooter

The atomic number of silicon (Si) is 14. What's the electron configuration for silicon? Question 1 options:
A) [Ar] 3p5
B) [He] 1s2 2p6
C) [Ne] 3s2 3p2
D) [He] 2s2 3p2



D.[Ne] 3S2 3P2


The electron configuration for silicon is  [Ne] 3s² 3p². Hence Option (C) is correct.

What is elctronic configuration ?

Electronic configuration, also called electronic structure or electron configuration, the arrangement of electrons in orbitals around an atomic nucleus.

The electron configuration of an element describes how electrons are distributed in its atomic orbitals.

Electron configurations of atoms follow a standard notation in which all electron-containing atomic subshells (with the number of electrons they hold written in superscript) are placed in a sequence.

Silicon belongs to group 14th and 3rd period.Therefore, The electron configuration for silicon is  [Ne] 3s² 3p². Hence Option (C) is correct.

Learn more about Electronic configuration here ;


Is backbonding is possible in BF4- ? If no then why?



No, because Flourine can only form 1 bond, thus backbonding is not obtainable

Patience, a popular card game in Mendeleev's time, is also known as Go Fish.
A. True
B. False



B. False


step by step explanation




is (H) a positive or negative value



A chemical reaction that has a positive ΔH is said to be endothermic , while a chemical reaction that has a negative ΔH is said to be exothermic . What does it mean if the ΔH of a process is positive? It means that the system in which the chemical reaction is occurring is gaining energy.

The lattice energy for an ionic compound cannot be measured directly but can be calculated from the Born-_____ cycle, using a series of individual steps for which all enthalpies are known except for the lattice energy. This method is an application of Hess's law which, states that the overall energy change for a process is given by the _____ of the enthalpy changes for the individual steps.



first is HABER

second is SUM


pls mark brainliest

question 8 chemistry help



Sorry,I can't do this because i don't know this questions answer.

why can't sodium salt be prepared by double decomposition


Normally, reacting a metal and an aqueous acid will produce a salt and hydrogen gas, as in the case of iron:


However, you should not use the same method to produce, for example, sodium chloride:


Sodium salt might not be prepared by double decomposition because the method is used in preparing insoluble salts.

What is Double decomposition method?

Double decomposition method serves as the method that is used in preparing compounds which entails reaction between two soluble compounds and after reaction soluble and insoluble products are produced.

Therefore, since most of the sodium salt are soluble salt , Double decomposition cannot be used to prepare them.

Learn more about Double decompositionat:


5. What change would increase the amount of gas able to be dissolved in a given amount of liquid water? (2 points)
Increasing temperature
Increasing pressure
Increasing surface area
Increasing rate of stirring


answer : increasing pressure

the amount of gas that can be dissolved in liquid water increase with the increase in pressure


increasing pressure


Which of the following is the best definition of a physical property?
A. Tearing paper in half.
B. Something that can be observed or measured while changing the identity of the substance.
C. The ability of something to undergo a change or reaction.
D. Something that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the substance.



D.Something that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the substance.

which statement is generally true about CaCaI2 ?



"Its bonds are formed by large differences in electronegativity" is the statement among the choices given in the question that is generally true about CaCl2.

what are your thoughts on Galileo's idea about motion? i need the answer pls​



Galileo believed that a projectile is a combination of uniform motion in the horizontal direction and uniformly accelerated motion in the vertical direction. If it is not impeded, it will continue to move even without an applied force

What is the molarity of 2 moles of a compound dissolved in 4 L of water?
A. 2 M
B. 0.5 M
C. 4M
D. 1 M



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf B. \ 0.5 \ M}}[/tex]


Molarity is a measure of concentration in moles per liter. The formula for calculating molarity is:

[tex]molarity= \frac{moles \ of \ solute}{ liters \ of \ solution}[/tex]

There are 2 moles of a compound or the solute. There are 4 liters of water or the solution.

moles of solute= 2 mol liters of solution = 4 L

Substitute the values into the formula.

[tex]molarity = \frac{ 2 \ mol}{ 4 \ L}[/tex]


[tex]molarity= 0.5 \ mol /L[/tex]

1 mole per liter is equal to 1 Molar, so the solution's molarity of 0.5 mol/L is equal to 0.5 M.

[tex]molarity = 0.5 \ M[/tex]

The molarity of the solution is 0.5 Molar and choice B is correct.

what is meant by reactive elements​


Answer; relative elements are most reactive elements and compounds may ignite spontaneously or explosively. They generally burn in water as well as the oxygen in the air



Reactive elements are the  elements which are ready to gain electrons because they have  incompletely filled outermost shell.

Hope its helpful!

Please mark me as brainlist.

what is the formula of water



The formula of water is H20

career in chemistry list ten



Chemistry Teacher.

Chemical Engineer.

Forensic Scientist.




Analytical Chemist

Envionmental chemist

Water Chemist


Analytical Chemist.
Chemical Engineer.
Chemistry Teacher.
Forensic Scientist.
Hazardous Waste Chemist.
Materials Scientist.

What is Spontaneous ion


I think I found it. It was a cylinder

which of the following statements is true about alkali?
A) bases that soluble in water
B) shows a pH value less than 7
C) Ionises in water to form hydroxonium ions
D) Reacts with carbonate salt to release carbon dioxide gas​



it should be letter c


I hope this help

Substances that contain a transition metal can be oxidizing. The greater the number of oxidation of this metal, the greater the oxidizing character of the substance. In an industrial process in which the use of an oxidizing agent is necessary, only five substances are available: CaO, FeO, Cu₂O, Cr₂O₃ and KMnO₄.

The substance that should be used in this process, as it has a greater oxidizing character, is:

a) Cr₂O₃

b) Cu₂O

c) CaO

d) FeO

e) KMnO₄


B I think that it but I don’t know

Blood test can be used to check a person's blood glucose and hormone levels. The tabular column given below shows the result of two blood tests carried out on three people to check their blood glucose levels. Person 1 is healthy.

A:- Compare the glucose levels of person 1 with the glucose levels of person 2 after fasting for 12 hours.

B:- Compare the glucose levels of person 3 with the glucose levels of person 1, 2 hours after drinking 75g glucose.

C:- Person 3 cannot be produce the hormone that control blood glucose levels. State the hormone that person 3 cannot produce.

( THE ORDER OF THE PHOTO IS:- person 1, and person 2, and person 3)​

Pls it is urgent




1) person 2 had a slightly higher blood glucose level than person 1 after fasting 12 hrs (0.2mmols)

2) person 3 has a much higher blood glucose level than person 1 after taking glucose (5.6mmols)

3) insulin

in order to decrease the freezing point of 500. g of water to 1.00° c how many grams of ethylene glycol (C2H602)must be added (KF=1.86°C kg solvent)



if wrong sorry ok????

Three Balanced equations for Ammonium salt+Alkali=Salt+water+carbon dioxide



NH₄Cl (aq) + NaOH (aq) -> NaCl (aq) + H₂O (l) + NH₃ (g)

(NH₄)₂CO₃ (aq) + 2KOH (aq) -> K₂CO₃ (aq) + 2H₂O (l) + 2NH₃(g)

NH₄NO₃ (aq) + LiOH (aq) -> LiNO₃ (aq) + H₂O (l) + NH₃ (g)


The gas liberated when an alkali reacts with an ammonium salt is NH₃ (ammonia), not CO₂.

I'm having trouble understanding what "the difference in energy between the products and reactants from the surroundings" means. Can you help explain what this means? please​



The energy change in a chemical reaction is due to the difference in the amounts of stored chemical energy between the products and the reactants. This stored chemical energy, or heat content, of the system is known as its enthalpy.


Due to the absorption of energy when chemical bonds are broken, and the release of energy when chemical bonds are formed, chemical reactions almost always involve a change in energy between products and reactants. By the Law of Conservation of Energy, however, we know that the total energy of a system must remain unchanged, and that oftentimes a chemical reaction will absorb or release energy in the form of heat, light, or both.

A Questic
Is the following reaction feasible at 340K? Mg + ZnO -> MgO + Zn Enthalpy Data: Mg: 0 kJ/mol ZnO: -348 kJ/mol MgO:-602
kJ/mol Zn: 0 kJ/mol Entropy Data: Mg: 33 J/K mol ZnO: 44 J/K mol MgO: 42 J/K mol Zn: 27 J/K mol
A. No, it is not feasible because the Gibbs free energy change is negative.
OB. Yes, it is feasible because the Gibbs free energy change is negative.
C. No, it is not feasible because the Gibbs free energy change is positive.
D. Yes, it is feasible because the Gibbs free energy change is positive.



No, it is not feasible because the Gibbs free energy change is positive


∆Hreaction= (-602 KJ/mol) - (-348 KJ/mol) = -254 KJ/mol

∆Sreaction = (42 + 27) J/Kmol - (33 + 44) J/K = -8J/Kmol


∆G = ∆H - T∆S

∆G = 254 × 10^3 J/mol - [340K × (-8 J/Kmol)]

∆G = 2.57 × 10^5 J/mol

Note that when the change in free energy is positive, a reaction is non spontaneous. Only a reaction that has a negative change in free energy is spontaneous.


B. Yes, it is feasible because the Gibbs free energy change is negative.


I passed the exam 100/100

hii pls help me to balance the equation and state the symbols thanksss​




C4H9OH have several isomers. Draw structure and IUPAC names of its three isomers.​





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