The statement of cash flows reports:_______ a) Changes in equity. Equity, net income, and dividends. b) Cash inflows and cash outflows for an accounting period. c) Revenues, gains, expenses, and losses. d) Assets, liabilities, and equity.


Answer 1


b. Cash inflows and cash outflows for an accounting period.


The cash flows statement reported the cash inflows and cash outflows of the company. It includes three kinds of activity i.e. operating, investing and financing. Here cash inflows means the cash is come so the same is to be added and cash outflow means the cash is gone so the same is to be deducted

Therefore the option b is correct

Related Questions

________ refers to a method of matching a single project of a company to another company with a single business focus in an effort to assign an appropriate level of risk to the project. A. Outside assignment B. Ghosting C. Subjective assignment D. Pure play


The method that should be matched the individual project of a company to the other company having an individual business focus for allocating a risk level is pure-play.

The information related to the pure-play is as follows:

It is to be focused on one business line only.It is distinct from the expanded companies where there are diversify product lines and revenue sources. It determined the beta coefficient because it compared to the other project as an individual business focus.

So it cannot be as the outside assignment, ghosting, and subjective assignment.

Therefore we can conclude that the method that should be matched the individual project of a company to the other company having an individual business focus for allocating a risk level is a pure-play.

Learn more about the level of risk here:

Vera PLC uses exponential smoothing with trend to forecast monthly sales. At the end of September, Small Industries PLC hopes to forecast sales for October. The trend through August has been 500 additional unit sales per month (Tt-1). Average sales have been 1800 units per month (St-1). The demand for September was 1780 units (AL). Vera PLC uses alpha (a) - 0.2 and Beta (B)-0.3. Note: This Forecasting Question relates to Questions 65-67. Following the first stage of the trend-adjusted exponential smoothing method, smooth the level of the series and calculate St for Vera PLC. (retain your answer and calculation for:________
a) 1985
b) 2563
c) 2196
d) 2144
e) 2373



Option c (2196) is the right solution.



[tex]\alpha = 0.2[/tex]



By using the formula, we get

⇒ [tex]S_t=\alpha\times A_t+(1-\alpha)\times (S_{t-1}+T_{t-1})[/tex]

By substituting the values, we get

        [tex]=0.2\times 1780 + (1 - 0.2)\times (1800+500)[/tex]

        [tex]=356+0.8\times 2300[/tex]



Inventors in developing countries are usually unable to capture the full benefit of their innovations. They therefore tend to devote too few resources to research. Government can address this problem of under-investment in research by (i) increasing restrictions on trade; (ii) establishing a patent system to provide inventors with exclusive control over their inventions for a period of time; (iii) subsidising the purchase of technology from other countries.
a. only (i) is used.
b. only (ii) is used.
c. only (iii) is used.
d. (i), (ii) and (iii) are all used.



establishing a patent system to provide inventors with exclusive control over their inventions for a period of time.this way inventors will devout a lot of resources to research.

I hope this helps and sorry if it's wrong

On September 1, Home Store sells a mower (that costs $320) for $620 cash with a one-year warranty that covers parts. Warranty expense is estimated at 8% of sales. On January 24 of the following year, the mower is brought in for repairs covered under the warranty requiring $43 in materials taken from the Repair Parts Inventory. Prepare the September 1 entry to record the mower sale (and cost of sale) and the January 24 entry to record the warranty repairs. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.) View transaction list Journal entry worksheet 3 4 Record the cost of mower sales. Note: Enter debits before credits. General Journal Debit Credit Date Sep 01 Record entry Clear entry View general journal



Sep 1

Dr Cash $620

Cr Sales revenue $620

Sep 1

Dr Cost of Goods Sold $320

Cr Inventory $320

Sep 1

Dr Warranty expense $47

Cr Estimated warranty liability $47

Jan 24

Dr Estimated warranty liability $43

Cr Repair parts inventory $43


Preparation of the September 1 entry to record the mower sale (and cost of sale) and the January 24 entry to record the warranty repairs

Sep 1

Dr Cash $620

Cr Sales revenue $620

( To record sale )

Sep 1

Dr Cost of Goods Sold $320

Cr Inventory $320

(To record costs)

Sep 1

Dr Warranty expense $47

Cr Estimated warranty liability $47


(To record Warranty expense )

Jan 24

Dr Estimated warranty liability $43

Cr Repair parts inventory $43

(To record Warranty incurred)



1 September:

Dr Cash $620

Cr Sales revenue $620

(To record cash receipt from mower sale)

1 September:

Dr Cost of goods sold $320

Cr Finished goods inventory $320

(Cost of mower sale recorded)

1 September:

Dr Warranty expense $49.60

Cr Warranty liability $49.60

(To record estimated warranty expense)

24 January:

Dr Warranty liability $43.00

Cr Repair Parts Inventory $43.00

(To record cost of warranty repairs)


Warranty Expense = Sales Revenue × Estimated Warranty Expenses

= $620 × 8%

= $49.60

Joe had made an agreement with Auto Insurance Co. not to use his van for commercial business purposes when he purchased auto insurance. Joe had an accident while delivering pizzas for Bigger Pizza, Inc. For which type of violation will Joe not be covered under his insurance?





From the question we are informed about Joe who had made an agreement with Auto Insurance Co. not to use his van for commercial business purposes when he purchased auto insurance. Joe had an accident while delivering pizzas for Bigger Pizza, Inc. the type of violation that Joe will not be covered under his insurance is Concealment.

Concealment can be regarded as omission of information during insurance process, which would definitely has effect on the issuance as well as the rate of an insurance contract. In a case whereby the insurer is unable to get access to the nondisclosed information and the

nondisclosed information is material as regards the decision-making process, nullification of the insurance contract can be carried out by the insurer.

The finished goods inventory on hand on December 31, 2018 was 21,000 units. It is the company's policy to maintain a finished goods inventory at the end of each quarter equal to 20% of the next quarter's anticipated sales. Prepare a production budget for 2019.


Question Completion:

Benet Company has budgeted the following unit sales for 2019 and 2020:

                        Quarter 1   Quarter 2   Quarter 3   Quarter 4   Quarter 1

Sales units       105,000       60,000       75,000      120,000      90,000


Benet Company

Production Budget for 20198:

                               Quarter 1   Quarter 2  Quarter 3   Quarter 4

Sales units               105,000       60,000      75,000      120,000

Ending inventory       12,000        15,000      24,000        18,000

Units available for

sale                          117,000       75,000      99,000      138,000

Beginning inventory 21,000        12,000       15,000       24,000

Production               96,000       63,000       84,000      114,000


a) Data and Calculations:

Budgeted unit sales for 2019 and 2020:

                               Quarter 1   Quarter 2  Quarter 3   Quarter 4   Quarter 1

Sales units               105,000       60,000      75,000      120,000     90,000

Ending inventory       12,000        15,000      24,000        18,000

Units available for

sale                          117,000       75,000      99,000      138,000

Beginning inventory 21,000        12,000       15,000       24,000      18,000

Production               96,000       63,000       84,000      114,000

A group of workers normally consists of 60 men, 30 women and 20 boys. They are paid at standard hourly rates as under:

Men Rs. 280.00

Women Rs. 160.00

Boys Rs. 140.00

In a normal working week of 40 hours, the group is expected to produce 5,000 units of output.

During the week ending on March 21, 2021 the group consisted of 70 men, 25 women, and 25 boys. The actual wages paid were Rs. 270, Rs. 165 and Rs. 130 respectively. 4,500 units were produced.

The Company is using Flexible Budgeting.


2(a) Labour cost variance

2(b)Labour rate variance

2(c) Labour efficiency variance


Labour cost variance =  R.s 33,000 (F)Labour rate variance = R.s 33000 (F)Labour efficiency variance = 0


Standard Number of men = 60

Standard Number of women = 30

Standard Number of boys = 20

Standard hour rate for men = R.s 280

Standard hour rate for women = R.s 160

Standard hour rate for boys = R.s 140

Weekly working hour = 40 hours

Expected unit = 5,000 units

Number of men in march week = 70

Number of women in march week = 25

Number of boy in march week = 25

Actual wage for men = R.s 270

Actual wage for women = R.s 165

Actual wage for boys = R.s 130

Actual units = 4,500 units


Labour cost varianceLabour rate varianceLabour efficiency variance


Labour cost variance = [SC for AO] - AC

Labour cost variance =  [( 70 × 280) + (25 × 160) + (25 × 140)] - [(70 × 270) + (25 × 165) + (25 × 130)] × 40  

Labour cost variance = (27,100 - 26,275 ) × 40

Labour cost variance =  R.s 33,000 (F)  

Labour rate variance = (SR - AR) × AH worked

Labour rate variance = [(280 - 270)70 + (160 - 165)25 + (140 - 130)25]40

Labour rate variance = [700 - 125 + 250]40

Labour rate variance = [825]40

Labour rate variance = R.s 33000 (F)

Labour efficiency variance = (SH allowed - AH worked)SR

Labour efficiency variance = (0 - 0)SR

Labour efficiency variance = 0

Learn more;

VICTORIA COMPANY CVP Income Statement For the Month Ended April 30, 2020 Total Per Unit Sales (9,000 units) $450,000 $50 Variable costs 225,000 25.00 Contribution margin 225,000 $25.00 Fixed expenses 184,950 Net income $40,050 Management is considering the following course of action to increase net income: Reduce the selling price by 5%, with no changes to unit variable costs or fixed costs. Management is confident that this change will increase unit sales by 20%. Using the contribution margin technique, compute the break-even



Follows are the solution to the given question:


In this question, we assume that there is no change in selling price.


[tex]\text{Break-even point}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \frac{184950}{25}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 7398\ units\\\\\text{Break-even point} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 7398\times 50 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 369900\\\\ \text{Margin of safety}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 450000-369900 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 80100\\\\[/tex]

A project manager forgets to assess how national holidays and team member vacations will affect the project’s completion date. Now, because of team member time off, the project delivery will be two weeks late. What flexible planning strategy could the project manager have used to avoid the delay?


The flexible strategy is used to avoid the delay in assessing the external constraints.

The following information regarding accessing external constraints:

It could be thrust upon an organization.It permits for uncovering the things that are beyond the control.The example involved national holidays or sick leaves.

If we accessing the external constraints so the delay could be avoided.

So, The other options seem incorrect

Therefore we can conclude that the flexible strategy is used to avoid the delay in assessing the external constraints.

Learn more about the external constraints here:

To reduce delays in considering external restrictions, a flexible technique is employed. The following details about external limitations are available:

It has the potential to be imposed on a company.It enables us to see what we can't see.National holidays and sick leave were used as examples.The delay may be minimized if we used external limitations.It concludes that the flexible technique is employed in order to prevent a delay in considering external limitations.

Therefore, "Assessing external constraints" is correct.

Learn more:

Network externalities: Select one: A. exist when the usefulness of a product increases with the number of consumers who use it B. are created when celebrity endorsements of products lead to a surge in the demand for those products C. can only exist when there are economies of scale D. prevent the dominance of a market by one firm.



A. )exist when the usefulness of a product increases with the number of consumers who use it


Network externality can be regarded as a change that occur in benefit as well as in surplus, which is been derived by agent from a good when there is a change in number of other agents that consumes this same type of good. Network externality can as well be regarded as "network effect" this effect is one is that is been had by one user of a good/service on the value of the product with respect to each other people.

It should be noted that Network externalities exist when the usefulness of a product increases with the number of consumers who use it

state and explain five (5) challenges you will encounter as a service marketer.



1.Not finding your market segment

2.Not knowing how to explain the product or dervice you want to sell

Some of the challenges a service marketer faces are:

It being harder to sell a service than a product. The fact that services are perishable. Services being variable which means that others can offer it. Customers being rude. Finding it difficult to find a niche.

A service marketer will find it harder to sell a service than a good because services are perishable which means that they cannot be stored like goods. People might therefore not want to buy because they can only use the service once.

Services are also variable which means that several people can offer it at reduced prices which makes it difficult to make a profit. Customers can also be rude.

Some services are also applicable to certain people and finding those people can be difficult to a service marketer.

Find out more on service marketing at

Simone uses a predetermined overhead application rate of $8 per direct labor hour. A review of the company's accounting records for the year just ended discovered the following: Underapplied manufacturing overhead: $7,200 Actual manufacturing overhead: $392,000 Budgeted labor hours: 50,000 Simone's actual labor hours worked totaled:





If the importer... the bill





Swifty Corporation manufactures a product with a unit variable cost of $100 and a unit sales price of $176. Fixed manufacturing costs were $480000 when 10000 units were produced and sold. The company has a one-time opportunity to sell an additional 1000 units at $145 each in a foreign market which would not affect its present sales. If the company has sufficient capacity to produce the additional units, acceptance of the special order would affect net income as follows:
Income would increase by $45000.
Income would increase by $3000.
Income would increase by $145000.
Income would decrease by $3000.
Coronado Industries is using the target cost approach on a new product. Information gathered so far reveals:
Expected annual sales 350000 units
Desired profit per unit $0.35
Target cost $168000
What is the target selling price per unit?
a. $0.48
b. $0.35
c. $0.70
d. $0.83



1. Swifty Corporation

If the company has sufficient capacity to produce the additional units, acceptance of the special order would affect net income as follows:

Income would increase by $45000.

2. Coronado Industries:

The target selling price per unit is:

d. $0.83


a) Data and Calculations:

Swifty Corporation:

Variable cost per unit = $100

Sales price per unit = $176

Contribution margin per unit = $76 ($176 - $100)

Fixed manufacturing costs = $480,000

Production and sales units = 10,000 units

Revenue from special order = $145,000 ($145 * 1,000)

Variable costs for 1,000 units    100,000 ($100 * 1,000)

Contribution margin                  $45,000 ($145,000 - $100,000)

Fixed costs for special order         $0

Net income =                             $45,000

Coronado Industries:

Expected annual sales 350,000 units

Desired profit per unit $0.35

Target cost $168,000

Desired profit = $122,500 (350,000 * $0.35)

Total sales revenue = $290,500 ($168,000 + $122,500)

Target selling price per unit = $0.83 ($290,500/350,000)

Aureolin Company manufactures toothpaste and packs them in tubes of 250 grams. Standard variable overhead rate (SVOR) $3.90 per direct labor hour Actual variable overhead $79,721 Actual hours worked (AH) 22,290 hours Hours allowed for production (SH) 18,000 hours Determine the variable overhead spending variance.



Variable manufacturing overhead spending variance= $7,132.8 favorable


Giving the following information:

Standard variable overhead rate (SVOR) $3.90 per direct labor hour

Actual variable overhead $79,721

Actual hours worked (AH) 22,290 hours

To calculate the variable overhead spending variance, we need to use the following formula:

Variable manufacturing overhead spending variance= (standard rate - actual rate)* actual quantity

Variable manufacturing overhead spending variance= (3.9 - 3.58)*22,290

Variable manufacturing overhead spending variance= $7,132.8 favorable

Actual rate= 79,721/22,290= $3.58

Pop owns 87% of the common stock of Sugar. On December 31, 2017, Pop's Receivables include $296,880 that Pop advanced to Sugar. What portion (stated in dollars) of the intercompany receivable should be eliminated in preparing Pop's consolidated financial statements


Answer: $296,880


Pop owns more than 50% of Sugar which means that Sugar is a subsidiary of Pop's. When this happens, trade between the two are not shown in the consolidated financial statement unless the goods traded have been sold off to a third party.

As these goods have not, and are still considered accounts receivable to Sugar, the entire amount will be removed from the consolidated financial statements.

This year, Gogo Inc. granted a nonqualified stock option to Mrs. Mill to buy 10,000 shares of Gogo stock for $8 per share for five years. At date of grant, Gogo stock was selling on a regional securities market for $7.87 per share. Gogo recorded $26,700 compensation expense for the estimated value of the option. Five years after Gogo granted the option to Mrs. Mill, she exercised it on a day when Gogo stock was selling for $10.31 per share. Required: How much income must Mrs. Mill recognize in the year of exercise



Gogo Inc. and Mrs. Mill

The Income that Mrs. Mill must recognize in the year of exercise is:

= $23,100


a) Data and Calculations:

Options given to Mrs. Mill = 10,000 shares of Gogo stock

Exercise price of the options = $8 per share

Period of option exercise = 5 years

Selling price of shares at grant date = $7.87

Selling price of shares at exercise date = $10.31

Compensation expense recorded by Gogo = $26,700

Cost of options to Mrs. Mill = $80,000 (10,000 * $8)

Income that Mrs. Mill must recognize in the year of exercise = $23,100 ($10.31 - $8) * 10,000




You have been tasked with advising the dictator of a nation over what he should do to increase the countries GDP. He suggests printing money and increasing the growth rate of the money supply. He wants to give this newly printed currency to his soldiers and best political supporters. You know this will not increase GDP in the long run because:

I. Money is neutral
II. Increasing the growth of the money supply only causes inflation in the long run
III. He would only increase GDP in the long run if he distributed the money equally to all citizens
IV. He would only increase GDP in the long run only if he printed a large enough sum of money

a. I and II only I
b. II, and III only
c. I, II, III, and IV
d. III only


Answer: a. I and II only


Money is neutral which means that even if you change to supply of money in an economy, it will not translate to an increase in GDP because only the nominal values of things will change (as a result of inflation) while the real values of things like GDP will remain the same.

Increasing the growth of money supply by printing money would also cause inflation in the long run because the money will lose its value like goods do when their supply is increased even though demand does not. A weaker currency needs more units to buy a good which is where the inflation will come from.  

On January 1, 2021, Badger Inc. adopted the dollar-value LIFO method. The inventory cost on this date was $101,600. The ending inventory, valued at year-end costs, and the relative cost index for each of the next three years is below:

Year-end Ending inventory at year-end costs Cost Index
2021 $131,040 1.05
2022 150,040 1.10
2023 160,320 1.20

In determining the inventory balance for Badger to report in its 12/31/2022 balance sheet: _____________-

a. An additional layer of $12,760 is added to the 12/31/2021 balance.
b. An additional layer of $24,760 is added to the 12/31/2021 balance.
c. An additional layer of $23,760 is added to the 12/31/2021 balance.
d. None of these answer choices are correct.



a. An additional layer of $12,760 is added to the 12/31/2021 balance.


The computation of the inventory balance is given below:

2021 Base year cost is

=  $131,040 ÷ 1.05

= $124,800

Additional layer is

= $124,800 - $101,600

= $23,200

2022 Base year cost is

= $150,040 ÷ 1.10

= $136,400

Additional layer is

= ($136,400 - $124,800 ) × 1.10

= $11,600  1.10

= $12,760

Therefore the first option is correct

On January 2, 2021, Cullumber Hospital purchased a $106,000 special radiology scanner from Bella Inc. The scanner had a useful life of 4 years and was estimated to have no disposal value at the end of its useful life. The straight-line method of depreciation is used on this scanner. Annual operating costs with this scanner are $104,000. Approximately one year later, the hospital is approached by Dyno Technology salesperson, Jacob Cullen, who indicated that purchasing the scanner in 2021 from Bella Inc. was a mistake. He points out that Dyno has a scanner that will save Cullumber Hospital $25,000 a year in operating expenses over its 3-year useful life. Jacob notes that the new scanner will cost $110,000 and has the same capabilities as the scanner purchased last year. The hospital agrees that both scanners are of equal quality. The new scanner will have no disposal value. Jacob agrees to buy the old scanner from Cullumber Hospital for $57,500.
(a) Your answer is correct.
If Twilight Hospital sells its old scanner on January 2, 2022, compute the gain or loss on the sale.
(b) Prepare an incremental analysis of Twilight Hospital. (Enter negative amounts using either a negative sign preceding the number e.g. -45 or parentheses e.g. (45).) Should Twilight Hospital purchase the new scanner on January 2, 2022?




EI lá, nn sou da área da matemática, foi mal

Polarix is a retailer of ATVs (all-terrain vehicles) and accessories. An income statement for its Consumer ATV Department for the current year follows. ATVs sell for $4,000 each. Variable selling expenses are $230 per ATV. The remaining selling expenses are fixed. Administrative expenses are 70% variable and 30% fixed. The company does not manufacture its own ATVs; it purchases them from a supplier for $1,880 each.
Income Statement—Consumer ATV Department
For Year Ended December 31, 2017
Sales $619,200
Cost of goods sold 311,320
Gross margin 307,880
Operating expenses
Selling expenses $160,000
Administrative expenses 42,500 202,500
Net income $105,380
1. Prepare an income statement for this current year using the contribution margin format.
2. For each ATV sold during this year, what is the contribution toward covering fixed expenses and earning income?


what are you suppose to here ?

Floyd tells his daughter Glenda that she can have his Harley Davidson when he dies, but he does not add this to his will, and he is not on his deathbed. This is


The scenario explained shows that this is not a valid gift.

Some of the criterias for a gift to be considered a valid gift is that there should be a competent donor, an eligible donee, an intention to donate a particular thing and there should be a transfer of possession of that property or thing.

In this case, Floyd tells his daughter that he will give her a particular gift when he dies, but he eventually does not add this to his will.

Therefore, in this case, there's no transfer of possession to the daughter. Therefore, it's not a valid gift.

Read more on:

Buff is considering a new packaging machine. The initial cost is $10,000 and we would save $4,000 per year in labor costs. If our MARR is 12% and our projects must have a 3-year discounted payback period, should we purchase this packaging machine?
Not enough nformation to answer.





Discounted payback calculates the amount of time it takes to recover the amount invested in a project from it cumulative discounted cash flows

For the machine to be accepted, the total amount invested should be recovered in three years or less

Amount recovered = - cost of the project + discounted value of the cash flow

Amount recovered in year 1 = -10,000 + (4000 / 1.12) = -6,428.57

Amount recovered in year 2= -6,428.57 - (4000/ 1.12^2) = -3239.74

Amount recovered in year 3=  -3239.74 + (4000/ 1.12^3) = -392.62

the project would not be accepted because the amount invested would not be recovered within 3 years

The company has net sales revenue of $3.6 million during 2018. The company's records also included the following information: Assets 12/31/17 12/31/18 Property, plant and equipment $ 2.3 million $ 2.5 million Licensing agreements $ 0.5 million $ 0.4 million Goodwill $ 0.3 million $ 0.3 million Investments $ 0.4 million $ 0.5 million What is the company's fixed asset turnover ratio for 2018





Calculation to determine the company's fixed asset turnover ratio for 2018

Average Net Fixed Assets=3,600,000/ [(2,300,000 + 2,500,000)/2]

Average Net Fixed Assets=3,600,000/(4,800,000/2)

Average Net Fixed Assets=3,600,000/2,400,000

Average Net Fixed Assets = 1.5

Therefore the company's fixed asset turnover ratio for 2018 is 1.5

PET Co. owns 80% of the common shares of SAL Corp. PET has no other investments. Goodwill associated with the investment is nil, but there is a fair value increment of $62,500 relating to SAL's patent that is being amortized over 10 years. PET's and SAL's reported net income for 20X5 is as follows: PET Co. SAL Corp. Net income $200,000 $50,000 SAL declared $25,000 in dividends in 20X5. Assuming PET uses the cost method, what amount of consolidated net income attributable to the parent (ATP) would be reported in 20X5?
a) $210,000
b) $215,000
c) $223,750
d) $235,000


Co so the Anwser must be c

Exercise 8-19 Amortization of intangible assets LO P4 Milano Gallery purchases the copyright on a painting for $418,000 on January 1. The copyright is good for 10 more years. The company plans to sell prints for 11 years. Prepare entries to record the purchase of the copyright on January 1 and its annual amortization on December 31.



Jan 01

Dr Copyright $418,000

Cr Cash $418,000

Dec 31

Dr Amortization expense—Copyright $41,800

Cr Accumulated amortization—Copyright $41,800


Preparation of entries to record the purchase of the copyright on January 1 and its annual amortization on December 31.

Jan 01

Dr Copyright $418,000

Cr Cash $418,000

(To record purchase of copyright )

Dec 31

Dr Amortization expense—Copyright $41,800

Cr Accumulated amortization—Copyright $41,800

($418,000/10 years)

(To record amortization expense of copyright )

As of December 31, Drake Inc. reported the following (in millions): Current AssetsLong-term AssetsCurrent LiabilitiesTotal Liabilities $31,967$42,737$26,132$61,491 What amount did Drake Inc. report as equity on December 31





The computation of the equity is shown below:

As we know that

Total assets = total liabilities + total stockholder equity


Totalassets be

= $31,967 + $42,737

= $74,707

ANd, the total liabilities is $61,491

So, the equity should be

= $74,707 - $61,491

= $13,213

Jebali Company reports gross income of $340,000 and other property-related expenses of $229,000 and uses a depletion rate of 14%. Calculate Jebali's depletion allowance for the current year. $fill in the blank 1





Depletion = depletion rate x (gross income - expenses)

0.14 x ($340,000 - $229,000) = 15,540

A new employee, John Chapman, earns $10 per hour and gets time-and-a-half over 40 hours per week. His first week he worked 45 hours. Deductions from his check were $30 for OASDI, $7 for Medicare, $ 61 for federal income tax withholding, and $15 for a United Way contribution. What was his gross pay for the period


Answer: $475


Gross pay is:

= Regular pay + Overtime

= (Regular hours * Regular pay) + ( Overtime hours * regular pay * time and a half)

= (10 * 40 hours) + ( (45 - 40 hours) * 10 * 1.5)

= 400 + 75

= $475

Cheers Corporation purchased for $500,000 5,000 shares of Beer Corporation common stock (less than 5% of the outstanding Beer stock) at the beginning of the current year. It used $400,000 of borrowed money and $100,000 of its own cash to make this purchase. Cheers paid $50,000 of interest on the debt this year. Cheers received a $40,000 cash dividend on the Beer stock on September 1 of the current year. Cheers has $5 million of taxable income before any dividends-received deduction. a. What amount can Cheers deduct for the interest paid on the loan



Cheers Corporation

The amount that Cheers can deduct for the interest paid on the loan is:

= $50,000.


a) Data:

Investment in Beer Corporation = $500,000

Number of Beer shares purchased = 5,000

Percentage shareholding in Beer Corporation < 5%

Amount borrowed for the investment = $400,000

Own cash used for the purchase = $100,000

Interest paid on the debt for this year = $50,000 = 12.5%

Cash dividend received for the year = $40,000

Cheers taxable income before dividends = $5 million

The amount of interest deductible = $50,000

b) Since the interest was made for the purpose of the investment in Beers Corporation, the whole amount of interest expense for the year is deductible.

Other Questions
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