The sum of two integers is -360. One of them is 60, then the other integer is


Answer 1
CNN can. Nxkxmcidnxixnxksnxixnxixmficocc

Related Questions

can some0ne help me?



(x - 2)/3

(x - 4)/-5 or (-x + 4)/5

Step-by-step explanation:

this is an inverse function, and to solve an inverse function you would :

swap x and g(x) without bringing the x coefficient with it, just simply swap the variables. Then, solve for g(x), and that's it

the first question's answer is :

g(x) = 3x + 2

x = 3(g(x)) + 2

x - 2 = 3(g(x))

(x - 2)/3 = g(x)

the second one is:

g(x) = 4 - 5x

x = 4 - 5(g(x))

x - 4 = -5(g(x))

(x-4)/-5 = g(x)

g(x) = 3x + 2

y = 3x + 2

x = 3y + 2

3y = x - 2

y = x/3 - 2/3

inverse g(x) = (x - 2) / 3

g(x) = 4 - 5x

y = 4 - 5x

x = 4 - 5y

5y = 4 - x

y = 4/5 - x/5

inverse g(x) = (4 - x) / 5

Solve this equation for x. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.
1 = In(x + 7) ​



[tex]\displaystyle x \approx -4.28[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:


Equality Properties

Algebra II

Natural logarithms ln and Euler's number e

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


[tex]\displaystyle 1 = ln(x + 7)[/tex]

Step 2: Solve for x

[Equality Property] e both sides:                                                                     [tex]\displaystyle e^1 = e^{ln(x + 7)}[/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                             [tex]\displaystyle x + 7 = e[/tex][Equality Property] Isolate x:                                                                            [tex]\displaystyle x = e - 7[/tex]Evaluate:                                                                                                            [tex]\displaystyle x = -4.28172[/tex]

e^1 = x+7

e - 7 = x

x = -4.28

please help me on this




Step-by-step explanation:

Using the median to measure central tendency, rather than the mean, is better for a skewed data set.

Since a skewed data set will have either very high or low extreme data points, the mean will be less representative and accurate when measuring central tendency.

Using the median will measure this better because it is not as vulnerable as the mean when there are extreme data points.

So, the answer is the median.

The answer is median his is because the mean value is depend on the correct media

The measure of angle tis 60 degrees.
What is the x-coordinate of the point where the
terminal side intersects the unit circle?
Isla Isla



Step-by-step explanation:

Not a clear list of options and/or reference frame

Probably     0.5      if angle t is measured from the positive x axis.

Use absolute value to express the distance between -12 and -15 on the number line

A: |-12-(-15)|= -37
B: |-12-(-15)|= -3
C: |-12-(-15)|= 3
D: |-12-(-15)|= 27​


l3l = 3

I'm interval notation please


9514 1404 393


  (-2, 4]

Step-by-step explanation:

  -21 ≤ -6x +3 < 15 . . . . given

  -24 ≤ -6x < 12 . . . . . . subtract 3

  4 ≥ x > -2 . . . . . . . . . . divide by -6

In interval notation, the solution is (-2, 4].


Interval notation uses a square bracket to indicate the "or equal to" case--where the end point is included in the interval. A graph uses a solid dot for the same purpose. When the interval does not include the end point, a round bracket (parenthesis) or an open dot are used.

use quadratic formula to solve the following equation​


9514 1404 393


  x = 2 or x = 9

Step-by-step explanation:

To use the quadratic formula, we first need the equation in standard form for a quadratic. We can get there by multiplying the equation by 3(x -3).

  2(3) +4(3(x -3)) = (x +4)(x -3)

  6 +12x -36 = x² +x -12

  x² -11x +18 = 0

Using the quadratic formula to find the solutions, we have ...


The solutions are x=2 and x=9.

A box with a square base and no top is to be made from a square piece of carboard by cutting 4 in. squares from each corner and folding up the sides. The box is to hold 1444 in3. How big a piece of cardboard is needed



[tex]C=27inch\ by\ 27inch[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Squares [tex]h=4inch[/tex]

Volume [tex]v=1444in^3[/tex]

Generally the equation for Volume of box is mathematically given by






Length of cardboard is




Dimensions of the piece of cardboard is

[tex]C=27inch\ by\ 27inch[/tex]

A school has 4 different after school activities planned in the fall Janet has time to participate in 2 of these activities. How many different pairs of after-school activities can Janet choose from the available activities?​




Step-by-step explanation:

Of 4 options, Janet has to choose 2. This is combinations as A and B is the same as B and A.

Combinations formula gives us 4!/ 2!2! , or 6.


Noah is playing a game where he must spin two wheels, each with 9 equal slices. There are 3 red slices, 3 green slices, 2 blue slices and 1 yellow slice on each wheel. If Noah spins and lands on a yellow slice on both wheels he wins, but if he lands on any other color, he loses. This information was used to create the following area model.

Is this a fair game? Why or why not?

A. Yes, the game is fair because Noah has equal probabilities of winning or losing.

B. Yes, the game is fair because Noah does not have equal probabilities of winning or losing.

C. No, the game is not fair because Noah has equal probabilities of winning or losing.

D. No, the game is not fair because Noah does not have equal probabilities of winning or losing.


Step-by-step explanation:

Yes, the game is fair because noah has equal probabilities of Winning


No, the game is not fair because Noah does not have equal probabilities of winning or losing.

Step-by-step explanation:

Twice a number increased by the product of the number and fourteen results in forty eight



Let x = the number. Then you have:

2x + 14x = 48 Collect like terms

16x = 48 Divide both sides by 16

x = 3


The number that satisfies the given statement is 3.

We are given that twice a number increased by the product of the number and 14 results in 48.

We will find the value of the number that we used in the given above statement.

Understand the meaning of the keywords used in the statement.

Increased means addition.

Product means multiplication.

Results mean equal to sign.

Let's write the given statement in equation form.

Consider P = the number

Twice a number = 2P

Increased =  +

Products of the number and 14 =  P x 14

Results in 48 = equals 48.

Combining all the above we get,

2P + P x 14 = 48

2P + 14P = 48

16P = 48

P = 48 / 16

P = 3

Thus the number that satisfies the given statement is 3.

Learn more about similar problems here:


A ball thrown upwards hits a roof and returns back to the ground.

The upward movement is modeled by a function [tex]s=-t^2+3t+4[/tex]
s= −(t^2)+3t+4
and the downward movement is modeled by [tex]s=-t^2+3t+4[/tex]
s= −2(t^2)+t+7, where s is the distance (in metres) from the ground and t is the time in seconds.

Find the height of the roof from the ground.


Answer: 6 m

A ball thrown upwards from the altitude 4 m,

hits a roof and returns back to the ground.

upward movement:  s= −t²+3t+4

downward movement: s=-2t²+t+7

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's calculate the intersection:

[tex]- t^2+3t+4 =-2t^2+t+7\\\\t^2+2t-3=0\\\\t^2+3t-t-3=0\\\\t(t+3)-(t+3)=0\\\\(t+3)(t-1)=0\\\\t=-3 \ (exclude)\ or\ t=1\\\\if\ t=1 \ then\ s=-1^2+3*1+4=6\\\\height\ is\ 6\ m.\\[/tex]

Sorry, i have forgotten the picture.

Is this the correct answer?




Step-by-step explanation:

tickets  ( 2 at 10.95 each) = 2* 10.95 = 21.90

popcorn ( 1 at 7.50)         = 7.50

Total cost before discount


subtract the discount

29.40-4.00 =25.40


Yep! That's correct!

Step-by-step explanation:

We know that Marilyn and her sister are each getting a ticket that cost $10.95. They are also getting a $7.50 popcorn to share. Let's add those values up.

(10.95 * 2) + 7.50 {Multiply 10.95 by 2 to get 21.90.}

21.90 + 7.50 {Add 7.50 to 21.90 to get 29.40}

$29.40 (without the credit) in toal

A credit on a movie reward card functions as a discount, so what we need to do next is subtract 4 from 29.40. That will get us $25.40 as the total cost.

After doing the math, I can deduce that your answer is correct!

Divided by 1/2



The answer is 3.1

[tex]6.2 \div \frac{1}{2} = 3.1[/tex]

If we were to convert it into a **FRACTION** the answer would be : 31/10.

And that i an improper fraction, but as a **MIXED NUMBER** : [tex]3 \frac{1}{10}[/tex]

All answers would be : 3.1 , 31/10 and 3 1/10



Step-by-step explanation:

6.2/12 first rewrite 6.2 as an improper fraction or 36/5 then multiply by 1/12 to get the solution of 0.5167.

Find a pair of polar coordinates for the point with rectangular coordinates (5, –5).



(5*sqrt(2), 5pi/4)

Step-by-step explanation:

In Polar coordinates, tan(theta)=y/x and r=sqrt(x^2+y^2)

tan(theta)=-5/5=-1. Theta=5pi/4


Hence the Polar coordinate is (5*sqrt(2), 5pi/4)

The polar coordinate is [tex](5\sqrt{2},\frac{-\pi }{4} )[/tex].

What is polar coordinate system?

The polar coordinate system is a two-dimensional coordinate system in which each point on a plane is determined by a distance from a reference point and an angle from a reference direction.

How to convert rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates?

To convert rectangular coordinate (x, y) to polar coordinate(r, θ) by using some formula

tanθ = y/x and [tex]r =\sqrt{x^{2} +y^{2} }[/tex]

According to the given question

We have

A rectangular coordinate (5, -5).

⇒ x = 5 and y = -5


[tex]r=\sqrt{(5)^{2} +(-5)^{2} } =\sqrt{25+25} =\sqrt{50} =5\sqrt{2}[/tex]


tanθ = [tex]\frac{-5}{5} =-1[/tex]

⇒ θ = [tex]tan^{-1} (-1)[/tex] = [tex]-\frac{\pi }{4}[/tex]

Therefore, the polar coordinate is [tex](5\sqrt{2},\frac{-\pi }{4} )[/tex].

Learn more about polar coordinates here:


which of the following is the correct graph of the solution to the inequality -18 > 5x + 2 > -48?



good luck


Answer: the third one. filled circle for 4 ,5,6,7,8,9, open circle 10

Step-by-step explanation:

Which of the fractions below are less than 2/5? Select two.



1/8 is less than

Step-by-step explanation:

i dont see any fractions below gona have to edit your answer

75,000 live bacteria are present in a culture in a flask. When an antibiotic is
added to the culture, the number of live bacteria is reduced as shown by the
equation. Approximately how many hours have passed when there are 4500
bacteria left alive?
4500 = 75,000 e-0.1733t



16.23 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

To obtain the number of hours that have passed ; we have to solve for t on the equation ;

4500 = 75,000 e^-0.1733t

Divide both sides by 75000

4500/75000 = e^-0.1733t

0.06 = e^-0.1733t

Take the In of both sides ;

In(0.06) = - 0.1733t

-2.813410 = - 0.1733t

Divide both sides by - 0.1733

t = 16.23 hours

What is the value of n to the nearest whole number?
O 10
o 13



n is 13

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] {n}^{2} = {12}^{2} + {6}^{2} - (2 \times 12 \times 6) \cos(90 \degree) \\ {n}^{2} = 180 \\ n = 13.4[/tex]


n is 13

Step-by-step explanation:

Rosa brought d drawings to an art show. After selling 15 of them, she had 38
left. Identify the equation that represents this situation and the correct



38= d - 15

Step-by-step explanation:

Below is the graph of a polynomial function with real coefficients

(a) The function f is increasing over which intervals? Choose all that apply.
D(-0, -8)
O (-5,-2) O (-8, -2) O (-2,
2) (2,5)
O (5, 0 )
(b) The functionfhas local maxima at which x-values? If there is more than one value,
separate them with commas.
(c) What is the sign of the leading coefficient of f?
Select One
(d) Which of the following is a possibility for the degree of f? Choose all that apply.

Please help if you can thank you


9514 1404 393


  (a) (-∞, -8), (-5, -2), (2, 5)

  (b) -8, -2, 5

  (c) negative

  (d) 6

Step-by-step explanation:

(a) The function is increasing on intervals where the graph slopes upward left-to-right. Those are (-∞, -8), (-5, -2), and (2, 5).


(b) The local maxima are at the right end of each interval on which the function is increasing: -8, -2, 5.


(c) The function opens downward (∩), so has a negative leading coefficient.


(d) There are three local maxima and two local minima (left end of an increasing interval), so a total o 5 turning points. The degree of the polynomial is at least one more than this: 6.

A park is 5 miles east of Roxana's home. A library is 4 miles north of the park. How far is Roxana's home from the library? ​


Answer: 9 miles I think but I dont know where her house is exactly.

Identify the decimals labeled with the letters A B and a C






Step-by-step explanation:

A chocolate chip cookie manufacturing company recorded the number of chocolate chips in a sample of 60 cookies. The mean is 22.36 and the standard deviation is2.97 . Construct a ​80% confidence interval estimate of the standard deviation of the numbers of chocolate chips in all such cookies.



2.665 < σ < 3.379

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

s = 2.97

Sample size, n = 60

α = 80%

χ² Critical value (two - tailed), df = (60-1) = 59

χ² = 45.577 ; χ² = 73.279

The 80% confidence interval for the standard deviation :

s * √(n - 1) / χ² critical

2.97 * √(60 - 1) / 73.279 < σ < 2.97 * √(60 - 1) / 45.577

2.665 < σ < 3.379

Find the equation of the line using the point-slope formula. Write the final equation using the slope-intercept form.
perpendicular to
7y = x − 4
and passes through the point
(−2, 1)



[tex]y = -7x -13[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


Perpendicular to

[tex]7y = x -4[/tex]

Passes through



The equation

First, we calculate the slope of:

[tex]7y = x -4[/tex]

Divide through by 7

[tex]y = \frac{1}{7}x - \frac{4}{7}[/tex]

A linear function is:

[tex]y=mx + c[/tex]


[tex]m \to slope[/tex]


[tex]m = \frac{1}{7}[/tex]

For the perpendicular line; the slope is:

[tex]m_2 = -\frac{1}{m}[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]m_2 = -\frac{1}{1/7}[/tex]

[tex]m_2 = -7[/tex]

The equation is:

[tex]y = m(x - x_1) + y_1[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]y = -7(x - -2) + 1[/tex]

[tex]y = -7(x +2) + 1[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]y = -7x -14 + 1[/tex]

[tex]y = -7x -13[/tex]

Answer the question given above



See explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

This is how you are suppoussed to solve it:

Measure each and every side of the rectangle with a ruler and add it. This would be your perimeter

This cannot be solved unless the page is infront of us.

Please i need to find the era bounded by the following curves



10 2/3 or 32/ 3

Step-by-step explanation:

5 - x^2 - (2 - 2x) =

= -x^2 + 2x + 3

Integral of (-x^2 + 2x + 3)dx from -1 to 3 =

= -x^3/3 + 2x^2/2 + 3x from -1 to 3

= -x^3/3 + x^2 + 3x from -1 to 3

= -27/3 + 9 + 9 - (1/3 + 1 - 3)

= -9 + 9 + 9 - 1/3 - 1 + 3

= 11 - 1/3

= 10 2/3 = 32/3



Step-by-step explanation:

Check the pdf :)

The scatterplot shows the number of bedrooms in a house and the selling price for that house.

Calculate the residual for the house with 6 bedrooms, to the nearest thousand.

The residual for the house with 6 bedrooms is ___



-26k, -26,000 ; (B)


The residual for the house with 6 bedrooms is -26k.

What is Scatterplots?

Scatterplots are the plotting of set of points on a vertical axis and an horizontal axis. The shows the correlation extent between the numbers of the observed quantities.

Given is a scatterplot showing the selling price of houses with the number of bedrooms.

Equation of the line of best fit is given as,

y = 6.3x + 4.8

Residual = Actual value - Predicted value

From the scatterplot,

Actual selling price of house with 6 bedrooms = 40 × 10,000 = 400,000

Predicted selling price for 6 bedrooms = (6.3 × 6) + 4.8

                                                                 = 42.6 × 10,000

                                                                 = 426,000

Residual = 400,000 - 426,000

              = -26,000

Hence the residual is -26k.

Learn more about Residuals and Scatterplots here :


Find the volume of a pyramid with a square base, where the side length of the base is 17.6 m and the height of the pyramid is 13.4 m. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a cubic meter.



~1383.5 meters cubed

Step-by-step explanation:

(17.6 x 17.6 x 13.4) ÷ 3 = ~1383.5

Due the end of the week pls help.


This problem seems like a lot when you read through it, but when you start to analyze the problem, the whole first line is extra information that we don't actually need. The part we really need to pay attention to is:

"p = qr - f, write the equation with q solved in terms of p, r, and f."

So, all we are doing here is some manipulating of the equation to get what we want. So, if p = qr - f, we can isolate the variable (q), to get p + f = qr. Now all we have to do is divide both sides by r to isolate the variable (q) even further, and we get [tex]$\frac{p+f}{r}=q$[/tex] or [tex]$r=\frac{p+f}{r}$[tex]

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