The table gives Josh's probabilities of scoring in various ranges on a par-70 course in a given round, find the probability of the event. par or above х Below 60 60 64 65 69 70 74 75 79 80 84 85 89 90 94 95 99 100 or above P(x) 003 007 016 0 28 020 0.12 007 003 003 0.01​


Answer 1

The probability of the event. par or above is 0.74

Using the table in the question as reference, we are to calculate the probability of an event par or above.

This probability is represented as: P(par or above)

The par value from the question is:

[tex]par = 70[/tex]

So, the required probability is:

[tex]P(par\ or\ above) = P(x \ge 70)[/tex]

This mean that we consider scores that are 70 and above

So, the formula to use is:

[tex]P(par\ or\ above) = P(70-74) + P(75 -79) +..... + P(100\ or\ above)[/tex]

Using the data from the question, the equation becomes

[tex]P(par\ or\ above) = 0.28+ 0.20 +0.12+ 0.07+ 0.03+ 0.03+ 0.01​[/tex]

[tex]P(par\ or\ above) = 0.74[/tex]

Read more at:

Answer 2


The probability of Josh scoring par or above is 0.75.

Step-by-step explanation:

Find where par is on the table (70-74). Since it is par or above, you would take the probabilities of par and all numbers higher than par. Add them together, and you have your answer.

(.29) + (.21) + (.11) + (.08) + (.02) + (.03) + (.01) = 0.75

**I attached a screenshot of the table and the correct answer

good luck! <3

Related Questions

Frank, Carl, and Vinny started a lawn-mowing business over the summer. This table shows how many lawns each worker mowed during the summer months.Display the data in matrix W with rows indicating workers. What is element w11?

Possible Answers:


Given a matrix [tex]A[/tex] an element inside a matrix is denoted by [tex]A_{ij}[/tex] where [tex]i[/tex] is a number of a row and [tex]j[/tex] is a number of a column in which the element is in.

Your matrix is called [tex]W[/tex] and it equals to,


So [tex]W_{11}[/tex] will denote the element in the first row and first column that is [tex]\boxed{W_{11}=28}[/tex].

Hope this helps :)

We’re is the blue dot on the number line?

The answer is

-4.9 hope this helps



thank u !! -4.9

The answer you are needing/looking for is -4.9 ;)

Figure ABCD is a parallelogram.

A. 3
B. 5
C. 17
D. 25


The answer that was given to you is correct just to verify !

please answer quickly!! and no links please!


Step-by-step explanation:

here are the answers for your problems

I really need help with this one


Step-by-step explanation:

here is the answer to your question

How many centimeters in 3.7 kilometers


Answer:   [tex]\displyastyle \Large \boldsymbol{} \\\\ 3,7 km=3700000cm[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displyastyle \Large \boldsymbol{1km=100m \ \ ; \ \ 1m=100cm} \\\\1km=1000\cdot 100=100000cm \\\\ 3,7 km=3700000cm[/tex]

Sin x =.3, what is cos x =



If what you're asking is what is the cosine of 3 is 0.999986292247

Step-by-step explanation:


Mr. Martin is giving a math test next period. The test, which is worth 100 points, has 29 problems. Each problem is
worth either 5 points or 2 points. Write a system of equations that can be used to find how many problems of each
point value are on the test.
Let x be the number of questions worth 5 points and let y be the number of questions worth 2 points.
O x + y = 29, 5x + 2y = 100
Ox+y = 100, 5x + 2y = 29
O 5x + y = 29, 2y + x = 100
O 2x + y = 100, 5y + x = 29



x + y = 29, 5x + 2y = 100

Step-by-step explanation:

First, create an equation based on how there are 29 problems on the test.

x + y represents all of the questions on the test, so it should be set equal to 29.

The first equation is x + y = 29.

Now, create an equation based on how the test is worth 100 points.

5x will represent the points from the questions worth 5 points, and 2y will represent the points from the questions worth 2 points.

These terms will be added together, and set equal to 100.

The second equation is 5x + 2y = 100.

So, the system of equations is x + y = 29, 5x + 2y = 100

A rectangle has a length of 12 mm and a width of 15 mm. Which statement best describes the change in the
A new rectangle was created by multiplying all of the perimeter of the new rectangle?
dimensions by a scale factor of Ş.
The new perimeter will be times the perimeter of
the original rectangle.
O The new perimeter will be times the perimeter of
15 mm
5 mm
the original rectangle.
4 mm
O The new perimeter will be 2 times the perimeter of
the original rectangle.
12 mm
O The new perimeter will be 3 times the perimeter of
the original rectangle.



perimeter of original rectangle *1/3  = perimeter of new rectangle

Step-by-step explanation:

The rule for perimeter is  multiply by the scale factor

perimeter of original rectangle * scale factor  = perimeter of new rectangle

perimeter of original rectangle *1/3  = perimeter of new rectangle

It is known that a
a) add 4 to both sides of the inequality
b) multiply each side of the inequality by 8




the answer is B

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiplying or dividing both sides by a negative number reverses the inequality. This means < changes to >, and vice versa. For example, given that 5 < 8 we can multiply both sides by 6 to obtain 30 < 48 which is still true. −30 > −48, which is a true statement.

when solving inequalities with absolute values When solving an inequality: • you can add the same quantity to each side • you can subtract the same quantity from each side • you can multiply or divide each side by the same positive quantity If you multiply or divide each side by a negative quantity, the inequality symbol must be reversed.

The gradient of a straight line passes through points (6,0) and (0,q) is -3/2. Find the value of q​



Step-by-step explanation:

gradient is essentially the slope of a straight line.  

Use (y2-y1)/(x2-x1):

(q-0)/(0-6) = -3/2

q = 9

A store manager wishes to investigate whether there is a relationship between the type of promotion offered and the number of customers who spend more than $30 on a purchase. Data will be gathered and placed into the two-way table below.




Step-by-step explanation:

i took the test

According to the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, which polynomial function has exactly 8 roots?



Option (1)

Step-by-step explanation:

Fundamental theorem of Algebra states degree of the polynomial defines the number of roots of the polynomial.

8 roots means degree of the polynomial = 8

Option (1)

f(x) = (3x² - 4x - 5)(2x⁶- 5)

When we multiply (3x²) and (2x⁶),

(3x²)(2x⁶) = 6x⁸

Therefore, degree of the polynomial = 8

And number of roots = 8

Option (2)

f(x) = (3x⁴ + 2x)⁴

By solving the expression,

Leading term of the polynomial = (3x⁴)⁴

                                                     = 81x¹⁶

Therefore, degree of the polynomial = 16

And number of roots = 16

Option (3)

f(x) = (4x² - 7)³

Leading term of the polynomial = (4x²)³

                                                    = 64x⁶

Degree of the polynomial = 6

Number of roots = 6

Option (4)

f(x) = (6x⁸ - 4x⁵ - 1)(3x² - 4)

By simplifying the expression,

Leading term of the polynomial = (6x⁸)(3x²)

                                                     = 18x¹⁰

Degree of the polynomial = 10

Therefore, number of roots = 10

can anyone solve it the picture is given below.
can you solve all this questions​


Now you can see if I have to go back and get the phone off the screen when you

In general, how are the measures of central tendency and variability used to analyze a data distribution



Central tendencies and variability are generally used to represent or describe/summarize a large data set into a single data

Step-by-step explanation:

Central tendency is the measurement used to determine the probability of a set of  variables/dataset to cluster around their mean, mode, and median values.

Central tendencies and variability are generally used to represent or describe/summarize a large random data set into a single data. examples of variabilities are : variance, range and standard deviation.

oval (S) and A, B permanent, straight line d


I think you have not write the whole question

in this statement underlined the conclusion twice, underlined the hypothesis once, determine the truth value of the statement, and write it inverse converse and contrapositive. two angly of a triangle are equal if it is an isosceles triangle.​



Step-by-step explanation:

A motorist travels 90 miles at a rate of 20 miles per hour. If he returns the same distance at a rate of 40 miles per hour, what is the average speed for the entire trip, in miles per hour? (Pls explain throughly with your answer)




Step-by-step explanation:

same distance is covered at different speed , avg speed= 2ab/a+b

= 2*20*40/60

= 80/3


[tex]\frac{80}{3}\text{ mph}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

We can use the formula [tex]d=rt[/tex] (distance  = rate * time) to solve this problem.

If the motorist is travelling 90 miles to and back on a trip, he has travelled [tex]90+90=180[/tex] miles total. This represents [tex]d[/tex] in our formula.

Now we need to find the total time.

On the first trip, it's given that the motorist travels at a rate of 20 mph. Therefore, the time this trip took to travel 90 miles is:

[tex]90=20t,\\t=\frac{90}{20}=\frac{9}{2}=4.5[/tex] hours

On the second trip back, he travels the same distance (90 miles) at a rate of 40 mph. Therefore, the time the trip took is:

[tex]90=40t,\\t=\frac{90}{40}=\frac{9}{4}=2.25[/tex] hours

Therefore, the total time is [tex]4.5+2.25=6.75[/tex] hours.

Now can calculate the average speed of the entire trip:

[tex]180=6.75r,\\r=\frac{180}{6.75}=\frac{180}{\frac{27}{4}}=180\cdot \frac{4}{27}=\boxed{\frac{80}{3}\text{ mph}}[/tex]

The expected value of X, E(X) must never be less than zero. True or False.



I think true

Step-by-step explanation:

like and mark brainlist

can someone please help me this is hard



what's this bro

pls tell me the subject name then I will research



Step-by-step explanation:


Select the correct answer.
The Richter scale measures the magnitude, M, of an earthquake as a function of its intensity, I, and the intensity of a reference earthquake,
M= log (I/I)
.Which equation calculates the magnitude of an earthquake with an intensity 10,000 times that of the reference earthquake?



[tex]M = \log(10000)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]M = \log(\frac{I}{I_o})[/tex]

[tex]I = 10000I_o[/tex] ---- intensity is 10000 times reference earthquake


The resulting equation

We have:

[tex]M = \log(\frac{I}{I_o})[/tex]

Substitute the right values

[tex]M = \log(\frac{10000I_o}{I_o})[/tex]

[tex]M = \log(10000)[/tex]

The equation that calculates the magnitude of an earthquake with an intensity 10,000 times that of the reference earthquake is A. M = ㏒10000

Since the magnitude of an earthquake on the Richter sscale is M = ㏒(I/I₀) where

I = intensity of eartquake and I₀ = reference earthquake intensity.

Since we require the magnitude when the intensity is 10,000 times the reference intensity, we have that I = 10000I₀.

Magnitude of earthquake

So, substituting these into the equation for M, we have

M = ㏒(I/I₀)

M = ㏒(10000I₀./I₀)

M = ㏒10000

So, the equation that calculates the magnitude of an earthquake with an intensity 10,000 times that of the reference earthquake is A. M = ㏒10000

Learn more about magnitude of an earthquake here:

3/4 divided by 1/2 please hurry !!



3/2 or 1.5

Step-by-step explanation:

(3/4) / (1/2) = (3/4) * (2/1)

                 = 6/4

                 = 3/2

It is given that,

→ 3/4 ÷ 1/2

We can divide the given values,

→ 3/4 ÷ 1/2

→ 3/4 × 2/1

→ 6/4

→ 3/2 (or) 1.5

Thus, 3/2 (or) 1.5 is the answer.

Hari earns Rs 4300 per month. He spends 80% from his income. How much does he save in a year? ​please give answer in step by step explaination​


Ravi earns per month=Rs4300Spends=80%

Saving percentage=100-80=20%

Saving amount:-

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4300\times 20\%[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4300\times \dfrac{20}{100}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 43\times 20[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 860[/tex]

saving per year=Saving per month×12

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 12\times 860[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Rs10320[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

i think this will be help you

I need help with this​


Answer: 13.5 Okay! Here's the method count the legs of the right triangle

The formula we'll use will be

A^2 + B^2 = C^2

In this case we're counting by twos

The base is 11 so we times it by itself =110

The leg is 8.5 so we going to times itself to make 72.25 add those together so 110+ 72.25 = 182.25 then we \|-----


Then you have got ur answer of 13.5

Step-by-step explanation:

How much must you add to -12 to get a number greater than 5? A A number less than -17 B A number less than 7 C A number between 7 and 17 D A number greater than 17


D. A number greater than 17 :)

It’s like thinking about:

-12+ 12= 0
0+5= 5

12+5=17 and -12+17=5 therefore any number that you add to -12 to be greater than 5 has to be greater than 17 :)

What are the coordinates A’ after 90 counterclockwise rotation about the origin.



the above is the answer

hope this is helpful

If f(x)= x+3/4 what is the equation for f–1(x)?

A) f–1(x) = 4(x + 3)

B) f–1(x) = 4x - 3

C) f–1(x) = 4(x - 3)

D) f–1(x) = 4x + 3



f^-1(x) = 4x-3

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = (x+3)/4

y = (x+3)/4

Exchange x and y

x = (y+3)/4

Solve for y

4x = y+3

Subtract 3

4x-3 = y

The inverse

f^-1(x) = 4x-3

-Ba+9=Q²a solve for a



[tex]a= \frac{9}{B+Q^2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:



To solve for "a", make "a" the subject of the formula.

First, collect similar terms together;

-Ba - Q²a = -9

multiply through by "-1" to remove the negative sign;

Ba + Q²a = 9

factor out a;

a(B + Q²) = 9

divide both sides of the equation by "(B + Q²) ";

[tex]\frac{a(B+Q^2)}{B+Q^2} = \frac{9}{B+Q^2} \\\\a = \frac{9}{B+Q^2}[/tex]

Therefore, the value of "a" in the given expression is [tex]\frac{9}{B+Q^2}[/tex]

Look at the number 45,962. Write a new
number that has the digit 4 with a value 10 times
greater than the value of the 4 in 45,962. Explain how
you determined your new number.


I'm not sure about this one..

simplify the algebraic expression by combining like (or similar) terms.




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