The temperature on a mountain peak was 7 degreesFahrenheit (F) at 6:00 p.m. By 8:00 p.m., thetemperature had dropped to 0F. If the temperaturecontinued to drop at about the same rate, which isthebestestimate of the temperature at 11:00 p.m
A -20 / B. -14 / C -10 / D -9 /


Answer 1


The temperature on a mountain peak was 7°F at 6:00 p.m.

By 8:00 p.m., the temperature had dropped to 0°F.

To find:

The temperature at 11:00 p.m. if the temperature continued to drop at about the same rate.


Time between 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. is 2 hours.

Change in temperature in 2 hours is -7°F.

Change in temperature in 1 hours is [tex]-\dfrac{7}{2}^\circ[/tex]F.

Time between 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. is 3 hours.

Change in temperature in 3 hours is [tex]3\times \dfrac{-7}{2}^\circ[/tex]F, i.e., [tex]-\dfrac{21}{2}^\circ[/tex]F.

Now, the temperature at 11:00 p.m is:


Therefore, the temperature at 11:00 p.m. is -10.5°F.

Note: All options are incorrect.

Related Questions

The freezing point of oxygen is –218.790C and hydrogen is –252.80C. A lab is lowering the temperature inside a fridge. Which freezes first? How much colder does it have to be for both to freeze?



Oxygen; 34.01°C

Step-by-step explanation:

The oxygen freezes first as it has a higher (warmer) freezing point. For both to freeze, the temperature must drop a further 34.01°C as:

-218.79 - (-252.8)

= 252.8 - 218.79

= 34.01

What's the angle sum of a polygon having 7 sides.




Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is

sum = 180° (n - 2) ← n is the number of sides

Here n = 7 , then

sum = 180° × 5 = 900°

Which constants can be multiplied by the equations so one variable will be eliminated when the systems are added together?

5x + 13y = 232

12x + 7y = 218

The first equation can be multiplied by –13 and the second equation by 7 to eliminate y.
The first equation can be multiplied by 7 and the second equation by 13 to eliminate y.
The first equation can be multiplied by –12 and the second equation by 5 to eliminate x.
The first equation can be multiplied by 5 and the second equation by 12 to eliminate x.


The first to solve x, because it eliminates y. Third one to solve y, because it eliminates x.

Can someone please help me




Step-by-step explanation:

come on ! you can literally see that in the chart.

how many parts of the gray 3/8 are covered by the gray 1/4 ?

2 parts = 2/8 are clearly covered by 1/4.

2/8 is what part of 3/8 ?

it is the same question as "2 is what part of 3" ?

is 2 a quarter (1/4) of 3 ? no, 1/4×3 = 3/4 and not 2.

is 2 one third (1/3) of 3 ? no, 1/3 of 3 = 1/3×3 = 1 and not 2.

is 2 two thirds (2/3) of 3 ? ah, 2/3 × 3 = 2. that is correct !

is 2 three quarters (3/4) of 3 ? no, 3/4×3 = 9/4 and not 2.

once you have the same denominator, you can easily compare the numerators and ignore the denominators for such problems.

If you help me, you will get this cookie



B. 7y - 15

Step-by-step explanation:


10y + -3(y + 5) = 0

Reorder the terms:

10y + -3(5 + y) = 0

10y + (5 * -3 + y * -3) = 0

10y + (-15 + -3y) = 0

Reorder the terms:

-15 + 10y + -3y = 0

Combine like terms: 10y + -3y = 7y

-15 + 7y = 0


-15 + 7y = 0

Solving for variable 'y'.

Move all terms containing y to the left, all other terms to the right.

Add '15' to each side of the equation.

-15 + 15 + 7y = 0 + 15

Combine like terms: -15 + 15 = 0

0 + 7y = 0 + 15

7y = 0 + 15

Combine like terms: 0 + 15 = 15

7y = 15

Divide each side by '7'.

y = 2.142857143


y = 2.142857143


b. 7y-15

Step-by-step explanation:

First, write out the expression

1. [tex]10y-3(y+5)[/tex]

To simplify the expression distribute the -3 to the terms within the paratheses.

2. [tex]10y-3y-15[/tex]

Then, combine like terms to simplify further. Since 10y and -3y are like terms they can be subtracted

3. [tex]7y-15[/tex]

This means that B is the correct answer.

For several weeks, the function f(x) = 3(4)* represented the number of birds
infected with an illness x weeks after the first birds became sick. How did the
number of sick birds change each week?
A. The number quadrupled each week.
B. The number increased by 4 each week.
C. The number increased by a factor of 3 each week.
D. The number increased by 3 each week.


I believe the answer is C

the height of the glass is 7cm and
the radius is 3cm If the glass is
half fill with water what will be
the answer


Pi =3.14
V= 3.14*3^2*(7/2)
V = 98.96 cm^3
If you mean how much water is in the glass

757divide 100=to in hours and minutes



Step-by-step explanation:

757 minutes = 12 hours 37 minutes

x2 – 1x – 90 = 0 has solutions {a, b}. What is a + b?



a + b =1

Step-by-step explanation:

Write the given quadratic as x^2 – 1x – 90 = 0.  This factors into

(x - 10)(x + 9) = 0, and so the roots/solutions are {-9, 10}.

If we call -9 "a" and 10 "b," then the sum a + b is -9 + 10, or a + b =1.

What percentage is 150 grams of 400 grams?
1 %




Step-by-step explanation:

150/450 = .375 = 37.5%

The percentage is 150 grams out of 400 grams will be 37.5%.

What is the percentage?

The quantity of anything is stated as though it were a fraction of a hundred. A quarter of 100 can be used to express the ratio. Per 100 is what the term percent signifies. The symbol '%' is used to symbolize it.

The percentage is given as,

Percentage (P) = [Initial value - Final value] / Initial value x 100

It is given that the difference between the initial and final value is 15 grams and the initial value is 400 grams.

Then the percentage is 150 grams out of 400 grams will be

P = (150 / 400) x 100

P = 0.375 x 100

P = 37.5%

Thus, the percentage is 150 grams out of 400 grams will be 37.5%.

More about the percentage link is given below.


i  genuinely dont know help



-13 1/2 < -6/8

Step-by-step explanation:

*Any negative in either the numerator or denominator will make the entire fraction negative.

1/2  = .5

-13 1/2 = -13.5

-6/8 = -3/4

-3/4 = -0.75

-6/8 = -0.75

-13 1/2 = -13.5

Which means:

-13 1/2 < -6/8

Hope this helped.


[tex] < [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \frac{6}{8} [/tex]

Is close to 0 (to positive) you can use a time line to determine which is a correct answer

Solve BCD. Round the answers to the nearest hundredth, if necessary.




Step-by-step explanation:

here we use trigonometric ratio involving soh,cah,toa

Rachel covered a single lap of 1,210 m in 55 s. Calculate her speed in m/s



22 m/s

Step-by-step explanation:

Take the distance and divide by the time

1210 m/55s

22 m/s



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]speed = \frac{distantce}{time} \\ = \frac{1210m}{55s} \\ = 22m {s}^{ - 1} [/tex]

Each side of a pentagon is 10 cm greater than the previous side. If the perimeter of this pentagon is 500 cm, find the lengths of the sides.



(I'll leave cm out to save space and time in the answer)

the perimeter is 500, there are 5 sides. so on average a side will be 100.

that's already the important key idea.

it's indeed 100 for the third side, the second will be 10 less, the fourth 10 more (making the 2and and the 4th side 200 in sum, and therefore still 100 on average).

repeat this for the 1. and 5. side and we get:






help please!! i need to find the value of x


You have to subtract the degrees like in this picture:


The measure of angle JKM is:



so measure of angle JKM is 55°

Step-by-step explanation:

5. Simplify: 2/5 +3/7+(-6/5)+ (-13/7)


Answer: -78 / 35

Step-by-step explanation:


 2/5 + 3/7 + (-6/5) + (-13/7)

Combine terms that have the same denominator

= 2/5 + (-6/5) + 3/7 + (-13/7)

= -4/5 - 10/7

Convert denominator by Least Common Multiple (LCM)

= (-4 × 7) / (5 × 7) - (10 × 5) / (7 × 5)

= -28/35 - 50/35

= -78 / 35

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions


[tex] \frac{2}{5} + \frac{3}{7} + ( - \frac{6}{5} ) + ( - \frac{13}{7} ) \\ \frac{2}{5} + \frac{3}{7} - \frac{6}{5} - \frac{13}{7} \\ ( \frac{2}{5} - \frac{6}{5} ) + ( \frac{3}{7} - \frac{13}{7} ) \\ \frac{2 - 6}{5} + \frac{3 - 13}{7} \\ \frac{ - 4}{5} + \frac{ - 10}{7} \\ \frac{ - 4}{5} - \frac{10}{7} \\ \frac{ - 28 - 50}{35} \\ \frac{ - 78}{35} \\ - \frac{78}{35} [/tex]

Given the function f(x) = -2c+cx-x^2, and f^-1(5) = -1, find c




Step-by-step explanation:

We are given the function:

[tex]f(x) = -2c + cx - x^2[/tex]

And that:

[tex]\displaystyle f^{-1} (5) = -1[/tex]

And we want to determine the value of c.

Recall that by definition of inverse functions:

[tex]\displaystyle \text{If } f(a) = b, \text{ then } f^{-1}(b) = a[/tex]

So, since f⁻¹(5) = -1, then f(-1) = 5.


[tex]f(-1) = 5 = -2c + c(-1) - (-1)^2[/tex]


[tex]5 = -2c - c - (1)[/tex]

Combine like terms:

[tex]6 = -3c[/tex]

And divide. Hence:

[tex]c = -2[/tex]

In conclusion, the value of c is -2.

[tex]3x + 9 = 12[/tex]

Solve for x




Step-by-step explanation:

3x+9 = 12

Subtract 9 from each side


3x = 3

Divide by 3

3x/3 = 3/3


Hi there!  

»»————- ★ ————-««

I believe your answer is:  

[tex]x = 1[/tex]

»»————- ★ ————-««  

Here’s why:  


[tex]\boxed{\text{Calculating the answer...}}\\\\3x + 9 = 12\\-------------\\\rightarrow 3x + 9 - 9 = 12 - 9\\\\\rightarrow 3x = 3\\\\\rightarrow \frac{3x=3}{3}\\\\\rightarrow \boxed{x=1}[/tex]


»»————- ★ ————-««  

Hope this helps you. I apologize if it’s incorrect.  

find x
2 ^30 divided by 8^9= 2x



see below

Step-by-step explanation:






2^3 ^ 9

We know a^b^c = a^(b*c)

2^(3*9) = 2^27




We know a^b / a^c = a^(b-c)

2^(30-27) = 2^3

Assuming you mean 2^x

2^3 = 2^x


If you mean 2x

2^3 = 8

8 = 2x

Divide by 2

4 =x

[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex]


[tex]\mathsf{2^{30}}\\\mathsf{= \bf 1,073,741,824}\\\\\mathsf{8^9}\\\mathsf{= \bf 134,217,728}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{\rightarrow \dfrac{1,073,741,824}{134,217,728}= 2x}\\\\\\\mathsf{\dfrac{1,073,741,824}{134,217,728}= \bf 8}\\\\\\\mathsf{\rightarrow \ 8 = 2x}\\\\\\\\\large\textsf{TURN\ the\ EQUATION\ around}\\\\\\\mathsf{\rightarrow\ 2x = 8}\\\\\\\large\textsf{DIVIDE 2 to BOTH SIDES}\\\\\\\mathsf{\dfrac{2x}{2}=\dfrac{8}{2}}\\\\\\\large\textsf{CANCEL out: }\mathsf{\dfrac{2}{2}}\large\textsf{ because it gives you 1}\\\\\\\large\textsf{KEEP: }\mathsf{\dfrac{8}{2}}\large\textsf{ because it gives you the answer of x}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{x = \dfrac{8}{2}}\\\\\\\mathsf{x = 8\div 2}\\\\\\\mathsf{x = \bf 4}\\\\\\\\\\\boxed{\boxed{\huge\text{Therefore, your answer is: \textsf{x = 4}}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}[/tex]


The point slope formula (if possible) to write an equation of the line given the following information…we


The equation in point slope form is y - 6 = 2(x + 3)

This is from the general point slope template of [tex]y - y_1 = m(x - x_1)[/tex]

The m is the slope, which in this case is m = 2. The [tex](x_1,y_1)[/tex] is the point the line goes through. In this case, [tex]x_1 = -3 \text{ and } y_1 = 6[/tex]

If you were to solve that equation in bold for y, then you should get y = 2x+12 which is now in y = mx+b form, aka slope intercept form.

In 4 years Craston's age will be the same as Terrins age is now. In 2 years, Terrin will be twice as old as craston. Find their ages now


Answer:2 and 6

Step-by-step explanation:


In 4 years Craston's age will be the same as Terrins age is now

Suppose the present of Craston's and Terrins are [tex]x[/tex] and [tex]y[/tex] respectively

According to the question

[tex]\Rightarrow x+4=y\\\Rightarrow y-x=4\quad \ldots(i)[/tex]

In 2 years Terrin will be twice as old  as craston

[tex]\Rightarrow (y+2)=2(x+2)\\\Rightarrow y-2x=4-2\\\Rightarrow y-2x=2\quad \ldots(ii)\\[/tex]

Solving (i) and (ii) we get


Thus, the present age of Craston and Terrins are [tex]2[/tex] and [tex]6[/tex]

is the value of In e^4



[tex]\displaystyle lne^4 = 4[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:

Algebra II

Natural Logarithms ln and Euler's number e

Logarithmic Property [Exponential]:                                                             [tex]\displaystyle log(a^b) = b \cdot log(a)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


[tex]\displaystyle lne^4[/tex]

Step 2: Evaluate

Rewrite [Logarithmic Property - Exponential]:                                             [tex]\displaystyle 4lne[/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle 4(1)[/tex]

Pls help





20.2 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Using Pythagoras theorem, we have

Height^2+13^2=24^2, height=sqrt(407)=20.2

use the formula v=u+at to find the velocity when the initial velocity is 3m/s2 the time is 7 seconds



Step-by-step explanation:


add me on s


love xx

and i dont know the answer

ji and jl are opposite rays


what exactly are you looking for? you gave us no question to answer lol

Select All the correct answers

Select all the statements that are true for the following systems of equations.

System A
4x.y = 18

System B
3x - 4y 5
y = 5x + 3

System C
2x-3y - 4
12x-3y 54

1. All three systems have different solutions.

2. Systems A and B have different solutions

3. Systems A and C have the same solution

4. Systems B and C have the same solution

5. System C simplifies to
2x - 3y = 4 and 4x - y = 18 by dividing the second equation by three




Step-by-step explanation:


Mrs. Helton is making gift bags as prizes for her math classes.  She has 30 little bags of Hershey Kisses and 15 Blow Pops.  What is the greatest number of gift bags she can make if all gift bags are the same, and she does not want any left over?​




Step-by-step explanation:

I LOVE CANDY hope it helps 45/3 is hte gretaets factor the answer is 3.. i think


45 gift bags.

Step-by-step explanation:

take 30 and divide it by 15. your answer is 2. 2 hk bags and 1 blow pop is equal to 3. so you would multiply 3 by 15 to get your conclusion

If f(x) = 2x ^ 2 + 3 and g(x) = x ^ 2 - 7 , find (f - g)(x) .



x^2 + 10

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = 2x ^ 2 + 3

g(x) = x ^ 2 - 7

(f - g)(x) =2x ^ 2 + 3 - (x ^ 2 - 7 )

Distribute the minus sign

             =2x ^ 2 + 3 - x ^ 2 + 7

Combine like terms

            = x^2 + 10

What is x in the diagram below?



3rd option, 2√10

Step-by-step explanation:


or, x=√(4×10)

or, x=2√10

Answer: C, 2√10

Step-by-step explanation:

6 + 13mn + 7m² n²




Step-by-step explanation:

The coefficients and variables in this equation have a common factor of 1, therefore the equation will go back to it's original state if you use 1 as the common factor.

I hope this helps and sorry if am wrong

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