The three types of ocean floor sediments are terrigenous, biogenous, and _____.


Answer 1


Seafloor sediment consist mostly of terrigenous sediment, biogenous sediment and hydrogenous sediment. Terrigenous sediments form from sediments carried from the land into the ocean by water, wind or ice.
Answer 2
There are three kinds of sea floor sediment: terrigenous, pelagic, and hydrogenous. Terrigenous sediment is derived from land and usually deposited on the continental shelf, continental rise, and abyssal plain.

Related Questions

which best describes a difference between transcription and dna replication


transcription makes the dna , dna replication doesn’t

In the dihybrid cross,
of the parents had black fur and black eyes.
The offspring


Answer: The offspring can have both 100% black fur and eyes or it can vary

In the dihybrid cross,  


of the parents had black fur and black eyes.

The offspring  



The predicted values for the four phenotypes form a  


ratio. The simulated values  


match this predicted ratio.

On Edge.

how is the structure of endoplasmic reticulum related to its function?



The endoplasmic reticulum can either be smooth or rough, and in general its function is to produce proteins for the rest of the cell to function. The rough endoplasmic reticulum has on it ribosomes, which are small, round organelles whose function it is to make those proteins.

The endoplasmic reticulum can either be smooth or rough, and in general its function is to produce proteins for the rest of the cell to function. The rough endoplasmic reticulum has on it ribosomes, which are small, round organelles whose function it is to make those proteins.

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that is also called trisomy 21. A person with Down Syndrome has an extra copy of chromosome 21. What can you infer is most likely the genetic mutation that results in Down syndrome?

A: Nondisjunction during meiosis
B: Complete duplication of chromosomes during polyploidy
C: Translocation during genetic replication
D: Crossing over during meiosis



A : Nondisjunction during meiosis


Nondisjunction during meiosis, resulting in uneven distribution of chromosomes


I took the test and got it right good luck!

In a forest ecosystem, spotted owls make their homes in the cavities of dead trees. Thissame habitat is home to the rodents that the owls feed on. Human activities, such as logging,have caused the population of the spotted owl to decline. From this information, what statement BEST explains the relationship between humans and the spotted owl


Options are given in the comment section:


The correct answer is - Humans have taken away resources needed by the owls, so there are fewer owls.


In this question, it is established that the trees are the habitat for the owls, and also these trees help in their food resources as these trees are habitat of rodents also.

By logging, humans destroy the habitat of both owls and rodents they feed on and important for their growth and survivability. Humans have caused the removal of required resources for the owls therefore, there are fewer owls.

A man cannot be a carrier for hemophilia. Why?



This means that males only have one copy of most of the genes on the X chromosome, whereas females have 2 copies. Thus, males can have a disease like hemophilia if they inherit an affected X chromosome that has a mutation in either the factor VIII or factor IX gene.

The last common ancestor of all animals was probably a(n) The last common ancestor of all animals was probably a(n) algae. chytrid. yeast. protist. fungus.



The correct answer is - protist.


Protist is a single-celled eukaryote that contains organelles. It is the last common ancestor of all animals as is consider as most primitive animal cells as it has no cell wall but contains the nucleus and other double-membrane organelles. The protists are the cell that distinguishes fungus, plant cells, and animal cells into these three different kingdoms.

Thus, the correct answer is - protist.

Which direction do
rock fragments eroded
by runoff generally
A downhill
B uphill
C uphill at certain times
of the day and
downhill at other
times of the day
D horizontally until
they reach an
obstacle that they
cannot pass over



A downhill


A runoff happens when water drags sediment from a rock over a sloping terrain. Thus, water drags the eroded fragments of a rock in favor of gravity, pushing these fragments downwards. This is very common in mountainous and steep regions, without vegetation cover, where erosion caused by runoff is very high.

what lead to the growth of most sea weeds in lakes . please help​



The more turbid the water, the warmer the water will be, allowing algae to grow quickly. As algae forms, the water becomes increasingly turbid, which fosters an even stronger environment for algal blooms to thrive.


carbon and organic substance


when animals are dead under the sea /or when some other substance under go the process of decomposition they produce carbon and some nutrients hence support plants growth

What is a variegated leaf​



The term, "variegated" is applied to a flower or, more often, a leaf that has more than one color. Most often, it will be two-toned (that is, bi-colored). Often this will mean the foliage is blotched, striped, or bordered with a lighter color than that on the rest of it (or vice versa). The term is also applied more broadly to a whole plant that bears such leaves or blossoms. The corresponding noun for this definition is "variegation."

After nervous stimulation stops, calcium ions returning to the sarcoplasmic reticulum prevent ACh in the synaptic cleft from continuing to stimulate contraction True False





Neurotransmitter release occurs from the nervous terminal or varicosities in the neuronal axon. When an action potential reaches the nervous terminal, the neurotransmitter is released by exocytose. The molecule binds to its receptor in the postsynaptic neuron, triggering an answer. As long as the signal molecule is in the synaptic space, it keeps linking to its receptor and causing a postsynaptic response. To stop this process the neurotransmitter must be taken out from the synaptic space. There are two mechanisms by which the neurotransmitter can be eliminated:

Enzymatic degradation/deactivation: There are specific enzymes in the synaptic space, which are in charge of inactivating the neurotransmitter by breaking or degrading it. The enzyme acetylcholinesterase prevents ACh from continuing to stimulate contraction.

Reuptake: Receptors located in the presynaptic membrane can capture de molecule to store it back in new vesicles for posterior use. These transporters are active transport proteins that easily recognize the neurotransmitter.  

"" what is photosynthesis "'​


A process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that through cellular respiration can later be released to fuel the organisms metabolic activities

[tex]\sf{\overline{\underline{PHOTOSYNTHESIS }}}[/tex]

Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction that takes place inside a plant, producing food for the plant to survive.Carbon dioxide, water and light are all needed for photosynthesis to take place.Photosynthesis happens in the leaves of a plant.

Which type of selection is also known as diversifying selection because it tends to favor the survival of two or more different phenotypes in a heterogeneous environment



Disruptive selection.


Disruptive selection is also called diversifying selection because it favor the survival of two or more different types of phenotypes in a particular environment. Disruptive selection describes changes in population in which extreme values for a trait are favored whereas the intermediate values are less favored. Due to the increase the variance of the trait which leads to the division of population into two distinct groups.

Based on the Punnett square, what is the phenotype of the offspring? Hh HH tall short Mark this and return





I took the test

True or False- The thermosphere contains no water vapor.





The temperature can rise as high as 1500 C, the gas molecules are very far apart. This layer is completely cloudless and free of water vapour

What is the name of the strategy that combines two plant proteins (grains and beans) to get all the essential amino acids



Protein combining


The strategy involving the combination of two plant proteins to get all the essential amino acids is referred to as protein combining.

The practice of protein combining is common among vegans due to the general belief that a single plant-based protein does not contain all the necessary amino acids for the body. Thus, one would need to combine 2 plant-based proteins in order to get all the essential amino acids for adequate health.

Forms of inheritance that do not follow typical Mendelian patterns and that appear to be more influenced by the parent contributing the most cytoplasm to the embryo are grouped under the general heading of ________.



Extrachromosomal or cytoplasmic inheritance


Extrachromosomal or cytoplasmic inheritance refers to hereditability transmission controlled by cytoplasmic genes.

This form of inheritance lays in genes that are out of the nucleus. Information for some characters is placed in organelles in the cytoplasm, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. These organelles have a well-defined portion of the total cellular genome.

Although mitochondrial inheritance is mostly maternal, recent studies have demonstrated that it might also be paternal.

Sperm cells hardly carry mitochondria, so mitochondrial DNI is mostly inherited from the maternal side. If there exists any mutation in this DNI, the whole progeny of the mutated woman will be affected, as they will get the mother´s mitochondria carrying the mutation. On the contrary, if there is a man affected by a disease caused by a mutation in mitochondrial DNI, non of their descendants will get the disease.

A Scientist discovers a chemical that she thinks might be a potential treatment for a certain type of cancer cell. In order to test her hypothesis, the scientist treats one plate of cancerous cells with the newly discovered chemical, and leaves another plate of cancerous cells untreated. After 7 days, the scientist measures the number of living cells in each plate. The scientist finds that the cells treated with the chemical have a lower survival rate than cells left untreated. The scientist further observes that the substance has an effect on the Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). How might disabling the rough ER potentially hurt the cancerous cells? Be specific in your answer. What is the dependent variable? What is the independent variable?



Affecting the ER causes alteration in cell homeostasis and eventual death.Independent variable: Drug or chemicalDependent variable: Cancer cells survival.


Hypothesis ⇒ A chemical ⇒ might be a potential treatment for cancer cells.


Treated ⇒ One plate of cancerous cells with the new chemicalUntreated ⇒ Another plate of cancerous cells with no chemical

7 days later ⇒ the number of cells in each plate


Cells treated with the chemical have a lower survival rate than cells left untreated.

Treated plate ⇒ fewer cellsUntreated plate ⇒ more cells

Chemical affects the Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)


The endoplasmic reticulum is in charge of many cellular functions, such as protein folding, maturation, and transport, especially those destined for secretion. It produces the latest protein modifications after transduction.

When the synthesizing protein gets in the Rough endoplasmic reticulum,  it continues its building in the organelle. Finally, the protein suffers folding and the initial stages of glycosylation.  

Once the protein synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum is over, these molecules are packaged into vesicles and sent to the Golgi complex for their final association with carbohydrates. Finally, protein leaves the Golgi complex and goes to its final destiny.

Any alteration in the intracellular environment

inevitably affects the organelle and its functions. When the organelle is not properly working, proteins synthesis is affected and, consequently, all the cellular activities. The affected cell homeostasis might be so altered that the cell ends dying.

If the drug affects the ER by altering its environment or directly affecting it, the organelle will fail to perform its functions, and the cell will eventually dye.


The independent and the dependent variables are the two principal factors needed in an experiment.  

 Independent variable: Refers to all the variables in an experiment that provoke a response in another variable. The independent variable changes or is controlled and modified in the experiment to analyze how another variable responds to it. It changes to analyze its effects on the dependent variable. Usually, the independent variable is represented by the X letter.

In the exposed example, the independent variable is the drug that affects the cancer cells. The researcher decides to apply it or not, and the concentrations in which the drug is.  

Dependent variable: Refers to the variable that reacts to the changes produced in the independent variable. Depending on how the independent variable is modified, the dependent variable change.  It is usually identified by the letter Y.

In the exposed example cell survival is the dependent variable. Cancer cells respond to the presence/absence of the chemical, and might differently respond to the varying concentration of the drug.

Excision of a whole organ or mass without cutting into it as seen in the HoLEP procedure to treat BPH, is called



enucleation po ^-^


ata? correct me if imma wrong -¿-

what is a tropic level? give an example



Trophic Level Definition. A trophic level is the group of organisms within an ecosystem which occupy the same level in a food chain.

Examples of Trophic Level. Primary producers, or ”autotrophs”, are organisms that produce biomass from inorganic compounds


Children in a preschool breathe deeply while running around in a park. They laugh a lot even when they are hurt, and they run to mummy for a snack. Name THREE characteristics of living organisms that these children illustrate while playing in the park.


heart the lungs and brain

When cutting a stem, you can cut straight across, not at an angle *



True I believe because if an angel the stem will not produce the same
That’s a good question
“Hey Siri, can you cut a stem across?”
“Sorry I didn’t get that”
The answer is “sorry, I didn’t get that.”

Water evaporates from a lake. Arrange the next steps of the water cycle in the correct order.
Water vapor condenses to form clouds.
Water flows down mountains and hills.
Water falls as rain, snow, and sleet.
Water joins streams or forms



1. Water evaporates from a lake

2. Water vapor condenses to form clouds

3. water falls as rain, snow, and sleet.

4. water flows down mountain and hills

5. water joins streams or forms ground water

Repeating cycle

The theory of natural selection states that



Natural selection is a mechanism of evolution. Organisms that are more adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and pass on the genes that aided their success. This process causes species to change and diverge over time.


What is Science ???.........​



Science, any system of knowledge that is concerned with the physical world and its phenomena and that entails unbiased observations and systematic experimentation. In general, a science involves a pursuit of knowledge covering general truths or the operations of fundamental laws.

➦I hope it seemed helpful to you!


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Given their size and complexity, biological molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids can also be referred to as ____________.



This question lacks options, the options are;

A. Enlarged molecules

B. Macromolecules

C. Inorganic molecules

The answer is B


As mentioned in this question, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids are the basic biomolecules found in nature. They are all polymeric substances, hence, are made up of smaller units called monomers.

Asides from being biomolecules, these four molecules are also referred to as MACROMOLECULES based on their large size and complex nature. Macromolecules are molecules that are relatively large in size composing of an aggregate of monomer. Hence, these biomolecules are macromolecules.

what do you think the most important property of life is and why



i think discovery

because people are curious

and curiosity is an important reason to live

no one wants to live in vain

Greetings from Turkey





Water is life. Without water, we would be dehydrated and our body would not perform well.

Which of the following factors affecting population growth is density
A. Competition
B. Disease
C. Natural disaster
D. Predation


Hope this helps :)))

C. Natural disaster is a density-independent factor affecting population growth. Density-independent factors are those that affect the population irrespective of the population size or density.

How Natural disasters reduce population sizes?

Natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires can reduce population sizes regardless of how many individuals were present in the population before the disaster occurred. The other factors listed - competition, disease, and predation - are all density-dependent factors, which means that they become more significant as the population size or density increases.

Competition is an example of a density-dependent factor, as it increases as the population size increases. As more individuals compete for limited resources such as food, water, and shelter, the rate of population growth slows down.

Disease is another density-dependent factor, as it spreads more easily in crowded populations where individuals are in close contact with one another.

On the other hand, natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, and wildfires are examples of density-independent factors. These events can affect a population regardless of its size, and they can cause significant decreases in population size.

Predation can be both a density-dependent and density-independent factor. In some cases, predation can increase as the population size increases, making it a density-dependent factor. However, predators can also reduce the population size through random hunting or selective hunting of weaker individuals, making it a density-independent factor.

Understanding the factors that affect population growth is important for predicting and managing population sizes in both natural and human-made ecosystems.

Learn more about population growth at:


Use the drop-down menus to complete each sentence. occurs when the immune system attacks the body. is often caused by obesity resulting from overeating and poor nutrition. is caused by DNA changes in a single gene and affects the nerve cells in the brain. is caused by uncontrolled cell growth. occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or the body does not respond properly to it.



The correct answer is -

1. Lupus

2 Cardiovascular disease

3. Huntingtons disease

4. Cancer

5. Diabetes


Lupus is one of the autoimmune diseases that takes place when our bodywork against ourself and harm cells and skin. When an individual has poor or bad nutrition and generally experiences obesity this cardiovascular disease occurs.

Huntington's disease takes place due to changes in DNA in the brain and affects neurons of the brain. Cancer is uncontrollable cell growth that can be lethal. If an individual is not able to produce enough amount of insulin, that lowers the glucose from the blood, will lead to cell diabetes condition

What is the difference between the exchange of gaseous during respiration and



Photosynthesis doesn't occur at night. When there is no photosynthesis, there is a net release of carbon dioxide and a net uptake of oxygen. ... the rate of photosynthesis is higher than the rate of respiration. there is a net release of oxygen and a net uptake of carbon dioxide.

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