The transmutation of a radioactive uranium isotope, 234/92U , into a radon isotope, 222/86Rn , involves a series of three nuclear reactions. At the end of the first reaction, a thorium isotope,230/90Th , is formed and at the end of the second reaction, a radium isotope, 226/88Ra , is formed. In both the reactions, an alpha particle is emitted. Write the balanced equations for the three successive nuclear reactions.


Answer 1


See explanation below


234/92U--------> 230/90Th + 4/2He

230/90Th----->226/88Ra + 4/2He

There are various modes of radioactive decay. One of them is alpha decay.

Alpha decay involves the loss of an alpha particle from a nucleus. When this occurs, the mass number of the daughter nucleus is four units less than that of the parent while the atomic number of the daughter nucleus is two units less than that of its parent as shown in the equations above.

An alpha particle is akin to a helium nucleus in terms of mass and charge

Related Questions

An object is moving along a circular track of radius 7 m with constant speed 11 m/s. Its average velocity after 8 second of the start is



0 m/s


Average velocity is displacement over time.

v_avg = Δx / Δt

Displacement is the distance between the start and the finish.

The circumference of the track is:

C = 2πr

C = 2π (7 m)

C ≈ 44 m

The distance covered by the object is:

d = vt

d = (11 m/s) (8 s)

d = 88 m

So the object travels 2 circumferences, meaning it ends back where it started.  Therefore, the displacement is 0 m, and the average velocity is 0 m/s.

If a gas and a liquid are both at the same temperature, the particles of gas have a higher average kinetic energy. True or false?





The average kinetic energy is the measure of how freely the molecules of a substance moves relative to the other molecules within the substance. Gas and liquids are together termed fluids,  but the molecules of a gas naturally has more more average kinetic energy that that of a liquid, if they are kept at the same temperature. This explains why gases are easy to expand, and have to be confined by a container. So the particles of a gas has more kinetic energy that that of a liquid even if they are kept at the same temperature.

Jaiden is writing a report about the structure of the atom in her report,she says that the atom has three main parts and two subatomic particles. Do you agree with her?why or why not



I do not agree with the answer.

Because in reality, the atom has 2 main parts and 3 subatomic particles.


The parts of an atom are:

- The crust: It is the outer part of the atom and is the place where the electrons are.

- The nucleus: It is the central part of the atom and is the place that contains the protons and neutrons.

The subatomic particles of the atom are:

- Electrons: They are negatively charged particles that go in the atom's crust and are divided into specific sections.

- Protons: They are particles with a positive electric charge, the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is what determines the atomic number of an element.

- Neutrons: They are atoms with no electric charge.

1. Determina el momento que produce una fuerza de 7 N tangente a una rueda de un metro de diámetro, sabiendo que el punto de aplicación es el mismo borde de dicha rueda provocando un impulso en el sentido de las agujas del reloj. Solución:



τ= F r     into the blade


The moment of a force is defined by

         τ = F x r

where the bold indicates vectors

Let us write in the expression in magnitude

         τ = F r sin θ

in our case the force is tangent to the wheel therefore the angle between F and the radius is 90º, and the sin 90 = 1

       τ= F r

The direction of τ can be used by the rule of the right hand, the fingers curve in the direction of the torque when advancing from the force to the radius and the thumb points in the direction of the torque.

In this case, for a clockwise rotation, the fingers are curved in the direction and the thumb points into the blade, this is the direction of the τ.


El momento de una fura es definido por

         τ = F x r

donde la negrillas indican vectores

Escribamos en ta expresión en magnitud

          τ = F r sin θ

en nuestro caso la fuerza es tangente a la rueda por lo tanto el angulo entre F y el radios es 90º, y el sin 90=1

        τ = F r

la dirección de tau la podemos  usar la regla de la mano derecha, los dedos curva en la dirección del torque al avanzar dese la fuerza al radio y el pulgar apunta en la dirección del torque.

En este caso para un giro en sentido horario los dedos se curvan ente sentido y el pulgar apunta hacia dentro de lla hoja, esta es la dirección del troque

Question is on the picture. Answers: A. 0.1 J/g*C B. 0.2 J/g*C C. 0.4 J/g*C D. 4 J/g*C



B. 0.2 J/g/°C


The solid phase is the first segment (from 0°C to 50°C).

q = mCΔT

200 J = (20 g) C (50°C)

C = 0.2 J/g/°C

Will mark as BRAINLIEST....... The Displacement x of particle moving in one dimension under the action of constant force is related to the time by equation 4x³+3x²-5x+2 , where x is in meters and t is in sec. a)Find velocity of particle at i) t=2 sec ii) t=4 sec. b) Find the acceleration of the particle at t=3 sec.



It is given that,

The Displacement x of particle moving in one dimension under the action of constant force is related to the time by equation as:



x is in meters and t is in sec

We know that,



(a) i. t = 2 s

[tex]v=12(2)^2+6(2)-5=55\ m/s[/tex]

At t = 4 s

[tex]v=12(4)^2+6(4)-5=211\ m/s[/tex]

(b) Acceleration,


Pu t = 3 s in the above equation


[tex]a=24(3)+6\\\\a=78\ m/s^2[/tex]

Hence, this is the required solution.

use the techniques to find the unit for speed​



The formula for speed is speed=distance



to work out what the units are for speed,you need to know the units for distance and time.In this example,distance is in metres(m) and time is in seconds (s) , so the units for speed is metre per second (m/s).

FASTTT I BEG U An astronaut weighs 900 N on earth. On the moon he weighs 150 N. Calculate the moons’ gravitational strength. (Take g = 10 N/kg).


mass of an object is always constant

weight is a force, [tex]W=mg[/tex] where $g$ is acceleration due to gravity.

Weight on earth is , $900=m\cdot 10 \implies m=90$ kg

weight on moon is $150=90\times g_{\text{moon}} \implies g=\frac{5}{3}$

calculate the power of an engine which can supply 60kg of energy per minute​



1 Watt


Power (P) = w / Δt

w = work done

Δt = change in time

Power (P) = 60kg / 60 seconds

Power (P) = 1 Watt

A square is cut out of a copper sheet. Two straight scratches on the surface of the square intersect forming an angle theta. The square is heated uniformly. As a result, the angle between the scratches?a) increasesb) decreasesc) stays the samed) depends on whether theta is obtuse or acute



a) increases


Almost all substance or material undergoes expansion due to heating. Heat gives thermal energy to the molecules of a substance increasing their body temperature. The temperature of a substance is the measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules of that substance. When the temperature of a substance increases, the molecules begin to agitate and try to move far from each other, leading to either a linear, area, or cubic expansion, or all three of them. Metals like copper expand very well on heating, and their expansion is relatively minute, but very observable. When the face of such a copper is scratched to give and angle, heating the copper uniformly will cause the copper to expand, leading to an increase in the angle formed.

a body weighs 100newtons when submerged in water. calculate the upthrust action on the body​



Upthrust = 20 N


The question says that "A body weighs 100N in air and 80N when submerged in water. Calculate the upthrust acting on the body ?"

Upthrust is defined as the force when a body is submerged in liquid, then liquid applies a force on it.


Weight of body in air is 100 N

Weight of body in water is 80 N

Upthrust is equal to the weight of body in air minus weight of body in water.

Upthrust = 100 N - 80 N

Upthrust = 20 N

So, 20 N of upthrust is acting on the body.

A skydiver falls toward the ground at a constant velocity. Which statement best applies Newton’s laws of motion to explain the skydiver’s motion? An upward force balances the downward force of gravity on the skydiver. The skydiver’s inertia is zero, which no longer allows for acceleration. An unbalanced force pulls the skydiver toward the ground. The mass of the skydiver is so great that there is no acceleration


Answer: A) an upward force balances the downward force of gravity on the skydiver

Explanation: I got it correct on my test on edge

The statement best applies Newton’s laws of motion to explain the skydiver’s motion an upward force balances the downward force of gravity on the skydiver. Thus, option A is correct.

Which statement best applies Newton’s laws of motion?

The statement that best applies Newton’s laws of motion to explain the skydiver’s motion is that an upward force balances the downward force of gravity on the skydiver. Newton's 3rd law often applies to skydiving.

When gravity is not acting upon the skydivers they would continue moving in the direction the vehicle they jumped from was moving. If no air resistance takes place, then the skydivers would still accelerating at 9.8 m/s until they hit the ground.

The skydiver after leaving the aircraft will accelerates downwards due to the force of gravity usually as there is no air resistance acting in the upwards direction, and there is a resultant force acting downwards, the skydiver will accelerates towards the ground.

Therefore, The statement best applies Newton’s laws of motion to explain the skydiver’s motion an upward force balances the downward force of gravity on the skydiver. Thus, option A is correct.

Learn more about skydiver on:


The motion of a particle along a straight line is described by the equation x=6+4t2 -t 4 , where x is in meter and t is in seconds. Find position, velocity, and acceleration of the object when t=2s.



The position of the particle is 6m

The velocity of the particle is 16 m/s in negative direction

The acceleration of the object is -40 m/s²



motion of the particle along a straight line as x = 6 + 4t² - t⁴

The position of the object when t = 2s

x = 6 + 4(2)² - (2)⁴

x = 6 + 16 - 16

x = 6m

The velocity of the object when t = 2s

Velocity = dx/dt

dx/dt = 8t - 4t³

when t = 2s

Velocity = 8(2) - 4(2)³

Velocity = 16 - 32

Velocity = -16m/s

Velocity = 16 m/s (in negative direction)

The acceleration of the object when t = 2s

Acceleration = d²x/dt² = 8 - 12t²

Acceleration = 8 - 12 (2)²

Acceleration =  -40 m/s²

A wave has a frequency of 5 Hz and a wavelength of 0.5 m, what is the speed of this wave?



2.5 m/s


The speed of a wave can be found using the following formula.

v= λ * f

where  λ is the wavelength in meters (m) and f is the frequency of the wave in Hertz (Hz).

We know the wavelength is 0.5 m and the frequency of the wave is 5 Hz.


λ= 0.5 m

f = 5 Hz

v= 0.5 * 5

Multiply 0.5 by 5, or divide 5 by 2.

0.5 * 5= 2.5     or      5/2=2.5

v= 2.5

Add appropriate units. The units for wave speed are m/s (meters per second).

v= 2.5 m/s

The speed of the wave is 2.5 meters per second.

help me pleaseeeeeeddd​




a )

According to graph the object moves with constant velocity of 10 m /s during first 8 s and then its velocity changes to - 5 m /s from 8 th second upto 12 th second .

Initial displacement = 8 m

displacement during 8 s = velocity x time

= 8 x 10 = 80 m

total displacement = 88 m

b )

displacement during period from 8 th to 12 th s

= - 5 x 4 = - 20 m

total displacement after 12 s

= 88 - 20 = 68 m

c ) average speed = total distance covered during 12 s / total time

= (80 + 20) / 12

= 8.33 m /s

average velocity = total displacement during 12 s  / total time

= 80 - 20 / 12  

= 60 / 12

= 5 m /s .

A ball is thrown vertically upwards at an initial speed of
m s

. What is the displacement of the ball 3 seconds after it was thrown?





s=ut + 1/2 at^2

s=23 m/s ×3s + 1/2×3×3s^2×10m/s^2

= (69+45)m

= 114m

10.Un móvil recorre 26 m en el tercer segundo de su movimiento. Determinar la velocidad inicial del móvil, si su aceleración es de 8 m/s. AYUDA POR FAVOR


Answer:  La velocidad inicial es 6m/s


Primero escribamos las ecuaciones de movimiento:

Sabemos que la aceleración es 8m/s^2.

a(t) = 8m/s^2.

Para obtener la velocidad, tenemos que integrar sobre el tiempo:

v(t) = (8m/s^2)*t + v0

donde v0 es la velocidad inicial.

Para la posición volvemos a integrar sobre el tiempo, y tenemos:

p(t) = (1/2)*(8m/s^2)*t^2 + v0*t + p0 = (4m/s^2)*t^2 + v0*t + p0  

Donde p0 es la posición inicial.

Nosotros sabemos que en el tercer segundo, el móvil recorre 26m

Esto significa que:

p(3s) - p(2s) = 26m = (4m/s^2)(3s^2 - 2s^2) + v0(3s - 2s) + p0 - p0

26m = (4m/s^2)*5s^2 + v0*1s

De aquí podemos despejar el valor de v0:

26m  = 20m + v0*1s

6m = v0*1s

v0 = 6m/s

describe three way of nitrogen fixation in nature ?



nitrogen fixation is the process by which nitrogen gas form the atmosphere is converted into different compound that can be used by plants and animal. there are three major ways in which this happens: first, by lightning, second by industrial methods and finally by bacteria living in the soil.

Which term describes the ability to process many things simultaneously?

O Effortful processing

O Parallel processing

O Mood congruent memory

O Flashbulb memory

O Working memory



Parallel processing


It is a parallel processing because it involves the brain processing many part of problem simultaneously.

The brain natural mode of information involves performing many task .

It is also ability of the brain to simultaneously process incoming stimuli or signals of different quality. It is a part of brain's vision and divide what is seen into four major parts which are color, motion, shape, and depth.

Answer: B)  Parallel processing

1. The first stage of stellar formation is the assembly (or formation) of a_______ . 2. Stars form in clouds. 3. When a cloud collapses it into smaller and smaller pieces till those pieces reach stellar masses. 4. As the density increases, the fragments become_______ , which________ the temperature of the cloud and inhibits further fragmentation. 5. The _______then condense into rotating globs of gas that serve as stellar embryos. 6. During this stage the surface temperature_______ and luminosity_________ despite decreasing size. 7. The central temperature and pressure increase as the potential energy is converted to energy due to contraction.


Answer: The keywords to input into the blank spaces were omitted which are ; fragments, increases, decreases, opaque, raises, molecular, protostar, gravitational, thermal.

Please find the answers for the blank spaces in the explanation column


1. The first stage of stellar formation is the assembly (or formation) of a_PROTOSTAR______ . 2. Stars form in MOLECULAR clouds. 3. When a cloud collapses, it FRAGMENTS into smaller and smaller pieces till those pieces reach stellar masses. 4. As the density increases, the fragments become_OPAQUE______ , which___RAISES_____ the temperature of the cloud and inhibits further fragmentation. 5. The __FRAGMENTS_____then condense into rotating globs of gas that serve as stellar embryos. 6. During this stage the surface temperature INCREASES_______ and luminosity__INCREASES_______ despite decreasing size. 7. The central temperature and pressure increase as the GRAVITATIONAL potential energy is converted to energy due to THERMAL contraction.

The above describes the evolution or formation of stars which begins with the collapse of a molecular cloud by gravitational force, this collapse cause the molecular cloud to fragment with the release of heat --Gravitation potential energy causing an increased temperature and pressure of the newly condensing  fragment with increasing luminosity known as a Protostar.

explore how archemides principle is applied in building a ship and submarine​



Principle Archimedes is applied in building a ship and submarine using the manipulating that buoyancy, is controlled the ballast tank system.


Submarine is rather had they focused on main parts of the submarine,he is complex and long process implementation,the most submarine design like submarine stability.

Submarine stability is complete and the fundamental Archimedes principle to arrive the weight of submarine is equal to buoyancy force.

Submarine into the parts and components of ballast tank the sequence in diving and surfacing,there two vital parts:-  flood parts and air vents

flood parts:- at the bottom position and allow water to enter or leave that tank.

air vents:- air vents at the top of the pressure hall,and that they submarine dive.

this time submarine is most modern system is depth is 300 to 450 meters,high pressure  air is 15 bar is tank air valve.

submarine is basic of the effective volume of all the submarine surfaced condition,submarine minus to the free water flood is equal to the fully pressure hull,submarine is the surfaced condition.

the unit of energy is a derived unit​



Hi, there!!

Energy is defined as the capacity or ability to do work. It's SI unit is Joule.


Joule = (kg×m×m)/(s×s)

= kg×m^2/s^2.

Therefore, the derived unit is kg.m^2 by s^2.

Hope it helps...

how do you find average velocity



find the sum of the inital and final velocitys and divide by 2 to find the average

Please give best dialogue in photo that is attached And you are marked as Brainliest



The correct answer is


Character 1: Why are these comic books so hard to read? Can u read them?

Character 2: No it's easy to read Tigger. It's because you are an animal an I am a human being. U don't know how to read.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!


Dialogue 1:

Hey buddy! Can you tell me what is written in this book? Its really hard to read:(

Dialogue 2:

Yeah! Its a story about a friendly tiger! And it is hard for you to read cause you don't know how to read.


Try to make it more engaging  :)

A cell membrane has a thickness of about 7 nm. How many cell membranes would it take to make a stack 2.3 in high?



There are 8345714 cell membranes.


It is given that,

The thickness of a cell membrane is 7 nm

We need to find the number of cell membranes would it take to make a stack 2.3 inches high.

Firstly, the units must be same i.e. converting 2.3 inches to m

1 inch = 0.0254 m

2.3 inches = 0.05842 m

Let there are n number of cell membranes. So,

[tex]n=\dfrac{\text{stack height}}{\text{1 membrane thickness}}\\\\n=\dfrac{0.05842}{7\times 10^{-9}}\\\\n=8345714.28[/tex]


n = 8345714 cell membranes

a metre rod on wedge is example of unstable equilibrium.why



because it has no balance

KINDLYY FASTT A uniform metre rule of mass 100 g is pivoted at the 60 cm mark. At what point on the meter rule should a mass of 50 g be suspended for it to balance horizontally?



80 cm.


Since the metre rule is 1 m i.e 100 cm it means that the mass of the metre can be obtained at the 50 cm mark.

But the metre is pivoted at the 60 cm.

Please refer to the attached photo for details.

In the attached photo, y is the distance between the mark (that will balance the metre rule when a 50 g mass is hunged) and the pivot.

Thus, we can obtain the value of y as follow:

Anticlock wise moment = Clock wise moment

Anticlock wise moment = 100 × 10

Clock wise moment = y × 50

Anticlock wise moment = Clock wise moment

100 × 10 = y × 50

Divide both side by 50

y = (100 × 10) /50

y = 20 cm

Now, to obtain the mark, B that will balance the metre, we simply add 20 cm to 60 cm ie

B = 60 + 20

B = 80 cm

A magnet pulls a piece of iron with a force of 1 N. What is the force that the iron piece exerts on the magnet?
The iron piece exerts a force of 1 N divided by the ratio of the weight of the iron piece to the weight of the magnet in the same direction.
The iron piece exerts a force of 1 N on the magnet in the opposite direction.
The iron piece exerts a force of 1 N divided by the ratio of the weight of the iron piece to the weight of the magnet in the opposite direction.
The iron piece exerts a force of 1 N on the magnet in the same direction.



the final statements the correct one is. The second

The iron piece exerts a force of 1 N on the magnet in the opposite direction


In this exercise they give us the force exerted by a magnet on an iron bar and ask us the force that the iron bar exerts on the magnet. We can see that these are action and reaction forces, which by Newton's third law must be of equal magnitude and opposite direction, each applied to one of the bodies.

the final statements the correct one is. The second

The iron piece exerts a force of 1 N on the magnet in the opposite direction

Which example best describes a restoring force?
any force that is applied to a spring to change its length
the force applied to stretch a spring and increase its length
the force applied to restore a spring to its original length
the force applied to compress a spring and shorten its length



the force applied to restore a spring to its original length


Astronomers were at first surprised to find complicated molecules in the interstellar medium. They thought ultra-violet light from stars would break apart such molecules. What protects the molecules we observe from being broken apart



The dust present in the clouds.


The complicated composition molecules that can be found in space are generally associated with clouds of dust. The significant amount of dust in these clouds provides protection not only for these molecules, but for any body that makes up or is associated with dust clouds.

It is exactly this dust that protects the molecules against the action of ultraviolet rays.

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