The U.S. government has put in place IPv6-compliance mandates to help with the IPv4-to-IPv6 transition. Such mandates require government agencies to have their websites, email and other services available over IPv6.
Let’s consider that you’ve been appointed as the IPv6 transition manager at a relatively small branch of a government agency (e.g., a branch of the Social Security agency in a medium-size town). Your main responsibility is to produce a plan with a timetable for achieving compliance with the IPv6 mandate. The plan should specify the guidelines, solutions, and technologies for supporting IPv6 throughout the agency branch. The plan should include the following, among other things:
Summary of the applicable government IPv6 mandate
Brief description of the networking facility at the branch (LANs, servers, routers, etc.)
Summary of the main IPv6-related RFCs that pertain to the IPv6 support
Cooperation with ISPs and equipment vendors to implement IPv6 support
Summary of the solutions and technologies to be employed in implementing IPv6 (e.g., dual-stack, tunneling, translation)
Timetable for completion of IPv6 transition
Plan for testing the IPv6 compliance in expectation of an audit by the government
The deliverable is a report (in Word) of 6 to 10 pages, excluding the name and biblio pages, with 3 to 5 solid references (APA format), at least. The use of drawings and other graphics is highly recommended.


Answer 1


The U.S. Government has put in place an IPv6 mandate that comes into affect on September 30th. That new mandate requires all government agencies to have their public facing websites and email services available over IPv6.

At this point, it’s not likely that every government website will meet the deadline, though a large number of them will. Christine Schweickert, senior engagement manager for public sector at Akamai, told EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet that she expects over 1,800 U.S Government websites will be on IPv6 by the mandate deadline.

From an Akamai perspective, the company has a large number of U.S. Government customers that it is enabling for IPv6 with dual-stack servers. In a dual-stack implementation, a site is available natively over both IPv4 and IPv6. Akamai’s Content Delivery Network has a mapping technology that optimizes traffic around the Internet. Getting the government websites to run on IPv6 is just a matter of putting the site configuration on the Akamai dual-stack server maps.

“So if a request comes in to a government website from an IPv6 client, we will go ahead and route them to the best performing Akamai Edge server that can speak IPv6 back to that request,” Schweickert explained.

Another approach that some network administrators have tried for IPv6 support has been to tunnel the IPv6 traffic over an IPv4 network, or vice-versa. In Schweickert’s view, that’s not an ideal solution as it tends to break things.“When you’re tunneling, you’re routing through IPv4 packets and that’s not in the spirit that we have to operate in globally,” Schweickert said.

In contrast, Schweickert noted that with dual-stack, the server will respond to IPv4 requests with IPv4 content and to IPv6 requests with IPv6 content. “If you’re using tunneling, you’re really just doing a workaround,” Schweickert said.

To make it even easier for the U.S. Government websites, Akamai isn’t actually charging more money for the dual-stack service either. Schweickert noted that the dual-stack capability is a feature that is already part of the delivery service that Akamai is providing to its U.S Government customers.

David Helms, Vice President, Cyber Security Center of Excellence at Salient Federal Solutions is among those that are backers of the Akamai approach to meeting the September 30th IPv6 mandate. In his view, it’s all about enabling interesting services and locations over IPv6 in order to spur adoption.

Related Questions

Help Pls
I need about 5 advantages of E-learning​




E-learning saves time and money. With online learning, your learners can access content anywhere and anytime. ...

E-learning leads to better retention. ...

E-learning is consistent. ...

E-learning is scalable. ...

E-learning offers personalization.


E- learning saves time and money

E-learning makes work easier and faster

E- learning is convenient

E- learning is consistent

E- learning is scalable


when you learn using the internet, you save a lot of time by just typing and not searching through books

You are going to purchase (2) items from an online store.
If you spend $100 or more, you will get a 10% discount on your total purchase.
If you spend between $50 and $100, you will get a 5% discount on your total purchase.
If you spend less than $50, you will get no discount.
Cost of First Item (in $)
Cost of Second Item (in $)
Result To Print Out:
"Your total purchase is $X." or "Your total purchase is $X, which includes your X% discount."




using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

class MainClass {

public static void Main (string[] args) {

int Val1,Val2,total;

string input;

double overall;

Console.Write("Cost of First Item (in $)");

      input = Console.ReadLine();

Val1 = Convert.ToInt32(input);

Console.Write("Cost of Second Item (in $)");

      input = Console.ReadLine();

Val2 = Convert.ToInt32(input);


if (total >= 100)



Console.WriteLine("Your total purchase is $"+overall);


else if (total >= 50 & total < 100)



Console.WriteLine("Your total purchase is $"+overall);




Console.WriteLine("Your total purchase is $"+total);





How many cost units are spent in the entire process of performing 40 consecutive append operations on an empty array which starts out at capacity 5, assuming that the array will grow by a constant 2 spaces each time a new item is added to an already full dynamic array




260 cost units, Big O(n) complexity for a push

Ellen is working on a form in Access and clicks on the Design tab in the Form Design Tools section. Ellen then clicks on the Controls button and clicks the Label icon. What is Ellen most likely doing to the form?
A.adding a title
B.adding an existing field
C.changing the anchoring setting
D.changing the font of a label



D. changing the font of a label

Which is the first computer brought in nepal for the census of 2028 B.S​



The first computer brought in Nepal was IBM 1401 which was brought by the Nepal government in lease (1 lakh 25 thousands per month) for the population census of 1972 AD (2028 BS). It took 1 year 7 months and 15 days to complete census of 1crore 12.5 lakhs population.

Write a Python program stored in a file to play Rock-Paper-Scissors. In this game, two players count aloud to three, swinging their hand in a fist each time. When both players say three, the players throw one of three gestures: Rock beats scissors Scissors beats paper Paper beats rock Your task is to have a user play Rock-Paper-Scissors against a computer opponent that randomly picks a throw. You will ask the user how many points are required to win the game. The Rock-Paper-Scissors game is composed of rounds, where the winner of a round scores a single point. The user and computer play the game until the desired number of points to win the game is reached. Note: Within a round, if there is a tie (i.e., the user picks the same throw as the computer), prompt the user to throw again and generate a new throw for the computer. The computer and user continue throwing until there is a winner for the round.



The program is as follows:

import random


points = int(input("Points to win the game: "))

player_point = 0; computer_point = 0

while player_point != points and computer_point != points:

   computer = random.choice(['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors'])

   player = input('Choose: ')

   if player == computer:

       print('A tie - Both players chose '+player)

   elif (player.lower() == "Rock".lower() and computer.lower() == "Scissors".lower()) or (player.lower() == "Paper".lower() and computer.lower() == "Rock".lower()) or (player == "Scissors" and computer.lower() == "Paper".lower()):

       print('Player won! '+player +' beats '+computer)



       print('Computer won! '+computer+' beats '+player)





This imports the random module

import random

This prints the three possible selections


This gets input for the number of points to win

points = int(input("Points to win the game: "))

This initializes the player and the computer point to 0

player_point = 0; computer_point = 0

The following loop is repeated until the player or the computer gets to the winning point

while player_point != points and computer_point != points:

The computer makes selection

   computer = random.choice(['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors'])

The player enters his selection

   player = input('Choose: ')

If both selections are the same, then there is a tie

   if player == computer:

       print('A tie - Both players chose '+player)

If otherwise, further comparison is made

   elif (player.lower() == "Rock".lower() and computer.lower() == "Scissors".lower()) or (player.lower() == "Paper".lower() and computer.lower() == "Rock".lower()) or (player == "Scissors" and computer.lower() == "Paper".lower()):

If the player wins, then the player's point is incremented by 1

       print('Player won! '+player +' beats '+computer)


If the computer wins, then the computer's point is incremented by 1


       print('Computer won! '+computer+' beats '+player)


At the end of the game, the player's and the computer's points are printed



what is computer? write about computer.​



Is an electronic device used for storing and processing data.

Which of the following definitions best describes the principle of separation of duties?



A security stance that allows all communications except those prohibited by specific deny exceptions

A plan to restore the mission-critical functions of the organization once they have been interrupted by an adverse event

A security guideline, procedure, or recommendation manua

lAn administrative rule whereby no single individual possesses sufficient rights to perform certain actions

A desktop computer is a type of mobile device.

a. true
b. false


Answer B

A desktop computer is a type of mobile device: B. False.

What is a desktop computer?

A desktop computer simply refers to an electronic device that is designed and developed to receive data in its raw form as an input and processes these data into an output that's usable by an end user.

Generally, desktop computers are fitted with a power supply unit (PSU) and designed to be used with an external display screen (monitor) unlike mobile device.

In conclusion, a desktop computer is not a type of mobile device.

Learn more about desktop computer here:


What do LinkedIn automation tools do?



Most of the tools are used to perform simple repetitive tasks that take a lot of time if done manually.


1. Sending Connection requests  

2. Running Direct messaging campaigns  

3. Endorsing people’s skills.  

4. Collecting leads data  

5. Extracting data from LinkedIn  

With automation, it may seem like you’ve been dealt the ultimate hand.    

In addition, some of the latest LinkedIn automation tools run personalized campaigns that result in increasing:


1. Increasing networks  

2. Connections  

3. Leads  

4. Sales

write a program to input 3 numbers and print the largest and the smallest number without using if else statement​



def main():

   # input

   num1 = int(input("Type in a number: "))

   num2 = int(input("Type in another number: "))

   num3 = int(input("Type in another number: "))

   list1 = [num1, num2, num3]

   # sorts the array


   # list1[-1] prints the first element in the array

   print("The largest number is: " + str(list1[-1]))

   # -len(list1) takes the length of the list, in this case 3, and makes it a negative number.  

   # That negative number is then used as an index for the list1 array in order to print the lowest number.

   print("The smallest number is: " + str(list1[-len(list1)]))



Hope this helped :) I left some comments so you know what's going on. You can also use max(list1) and min(list1) but I chose indexing because indexing is the better way of doing stuff like this.

Have a good day!

Given two integers that represent the miles to drive forward and the miles to drive in reverse as user inputs, create a SimpleCar object that performs the following operations:Drives input number of miles forwardDrives input number of miles in reverseHonks the hornReports car statusThe SimpleCar class is found in the file 4the output is:beep beepCar has driven: 96 milesimport java.util.Scanner;public class LabProgram { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scnr = new Scanner(; /* Type your code here. */ }}




The following code is written in Java. It creates the SimpleCar class with the variables for position, milesForward, and milesReverse. It contains the constructor, Honk, reportStatus, and setter methods needed and as requested. The scanner object is created in the main method and asks the user for the number of miles forward as well as the number of miles in reverse. A test case was created and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;

       System.out.println("How many miles forward did the car drive?");

       int forward = in.nextInt();

       System.out.println("How many miles in reverse did the car drive?");

       int reverse = in.nextInt();

       SimpleCar beep = new SimpleCar(forward, reverse);





class SimpleCar {

   int position;

   int milesForward;

   int milesReverse;

   public SimpleCar(int milesForward, int milesReverse) {

       this.milesForward = milesForward;

       this.milesReverse = milesReverse;

       this.position = 0;


   public void Honk() {



   public void reportStatus() {

       position = milesForward - milesReverse;

       System.out.println("Car is " + position + " miles from starting point.");


   public void setMilesForward(int milesForward) {

       this.milesForward = milesForward;

       this.position += milesForward;


   public void setMilesReverse(int milesReverse) {

       this.milesReverse = milesReverse;

       this.position -= milesReverse;



The Janitorial and Cafeteria departments are support departments. Samoa uses the sequential method to allocate support department costs, first allocating the costs from the Janitorial Department to the Cafeteria, Cutting, and Assembly departments. Determine the proportional (percentage) usage of the Janitorial Department by the:


Complete Question:

Departmental information for the four departments at Samoa Industries is provided below. Total Cost Cost Driver Square Feet Number of employees Janitorial $150,000 square footage serviced 200 Cafeteria 50,000 Number of employees 20,000 Cutting 1,125,000 4,000 120 Assembly 1,100,000 16,000 The Janitorial and Cafeteria departments are support departments Samoa uses the sequential method to allocate support department costs, first allocating the costs Department to the Cafeteria, Cutting and Assembly departments Determine the proportional (percentage) usage of the Janitorial Department by the a. Cafeteria Department b. Cutting Department c. Assembly Department


Samoa Industries

Proportional (percentage) usage of the Janitorial Department:

Cafeteria = 50%

Cutting = 10%

Assembly = 40%


a) Data and Calculations:

                 Total Cost         Cost Driver             Square Feet       Number of


Janitorial   $150,000 Square footage serviced          200                40

Cafeteria      50,000 Number of employees        20,000                 12

Cutting     1,125,000                                                 4,000               120

Assembly 1,100,000                                               16,000                 40

Proportional (percentage) usage of the Janitorial Department:

Cafeteria = 50% (20,000/40,000 * 100)

Cutting = 10% (4,000/40,000 * 100)

Assembly = 40% (16,000/40,000 * 100)

Cost Allocation of the Janitorial Department:

Cafeteria = 50% * $150,000 = $75,000

Cutting = 10% * $150,000 =        15,000

Assembly = 40,% * $150,000 = 60,000

Total =                                    $150,000

Coral Given three floating-point numbers x, y, and z, output x to the power of y, x to the power of (y to the power of z), the absolute value of x, and the square root of (x * y to the power of z).
Output all results with five digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows:
Put result to output with 5 decimal places
Ex: If the input is:
5.0 2.5 1.5
the output is:
55.90170 579.32402 5.00000 6.64787
Hint: Coral has built-in math functions (discussed elsewhere) that may be used.



The program is as follows:

float x

float y

float z

x = Get next input

y = Get next input

z = Get next input

Put RaiseToPower(x,y) to output with 5 decimal places

Put "\n" to output

Put RaiseToPower (x,RaiseToPower (y,z)) to output with 5 decimal places

Put "\n" to output

Put AbsoluteValue(x) to output with 5 decimal places

Put "\n" to output

Put SquareRoot(RaiseToPower (x * y,z)) to output with 5 decimal places


This declares all variables

float x

float y

float z

This gets input for all variables

x = Get next input

y = Get next input

z = Get next input

This prints x^y

Put RaiseToPower(x,y) to output with 5 decimal places

This prints a new line

Put "\n" to output

This prints x^(y^z)

Put RaiseToPower (x,RaiseToPower (y,z)) to output with 5 decimal places

This prints a new line

Put "\n" to output

This prints |x|

Put AbsoluteValue(x) to output with 5 decimal places

This prints a new line

Put "\n" to output

This prints sqrt((x * y)^z)

Put SquareRoot(RaiseToPower (x * y,z)) to output with 5 decimal places

Consider the following generalization of the Activity Selection Problem: You are given a set of n activities each with a start time si , a finish time fi , and a weight wi . Design a dynamic programming algorithm to find the weight of a set of non-conflicting activities with maximum weight.



Assumption: Only 1 job can be taken at a time  

This becomes a weighted job scheduling problem.  

Suppose there are n jobs

   Sort the jobs according to fj(finish time)

   Define an array named arr to store max profit till that job

       arr[0] = v1(value of 1st job)

       For i>0. arr[i] = maximum of arr[i-1] (profit till the previous job) or wi(weight of ith job) + profit till the previous non-conflicting job

   Final ans = arr[n-1]

The previous non-conflicting job here means the last job with end timeless than equal to the current job.  

To find the previous non-conflicting job if we traverse the array linearly Complexity(search = O(n)) = O(n.n) = O(n^2)  

else if we use a binary search to find the job Complexity((search = O(Logn)) = O(n.Log(n))

Write a program that will generate a personalized invitation within a text file for each guest in the guest list file using the event information found in the event details file. Put all the generated invitation files in a directory called invitations. Ensure that the name of each invitation file uniquely identifies each guest's invitation




import os   # os module to create directory  

event_file = open("event_details.txt", "r") # Getting event file  

event_details = ""  # event details to be stored  

for row in event_file:  # traversing through the event_file  

   event_details += row    # appending event details  

os.mkdir("./invitations")   # make directory in the same parent directory  

names = open("guest_list.txt", "r") # getting names of the people  

for name in names:  # traversing through names in guest_list file

   name = name.replace('\n', '')   # removing the ending '\n' from the name  

   invitation_msg = "Hi! " + name + ", You are heartly invited in the Ceremony.\nAt " + event_details # Generating the invitation message  

   file_name = '_'.join(name.split(' '))   # Spliting name in space and joining with the '_'  

   file_path = "./invitations/" + file_name + ".txt" # Generating each file path  

   invite_file = open(file_path, "w")  # Creating the file for each name  

   invite_file.write(invitation_msg)   # Write invitation to file


A backbone network is Group of answer choices a high speed central network that connects other networks in a distance spanning up to several miles. a group of personal computers or terminals located in the same general area and connected by a common cable (communication circuit) so they can exchange information. a network spanning a geographical area that usually encompasses a city or county area (3 to 30 miles). a network spanning a large geographical area (up to thousands of miles). a network spanning exactly 200 miles with common carrier circuits.



a high speed central network that connects other networks in a distance spanning up to several miles.


A backbone network functions just like the human backbone providing support for network systems by offering a network infrastructure that allows small, high speed internet connectivity. It is a principal data route between large interconnected networks which offers connection services spanning several miles. Most local area networks are able to connect to the backbone network as it is the largest data connection on the internet. This backbone networks are mainly utilized by large organizations requiring high bandwidth connection.


a. can boost server utilization rates to 70% or higher.
b. has enabled microprocessor manufacturers to reduce the size of transistors to the width of an atom.
c. uses the principles of quantum physics to represent data.
d. allows smartphones to run full-fledged operating systems.
e. allows one operating system to manage several physical machines.


The answer: A

If you would like to understand more on this, I have found an excellent quizlet.
Search this up: Using IS for Bus. Problems chp.5 practice quiz

Predictive Algorithms Identify one use/application in which tprediction might cause significant ethical harms.

a. True
b. False


I do believe this would be true.

Suppose a company A decides to set up a cloud to deliver Software as a Service to its clients through a remote location. Answer the following [3] a) What are the security risks for which a customer needs to be careful about? b) What kind of infrastructural set up will be required to set up a cloud? c) What sort of billing model will such customers have?





What happens when a dataset includes records with missing data?



However, if the dataset is relatively small, every data point counts. In these situations, a missing data point means loss of valuable information. In any case, generally missing data creates imbalanced observations, cause biased estimates, and in extreme cases, can even lead to invalid conclusions.

It makes data analysis to be more ambiguous and more difficult.

Missing data is simply the same as saying that there are values and information that are unavailable. This could be due to missing files or unavailable information.

A dataset set with missing data means more work for the analyst. There needs to be a transformation in those fields before the dataset can be used.

Generally speaking missing data could lead to bias in the estimation of data.

A data scientist is a data expert who is in charge of data. He performs the job of data extraction, data analysis, data transformation.


Brandon has configured one of the applications hosted on his cloud service provider to increase the number of resources as needed. Which of the following describes this capability?

a. Continuity
b. Adaptability
c. Vertical scaling
d. Horizontal scaling



The description of this capability is:

d. Horizontal scaling


The capability that Brandon has achieved is horizontal scaling, which involves the increasing of the resources of cloud applications to meet his increasing demand for cloud services.  Vertical scaling involves the addition or subtraction of power to a cloud server, which practically upgrades the memory, storage, or processing power.  But to scale horizontally, more resources are added or subtracted.  The purpose of horizontal scaling is to spread out or in the workload of existing resources and either increase or decrease overall performance and capacity.

Write a demo test to verify the above Rectangle object accessible from demo test main program and can execute display() method to output.




The Rectangle class was not provided in this question but after a quick online search I was able to find the class code. Due to this I was able to create a test code in the main Method of my program to create a Rectangle object and call it's display() method. The Test code and the output can be seen in the attached image below. While the code below is simply the Main Test Program as requested.

class Brainly {  

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(20, 8);




Leo is planning the new backup strategy for a subsidiary his company is purchasing that does not currently have a backup strategy in place. He decides that a full backup should be run once per week. Once per day, everything that has changed since the last full backup will be archived. Once per hour everything that has changed since the last backup of any type will be backed up. Which of the following describes the backups that will be run every hour?

a. Differential
b. Variable
c. Incremental
d. Flexible



C. Incremental backup


An incremental backup is a type of backup where the succeeding copies of the data is made up of only those positions that have changed since the previous or prior copies were made. Such backups are desired since they limit the usage of space for storage and these types of back ups are faster to do that the differential backup.

When we bring this explanation to this question, we can easily see that the backup that is being carried out is done on everything that has changed since the last backup (previous backup). Therefore this is an incremental backup.

In MS_Excel , assume you have data base of employees with their ages,How you could checked the employee is continuous in work or not depending on his age? A) By using AND function. B) By using IF function. C) By using OR function. D) By using IF and AND functions



C) By using OR function



Employees database


Check for employees that are continuous in work or not depending on age

The solution to this question lies in the question itself.

From the question, we are to check for

....employees that are continuous in work or not depending on age

Notice that the question does not imply the usage of an if-function but, the usage of an or function as indicated by the text in bold.


If an employee is continuous in work, the function will return true

If an employee does not depend on age limit, the function will return true

The function will return false, if both conditions are not true

A technician is setting up a VM for use in testing software deployments. The VM is offline, but the hypervisor is not. Which of the following settings should the technician change to resolve this issue



The answer might be C.


Virtualization software (hyper-v, vm ware, virtual box) has a power button to power on the virtual machine, so in the real world you would press the power button. But the virtual CPU is the closet thing to a power button.

the right answer might be c

1. You purchase a new desktop computer that does not have wireless capability, and then you decide thar you want to use a wireless connection to the internet. Give two solutions to upgrade your system to wireless.
2. You are replacing a processor on an older motherboard and see that the board has the LGA1155 socket. You have three processors on hand: Intel Core i3-2100, Intel Core i5-8400, and Intel Core i5-6500. Which of these three processors will most likely fit the board? Why?a. 4.b. 5.c. 6.d. 7.


Answer:   1.)  You can use a USB WiFi adapter, install a dedicated PCIe WiFi card, or upgrade to a new motherboard with built-in WiFi. (That's three solutions but just want to give you flexibility with your problem.)

Answer:    2.)  None of the processors would fit because they all have different series sockets. (The i5 processors have LGA1151 sockets and the i3 has an LGA1156 socket.)

Explanation: 1.)  Usb WiFi adapter, dedicated PCIe WiFi card, OR a new motherboard with built-in WiFi

                     2.)  None of the processors work

Which support function under Tech Mahindra is governing data privacy and protection related requirements



Privacy Policy


PRIVACY POLICY is the support function under Tech Mahindra that is governing data privacy and protection-related requirements.

Given that support functions are functions which assist and in a way contribute to the company goal.

Other support functions are human resources, training and development, salaries, IT, auditing, marketing, legal, accounting/credit control, and communications.

The above statement is based on the fact that the Privacy Policy clarifies all the data protection rights, such as the right to object to some of the production processes that TechM may carry out.

Select the correct answer.
Which of these statements is true of dynamic design diagrams?
They demonstrate objects.
They demonstrate relationships.
They demonstrate the behavior of system aspects.
They include structure diagrams.



They demonstrate the behavior of system aspects.

The statement true regarding the dynamic design diagram is that it demonstrates the behavior change in the system. Thus, option C is correct.

What is a dynamic design diagrams?

A dynamic design diagram is given as the model that has been expressing the development of the operations, actions, and the behavior of the system over time.

The dynamic design diagram is thereby the demonstration of the behavior of system aspects. Thus, option C is correct.

Learn more about dynamic design, here:


Explain how you would find a book on a given subject in the library.



In case I am looking for a specific book in a library, the way in which I would try to find it would be through consulting the library guide, or through inspection of the different books of the specific sector with which the book I'm looking for is listed, or by asking the library staff to help me with my search.

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