The use of non-renewable energy resources in the UK has changed in the last 30 years.
Explain how the use of energy resources has changed in the last 30 years.


Answer 1

Answer: Varies

Explanation: It became more relied upon, technology is responsible for this.

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To see how visual encoding works, read over this list of words: car,
level, dog, truth, book, value. If you were asked later to recall the
words from this list, which ones do you think you'd most likely
remember? Why those words?


    I think I would most likely remember car, level, dog, and book. I think I would remember these words because car and level came first, I love dogs, and I like reading books. I can associate something with dogs and books so it helps me remember those words.

           [Visual encoding is when people remember things by pictures in their head, but I have aphantasia so I am honestly not the best person to answer this question

You have three small balls, each hanging from an insulating thread. You find that balls 1 and 2 attract one another and that balls 2 and 3 repel one another. Which ball, if any, is possibly neutral


The force electrostatic charges allows us to find the signs of the charge of the spheres are:

The only possibility that the relationship is fulfilled is that spheres 1 and 3 must be insulating with a net charge and sphere 2 must be metallic with no net charge.

Electrostatics studies the force between objects with electric charges, finding that objects with charges of the same sign repel and objects with charges of different signs attract.

It indicates that we have three balls hanging, balls 1 and 2 attract each other, consequently they must have a different sign of charge.

Spheres 2 and 3 repel each other, therefore their charge must be of the same sign.

Let's analyze all the possibilities that meet the two previous conditions.

Spheres of non-conductive material.

If sphere 1 has a positive charge, sphere 2 must have a negative charge and sphere 3 must have a negative charge. If sphere 1 has a negative charge, sphere 2 must have a positive charge and sphere 3 must have a positive charge.

Spheres 1 and 3 of non-conductive and sphere 2 of metallic  material.

If sphere 1 has a positive charge. Sphere 2 is neutral.  The sphere 1 attracts the negative movil charge of sphere 2 and at the other end of sphere 2 it has a positive charge and is repelled by sphere 3

In conclusion using the force electrostatic charge we can find the signs of the charge of the spheres are:

The only possibility that the relationship is fulfilled is that spheres 1 and 3 must be insulating with a net charge and sphere 2 must be metallic with no net charge.

Learn more about electrostatics here:

7 A 0.25 kg block oscillates on the end of a spring with a spring constant of 100 N/m. If the oscillation is started by elongating the spring 0.1m and giving the block a speed of 3 mis then the amplitude of the oscillation is:​









(6.50 N/m)(0.100 m)

m(0.300 m/s)

(6.50 N/m)(5.00×10


m(0.300 m/s)

giving m=


0.542 kg

(b) ω=

0.542 kg
6.50 N/m

=3.46 rad/s

Then, T=

3.46 rad/s
2π rad

1.81 s

(c) a

=(0.100 m)(3.46 rad/s)
1.20 m/s

which of the following is used to transport sound waves


I think the answer is d.right?

A photographer wants to determine the color of light he can use in the darkroom that will not expose the films he is processing. In one trial, he used a blue incandescent bulb. Which bulb can he use for another trial?
A. Red incandescent bulb C. Red fluorescent bulb
B. Blue incandescent bulb D. Blue fluorescent bulb


For a photographer that wishes to determine the color of light that he can use in a dark room that will not expose the films he is processing, having used a Blue Incandescent bulb, he should proceed to use a Red Incandescent bulb for the next trial.

The photographer in question is performing an experiment. For these kinds of experiments it is important to identify the variables present, which can be of three kinds:

Control variablesDependent variables Independent variables

For this experiment, the dependent variable is the exposure of the light onto the films, given that this is what we wish to measure. The independent variable will be the color of the light being used which is what will affect the dependent variable.

The remaining variable must be the control variable. Unlike the previous variables, we can have more than one of these. The control variable is there to make sure that only the dependent variable is affecting the outcome. We do this by keeping the control variable the same through each trial, which is why the photographer should not change the type of bulb in the second experiment, changing only the color of the light.

To learn more visit:

hey I just wanted to know if any of the guys here are able to help answer my physics questions , it would be a great thankyou xoxoxoxo


what's your question?

Do you expect the normal dicrystalline resistance in the forward bias to be pure ohmic resistance or what ?!​





because is pure ohmic risistance

A 770-kg two-stage rocket is traveling at a speed of 6.90×103 m/s away from Earth when a predesigned explosion separates the rocket into two sections of equal mass that then move with a speed of 2.60×103 m/s relative to each other along the original line of motion.What is the speed of each section (relative to Earth) after the explosion?How much energy was supplied by the explosion?




Let's just have our reference frame travel along with the original un broken mass. This way the original velocity is not relevant.

Each half will have a mass of 770/2 = 385 kg

Each half will have the same magnitude of velocity (conservation of momentum) which will be 2.6 x 10³/2 = 1.30 x 10³ m/s

Now add back the reference frame velocity to get velocity relative to earth.

Section one will have velocity 6.90 x 10³ + 1.30 x 10³ = 8.2 x 10³ m/s

Section two will have velocity 6.90 x 10³ - 1.30 x 10³ = 5.6 x 10³ m/s

In the moving reference frame, each half will have kinetic energy which could only come from the explosion

KE = ½(385)(1.3 x 10³)² = 325,325,000 J

2(325,325,000) = 650,650,000 J released in the explosion.

Rounding to the three significant figures of the problem numerals

E = 6.50 x 10⁸ J or 650 MJ released

Which metals have the most uses (applications)? *





the most commonly used metal in the world

What was the big bang?


It is the start of our universe

The big bang is how astronomers explain the way the universe began. It is the idea that the universe began as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now—and it is still stretching!

What's This Big Bang All About?

In 1927, an astronomer named Georges Lemaître had a big idea. He said that a very long time ago, the universe started as just a single point. He said the universe stretched and expanded to get as big as it is now, and that it could keep on stretching.

What an Idea!

The universe is a very big place, and it’s been around for a very long time. Thinking about how it all started is hard to imagine.

Some More Information

Just two years later, an astronomer named Edwin Hubble noticed that other galaxies were moving away from us. And that’s not all. The farthest galaxies were moving faster than the ones close to us.

This meant that the universe was still expanding, just like Lemaître thought. If things were moving apart, it meant that long ago, everything had been close together.

Everything we can see in our universe today—stars, planets, comets, asteroids—they weren't there at the beginning. Where did they come from?

A Tiny, Hot Beginning

When the universe began, it was just hot, tiny particles mixed with light and energy. It was nothing like what we see now. As everything expanded and took up more space, it cooled down.

The tiny particles grouped together. They formed atoms. Then those atoms grouped together. Over lots of time, atoms came together to form stars and galaxies.

The first stars created bigger atoms and groups of atoms. That led to more stars being born. At the same time, galaxies were crashing and grouping together. As new stars were being born and dying, then things like asteroids, comets, planets, and black holes formed!

Required information
Medical testing has established that the maximum acceleration a pilot can be subjected to without losing consciousness is
approximately 5.00g. A pilot can avoid "blackout" at accelerations up to approximately 9.00g by wearing special "g-suits"
that help keep blood pressure in the brain at a sufficient level.
What is the minimum safe radius of curvature for an unprotected pilot flying an F-15 in a horizontal circular loop at 729 km/h?



hi there is that OK for the weekend of the following week as well


6th of March is fine for me

The minimum safe radius of curvature for an unprotected pilot flying an F-15 in a horizontal circular loop at 729 km/h is approximately 838.1 meters.

To determine the minimum safe radius of curvature for an unprotected pilot flying an F-15 in a horizontal circular loop, we need to consider the maximum acceleration the pilot can withstand without losing consciousness.


Maximum acceleration without losing consciousness = 5.00g

Acceleration with g-suits to avoid blackout = 9.00g

First, we need to convert the speed of the F-15 from km/h to m/s:

Speed = 729 km/h = (729 * 1000) m/3600 s ≈ 202.5 m/s

Next, we'll calculate the acceleration experienced by the pilot in the circular loop. In a horizontal circular motion, the centripetal acceleration is given by:

Acceleration = ([tex]\rm Velocity^2[/tex]) / Radius

We can rearrange the equation to solve for the radius:

Radius = ([tex]\rm Velocity^2[/tex]) / Acceleration

Using the maximum acceleration of 5.00g, we convert it to [tex]\rm m/s^2[/tex]:

Maximum acceleration = 5.00g ≈ (5.00 * 9.8) [tex]\rm m/s^2[/tex] = 49 m/s^2

Now, we can calculate the minimum safe radius of curvature:

Radius = ([tex]\rm 202.5^2[/tex]) / 49 ≈ 838.1 meters

Therefore, the minimum safe radius of curvature for an unprotected pilot flying an F-15 in a horizontal circular loop at 729 km/h is approximately 838.1 meters.

Know more about radius of curvature:


A student uses a spring (with a spring constant of 180 N/m) to launch a marble vertically into the air. The mass of the marble is 0.004 kg and the spring is compressed 0.03 m. How high will the marble go? Answer:




Ignoring air resistance the spring compression energy will equal the increase in potential energy from the maximum spring compression point to the top of the flight arc.

mgh = ½kx²

    h = kx²/2mg

    h = 180(0.03²) / (2(0.004)(9.8))

    h = 2.06632...

    h = 2.1 m

True or false. The buildings in cities are getting larger





cuase the city is getting more people than before

5. A quarterback throws the football to a stationary receiver who is 31.5 m
down the field. If the football is thrown at an initial angle of 40.0° to the
ground, at what initial speed must the quarterback throw the ball for it
to reach the receiver? What is the ball's highest point during its flight?


The projectile launch equations allow to find the results for the questions about the movement of the ball are:

The initial velocity is:   v₀ = 17.7 m / s. The maximum height is:   y = 16 m.

Given parameters

Horizontal distance x = 31.5 m Launch angle tea = 40º

To find

The initial speed. Maximum height.

Projectile launching is an application of kinematics, where on the x-axis there is no acceleration and on the y-axis is the gravity acceleration.

The range is the distance traveled for the same departure height, see attached.


          R =[tex]\frac{v_o^2 \ sin 2\theta}{g}[/tex]  

         [tex]v_o^2 = \frac{ g R}{sin 2 \theta }[/tex]  

Let's calculate.

          v₀² = [tex]\frac{9.8 \ 31.5}{sin \ (2 \ 40)}[/tex]9.8 31.5 / sin (2 40.0)

          [tex]v_o = \sqrt{313.46}[/tex]o = ra 313.46

          v₀ = 17.7 m / s

At the point of maximum height the vertical speed is zero.

          v² = v₀² - 2 g y

          0 = v₀² - 2g y

          y = [tex]\frac{v_o^2}{2g}[/tex]  

Let's calculate.

         y = [tex]\frac{17.7^2}{2 \ 9.8}[/tex]  

         y = 16 m

In conclusion, using the projectile launch equations we can find the results for the questions about the movement of the ball are:

The initial velocity is: v₀ = 17.7 m / s The maximum height is:  y = 16 m.

Learn more here:

Does the stone remain at a constant speed? Or does it speed up?



it would remain the same speed

Explanation: the rock isnt going down a hill or anything so therefore if gravity isnt pulling it down a slope then it would remain the same pace

A 220 g mass is on a frictionless horizontal surface at the end of a spring that has force constant of 7.0 Nm-1. The mass is displaced 5.2 cm from its equilibrium position and then released to undergo simple harmonic motion.
At what displacement from the equilibrium position is the potential energy equal to the kinetic energy.


The work required to stretch the spring by a displacement of 5.2 cm = 0.052 m is

1/2 (7.0 N/m) (0.052 m)² ≈ 0.0095 J

which is stored as potential energy in the spring. When the mass is released, as the spring relaxes, this potential energy is gradually converted into more and more kinetic energy.

Let x be the displacement (relative to the equilibrium position, with 0 < x < 0.052 m) at which this energy is split evenly between potential energy P and kinetic energy K, so that

P + K = 2P = 0.0095 J


P ≈ 0.0047 J

At this displacement, the spring is storing

P = 1/2 (7.0 N/m) x²

of potential energy. Solve for x :

1/2 (7.0 N/m) x² ≈ 0.0047 J

x² ≈ (0.0047 J) / (1/2 (7.0 N/m))

x ≈ √((0.0047 J) / (1/2 (7.0 N/m)))

x ≈ 0.037 m = 3.7 cm

Which of the following correctly compares gravitational force and distance between two objects?

A. As the distance increases, the gravitational force decreases.

B. As the distance decreases, the gravitational force decreases.

C. There is no relationship between gravitational force and distance between two objects.

D. As the distance increases, the gravitational force increases.

Help pls…



a. as the distances increases , the gravitational force decreases


If a 40cm rope with a 220g bob can hold a maximum tension of 3N
a) what are the maximum angular velocity and inclination angle it can reach before the rope break?
b) Angle of inclination​



ω = 3.1 rad/s

θ = 36° from vertical


I will ASSUME that the bob and string is acting as a pendulum.

Please understand that the string will break when the bob is at the lowest point of the swing where the vectors of gravity and centripetal acceleration align. It will NOT break at the angle of maximum inclination measured from vertical. This angle is only a component of the maximum potential energy that gets converted to maximum kinetic energy at the lowest point of the swing.

At the bottom of the swing, the string must support the weight of the bob plus supply the required centripetal acceleration.

F = mg + mω²R

F/m = g + ω²R

F/m - g = ω²R

ω = √((F/m - g)/R)

ω = √((3/0.220 - 9.8)/0.40)

ω = 3.09691...

ω = 3.1 rad/s

Potential energy will convert to kinetic energy

       mgh = ½mv²

             h = v²/2g

R - Rcosθ = v²/2g

R(1 - cosθ) = v²/2g

   1 - cosθ = v²/2gR

        cosθ = 1 - v²/2gR

        cosθ = 1 - (Rω)²/2gR

        cosθ = 1 - Rω²/2g

        cosθ = 1 - 0.40(3.1²)/(2(9.8))

        cosθ = 0.804267

              θ = 36.46045...

              θ = 36°

Someone fires a slingshot at a target that is far enough away to take 1.4 seconds to reach. How far below does the target does the slingshot pellet hit?


There is not enough information to answer the question

50 points help

Column I Column II

______ 1. acceleration a. change in distance over time

______ 2. speed b. time interval

______ 3. velocity c. scalar

______ 4. Δt. d. change in position

______ 5. Magnitude only e. change in velocity over time

______ 6. Δx f. change in displacement over time


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Acceleration\longrightarrow Change\:in\: Velocity\:over\:time[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Speed\longrightarrow Change\:in\: Distance\:over\:Time[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Velocity\longrightarrow Change\:in\: Displacement\: over\:time[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto ∆t\longrightarrow Time\: interval [/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Magnitude\:only\longrightarrow Scaler[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto ∆x=Change\:in\: position [/tex]

A force is applied to push a cabinet 12 m across the floor. The work done is 1400 J. How much force was exerted to move the file cabinet?





work done = force x distance

1400 = force x 12

1400 / 12 = force

116.66N = force

F = W / d

 =1400 / 12

 = 116.6 N

Work = Force × Distance. The SI unit for work is the joule (J), or Newton • metre (N • m). One joule equals the amount of work that is done when 1 N of force moves an object over a distance of 1 m.

What is distance ?

"Distance is defined to be the magnitude or size of displacement between two positions. Note that the distance between two positions is not the same as the distance travelled between them. Distance travelled is the total length of the path travelled between two positions. Distance travelled is not a vector."

What is force ?

"The push or pull on an object with mass that causes it to change its velocity. Force is an external agent capable of changing the state of rest or motion of a particular body. It has a magnitude and a direction."

Know more about force here


Please help if u can thanksss



yes its okay i think so it is the correct answer

The figure shows the light intensity on a screen behind a double slit. The slit spacing is 0.22 mm and the screen is 2.0 m behind the slits (Figure 1). What is the wavelength of the light?


The wavelength of the light is 550 nm

For a double slit interference pattern with slit spacing, d we have

dsinθ = mλ where d = slit spacing = 0.22 mm = 0.22 × 10⁻³ m, m = number of maximum fringe = 2(from the picture) and λ = wavelength of light.

Thus sinθ = mλ/d

Also, tanθ = L/D where L = distance between central maximum and fringe = 2.0 cm/2 = 1.0 cm = 1 × 10⁻² m and D = distance between slit and screen = 2.0 m

Since θ is small, sinθ ≅ tanθ

So, mλ/d = L/D

Making λ subject of the formula, we have

λ = dL/mD

Substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

λ = dL/mD

λ = 0.22 × 10⁻³ m × 1 × 10⁻² m/(2 × 2.0 m)

λ = 0.22 × 10⁻⁵ m²/4.0 m

λ = 0.055 × 10⁻⁵ m

λ = 0.55 × 10⁻⁶ m

λ = 550 × 10⁻⁹ m

λ = 550 nm

So, the wavelength of the light is 550 nm

Learn more about double slit interference here:

A sealed cubical container 10.0 cm on a side contains three times Avogadro's number of molecules at a temperature of 24.0°C. Find the force exerted by the gas on one of the walls of the container in kN.


This question involves the concepts of general gas equation and pressure.

The force exerted by the gas on one of the walls of the container is "74.08 KN".

First, we will use the general gas equation to find out the pressure of the gas:

[tex]PV = nRT[/tex]


P = Pressure of the gas = ?

V = Volume of cube = (side length)³ = (10 cm)³ = (0.1 m)³ = 0.001 m³

n = no. of moles = 3 (since molecules equal to avogadro's number make up 1 mole)

R = general gas constant = 8.314 J/mol.K

T = Absolute Temperature = 24°C + 273 = 297 K


[tex]P = \frac{(3)(8.314\ J/mol.k)(297\ K)}{0.001\ m^3}[/tex]

P = 7407.78 KPa

Now, the force on one wall can be given as follows:

[tex]P =\frac{F}{A}\\\\F=PA[/tex]


A = area of one wall = (side length)² = (0.1 m)² = 0.01 m²


[tex]F=(7407.78\ KPa)(0.01\ m^2)\\[/tex]

F = 74.08 KN

Learn more about the general gas equation here:

Describe how you can determine:
a) Volume of an irregular body
b) Density of a liquid​


Density of liquid try thank you so much


  a) measure the change in volume when the object is immersed; compute from range data

  b) find the ratio of mass to volume for a measured mass and volume


a) The volume of a small enough irregular body can be found by measuring the difference in volume of the (semi-)fluid in which it is immersed, before and after immersion.

For irregular bodies for which that approach does not work, various 3D scanners are available for measuring volume and surface area. They may rely on optical (laser or camera), sonic, or radar measurements, and generally involve computation from distances to various points.


b) Density is the ratio of mass to volume. So, measurements of mass and volume of a liquid sample are sufficient to provide the basis for determining density.

Other methods include measuring buoyancy forces, and/or the depth of submersion of something that floats in the liquid. For specific liquids, hydrometers are available for measuring their density relative to that of water.


An arrow is shot straight up in the air from the ground with an initial velocity of 54.0 m/s. If on striking the ground it
embeds itself 15.0 cm into the ground, what is the acceleration required to stop the arrow when it hits the ground?



you have patience the distance.


the train leaves at 6.30.

An object travels 120 m in 6 seconds. How fast is it moving?



I actually don't understand what you are asking for....but if you denote second then...


Just divide 120/6=20

Hence, it's traveling 20m per second.


20 m/s


Speed = Distance/Time

Speed = 120m/6s

Speed = 20 m/s

What does it mean that " memory is organized in semantic



Semantic memory is a category of long-term memory that involves the recollection of ideas, concepts and facts commonly regarded as general knowledge. Examples of semantic memory include factual information such as grammar and algebra.

Change 1m2 in to cm2, mm2 and km2​



1m² = 10000cm²

1m² = 1000000mm²

1m² = 1 × 10^-6


When coverting from square meter to square centimetre, multiply the area value by 10.

When coverting from square meter to millimetre, multiply the area value by 10⁶ ( 1 million )

When converting from meter square to kilometre square, divide the area value by 10^-6 ( 0.000001)

Please write a paragraph explaining the bible verse below in your own words.

Exodus 16:1-3


Answer: Moses

Explanation: The Israelites are angry at Aaron and Moses, because they lead them into this desert where there is no food, or water. It was told that after the Israelites left Egypt they would wander the desert for forty years. The Israelites complain that they would have had plenty of food if they had just stayed enslaved in Egypt. They are not grateful that God has liberated them from slavery.

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Which of the following contains an adverb phrase?Jamie chose the donut with sprinkles.Fritz is the boy next to Lucy.Lou kicked the ball during the game. Is 7.6 greater than, equal to, or less than 7.60 A 770-kg two-stage rocket is traveling at a speed of 6.90103 m/s away from Earth when a predesigned explosion separates the rocket into two sections of equal mass that then move with a speed of 2.60103 m/s relative to each other along the original line of motion.What is the speed of each section (relative to Earth) after the explosion?How much energy was supplied by the explosion? Last year, the school's electric billwas $1.740. If the bill was the sameprice each month, how much didthe school spend on electricity eachmonth? ASAP! 1. You are interested in recycling behavior and whether it varies between urban andrural residents. You know that the statewide recycling rate is 48.89%, and yousurvey 140 rural residents and 310 urban residents to find out if they recycle.180 urban residents respond that yes, they recycle. 130 do not. 40rural residents recycle, and 100 do not.a) Construct an expected frequencies crosstab, based on the sample size and thestatewide recycling rate.b) Construct an observed frequencies crosstab, based on your actual data.(NOTE for 1a and 16: Be sure to include both percentages and frequency values, in que es la revolucion industrial Why do you think the draft was suspended instead of cancelled? Describe the steps that would be taken to reactivate the draft. *please help! 50 points + brainliest!*Examine the diagram that shows the levels of organization of an organ system.If level 2 becomes diseased, what is a possible consequence?Question 16 options:The cells will bypass creating tissues, creating the organ directly to limit the spread of the disease to the organism.The organ will fail to function properly, affecting the organ system and consequently the organism.The organ will temporarily shut down until the disease is repaired with the replication of new cells.The organ system will generate more cells to create a new organ to replace the diseased component. Sean bought 1.8 pounds of gummy bears and 0.6 pounds of jelly beans and paid $10.26. He went back to the store the following week and bought 1.2 pounds of gummy bears and 1.5 pounds of jelly beans and paid $15.09. What is the price per pound of each type of candy? A _____ combines financial measures of past performance with nonfinancial measures of the drivers of future performance to provide management with a road map for creating shareholder value.a. profit centerb. balanced scorecardc. cost driverd. operating budget Help me please quick please how many moles are present in 10.0 grams of sodium hydroxide what is 250% of 5please help 3m^2 + 5n; if m = -4 and n = -13 show that respiratory gaseous exchange in a rabbit occurs at the level of lungs for how much of her life dis helen have the ability to see and hear I suck at math help ill give brainliest WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST These two triangles are congruent by ....O SSSO SASO HLO ASAO AASO the triangles are NOT congruent 1. Prsentez la stratgie mise en place par le groupe public Radio France. If car number plates have 3 English alphabet letters followed by 3 digits, how many of these start with ABC?