The web development team is having difficulty connecting by ssh to your local web server, and you notice the proper rule is missing from the firewall. What port number would you open on your webserver?

a. Port 21
b. Port 22
c .Port 25
d. Port 80
e. Port 443


Answer 1


Option b (Port 22) seems to the appropriate choice.


Below seem to be some measure you should take to correct this mistake.

Verify whether Droplet's host IP address seems to be right.  Verify existing connection supports communication over all the utilized SSH port. Any access points can be able to block port 22 and sometimes customized SSH. For illustration, you could do this by checking different hosts who used the same port, using only a recognized working SSH connection. These could help you identify unless the current problem is not particular to clients' Droplet. Authenticate the Droplet configuration settings. Verify that they're not being configured to DROP 's preferred policy, and do not apply the port to require connectivity.

The SSH server also operates on port 22, by default.  

Other choices don't apply to the specified scenario. So that the argument presented above will be appropriate.

Answer 2

The port number would you open on your webserver is Port 22

For better understanding let's explain SSH means.

Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry. where the service name is Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol and it has the port number of 22 therefore this mean that SSH will only work with port 22 using it for other port will only result in difficulty in connection. SSH has other names like Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell. it is known as a network protocol that helps its users with system administrator.

From the above we can therefore say that the answer The port number would you open on your webserver is Port 22, is correct

Learn more about SSH and port from:

Related Questions

Define a function readList with one parameter, the (string) name of a file to be read from. The file consists of integers, one per line. The function should return a list of the integers in the file.



Here is the Python function readList:

def readList(filename):  #function definition of readList that takes a filename as a parameter and returns a list of integers in the file

   list = []  # declares an empty list

   with open(filename, 'r') as infile:  # opens the file in read mode by an object infile

       lines = infile.readlines()  # returns a list with each line in file as a list item

       for line in lines:   #loops through the list of each line

           i = line[:-1]  # removes new line break which is the last character of the list of line

           list.append(i)  # add each list item i.e. integers in the list

       return list  #returns the list of integers

#in order to check the working of the above function use the following function call and print statement to print the result on output screen

print(readList("file.txt")) #calls readList function by passing a file name to it


The program is well explained in the comments mentioned with each line of the code.

The program declares an empty list.

Then it opens the input file in read mode using the object infile.

Next it uses readLines method which returns a list with each line of the file as a list item.

Next the for loop iterates through each item of the file which is basically integer one per line

It adds each item of list i.e. each integers in a line to a list using append() method.

Then the function returns the list which is the list of integers in the file.

The program along with it output is attached. The file "file.txt" contains integers 1 to 8 one per line.

g Write a method that accepts a String object as an argument and displays its contents backward. For instance, if the string argument is "gravity" the method should display -"ytivarg". Demonstrate the method in a program that asks the user to input a string and then passes it to the method.



The program written in C++ is as follows; (See Explanation Section for explanation)

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void revstring(string word)


   string  stringreverse = "";

   for(int i = word.length() - 1; i>=0; i--)






int main()


 string user_input;

 cout << "Enter a string:  ";

 getline (std::cin, user_input);


 return 0;



The method starts here

void getstring(string word)


This line initializes a string variable to an empty string

   string  stringreverse = "";

This iteration iterates through the character of the user input from the last to the first

   for(int i = word.length() - 1; i>=0; i--)   {



This line prints the reversed string



The main method starts here

int main()


This line declares a string variable for user input

 string user_input;

This line prompts the user for input

 cout << "Enter a string:  ";

This line gets user input

 getline (std::cin, user_input);

This line passes the input string to the method


 return 0;


How does the teacher know you have completed your assignment in Google Classroom?



When students have completed the assignment, they simply click the Mark As Done button to let the teacher know they have finished.

Explanation: Note: The teacher does NOT receive an alert or email notification when work has been turned in, or marked as done.

Hello, I am having trouble adding a txt file into a array, so I can pop it off for a postfix problem I have uploaded what I have so far. I need help please



#include <stack>


#include<fstream> // to read imformation from files


using namespace std;

int main() {

   stack<string> data;

   ifstream inFile("postfix.txt");

   string content;

   if (!inFile) {

       cout << "Unable to open file" << endl;

       exit(1); // terminate with error


   while (getline(inFile, content)) {




   return 0;



You were very close. Use the standard <stack> STL library, and make sure the stack elements are of the same type as what you're trying to add, i.e., std::string.

Agile Software Development is based on Select one: a. Iterative Development b. Both Incremental and Iterative Development c. Incremental Development d. Linear Development



b. Both incremental and iterative development.


Agile software development is based on both incremental and iterative development. It is an iterative method to software delivery in which at the start of a project, software are built incrementally rather than completing and delivering them at once as they near completion.

Incremental development means that various components of the system are developed at different rates and are joined together upon confirmation of completion, while Iterative development means that the team intends to check again components that makes the system with a view to revising and improving on them for optimal performance.

Agile as an approach to software development lay emphasis on incremental delivery(developing system parts at different time), team work, continuous planning and learning, hence encourages rapid and flexible response to change.

Each time we add another bit, what happens to the amount of numbers we can make?



When we add another bit, the amount of numbers we can make multiplies by 2. So a two-bit number can make 4 numbers, but a three-bit number can make 8.

The amount of numbers that can be made is multiplied by two for each bit to be added.

The bit is the most basic unit for storing information. Bits can either be represented as either 0 or 1. Data is represented by using this multiple bits.

The amount of numbers that can be gotten from n bits is given as 2ⁿ.

Therefore we can conclude that for each bit added the amount of numbers is multiplied by two (2).

Find more about bit at:

The intention of this problem is to analyze a user input word, and display the letter that it starts with (book → B).

a. Create a function prototype for a function that accepts a word less than 25 characters long, and return a character.
b. Write the function definition for this function that evaluates the input word and returns the letter that the word starts with in capital letter (if it’s in small letters).
c. Create a function call in the main function, and use the function output to print the following message based on the input from the user. (Remember to have a command prompt in the main function requesting the user to enter any word.)

Computer starts with the letter C.
Summer starts with the letter S.

d. Make sure to consider the case where a naughty user enters characters other than the alphabet to form a word and display a relevant message.

%sb$ is not a word.
$500 is not a word.

e. Have the program process words until it encounters a word beginning with the character



Here is the C++ program:

#include<iostream>  // to use input output functions

using namespace std;     //to identify objects like cin cout

void StartChar(string str)  {  // function that takes a word string as parameter and returns the first letter of that word in capital

   int i;  

   char c;

   do  //start of do while loop


   for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {  //iterates through each character of the word str

       if(str.length()>25){  //checks if the length of input word is greater than 25

           cout<<"limit exceeded"; }  //displays this message if a word is more than 25 characters long

      c =;   // returns the character at position i

       if (! ( ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) || ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ) ) ) {  //checks if the input word is contains characters other than the alphabet

            cout<<str<<" is not a word!"<<endl; break;}  //displays this message if user enters characters other than the alphabet

        if (i == 0) {  //check the first character of the input word

           str[i]=toupper(str[i]);  //converts the first character of the input word to uppercase

           cout<<str<<" starts with letter "<<str[i]<<endl;  }  // prints the letter that the word starts with in capital letter

   }   cout<<"Enter a word: ";  //prompts user to enter a word

      cin>>str;   //reads input word from user

}while(str!="#");   }    //keeps prompting user to enter a word until the user enters #

int main()   //start of the main() function body

{ string str;  //declares a variable to hold a word

cout<<"Enter a word: "; //prompts user to enter a word

cin>>str; //reads input word from user

   StartChar(str); }  //calls function passing the word to it



The program prompts the user to enter a word and then calls StartChar(str) method by passing the word to the function.

The function StartChar() takes that word string as argument.

do while loop starts. The for loop inside do while loop iterates through each character of the word string.

First if condition checks if the length of the input word is greater than 25 using length() method which returns the length of the str. For example user inputs "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa". Then the message limit exceeded is printed on the screen if this if condition evaluates to true.

second if condition checks if the user enters anything except the alphabet character to form a  word. For example user $500. If this condition evaluates to true then the message $500 is not a word! is printed on the screen.

Third if condition checks if the first character of input word, convert that character to capital using toupper() method and prints the first letter of the str word in capital. For example if input word is "Computer" then this prints the message: Computer starts with the letter C in the output screen.

The program keeps prompting the user to enter the word until the user enters a hash # to end the program.

The output of the program is attached.

Determine the median paycheck from the following set:

{$100, $250, $300, $400, $600, $650}







My answer to the question is $350.

The middle numbers are $300&$400.





Ann. An employee in the payroll department, has contacted the help desk citing multiple issues with her device, including: Slow performance Word documents, PDFs, and images no longer opening A pop-up Ann states the issues began after she opened an invoice that a vendor emailed to her. Upon opening the invoice, she had to click several security warnings to view it in her word processor. With which of the following is the device MOST likely infected?

a. Spyware
b. Crypto-malware
c. Rootkit
d. Backdoor



d. Backdoor


A backdoor is a type of malware that overrides security checks and authentications to access a computer or embedded device.

When this is done, remote access is granted and databases and servers can be accessed and modified. Attackers can also give remote commands to the system.

What happened to Ann in the payroll department is probably a backdoor attack that affected her device.

Where can you find detailed information about your registration, classes, finances, and other personal details? This is also the portal where you can check your class schedule, pay your bill, view available courses, check your final grades, easily order books, etc. A. UC ONE Self-Service Center B. Webmail C. UC Box Account D. ILearn



A. UC ONE Self-Service Center


The UC ONE Self-Service Center is an online platform where one can get detailed information about registration, classes, finances, and other personal details. This is also the portal where one can check class schedule, bill payment, viewing available courses, checking final grades, book ordering, etc.

it gives students all the convenience required for effective learning experience.

The UC ONE platform is a platform found in the portal of University of the Cumberland.

Define a function pyramid_volume with parameters base_length, base_width, and pyramid_height, that returns the volume of a pyramid with a rectangular base. Sample output with inputs: 4.5 2.1 3.0



def pyramid_volume(base_length,base_width,pyramid_height):

      return base_length * base_width * pyramid_height/3

length = float(input("Length: "))

width = float(input("Width: "))

height = float(input("Height: "))



This line declares the function along with the three parameters

def pyramid_volume(base_length,base_width,pyramid_height):

This line returns the volume of the pyramid

      return base_length * base_width * pyramid_height/3

The main starts here

The next three lines gets user inputs for length, width and height

length = float(input("Length: "))

width = float(input("Width: "))

height = float(input("Height: "))

This line returns the volume of the pyramid in 2 decimal places


Briefly describe the importance of thoroughly testing a macro before deployment. What precautions might you take to ensure consistency across platforms for end users?



Answered below


A macro or macroinstruction is a programmable pattern which translates a sequence of inputs into output. It is a rule that specifies how a certain input sequence is mapped to a replacement output sequence. Macros makes tasks less repetitive by representing complicated keystrokes, mouse clicks and commands.

By thoroughly testing a macro before deployment, you are able to observe the flow of the macro and also see the result of each action that occurs. This helps to isolate any action that causes an error or produces unwanted results and enable it to be consistent across end user platforms.

Define Proportional spacing fornt.​



Alphabetic character spacing based on the width of each letter in a font. ... Proportional spacing is commonly used for almost all text. In this encyclopedia, the default text is a proportional typeface, and tables are "monospaced," in which all characters have the same fixed width.

hope this answer helps u

pls mark me as brainlitest .-.

Which octet of the subnet mask will tell the router the corresponding host ID?The last octetThe first octetThe first and last octetThe middle two octets



The last octet


Here in the question, given the sub net mask, we want to know which octet of the subnet mask will tell the router the corresponding host ID.

The correct answer to this is the last octet. It is the last octet that will tell the router the corresponding host ID

Children walking on the sidewalk, a person sitting in a parked car, and a parking lot with vehicles
entering and exiting indicate a
A. construction zone.
B. railroad crossing.
C. school zone.
D. none of the above




Hello friend !!!!!!!!!!!!

The answer is school zone

Hope this helps

plz mark as brainliest!!!!!!!

Children walking on the sidewalk, a person sitting in a parked car, and a parking lot with vehicles entering and exiting indicate a school zone (Option C).

A school zone is a specific urban area where can be found a school and/or is near a school.

A school zone shows an accessible parking area for the use of individuals (e.g. parents) holding valid accessible parking passes.

Moreover, a school zone sign refers to a warning signal because children cannot be as alert as adults when they cross a road.

In conclusion, children walking on the sidewalk, a person sitting in a parked car, and a parking lot with vehicles entering and exiting indicate a school zone (Option C).

Learn more in:

An organization is building a new customer services team, and the manager needs to keep the team focused on customer issues and minimize distractions. The users have a specific set of tools installed, which they must use to perform their duties. Other tools are not permitted for compliance and tracking purposes. Team members have access to the Internet for product lookups and to research customer issues. Which of the following should a security engineer employ to fulfill the requirements for the manager?a. Install a web application firewallb. Install HIPS on the team's workstations.c. implement containerization on the workstationsd. Configure whitelisting for the team





because they need to protect the organization's information

What is resource management in Wireless Communication? Explain its advantages



This is a management system in wireless communication that oversees radio resources and crosstalks between two radio transmitters which make use of the same channel.


Radio Resource Management is a management system in wireless communication that oversees radio resources and crosstalks between two radio transmitters which make use of the same channel. Its aim is to effectively manage the radio network infrastructure. Its advantages include;

1. It allows for multi-users communication instead of point-to-point channel capacity.

2. it increases the system spectral efficiency by a high order of magnitude. The introduction of advanced coding and source coding makes this possible.

3. It helps systems that are affected by co-channel interference. An example of such a system is the wireless network used in computers which are characterized by different access points that make use of the same channel frequencies.

You are in the process of building a computer for a user in your organization. You have installed the following components into the computer in Support:AMD Phenom II X4 quad core processor8 GB DDR3 memoryOne SATA hard drive with Windows 7 installedYou need to make sure the new components are installed correctly and functioning properly. You also need to install a new SATA CD/DVD drive and make sure the computer boots successfully.Perform tasks in the following order:Identify and connect any components that are not properly connected.Use the PC tools on the shelf to test for components that are not functioning. Replace any bad components with the known good parts on the shelf.Install the required CD/DVD drive in one of the drive bays and connect the power cable from the power supply.



i would check all connections from the hard drive and power supply and check your motherboard for any missing sauters and or loose no contact connections


If the data rate is 10 Mbps and the token is 64 bytes long (the 10-Mbps Ethernet minimum packet size), what is the average wait to receive the token on an idle network with 40 stations? (The average number of stations the token must pass through is 40/2 = 20.) Ignore the propagation delay and the gap Ethernet requires between packets.





To calculate the transmission delay bytes for the token,

we have the token to be = 64bytes and 10mbps rate.

The transmission delay = 64bytes/10mbps

= 51.2 microseconds

A microsecond is a millionth of a second.

= 5.12 x 10^-5

The question says the average number of stations that the token will pass through is 20. Remember this value is gotten from 40/2

20 x 5.12 x 10^-5

= 0.001024

= 1.024x10^-5

Therefore on an idle network with 40 stations, the average wait is

= 1.024x10^-5

Which function in Excel tells how
? many numeric entries are there





Let's see which function does what:


This function totals one or more numbers in a range of cells.


This function gets the number of entries in a number field that is in a range or array of numbers


This  function returns the square root of a number.


This function sorts the contents of a range or array.

As we see, Count is the function that gets the number of entries.




Tells how many numeric entries are there.

Speeding is one of the most prevalent factors contributing to traffic crashes.



A true


Speeding leads to an increase in the degree of crash severity, possibly resulting in more fatalities or injuries. More damage is caused to the vehicles involved at higher speeds, increasing likelihood vehicle will not be drivable after a crash.

The statement "Speeding is one of the most prevalent factors contributing to traffic crashes" is true.

What is speeding?

Speeding causes crashes to be more severe, which could lead to more fatalities or injuries. Higher speeds result in more damage to the involved vehicles, increasing the risk that the vehicle won't be drivable following a collision. There are many accidents increasing because of high speed.

The term "speeding" refers to moving or traveling swiftly. He paid a penalty for speeding. For many American drivers, speeding has become the standard, whether it is going over the posted speed limit, driving too quickly for the road conditions, or racing. Nationwide, speeding contributes to road fatalities.

Therefore, the statement is true.

To learn more about speeding, refer to the link:


Define a function print_total_inches, with parameters num_feet and num_inches, that prints the total number of inches. Note: There are 12 inches in a foot. Sample output with inputs: 58 Total inches: 68 def print_total_inches (num_feet, hum_inches): 2 str1=12 str2=num_inches 4 print("Total inches:',(num_feet*strl+str2)) 5 print_total_inches (5,8) 6 feet = int(input) 7 inches = int(input) 8 print_total_inches (feet, inches)


I'll pick up your question from here:

Define a function print_total_inches, with parameters num_feet and num_inches, that prints the total number of inches. Note: There are 12 inches in a foot.

Sample output with inputs: 5 8

Total inches: 68


The program is as follows:

def print_total_inches(num_feet,num_inches):

     print("Total Inches: "+str(12 * num_feet + num_inches))


inches = int(input("Inches: "))

feet = int(input("Feet: "))



This line defines the function along with the two parameters

def print_total_inches(num_feet,num_inches):

This line calculates and prints the equivalent number of inches

     print("Total Inches: "+str(12 * num_feet + num_inches))

The main starts here:

This line tests with the original arguments from the question


The next two lines prompts user for input (inches and feet)

inches = int(input("Inches: "))

feet = int(input("Feet: "))

This line prints the equivalent number of inches depending on the user input



Written in Python:

def print_total_inches(num_feet,num_inches):

    print("Total inches: "+str(12 * num_feet + num_inches))

feet = int(input())

inches = int(input())

print_total_inches(feet, inches)


what are 3 important reasons to reconcile bank and credit card accounts at set dates?



To verify transactions have the correct date assigned to them.

To verify that an account balance is within its credit limit.

To verify that all transactions have been recorded for the period.


Raj was concentrating so much while working on his project plan that he was late for a meeting. When he went back to his office, he noticed his system was restarted and his project file was not updated. What advice would you provide Raj in this situation?




Depending on the software that Raj was using to create his project he should first see if the software itself saved the project. Usually many software such as those included in the Microsoft Office Suite save the file automatically every 5 minutes or so in case of a power outage or abrupt closure of the file. If this is not the case he should try and do a system restore with the unlikely hope that it restores an older version of his project.

In a situation like this, it would be advisable for Raj to contact IT personnels and seek if the files could be retrieved.

Raj being late for a meeting due to what he was doing meant that the project he was working on is very important.

Therefore, to avoid losing thses files, he could contact the IT personnels and request if there is a way to retrieve the project file.

These way, the files could be retrieved and avoid losing his work.

Learn more :

A high school in a low-income area offers special programs to help students acquire the technical skills needed to find jobs as computer technicians
This program is most strongly related to which aspect of life?





Education geared towards readying students to become an employable technician or becoming skilled in a particular craft are known as vocational education. Vocational education, otherwise known as career and technical education is provided by a vocational school

It is suggested that there should be wider range of educational coverage between higher education and vocational educational due to the increasing importance of the use of technology in the workplace

As such technical vocational education is generally taken as an important tool to grow the economy while particularly reducing the unemployment among the youth.

Write a Bash script that searches all .c files in the current directory (and its subdirectories, recursively) for occurrences of the word "foobar". Your search should be case-sensitive (that applies both to filenames and the word "foobar"). Note that an occurrence of "foobar" only counts as a word if it is either at the beginning of the line or preceded by a non-word-constituent character, or, similarly, if it is either at the end of the line or followed by a non-word- constituent character. Word-constituent characters are letters, digits and underscores.



grep -R  '^foobar'.c > variable && grep -R  'foobar$'.c >> variable

echo $variable | ls -n .


Bash scripting is a language used in unix and linux operating systems to interact and automate processes and manage files and packages in the system. It is an open source scripting language that has locations for several commands like echo, ls, man etc, and globbing characters.

The above statement stores and appends data of a search pattern to an already existing local variable and list them numerically as standard out 'STDOUT'.

CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 3.1.2: Type casting: Computing average owls per zoo.
Assign avg_owls with the average owls per zoo. Print avg_owls as an integer. Sample output for inputs: 1 2 4
Average owls per zoo: 2
1. num owls zooA= 1
2. num owls zooB = 2
3. numowlszooC = 4 -
4. num-zoos = 3
5. avg-owls 0.0
7. Your solution goes here" Run



num_owls_zooA = 1

num_owls_zooB = 2

num_owls_zooC = 4

num_zoos = 3

avg_owls = 0.0

avg_owls = (num_owls_zooA + num_owls_zooB + num_owls_zooC) / num_zoos

print("Average owls per zoo: " + str(int(avg_owls)))


Initialize the num_owls_zooA, num_owls_zooB, num_owls_zooC as 1, 2, 4 respectively

Initialize the num_zoos as 3 and avg_owls as 0

Calculate the avg_owls, sum num_owls_zooA, num_owls_zooB, num_owls_zooC and divide the result by num_zoos

Print the avg_owls as an integer (Type cast the avg_owls to integer, int(avg_owls))

In the three As of security, which part pertains to describing what the user account does or doesn't have access to





Write a method that accepts a String object as an argument and returns a copy of the string with the first character of each sentence capitalized. For instance, if the argument is "hello. my name is Joe. what is your name?" the method should return the string "Hello. My name is Joe. What is your name?" Demonstrate the method in a program that asks the user to input a string and then passes it to the method. The modified string should be displayed on the screen.



The programming language is not stated; However, the program written in C++ is as follows: (See Attachment)


using namespace std;

string capt(string result)


result[0] = toupper(result[0]);

for(int i =0;i<result.length();i++){

 if(result[i]=='.' || result[i]=='?' ||result[i]=='!')  {

 if(result[i+1]==' ') {

  result[i+2] = toupper(result[i+2]);


 if(result[i+2]==' ')  {

  result[i+3] = toupper(result[i+3]);


 } }

return result;


int main(){

string sentence;



return 0;



The method to capitalize first letters of string starts here

string capt(string result){

This line capitalizes the first letter of the sentence

result[0] = toupper(result[0]);

This iteration iterates through each letter of the input sentence

for(int i =0;i<result.length();i++){

This checks if the current character is a period (.), a question mark (?) or an exclamation mark (!)

if(result[i]=='.' || result[i]=='?' ||result[i]=='!')  {

 if(result[i+1]==' '){  ->This condition checks if the sentence is single spaced

  result[i+2] = toupper(result[i+2]);

-> If both conditions are satisfied, a sentence is detected and the first letter is capitalized


 if(result[i+2]==' '){ ->This condition checks if the sentence is double spaced

  result[i+3] = toupper(result[i+3]);

-> If both conditions are satisfied, a sentence is detected and the first letter is capitalized



}  The iteration ends here

return result;  ->The new string is returned here.


The main method starts here

int main(){

This declares a string variable named sentence

string sentence;

This gets the user input


This passes the input string to the method defined above


return 0;


Which of the following statements is correct? Group of answer choices An object of type Employee can call the setProjectName method on itself. The Employee class's setDepartment method overrides the Programmer class's setDepartment method. An object of type Programmer can call the setDepartment method of the Employee class on itself. An object of type Employee can call the setDepartment method of the Programmer class on itself.



An object of type Employee can call the setDepartment method of the Programmer class on itself


From what can be inferred above, the programmer class is a subclass of the employee class meaning that the programmer class inherits from the employee class by the code:

Public class Programmer extends Employee

This therefore means(such as in Java) that the programmer class now has access to the methods and attributes of the employee class, the superclass which was inherited from

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