The Woman’s Suffrage Movement is responsible for passage of the —
A. 15th Amendment
B. 19th Amendment
C. 23rd Amendment
D. 26th Amendment


Answer 1


B.19th Amendment


Hope it helps you

Answer 2
i’m pretty sure it’s the 19th amendment!

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The state of Georgia's first attempt at a constitutional government was initiated in 1776 by the Provincial congress called by the Georgia Trustees in response to mass meetings held throughout the colony. this document would be the transition framework as Georgia moved from colony to state. true or false



Georgia's first attempt at constitutional government was initiated in April 1776 by the Provincial Congress called by the Georgia Trustees in response to a series of mass meetings held throughout the colony. This document provided a framework for the transition from colony to state.

A plebeian and a patrician are both observed committing the same crime.
How would they end up being treated by Roman law.




The plebeian is judged guilty, while the patrician is judged innocent.

How is machines an example of the concept of globalization



This globalization and free trade machine is constantly exploiting, depleting, and abusing people of the developing world as well as their resources yet it provides absolutely no benefits to the greater working of the planet. The diagram of the machine is missing one key by-product or output per say, which is injustice. You see the natural resources are taken from already impoverished countries, who do not have the means to fight for the conservation of their environment. From these resources, the capitalistic world that we live in emphasizes and encourages materialism which drives production of consumer junk that is not necessary or needed and ends up as waste and pollution back into the natural environment. The labor force needed to provide for the huge demand of junk from the western world is made up of people from poor communities who will work ten-hour days in inhumane conditions making barely enough money to feed themselves. These people will also be unequally affected by the effects of the inevitable pollution and emissions, which come out of the globalization machine and create further problems for the planet and its inhabitants. This can include environmental degradation, negative human health impacts, global warming, infertile land, and ozone layer depletion. Once put into perspective this machine is destroying the well-being of the earth and all of its citizens including fauna and flora. The world is in need of a new machine driving a different world system. In reality, the world should not be based on one machine but on many different ones, which take into account the history, culture, and background of all countries and peoples to ensure all processes within the machine are fair and equal to all.


why did the US choose to enter World War 1



because Germany embarked on a deadly gamble



Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917.Was the reason due to which USA joined world war 1

trận đấu quyết định thắng lời của cuộc kháng chiến chống quân xiêm là



Trận Rạch Gầm - Xoài Mút vào 19-20/01/1785. Quân Tây Sơn do Nguyễn Huệ chỉ huy đánh tan quân Xiêm xâm lược (do Nguyễn Ánh cầu viện) trên sông Tiền


In the late 1800's, this
group was mainly hired for
office work due to the fact
they had small fingers
which were perfect for
A. men
B. women
C. children
D. elderly


the answer is woman


women's participation in the economy continued to rise with the gainss primarly owning to an increase in work among married women


B. women


What are some keywords and phrases that you included in your answer?

Colonists came to America.

Colonists faced challenges.

Colonists had strict religious beliefs.

Slaves were forced to come to America.

Slaves were treated brutally.


“Colonists faced challenges” I think

Escriba un ensayo de 500 palabras argumentando lógicamente el por qué la producción y consumo responsable construyen sociedades sostenibles.


Producción y consumo responsable.

Desde el inicio de la revolución industrial hasta nuestros días, materias como la ciencia y la tecnología han mejorado exponencialmente, a tal punto que muchas cosas que anteriormente se consideraban ficción como volar, internet, televisión, la comunicación instantánea entre otras, actualmente son parte de la cotidianidad de la mayoría de las personas, sin embargo, éste aumento progresivo en estos ámbitos ha llevado a una alta degradación del ambiente, debido a la extracción acelerada de los recursos naturales.

Nuestro planeta Tierra es un espacio finito, por lo cual, no se puede esperar que brinde recursos infinitos para sostener una economía cuya visualización es el crecimiento infinito, tanto las personas que crean la demanda, como las empresas que elaboran y construyen la oferta, deben ser conscientes que un pensamiento de consumo acelerado no es posible para nosotros.

Para ser sostenible, según el informe de Brundtland, se debe garantizar la cantidad y calidad de los recursos actuales a las futuras generaciones, por lo tanto, con el fin de alcanzar dicha definición, se debe hacer un uso eficaz y eficiente de los servicios derivados de dichos recursos que existen en la actualidad.

Cada vez que una persona consume un producto o se beneficia de un servicio, debe ser consciente que ello fue elaborado por algunas materias primas, que en su etapa de extracción o transformación produjeron emisiones, vertimientos y residuos cuyo destino final puede ser el océano y/o la capa de ozono, los cuales son esenciales para la subsistencia de la vida sobre nuestro planeta.

Hace pocos días, la ONU informó sobre algunos hechos lamentables, entre los cuales se encuentra el aumento de temperatura a finales de siglo, lo cual conllevará al aumento de hasta dos metros en el nivel del mar, inundando así muchas de las ciudades que se encuentran a esa altura, además de eliminar en gran medida el hábitat de algunas especies animales en los polos.

Debemos recordar que dicho aumento en la temperatura se debe a la emisión de gases como el C02 y el metano, así como este último se suele asociar a la industria y producción cárnica.

Convertirnos en una sociedad sostenible no quiere decir que nos convirtamos todos al veganismo, o que dejemos de utilizar diferentes productos o servicios que hacen parte de la vida contemporánea, sino que hagamos un uso racional de estos.

Considero que ninguna persona necesita con urgencia cambiar su teléfono celular o su televisor cada seis meses o cada año, por lo tanto, hacer un uso adecuado de la tecnología y los aparatos eléctricos y/o electrónicos, utilizándolos responsablemente con el fin de que su vida útil sea lo más larga posible.

Por otra parte, hacer un uso eficiente de los servicios básicos que tenemos en nuestros hogares, en especial el agua y la energía eléctrica, puesto que su consumo conlleva a la generación de emisiones y vertimientos, por lo cual el método más eficaz para reducirlos es hacer un uso adecuado de los mismos.

La teoría económica suele mencionar que la oferta se encuentra ampliamente influenciada por la demanda, en tal caso, si los consumidores realizamos una demanda responsable de productos y servicios, la oferta igualmente será responsable y esto permitirá que la sociedad alcance esa cúspide llamada sostenibilidad.

Si quieres saber un poco más sobre el desarrollo sostenible, puedes visitar el siguiente enlace:

Which of the following statements about the 2011 earthquake off the coast of Honshu, Japan, is false?
A. More than 120,000 people were killed.
B. The earthquake had a magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter scale.
C. Whole cities and towns were washed away.
D. The earthquake triggered the F - uk - us - hi - ma accident. (that word i spread out would not let me post this question so i spread it out)



A.More than 120000 people were killed.


A.More than 120000 people were killed.

Based on the wintertime La Niña weather map, what do you think Florida's temperature and precipitation would be like during a winter El Niño event?




El Nino would probably warm up Florida's temperatures. It's already a bit warm in Florida during the winter so it would sort of feel like summer.

President Kennedy and Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev: Group of answer choices engaged in a dangerous game of tactics and bluffs because the US wanted the Soviets to remove missile sites from Cuba decided which non-aligned nations would ally with the US and which would ally with the Soviets together planned and carried out the Bay of Pigs invasion became good friends after their Vienna summit meeting



Engaged in a dangerous game of tactics and bluffs because the US wanted the Soviets to remove missile sites from Cuba


President Kennedy and Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev were both engage in negotiating a peaceful outcome to the crisis related to the missiles.

Relationships between the U.S and the Soviet Union was a complex that led frequent hostile power rivalry over the years. The political differences of these two countries often prevented them from leading a mutual arrangement on issues like the Cuban crisis that brought them close to the war. Both nations have advance technology and military progress with the missile race and nuclear weapon.

Both agreed after meeting to remove missiles from respective places. Kennedy removes the missiles in Turkey and Italy where Khrushchev remove the missiles in Cuba.

Helpp :)) no links okey



work on economic reform. Although i am not 100% sure i would say the last one??

i think it’s the last one

What led to the Great Migration, which occurred between 1910 and 1920?



What led to the Great Migration,  was poor economic conditions and racial segregation. Amongst many other things.


President Eisenhower's most important and far-reaching domestic initiative was the passage of the Interstate Highway and Defense System Act of 1956. funding for a huge increase in Social Security benefits. the most progressive civil rights bill since Reconstruction. the establishment of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.



It's option a. The passage of the Interstate highway and defense system act of 1956


President Eisenhower's most important and far-reaching domestic initiative was the passage of the Interstate Highway and Defense System Act of 1956. It was hi s most ambitious and pushing domestic project. The Interstate Highway program, which was created in 1956, made over a 41,000-mile road system.

who was the first astronaut to be in space​


The first astronaut to be in space was Alan B. Shepard

Which of the following statements best describes Rome's expansion into the
Mediterranean region?



C. Following its victories in the Punic Wars, Rome launched a series of wars. Rome's role in the Mediterranean trade expanded significantly as a result of those military campaigns.


The statement that best describes Rome's expansion into the Mediterranean region is that following its victories in the Punic Wars, Rome launched a series of wars. Rome's role in the Mediterranean trade expanded significantly as a result of those military campaigns.

What does it mean for a social movement to be successful?



When their goals are consistent with the central values of society, have wide popular support, and fit the needs of political leaders.

PLS HELP 40 points
If you had the opportunity to fight against machismo, what would be some of the actions you would take to combat this social phenomenon?


Answer: I don't know random stuff that others would do.


who invented bicycle



Karl von Drais was the first person to invent the bicycle

which of the following statements is true concerning the racial and ethnic composition of the us



In 2016, the total Hispanic proportion of the American population was 17.8 percent.

The statement that is  true concerning the racial and ethnic composition of the United States is in 2016, the total Hispanic proportion of the American population was 17.8 percent.

What is ethnic group?

A group of people who are related through language, religion, genealogy, culture (beliefs, values, and behaviours), or some other trait that is passed down from generation to generation. They may be neighbours or citizens of the same country, depending on where they live.

An ethnic group is a community or group of people who share a common cultural background, history, or ancestry. Examine how to recognise ethnicity, how to describe an ethnic group, and look at a variety of ethnic examples, including Arabs, Irish, Scottish, Kurds, and Romani.

Therefore, in 2016, the total Hispanic proportion of the American population was 17.8 percent.

To know more about ethnic group visit :


Vào 1097 năm trước đã xẫy ra những chuyện gì



vào 1097 năm méo có truyện gì xảy ra hết :))

14. Is Puerto Rico is closer to South America or Florida?




1000 miles south east of Miami Florida

Which of these is an example of hanging out?

A. Surfing the Internet for information about game websites

B. Making and sending out your own original music video

C. Sending your friend an email with a link to a new music clip

D. Playing an adventure game with people all over the globe


Answer: d -- it's the only answer where you're having actual contact with someone else, live at the moment.

Answer: C


please help me please



the whole forest / bows and dances


personification is the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form. forests cannot bow nor dance, but are given these human qualities in the poem

how does modern erra differ from middle ages



Technology allows people in the modern era to mass-produce goods

more quickly and easily than was possible in the Middle Ages.



States established manorialism as their major economic system during the modern era, while capitalism dominated the Middle Ages. Technology allows people in the modern era to mass-produce goods more quickly and easily than was possible in the Middle Ages.

What was the Final Solution, and how was it developed?



If you're talking about World War 2:

The Final Solution, also known as The Final Solution to the Jewish Question was a plan created by the Nazis for genocide on the Jews. This killed more than 6 million Jewish people. Sad :((


Have a great summer :)

In sharp contrast to World War I, during World War II, the United States was a ready to use conscription if necessary to raise an army. b forced to sacrifice civilian economic well-being for the military effort. c weakened by constant isolationist criticism of the war effort. d nearly unanimous in support of the war. e actually invaded by enemy forces.



the answer is c hope that helps

I. Fill in each gap with a suitable word to complete the passage.
I come (1)……………. a family of five people. My mother is a very caring woman. She takes the
responsibility for running the (2)…………….. She is always the first one to get up (3)…………….in
the morning to make sure that we leave home (4)…………….school having eaten (5)…………….and
dresses in suitable clothes. In the afternoon, after hospital, she rushes (6)…………….the market,
then hurries (7)…………….so that dinner is ready on the table by the time Dad (8)…………….home.
Dad (9)………….always willing to give a hand with (10)…………….the house.









What percentage of slaves worked as domestic service or in trades



the answer is 75 percent :)

In a trial, lawyers introduce the jury to their main arguments and the evidence
that supports their case during
O A. sentencing
O B. cross-examination
O C. deliberation
O D. opening statements


I’m pretty sure it’s opening statements,

because sentencing happened at the end, cross examination is when you try and prove the prosecution wrong, and deliberation is when the jury is trying to make a decision so it should be opening statements
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The exterior angle to angle C is (2 x + 40) degrees.Which equations can be used to find the value of x? Check all that apply.x + 90 + (x minus 10) = 180x + 90 + (2 x + 40) = 1802 x + 80 = 180x + 90 = 2 x + 40(x minus 10) + 90 = 2 x + 40 #What is the value of the discriminant for the quadratic equation 3 = x2 + 2x?Discriminant = b2 4ac84816 On a job interview, Mary is asked to describe herself. She begins to talk about her earliest memories and the favorite places she visited as a child. Although this is a description of herself, this type of _____ is probably NOT what the interviewers were looking to hear. Company J must choose between two alternate business expenditures. Expenditure 1 would require a $80,000 cash outlay and Expenditure 2 requires a $60,000 cash outlay. a. Determine the marginal tax rate at which the after-tax cash flows from the two expenditures are equal assuming that Expenditure 1 is fully deductible and Expenditure 2 is nondeductible. b. Determine the marginal tax rate at which the after-tax cash flows from the two expenditures are equal assuming that Expenditure 1 is 50% deductible and Expenditure 2 is nondeductible. Read the following excerpt from The Gift of the Magi and answer the question. For there lay The Combs--the set of combs, side and back, that Della had worshipped long in a Broadway window. Beautiful combs, pure tortoise shell, with jewelled rims--just the shade to wear in the beautiful vanished hair. They were expensive combs, she knew, and her heart had simply craved and yearned over them without the least hope of possession. And now, they were hers, but the tresses that should have adorned the coveted adornments were gone. But she hugged them to her bosom, and at length she was able to look up with dim eyes and a smile and say: "My hair grows so fast, Jim! And them Della leaped up like a little singed cat and cried, "Oh, oh!" Jim had not yet seen his beautiful present. She held it out to him eagerly upon her open palm. The dull precious metal seemed to flash with a reflection of her bright and ardent spirit."Isn't it a dandy, Jim? I hunted all over town to find it. You'll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now. Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it." Instead of obeying, Jim tumbled down on the couch and put his hands under the back of his head and smiled."Della," said he, "let's put our Christmas presents away and keep 'em a while. They're too nice to use just at present. I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs. And now suppose you put the chops on." The magi, as you know, were wise men--wonderfully wise men--who brought gifts to the Babe in the manger. They invented the art of giving Christmas presents. Being wise, their gifts were no doubt wise ones, possibly bearing the privilege of exchange in case of duplication. And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house. But in a last word to the wise of these days let it be said that of all who give gifts these two were the wisest. O all who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest. Ev using appropriate properties , find 7/5 5/12 3/12 7/5 1/15 Monica makes tomato sauce with the plants she grows in her garden. She uses 3 basil leaves in her sauce for every 8 tomatoes. She is making a big batch of sauce with 32 tomatoes from her garden. Which statement describes the motion of the sun? The sun rotates more slowly at its equator. The sun rotates faster at its equator. The sun rotates faster at its poles. The sun does not rotate at its poles. what was the last sen state occupied by prithvi Narayan Shah? What medication would you anticipate administering to a six month old having an active tonic-clonic seizure? QUESTION 4Which action is the best method for assessing fluid balance?O a. Ask the client what his daily fluid intake usually is?O b. As the client to describe his daily elimination patterns.O c. Compare the amount of a client's fluid intake with fluid output.d. Summarize the client's daily diet and analyse his fluid needs. The problem-solving interpersonal style of conflict has: High cooperation and low assertiveness low assertiveness and low coooperation high cooperation and high assertiveness none of the above Martha, Lee, Nancy, Paul, and Armando have all been invited to a dinner party. They arrive randomly, and each person arrives at a different time. a. In how many ways can they arrive? b. In how many ways can Martha arrive first and Armando last? c. Find the probability that Martha will arrive first and Armando last.Show your work What role do themes play in historians' efforts to organize information about the past? A. They help historians focus on the effects of one important idea on different societies over time. B. They help historians decide whether or not a primary source is credible. C. They allow historians to better understand how earlier historians interpreted past events. D. They make it possible for historians to gain a deep understanding of a particular region.