There are but three modes in which surplus wealth can be disposed of. It can be left to the families of the decedents; or it can be bequeathed [leave behind] for public purposes; or, finally, it can be administered during their lives by its possessors (this is what Carnegie proposes).

Under its sway we shall have an ideal state, in which the surplus wealth of the few will become, in the best sense the property of the many, because administered for the common good, and this wealth, passing through the hands of the few, can be made a much more potent force for the elevation of our race than if it had been distributed in small sums to the people themselves. Even the poorest can be made to see this, and to agree that great sums gathered by some of their fellow-citizens and spent for public purposes, from which the masses reap the principal benefit, are more valuable to them than if scattered among them through the course of many years in trifling amounts.

What is the main idea of what Carnegie is saying?


Answer 1

The main idea of what Carnegie is saying is that among the ways to dispose of surplus wealth, administering it for the common good is the most beneficial.

In the passage, Carnegie states that there are 3 ways to dispose of surplus wealth:

To leave it to the families of the ownerTo administer it during the possessor's lifeTo leave it behind, to be used for public purposes

Carnegie states that among these ways to dispose of excess wealth, administering the money in ways that are for public purposes is the most beneficial, to the most amount of people. He implies that the alternative of scattering excess wealth among the few, over the course of many years in small amounts would not have a long-lasting benefit and therefore not be a way in which the community can make long lasting progress, he refers to this as "the elevation of our race".

Carnegie lists the modes in which excess wealth can be disposed of, then explains his opinion that administering the wealth for public purposes, whose benefit will be received by the masses, is the most effective way to reach an ideal state.

For more on Carnegie visit:

Related Questions

The term Reconstruction refers to _____________.
Group of answer choices

the process of punishing the South after the war.

rebuilding the homes and businesses in the South after the Civil War.

the period when the U.S. began to free the slaves after the Civil War.

the process of bringing the South back into the Union and dealing with the legal status of African Americans after the civil war.



the period when the U.S began to free the slaves after the civil war

Which type of map would best show where iron ore is located in a region
A resource map
A political map
A thematic map
A choropleth map


The answer is A - resource map


A resource map shows where certain natural resources are found.


The Declaration goes on to make it perfectly clear that from that day forward the independent states will have certain powers. Name three of the powers the states will have.



ownership of property.

education of inhabitants.

implementation of welfare and other benefits programs and distribution of aid.

protecting people from local threats.

maintaining a justice system.

setting up local governments such as counties and municipalities.


just go with it

Item 4
What advantage did the Spanish have during their siege of St. Simons Island?

They had more food supplies than the British.

They had the advantage of familiar territory.

They had strongly fortified their defenses.

They had more soldiers than the British.



B. They had strongly fortified their defenses.


When did the Farmers’ Alliances form the Populist Party, which was also known as the People’s Party?



Populist Party


what does capricious mean

Answer choices




I think C is answer


check ans one time

Which event made people question whether New Mexicans would be loyal to Spain or Mexico over the United States

A. The revolt of 1847

B. The Spanish-American war

C. The Mexican-American war

D. The civil war





The Spanish- American War made people question whether New Mexicans would be loyal to Spain or Mexico over the United States. Thus, the correct answer is option B.

What was the Spanish- American War?

Following the USS Maine's internal explosion in Cuba's Havana Harbour, which prompted American involvement in the Cuban War of Independence, the Spanish-American War got underway. The conflict culminated in the United States becoming the dominating nation in the Caribbean and in the conquest of Spanish territory in the Pacific.

It prompted American participation in the Philippine Revolution, which ultimately sparked the Philippine-American War. New Mexicans desired to demonstrate their allegiance to the United States at the turn of the 20th century. By enlisting in Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders to participate in the Spanish American War, they discovered their chance.

Therefore, option B is the appropriate answer.

To learn more on Spanish-American war, here:



Directions: In Roman numerals write, answer the following:
1. The year 1996:
2. 250 plus 31-
3. 497 minus 312-
4. The year 1776:
5. The year 2006:









Read the excerpt from “A Model of Christian Charity.”

…but if we shall neglect the observation of these articles, …and, dissembling with our God, shall fall to embrace this present world and prosecute our carnal intentions, seeking great things for ourselves and our posterity, the Lord will surely break out in wrath against us, be revenged of such a perjured people and make us know the price of the breach of such a covenant.

How does this excerpt contribute to the effect of Winthrop’s message on his audience?

It reassures the audience of God’s ability to forgive people’s mistakes.

Winthrop encourages the pursuit of wealth to support future generations.

Winthrop reminds them of the importance of acting independently.

It warns the audience that self-indulgence will undermine their mission.



It warns the audience that self-indulgence will undermine their mission.


Took the test, hope this is helpful

The effect that this message has on his audience is that It warns the audience that self-indulgence will undermine their mission.

The message in this excerpt is a warning to the people or audience on the consequences of turning away from God.

According to him, not doing what was contained in the articles would invoke the anger of God on the people. And that breaching the covenant had serious consequences from God.


How was the Iriquouis Environment different than the Anasazi Be sure to quickly explain with an example.



Good Question


when did john withrop give his speech



He give speech on 1964 AD

Who were the ministers who went to the Governor that stopped the witch trials?



Governor Sir William Phips


Which ancient religion did Hinduism stem from?


Buddhism. Hinduism and Buddhism have many similarities. Buddhism, in fact, arose out of Hinduism, and both believe in reincarnation, karma and that a life of devotion and honor is a path to salvation and enlightenment

Agree or Disagree and Realizations

1. Africans are violent people?
2. Africans are uneducated?
3. Africans are easily deceived?
4. Africans do not have a rich culture?
5. Africans do not adapt to changes?





because they don't rely on their knowledge

Question 5 of 10
The invention of electric lights affected U.S. residents in the 1800s by
extending the workday. Which best describes the historical theme that this
A. Corruption in government
B. Industrialization and labor
C. Changes in transportation
O D. The struggle for equal rights



Probably B


The lights are the industrialization and the extra work time is labor

When you are unable to see some stars in winter that you saw in summer, you are witnessing Earth’s __________ movement.


When you are unable to see some stars in winter that you saw in summer, you are witnessing Earth’s revolution movement.

The earth revolution is the movement of the earth known as orbital motion around the sun. According to scientists, our planet earth revolves around the Sun, producing the 365-day year.

However, the earth revolution movement has many effects, one of which is that it caused us to be unable to see some stars in winter that we normally see in summer. This is because as the earth revolves around the sun, we observe some stars have disappeared from our view while others become visible at night which weren't visible during some certain period of the year.

Hence, when you are unable to see some stars in winter that you saw in summer, you are witnessing Earth’s revolution movement.

Learn more here:

What did John Winthrop mean when he said he wanted Massachusetts Bay to be “a City upon a Hill”?



A city to look up to.


The phrase "city upon a hill" is used most commonly to associate a city that people look up to. John Winthrop wanted the colony to be an example of a perfect colony/city.

Winthrop warned his fellow Puritans that their new community would be "as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us", meaning, if the Puritans failed to uphold their covenant with God, then their sins and errors would be exposed for all the world to see: "So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in ...

Which sentence explains why the Enlightenment was a
direct challenge to existing authorities like the king or
church leaders?
A.The Enlightenment taught that the rulers always had
the best interests of people at heart.
B.The Enlightenment supported the idea that the king
was put into place by God.
C.The Enlightenment encouraged ordinary people to
learn, reason, and decide things for themselves.
D.The Enlightenment upheld the opinion that only the
rulers could make the best decisions for the public.


Answer: C

Explanation:  The Enlightenment included a range of ideas centered on the pursuit of happiness, sovereignty of reason, and the evidence of the senses as the primary sources of knowledge and advanced ideals such as liberty, progress, toleration, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state.

how was the second continental congress divided on the subject of a nails l national government



The Second Continental Congress was divided by differing beliefs on where the central strength of the government should lie. Some members believed that the national government should be the focus of governmental power, while others were of the opinion that the national government should be less involved and allow state and local governments to have the most power.


Which item is the best example of propaganda?



Best describe as propaganda because it is biased

the we need YOU posters America put out with Uncle Sam

What Greek word does it come from and what does it mean


Answer: The majority of Modern Greek's vocabulary comes from Ancient Greek, which is an Indo-European language, but it also includes a number of borrowings from the languages of the peoples who lived in Greece before the arrival of the Proto-Greeks.

What were African American military members who fought against Native Americans called?

Buffalo Soldiers
Infantry Soldiers
the rebels



buffalo soldiers


Answer: Buffalo Soldiers

Explanation: Edmentum Answer

Describe an instance in which you or someone you know seemed to have ESP. How could you prove whether it really was ESP or not?

I give Brainliest! (For Psychology )



Explanation:t seemed obvious, at first, that Jade Wu was getting punked. In the fall of 2009, the Cornell University undergraduate had come across a posting for a job in the lab of one of the world’s best-known social psychologists. A short while later, she found herself in a conference room, seated alongside several other undergraduate women. “Have you guys heard of extrasensory perception?” Daryl Bem asked the students. They shook their heads.

While most labs in the psych department were harshly lit with fluorescent ceiling bulbs, Bem’s was set up for tranquility. A large tasseled tapestry stretched across one wall, and a cubicle partition was draped with soft, black fabric. It felt like the kind of place where one might stage a séance.

“Well, extrasensory perception, also called ESP, is when you can perceive things that are not immediately available in space or time,” Bem said. “So, for example, when you can perceive something on the other side of the world, or in a different room, or something that hasn’t happened yet.”

It occurred to Wu that the flyer might have been a trick. What if she and the other women were themselves the subjects of Bem’s experiment? What if he were testing whether they’d go along with total nonsense?

Rewrite The Declaration of Independence in your own words: When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them
with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel
them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these
ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely
to effect their safety and happiness.


The question above is intended to assess your ability to paraphrase the Declaration of Independence. In that case, I can't answer this question for you, but I'll show you how to answer it.

A paraphrase occurs when a text is rewritten, using different words, but keeping the meaning of the original text.

Based on this, to rewrite the Declaration of Independence, you must:

Read the Declaration of Independence and understand the meaning and message of the text.Rewrite this text using different words.You can use synonyms, which are words with different spellings and the same meaning.The important thing is that you keep the meaning of the text, keeping the most important points in it.

The use of synonyms is very important as it will facilitate your writing process.

More information:

Which branch of the U.S.
Government includes Congress,
which is composed of the House of
Representatives and the Senate?
A Legislative Branch
B. Executive Branch
C Judicial Branch



A. Legislative Branch

I Really hope it helps!!!


maybe , it should be legislative branch

What sacred writings contain the religious beliefs of Hinduism?



The Vedas


These are the most ancient religious texts which define truth for Hindus. They got their present form between 1200-200 BCE and were introduced to India by the Aryans. Hindus believe that the texts were received by scholars direct from God and passed on to the next generations by word of mouth

Hey its been a while but your still here...

Its best never to forget the things that make you happy

life has its ups and downs


Mhm I know that thank you


thx rlly neeeded this


Who got left out? Who could not participate in the government? of theocracy?​


Canadians got left out of the theocracy

Which of the Three Kingdoms would have received Chinese influence later than the others?



wei , shu and wu


The New England colonists had all of the following resources except
A. Fish
B. Cotton
C. Pumpkins
D. Trees


The New England colonists had all of the following resources except pumpkin

Expect pumpkin. Trees of course they had, and fix is a resource most people will have because they are in most bodies of water. Cotton the majority of people had around that time. So pumpkin is the only option left.
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