There are two forms of diabetes. Type II diabetes is also known as late-onset diabetes because it typically affects adults. Consider the following information about Type II diabetes:

Studies have shown that the lifetime risk for developing Type II diabetes is 40% for individuals who have one parent with Type II diabetes.
If a person has two parents with Type II diabetes their risk rises to 70%
Other factors that affect your risk for Type II diabetes include obesity, a sedentary lifestyle (not moving around much), a small or large birth weight, and stress.

Use the information above to answer the question: Is your risk of having Type II diabetes due to your genes, or due to the influence of the environment on your genes (epigenetics), or both?


Answer 1




As explained in the passage wether your mom or dad or both have had type ll diabetes in the past determines your risk of having it as well which is part of your genes. But also the influence of the environment on your gene is also a cause to type ll diabetes . Some people would rather stay inside rather than get exercise or some people would rather eat candy or sweets for breakfast or dinner all these things are causes of type ll diabetes which they are caused by the influence big the environment on your genes.

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Which statement explains a difference between a cell wall and a cell membrane?


Cell membrane protects a wall, and cell wall doesn’t

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In the Geologic Time Scale, time is generally divided on the basis of the earth's biotic composition, with the Phanerozoic Eon (i.e. the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras) representing the period of Earth's history with advanced life forms, and the Pre Cambrian (or Proterozoic and Hadean Eras)


Similarities in Aemoba and Humans



Both Amoeba and human beings are heterotrophs and derive nutrition from other organisms. Dissimilarity: Human beings have a complex digestive system and different nutrients are digested in separate regions. Amoeba does not have a digestive system and all the nutrients are digested in the food vacuole.

Sorry this is the picture



That would be Ecosystem





Which example best describes a reflex action?

eating food when hungry
going for a walk outside
bending down to lift a heavy object
coughing when the throat is irritated



C bending down to lift a heavy object

Which of the following is true regarding catabolic pathways? They consume energy to build up polymers from monomers. They lead to the synthesis of catabolic compounds. They release energy as they degrade polymers to monomers. They do not depend on enzymes.



They release energy as they degrade polymers to monomers.


In a catabolic pathway, complex hydrocarbons are usually broken down to their monomeric units.

This breaking down leads to the release of energy.

Anabolic pathway leads to the build up of energy. One of such process is photosynthesis. The catabolic pathway breaks down compounds to simpler units in order to release energy.

Will mark brainliest








The higher the ramp, the more slope there is, which means the item gets pushed down the slope more and faster

Ecosystem always include


Answer: Life and Weather

Explanation: An ecosystem includes all of the living things like plants, animals, and organisms in a given area, interacting with each other, and also with their non-living environments like weather, earth, sun, soil, climate, atmosphere.

What shape represents the phosphate in a nucleotide?



Each nucleotide is made up of a nitrogenous base, a pentose sugar, and a phosphate. The remainder of the molecule forms the pentose sugar.


Impact of climate change on ecosystems



destroys the habitat.

kills off the inhabitants (animals and plants)

If you are working out and your oxygen supply is not meeting the demands of your cells, what process will your cells undergo?





But when you sprint, your lungs and bloodstream can't supply oxygen fast enough to meet your muscles' need for ATP. In such situations, your muscle cells use another process, called fermentation, that makes ATP without using oxygen.

In what organelle does photosynthesis



chloroplast is the answer

what parts of the cell cycle are included in metaphase?





Metaphase is a stage in the cell cycle where all the genetic material is condensing into chromosomes. These chromosomes then become visible. During this stage, the nucleus disappears and the chromosomes appear in the cytoplasm of the cell.

Metaphase is the third step in mitosis. In mitosis, mitotic spindle is fully developed, centrosomes are at opposite poles of the cell.

Which statement is true about the interrelationship of photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

A. Both photosynthesis and cellular respiration begin with carbon dioxide and water and produce energy in the form of glucose.

B. Cellular respiration releases carbon dioxide and water, which are the reactants in photosynthesis.

C. Photosynthesis releases energy from unstable molecular bonds to begin the process of cellular respiration.

D. Photosynthesis produces carbon dioxide and water, which are the chief reactants in cellular respiration.





While cellular respiration releases carbon dioxide into the environment, photosynthesis pulls carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

Is there any benefit of cytoplasm being gel-like vs water-like.​


It holds everything into place :)

which statement about the continental drift theory is untrue ?



your right



number 4 or D


the plates still shift to this day

What is a Haploid cell?
-a cell with half the chromosome number of the parent cell
- a cell with the same amount of chromosomes of the parent cell
- a cell that goes through mitosis
- a fertilized egg.



the first answer that is there a cell with half the chromosome number of the parent cell

Which of the following terms refers to the specialization of cellular activities?

A. Differentiation
B. None of these
C. Responsiveness
D. Catabolism



Responsiveness is kinda the answer


Which of these is an example of a longitudinal wave?










Sound waves are longitudinal.


Give this smart doggo a bone! (a brainiest is a bone to this doggo!)

Water found in a swamp is...

A - Salt Water
B - Fresh Water



It can be both but mainly Fresh water

Why are new stars likely to form in irregular galaxies?

A. They contain a large amount of gas and dust
B. They're part of the Local Group
C. They contain many black holes
D. They don't have regular shapes


The answer is A. They contain a large amount of gas and dust


A. They contain a large amount of gas and dust


Guess what?


I took the test!


Have a good day

9) List these biomes in order from the greatest to least diversity (temperate
deciduous forest, tropical rain forest, temperate rain forest).


Tropical rainforest, temperate deciduous forest, temperate rainforest

I'm not too sure if the temperate forest is more diverse than the rainforest, so sorry if I'm wrong. Tropical rainforests are the most diverse because of the humidity, which is water. The water helps the soil stay healthy, which makes more plants, which makes more animals and insects.

I hope this helps! Good luck!

The biomes in order from the greatest to least diversity will be tropical rainforest, temperate deciduous forest, and temperate rainforest.

Tropical rainforests refer to the rainforests that occur in areas that have no dry season.

The temperate deciduous forest refers to a biome that always changes. It has seasons such as winter, spring, summer, and fall.

Temperate rainforest refers to the broadleaf or coniferous forests that receive heavy rain. This condition supports ferns, shrubs, etc.

It should be noted that the biome with the greatest diversity is tropical rainforest while the least is the temperate rainforest.

Read related link on:

In seedless plants, haploid gametophytes are produced from
diploid spores that undergo mitosis.
haploid spores that undergo meiosis.
diploid spores that undergo meiosis.
haploid spores that undergo mitosis

\help pls im timed



answer is c


^since she was so helpful


D. haploid spores that undergo mitosis.


The Life Cycles of Plants quiz on edge.

A (Blank) is a specific sequence of nucleotides in a strand of DNA that codes for a specific sequence of amino acids.


Gene i’ve had the test before

1.270 calves were born from gray-variegated cattle. Of these, 136 have parental coloring. Determine the genotype and phenotype of the rest of the offspring, if it is known that the gray-variegated coloration occurs when crossing black and white individuals.

2.In some breeds of sheep there are animals without ears and animals with long ears. When they are crossed, animals with short ears are obtained. What offspring will be obtained by crossing short-eared animals and by crossing short-eared rams with long-eared sheep?



This is hard


Several parts of an animal cell are involved in the processes of protein synthesis, packaging, and export.


Full question:

Several parts of an animal cell are involved in the processes of protein synthesis, packaging, and export. Which of the following correctly places the cell parts in the order in which they are involved?

nucleus → vacuole → cell membrane mitochondria → vacuole → cell membrane ribosome → endoplasmic reticulum → Golgi complex → cell membrane lysosome → endoplasmic reticulum → Golgi complex → cell membrane


ribosome → endoplasmic reticulum → Golgi complex → cell membrane


First, the DNA is transcribed into mRNA in the nucleus. The mRNA then moves to the cytoplasm. Here, it encounters the ribosomes.

At the ribosomes. the mRNA is translated into protein. It gets folded in the endoplasmic reticulum and then is transferred to the Golgi complex.

At the Golgi complex, proteins are modified, packaged, and transported to their destination in a series of vesicles, which if it is outside the cell, is the cell membrane.

Plants participate in both short- and long-distance signaling. Explain how nerve cells show these two functions, as well. (3 points)

Nerve cells release chemical signals into synapses between them (short distance). They also transverse their lengths with an electrical signal that can result in signal travel along a series of cells (long distance).

Nerve cells release hormones into the synapses between them (short distance). These hormones can also transverse the bloodstream (long distance).

Nerve cells release neurotransmitters into gap junctions between them (short distance). They also use electrochemical gradients that can travel the length of each cell quickly, along a network of cells (long distance).

Nerve cells use plasmodesmata to communicate between them individually (short distance). They also use ion-gated channels to create an electrochemical signal that can be propagated over long distances in their network (long distance).



Nerve cells release chemical signals into synapses between them (short distance). They also transverse their lengths with an electrical signal that can result in signal travel along a series of cells (long distance).


Nerve cells release neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft which are capable of affecting nearby cells such as other nerve cells and muscle cells. Neurotransmitter molecules include, among others, serotonin, acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine and histamine. Moreover, the synaptic cleft is the space that separates a neuron cell and its target cell. On the other hand, neurons transmit signals through electrical impulses. Electrical impulses travel long distances in the body carried by axons of the nerves. Thus, nerve impulses connect the brain and spinal cord and they carry signals to different parts of the body.

what is the point of human life, what is our purpose on earth and why were we put here?



The purpose of creation for all men and women for all times has been one: To know and worship God.

The Qur’an teaches us that every human being is born conscious of God: “(Remember) when your Lord extracted from the loins of Adam’s children their descendants and made them testify (saying): ‘Am I not your Lord?’ They said: ‘Yes, we testify to it.’ (This was) in case you say on the Day of Judgment: ‘We were unaware of this.’ Or you say: ‘It was our ancestors who worshipped others besides God and we are only their descendants. Will you then destroy us for what those liars did’?” (Qur’an, 7:172-173)

In Christianity, the meaning of life is rooted in faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. However, the proposition is not without serious problems.

First, if this is the purpose of creation and the precondition for eternal life, why was it not taught by the prophets to all the nations of the world? Second, had God turned into man close to the time of Adam all mankind would have had an equal chance to eternal life, unless those before the time of Jesus had another purpose for their existence! Third, how can people today who have not heard of Jesus fulfill the Christian purpose of creation? Naturally, such a purpose is too narrow and goes against divine justice.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) teaches us that God created this primordial need in human nature at the time Adam was made. God took a covenant from Adam when He created him.

God extracted all of Adam’s descendants who were yet to be born, generation after generation, spread them out, and took a covenant from them. He addressed their souls directly, making them bear witness that He was their Lord. Since God made all human beings swear to His Lordship when He created Adam, this oath is imprinted on the human soul even before it enters the fetus, and so a child is born with a natural belief in the Oneness of God. This natural belief is called fitra in Arabic.

Consequently, every person carries the seed of belief in the Oneness of God that lies deeply buried under layers of negligence and dampened by social conditioning. If the child were left alone, it would grow up conscious of God — a single Creator — but all children are affected by their environment. The Prophet of God said, “Each child is born in a state of ‘fitra,’ but his parents make him a Jew or a Christian. It is like the way an animal gives birth to a normal offspring. Have you noticed any young born mutilated before you mutilate them?” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)

The Arabs would cut the ears of camels and the likes as a service to their gods in pre-Islamic times.

So, just as the child’s body submits to physical laws, set by God in nature, its soul submits naturally to the fact that God is its Lord and Creator. However, its parents condition it to follow their own way, and the child is not mentally capable of resisting it.

The religion which the child follows at this stage is one of custom and upbringing, and God does not hold it to account for this religion. When a child matures into an adult, he or she must now follow the religion of knowledge and reason.

As adults, people must now struggle between their natural disposition toward God and their desires in order to find the correct path. The call of Islam is directed to this primordial nature, the natural disposition, the imprint of God on the soul, the fitra, which caused the souls of every living being to agree that He Who made them was their Lord, even before the heavens and earth were created, “I did not create the jinn and mankind except for My worship.” (Qur’an, 51:56)

According to Islam, there has been a basic message which God has revealed through all prophets, from the time of Adam to the last of the prophets, Muhammad (peace be upon them). All the prophets sent by God came with the same essential message: “Indeed, We have sent a messenger to every nation (saying), ‘Worship God and avoid false gods...’.” (Qur’an, 16:36)

The prophets (peace be upon them) brought the same answer to mankind’s most troubling question, an answer that addresses the yearning of the soul for God.

do cells produce waste


no they do not your welcome

Which of the following is a risk of airbags?
1. They cause injuries to passengers.
2.They expand too slowly after accidents.
3.They increase the cost of vehicles.
4.They alter the function of safety belts.


Airbag deployment can reach speeds of up to 200 mph. If your face, chest, or any other body part is too close to the steering wheel when the bag deploys, you could experience severe fractures or internal injuries as a result.

1.(They cause injuries to passengers)

Hope this helps!

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