There is a U-tube in which solutions in two arms A and B are separated by a membrane. Arm A contains glucose with concentration of 0.4 mol per liter and sodium chloride with concentration of 0.5 mol per liter. Arm B contains glucose with concentration of 0.8 mol per liter and sodium chloride with concentration of 0.4 mol per liter.
The solutions in the arms of a U-tube (the figure) are separated at the bottom of the tube by a selectively permeable membrane. The membrane is permeable to sodium chloride but not to glucose. Side A is filled with a solution of 0.4 M glucose and 0.5 M sodium chloride (NaCl), and side B is filled with a solution containing 0.8 M glucose and 0.4 M sodium chloride. Initially, the volume in both arms is the same.

If you examine side A in the figure after three days, the concentrations of glucose and NaCl should be _____________.


Answer 1


0.4 M glucose, 0.45 M NaCl


I hope this helped!

Related Questions

How do membrane proteins contribute to the membrane potential?



The proton pump results....


double checked my notes

Aquaporins result in a combination of positive charges intracellularly and negative charges extracellularly

What are Aquaporins?

Aquaporin is a group of membrane proteins found in cell membranes and selectively permit water to pass into and out of the cell. Also known as water channels, aquaporins are integral membrane pore proteins. Aquaporins are found in plants, bacteria and animals. They are observed in the vacuolar membranes and plasma membranes. The basic function of most aquaporin is to transport water across cell membranes in response to osmotic gradients created by active solute transport. Aquaporins enable passive transport which means they allow the movement of molecules across a cell without using energy.

To know more refer to,


Explain why stem cell research is a controversial subject. What are some of the sources for stem cells?



Stem cell research is a controversial subject because they are human embryonic stem cell (hESC), and obtaining stem cells involves the destruction of human embryos


The inner cell mass of a 5 to 7-day-old blastocyst can be used to generate pluripotent stem cell lines. Human embryonic stem cell investigation, on the other hand, is morally and politically fraught since it encompasses the killing of human embryos.

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are the primary raw material of the body, the cells that give rise to every other cells with specialized functions.

Under the right circumstances, stem cells differentiate to form the most cells known as daughter cells in the body or in a research lab.

Stem cells are mostly found in bone marrow. This is how they divide in order to produce new blood cells.

Once mature, blood cells end up leaving the bone marrow and reach the bloodstream. A small number of immature stem cells enter the bloodstream.

Bone Marrow has long been thought to be the best source of stem cells.

Previously, if a patient required a stem cell transplant but didn't have access to umbilical cord blood stem cells, they earned a bone marrow transplant.

Thus, this is the reason to have stem cell research as a controversial subject.

For more details regarding stem cells, visit:


What is the main cellular structure involved in respiration?



The mitochondria is the main cellular structure involved in respiration

Identify the graph that matches each of the
following stories:
a. I had just left home when I realized I had forgotten my books so I went back to pick them up.
b. Things went fine until I had a flat tire.
c.I started out calmly, but sped up when I realized I was going to be late.



A. 4, B. 2, C. 1


If any type of rock experiences intense heat and pressure, it changes into __________ rock.



metamorphic rock is the answer to your question.

metamorphic rock is the answer

Anthropologist have a keen interests in honey bees .why?



But extrapolate to all the bees in a beehive and that singular moment is multiplied tens of thousands of times. ... The honey bee and flowering plants represent one of the most successful examples of mutualism in nature. Our food chain depends very heavily on the role of the bee as it pollinates.

Identify the four key concepts of Darwin's theory of natural selection. (2 marks)
Explain how Lamarck's theory was different and why it got rejected over time. (2 marks)


The answer above me is correct

How are proteins and nucleic acids related?



C) The structure of proteins is determined by nucleic acids.


Protein is a polypeptide-based molecule. Polypeptides are a type of biological molecule made up of chains of amino acids. Nucleic acid, which comprises deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA), is a family of macromolecules made composed of long chains of polynucleotides (RNA).


by which large pieces of food are cut and crushed into
smaller pieces is called
a. emulsification b. chemical digestion
c. absorption de mechanical d
5. The tube that connects the mouth to the stomach is the
a. esophagus. b.epiglottis
c. peristalsis. d. pancreas.
5. The hard, outer coating of the tooth is called
a, a molar.
b. enamel.
c. an enzyme. d. dentin
- The building blocks of proteins are
a. enzymes. b. minerals,
c. amino acids, d. molecules
5. Which of the following vitamins is made by the body?
a. vitamin D- b. vitamin A c. vitamin C d. vitamin B
. Having too little of the mineral iron can cause
a. rickets.
b. goiter.
c. anemia d. beriberi.
The wavelike motion that moves food through the digestive tract is called
a. emulsification b. digestion. c. oxidation d. peristalsis.
. The enzyme that digests proteins is called
a. gastric juice. b. pepsin. c. chyme. d. lipase.
Food leaves the stomach in a thick, liquid form called
a. chyme. b. bile с. pepsin.
d. saliva
The movement of food molecules from the digestive system to the blood is called
a. emulsification. b. chemical digestion. c. absorption d. peristalsis.
Gastric juice contains all of the following except
a. hydrochloric acid
b. mucus c. pepsin
d. bile
The process by which large food molecules are broken down into smaller food
molecules is
a. chemical digestion. b. oxidation c. mechanical digestion d. absorption
d. mouth
Fats are digested in the
a. large intestine b. small intestine. c. stomach.
Poor nutrition caused by an unbalanced diet is called
a. rickets. b. anemia. c. malnutrition
d. goiter.
The fingerlike projections on the lining of the small intestine are called
h cilia
d. villi.
c. bile



by which large pieces of food are cut and crushed into

by which large pieces of food are cut and crushed intosmaller pieces is called:

d. mechanical digestion

5. The tube that connects the mouth to the stomach is the:

a. oesophagus

5. The hard, outer coating of the tooth is called:

b. enamel

- The building blocks of proteins are:

c. amino acids

5. Which of the following vitamins is made by the body?

a. vitamin D- b. vitamin A c. vitamin C

. Having too little of the mineral iron can cause:

b. goitre

The wavelike motion that moves food through the digestive tract is called:

d. peristalsis

Gastric juice contains all of the following except:

d. bile

The process by which large food molecules are broken down into smaller food

The process by which large food molecules are broken down into smaller foodmolecules is:

c. mechanical digestion

Fats are digested in the:

b. small intestine

Poor nutrition caused by an unbalanced diet is called:

c. malnutrition

The fingerlike projections on the lining of the small intestine are called:

b. villi



d. mechanical digestion

a. esophagus

b. enamel

c. amino acids

a. vitamin D

c. anemia

d. peristalsis

b. pepsin

a. chyme

c. absorption

b. mucus

a. chemical digestion

b. small intestine

c. malnutrition

b. villi

Not 100% sure on some of these but very positive on most of them :) Hope this helps.


Which of the following is an example of a physical change?
O A. A gas is given off when two substances are mixed.
B. A copper rod is hammered into a thin sheet.
C. A solid forms when two clear liquids are mixed.
O D. A matchstick changes color when it burns.


A gas is given off when two substances are mixed.

physical change: A copper rod is hammered into a thin sheet.

A solid forms when two clear liquids are mixed.

A matchstick changes color when it burns.


a physicals change vs chemical

physical change is like cutting, changing shape etc, it the molecules that make it and the chemicals of it stay same

chemical change when it chemically changed such as cooking meat

The Answer is B

B. A copper rod is hammered into a thin sheet.

Physical change does not affect the chemical components of the material and the rod was only hammered to change it shape (thus altering a change in the physical aspect)

why is the product MILO not a suitable for a vegan diet


MILO and MILO products may not be suitable for a vegan diet due to:

MILO and its products consist mainly of cocoa, malt barley, sugar, and milk powder. Milk powder essentially comes from animals.A vegan is a person whose lifestyles exclude animal products, especially when it comes to diets. A vegan diet primarily consists of plant and plant products.

Hence, the fact that MILO consists of powder milk which is animal-based might make it unsuitable for a vegan diet.

More about vegan diets here:




A Vegan diet refers to diet that contain food from plants such as maize , beans, rice, wheat e.t.c It is mainly plants source and does not contain animal source.

But MILO is also Plant based energy and it contains several vitamins and minerals to help grow a healthy body: It contain Vitamins B2 and B3 which help to support effecient energy release in the body. It contain Essential nutrients like iron, zinc which are very minute

in plant based diets. Milo contain milk which is of animal source.

Therefore, Milo product is not suitable for a vegan diet because it contains milk solids which is derive from animal source.

Produces proteins drop down menus



Ok, then what do you need explanation for that ??

Need help someone knows the answer



d. landfill materials


which type of scientific inquiry requires variables and control group


Answer:The correct answer will be options-a scientific question, a procedure and a conclusion


The scientific investigation is performed to answer, understand and explain the natural events or phenomenon.  The scientific investigation is performed through one of the types of scientific investigation that is descriptive, comparative, and experimental.

The common components of all types of investigation are :

1. Scientific question: the question is asked on the basis of observation made which could be answered.

2. Procedure: the sequential steps are followed to answer and test the scientific question.

3. Conclusion: the main aim of the investigation is the conclusion or inference to the scientific question which is an explanation of the question.


Dhhdbej Dundee Fiji’s

What are the physical characteristics that all specimens have in common


1. All living organisms are made of cells which perform functions necessary for that organism to survive in its environment
2. All living organisms, weather single called or multicellular, expand energy.
3. We all grow and change through the process of cell division or mitosis.
4. Reproduction (either sexually or asexually) - this allows our species to still exist.
5. Adaptation - we all adapt to an environment other species can’t.

The physical characteristics that all specimens have in common can be presence of cells, as there is no specimen given, let's take animals. A dichotomous key can be used to find the similarity.

What is a specimen?

A specimen can be anything that is displayed regarding the subject. In labs the specimens can be chemicals, animals, plants, any objects, etc.

Specimens are displayed to learn about them, to see the actual version of that animal that can not be seen easily.

Thus, Because no specimen is provided, let's take animals as an example, the presence of cells is a trait that all specimens share. To find the similarity, a dichotomous key might be utilized.

Learn more about specimens


Which is a benefit of binomial nomenclature?
1.Fewer common names
2.Increased understanding and communication
3.Reduced plant-related poisoning
4.Better understanding of genetics of plants


2) Increased understanding and communication.

Various cultures and societies shape individual names for a particular organism. However, binomial nomenclature breaks this barrier to allow the scientific community to communicate more efficiently.

For example, the panther or mountain lion can simply become Puma concolor — thus, eliminating confusion. I hope this helps.

Where do convection currents occur atmophere



Convection takes place in the atmosphere, in the oceans, and in Earth's molten subcrustal asthenosphere.


can you suggest me some biology experimental project work topics?​



1. General

2. Reproduction

3. Health

4. Genetic Engineering

5. Technical Experiments on Humans

6. Relationships and Media

7. War

8. Information and Communication Tech

9. Computer Science and Robotics

Approximately how many mutations occur naturally in DNA per 10,000 bases?
A. 2
B. 2000
C. 200
D. 20



Modern methods indicate that the mutation rate is roughly one to two mutation per 10,000 genes per generation.

In human cells, approximately TWO (2) MUTATIONS occur naturally in DNA per 10,000 bases (Option A is correct).

The mutation rate (u) refers to the occurrence of new mutations in a given nucleotide sequence over time.

In human cells, the mutation rate is approximately 10⁻⁴ per generation.

Therefore, in a DNA sequence that has 10,000 base pairs of length, this value is equal to 2 mutations per generation (u = 2 / 10,000 = 10⁻⁴).  

In conclusion, approximately 2 MUTATIONS occur naturally in DNA per 10,000 bases (Option A is correct).

Learn more in:

The human heart weighs how many pounds


After careful consideration your answer is...

Just about 1 pound

*Hope I helped*


1 lb (pound)


it is the answer.

Why do doctors have to check what blood type a person has before receiving a
A. Different blood types have different antibodies that will be attacked by someone with
antigens against that blood type.
B. Different blood types have different antigens that will be attacked by someone with
antibodies against that blood type.
C. Your blood type doesn't matter as long as you get the correct amount of blood in a
D. They need to have the same blood type because their DNA must be similar enough to
blend or will cause side-effects and possibly be rejected.



A. Different blood types have different antibodies that will be attacked by someone with

antigens against that blood type.

state te type of cell devision of cross section tips of onion root.​


mitosis and/or meiosis is the anwser

Carbohydrates info
B. Composed of:
C. Monomer:
D. Polymer:
E. Functions:


A: Carbs
B:Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
E: Provides energy to the human body.

Which type of plate boundary would be most likely to lead to above-ground volcanic activity?

A . Subduction
B .divergent
D . Transform





In a subduction zone, one plate slides beneath another. This leads to friction that can melt the crust and result in volcanic activity

All enzymes which catalyze the chemical reactions of a cell are
a. carbohydrates b. lipids c. long-chain fatty acids d. proteins e. ribonucleic acids no another by differences in​



I think the answer will be protein.


the answer is carbohydrates

Science, Geology, Class 8

1. choose the correct answer ( CTCA )
a. what makes the soil fertile?
i. rock particles
ii. humus
iii. sand particles
iv. silt particles​





Also known as the uppermost layer of soil, that's for making soil more fertile due to its organic content.

Look at the branching tree diagram below.

A slanting, horizontal line is shown. On the extreme left, there is a label that says Common Ancestor. Along the slanting, horizontal line there are five dots labeled from left to right with the following traits Four limbs, Amniotic egg, Fur, Shearing teeth, and Retractable claws. There is one vertical line between each of the consecutive five dots. The lines are labeled from left to right as Amphibians, Reptiles, Marsupials, Dogs, Cats.

Which group of organisms evolved after dogs?

Only cats
Only marsupials
Both cats and marsupials
Both amphibians and reptiles



both cats and marsupials

Answer:   Both Amphibians and Reptiles

Explanation: I took the test and got it, so.....

If you have a measurement of 234.005 k, how many significant figures does it have



It has 6 sig figs



Every digit is significant.

Why do plant cells have chloroplasts?



The chloroplast has chlorophyll and the chloroplasts also helps with makes photosynthesis happen. It takes the suns energy and turns it into energy for the plant. So it uses solar energy and makes chemical energy.


Is a ping pong ball a nonliving or living thing and why



A ping pong ball is nonliving because it does not have a brain or living cells. It is plastic.

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