They gaily ascended the downs, rejoicing in their own penetration at every glimpse of blue sky; and when they caught in their faces the animating gales of a high south-westerly wind, they pitied the fears which had prevented their mother and Elinor from sharing such delightful sensations. "Is there a felicity in the world," said Marianne, "superior to this?" (chapter 9, p. 18)

Chapter 9 begins with Marianne and Margaret talking a walk in the countryside surrounding Barton Cottage. What does this excerpt reveal about Marianne? Consider Austen's attitude toward Marianne. Is this attitude reflected in this excerpt? Also consider Austen's attitude toward Elinor in thinking about Marianne. Your answer should be at least one hundred words.


Answer 1

Although Marianne's exaggeration is on par with Wordsworth's, her adventure ends in severe downpour and a sprained ankle.

Austen actually drags her back to earth and demonstrates that her mother and sister's admonition was well-timed. Austen does not condone behaviour that is motivated solely by emotional conviction and disregards all social and pragmatic concerns.  Marianne's romantic rhapsodies are subtly mocked by Austen, as shown in the ch-at she has with Edward and Elinor while the three of them are out for a stroll near Barton. Edward or Elinor responds to each extended rant of Marianne with a succinct, accurate statement the given paragraph is from Individuals and Society.

All of Austen's works revolve around how the individual interacts with the other people in their environment who together form society.

For more information regarding Marianne and visit the link:


Related Questions

the command to prevent the termination of a background sort process (which might take a long time to complete) after the user is logged off is:


The command to prevent the termination of a background sort process after the user is logging off is HUP (hang up).

When we want a process to continue running even after you log off a Linux system, we have a couple options. One of the process is to use the disown command. Disown command tells our shell to refrain from sending a HUP (hang-up) signal to the process when you log off. So, the process continues running even after termination of a background sort process.

Another command used to pkill, pkill is one of the commands that can directly used to kill a background process, using the process name.

Learn more about background sort process from the link given below.







because if you look at the commas and their positioning it is B that looks more appropriate

4. What do you call an excitement in the cold hink pink



that's a thrill chill


You're welcome.

excitement with respect to hinky pinky will be called thrill chill.

What is a Hinky Pinky?

Hink Pinks are puzzles whose solutions are two words that rhyme and have the same amount of syllables.

There are three types of Hinky Pinky that are possible:

Hink pinks are rhymed one-syllable words.Hinky Pinkies is a pair of two-syllable rhymes.Three syllables make up Hinkety Pinketies.

What do you call excitement in the cold? will be termed as thrill chill.

In this particular form, excitement is regarding how the person is going to act in a particular cold. Therefore thrill and chill are used. Thrill defines excitement whereas chill defines the cold in the sentence. Through this Hinky Pinky is being defined correctly. Both the part of excitement and cold is represented in this sentence.

Learn more about Hinky Pinky, here:


What is an adjective that describes both the images and the grandeur of god that they represent


Answer: A lamb and a Alter


Read the following passage carefully before you choose your answer.

This passage is taken from an eighteenth-century letter from a president to the citizens of the United States of America.

(1) So likewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation of privileges denied to others which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained, and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld.

(2) As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils? Such an attachment of a small or weak towards a great and powerful nation dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter.

(3) Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.

(4) The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none; or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.

(5) Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. If we remain one people under an efficient government, the period is not far off when we may defy material injury from external annoyance; when we may take such an attitude as will cause the neutrality we may at any time resolve upon to be scrupulously respected; when belligerent nations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us, will not lightly hazard the giving us provocation; when we may choose peace or war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel.

(6) Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor or caprice?

(7) It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world; so far, I mean, as we are now at liberty to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing infidelity to existing engagements. I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy. I repeat it, therefore, let those engagements be observed in their genuine sense. But, in my opinion, it is unnecessary and would be unwise to extend them.

What is the relationship between paragraphs four and seven in the excerpt?

Paragraph seven presents an exception to the assertion developed in paragraph four.
Both paragraphs establish the character of the nation and its commitments.
Paragraph four asserts an idea with examples while paragraph seven simply states the idea.
Both paragraphs develop an extended metaphor through references to foreign countries.


The nation's identity and commitments are established in both paragraphs and presents an exception to the assertion developed.

What is the purpose of assertion?By turning on the assert feature, one may use assertion to debug the necessary runtime assumptions that must be verified, whereas exception checks the precise circumstances that must be verified during program execution to keep it from terminating.A strong declaration that is presented as part of an argument or as if it should be taken as truth is called an assertion. To assert is to make a stern statement. As a result, when someone asserts anything, they are not merely testing the waters.To guarantee that financial records and disclosures are accurate and acceptable, assertions need to be evaluated. Financial statements are properly recorded if all claims for pertinent transactions or balances are fulfilled.

Learn more about assertion refer to :


Which correctly combines
these sentences using a
prepositional phrase
beginning with "by"?
Henry's friends tried to soften
the blow of his wife's death.
They pretended she was still
A. Henry's friends tried to soften the blow
of his wife's death by pretending she was
still alive.
B. Henry's friends tried to soften the blow
by pretending she was still alive of his wife's
C. Henry's friends by pretending she was
still alive tried to soften the blow of his
wife's death.


A. Henry's friends tried to soften the blow of his wife's death by pretending she was still alive. is the correct option.

What are some instances of prepositional phrases?

Prepositional phrases are made up of prepositions, the things they refer to, and any words that are used to alter those things. Usually modifying a verb or a noun, a prepositional phrase. The two distinct subcategories of prepositional phrases are adverbial and adjectival.

The subject of a sentence's preposition, along with any other words that link it to the preposition, are all included in a prepositional phrase. He hid behind the duvet, for instance. Common prepositional phrase constituents include nouns or pronouns, prepositions, and maybe an adjective. It is missing the verb. Prepositional phrases that end in a noun or pronoun are the start of a prepositional phrase.

To know more about prepositional phrases visit:


1. They were
in their praise of the new movie.
got tired of his
3. It's a
thing, so I didn't bother with it.
let the car
as waited outside his building.


Generally, a precise or unambiguous statement of something in voice In conclusion, In a bid to state in different terms.

What are statements?

The complete statement will be;

They were effusive in their praise of the new movie.I got tired of his perpetual complaining.It's a trifling thing, so I didn't bother with it.I let the car idle as I waited outside his building."Effusive" refers to something that is extremely demonstrative, or that makes a big display of emotion. "Perpetual" is something that is eternal or never-ending." "Trifling" refers to something that is insignificant, or that has no importance. Finally, "idle," when applied to something like a machine or a car, means that the machine is not working, or that it is not active. In other words, it is doing nothing.Ensure simplicity. Long or excessively complicated sentences don't always indicate excellent language construction.Use language that is specific. Utilize parallelism.Watch your grammar. Use appropriate punctuation. Learn to write. A sentence should have the following characteristics in order to be effective: accuracy, unity, clarity, coherence, and emphasis.,that is accuracy. In that situation, individuals might refrain from writing and committing such grammatical mistakes as unfinished sentences. use the phrase "my brother" or the subject.

To learn more about Statement refer to:


Text Size

Select the correct answers.
Which of the following words should have capital letters?



My hamster melted on the sidewalk in 100+ degrees. Unfortunately but to honor him I made him as the cheese on my turkey sandwich, he didn’t taste too good but I guess the extra protein is okay

Should be capitalized

Part One:
Be sure that you have indeed compared or contrasted your novel choice to another piece of fiction or nonfiction literature from the same time period.

Part Two
Also, be sure that you have integrated information from your sources, including:

a primary source (an original document, interview, photo from the time period)
a secondary source (a critical analysis of your novel or a historical document/essay from the time period)
your novel for this module
second piece of literature (poem, short story, another novel)
Part Three:
Once your essay is complete, be sure to include a Works Cited page with the complete list of the sources you used throughout the essay.


The two texts compared and contrasted here are "Romeo and Juliet" and "Hamlet".

"Romeo and Juliet" is a love story, while "Hamlet" is a tragedy about revenge. Both are popular works by Shakespeare.

What is the explanation of the above?

"Romeo and Juliet" is a love story about two young people from opposing families who fall in love and want to be together despite their families' animosity. The most essential element in the play is Romeo and Juliet's love, and they are prepared to go to any length to be together.

"Hamlet" is a play about a prince named Hamlet who is out to revenge the death of his father. The drama is filled with violence and treachery, and it delves into themes of insanity, vengeance, and the consequences of our deeds.

Shakespeare wrote both "Romeo and Juliet" and "Hamlet," yet they are extremely different. "Hamlet" is a tragedy, but "Romeo and Juliet" is a love story. "Romeo and Juliet" explores the power of love, whereas "Hamlet" explores the implications of vengeance. Despite their contrasts, both plays remain famous and are regarded as among Shakespeare's finest works.

Learn more about Compare and Contrast essays:

in phase 1 of a choice experiment involving concurrent vi schedules, a human subject receives 25% of his reinforcers by making a left response. in phase 2, he receives 75% of his reinforcers by making a left response. the subject's percentage of left responses is 30% in phase 1, and 70% in phase 2. this performance is an example of .


In phase 1 of a choice experiment involving concurrent vi schedules, a human subject receives 25% of his reinforcers by making a left response. The given options are Overmatching, undermatching, biasedness & none of the above; but It is an example of overmatching. The correct answer is A.

What is choice experiment?

Choice experiment employ survey methodologies to gauge respondents' assessments of the relative importance of various service characteristics, such as procedural, non-health, and health aspects. A survey method called a "choice experiment" aims to elicit customer preferences based on fictitious markets.

Further in the given case scenario a human subject receives 25% of his reinforcers by making a left response. in phase 2, he receives 75% of his reinforcers by making a left response. the subject's percentage of left responses is 30% in phase 1, and 70% in phase. This is an example of Overmatching.

Therefore the correct option A is correct.

Learn more about choice experiment refer:


What do the events in the story reveal about the
priorities of Riv and Satch?



joe C criticizes Reggie's speech


The events in the story of Riv and Satch reveal a lot about their priorities. Riv and Satch are two friends who live in the same apartment complex, and they have a lot of things in common.

What do both the people love to do ?

They both love to play video games, watch movies, and hang out with each other. However, the events in the story show that they have different priorities.

Riv is more focused on his career, and he is willing to put in the extra effort to get ahead. He is willing to work late nights and weekends to make sure he can get the job done.

He also takes the time to learn new skills and to stay up to date on the latest trends in his field. Riv is willing to put in the extra effort to ensure his success and to make sure he can reach his goals. On the other hand, Satch is more focused on having fun. He loves to spend time playing video games, watching movies, and hanging out with Riv.

He is not as concerned with his career as Riv is and is more focused on enjoying life and having fun. Overall, the events in the story reveal that Riv and Satch have different priorities. Riv is focused on his career and is willing to put in the extra effort to make sure he can reach his goals. Satch, on the other hand, is more focused on having fun and enjoying life.

Learn more about events   at:


So simple the course appears


Concluding Statement:

The following year, in England, Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), the first feminist book ever written in the English language, was published.


She contested the notion that women exist only to satisfy males by advocating for equal opportunity for both sexes in education, the workforce, and politics.

What characteristics make man more advanced than nature's rudimentary creation?

Reason offers a solution that is as evident as the idea that a half is less than a whole.

What conclusions can you draw about Hobbes Quilt's ideal system of governance?

Some kings embraced the movement's fresh ideas and instituted checks and balances.

For further information on English-language


The first feminist book ever written in the English language, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), by Mary Wollstonecraft, was published in England the following year.

What is English language?

English is a West Germanic language that is spoken around the world. It is the official language in many countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and several other countries. English is a global language and is the most widely spoken in the world. It is the language of business, media, and communication, allowing people to communicate with each other more easily. English has a rich vocabulary and is constantly evolving. It has many dialects, including British English, American English, and Australian English. English is used in a wide variety of contexts, including education, entertainment, and professional communication. It is used on the internet, in books, newspapers, magazines, and television. English is also used in international relations and diplomacy. English is a powerful language and is an important tool for communication in the modern world.

Learn more about English language here:


(LC)Which industry did not exist in the United States until the Second Industrial Revolution?
O steel
O railroad
O shipping
O mining





The second industrial revolution expanded the production/usage of electricity Steel and petroleum.

The first industrial revolution had much more to do with transportation, and mining coal.

steel yet it is steel

Three days later, Annie called on the barrel maker again and convinced him that she was not crazy. If he built the barrel according to her design, the widow assured him, she could survive the fall without injury. The foreman agreed and put his three best men on the job.

Annie worked alongside them, picking out each piece of the thick white oak they used. When their work was done, they had a barrel that was four and a half feet high, with iron bands wrapped around it, and weighed more than one hundred and sixty pounds.

Based on the details in the passage, what can readers infer about Annie?

4)She knows how to trick others into doing what she wants.

3) Annie has years of experience designing and building barrels

2) She mistrusts others to do good work so she watches over them.

1) Annie is a determined person who refuses to give up easily.


Based on the given text: "Three days later, Annie called on the barrel maker again and convinced him that she was not crazy. If he built the barrel according to her design, the widow assured him, she could survive the fall without injury...", based on the details in the passage, the thing which the readers can infer about Annie is that Annie is a determined person who refuses to give up easily.

What is a Narration?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the telling of story that is done with the aid of a narrator where the sequence of actions is highlighted so the readers can follow the action and have a better understanding of the text.

Hence, it can be seen that from the given narration, the story is told of Annie who is determined and convinces the barrel maker to make a particular design that is unique to her and hence, we can see that she does not give up easily.

Read more about narration here:

What does freedom means to you in 100 words


Freedom means having the ability to make choices and to live my life in a way that is authentic and true to myself, without being constrained by societal expectations, oppressive systems, or the actions of others. It means having the autonomy to pursue my goals and dreams, to express my thoughts and emotions, and to be able to live my life in a way that brings me joy and fulfillment. Freedom also means having the liberty to be who I am and to be treated with dignity and respect by others. It is a fundamental human right that allows us to live a life that is meaningful and fulfilling :)

For me freedom means many things like:

-Being able to speak my mind

-Having the choice to do something on my own terms

-Being able to choose who I marry/date

-Standing up for myself even if it involves violence

-Having equal rights/pay/respect

-Being able to choose my future/path

I hope this is a 100 words

Helpppp me please this question is about the book Born a Crime


Better choices lead to better results (and fewer repercussions). Better decisions could provide you more flexibility and possibilities.

What make a solid decision-making process effective?

A intelligent decision-maker picks the best option for themselves and others. They approach making decisions with an open mind and don't let personal preconceptions get in the way. They come to logical conclusions after carefully weighing all of their options and the consequences.

A good decision is one that is careful, intelligent, takes into account and takes into account all relevant considerations, is in line with the person's philosophy and values, and can be communicated to important others.

A person with strong character is one who is aware of and loyal to their own values. They possess a strong moral sense and will stand up for what they believe in, even if it is controversial.

To learn more about good decision refer to:


Read this
excerpt of "From Blossoms*:
From laden boughs, from hands,
from sweet fellowship in the bins,
comes nectar at the roadside, succulent
peaches we devour, dusty skin and all.
comes the familiar dust of summer, dust we
Which word helps create a positive mood? a


The word that helps create a positive mood is the word "nectar."

What is the literary mood?This is how the text feels.It is a way for the text to establish an ambiance.It is an immersive textual resource.

A positive mood is created with words that convey positive feelings or that are linked to good concepts that can promote comfort, satisfaction, and happiness.

With this type of resource, the reader better understands the author's intentions with the text, in addition to being able to insert himself into the concepts that the author promotes, participating in the text in an active and immersive way.

The word "nectar" used in the text has this power, as it refers to something good, natural, and satisfying. Therefore, it is a word with a positive connotation that conveys a positive mood to the reader.

Learn more about Mood:


Which of the following would BEST aid the reader in understanding the topic of the texts?
a video of a pea plant during self-pollination
a video of a lab using Mendel’s research to create plant hybrids
a video of a scientist recreating Mendel’s work during his research on pea plants
a video of an expert explaining the alternative theories of heredity from the 1800s



I think The answer is B

Help !!
Some say that when celebrities fall from grace that it provides us with much needed lessons in morality. That it reminds us that they are mere mortals like us and that if you cheat, you lose out and don't deserve the success. What do you think?



Ethics and morality are concerned with helping people evaluate how the world ought to be and what courses of action people should take


Read the short excerpt from "Up from Slavery" by Booker T. Washington.

So far as I can now recall, the first knowledge that I got of the fact that we were slaves, and that freedom of the slaves was being discussed, was early one morning before day, when I was awakened by my mother kneeling over her children and fervently praying that Lincoln and his armies might be successful, and that one day she and her children might be free. In this connection I have never been able to understand how the slaves throughout the South, completely ignorant as were the masses so far as books or newspapers were concerned, were able to keep themselves so accurately and completely informed about the great National questions that were agitating the country. From the time that Garrison, Lovejoy, and others began to agitate for freedom, the slaves throughout the South kept in close touch with the progress of the movement. Though I was a mere child during the preparation for the Civil War and during the war itself, I now recall the many late-at-night whispered discussions that I heard my mother and the other slaves on the plantation indulge in. These discussions showed that they understood the situation, and that they kept themselves informed of events by what was termed the "grape-vine" telegraph.

Write both a summary and a paraphrase of the text.




The narrator, Booker T. Washington, recalls being awakened by his mother praying for Lincoln's success and the freedom of her and her children. Despite being illiterate and having no access to books or newspapers, slaves throughout the South were able to stay informed about the movements for freedom led by Garrison and Lovejoy through the "grapevine telegraph," or informal communication networks.


Booker T. Washington remembers being awakened by his mother praying for Lincoln's victory and the freedom of slaves. Despite being uneducated and lacking access to information, slaves across the South managed to stay informed about the movements for freedom through informal communication networks.


Trying to understand another person's perspective of a situation usually leads to poor comparisons of alternatives for ethical decision making. T/F


Trying to understand another person's perspective of a situation usually leads to poor comparisons of alternatives for ethical decision making. [FALSE]

About Perspective

In the process of thinking, perspective gives direction to the mind to draw conclusions. The way we see something really depends on the perspective we have on it. Often outside of our conscious nature, the perspective we have actively labels and describes everything around us. This can create a bias for ourselves in perceiving something.

It is not difficult to know and understand the perspectives held by other people. In fact, often we can judge the good or bad perspectives that other people have, and if that perspective is right or wrong. However, just as the eye has difficulty seeing its own form, we often only understand the reality that perspective gives us, but not the understanding of perspective itself.

Living completely in a perspective space is not good, because it can restrain us from feeling life more fully and prevent us from seeing new ideas/points of view. A bad perspective on an individual can create a negative attitude towards oneself. Someone can be more pessimistic than they should be with a bad perspective. This habit can minimize self-potential and prevent individuals from understanding opportunities.

It is impossible to live without perspective bias. However, we can minimize perspective bias

First, perspective bias can be reduced by understanding how we think and identifying habitual thinking, familiar emotions, and assumptions that we have. That way, we can avoid the patterns of thinking we usually go through in drawing conclusions. Second, is to question the truth of everything we believe to be true. The purpose of this habit is not to find out the absolute truth. Rather, it is done to test the perspectives we have, while seeking better assumptions and beliefs Third, is self-honesty. Sometimes, the wrong perspective that we have is created within us as a distraction with the aim of gaining comfort and avoiding fear. Being more honest can help us to objectively examine wrong/erroneous perspectives.

Learn more about perspective at


Communication can be successful when both parties can pay attention, speak, and listen. Also are not distracted by other things that could absorb their interest.

A way communication can be a problem is if the other party isn't listening because of something else being on his mind.

Save your talk for when it's wanted and it's a good time, keep calm, and try to help others more.


Giving, receiving, and exchanging information constitutes the act of communication.

Which 4 forms of communication are there?

There are four basic methods of communication: forceful, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and passive. It is essential to comprehend each communication method and the reasons for its selection.

What makes communication crucial?

Your self-concept is shaped by your ability to communicate, which also aids in professional development, understanding of oneself and others, problem-solving, and learning new things.

What is the best definition of communication?

The primary objective of communication is to transfer information from one party to another. The act of sharing, expressing, or disseminating information and ideas by writing, speaking, and gesturing is known as communication, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

To know more about communication, checkout this link:


.emphasis or stress placed on a syllable or word juncture 2.a sentence that makes a command or request imperative 3.the changes in tone or pitch our voices make pitch 4.a pause used in speech pronunciation 5.the various tones a voice uses when speaking inflection 6.the way we say a word accent


Accent: Emphasis or stress placed on a syllable or wordImperative: A sentence that makes a command or request.Inflection: The changes in tone or pitch our voices make.Juncture: A pause used in speech.Pause: A break or time of waiting that gives emphasis or signals the end of a sentence or phrase.Pitch: The various tones a voice uses when speaking.Pronunciation: The way we say a word.

These are the important element of an English language without which the language can not be effectively communicated. It is basically can important roll in verbal communication. It varies from place to place and individual to individual.

Know more about the verbal communication at:


Based on your own experiences, do people in the real world feel pressured to be just like everyone
else? Have you ever pretended to be a certain way in order to fit in? If so, how did you pretend?


People in this modern and real world will definitely feel pressured to be just like everyone else. This is because they actually want to wear their shoes which are completely different from their perspectives.

Why people in this world are highly pretend?

People pretend to get something they want. Perhaps someone sees something about you that could be of benefit to them, and they feel they should capitalize on that opportunity by putting on an act and making you feel some type of way about them.

People of young age generally pretend to look nice and awesome as compared to others in all perspectives. This psychology always takes up their peace of mind and creates a sense of distraction.

So, it is advised not be pretend to someone and live your own life according to yourself. Please remember to make a version of yourself rather than copying others.

To learn more about Pretended, refer to the link:


True or False. An if-else statement chooses between two alternative statements based on the value of a Boolean expression


Answer: This is computer science.

An intransitive verb is:
A. an object that receives the action of the verb.
OB. a verb that acts on a direct object and sometimes also takes an
indirect object and an object complement.
C. a verb that takes no objects or complements (e.g., The cat jumps).
D. None of the above are correct.


C. a verb that takes no objects or complements (e.g., The cat jumps).

What is an intransitive verb ?

Depending on whether or not an object is necessary for the verb to express a complete notion, a verb is either transitive or intransitive. Only when a verb acts on an object does it make sense as a transitive verb. Without one, an intransitive verb will make sense. Some verbs have dual meanings.

People frequently associate the word transitive with movement, leading them to believe that transitive and intransitive are just more formal expressions for action and inaction, respectively. But whether a verb is active or not has nothing to do with these concepts. Transfer is a more appropriate synonym for transitive. A transitive verb must assign its action to something or someone—an object—in order to be transitive. Essentially, transitive

To know more about an intransitive verb , visit


how reliability is nothing but the truth to tell tale heart or how they not



We can see that the narrators of "Nothing but the Truth" and "Tell-Tale Heart"  are not reliable.

What is The Tell-Tale Heart?

"The Tell-Tale Heart" is actually known to be a short story  that was written by Edgar Allan Poe. The story is told by an anonymous narrator who tries to convince the reader of his or her sanity while also detailing a murder the narrator committed. The victim was an elderly man with a "vulture-eye," as the narrator describes his filmy, light blue eye.

The narrator highlights how carefully planned the murder was, striving to commit the ideal crime down to dismembering the body in the bathtub and concealing it under the floorboards. In the end, the narrator's activities lead to hearing a pounding sound, which he interprets as the heartbeat of the deceased.

In "Nothing but the Truth", the narrator is seen to be unreliable. Also, in The narrator of "The Tell-Tale Heart" is also seen to be unreliable.

Learn more about The Tell-Tale Heart on


casuistry is generally an approach that emphasizes the value of beginning with analysis of particular


It is true that casuistry is generally an approach that emphasizes the value of beginning with analysis of particular case.

What is casuistry?

Casuistry is a method of reasoning in ethics that seeks to solve moral problems by extracting or extending theoretical rules from a specific case and reapplying those rules to new instances.

One of three approaches in medical ethics to determining moral rules of conduct in medical practice

It is a method that emphasizes the importance of starting with an analysis of specific cases, extracting moral rules from them, and then applying these rules to new cases.

Thus, the given statement is true.

For more details regarding casuistry, visit:


How does the juxtaposition of experiences at Maryvale and H.A. Jack Primary develop Noah's understanding of
his identity?


Throughout his early years, he repeatedly learned that language was more effective than skin tone in fostering relationships with others.

What do you think Noah wants readers to learn from his story?Young readers can learn from Noah's book that it's liberating to define who you are according to your own standards.Despite spending much of his childhood together, Noah and his mother also have a love-hate relationship because Noah is just as disobedient as his mother is rigorous.He respects nature and authority and has close bonds with his family and friends. He appears to be faultless. Even though the elder Noah from the frame tale still possesses these traits, he is also powerful, practical, loyal, faithful, and committed.

To learn more about Noah's book  refer,


which word below completes this synonym/antonym analogy? disastrous: destructive:: magnified:


All the queen of raccoons queen of soup

Answer: Exaggerated


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Blake and Sandra are having a rummage sale. Blake drags 3 boxes a distance of 10 meters each. He exerts a force of 20 newtons on each box. Sandra drags 4 boxes a distance of 12 meters each. She exerts a force of 15 newtons on each box. Blake takes 2 minutes to complete his work. Sandra takes 4 minutes.Blake does work than Sandra. Blakes power is than Sandras power. (Hint: Use W = Fd and .) Transformation of Sentence a) Buy an American laptop for me. (Make it a complex sentence)b) Mr. Selim is the wisest person in the locality. (Make it a comparative sentence) c) We all like an intelligent person. (Make it a complex sentence) d) Mother Teresa opened a home for the children who were orphan. (Make it a simple sentence)e) The task was done yesterday (Make it active) question 1: which form of business organization should the group select for the new restaurant and why? what would you tell them? provide the legal reasons that support your recommendation, using the key concepts presented in chapters 21 and 22. who is correct? faye and jet (corporation); spike (partnership); or ed (llc)? is intended to support management at many levels, as it contributes decisively to unity in the direction of administrative action, generates a sense of discipline, reduces uncertainty and minimizes unnecessary and time-wasting actions while facilitating goals formulated at the level of planning and implementation. a stone was dropped off a cliff and hit the ground with a speed of 120 ft/s. what is the height of the cliff? Which of the following is true about social structure?Social structure establishes limits on our behavior.Social structure is the framework of society that is laid out before we are born.People learn certain behaviors and attitudes because of their location in the social structure.Individual people behave based on their personal choice and feelings and there is no patterned behavior.all of the above is true except d. Real GDP is:A. calculated by adding up only the real number of all items sold in the U.S. regardless of their prices.B. the value of the production of all final goods and services adjusted for price changes.C. the value of the production of all final goods and services measured in current prices.D. the projected future value of GDP. URGENT! Please help with the image attached! Figurative language for Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose like a lightbulb When choosing a marketing channel or intermediary. It is important to ask several key questions, including which of these? a. Who is responsible for negotiating the channel or intermediary contracts? b. How many of the firm's competitors will be using the same channel? c. Which channel and intermediaries we best stay the grequirements of the target market? PLSSS help fast 2. Write a letter to Prince Caspian explaining whether you would or would not go to war against Miraz. Give details and specific reasons. This must be formatted like a letter and a minimum of three paragraphs. Which element has a larger atomic radius F or Be which of the following is a criticism of the no child left behind act? too much emphasis is placed on student achievement on standardized assessments. teacher accountability ratings are too subjective. too much emphasis is placed on social skills and creativity. parent accountability is overlooked. What is the slope of the equation 3x+20=-4? Zhi bought 18 tickets for games at a fair. Each game requires 3 tickets. Zhi wrote theexpression 183g tofind the number of tickets she has left after playing g games.Diego correctly wrote another expression, 3(6 -g), that will also find the number oftickets Zhi has left after playing g games.Use the drop-down menus to explain what each part of Zhi's and Diego's expressionsmean. in order to prove that pellagra was not an infectious disease, dr. joseph goldberger exposed himself to blood and secretions from pellagra patients. which of the following vitamins was discovered as a result of dr. goldberger's work? which is more harmful to the victim? group of answer choices both a and b are about equally harmful identity theft credit card number theft john nash believes that people in boston were wearing red neckties so he would notice them as part of some cryptocommumist plot. what type of delusion is john experiencing? a 71-year-old woman presents with an acute onset of confusion, slurred speech, and left-sided weakness. she is conscious and her airway is patent. her bp is 180/94 mm hg, her pulse is 70 beats/min and irregular, her respirations are 14 breaths/min and unlabored, and her oxygen saturation is 97% on room air. what should you do? A recipe uses 1 1/4 cups of milk to make 10 servings. If the same amount of milk is used for each serving, how many servings can be made using 2 gallons of milk?