Think of Earth as a ball with a rod through it, standing for the axis. This makes it easier to imagine Earths orientation in space relative to other objects like the Sun. Now consider the Sun as another ball. Imagine the Sun located in the center of a disk, kind of like a Frisbee. The planets in the solar system would be positioned on the Frisbee but at varying distances from the Sun. The area we are imagining as a Frisbee is actually called the plane of the ecliptic. It is the plane of Earths orbit around the Sun. Earths axis is not oriented perpendicular to the plane of its orbit. It is tilted at 23.5 degrees from the perpendicular. Why is this an important detail? This orientation in space, relative to the Sun, has great influence on Earths seasonal changes.

In paragraph 4, what word or phrase gives you a clue to what the word perpendicular means?

Somewhat like a Frisbee

Relative to the Sun

Rather it is tilted

Orientation in space


Answer 1


A ball is thrown straight up from a rooftop 320 feet high. The formula below describes the ball's height above the ground, h, in feet, t seconds after it was thrown. The ball misses the rooftop on its way down and eventually strikes the ground. How long will it take for the ball to hit the ground? Use this information to provide tick marks with appropriate numbers along the horizontal axis in the figure shown.


Answer 2
The answer is “rather it is tilted”

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The cell consists of many different cell organelle because it is just like the human body. The human body has many organ systems working and performing different functions to keep us alive. Similarily, even cells have different organelle performing different functions.

Answer:their function


The amoeba excretes waste through _________ while a sparrow excretes waste through __________.



The amoeba excretes waste through Contractile Vacuole while a sparrow excretes waste through Cloaca.


In some unicellular eukaryotic organisms (e.g., amoeba), cellular wastes, such as ammonia and excess water, are excreted by exocytosis as the contractile vacuoles merge with the cell membrane, expelling wastes into the environment.

Birds, unlike mammals, do not have separate exits for urine and feces. Both waste products are eliminated simultaneously through the cloaca. While mammals excrete nitrogenous wastes mostly in the form of urea, birds convert it to uric acid or guanine, which reduces water loss in comparison.

Yes, we all know Pluto is no longer an official planet, merely a dwarf, but it still enjoyed full planet status when New Horizons rocketed from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on Jan. 19, 2006. Plutos demotion came just seven months later, a sore subject still for many.Were kind of running the anchor leg with Pluto to finish the relay," Stern says.The sneak peeks of Pluto in recent weeks are getting "juicier and juicier," says Johns Hopkins project scientist Hal Weaver. "The science team is just drooling over these pictures."The Hubble Space Telescope previously captured the best pictures of Pluto. If the pixelated blobs of pictures had been of Earth, though, not even the continents would have been visible.The New Horizons team is turning "a point of light into a planet," Stern says.An image released last week shows a copper-colored Pluto bearing a large, bright spot in the shape of a heart.Scientists expect image resolution to improve dramatically by Tuesday. The 7,767-mile span at closest approach is about the distance between Seattle and Sydney.New Horizons, weighing less than 1,000 pounds including fuel, has seven instruments that will be going full force during the encounter. Its expected to collect 5,000 times as much data, for instance, as Mariner 4.Were going to rewrite the book," Weaver says. "This is itthis is our once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see it."The team gets one crack at this.Were trying to hit a very small box, relatively speaking," says Mark Holdridge, the encounter mission manager. "Its 60 by 90 miles, and were going 30,000 mph, and were trying to hit that box within a plus or minus 100 seconds."The only planet in our solar system discovered by an American, Pluto actually is a mini solar system unto itself. Plutojust two-thirds the size of our own moonhas big moon Charon thats just over half its size, as well as baby moons Styx, Nix, Hydra, and Kerberos. The names are associated with the underworld in which the mythological god, Pluto, reigned. New Horizons will observe each known moon and keep a lookout for more.Scientists involved in the 700 million effort want to get a good look at Pluto and Charon, and get a handle on their surfaces and chemical composition. They also plan to measure the temperature and pressure in Plutos nitrogen-rich atmosphere and determine how much gas is escaping into space. Temperatures can plunge to nearly minus-400 degrees.Bill McKinnon, a New Horizons team member from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, expects to see craters and possible volcanic remnants. A liquid ocean and a rocky core may lie beneath the icy shell.Anybody who thinks that when we go to Pluto, were going to find cold, dead ice balls is in for a rude shock," McKinnon says. "Im really hoping to see a very active and dynamic world."Pluto has tantalized astronomers since its 1930 discovery by Clyde Tombaugh using the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. Some of Tombaughs ashes are aboard New Horizons. His two children, now in their 70s, plan to be at Johns Hopkins for the encounter.With its tilted, elongated 248-year orbit, Pluto has made it only a third of the way around the Sun since its discovery. The amount of sunlight that reaches Pluto is so dim that at high noon, it looks like twilight here on Earth. The massive surrounding Kuiper Belt, in fact, is called the Twilight Zone. The New Horizons team has its eyes on a few much smaller objects in the Kuiper Belt, and is hoping for a mission extension as the spacecraft continues toward the solar system exit on the heels of NASAs Voyagers 1 and 2 and Pioneers 10 and 11.For now, signals take 4hours to travel one way between New Horizons and flight controllers in Maryland.New Horizonsscience instruments will be cranked up to collect maximum data Tuesday, leaving no time to send back data. In fact, scientists wont be absolutely certain of success until Tuesday night, 13 hours following New Horizonsclosest approach, when it "phones home."It will be Wednesday before the closest of Plutos close-ups are available for release. And it will be well into next yearOctober 2016before all the anticipated data are transmitted to Earth.

What is the significance of this mission? What do you find extraordinary about it?



jesus christ can you simplifiy it

i just read all of that and still am lost. that was simply too much

Which water cycle processes usually cause a lowering in the water table? Which processes cause a rise?




Lowering: During the summer months, the water table tends to fall, due in part to plants taking up water from the soil surface before it can reach the water table. The water table level is also influenced by human extraction of groundwater using wells; groundwater is pumped out for drinking water and to irrigate farmland.

Rise: Fluctuations in the water table level are caused by changes in precipitation between seasons and years. During late winter and spring, when snow melts and precipitation is high, the water table rises.

The water table typically drops throughout the summer because plants absorb water from the soil's surface before it can get to the water table.

What is Water table?

Human groundwater extraction through wells, including pumping out groundwater for drinking water and farmland irrigation, has an impact on the water table level as well.

Variations in precipitation over the course of seasons and years are what create fluctuations in the water table level. The water table rises in the late winter and early spring as snow melts and precipitation levels are high.

The  five steps of the nitrogen cycle, which are fixation or volatilization, mineralization, nitrification, immobilization, and denitrification. The fixation process is known as volatilization in this image because soil bacteria convert nitrogen gas (N2) into volatile ammonia (NH3).

Therefore, The water table typically drops throughout the summer because plants absorb water from the soil's surface before it can get to the water table.

To learn more about water table, refer to the link:


Which list places the layers of the sun in the correct order from outermost to innermost?

Corona, chromosphere, photosphere
Photosphere, radiative zone, convective zone
Convective, chromosphere, corona
Radiative zone, corona, convective zone



photosphere,radiative zone, convective zone (2)

Answer:Photosphere, convective zone, radiative zone

Explanation: i got it rii on the test i promise

Which statement describes the motion of the sun?

The sun rotates more slowly at its equator.
The sun rotates faster at its equator.
The sun rotates faster at its poles.
The sun does not rotate at its poles.



i think the third one because it rotates faster at the equator than it does its poles, but im not sure what you're comparing it to.


The sun rotates faster at its poles is the correct answer


True or false? The FLSA classifies employees as exempt or nonexempt from earning overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 50 hours per week.





Answer: True

Explanation got it right

Why do ruminants digest their food in 2 steps



Due to half way digestion the food matter becomes softer than earlier and the animal can chew it well.


porque yo no se eat caca ugh

True or False? The final step of manually reconciling a bank statement is comparing deposits noted on the statement against the office's records or receipts by making a check mark next to each correct number.
Pls help will mark brainliest


The answer is For this question is True

The bank statement is defined as the summary of financial transactions in a specific period of time. It allows to check for errors, suspicious activity and is required to apply for the loan.

The given statement is True.

The steps involved in reconciling a bank statement are:

1. Compare the bank deposits, such that the deposits in the bank should match with the bank statements.

2. Adjusting the bank statement such that if any of the data does not match then the bank statements should be adjusted to the correct value.

3. The cash account should be adjusted after correcting the bank statement.

4. Thus, finally the bank deposits and the bank statements should be compared.

Thus, the given statement is true.

To know more about bank statements, refer to the following link:


"Create a bar graph comparing the particle movement in hot water to that in cold water."


Atoms/particles in hot water move faster than the ones in cold water because its hot

Two heterozygous dominant parents for attached earlobes are crossed to predict the traits of their offspring. What is the ratio of attached earlobes to unattached earlobes in their offspring?

A - 3:1
B - 1:3
C - 2:2
D - 4:0



A - 3:1


In order to determine what number of offspring will have attached earlobes, we must make a Punnett table. We know that attached earlobes are the dominant gene, and we know unattached earlobes are recessive.

| P | p


P | PP | Pp |


p | Pp | pp |

As we can see, only one out of the four squares has two recessive genes. Therefore, our answer would be A - 3:1.

(3:1)would be the right answer to you mr question

how does photosynthesis relate to the formation of dna?



During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.


what are wavy features found on some sandstones?


Hi! The answer is Stratification. Goodluck :)


Stratification which means arranging something, or something that has been arranged, into categories

Hope this helps <3

If the gasoline floats on the surface of the puddle, what does that tell you about how its density compares to that of water? Explain your answer.


It tells that gasoline is less dense than water, because according to Archimedes Law states that any body completely or partially submerged in a fluid is acted upon by an upward, or buoyant, force, the magnitude of which is equal to the weight of the fluid, displaced by the object. So, when gasoline is put in water, it floats, it means that the buoyancy force is greater than gasoline's weight. It means that the weight of the same volume of water is more than the weight of the same volume of gasoline. It means that water has more density.

It tells that the gasoline has a lower density because it is floating in water else it will sink.
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