This fire creeps along slowly just at and under the forest surface with little flaming and more smoldering.Crown fireSurface fireGround fireComplex fire


Answer 1

The fire that creeps along slowly at and under the forest surface with little flaming and more smoldering are ground fires.

Ground fires (sometimes called underground or subsurface fires) occur in deep accumulations of humus, peat, and similar dead vegetation that become dry enough to burn. These fires move very slowly but can become difficult to fully put out, or suppress. Occasionally, especially during prolonged drought, such fires can smolder all winter underground and then emerge at the surface again in spring. Lightning strikes cause slightly less than half of all wildland fires, but account for nearly 67% of the land area burned.

Learn more about forest fires here:


Related Questions

Using the same country you chose for the mapping task as your subject, research important demographic factors using the World Factbook. Create a country profile, making sure to include the following information:

gross domestic product per capita
life expectancy
literacy rate
infant mortality rate
major agricultural products
major industries
main exports and imports
Using this information, write a short profile of the country you chose.


The BRAZIL country profile based on information are:

What is the profile?

1. In terms of gross domestic product per capita,  In 2019 was $8.717

2. In terms of life expectancy, it was 75.46 years in 2017

3. 93.23 percent in 2018

4. 2019 will see 12.4 deaths per year and 1000 live births.

5. Edible beans, wheat, rice, maize, cotton, soybeans, manioc, and sugar

6. The automobile, iron and steel, oil and gas, machinery and equipment, textile, agriculture, and equipment manufacturing industries

7. Soybeans, crude oil, iron ore, wood pulp treated with sulfate chemicals, and soybean meal are exported. Refined petroleum, car parts, crude petroleum, automobiles, and integrated circuits are all imported.

8 Soybeans ($33.2 billion), crude oil ($25.2 billion), iron ore ($20.5 billion), wood pulp containing sulfate chemicals ($8.26 billion), and soybean meal ($6.8 billion) are Brazil's biggest exports. Refined petroleum ($11.7 billion), auto parts ($6.12 billion), crude petroleum ($4.5 billion), cars ($4.24 billion), and integrated circuits ($4.17 billion) are Brazil's top five imports.

Learn more about country profile from

Which device is used to find the depth of sea?



A fathomometer is an instrument that is used to measure the depth of the ocean. It uses a weighted rope or cable that is dropped down into the water, and the depth is determined by measuring the length of the cable that is submerged. The weight of the cable helps to ensure that it sinks straight down to the bottom of the ocean, allowing for an accurate measurement of the depth.


True or False? Landslide-potential maps designate areas in which construction is illegal because of the high risk of mass movement there.


The statement, "Landslide-potential maps designate areas in which construction is illegal because of the high risk of mass movement there." is false.

The potential threat posed by landslides is depicted on many types of maps. These maps might be as straightforward as one that shows where past landslides have occurred to denote possible risk, or they could be as sophisticated as one that incorporates probabilities depending on elements like rainfall, slope angle, soil type, and earthquake shaking intensity.

Maps depicting the likelihood of landslides as well as the projected losses in lives and property, should one occur. Landslide hazard maps show the likelihood of landslides in a certain location. An ideal landslide potential risk map displays both the likelihood that a landslide will develop at a certain location and the likelihood that it will move downslope a specific distance.

Learn more about Landslide here:


In what cultural ways do the ancient Norse/Germanic people differ from the ancient Greeks? Need help asappp like nowwwww


Answer: The ancient Norse/Germanic people, also known as the Vikings, lived in northern Europe and had a distinct culture that differed from the ancient Greeks in a number of ways. Here are a few examples of cultural differences between the Norse/Germanic people and the ancient Greeks:

1. Religion: The ancient Norse/Germanic people followed a polytheistic religion centered around gods and goddesses such as Odin, Thor, and Freya, while the ancient Greeks followed a polytheistic religion centered around gods and goddesses such as Zeus, Athena, and Apollo.

2. Social structure: The ancient Norse/Germanic people had a warrior-based society with a strong emphasis on personal honor and loyalty to one's family and community. The ancient Greeks, on the other hand, had a more structured society with a system of governance based on city-states and democracy.

3. Art and architecture: The ancient Norse/Germanic people had a distinctive style of art and architecture characterized by elaborate carvings and ornamentation, as well as the use of animal motifs. The ancient Greeks, on the other hand, are known for their more classical style of art and architecture, characterized by symmetry, balance, and proportion.

4. Language and literature: The ancient Norse/Germanic people spoke a variety of Germanic languages, including Old Norse, and their literature was oral in nature, with sagas and myths passed down through the generations. The ancient Greeks spoke Greek and their literature was written down, with a rich tradition of epic poetry, plays, and philosophical works.

Which of the following location is not a sacred location for Muslims?
Medina, Saudi Arabia
Jerusalem, Israel
Mount Sinai, Egypt
Mecca, Saudi Arabia



Mount Sinai, Egypt


Mount Sinai, Egypt is not a sacred location for Muslims. Mount Sinai is a sacred location for Jews and Christians, as it is believed to be the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments. It is not considered to be a sacred location for Muslims. Medina and Mecca, both in Saudi Arabia, are the two holiest cities in Islam, and are considered to be sacred locations by Muslims. Medina is the site of the first Islamic mosque and is the burial place of the prophet Muhammad, and Mecca is the birthplace of Muhammad and the location of the Kaaba, the most sacred site in Islam. Jerusalem is also considered to be a sacred location for Muslims, as it is the site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, and is mentioned in the Quran as the place where the prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven.

The Invention of Printing Press can increase the level of literacy rate in a country. Justify your statement with a clear explanation.

Chances to be the brainliest in this question:
- Answer should have proper explanation.
- No false information should be given.
- Answer should be based on question.
- Answer should be appropriate.


The Invention of Printing Press can increase the level of literacy rate in a country. This is true.

What is literacy?

The ability to read, write, speak, and listen in a way that enables us to effectively communicate and make sense of the outside world is known as literacy.

It is necessary to be literate in order to function in society, accomplish one's objectives, and expand one's knowledge and potential.

Applying a clear equity lens to understand gaps in developing educational policies and standards will be necessary for fundamentally improving literacy.

Only about 30% of European adults were literate when Johannes Gutenberg created the printing press in 1440. Since Gutenberg's invention, there has been an increase in literacy rates in Europe.

Letterpress printing has had a significant influence on education throughout history. The invention of letterpress printing in the middle of the fifteenth century made it possible to produce large quantities of books for distribution. Because more people could afford books to learn to read as a result, the literacy rate rose.

Learn more about literacy on:


When trying to identify a lowered portion of the rain free cloud base as a wall cloud, the most important characteristic to look for is persistent ________.


If trying to identify a lowered portion of the rain free cloud base as a wall cloud, the most significant characteristic to check is persistent rotation.

What is a wall cloud?

A wall cloud is a huge, persistent, localized, and frequently abrupt lowering of cloud which develops beneath the surrounding base of a cumulonimbus cloud and eventually from tornadoes form.

The wall cloud is quite smaller and more dense than a shelf cloud and is generally under a rain free cloud base. Scud clouds are frequently mistakenly called funnel clouds or wall clouds. In the real event, these are just ascending clouds because of the raised low level relative humidity. They are not going to rotate and will rise steadily.

Learn more about clouds at:


read the following statement carefully and determine if it is true or false. the paleocene-eocene thermal maximum was a natural global warming event that occurred 56 million years ago. studies show that global temperatures rose by 5-9 degrees celsius over more than 1000 years and did not return to previous values until almost 120,000 years later.True or False


The statement about Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is false.

What is Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum?

The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum or PETM is a time period when the global average temperature is around 5-8°C. As the name this event occurred at the time between geological epochs of Paleocene and Eocene.

The duration for this time period is uncertain but study estimated this time period is around 55.5 up to 56 million years ago.

The study from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or IPCC give the statement that the time it takes to return to the previous value from this event is 20,000-50,000 years. So, from the study we can conclude the given statemen in question is false.

Learn more about Paleocene here:


What a Geologist Sees This photograph shows the Gorner Glacier near Zermatt, Switzerland. Label the glacial features with the correct term.


Geologist sees a lateral moraine, medial moraine, and mountain ice cap in Gorner Glacier near Zermatt, Switzerland picture below.

Where is the Gorner Glacier?The Gorner Glacier located near the Monte Rosa massif close to Zermatt, Switzerland. Gorner Glacier is one of the most extensively studied glaciers in the world.A lateral moraine shapes along the sides of a icy mass. As the icy mass rub along, it tears off shake and soil from both sides of its way. This fabric is kept as sidelong moraine at the beat of the glacier's edges. Lateral moraines are ordinarily found in coordinating edges on either side of the ice sheet.A medial moraine comprises of a long, contract line or zone of flotsam and jetsam shaped when lateral moraines connect at the crossing point of two ice streams; the resultant moraine is within the center of the combined icy mass.

Learn more about moraine here:


explain the three important principles enshrined in the framework convention on climate change. g


"Stabilize GHG concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would preclude severe anthropogenic interference with the climate system," according to the UNFCCC, is its ultimate goal.

We provide the following seven arguments for effective climate change planning: Clear objectives, a variety of tactics, public involvement, coordination among players, sectors, and plans, protocols for execution and monitoring, and methods to deal with ambiguity are all required. intensify their efforts and back initiatives to cut emissions, increase resilience and lessen susceptibility to the negative consequences of climate change, and support and advance regional and global cooperation. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which aims to stabilise atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to prevent "dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system," lays out the fundamental legal framework and guiding principles for international climate change cooperation.

To learn more about UNFCCC click the link below:


Word analysis. examine the words and/or phrases for each question below and determine the relationship among the majority of words /phrases. chooses the options that does not fit the pattern.
a. paleoclimatology
b. sea-level rise
c. increasing ocean acidity
d. arctic changes


The relationship among the majority of words deforestation does not match the pattern because it is a problem brought on by humans whereas the rest of the options are natural. The correct option A paleoclimatology.

Natural resources such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas are the alternative energy sources. Paleoclimatology while the rest of the choices are consequences of climate change, paleoclimatology studies climate change.Heavy rainfall and tall, mostly evergreen trees are characteristics of a rainforest.

The oldest ecosystems still in existence on.

Earth are certain rainforests, which have been around for at least 7O million years. They include more than half of the world's plant and animal species, but only accounting up 6% of the Earth's area, making them incredibly complex and diverse. As a result, rainforests feature an astoundingly wide variety of plant and animal life; one rainforest can host 1,500 flowering plants.

To know more about Rainforest visit:


most African americans are descendants of people who participated in ___ migration whereas American Hispanics and Asian Americans are descendants of people who participated in ___ migrationforcedvoluntary


Most African americans are descendants of people who participated in European migration whereas American Hispanics and Asian Americans are descendants of people who participated in American migrationforcedvoluntary.

Native Americans still make up the majority of heritage for some people. Many people also have European ancestry, including Spanish and other nations. Africans make up the third group; they were imported as slaves, particularly to the Caribbean and Brazil.

The selection "Americans" is unclear because it refers to all people who live in America, regardless of ancestry.People can establish and express their opinions about the world and its administration by a variety of acts they do as participation, and they can also try to sway the decisions that have an impact on their lives.

To know more about political participation visit:


After the Soviet Union ended what happened. Health care in Russia deteriorated and life expectancy for Russian men and women dropped.


The biggest factor contributing to this relatively low life expectancy for males is a high mortality rate among working-age males from preventable causes (e.g., alcohol poisoning, stress, smoking, traffic accidents, violent crimes).

Some nations were able to switch to general practise and health insurance with higher out-of-pocket costs after the fall of the USSR [5]. However, there were several locations where social circumstances and living standards declined along with unemployment and financial instability. The highest contributor to men's relatively short life expectancy is the high death rate from avoidable causes among men of working age (e.g., alcohol poisoning, stress, smoking, traffic accidents, violent crimes). The Soviet healthcare system improved health in the USSR by giving residents access to high-quality, free medical treatment.

To learn more about life expectancy click the link below:


Large-scale irrigation projects implemented by the Soviets in the 1950s have diverted water from the two rivers that feed the sea.


The Soviet Union under Khrouchtchev purposely robbed the Aral Sea of its two primary sources of water revenue in the 1950s by implementing a programme to boost agriculture, particularly that of cotton, which almost immediately resulted in less water entering the sea.

Formerly the fourth-largest lake in the world, the Aral Sea in the Soviet Union is rapidly vanishing. Its size shrank by 40% and its level sank by roughly 13 metres between 1960 and 1987. Reduced input brought on mostly by water withdrawals for agriculture has resulted in recession. Because water from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers was diverted for agricultural irrigation starting around 1960, the water level of the Aral Sea gradually and significantly decreased. The Aral Sea, a lake they created, used to be the fourth-largest lake in the world. Although irrigation made the desert flourish, the Aral Sea was severely damaged.

To learn more about agriculture click the link below:


t/f. Correlation of rock units between continents or widely separated areas is accomplished by using physical features such as color, texture, and thickness of ... ·


Sedimentary strata are geographically distant but the same age is known as correlation. Magnetic polarity reversals, rock types, distinctive rock sequences, or index fossils can all be used to find correlation.

It involves stratigraphic correlation between different locations. Although strata over short distances can frequently be correlated by following specific beds from one location to another, correlation across great distances and across seas nearly always requires the study of fossils. Stratigraphic, lithostratigraphic, chronostratigraphic, and biostratigraphic correlation are the four main forms.

To learn more about correlation please click on below link


it is _____ that there will be more frequent hot and fewer cold temperature extremes (over most land areas on daily and seasonal timescales) as the global mean surface temperature increases



It is true that there will be more frequent hot and fewer cold temperature extremes areas on daily and seasonal timescales) as the global mean surface temperature increases


"global mean surface temperature increases." This means an increase in average warmth.

A scale drawing of Jerome's living room is shown below: A rectangle is shown. The length of the rectangle is labeled as length equal to 8 cm, and the width is labeled as width equal to 6 cm. If each 2 cm on the scale drawing equals 6 feet, what are the actual dimensions of the room? Length = 16 feet, width = 12 feet Length = 11 feet, width = 9 feet Length = 24 feet, width = 18 feet


The actual dimensions of Jerome's living room are length = 24 feet, width = 18 feet, hence option (C) is correct.

What are dimensions?

The power to which the fundamental quantities are increased in order to express a physical quantity is referred to as the dimension of that physical quantity. The symbols for mass, length and time are [M], [L], and [T], respectively. Height, length, and width are the three dimensions that define everything around us, including the homes in which we reside and the items we use on a daily basis.

Physical items are not the only things that can have dimensions. Two dimensions (2D) shapes only have two dimensions, like length and height. A 2D shape is something like a circle, square, or triangle. An object that is three-dimensional (3D) has three dimensions, including length, breadth, and height.


Since 2cm = 6 feet


Length is = 4(6) = 24 feet

And, width is = 3(6) = 18 feet

To learn more about dimensions, visit:


The complete question is:

A scale drawing of Jerome's living room is shown below:


A rectangle is shown. The length of the rectangle is labeled as length equal to 8 cm, and the width is labeled as width equal to 6 cm. If each 2 cm on the scale drawing equals 6 feet, what are the actual dimensions of the room?

A. Length = 16 feet, width = 12 feet

B. Length = 11 feet, width = 9 feet

C. Length = 24 feet, width = 18 feet

D. Length = 20 feet, width = 18 feet

groundwater group of answer choices flows mainly in underground river channels. flows faster through shale than sandstone. typically moves slowly within the ground through permeable rock layers like sandstone. completely fills the zone of saturation above the water table.


Through permeable rock strata like sandstone, groundwater usually travels slowly within the ground. Option (3) is correct.

Through the crevices between rocks, water is forced downhill and sideways by gravity and pressure. In order to maintain the water cycle, it eventually reemerges to the land's surface, into rivers, and into the oceans. Gravity causes ground water to go downward from higher recharge locations to lower recharge areas, where it can either be retained in aquifers or released into streams.

Deeper = slower movement = longer residence time in groundwater systems. The majority of groundwater comes from precipitation in the form of rain or snow, which is meteoric water. Water from the surface seeps into the ground as soon as the water touches the earth. Due to interconnected pore spaces, water can travel through rock and soil underground.

Learn more about groundwater visit:


Correct Question:

Groundwater group of answer choices

1. flows mainly in underground river channels.

2. flows faster through shale than sandstone.

3. typically moves slowly within the ground through permeable rock layers like sandstone.

4. completely fills the zone of saturation above the water table.

1. When plates collide, ____ are formed.

A. canyons
B. oceans
C. mountains
D. ridges

2. What is a underwater mountain that rises above sea level?

A. abyssal plain
B. island
C. sea mount
D. continental shelf


c for both

hope this does the job

Summarize the formation of the Atlantic Ocean by putting the following into the correct order, which the first stage on top:
1: North America, South America, Europe, and Africa were all part of the same super-continent.
2. The crust underneath the super-continent was uplifted by underlying magma moving toward the surface.
3. The continental crust began to stretch, and a continental rift was formed.
4. The rift split the super-continent to form a narrow ocean basin.
5. The ocean basin continued to widen through seafloor spreading.


Summarize the formation of the atlantic Ocean by putting. The correct option is 3.The continental crust began to stretch, and a continental rift was formed.

The Americas and Africa and Europe were divided by a continental rift, and as the Earth continued to move, it first created a rift basin and then a narrow ocean basin that eventually became the seafloor how the seafloor is created.At the location where the plate boundary diverges, seafloors are known to form.The tectonic plates' separation from one another causes the creation.Summarize the formation of the Atlantic Ocean by putting.

To know more about Continental rift visit:


A landslide in the Oregon Cascades causes all the soil in a 30-meter by 300-meter section of a mountain to fall away, taking the trees and their roots and all other vegetation with it. Within three years, however, lichens and some small herbaceous plants can be seen on the surface of the remaining rock. This is an example of:
primary succession.
a climax community.


A landslide in the Oregon Cascades causes all the soil in a 30-meter by 300-meter section of a mountain to fall away, taking the trees and their roots and all other vegetation with it. Within three years, however, lichens and some small herbaceous plants can be seen on the surface of the remaining rock. This is an example of Secondary succession.

The second ecological succession in a plant's life is known as secondary succession. Secondary succession, as opposed to primary succession, is a process that is initiated by an occurrence that reduces an already established ecosystem to a smaller population of species. As a result, secondary succession occurs on preexisting soil, whereas primary succession typically takes place in an area lacking soil.

Primary composition, trophic interactions, and trade-offs between competition and colonization are just a few of the variables that might influence secondary succession. It is possible that seed production and dispersal, microclimate, landscape structure, bulk density, pH, and soil texture are the key elements that regulate how many individuals of a species there are during succession.

The question is incomplete. The complete question is, "A landslide in the Oregon Cascades causes all the soil in a 30-meter by 300-meter section of a mountain to fall away, taking the trees and their roots and all other vegetation with it. Within three years, however, lichens and some small herbaceous plants can be seen on the surface of the remaining rock. This is an example of:

primary succession.secondary succession.facilitation.a climax community."

Learn more about Ecosystem here:


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