This is an excerpt from a journal from a soldier fighting on the western front. The trenches are mud up to our ankles. In other places, the trenches are waist deep in water. We spend all our time digging and filling sandbags, running for supplies and stores, or building up the tops of the trench. There is no time to be weary or bored. What does this journal entry describe?
a. the difficulty of eating in a trench
b. the difficulty of bombing a trench
c. the difficulty of sleeping in a trench
d. the difficulty of maintaining a trench


Answer 1

The correct answer is D) the difficulty of maintaining a trench.

What this journal entry describes is the difficulty of maintaining a trench.

That is why we read in the excerpt that "We spend all our time digging and filling sandbags, running for supplies and stores, or building up the tops of the trench. There is no time to be weary or bored."

During World War I, a stalemate was the term widely used to describe a state of war in which neither side was winning or gaining an advantage.

This happened during the war in the trenches in WW 1.

The adaptations that the soldiers made for fighting in the trenches during World War 1, allowed the troops to modify the strategy when they built the trenches in the war front. The trenches were built to protect soldiers from firearms from the enemy. The strategy used prolonged the war in what historians call "a stalemate in the Western Front," from 1914 to 1918. During this period, there were no significant advances on both sides.

Answer 2




Related Questions

(Score for Question 3: of 9 points)

3. How did the railroads impact Seattle, Tacoma, and Spokane during this time? Describe how each city was
type your answer here


If you're still here, please give the time frame of this question, as you didn't already do so. Thanks

Each Sumerian city was the center of an independent​



The invention of government is often credited to the Sumerians. Each city-state also had its own god In the center of each city was a large temple to the city god called a ziggurat The ziggurat looked like a step pyramid with a flat top☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

What practice of the railroad monopolies hurt American farmers? A) They prevented farmers from producing more crops than could be shipped easily. B) They blocked farmers from selling their goods abroad. C) They charged high shipping rates for getting farm products to market.



C) They charged high shipping rates for getting farm products to market.


Farmers' Alliance was an American agrarian economic movement created by the farmers living and farming in the United States of America during the 1870s and 1880s. The Farmers' Alliance was aimed and focused on improving the economic conditions for all American farmers to grow, develop and flourish excellently through the establishment of cooperatives and political advocacy groups.

Basically, the Farmers' Alliance believed majority of the economic problem and challenges was caused by industrial monopolies, eastern bank and railroads.

The railroad monopolies hurt American farmers because they were extorting the farmers by way of charging high shipping rates to transport their farm products to the market.

Hence, the Farmers' Alliance was formed so as to break the economic grip considered to be caused by the railroad monopolies, through the establishment of farmers' cooperatives.



Alumno/a: _______________________________

(Es importante explicitar el nombre del estudiante para facilitar la corrección por la plataforma)

A partir de lo trabajado en clases (presenciales y virtuales) y de la lectura de las páginas 8 a 17 del cuadernillo, resuelvan con sus palabras las siguientes actividades:

1) ¿Qué son las declaraciones que aparecen en la Constitución Nacional?

2) Completen el siguiente cuadro para clasificar a los artículos de la Constitución Nacional según la categoría de declaración política, religiosa, económico-financiera y jurídica. (Les recomiendo buscar los artículos en el texto de la Constitución Nacional que se encuentra disponible como archivo adjunto de esta actividad.)


Explicación de la declaración





El Tesoro nacional es el dinero disponible para cubrir los gastos del Gobierno nacional. El dinero del Tesoro nacional proviene de: venta o alquiler de tierras del país, impuestos por las cosas que entran y salen del país y los que paga la población, préstamos que pide el Gobierno cuando el dinero de los impuestos no le alcanza. El Congreso nacional es el encargado de crear los impuestos. Los impuestos deben ser equitativos: cuanto más tenés, más pagás.







3) Busquen en la Constitución Nacional los artículos 14 y 14 bis, 15, 37, 41 y 75 inciso 17. Luego expliquen con sus palabras cuáles son los derechos reconocidos en cada uno de los artículos, a qué clasificación de derechos corresponde, busquen una imagen para ilustrarlos y agréguenle un epígrafe.


Artículo 14: Reconoce a todos los habitantes de Argentina (nacionales y extranjeros) la libertad para trabajar, transitar, comerciar, peticionar a las autoridades, y de expresión, asociación, culto y educación. Es por ello que decimos que el artículo 14 garantiza los derechos civiles (de primera generación.

La imagen ilustra el derecho a publicar las ideas por la prensa sin censura previa

4) ¿Qué son las garantías constitucionales?

5) A continuación les presento diversos casos en los que no se cumplen las garantías constitucionales. Comenten con sus palabras qué tipo de acción judicial usarían en cada caso para proteger los derechos constitucionales.

a) Una persona es detenida en la vía pública por ser de la religión musulmana

b) Una ley sancionada este año establece que los alumnos que el año pasado aprobaron la materia de Construcción de la Ciudadanía con 7 deben rendir nuevamente la materia, porque ahora se estableció que la note mínima es 8

c) Una persona es detenida por fumar en la vía pública, en un espacio abierto

d) Una persona que robó una bicicleta fue detenida y golpeada por los vecinos de la zona

e) Un grupo de jóvenes fue detenido por la policía y obligados a mostrar los mensajes recibidos en sus teléfonos

f) Una familia está a punto de ser desalojada de su vivienda porque se atrasó una semana en el pago del alquiler

6) Elaboren un mapa conceptual para graficar las declaraciones, derechos y garantías reconocidas en la primera parte de la constitución nacional.



is there english transalation?


Which economics term does each scenario describe?

(Match these)


diversified economy

single-resource economy

A nation with many pineapple plantations exports fresh
pineapples, canned pineapples, and pineapple products.

A nation rich in precious gemstones just exports diamonds
to be made into necklaces, rings, and other jewelry,

A nation with several climate zones exports almonds,
cranberries, corn, wheat, and peaches.


The following economic term match each scenario.

A nation with many pineapple plantations exports fresh pineapples, canned pineapples, and pineapple products - Specialization.A nation that is rich in precious gemstones just exports diamonds to be made into necklaces, rings, and other jewelry - A single-resource economy.A nation with several climate zones exports almonds, cranberries, corn, wheat, and peaches - A diversified economy.

What is a diversified economy?

The process of economic diversification involves moving an economy away from a single income source and towards many ones from a widening array of industries and markets. It has traditionally been used as a tactic to promote healthy economic development.

Thus, the mentioned given above are correctly matched with each scenario.

Learn more about economy here:


what is the cause for the decline of mamluk egypt or fatmid dynasty​


Four factors were introduced as the contributors of the decline of Mamluk Egypt: faulty political structure, the Black Death, loss of dominance in trade, and foreign invasions. An important fact to understand about these four factors is that the last two factors is actually a consequence of the first two.

What was passed by Congress to help the nation pull out of the Great Depression?



The undeprssion bill


It undo's depression

Identify and record phrases that suggest that
a firestorm was the result of the bombing.


Hello. You did not enter the text where these phrases should be searched, which makes it impossible for this question to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

To find these phrases, you will have to read the text. You'll be able to find them when the text addresses the firestorm, using a cause and effect textual structure. This kind of structure is noticed in a text that shows that an event caused the existence of another event. In this case, the phrases you need will be the ones that show that the bombing, or some element that made up that bombing, was what caused the existence of a firestorm in the affected area.

This map illustrates the Columbian Exchange. Which contribution to the
European diet came from the Americas?
A. Sugar
B. Turkey
C. Coffee
D. Beef


*answer*: Turkey

hope it helps

thank you :)

When did Zayn Malik leave one direction?


Zany Malik leave one direction in March 25 2015 .

The graph shows excess supply.

A graph titled Excess supply has quantity on the x-axis and price on the y-axis. A line with positive slope represents supply and a line with negative slope represents demand. The lines intersect at the point of equilibrium (p star, Q star). A point on the demand line is (P 2, quantity demanded) and a point on the supply line is (P 2, quantity supplied). Both points are higher than the point of equilibrium. Excess supply is indicated between the 2 points.
Which needs to happen to the price indicated by p2 on the graph in order to achieve equilibrium?

a) It needs to be increased.
b) It needs to be decreased.
c) It needs to reach the price ceiling.
d) It needs to remain unchanged.


I believe it’s D or C it’s one of those

A historian could best use this map to study which topic?
1. O United Nations membership
2. O Cold War confrontations
Decolonization efforts
4. O Genocide refugee camp sites


The correct answer is number 2) Cold War confrontations.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the map. Where is the map?

Without the map, just you know the information. We don't.

However, trying to help you we did some deep research and found one map that highlights places where the United States and the Soviet Union had conflicts and confrontations during the Cold War years.

The places highlighted on the map are the Island of Cuba, North and South Korea, and North and South Vietnam.

So the correct answer indeed is:

A historian could best use this map to study the topic "Cold War confrontations."

During the tense years of the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States competed in the arms race, the space race, and the spread/containment of Communism in different places of the world such as the Island of Cuba Korea Vietnam.

in a market economy decisions about which goods are produced are based on



They are based on what products are available and at what prices are determined through the interaction of supply and demand

What role is China playing in developing renewable energy?



Answer to the following question is as follow;


The Chinese authority and government prioritize sustainable energy investment because it allows the country to address environmental degradation and reduce pollution while also reducing the danger of socioeconomic turbulence and create a healthy environment. The Chinese government supports renewable energy to reduce air pollution.

Hello Everyone
Pls answer

write a note on Robert Clive ​


Major-General Robert Clive, 1st Baron Clive KB, FRS (29 September 1725 – 22 November 1774),[1][2][3] was the first British Governor of the Bengal Presidency. He is credited along with Warren Hastings for laying the foundation of the British Empire in India.[4][5] He began as a writer (the term used then in India for an office clerk) for the East India Company (EIC) who established the military and political supremacy of the EIC by securing a decisive victory in Bengal and looting its treasury of an estimated £2.325 billion in modern terms.[6] In return for supporting the Nawab of Bengal Mir Jafar on the throne, Clive was granted a jaghire of £30,000 (equivalent to £4,100,000 in 2019) per year which was the rent the EIC would otherwise pay to the Nawab for their tax farming concession, when he left India he had a fortune of £180,000 (equivalent to £24,300,000 in 2019) which he remitted through the Dutch East India Company.[7] Blocking impending French mastery of India, and eventual British expulsion from the continent, Clive improvised a military expedition that ultimately enabled the EIC to adopt the French strategy of indirect rule via puppet government. Hired by the EIC to return a second time to India, Clive conspired to secure the company's trade interests by overthrowing the ruler of Bengal, the richest state in India. Back in England, he used his treasure from India to secure an Irish barony from the then Whig PM, Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle, and a seat for himself in Parliament, via Henry Herbert, 1st Earl of Powis, representing the Whigs in Shrewsbury, Shropshire (1761–1774), as he had previously in Mitchell, Cornwall (1754–1755).[8][9]


Robert Clive, 1st Baron Clive of Plassey, KB (29 September 1725 – 22 November 1774), also known as Clive of India, was a British soldier who established British control in Southern India and Bengal. Together with Warren Hastings he was one of the key figures in the creation of British India.

After the election of 1860, in which Abraham Lincoln was elected president, South Carolina seceded from the
Union. Ten other states followed its lead, forming the Confederate States of America. President Lincoln decided
that he could not allow the country to break apart and that only military force no could save the Union. The Civil War
began. What other options did Lincoln have, if any, in his quest to save the nation?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can say the following.

Indeed, President Lincoln decided that he could not allow the country to break apart and that only military force could save the Union. Under those conditions, President Lincoln did not have many options to choose from in his quest to save the nation.

With the victory of Abraham Lincoln in the presidential election, the leaders of the southern states knew that things were not going to favor them. Northern abolitionists continued to demand the end of slavery in the southern states. However, slavery was on the basis of the southern economy. Landlords needed slaves to work for long hours in the farm fields to produce the cash crops needed for trade and to export to Europe.

Some southern states ended up making the decision to secede from the Union and these states were Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Texas, and South Carolina, Louisiana, North Carolina, Virginia, Arkansas, and Tennessee.

That is why, when the war ended, President Lincoln supported the Ten Percent Plan to readmit former Confederate states to the Union. Lincoln wanted to heal the wounds of the Civil War as quickly as possible.

After the victory of the Union Army over the Confederated States that ended the Civil War, President Lincoln wanted a quick union of the country. He created the Ten Percent Plan where only 10% of the people of each Souther State had to make a swore of allegiance to the Union for the Souther state to be readmitted. Lincoln really wanted a quick Reconstruction process.

Why did Appeasement of Hitler/Germany fail to prevent WW2?



Hitler was interested in world domination, The reason why the appeasement failed was because we gave him more land and asked him to not take anymore over. its similar to giving a 2yr old candy from a store and expecting a 2yr old not to ask for anything else, the 2yr old is obviously going to ask for more candy and if you dont agree its going to through a tantrum


explain the attitudes and politics toward immigration in the 1920s​



Bad attitude.


The attitudes and politics of Americans toward immigration in the 1920s​ was not good because Americans thought that these immigrants increase unemployment as well decreases the wages. Many Americans feared that there was high unemployment rate in America after World War I. New immigrants were used to break strikes and were blamed for the deterioration in wages so we can say that Americans attitudes turns bad due to the above factors,

who was the founder of Khas Rajya??​



Khasa Malla Kingdom Nepali

Blank secured access to oil during World War 1 & Beyond by buying a majority stake in blank
First blank: Britain, France, Russia
Second blank: the Suez Canal Company, Anglo-Persian Oil Company, the Oil Company of Persia




Anglo-Persian oil company


After the French Revolution and the class Revolution in Haiti, who was inspired to rebel in 1791 (5 points)?
San Martin


Answer: L'Ouverture


François-Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture was the most prominent leader of the Haitian Revolution which began in 1791 and overthrew the French government and then abolished slavery. It was the only slave uprising that was so successful that it led to a country being established.

Even though he was born a slave, L'Ouverture eventually became a free man and was pained by the treatment of enslaved people in Haiti. He led the people to fight the French and when the French asked of negotiations, he went to meet them but they instead captured him and imprisoned him in France where he later died.

Which statements about the events of September 11, 2001 are true?

Choose all answers that are correct.

Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda planned and carried out the attacks on the United States.

Passengers on three of the four hijacked planes managed to overpower the terrorists.

A hijacked airliner was flown into the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C.

The terrorists who carried out the attacks claimed that killing American civilians was justified.



Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda planned and carried out the attacks on the United States.

As Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people shouted,"_____!“
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the _____.

Question 1:

Question 2:



Question 1 is Hosanna, Question 2 is Lord

As Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people shouted, "[tex]\boxed{ Hosanna }[/tex]!“

Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the [tex]\boxed{ Lord }[/tex].

[tex]\bold{ \green{ \star{ \orange{Mystique35}}}}⋆[/tex]

Question 1
Points 1
was a series of essays in support of the Constitution.
ngs to
O Federalist Papers
n 1777-
Virginia Plan
ing a
Bill of Rights
New Jersey Plan
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Why did Japan aggressively expand in the 1930s?


Answer: Facing the problem of insufficient natural resources and following the ambition to become a major global power, the Japanese Empire began aggressive expansion in the 1930s. This caused the Japanese to proceed with plans to take the Dutch East Indies, an oil-rich territory.


Hope it helps you if not sorry

Why did the US military think they would win the war against Vietnam?



hope it helps thank you❤

why is it important to learn about the united states presence on the global stage?


It gives you knowledge about society

World War 1 took place from ______________ to _____________, and was known during that time as the ___________________________ .


Answer:World War 1 took place from ___8th  July, 1914 to 11 November, 1918 and was known during that time as the __Great war_ .


World War 1  was said to have started after the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian heir, Archduke Franz Ferdinand  on 28 June 1914 by a member of the Serbian Black Hand military society,  Gavrilo Princip who was also  a Bosnian Serb Yugoslav nationalist for whose reason together with other nationalists was to end Austro-Hungarian rule over Bosnia and Herzegovina. This sprang up events  that started the World war 1.

After the removal of troops from the South, whites disenfranchised African Americans, or


Voter disenfranchisement happens due to an influx of Jim Crow laws. Such laws mandated literacy tests and many other such frivolous requirements for African Americans to vote. Thus gearing away the little progress made during the brief period of reconstruction in the post-slavery era.

how did the ideas of the Enlighnment advance both the obolition movement and the woman's rights movement?


Answer:It really didn't advance either one. The abolition movement was

a 100 years after the Enlightenment and the women's rights movement

was 200 years after the Enlightenment.


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