Thomas Aquinas tried to reconcile the concept of ___ with ___. This formed the basis of a philosophy called​


Answer 1


Thomas Aquinas tried to reconcile the concept of Aristole with church.

I don't know the answer to the second one....


Answer 2


Thomas Aquinas tried to reconcile the concept of  




This formed the basis of a philosophy called  




100% right just took it

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The United States of America was formed because



They Declared Independence from England


The US began the revolutionary war to break free from England in 1775 and they succeeded in doing so, they then had to create their government which was originally from the Articles of Confederation, but it created a very weak central government. The US created the Constitution and it is still there.

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Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla sparked the Mexican independence movement in 1810. Hidalgo was ordained as a Catholic priest in 1778, and his early...

Don Miguel Gregorio Antonio Ignacio Hidalgo-Costilla y Gallaga Mandarte Villaseño was the person who sparked the Mexican Independence Movement. He was also known by the names Don Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla or Miguel Hidalgo. He was a priest of Mexican Roman catholic.

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In the Midwest region, there were many tribes that lived there. The Blackfeet, Sioux, and Chippewa were the three largest tribes in this region. These tribes never settled in one place because the tribes were well know for their religious ceremonies, hunting skills, and war customs.

What is the best description of opportunity cost?
all the options NOT chosen
the next best thing NOT chosen
the price paid for a good or service
the market value of a good or service



Dno. is the answer of upper question

Which is a corrupt political machine of the late 1800s?

A: The Rough Riders

B: Tammany Hall

C: The Jungle

D: Tweed's Boys





What was different about religious practices in Pennsylvania and
A. All colonists in Pennsylvania were Quakers, but none in
Massachusetts were.
B. Pennsylvania was full of Anglicans; Massachusetts had Puritans.
C. Pennsylvania allowed different religions; Massachusetts did not.
D. Pennsylvania was mostly Roman Catholic; Massachusetts was
mostly Puritan.






Which strategies or policies have governments used throughout history to unite their nations?
Choose all answers that are correct.

A. Unifying the legal code
B. Standardizing weights and measures
C. Introducing feudalism
D. Accepting religious toleration



A. Unifying the legal code

B. Standardizing weights and measures

D. Accepting religious toleration


I just took the test

A b c that the answer for the question u welcome

When the Depression began, the federal government had a system of direct relief for giving food or money to those in need.





The Statement is False.

What is Economic Depression?

An Economics depression is known to be as the period of long term downturn in overall economic activity in the economies or known to be as the slowdown in economy.

There is no system of direct relief for giving money or the food to those who need actually at the period of depression there is no availability there as economic is in downface.

Therefore Option False is correct.

Learn more about Economic Depression here:


In 60 words or fewer, write how many of your CDs you would trade for an MP3 player. Think about what else you would need to make that trade.



If I had CDs that I could trade for an MP3 player, it would depend on many things.

It would depend on..

What genre they like

Quality of the CDs(any fingerprints or scratches)

Quantity of CDs(they might be able to sell the CDs for a good profit?)

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Exploration can be traced to the
Phoenicians, Muslims, and Chinese
was the front-runner in
European exploration.
A. Russia
B. Polynesia
C. Vikings
D. Portugal



D. Portugal


The Heiji War was _____.


Answer: The Heiji War was a civil war between the Taira and Minamoto clans.



A civil war between the Taira and Minamoto clans


What effect of the fall of the Roman Empire does the farmer describe?


the decline in literally
Hopefully it help you

Select the correct answer.
What similarity can be drawn between state and national governments?
Both have three branches of government and a constitution.
Neither uses any form of direct democracy.
O c.
Both have constitutions that are difficult to change.
Both have the ability to raise and control a military.



A) Both have three branches of government and a constitution.

Eli Whitney's cotton gin was important to industrialization in the United States because it demonstrated that?



Americans did not have to rely on the British for industrial innovations

Eli whitney's cotton gin was important to industrialization in the United States because it demonstrated that Americans did not have to rely on British for industrial innovations.

What is the “Full Faith and Credit Clause” and what challenges did states face in the recent past regarding this clause?




Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. The Full Faith and Credit Clause ensures that states honor the court judgments of other states.

What did the national womens association and the american womens association disagree on?



maybe the fifteenth amendment...


hope it will help you

Help me please??? i need a lot of help



to ensure the monopoly of the spice trade.


The monopoly of spice trade xx :) is correct

Question 1
1 pts
What did Johnson do to move the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through Congress?
O He made Senator Barry Goldwater look like a radical for not supporting the Act.
O He urged Congress to pass the Act in honor of President Kennedy.
O He threatened to go around the House Rules Committee with a special petition.
O He went to men with power and worked with them to approve the Act.


Answer: He urged congress to pass the act in honor of president kennedy

Contractionary monetary policy is designed to;


The goal is to reduce inflation by limiting the amount of active money circulating in the economy. It also aims to quell unsustainable speculation and capital investment that previous expansionary policies may have triggered.

What event motivated China to launch its self-strengthening movement in the 19th century?



Taiping Rebellion

The Self-Strengthening Movement, also known as the Westernization or Western Affairs Movement ( c. 1861–1895), was a period of institutional reforms initiated in China during the late Qing dynasty following the military disasters of the Opium Wars.

Which two cases would the Supreme Court be most likely to review?
a case concerning presidential actions
a case in which a federal law is challenged
a case concerning a motor vehicle accident
a case involving two members of Congress



A case concerning presidential actions.

The two cases which would be most likely be reviewed by the Supreme Court are a case concerning presidential actions and a case in which a federal law is challenged.

What is a Supreme Court?

The United States Supreme Court is the highest court in the federal judiciary of the United States. It has final appellate authority over all federal court matters as well as state court cases involving a point of U.S. Constitutional or federal law.

In the United States, judicial review refers to a court's legal jurisdiction to determine whether a statute, agreement, or administrative regulation conflicts with or violates the provisions of existing law, a state constitution, and, ultimately, the US Constitution. Although the authority of judicial review is not expressly stated in the United States Constitution, it has been inferred from the structure, contents, and history of the document.

Therefore, the first and the second options are the correct answer.

Learn more about Supreme Court here:


This is about Germany (Nazi Germany)

1.Economy/ Agriculture
How did the leaders plan to improve it?

What were the
•Command Economy
•New Laws (banned strikes and unions)
• Restored Economy

2. Terror
What is it and how did leaders use it?

what are the
•Storm Troopers (SS)/Brown shirts

3. Analysis
•Why did Totalitarian Leaders emerge?

•What is the impact they had on their county?(Germany)

•how did they impact WW2?



storm troopers or SS where a elite force some what of a special force also known as hitlers bodyguards

Anyone help please please



don't know ...............,

Question 9 of 20 Which type of business grew most quickly in the United States during the late 1800s? O A. Employee-owned factories O B. Local farms C. Family-owned stores O D. Large corporations​



pretty sure its B


Yeah I think its B

Whom do scientific historians credit with starting the scientific revolution? A. Leeuwenhoek B. Copernicus C. Newton D. Galileo



Your answer would be B hope that helps you out


what movements shaped american culture during the depression



Patriotism and Affirmation


The movements that shaped American culture during the depression is "Patriotism and Affirmation"

The above statement is TRUE because the Great Depression which occurred between 1929 to 1933 initially caused expression of suffering and cynicism over capitalism's failure among the majority of Americans. However, with the introduction of the New Deal programs by Franklin Roosevelt, including the foreign threats of Word War II in the 1930s, the socio-cultural climate changed to patriotism and affirmation.

Hola soy nuevo quería saber si podrían dar 3 ideas de la capitulación de la batalla de Ayacucho (Peru) y 3 ideas de importancia de la batalla de Ayacucho


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Te compartimos esta información con el deseo de ayudarte a responder tu pregunta

El Libertador Simón Bolívar llegó a Perú el primero de septiembre de 1823 y tuvo una recepción digna que fue celebrada.

Como jefe militar del llamado Alto Perú, la rebelión de Pedro Antonio Olañeta, se efectuó el 22 de enero de 1824, con el respaldo del ejército realista de aquella región. La rebelión iba dirigida en contra de José de la Serna, Virrey de Perú.

La batalla de Junín sucedió el 6 de agosto de 1824. Los patriotas y el ejército realista combatieron en la región conocida como Pampa de Junín.

La batalla de Ayacucho, aconteció en la Pampa de Quinua, en Ayacucho el 9 de diciembre de 1824. El resultado favorable de esta batalla terminó con la época virreinal en Perú, consolidando la independencia del país.

Una vez conseguida la victoria ese 9 de diciembre de 1824, la Capitulación de Ayacucho fue el acuerdo firmado entre los militares José de Sucre y José de Canterac, con el que se dieron por concluidas las hostilidades.

The greatest number of Mexican immigrants came to the United States during the 1970s. 1980s. 1990s. 2000s.





During the 1970s, almost five million immigrants arrived in the United States the largest migration of people since the 1920s. The great majority of these five million immigrants came from Asia, the Caribbean, and Central America; in the 1970s, Mexico had more immigrants as compared to any other nation. Hence the correct option will be 1970.




Why did Washington try to keep the Initor



Italy vere joli ille manashune menekeduthan ayiitt vannolum

What text evidence supports Machiavelli’s primary purpose to persuade readers that a conquering prince must destroy a former republic if he hopes to hold it? Select three options. the list of cities Rome and Sparta conquered the portrayal of Greece as being held by Sparta the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics



the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia

the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics

the example of the Florentines losing control over Pisa


"The Prince" is a political treatise written by Niccolo Machiavelli during the sixteenth century. It is considered more of political philosophy. Machiavelli criticized the moralistic view of authority. He escalated the thought that judgment of legitimate and illegitimate power should not be practiced on the basis of morality. Machiavelli proposed the thought that acquisition and maintenance of power is the real and only concern of the political ruler. The primary purpose of the text is to persuade the readers and the secondary purpose is to inform the readers.

The text evidence supports Machiavelli’s primary purpose are: the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia; the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics; and the example of the Florentines losing control over Pisa. The correct options are C, D and E..

Machiavelli discusses historical examples of Rome's conquests and explains how they maintained control over these conquered territories. : He emphasizes the danger of leaving any remnants of liberty or republican sentiment intact in conquered territories.

Machiavelli references the historical event of the Florentines losing control over the city of Pisa. He attributes this loss to the Florentines' failure to destroy the former republic and its institutions completely.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C, D and E.

Learn more about Machiavelli here:


The complete question might be:

What text evidence supports Machiavelli’s primary purpose to persuade readers that a conquering prince must destroy a former republic if he hopes to hold it? Select three options.

A. the list of cities Rome and Sparta conquered

B. the portrayal of Greece as being held by Sparta

C. the explanation of how Rome held Capua, Carthage, and Numantia

D. the description of liberty as a rallying cry for rebellion in former republics

E. the example of the Florentines losing control over Pisa

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