Tick the correct option.

1) While opening a new file in photoshop, which of these tabs is not available in the New Document dialog box?
(i) photo (ii) print
(iii) web (iv) update ​


Answer 1



plz follow me


Answer 2


hii will you be my friend, if yes thank me and give your intro

Related Questions

An engineer learns a new security threat mitigation technique. The technique maps an IP address to a non-existent host, and is useful in stopping denial of service attacks. Traffic heading to these IPs can be captured for analysis or discarded. Considering the given strategies, which does this technique relate to? Select all that apply.
A. Black hole
B. Sinkhole
C. Forward proxying
D. Reverse proxying


A. In network architecture, a black hole drops traffic before it reaches its intended destination, and without alerting the source. A simple example is traffic sent to an IP address that an admin mapped to a non-existent host.
B. A sinkhole is similar to configuring a black hole, and often used interchangeably. With sinkholing however, an admin usually retains some ability to analyze and forward the captured traffic.

A __________________ is the amount of something that occurs in a given unit of time.



A  system time is the amount of something that occurs in a given unit  of time.


Pls answer this
The figure above is a type of thread known as
A. Acme thread B. Buttress thread
C. Square thread D. Vee thread



It looks like an Acme thread.


What is part of the third step in troubleshooting a computer problem?
O locating the problem and identifying it
O trying a number of simple fixes initially
O researching ways to solve the problem
O seeking help to solve the problem



locating the problem and identifying it.

Which can be used to create a poll on a web page?
Text editor​



HTML can be used to create a poll on a web page.




what is web browser


An application used to access and view websites

this is a application software for accessing the World wide web

Below are the possible answer to each question write your answer in the space provided before each number



Please find the complete question in the attached file:


1. primary memory

2. secondary memory

3. dynamic ram

4. HDD

5. SSD


7. video card


9. random access memory  

10. processor

Which is the default data type of Ms-Access? (i) Memo (ii) Number (iii) Text (iv) Auto number​



(iii) Text


A database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of software applications that typically enables computer users to effectively and efficiently create, store, modify, retrieve, centralize and manage data or informations in a database. Thus, it allows computer users to efficiently retrieve and manage their data with an appropriate level of security.

Generally, a database management system (DBMS) acts as an intermediary between the physical data files stored on a computer system and any software application or program.

Hence, a software that enables the organization to centralize data, manage the data efficiently while providing authorized users a significant level of access to the stored data, is called a Data Base Management System (DBMS).

Text is the default data type of Microsoft Access (Ms-Access).

A car dealership only sells cars that have fewer than 10 000 miles and are 5 years old or less. (i) Write an algorithm that will: • ask the user to enter the number of miles and the age of a car • validate the input to check that only sensible values that are in the given range are entered • output True if valid data has been entered or False if invalid data has been entered.




ValidateCarData (milesDrives, age)


Prompt the user to enter the number of miles and the age of a car.Get the input from the user.Store the number of drives in the variable named milesDrives and the age of the car in the variable named age.if ( milesDrives < 10000 and age <= 5)

               Display true.


              Display false.



Algorithm: An algorithm is a step-by-step solution to a problem in a finite number of steps.

A car dealer sells only the car that

drives less than 10000 milesand the age of the car is equal to or less than 5 years.

Prompt the user to enter the number of miles and the age of a car.

Validate the user-entered data.

when the user-entered data is valid (car drive fewer than 10000 miles and 5 years or less old)

Display true (user enters the valid data).

else (car drives more than 10000 miles or more than 5 years old)

Display false (user enters the invalid data).

Driving is expensive. Write a program with a car's miles/gallon and gas dollars/gallon (both doubles) as input, and output the gas cost for 20 miles, 75 miles, and 500 miles.

Output each floating-point value with two digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved by executing
cout << fixed << setprecision(2); once before all other cout statements. Note: End with a newline.



#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>  

using namespace std;

int main()


   double mpg, ppg;

   cout << "Enter your car's gas mileage (miles/gallon): ";

   cin >> mpg;

   cout << "Enter the gas price (dollars/gallon): ";

   cin >> ppg;

   cout << fixed << setprecision(2);

   for (int miles : { 20,75,500 }) {

       cout << miles << " miles will cost $" << miles * ppg / mpg << endl;




I really like the new for(x:y) construct!

The program, with a car's miles/gallon and gas dollars/gallon (both doubles) as input, is written below.

What is programming?

Writing code to support certain activities in a computer, application, or software program and giving them instructions on how to do is known as computer programming.

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>  

using namespace std;

int main()


  double mpg, ppg;

  cout << "Enter your car's gas mileage (miles/gallon): ";

  cin >> mpg;

  cout << "Enter the gas price (dollars/gallon): ";

  cin >> ppg;

  cout << fixed << setprecision(2);

  for (int miles : { 20,75,500 }) {

      cout << miles << " miles will cost $" << miles * ppg / mpg << endl;



Therefore, the programming codes are written above.

To learn more about programming, refer to the link:



A(n)_________________printer is produce high-quality and is inexpensive *​



ink jet


Great at producing photo quality prints and image-heavy documents, as inkjet printers do a better job of blending and producing vibrant colors than laser printers. The price of an inkjet printer is less than most laser printers.

Which slide should you change so that it reflects on all the slides of your presentation?
Any change that you make to the
will reflect throughout the slides of your presentation.


It’s monika here to help okay

Answer: Slide Master is the slide at which you made any change, the change will reflect on all slides. Explanation: In power point, slide master is the toll that is used to control change the font size, font style , themes, colors and background of the slide.




The names of the governing body or organizationds that creates rules for information technology and information communication technology



Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions


Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions  is the main body that creates rules for information technology and information communication technology.

This agency create solutions to supports the release of new products and services into the communications marketplace. It also act as an agency that standardizes the  wireless and wireline networks activities. It is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

Which phrases suggest that Bob is a web administrator?
Bob logs in to his computer. He checks his email. He then researches online for a system upgrade of a new machine. He fills his timesheet at
his organization detailing the tasks completed during the week. Later in the day, Bob creates a weekly backup from a remote web server.


"creates a weekly backup from a remote web server"

This implies that he is the owner of the server since, one, he backs it up every week, and two, he has access to create a backup.

question no.3 a. Can someone pls help me








A is XOR

B is NOT

C is AND

X is OR

Prompt: Create a program that asks the user continuously the dollar amount of their recent Amazon purchases until they say done. Store those numbers in a list. Afterwards calculate the following:
Total Amount Spent
Maximum amount spent on a single purchase
Minimum amount spent on a single purchase
Number of purchases
Amount of money spent on taxes. (Sales tax in NY is 8.875 percent).

Things to keep in mind:
Input is stored as string so you need to convert to float.
If you or your family use Amazon, try using your own data!

Pls Dont scam me



oh sorry I don't know that but...


Thanks for the points hehe

A device that records images of text, or converts printed text into machine-readable form is called a? ​



Its called a scanner


Its a device that helps enable in the reading of daya and info printed on paper like a text, image, photos, and drawing by using optical tech


In this lab, you complete a partially written C++ program that includes a function requiring multiple parameters (arguments). The program prompts the user for two numeric values. Both values should be passed to functions named calculateSum(), calculateDifference(), and calculateProduct(). The functions compute the sum of the two values, the difference between the two values, and the product of the two values. Each function should perform the appropriate computation and display the results. The source code file provided for this lab includes the variable declarations and the input statements. Comments are included in the file to help you write the remainder of the program.

Write the C++ statements as indicated by the comments.
Execute the program by clicking the Run button at the bottom of the screen.


When you have completed your program, click the Submit button to record your score.

++// Computation.cpp - This program calculates sum, difference, and product of two values.
// Input: Interactive
// Output: Sum, difference, and product of two values.

void calculateSum(double, double);
void calculateDifference(double, double);
void calculateProduct(double, double);
using namespace std;

int main()
double value1;
double value2;

cout << "Enter first numeric value: ";
cin >> value1;
cout << "Enter second numeric value: ";
cin >> value2;

// Call calculateSum

// Call calculateDifference

// Call calculateProduct



The functions are as follows:

void calculateSum(double n1, double n2){

   cout<<n1+n2<<endl; }

void calculateDifference(double n1, double n2){

   cout<<n1-n2<<endl; }

void calculateProduct(double n1, double n2){

   cout<<n1*n2<<endl; }

Call the functions in main using:





This defines the calculateSum() function

void calculateSum(double n1, double n2){

This prints the sum

   cout<<n1+n2<<endl; }

This defines the calculateDifference() function

void calculateDifference(double n1, double n2){

This prints the difference

   cout<<n1-n2<<endl; }

This defines the calculateProduct() function

void calculateProduct(double n1, double n2){

This prints the product

   cout<<n1*n2<<endl; }

This calls each of the function




See attachment for complete program

Explain two ways by which the calendar meets or fails to meet the criteria of showing the correct data



The two ways the calendar meets the criteria of showing the correct date are;

1) The calendar can give dates in the 12 months in a year

2) The calendar can show up to the 31 different days in a month


The two ways in which the calendar meets the criteria of showing the correct date are;

1) The number number of long blocks with 4 different months each = Three

Therefore, the total number of months the blocks can hold = 3 × 4 months = 12 months = The number of months in a year

2) The number of faces on each dice = 6 faces

The number of dice = 2 dice

The total number of faces = 12

The number of identical faces = 2 (11th and 22nd of the month)

The number of unique faces = 10

The number of combinations of the dices = ₁₀C₂ = 45

The number of combination of faces required to show = 1 to 31 = 31 combination

Therefore, there are adequate combinations on the dice to show all the dates of month

Why is https used in every link of a website?



As a request-response protocol, HTTP gives users a way to interact with web resources such as HTML files by transmitting hypertext messages between clients and servers. HTTP clients generally use Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connections to communicate with servers.

what part of the meat help you identify the less tender cuts​


If a muscle gets a lot of exercise in an animal it will be a less tender cut of meat.

on mad max ps4, why does the v6 sound beter and healthier than the v8


Um is that a question?

List 3 ways that you can customise a form?



In MS Access a form is a database object that is used for the for the display, editing, or entering of data into a relational database or table

A form can be customized in in different ways with MS Access, as outlined by the Information Technology Services document on the University of Illinois Springfield website in including;

1) Adding/adjusting the controls

2) Adjusting the order of the Tabs

3) Using the Tab Controls


Se le conoce así cuando el analista mismo desarrolla el software necesario para implementar el diseño



Desarrollo de software.


El método clásico de desarrollo de software se denomina modelo en cascada, lo que significa que cada fase de desarrollo del programa debe completarse antes de que comience la siguiente, y que se lleva a cabo un extenso trabajo de especificación antes de que comience el desarrollo real del programa. La especificación es tradicionalmente de arriba hacia abajo y el desarrollo se basa en una programación estructurada, es decir, se formula primero un objetivo final para el proyecto, y luego el programa se divide gradualmente en partes funcionales más pequeñas.

Los métodos más nuevos son ágiles y basados ​​en pruebas. Se basan en el desarrollo gradual de muchas entregas parciales del programa y permiten que las distintas fases de desarrollo se lleven a cabo de forma cíclica o en paralelo. Los clientes y usuarios ganan influencia a lo largo del proceso de desarrollo. El desarrollo y las pruebas de prototipos comienzan lo antes posible, antes de que estén listos todos los detalles de la especificación de requisitos. Las decisiones sobre la especificación de requisitos de las versiones de entrega se toman lo más tarde posible, cuando los usuarios han probado y comprendido lo que realmente quieren y existe un buen conocimiento de las necesidades, posibilidades técnicas y dificultades. Cambia entre el método de arriba hacia abajo (para comenzar desde el propósito y el objetivo) y el método de abajo hacia arriba (para comenzar con lo que ya tiene y puede reutilizar, y comenzar con casos especiales simples pero gradualmente hacer que el programa sea cada vez más general).

why should one avoid noise in the computer room​


is this a joke bc if so why?
This one not a joke hi it’s monika here

Do not make noise in the computer room.
I love to help

Match the feature to its function.
1. Normal view
displays thumbnails
provides filename and Minimize
2. Notes view
provide rows of icons to perform
3. Slide pane
different tasks
the place where information for
4. Title bar
handouts can be added
the working window of a
5. toolbars



Match the feature to its function.  The answers are as below:

1. Normal view the place where creating and editing occurs  

2. Notes view an area in which information for handouts can be added  

3. Slide pane the place where the slide order can be changed

4. Menu bar contains lists of commands used to create presentations  

5. toolbars provide rows of icons to perform different tasks  


It is the normal view where the editing and the creation of the slides occur. And it's the notes view where you can add the information for handouts. You can arrange the slides in the slide pane. And you can get a list of commands for creating the presentation in the Menu bar. Also, Toolbar is the rows of icons which helps in performing a various set of tasks. And all these are definitions and prove our above selections are correct.

what is the term used to describe the basic unit of data passed from one computer to another



The term used to passed one computer to another is called a packet

Q9. Complete the table with the name of the functions

1. Excel function to lookup data in a table organized
2. Is a function to sum cells that meet criteria.
3. Function to find the total number of entries in a
4. Runs a logical test and returns one value for a TRUE result, and another for a FALSE result
5. Excel function to lookup data in a table organized



1. VLOOKUP function.

2. SUMIF function.

3. COUNT function.

4. IF function.

5. HLOOKUP function.


Microsoft Excel is a software application or program designed and developed by Microsoft Inc., for analyzing and visualizing spreadsheet documents. There are different types of functions used in Microsoft Excel to perform specific tasks and these includes;

1. VLOOKUP function: it's an Excel function that avails end users the ability to lookup data in a table organized vertically. Thus, it's typically used for searching values in a column.

2. SUMIF function: it is an Excel function to sum cells that meet criteria such as text, dates and numbers. This function can be used with the following logical operators; <, >, and =.

3. COUNT function: it's an Excel function to find the total number of entries in a column. For example, to count the number of entries in B1:B15; COUNT(B2:B15).

4. IF function: runs a logical test and returns one value for a TRUE result, and another for a FALSE result. For example, to fail scores that are below 40; IF (A1 < 40, "Fail", "Pass").

5. HLOOKUP function: it's an Excel function that avails end users the ability to lookup data in a table organized horizontally. Thus, it's typically used for searching values in a column.

whats your favorite tv show/ movie
please help for school project


Answer: an anime called one piece.

hope that helped ☺️


My favorite movie would have to be The Lion King, as the movie represents a family bondage and how courage and boldness should not be hidden. Strength, and the power of love is also represented in this movie. Plus, I love lions! :D

Give five examples of top level domain​


Answer:  .com — Commercial businesses.

.org — Organizations (generally charitable).

.net — Network organizations.

.gov — U.S. government agencies.

.mil — Military.

.edu — Educational facilities, like universities.


ANSWER BELOW.com — Commercial businesses.  .org — Organizations (generally charitable). .net — Network organizations. .gov — U.S. government agencies. .edu — (Educational facilities, like universities.)

Hope this helps!!! :)

Other Questions
WILL GIVE BRAINLIESTWrite the correct yo form of each verbComplete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parenthesesAnswer yes to the following questions. Follow the model. What kind of fossil is a wooly mammoth found frozen in arctic ice?a.Cast fossil b.Mold fossil c.Preserved fossil d.Trace fossil (pls help im suffering) 3.06a Finding Standard Form by Completing the SquareClassify each as Circle, Quadratic (parabola) or other(x - 5)2 + (v - 2) = 16= 10022 - x = 25(x - 2) - (y + 5)= 10y = 2x + 5 Answer the screenshot, please.(no links! PDFs are fine.) Qu nombre reciben las slabas de dos pa-labras diferentes que se juntan para formaruna sola slaba en un verso? Which sentence integrates a quotation effectively? When knowledge is democratized, it means that:O A. people decide what information is important to release to thepublic.B. people have equal access to information and can contribute tothat information as well.C. everyone can vote to decide what knowledge is shared.D. everyone has a right to own and use electronic devices andcomputers. why is the mean of the set of data is always greater than it's median? essay about natural resources in nepali In this excerpt the servant is a comic figure because he unknowingly invites his master Jackie is writing about how Esperanza changes in Esperanza Rising. He reads this passage.Esperanza was amazed. She had never washed anything in her life and Isabel, who was only eight years old, made it look so easy. Puzzled, Isabel looked at Esperanza. "Don't you know how to wash clothes?" "Well, Hortensia took everything out to the laundry quarters. And the servants, they always . . . " She looked at Isabel and shook her head no. Isabel's eyes got bigger and she looked worried. "Esperanza, when I go to school next week, you will be here alone with the babies and will have to do the laundry."How can Jackie best explain a change in Esperanza as the story develops? Respond with the correct answer for Brainliest!A. At first, Esperanza doesnt know how to wash clothes, then she pays Isabel to do the laundry for her.B. In the beginning, Esperanza has to wash dirty diapers; later, she hires a maid named Hortensia.C. Esperanza is first embarrassed that she cant do laundry, but later she decides she likes sweeping best.D. In the past, Esperanza had a maid to do her laundry; later in the story, she asks Isabel to teach her to wash clothes. Which of the following is the graph of y = sin(0.5x)? D. Edge 2021 :) If f (x)6x 6 , find f (-1) Solve for B A= 3( B + C ) Options: - B= ( A - C )/ 4- B= ( 3A - C )/ 4 - B= ( A - 3C )/ 3 g(x) = x2 2 (a) Identify the parent function f. 3.2Evaluate to what extent the following institutions have or are currently supportingcommunities affected by human trafficking . Use an example for each tosupport your answer. government community and religious organizations Pls answer this Im just gonna keep typing because I need to get to 20 pls help ATPN order requires 500ml Of Dextrose 30%.You find that the pharmacy only stocks Dextrose 70%.How much water will you need to add? Stop and Go has a 4 percent profit margin and a 43 percent dividend payout ratio. The total asset turnover is 1.65 and the debt-equity ratio is .70. What is the sustainable rate of growth The Bill of Rights is an outline of ---