tissues & Organs
to transport
linked together to form
System can
form into Organis
- m. There
cell Jugncitions and
Junctions. Specialized
celi junctions
Occur at points
Cell matrix and particular
epithelia. Three types of
Q2 classify the
Short notes
On any
4 epithelial.
Humans. write a
Epithelial Tissues
Simple “Epithelium
Simple columnar


Answer 1


sorry I don't know

Related Questions

8.Explain how is small intestine designed to absorb digested food.
9. Write two differences between the nutrition in amoeba and human beings.
10. Fungus can be harmful and useful. Give an example showing both of these traits of fungus.



10. Fungus are useful as they act as decomposers and decompose the dead things. Fungus are harmful as they can decompose fruits, grains and plants etc.

• Describe genetic______ and gene_________ as mechanisms of evolution.



genetic is branch of science deal with study of heredity and genes

genes is segment of DNA which transfer parental character from one generation to another

Compared to ocean crust near deep-sea trenches, crust near ocean ridges is ____.

Select one:


the same age


magnetically reversed



a. younger


HI friends good morning

The answer is C. Because it’s going to be older if it was created before the ocean crust .

Analyze the property of water you investigated and provide some real-world applications of the importance of this property of water. I did Surface Tension. Please Help!



Water (H

2O) is a polar inorganic compound that is at room temperature a tasteless and odorless liquid, which is nearly colorless apart from an inherent hint of blue. It is by far the most studied chemical compound[18] and is described as the "universal solvent"[19] and the "solvent of life."[20] It is the most abundant substance on the surface of Earth[21] and the only common substance to exist as a solid, liquid, and gas on Earth's surface.[22] It is also the third most abundant molecule in the universe (behind molecular hydrogen and carbon monoxide).[21]

how does replication ensure each cell has a complete set of DNA



During replication a new strand of DNA is synthesized when the other strand is a template to guide the process. Every time the order of the bases in preserved so that DNA can be accurately replicated over and over with identical genetic information.

A student wants to determine how his classmates feel about school. He does a survey away from school so all participants will be willing to answer freely. In several cases, younger siblings of his classmates are present, so he lets them take the survey too. He surveys a total of 50 students. Has he done a well-designed, controlled experiment




What is the correct order of the levels of organization in animals from smallest to largest?​



Molecules, cells, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere are in the correct order of the organization's levels.


Molecule: Atoms, the smallest unit of chemical elements are built up of molecules. You can find it in any matter, whether it lives or not. The most fundamental structures of biological creatures are molecules. Biochemistry and molecular biology are two biological fields focused on this level.

Cell: A cell is the basic unit of life. Two types of cells exist plant cells with a stiff cell wall consisting of cellulose molecules and animal cells with a flexible cell membrane. Cell biologists examine problems like metabolism and other structure and functional questions within and between cells.

Tissue: Tissue consists of cells working together to accomplish a goal. Some tissues include muscle, connective tissue, and neural tissue. Examples of biologists working at this level are histologists.

Organ: An organ is a tissue system that works at bigger scales together to perform specified work in the body of an animal. Brain, heart, and lungs are examples of organs. Anatomy is an example of a specialty in biology which concerns this level.

Organ system: An organ system is a group of bodies that work together to fulfill certain activities of the body. Air systems are used to inhale oxygen and release carbon dioxide in animals, for example, by the lungs, respiratory tract, and muscles. The function of the corpus when working jointly is studied by physiologists. Although physiologists can work at any level, they commonly address queries about organ systems.

Organism: An organism is an autonomous and recognized person. The organisms might be single-cell or multi-cell organisms consisting of organisms and organ systems, as well as bacteria, amiable, or creatures. An example of a multi-cellular organism is a human being.

Which is the main light-absorbing pigment for photosynthesis?
O carotene
O chlorophyll
O hemoglobin
O anthocyanin





Chlorophyll, the primary pigment used in photosynthesis, reflects green light and absorbs red and blue light most strongly.

In plants, photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts, which contain the chlorophyll.


B) Chlorophyll


The chloroplasts, which contain the green pigment chlorophyll, are where photosynthesis takes place. Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants their distinctive color. It works by collecting the energy in the sunlight that strikes the plant. Because grass requires photosnthesis to create glucose, which is required for growth inside the grass, photosynthesis is critical to life on Earth. As a result, creatures that eat the grass get energy, and so on. As a result, photosynthesis is the mechanism through which energy is introduced into an environment.


The frequency of a lethal allele in a population is greatest when it is: Group of answer choices dominant manifested in infancy recessive co-dominant





A lethal allele is a gene variant associated with a mutation in an essential gene, which has the potential to cause the death of an individual. In general, lethal genes are recessive because these alleles do not cause death in heterozygous individuals, which have one copy of the normal allele and one copy of the allele for the lethal disease/disorder. In recessive lethal diseases, heterozygous individuals are carriers of the recessive lethal allele and can eventually pass the 'defective' allele on to offspring even though they are unaffected; whereas dominant lethal diseases are caused by dominant lethal alleles, which only need to be present in one copy to be fatal. In consequence, the frequency of recessive lethal alleles is generally higher than dominant lethal alleles because they can be masked in carrier individuals. Some examples of human diseases caused by recessive lethal alleles include, among others, Tay-Sachs disease, sickle-cell anemia, and cystic fibrosis.

The frequency of a lethal allele in a population is greatest when it is: C. recessive.

A lethal allele can be defined as an allele that is responsible for the death of a living organism, especially by preventing its development. Thus, a lethal allele causes a complete mortality in the living organism carrying it, in a hom-ozygous condition.

Basically, a lethal allele is recessive in nature because it is expressed in the phenotype of an organism. Some examples of diseases caused by lethal alleles in humans are:

Cystic fibrosisSickle-cell anemiaAchondroplasia

In conclusion, a lethal allele that is recessive has the greatest frequency in a population.

Read more: https://brainly.com/question/23067535

Si el sobrino de mi papá tiene un hijo que viene siendo mío?



yo creon q sobrino lejan


Primo segundo creo que sería

A solution that has a pH of 6.8
a. is acidic.
b. is basic.
is alkaline.
d. has a neutral pH.


A solution that has a pH of 6.8

it is acidic as it has got ph value less than 7....But as it has got ph value near to 7 it is weak acidic..

The neurons that carry from the brain to the muscle are called ?



Motor Neurons


The neurons that carry messages to the muscles are called motor neurons.

the people who put together the factors of production to produce goods is called



an entrepreneur or innovater

Which trait is totally determined by genes



hair color is determined by genetics


Eye color, hair texture or color, unattached earlobes or attached.

Which structures allow lycophytes to grow bigger than mosses and liverworts?
A. gametophytes and sporophytes
b. xylem and phloem
C. haploid and diploid
D. roots and stems


The structure that allows lycophytes to grow bigger than mosses and liverworts is xylem and phloem which is option B

Lycophytes are spore bearing vascular plants. Being a vascular plant, they possess vessels ( vascular tissues) which include:

ylem: this is used for conducting water usually from the root to the rest of the plant partsPhloem: this is the vascular tissue that is used to conduct food( sugar) produced in the leaves of plants to other parts of the plant.

The possession of the vessels makes the lycophytes appear bigger.

Mosses and liverworts belongs to the plant phylum Bryophyta. They do not have any vascular tissues that can be used to conduct water and food. This restricts their size.

Therefore, the structure that allows lycophytes to grow bigger than mosses and liverworts is xylem and phloem

Learn more about xylem and phloem here:



xylem and phloem


Lycophytes have specialized tissue that transports nutrients and provides structural support.

Witch of the following is an example of a good hypothesis? A. The vinegar is the acid and the soap is the base. B. I think the glow sticks will be brighter in the hot water. C. When placed in hot water , sugar cubes will dissolve more slowly then granulated sugar. D. Hot water makes things disk faster.


The answer is B
Hope that helps!

List the reactions of glycolysis that: _________

a. are energy-consuming (under standard state conditions).
b. are energy-yielding (under standard state conditions).
c. consume ATP.
d. yield ATP.
e. are strongly influenced by changes in concentration of substrate and product because of their molecularity.
f. are at or near equilibrium in the erythrocyte



b. are energy-yielding (under standard state conditions).

d. yield ATP.


The reactions of glycolysis produces the ATP molecules from the breakdown of glucose molecule. Glycolysis produces 2 molecules of ATP, 2 molecules of NADH, and 2 molecules of pyruvate: Glycolysis breakdown glucose with the help of oxygen produces energy in the form of ATP, NADH, and pyruvate so e can conclude that glycolysis are energy-yielding process for the cell.

In large populations, small fluctuations in survivorship or reproduction among individual organisms are unlikely to affect allele or genotype frequencies in the population.

a. True
b. False


Answer: True.


A population is defined as the set of individuals that inhabit a given geographic area. A population has a certain allele frequency, which is the measure of the relative proportion of alleles in a given population, expressed as a percentage or unit. It is estimate using the number of times the allele is found in a locus and dividing it by the total number of alleles. While the genotypic frequency refers to the number of times that each of the genotypes generated by the two-by-two combinations of the alleles involved in the locus under study appears in relation to the total number of genotypes (which will be equal to the total number of individuals included in the study).

The population can be increased or decreased according to the birth and death rates. Generally, unless specific alterations occur, such as the spread of a disease, immigration, emigration, natural disasters, and others, the size of the population will remain constant. This means that the birth rate is quite similar to the death rate. And the larger the population, the more difficult it is to disturb this balance between births and deaths. So if small fluctuations in survival or reproduction occur between individuals, it is unlikely that this will affect the frequency of alleles and/or genotypes.   This is explained using the Hardy-Weinberg principle states that the genetic composition of a population remains in equilibrium as long as no mutation occurs, and nor natural selection nor any other factor acts. After a generation of random mating, the frequencies of the genotypes of a locus are fixed at an equilibrium value. Then, the genetic variation in a population will remain constant from one generation to the next in the absence of extreme disturbing factors such as those mentioned above (diseases, natural disasters, and others).

Note that for this principle to be fulfilled, the population must be diploid (have two alleles of each gene), must reproduce sexually in a random manner, and must be large enough to minimize the effect of genetic drift (random fluctuations in allele frequencies from one generation to the next, due to random events that can cause certain traits to become dominant or disappear from a population).

Complete the comparison of the metabolic pathways leading to thymine in DNA and thymine as a modified base in tRNA.

Thymine in DNA occurs as the result of thymidylate synthase creating _______________ , which then undergoes ____________ to ____________, then to __________, and incorporated into DNA by ___________.



The question is incomplete, the complete question is as follow:

Thymine in DNA occurs as the result of thymidylate synthase creating _______, which then undergoes _______ to _______, then to _______, and incorporated into D N A by _______. Thymine in tRNA arises ________, by an S-adenosylmethionine-dependent _______ of a ______ residue in RNA.


Thymine in DNA occurs as the result of thymidylate synthase creating dTMP, which then undergoes phosphorylation to dTDP, then to dTTP, and incorporated into DNA by DNA polymerase. Thymine in tRNA arises posttranslationally, by an S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methylation of a UMP residue in RNA.


Thymidylate synthase is a key enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of 2′-deoxythymidine-5′-monophosphate (dTMP) from 2′-deoxyuridine-5′-monophosphate (dUMP). This enzyme catalyzes the addition of a phosphate group (phosphorylation) of dTMP in order to form thymidine 5'-diphosphate (dTDP). Once synthesized, dTMP can be metabolized to deoxythymidine triphosphate (dTTP), which is a precursor for DNA biosynthesis. On the other hand, transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) is methylated after the molecule is synthesized. The transfer of the methyl group is catalyzed by an S-adenosylmethionine–dependent methyltransferase that catalyzes the methylation of uridine monophosphate (UMP) using SAM (S-adenosylmethionine) as the methyl donor.

What is the effect of alcohol administration on the frequency of Daphnia heart contractions and how does this effect of alcohol change with the dose of alcohol applied?



to prevent bacteria and viruses

Writing Assignment
One of the main functions of connective tissue is to integrate
organs and organ systems in the body, Discuss how blood
fulfills this role.



Major functions of connective tissue include: 1) binding and supporting, 2) protecting, 3) insulating, 4) storing reserve fuel, and 5) transporting substances within the body .Blood integrates organs and organ systems by transporting and exchanging fluid with various organs and organ system to allow them to function and work properly allowing the organism to survive

Which is another name for observation?



I would say hypothesis  is what we use for science as a guess, but also monitoring is a good one.


Another name for observation is inspection.

hormones stimulate certain endocrine glands to secrete hormones.



hope its helps you


please like and mark brainlis

Endocrine gland/ source of hormone Hormone Target organ or tissue
Anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis) ACTH (adrenocorticotrophic hormone) Adrenal cortex
FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) Ovaries / testes (tubules)
LH (luteinizing hormone) Ovaries / testes (Leydig cells)
GH (growth hormone)

How are rivers and streams able
to keep algae from growing?

Plz help



answer is A just did it on my acellus


The correct answer is option (A) the running water will sweep the algae downstream and keeps it from growing.

What is algal bloom?

The rapid increase in production of algae in freshwater and marine water system is called algal bloom. It is also known as the discoloration of water from the algal pigment.

What causes algal bloom?

Excessive nitrogen and phosphorus cause  overgrowth of algae.The overgrowth of algae consumes oxygen and blocks sunlight from underwater plants. When the algae eventually dies, the oxygen in the water is consumed.

As the river and streams are always flowing it will sweep the algae which will prevent it from growing further.

learn more about rivers and streams below,



Whose argument is stronger regarding the SAC curves and the LAC​ curve? A. The draftsman since the lowest point on each SAC curve will have a horizontal tangent line which only occurs at the lowest point on the LAC. B. Jacob Viner since the SAC curves can be adjusted slightly and still keep their​ U-shape in a way that makes their lowest points end up on the LAC curve. C. Jacob Viner since the​ long-run average cost curve must be composed of the lowest points on any individual​ short-run average cost curve. D. The draftsman​ since, while it is true that the points of tangency of the SAC curves with the LAC curve are at each SAC​ curve's minimum, it is impossible to illustrate it accurately.


NB: This is a business question, not biology.


SAC (Short-run Average Cost) and LAC (Long-run Average Cost)

The stronger argument regarding the SAC (Short-run Average Cost) curves and the LAC (Long-run Average Cost) curves is:

A. The draftsman since the lowest point on each SAC curve will have a horizontal tangent line which only occurs at the lowest point on the LAC.


The costs of all factors of production become variable in the long run.  But in the short-run, some costs are variable, and some are fixed.  When the producer starts operating over the long run period, it can then operate without the constraints imposed by the presence of the fixed-cost factors. Therefore, in the long run, the average cost (LAC) is equal to the short-run average cost (SAC) because there is an unconstrained minimum average cost at all output levels.

Why might an individual with AIDS have difficulty fighting off otherwise harmless infections? please answer!! last question I have!!! ​



The HIV virus that causes AIDS kills T-cells. T-cells are responsible for fighting off infections. So someone with AIDS has a reduced number of T-cells and are unable to fight off infections that are harmless to other individuals.

A. the influence of environment on the expression of a particular genotype. B. the expression of a dominant phenotype in a heterozygote. C. the expression of one gene masking the effects of another gene. D. quantitative traits that diminish or intensify a particular phenotype. E. the increased expression of a particular trait when a hybrid species is formed.


The question is incomplete, the complete question is;

Penetrance and expressivity are related to


A. the expression of a dominant phenotype in a heterozygote.

B. the increased expression of a particular trait when a hybrid species is formed.

C. the expression of one gene masking the effects of another gene.

D. quantitative traits that diminish or intensify a particular phenotype.

E. the influence of environment on the expression of a particular genotype.


the influence of environment on the expression of a particular genotype.


In genetics, we define penetrance as the proportion of individuals in a given population carrying a particular gene/allele which leads to the expression of the particular trait associated with that gene/allele.

Expressivity is defined as the degree of expression of a given phenotype  by individuals who possess a particular genotype. Expressivity shows the extent of variation in expression of genes by individuals having a particular genotype.

Both penetrance and expressivity has to do with the influence of environment on the expression of a particular genotype.

1.Explain how is small intestine designed to absorb digested food.
2.Write two differences between the nutrition in amoeba and human beings.
3.Fungus can be harmful and useful. Give an example showing both of these traits of fungus.


Digestion is one of the longest process taking place in the human body. The process of digestion involves several steps as well as the organs. It starts with the mouth and ends at the anus. The track is also referred to as alimentary canal. The organs involved in the alimentary canal are mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine. Small intestine is one among them and plays a major role. Let us explore the importance of small intestine in digestion of food.



Amoeba and human beings require the same nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for their growth and survival.


1. Mode of Nutrition:

Amoeba is unicellular and microscopic, which makes it an organism that uses the Holozoic mode of nutrition. It ingests food through its cell membrane and feeds on other tiny organisms like bacteria, algae, and protozoans. On the other hand, human beings are multicellular organisms and use saprophytic and holozoic modes of nutrition. They ingest complex food materials that are broken down into simpler nutrients.

What process creates new cells?
A. cell division
B. cell metamorphosis
C. cellokinesis



A. cell division


What happens inside the mitochondria?
A. photosynthesis
B. blood circulation
C. cellular respiration


c cellular respiration
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