To measure achievement of third grade students, a school system randomly selects four third grade classes and tests all children in those classes. This is an example of what type of sampling?
a. systematic
b. stratified
c. cluster
d. convenience


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

When observations from a large population are divided into groups, such that subjects in each of these groups are similar to one another than those in the other groups. These individual groups of observation are called clusters. In the scenario above, the random group of 4 third grade classes selected represent of cluster or group since all the subjects belong to the class grade which is to be measured and all subjects belonging to the selected cluster or group are to be measured.

Related Questions

Find X?

please help?​


Look at one side of the triangle. It forms a right triangle with 45 degree angles.

A 45 degree triangle the base and height are the same, so the height would also be 26.

The hypotenuse(x) of a 45 degree right triangle is the side length time the sqrt(2)

The answer is: 26 sqrt(2)

Which ratio expresses the scale used to create this drawing?
1 square=10 yards



option B

Step-by-step explanation:

option B


Someone help me pls !!!!!




the problem asks"what PERCENT of 5 is 4?"


it gives both the percent and the whole, so your left with the part


4 is a part which is 80%

Step-by-step explanation:

The percent is 110% and my cousin told me to eat my rice and spinach

A television stand at Wiles' Discount Mart is $187, and the sales tax is 6%. What is the amount of tax to be paid for the TV?




Step-by-step explanation:

100% = 187

1% = 187/100 = $1.87

6% = 1%×6 = 1.87×6 = $11.22


In this case, you need to calculate the 6% of the price, which is 187 $.

We only need to multiply the price (187) by the percentage (6%):

187 * 0.06 = 11.22

So the tax would be $11.22

PLEASE i need the answers!!!!!!!!!
I have no time please if you know the answer please tell MEEE!!!!!!!!!!!





Step-by-step explanation:

Using the table above, if the reserve requirement is 10%, then the additional amount the bank could loan out is



The answer would be 340,000

A new restaurant sells cheeseburgers for 6$, french fries for 3$, and salads for 8$ On opening night, the restaurant sold items and made 1070$. They sold 4 times as many fries as salads. How many cheeseburgers were sold?



25 cheeseburger

Step-by-step explanation:

I checked and get that 4 times fries as many as salad means that fries = 4 times Salad.

Brainliest please~

25 cheeseburgers were sold.

What is algebraic expression?

In mathematics, an expression that incorporates variables, constants, and algebraic operations is known as an algebraic expression (addition, subtraction, etc.). Terms comprise expressions.

Let cheeseburger be x

Price of x = 6

Let French Fries be y

Price of y = 3

Let salads be z

Price of z=8

x+ y+ z =220

6x + 3y + 8z = 1070

4 y = z     4 times as many as

= 4 times  - Fries is more than Salad

Substitute 3 in 1

x + 4 z + z =220

x+5z =220

Substitute 3 in 2

6x + 12z +8z = 1070

6x + 20z = 1070

3x + 10z - 535

From 4: x=220-5z

Substitute into 3 (220-5z) +10z = 535

660 - 15z+10z=535

- 5z = - 125

z = 25

To learn more about algebraic expressions refer to:


A person can see the top of a building at an angle of 65°. The person is standing 50 ft away from
the building and has an eye level of 5 ft. How tall is the building to the nearest tenth of a foot?
O 107.2 ft
O 112.2 ft
O 50.3 ft
O 26.1 ft


9514 1404 393


  (b)  112.2 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

The relevant trig relation is ...

  Tan = Opposite/Adjacent

For the given geometry, this becomes ...

  tan(65°) = (height above eye level)/(50 ft)

Then we have ...

  (height above eye level) = (50 ft)tan(65°) = 107.2 ft

Adding the height of eye level will give us the height of the building.

  building height = (eye level height) + (height above eye level)

  building height = (5 ft) + (107.2 ft)

  building height = 112.2 ft

A. Two numbers are in the ratio 5:7. When 3 is added to each number, the new ratio becomes 3 : 4. Find the numbers. ​



answer is 3 and ratio of two different numbers

Simplify 12w + 2 (w + 3)



= 14w + 6

Step-by-step explanation:

= 12w + 2w + 6

Add similar elements: 12w + 2w = 14w

= 14w + 6

help with plz thank you


Your answer is in the attachment..

Hope the answer helps you..



Select it as the BRAINLIEST..


38. skipping by 3s

14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38

4, 1 and 0, -4 on a graph



Hope this will help.

I need help with this ​




The lines will intersect once because this systems has one solution

Step-by-step explanation:

Start by putting everything into slope intercept form (AKA y=mx+b



y= .5x-.75

And the other one


-5x-8= -7y


Because their slopes are different there's an intersection

Because their y intercepts are different there's only 1 solution

Halp me please. This questions is killing me. I need the answer. Solve $3a + 4b = a - 8b + 24$ for $a$ in terms of $b$.




Step-by-step explanation:

move b and a to their respective sides, getting a = -6b+12

tada :)

As per linear equation, the value of 'a' in terms of 'b' will be

a = 12 - 6b.

What is a linear equation?

A linear equation is an equation that has one or multiple variables with the highest power of the variable is 1.

Given, (3a + 4b) = (a - 8b + 24)

⇒ 3a - a = - 8b + 24 - 4b

⇒ 2a = - 12b + 24

⇒ a = (- 12b + 24)/2

⇒ a = - 6b + 12

⇒ a = 12 - 6b

Learn more about linear equation here:


Help with question number one please



165 hits

Step-by-step explanation:

27.5% of 600 is 600 x 27.5 / 100 = 165

What’s the answer to the question down below


Any linear equation can be written as

y = mx+b

where m is the slope and b is the y intercept

m = 1/2 in this case. It represents the idea that the snow fell at a rate of 1/2 inch per hour. In other words, the snow level went up 1/2 an inch each time an hour passed by.

b = 8 is the y intercept. It's the starting amount of snow. We start off with 8 inches of snow already.

The info "snow fell for 9 hours" doesn't appear to be relevant here.

Select all the correct answers.
Charles is reading about computers. He learns that a computer processor can perform one command in approximately 0.000000016
nanoseconds. What is this number expressed in scientific notation?
1.6 x 10-7
1.6 x 10-8
1.6 x 108
1.6 x 107


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The place value of a digit to the right of the decimal point is 10 to the negative power of the digit count. The 1st digit right of the decimal point has a place value of 10^-1.

Here, the most significant digit of 0.000000016 is in the 8th place to the right of the decimal point, so its place value is 10^-8.

  0.000000016 = 1.6×10^-8

Another way to write the same number is 1.6E-8. (The "E" is a stand-in for ×10^.)


Your (graphing or scientific) calculator or a spreadsheet can display this in scientific notation for you.


That many nanoseconds, as this problem states, would be 1.6×10^-17 seconds. "Nano" is an SI prefix meaning 10^-9.

In a recent health survey, 333 adult respondents reported a history of diabetes out of 3573 respondents. What is the critical value for a 90% confidence interval of the proportion of respondents who reported a history of diabetes



The critical value for the 90% confidence interval is [tex]Z_c = 1.645[/tex].

Step-by-step explanation:

In a sample with a number n of people surveyed with a probability of a success of [tex]\pi[/tex], and a confidence level of [tex]1-\alpha[/tex], we have the following confidence interval of proportions.

[tex]\pi \pm z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

In which

z is the z-score that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}[/tex].

90% confidence level

So [tex]\alpha = 0.1[/tex], z is the value of Z that has a p-value of [tex]1 - \frac{0.1}{2} = 0.95[/tex], so [tex]Z = 1.645[/tex].

The critical value for the 90% confidence interval is [tex]Z_c = 1.645[/tex].

$32,520 divided by 30 people


Answer: $1,084 per person

Step-by-step explanation:

divide 32520 by 30

Suppose we roll a pair of fair dice, let A=the numbers I rolled add up to exactly 8, and let B=the numbers I rolled multiply to an even number. Find P(Ac and Bc).



P(Ac and Bc) = 7/36 = 0.1944 = 19.44%

Step-by-step explanation:

A probability is the number of desired outcomes divided by the number of total outcomes.

Possible outcomes:

For the pair of dice:

(1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (1,5), (1,6)

(2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (2,5), (2,6)

(3,1), (3,2), (3,3), (3,4), (3,5), (3,6)

(4,1), (4,2), (4,3), (4,4), (4,5), (4,6)

(5,1), (5,2), (5,3), (5,4), (5,5), (5,6)

(6,1), (6,2), (6,3), (6,4), (6,5), (6,6)

So 36 total outcomes.

Find P(Ac and Bc).

Complement of A(The result of the sum is different of 8) and complement of B(multiply to odd number). So the desired events are:

(1,1), (1,3), (1,5)

(3,1), (3,3)

(5,1), (5,5)

7 desired outcomes. So

P(Ac and Bc) = 7/36 = 0.1944 = 19.44%

The length of a rectangle is 7cm less than 3 times it's width. It's area is 20 square cm. Find the dimensions of the rectangle



4 cm by 5 cm (4 x 5)

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a rectangle with length [tex]l[/tex] and width [tex]w[/tex] is given by [tex]A=lw[/tex]. Since the length of the rectangle is 7 less than 3 times its width, we can write the length as [tex]3w-7[/tex]. Therefore, substitute [tex]l=3w-7[/tex] into [tex]A=lw[/tex]:




Subtract 20 from both sides:



[tex](w-4)(3w+5)=0,\\\begin{cases}w-4=0, w=\boxed{4},\\3w+5=0, 3w=-5, w=\boxed{-\frac{5}{3}}\end{cases}[/tex]

Since [tex]w=-\frac{5}{3}[/tex] is extraneous (our dimensions cannot be negative), our answer is [tex]w=4[/tex]. Thus, the length must be [tex]20=4l, l=\frac{20}{4}=\boxed{5}[/tex] and the dimension of the rectangle are 4 cm by 5 cm (4 x 5).

Match each equation with its number of unique solutions.
y = 3x2-6x+3
y = -x2 - 4x + 7
y = -2x2+9x-11
Two Real Solutions
One Real Solution
One Complex Solution
Two Complex Solutionse de



y = 3x^2-6x+3    one real solution  

y = -x^2 - 4x + 7     two real solution

y = -2x^2+9x-11       two complex solutions

Step-by-step explanation:

b^2-4ac = 0   1 repeated real solution

b^2-4ac > 0   2 distinct real solutions

b^2-4ac < 0   2 complex solutions

The quadratic functions have the following solutions:

y = 3x²-6x+3 has two real solutions.

y = -x² - 4x + 7 has one real solution.

y = -2x²+9x-11 has one complex solution.

The given quadratic functions are y = 3x²-6x+3, y = -x² - 4x + 7 and y = -2x²+9x-11.

What is the discriminant of a quadratic equation?

The discriminant of a quadratic equation ax² + bx + c = 0 is in terms of its coefficients a, b, and c. i.e., Δ OR D = b² − 4ac.

Now, with the function y = 3x²-6x+3, we get

b² − 4ac=(-6)²-4×3×3=36-36=0

Since b=0 it has two real solutions.

Now, with the function y = -x² - 4x + 7, we get

b² − 4ac= (-4)²-4×(-1)×7=16+28=44

Since b>0 it has one real solutions.

Now, with the function y = -2x²+9x-11, we get

b² − 4ac= (9)²-4×(-2)×(-11)=81-88=-7

Since b<0 it has one complex solution.

Therefore, the quadratic functions have the following solutions:

y = 3x²-6x+3 has two real solutions.

y = -x² - 4x + 7 has one real solution.

y = -2x²+9x-11 has one complex solution.

To learn more about the quadratic function solutions visit:


Can someone please do these three and number them? -Numbers: 10,11,12-



10. Option: c11. Option: a12. Option: a

Which of the following is equivalent to the expression below?
Square root of -81
A. 9
B. -9
C. 9i
D. -9i



C 9i

D -9i

Step-by-step explanation:


sqrt(81) sqrt(-1)

we know that sqrt(-1) = i


EDFN 1090/1092
Assignment 4
1. From statistics grades, John has a mean of 70 and Sx(standard deviation) of 15, Jane
has a mean of 70 and Sx(standard deviation) of 5. Hint: create a 68% Range)
Describe the two students in terms of consistency of their grades and give reason.



68% of the time, John's grades will be between 55 and 85, while for Jane, 68% of the time, her grades will be between 65 and 75. They have the same mean grade, however, due to the lower standard deviation, Jane is more consistent, while John has the higher upside.

Step-by-step explanation:

The Empirical Rule states that, for a normally distributed random variable:

Approximately 68% of the measures are within 1 standard deviation of the mean.

Approximately 95% of the measures are within 2 standard deviations of the mean.

Approximately 99.7% of the measures are within 3 standard deviations of the mean.


Mean of 70, standard deviation of 15.

70 - 15 = 55

70 + 15 = 85

68% of the time, John's grades will be between 55 and 85.


Mean of 70, standard deviation of 5.

70 - 5 = 65

70 + 6 = 75.

68% of the time, Jane's grades will be between 65 and 75.

Describe the two students in terms of consistency of their grades and give reason.

68% of the time, John's grades will be between 55 and 85, while for Jane, 68% of the time, her grades will be between 65 and 75. They have the same mean grade, however, due to the lower standard deviation, Jane is more consistent, while John has the higher upside.

Does anyone know these?



1 = - 4 - 14 √3

2 = 9 - 11 √3

Step-by-step explanation:

Question 1

(-4√3 + 2)(√3 + 4)

Apply FOIL method

= (-4√3) √3 + (-4√3) . 4 + 2 √3 + 2 . 4

Apply minus-plus rules: + (-a) = -a

= -4 √3 √3 - 4 . 4 √3 + 2 √3 + 2 . 4


= - 4 - 14 √3

Question 2

(-3 + √3)(1 + 4 √3)

Apply FOIL method

= (-3) . 1 + (-3) . 4 √3 + √3 . 1 + √3 . 4 √3

Apply minus-plus rules: + (-a) = -a

= -3 . 1 - 3 . 4 √3 + 1 . √3 + 4 √3 √3


= 9 - 11 √3

20 students were asked “How many pets do you have in your household?” and the following data was collected:
2 1 0 3 1 2 1 3 4 0
0 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
Select the type of the data ?








Step-by-step explanation:

bcos the question is in quality format


we are armysss!!!!\




brainlist meeee!

Instructions: Complete the following theorem.

"If m⊥t and n⊥t, then





Step-by-step explanation:

If two lines 'line m' and 'line n' are perpendicular to the 'line t', both the lines 'm' and 'n' will be parallel to each other.

If m ⊥ l and n ⊥ l, then m║n.

Urgent need answer for this one.



4th option

Step-by-step explanation:

6/sin(65) = 5/sin(x)

or, 6×sin(x) = 5×sin(65)

or, sin(x) = 5×sin(65)/6

or, x = arcsin(5×sin(65)/6)

what is the relationship and what does X equal?
help! :)



4x + 3 = 59

x = 14

Step-by-step explanation:

The vertical angles theorem states that when two lines intersect, the angles opposite each other are congruent. One can apply this here by stating the following:

4x + 3 = 59

Solve for (x), use inverse oeprations:

4x + 3= 59

4x = 56

x = 14


Relationship : Vertical angle

Step-by-step explanation:

(4x + 3) = 59

4x = 59 - 3

4x = 56

x = 56/4

x = 14

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